  * Sets the required binary contents.
  * @return void
 protected function setUp()
     if (phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS) {
         $this->validBin = "@echo off\n\recho version 1.2.0";
Beispiel #2
  * Performs the primary task and adds an execute publisher to the config.xml.
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     $out = phpucConsoleOutput::get();
     $out->writeLine('Performing ezcGraph task.');
     $installDir = $this->args->getArgument('cc-install-dir');
     $projectName = $this->args->getOption('project-name');
     $out->writeListItem('Modifying config file: config.xml');
     $configFile = new phpucConfigFile($installDir . '/config.xml');
     $configProject = $configFile->getProject($projectName);
     $publisher = $configProject->createExecutePublisher();
     $binary = sprintf('%s/phpuc', PHPUC_BIN_DIR);
     if (phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS) {
         $binary .= '.bat';
     } else {
         if (!file_exists($binary)) {
             $binary .= '.php';
     // Build default command string
     $command = sprintf('%s graph logs/${project.name}', $binary);
     // Check for an artifacts directory
     if ($this->artifacts) {
         $command .= ' artifacts/${project.name}';
     $publisher->command = $command;
  * Resets the path and os settings in {@link phpucFileUtil}.
  * @return void
 protected function setUp()
     $this->cwd = getcwd();
Beispiel #4
  * Performs a git checkout.
  * @return void
  * @throws phpucErrorException
  *         If the git checkout fails.
 public function checkout()
     $git = phpucFileUtil::findExecutable('git');
     $url = escapeshellarg($this->url);
     $cmd = "{$git} clone {$url} source";
     popen("{$cmd} 2>&1", "r");
     if (!file_exists('source')) {
         throw new phpucErrorException('The project checkout has failed.');
     $cwd = getcwd();
     // Switch into checkout directory
     // Add tracked remote branch
     shell_exec("{$git} remote add {$this->remote} {$url}");
  * Performs a subversion checkout.
  * @return void
  * @throws phpucErrorException
  *         If the subversion checkout fails.
 public function checkout()
     $options = ' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive';
     if ($this->username !== null) {
         $options .= ' --username ' . escapeshellarg($this->username);
     if ($this->password !== null) {
         $options .= ' --password ' . escapeshellarg($this->password);
     $svn = phpucFileUtil::findExecutable('svn');
     $url = escapeshellarg($this->url);
     $cmd = "{$svn} co {$options} {$url} source";
     popen("{$cmd} 2>&1", "r");
     if (!file_exists('source')) {
         throw new phpucErrorException('The project checkout has failed.');
Beispiel #6
  * Performs a project checkout against the specified repository.
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     $out = phpucConsoleOutput::get();
     $out->writeLine('Performing checkout task.');
     // Get current working dir
     $cwd = getcwd();
     $out->writeListItem('Checking out project.');
     $projectPath = sprintf('%s/projects/%s', $this->args->getArgument('cc-install-dir'), $this->args->getOption('project-name'));
     // Switch working dir to the CruiseControl project directory
     $checkout = phpucAbstractCheckout::createCheckout($this->args);
     $out->writeListItem('Preparing config.xml file.');
     $fileName = sprintf('%s/config.xml', $this->args->getArgument('cc-install-dir'));
     $config = new phpucConfigFile($fileName);
     $project = $config->getProject($this->args->getOption('project-name'));
     $strapper = $project->createBootStrapper();
     $strapper->localWorkingCopy = "{$projectPath}/source";
     $strapper->strapperType = $this->args->getOption('version-control');
     $trigger = $project->createBuildTrigger();
     $trigger->localWorkingCopy = "{$projectPath}/source";
     $trigger->triggerType = $this->args->getOption('version-control');
     $out->writeListItem('Preparing build.xml checkout target.');
     $buildFile = new phpucBuildFile("{$projectPath}/build.xml");
     $buildTarget = $buildFile->createBuildTarget('checkout');
     $execTask = phpucAbstractAntTask::create($buildFile, 'exec');
     $execTask->executable = phpucFileUtil::findExecutable($this->args->getOption('version-control'));
     $execTask->argLine = $checkout->getUpdateCommand();
     $execTask->failonerror = true;
  * Validates the existing PHPUnit version.
  * @return void
 protected function doValidate()
     $binary = basename($this->executable);
     if (($execdir = dirname($this->executable)) !== '.') {
         if (phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_UNIX) {
             $binary = "./{$binary}";
     // Check Xdebug installation
     if (extension_loaded('xdebug') === false) {
         phpucConsoleOutput::get()->writeLine('NOTICE: The xdebug extension is not installed. For coverage');
         phpucConsoleOutput::get()->writeLine('you must install xdebug with the following command:');
         phpucConsoleOutput::get()->writeLine('  pecl install pecl/xdebug');
         $this->properties['coverage'] = false;
Beispiel #8
  * Does the primary validation that the command line tool exists. If the
  * tool exists this method passes the request to the internal template 
  * method {@link doValidate()}.
  * @return void
  * @throws phpucValidateException If the validation fails.
 public final function validate()
     // Get possible or configured pear path
     if ($this->pearBinaryDir === null) {
         $paths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv('PATH'));
     } else {
         $paths = array($this->pearBinaryDir);
     $paths = array_unique($paths);
     $windows = phpucFileUtil::getOS() == phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS;
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $fileName = sprintf('%s/%s%s', $path, $this->cliTool, $windows === true ? '.bat' : '');
         if (file_exists($fileName) === false) {
         if (is_executable($fileName) === false && $windows === false) {
         $this->properties['executable'] = $fileName;
     if ($this->executable === null) {
         throw new phpucValidateException("Missing cli tool '{$this->cliTool}', check the PATH variable.");
     } else {
         if ($this->pearBinaryDir === null) {
             $dir = dirname($this->executable);
             if (strpos(getenv('PATH'), $dir) !== false) {
                 $this->properties['executable'] = basename($this->executable);
  * Validates the existing code sniffer version.
