Beispiel #1
function sendmail($subject, $mailcontent, $receiver, $receivername, $attachment = "")
    if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "localhost")) {
        return false;
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Host = "";
    $mail->Port = 2525;
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = "******";
    // Write SMTP username in ""
    $mail->Password = "******";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
    $mail->FromName = "pepool";
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->Body = $mailcontent;
    $mail->AddAddress($receiver, $receivername);
    if ($attachment != '') {
    $suc = $mail->Send();
    return $suc > 0;
Beispiel #2
function envmail($email, $subject, $msg, $from, $fromname = "Opala Clube Franca")
    require_once "class.phpmailer.php";
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    //    $mail->IsSendmail();
    $mail->From = $from;
    $mail->FromName = $fromname;
    // 	$mail->Hostname = "";
    //	$mail->Host     = "";
    $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
    $mail->Hostname = "";
    $mail->Host = "";
    //    $mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
    $mail->Username = "******";
    $mail->Password = "******";
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Port = 465;
    $mail->Timeout = 120;
    $body = $msg;
    $text_body = $msg;
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->Body = $body;
    $mail->AltBody = $text_body;
    if (is_array($email)) {
        foreach ($email as $em) {
            $mail->AddAddress($em, "");
    } else {
        $mail->AddAddress($email, "");
    /*  echo '<tr><td>To '.$email.'</td></tr>'."\n";
        echo '<tr><td>Assunto '.$subject.'</td></tr>'."\n";
        echo '<tr><td>Mensagem '.$msg.'</td></tr>'."\n";
        echo '<tr><td>From '.$from.'</td></tr>'."\n";
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    $v = 0;
    //    echo "<tr><td>ErrorInfo " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br></td></tr>";
    while (!$exito && $v < 5 && $mail->ErrorInfo != "SMTP Error: Data not accepted.") {
        $exito = $mail->Send();
        echo "<tr><td>ErrorInfo " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br></td></tr>";
        $v = $v + 1;
    if (!$exito) {
        echo "<tr><td>There has been a mail error sending to " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br></td></tr>";
    return $mail->ErrorInfo;
 function send($newsletter_id)
     global $db;
     $owpDBTable = owpDBGetTables();
     $send_mail = new phpmailer();
     $send_mail->From = OWP_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
     $send_mail->FromName = OWP_NAME;
     $send_mail->Subject = $this->title;
     $sql = "SELECT admin_gender, admin_firstname, admin_lastname,\n                     admin_email_address \n              FROM " . $owpDBTable['administrators'] . " \n              WHERE admin_newsletter = '1'";
     $mail_values = $db->Execute($sql);
     while ($mail = $mail_values->fields) {
         $send_mail->Body = $this->content;
         $send_mail->AddAddress($mail['admin_email_address'], $mail['admin_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['admin_lastname']);
         // Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop
     $today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $db->Execute("UPDATE " . $owpDBTable['newsletters'] . " \n                       SET date_sent = " . $db->DBTimeStamp($today) . ",\n                           status = '1' \n                     WHERE newsletters_id = '" . owpDBInput($newsletter_id) . "'");
function SendMail($email, $name, $subject, $message)
    global $sockethost, $smtpauth, $smtpauthuser, $smtpauthpass, $socketfrom, $socketfromname, $socketreply, $socketreplyname;
    include 'class.phpmailer.php';
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Host = $sockethost;
    if ($smtpauth == 'TRUE') {
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
        $mail->Username = $smtpauthuser;
        $mail->Password = $smtpauthpass;
    if (isset($_GET['caseid']) && ($_GET['caseid'] == 'NewTicket' || $_GET['caseid'] == 'view')) {
        $mail->From = $email;
        $mail->FromName = $name;
        $mail->AddReplyTo($email, $name);
    } else {
        $mail->From = $socketfrom;
        $mail->FromName = $socketfromname;
        $mail->AddReplyTo($socketreply, $socketreplyname);
    $mail->Body = $message;
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    if (isset($_GET['caseid']) && ($_GET['caseid'] == 'NewTicket' || $_GET['caseid'] == 'view')) {
        $mail->AddAddress($socketfrom, $socketfromname);
    } else {
        $mail->AddAddress($email, $name);
    if (!$mail->Send()) {
        return 'Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
    } else {
        return 'Email Sent.';
Beispiel #5
function sendMail($fileIN, $fileOUT, $naviera)
    //$razonSocial = "MOPSA, S.A. de C.V.";
    $dominio = "";
    $att = "Robot";
    $fileINOnlyName = str_replace("../ediCodeco/", "", $fileIN);
    $fileOUTOnlyName = str_replace("../ediCodeco/", "", $fileOUT);
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los métodos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    $mail->Port = 26;
    // Configurar la cuenta de correo.
    $mail->Host = "";
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = "******";
    $mail->Password = "******";
    $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
    $mail->FromName = "Robot ALMARTCON";
    //El valor por defecto 10 de Timeout es un poco escaso dado que voy a usar
    //una cuenta gratuita, por tanto lo pongo a 30
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    // --------------------
    // --------------------
    $mail->Body = "\n        <html>\n        <body>\n        <font size=\"3\"><b>EDI-CODECO</b></font>\n        <hr>\n        <p>\n        A quien corresponda : <br>\n        <br>\n        El sistema Web ({$dominio}) ha detectado en automático nuevas entradas y salidas mismas que fueron codificadas en formato\n        EDI-CODECO para reconocimiento informático de otros sistemas navieros.\n        <br>\n        <b>Naviera :</b> {$naviera} <br>\n        <b>Archivo GateIN :</b> {$fileINOnlyName} <br>\n        <b>Archivo GateOUT:</b> {$fileOUTOnlyName} <br>\n        <br>\n        <i>\n        Att. {$att}   <br>\n        </i>\n        <p>\n        <hr>\n        <font color=\"red\" size=\"2\">\n        <i>Este es un correo de envio automático generado por nuestro sistema {$dominio}, por favor no responda este email.<br></i>\n        </font>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n        </body>\n        </html>\n\n        ";
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Definimos AltBody por si el destinatario del correo
    // no admite email con formato html
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    $mail->AltBody = "\n        =====================================================================\n        ";
    // Nota :
    // La direccion PARA solo se puede manejar 1.
