Beispiel #1
        <td nowrap="nowrap" style="text-align:right;" width="38%" ><?php 
        <td width="62%" > 
if (!isset($ps_perms)) {
    $ps_perms = new ps_perm();
$ps_perms->list_perms("perms", $db->sf("perms"));
    	<td style="text-align:right;"><?php 
        <td > 
      	<input type="text" class="inputbox" name="customer_number" size="40" value="<?php 
echo $ps_shopper_group->get_customer_num($db->f("user_id"));
    /** Changed Product Type - End */
        <hr />
  <!-- End Search Box --> 
$perm = new ps_perm();
// Show the Frontend ADMINISTRATION Link
if ($perm->check("admin,storeadmin") && (!stristr($my->usertype, "admin") ^ PSHOP_ALLOW_FRONTENDADMIN_FOR_NOBACKENDERS == '' || stristr($my->usertype, "admin")) && $show_adminlink == 'yes') {
      <td colspan="2">
      	<a class="<?php 
    echo $class_mainlevel;
" href="<?php 
    $sess->purl(SECUREURL . "index2.php?page=store.index&pshop_mode=admin");
    echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ADMIN_MOD');
  * Returns a tree with the children of the root group id
  * @static
  * @param int $root_id
  * @param string $root_name
  * @param boolean $inclusive
  * @return unknown
 function getGroupChildrenTree($root_id = null, $root_name = null, $inclusive = true)
     global $database, $_VERSION;
     $tree = ps_perm::getChildGroups('#__core_acl_aro_groups', 'g1.virtuemart_shoppergroup_id,, COUNT( AS level', '', $root_id, $root_name, $inclusive);
     // first pass get level limits
     $n = count($tree);
     $min = $tree[0]->level;
     $max = $tree[0]->level;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
         $min = min($min, $tree[$i]->level);
         $max = max($max, $tree[$i]->level);
     $indents = array();
     foreach (range($min, $max) as $i) {
         $indents[$i] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     // correction for first indent
     $indents[$min] = '';
     $list = array();
     for ($i = $n - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $shim = '';
         foreach (range($min, $tree[$i]->level) as $j) {
             $shim .= $indents[$j];
         if (@$indents[$tree[$i]->level + 1] == '.&nbsp;') {
             $twist = '&nbsp;';
         } else {
             $twist = "-&nbsp;";
         if ($_VERSION->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' && $_VERSION->RELEASE >= 1.5) {
             $tree[$i]->virtuemart_shoppergroup_id = $tree[$i]->id;
         $list[$tree[$i]->virtuemart_shoppergroup_id] = $shim . $twist . $tree[$i]->name;
         if ($tree[$i]->level < @$tree[$i - 1]->level) {
             $indents[$tree[$i]->level + 1] = '.&nbsp;';
     return $list;
Beispiel #4
// basic SQL inject detection
$my_insecure_array = array('keyword' => $_REQUEST['keyword'], 'category_id' => $_REQUEST['category_id'], 'product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id'], 'user_id' => $_REQUEST['user_id'], 'user_info_id' => $_REQUEST['user_info_id'], 'page' => $_REQUEST['page'], 'func' => $_REQUEST['func']);
while (list($key, $value) = each($my_insecure_array)) {
    if (stristr($value, 'FROM ') || stristr($value, 'UPDATE ') || stristr($value, 'WHERE ') || stristr($value, 'ALTER ') || stristr($value, 'SELECT ') || stristr($value, 'SHUTDOWN ') || stristr($value, 'CREATE ') || stristr($value, 'DROP ') || stristr($value, 'DELETE FROM') || stristr($value, 'script') || stristr($value, '<>') || stristr($value, '=') || stristr($value, 'SET ')) {
        die('Please provide a permitted value for ' . $key);
// Load module definitions
$module = array();
$label = array();
// Instantiate db and session class
$db = new ps_DB();
$sess = new ps_session();
$perm = new ps_perm();
$vars = array();
// In case someone tries to be sneaky
$run_dir = 0;
$run_func = 0;
// Set default language as specified in phpshop.cfg
if (!isset($lang)) {
    $lang = LANGUAGE;
// Save current page call
$this_page = $page;
// Register previous page
if (!isset($last_page)) {
Beispiel #5
require_once CLASSPATH . "vmAbstractObject.class.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_cart.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_html.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_session.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_function.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_module.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_perm.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_shopper_group.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_vendor.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . 'template.class.php';
require_once CLASSPATH . "htmlTools.class.php";
require_once CLASSPATH . "phpInputFilter/class.inputfilter.php";
// Instantiate the DB class
$db = new ps_DB();
// Instantiate the permission class
$perm = new ps_perm();
// Instantiate the HTML helper class
$ps_html = new ps_html();
// Constructor initializes the session!
$sess = new ps_session();
// Instantiate the ps_shopper_group class
$ps_shopper_group = new ps_shopper_group();
// Get default and this users's Shopper Group
$shopper_group = $ps_shopper_group->get_shoppergroup_by_id($my->id);
// User authentication
$auth = $perm->doAuthentication($shopper_group);
// Initialize the cart
$cart = ps_cart::initCart();
// Initialise Recent Products
$recentproducts = ps_session::initRecentProducts();
// Instantiate the module class
Beispiel #6
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
while (@ob_end_clean()) {
header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript');
$mod = array();
$q = "SELECT module_name,module_perms from #__{vm}_module WHERE module_publish='Y' ";
$q .= "AND module_name <> 'checkout' ORDER BY list_order ASC";
while ($db->next_record()) {
    if (ps_perm::check($db->f("module_perms"))) {
        $mod[] = $db->f("module_name");
$menu_items = assembleMenuItems($mod);
include ADMINPATH . 'version.php';
echo "\r\nif( typeof Ext == \"undefined\" ) {\r\n\tdocument.location=\"index2.php?option=" . VM_COMPONENT_NAME . "&vmLayout=standard&usefetchscript=0\";\r\n}\r\n// Check if this Window is a duplicate and opens in an iframe\r\nif( parent.vmLayout ) {\r\n\tif( typeof parent.vmLayout.loadPage == \"function\" ) {\r\n\t\t// then load the pure page, not again the whole VirtueMart Admin interface\r\n\t\tparent.vmLayout.loadPage();\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\nfunction classClicked(e, target) {\r\n    alert( 'klick!');\r\n\tif (!='_top' &&!='_blank') {\r\n\t\te.stopEvent();\r\n        Ext.getCmp('west-panel').showPanel('vmPage');\r\n        loadPage(target.href );\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\nfunction showButtonMenu( btn, e ) {\r\n\tbtn.showMenu();\r\n}\r\nfunction hideButtonMenu( btn, e ) {\r\n\tbtn.hideMenu();\r\n}";
echo '
function vmLayoutInit() {	    
    try{ Ext.get("header-box").hide(); } catch(e) {} // Hide the Admin Menu under Joomla! 1.5
    try{ Ext.get("wrapper").hide(); } catch(e) {} // Hide the Admin Menu under Joomla! 1.0
    // initialize state manager, we will use cookies
	Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider());
$html = 'var toolbarItems = [';