  * @return void
 protected function doValidate()
     $cwd = $this->getWorkingDirectory();
     $binary = basename($this->executable);
     if (($execdir = dirname($this->executable)) !== '.') {
         if (phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_UNIX) {
             $binary = "./{$binary}";
     $regexp = '/version\\s+([0-9\\.]+(RC[0-9])?)/';
     $retval = exec(escapeshellcmd("{$binary} --version"));
     if (preg_match($regexp, $retval, $match) === 0) {
         phpucConsoleOutput::get()->writeLine('WARNING: Cannot identify PHP_CodeSniffer version.');
         // Assume valid version
         $version = self::CODE_SNIFFER_VERSION;
     } else {
         $version = $match[1];
     if (version_compare($version, self::CODE_SNIFFER_VERSION) < 0) {
         throw new phpucValidateException(sprintf('PHP_CodeSniffer version %s or higher required.' . ' Given version is "%s".', self::CODE_SNIFFER_VERSION, $version));
  * Creates a fake executable. 
  * @param string $executable The executable name.
  * @param string $content    Dummy/test content for the executable.
  * @return void
 protected function createExecutable($executable, $content)
     if (!is_dir(PHPUC_TEST_DIR . '/bin')) {
         mkdir(PHPUC_TEST_DIR . '/bin');
     if (phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS) {
         $executable .= '.bat';
     $fileName = PHPUC_TEST_DIR . '/bin/' . $executable;
     file_put_contents($fileName, $content);
     chmod($fileName, 0755);
  * Allows to set some custom paths. This method is only need intended for
  * testing.
  * @param array $paths List of environment paths.
  * @return void
 public static function setPaths(array $paths = null)
     self::$paths = $paths;
Beispiel #12
  * Constructs a new cvs checkout.
 public function __construct()
     $this->properties['module'] = null;
     $this->passFile = tempnam(phpucFileUtil::getSysTempDir(), 'cvs');
  * Tries to find the ant home directory.
  * @param string $installDir The CruiseControl installation directory.
  * @return string
 public function getAntHome($installDir)
     if (count($ant = glob(sprintf('%s/apache-ant*', $installDir))) === 0) {
         if (file_exists($installDir . '/bin/ant')) {
             return $installDir;
         $os = phpucFileUtil::getOS();
         if ($os !== phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS) {
             $ant = shell_exec('which ant');
         if (strstr(trim($ant), 'bin/ant')) {
             return substr($ant, 0, strlen($ant) - 7);
         return false;
     } else {
         return array_pop($ant);
  * Removes all project artifact subdirectories that match one of the given
  * timestamps.
  * @param string $basePath
  *        Base directory where the method starts to clean up.
  * @param array $timestamps
  *        List of all removable timestamps.
  * @return void
 protected function cleanArtifacts($basePath, array $timestamps)
     foreach ($timestamps as $timestamp) {
         $path = "{$basePath}/{$timestamp}";
         if (is_dir($path)) {
  * Sets the required binary contents.
  * @return void
 protected function setUp()
     $this->clearTestContents(PHPUC_TEST_DIR . '/projects');
     $this->clearTestContents(PHPUC_TEST_DIR . '/build');
     $this->clearTestContents(PHPUC_TEST_DIR . '/logs');
     if (phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS) {
         $this->badBin = "@echo off\n\recho version-3.2.0";
         $this->validBin = "@echo off\n\recho version 3.2.0";
         $this->invalidBin = "@echo off\n\recho version 3.1.9";
  * Initializes the test directories and files for the executable test.
  * @param integer $os The operation system.
  * @return void
 protected function initExecutableTest($os = phpucFileUtil::OS_UNIX)
     // Set operation system to unix
     // Set fake environment directories
     phpucFileUtil::setPaths($this->createTestDirectories(array('/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin')));
     if ($os === phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS) {
     } else {
  * Deletes the project directory for the context project.
  * @param string $installDir
  *        The CruiseControl installation directory.
  * @param string $projectName
  *        The project name.
  * @return void
 protected function deleteProjectDirectory($installDir, $projectName)
     $artifacts = "{$installDir}/projects/{$projectName}";
     if (is_dir($artifacts)) {
  * Initializes the test environment.
  * @return void
 public static function init()
     // Load phpUnderControl base class
     include_once PHPUC_SOURCE . '/PhpUnderControl.php';
     include_once PHPUC_SOURCE . '/Util/Autoloader.php';
     // Register autoload
     $autoloader = new phpucAutoloader();
     spl_autoload_register(array($autoloader, 'autoload'));
     // Load ezcBase class
     if (file_exists(PHPUC_EZC_BASE)) {
         include_once PHPUC_EZC_BASE;
         spl_autoload_register(array('ezcBase', 'autoload'));
     include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ConsoleOutputBuffer.php';
     phpucConsoleOutput::set(new phpucConsoleOutputBuffer());
     if (!is_dir(PHPUC_TEST_DIR)) {
     self::$windows = phpucFileUtil::getOS() === phpucFileUtil::OS_WINDOWS;