Beispiel #1
$ps_product_category = new ps_product_category();
$ps_product = new ps_product();
// Show only top level categories and categories that are
// being published
$tpl = new $GLOBALS['VM_THEMECLASS']();
$category_childs = $ps_product_category->get_child_list(0);
$tpl->set('categories', $category_childs);
//echo $vendor_store_desc;
$categories = $tpl->fetch('common/categoryChildlist.tpl.php');
$tpl->set('vendor_store_desc', $vendor_store_desc);
$tpl->set('categories', $categories);
$tpl->set('ps_product', $ps_product);
$tpl->set('recent_products', $ps_product->recentProducts(null, $tpl->get_cfg('showRecent', 5)));
if (file_exists(CLASSPATH . 'payment/ps_paypal_api.php')) {
    require_once CLASSPATH . 'payment/ps_paypal_api.php';
    if (ps_paypal_api::getPaymentMethodId() && ps_paypal_api::isActive()) {
        // Paypal API / Express
        $lang = jfactory::getLanguage();
        $lang_iso = str_replace('-', '_', $lang->gettag());
        $paypal_buttonurls = array('en_US' => '', 'en_GB' => '', 'de_DE' => '', 'es_ES' => '', 'pl_PL' => '', 'nl_NL' => '', 'fr_FR' => '', 'it_IT' => '', 'zn_CN' => '');
        $paypal_infolink = array('en_US' => '', 'en_GB' => '', 'de_DE' => '', 'es_ES' => '', 'pl_PL' => '', 'nl_NL' => '', 'fr_FR' => '', 'it_IT' => '', 'zn_CN' => '');
        if (!isset($paypal_buttonurls[$lang_iso])) {
            $lang_iso = 'en_US';
        $html = '<img id="paypalLogo" src="' . $paypal_buttonurls[$lang_iso] . '" alt="PayPal Checkout Available" border="0" style="cursor:pointer;" /></a>';
        $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">window.addEvent("domready", function() {
			$("paypalLogo").addEvent("click", function() {\'' . $paypal_infolink[$lang_iso] . '\',\'olcwhatispaypal\',\'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=400, height=500\');
require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_checkout.php";
global $mainframe, $vmLogger, $vars;
// PayPal API / Express
if (file_exists(CLASSPATH . 'payment/ps_paypal_api.php')) {
    $lang = jfactory::getLanguage();
    $name = $lang->getBackwardLang();
    if (file_exists(CLASSPATH . "payment/paypal_api/languages/lang." . $name . ".php")) {
        include CLASSPATH . "payment/paypal_api/languages/lang." . $name . ".php";
    } else {
        include CLASSPATH . "payment/paypal_api/languages/lang.english.php";
    if (file_exists(CLASSPATH . "payment/ps_paypal_api.cfg.php")) {
        include_once CLASSPATH . "payment/ps_paypal_api.cfg.php";
    require_once CLASSPATH . 'payment/ps_paypal_api.php';
    $paypalActive = ps_paypal_api::isActive();
    $ppex_checkout_details = ps_paypal_api::ppex_getCheckoutDetails();
} else {
    $paypalActive = false;
$paypal_express_checkout = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'ppex', null);
$paypal_express_checkout_payment = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'payment_method_ppex', null);
$paypal_express_checkout_cancel = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'ppex_cancel', null);
if ($paypal_express_checkout_cancel) {
    //$GLOBALS['vmLogger']->warning( 'PayPal Zahlung abgebrochen!' );
    require_once CLASSPATH . 'payment/ps_paypal_api.php';
    $payment_method_id = $_GET['payment_method_id'] = $_REQUEST['payment_method_id'] = 0;
    if (!empty($_GET['ship_to_info_id']) && !empty($_GET['shipping_rate_id'])) {
        $_POST['checkout_this_step'][] = 'CHECK_OUT_GET_SHIPPING_ADDR';
        $_REQUEST['checkout_last_step'] = 2;