Beispiel #1
 public static function prepare(array $data = array(), \DocumentParser $modx, $_DL, \prepare_DL_Extender $_extDocLister)
     if (($data['parentName'] = $_extDocLister->getStore('parentName' . $data['parent'])) === null) {
         $q = $modx->db->query("SELECT pagetitle FROM " . $modx->getFullTableName('site_content') . " WHERE id = '" . $data['parent'] . "'");
         $data['parentName'] = $modx->db->getValue($q);
         $_extDocLister->setStore('parentName' . $data['parent'], $data['parentName']);
     if (($docCrumbs = $_extDocLister->getStore('currentParents' . $data['parent'])) === null) {
         $modx->documentObject['id'] = $data['id'];
         $docCrumbs = rtrim($modx->runSnippet('DLcrumbs', array('ownerTPL' => '@CODE:[+crumbs.wrap+]', 'tpl' => '@CODE: [+title+] /', 'tplCurrent' => '@CODE: [+title+] /', 'hideMain' => '1')), ' /');
         $_extDocLister->setStore('currentParents' . $data['parent'], $docCrumbs);
     $html = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote($_DL->getCFGDef('search'), "/") . ")/iu", "<b>\$0</b>", $data['pagetitle']);
     $data['text'] = "{$data['id']}. {$data['pagetitle']}";
     $data['html'] = "<div><small>{$docCrumbs}</small><br>{$data['id']}. {$html}</div>";
     return $data;
 public static function firstChar(array $data = array(), DocumentParser $modx, $_DocLister, prepare_DL_Extender $_extDocLister)
     $char = mb_substr($data['pagetitle'], 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
     $oldChar = $_extDocLister->getStore('char');
     if ($oldChar !== $char) {
         $sanitarInIDs = $_DocLister->sanitarIn($_DocLister->getIDs());
         $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($_DocLister->getCFGDef('addWhereList', ''));
         $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp(($where ? $where . ' AND ' : '') . $_DocLister->filtersWhere());
         $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp(($where ? $where . ' AND ' : '') . "SUBSTRING(c.pagetitle,1,1) = '" . $modx->db->escape($char) . "'");
         if ($_DocLister->getCFGDef('idType', 'parents') == 'parents') {
             if ($where != '') {
                 $where .= " AND ";
             $where = "WHERE {$where} c.parent IN (" . $sanitarInIDs . ")";
             if (!$_DocLister->getCFGDef('showNoPublish', 0)) {
                 $where .= " AND c.deleted=0 AND c.published=1";
         } else {
             if ($sanitarInIDs != "''") {
                 $where .= ($where ? " AND " : "") . " IN ({$sanitarInIDs}) AND";
             $where = sqlHelper::trimLogicalOp($where);
             if ($_DocLister->getCFGDef('showNoPublish', 0)) {
                 if ($where != '') {
                     $where = "WHERE {$where}";
             } else {
                 if ($where != '') {
                     $where = "WHERE {$where} AND ";
                 } else {
                     $where = "WHERE {$where} ";
                 $where .= "c.deleted=0 AND c.published=1";
         $q = $_DocLister->dbQuery("SELECT count( as total FROM " . $_DocLister->getTable('site_content', 'c') . " " . $where);
         $total = $modx->db->getValue($q);
         $data['OnNewChar'] = $_DocLister->parseChunk($_DocLister->getCFGDef('tplOnNewChar'), compact("char", "total"));
         $_extDocLister->setStore('char', $char);
         if ($oldChar !== null) {
             $data['CharSeparator'] = $_DocLister->parseChunk($_DocLister->getCFGDef('tplCharSeparator'), compact("char", "total"));
     return $data;