    // Las direcciones CC puede manejar N correos.
    // -------------
    // Destinatarios
    // -------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // TO : Luis Felipe Pineda Mendoza <*****@*****.**>
    //$mail->AddCC( "*****@*****.**" );
    //$mail->AddCC( "*****@*****.**" );
    // Subject :
    $mail->Subject = "[EDI-CODECO] {$naviera} ";
    //Incluir Attach.
    $mail->AddAttachment($fileIN, $fileINOnlyName);
    $mail->AddAttachment($fileOUT, $fileOUTOnlyName);
    // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
    //if( is_array($arrEdiFile) ){
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    //Si el mensaje no ha podido ser enviado se realizaran 4 intentos mas como mucho
    //para intentar enviar el mensaje, cada intento se hara 5 segundos despues
    //del anterior, para ello se usa la funcion sleep
    while ((!$exito) && ($intentos < 5)) {
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    if (!$exito) {
        echo "[ <font color=red><b>Problema de envio</b></font> ] " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "[ <font color=green><b>OK, E-Mail enviado.</b></font> ] <br>";
    if (file_exists($fileIN)) {
    if (file_exists($fileOUT)) {
     $send_mail->Subject = EMAIL_COUNTRIES_CVS . strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG);
     if ($mail_send_to['admin_gender'] == 'm') {
         $body = EMAIL_GREET_MR . $mail_send_to['admin_lastname'] . ',' . "\n\n";
     } else {
         $body = EMAIL_GREET_MS . $mail_send_to['admin_lastname'] . ',' . "\n\n";
     $body .= EMAIL_CVS_INTRO . ' ' . strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG) . "\n\n";
     $body .= EMAIL_FTP_INFO . "\n";
     $body .= '         ' . $db_table_file . "\n\n";
     $body .= EMAIL_FOOT;
     $send_mail->Body = $body;
     $send_mail->AddAddress($mail_send_to['admin_email_address'], $mail_send_to['admin_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail_send_to['admin_lastname']);
     $send_mail->AddAttachment(OWP_CSV_TEMP . $db_table_file);
     // Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop
     $messageStack->add_session(sprintf(SUCCESS_CVS_COUNTRIES_SENT, $mail_send_to['admin_email_address']), 'notice');
 // download
 if (CVS_DOWNLOAD == 'true') {
     $fp = fopen(OWP_CSV_TEMP . $db_table_file, 'r');
     $buffer = fread($fp, filesize(OWP_CSV_TEMP . $db_table_file));
     if (CVS_DELETE_FILE == 'true' && CVS_SEND_MAIL == 'false') {
         @unlink(OWP_CSV_TEMP . $db_table_file);
     header('Content-Type: application/');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $db_table_file . '"');
     header('Expires: 0');
     header('Pragma: no-cache');
Beispiel #7
 private function sendStateMsg()
     if (!empty($this->obj)) {
         if ($this->change_state && ($state = ormObjects::get($this->obj->state)) && $state->info) {
             page::assign('', $this->obj->id);
             page::assign('order.number', $this->getNumber());
             page::assign('order.cost', $this->getTotalCost());
             // Информация о доставке
             page::assign('', $this->obj->_delivery);
             page::assign('order.delivery_price', $this->getDeliveryPrice());
             page::assign('', $this->obj->delivery_name);
             page::assign('order.surname', $this->obj->delivery_surname);
             page::assign('', $this->obj->delivery_phone);
             page::assign('order.address', $this->obj->delivery_address);
             page::assign('username', user::get('surname') . ' ' . user::get('name'));
             page::assign('goods_list', page::macros('eshop')->goodsList($this->obj->id, 'goods_list_email'));
             $text = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '%', $state->email_msg);
             $title = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '%', $state->email_title);
             $mail = new phpmailer();
             $mail->WordWrap = 50;
             $mail->From = domains::curDomain()->getEmail();
             $mail->FromName = domains::curDomain()->getSiteName();
             $mail->Subject = page::parse($title);
             $mail->Body = page::parse($text);
             // Отправляем письмо пользователю
             // Отправляем письмо администратору
             if ($state->id == reg::getKey('/eshop/fisrt_state') && reg::getKey('/eshop/dubl_to_email')) {
  * Set up and send an email
  * The array argument is searched for the following indices:
  *  key           The key of any mail template to be used
  *  section       The module to initialize for (mandatory when key is set)
  *  sender        The sender name
  *  from          The sender e-mail address
  *  to            The recipient e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  reply         The reply-to e-mail address
  *  cc            The carbon copy e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  bcc           The blind carbon copy e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  subject       The message subject
  *  message       The plain text message body
  *  message_html  The HTML message body
  *  html          If this evaluates to true, turns on HTML mode
  *  attachments   An array of file paths to attach.  The array keys may
  *                be used for the paths, and the values for the name.
  *                If the keys are numeric, the values are regarded as paths.
  *  inline        An array of inline (image) file paths to attach.
  *                If this is used, HTML mode is switched on automatically.
  *  search        The array of patterns to be replaced by...
  *  replace       The array of replacements for the patterns
  *  substitution  A more complex structure for replacing placeholders
  *                and/or complete blocks, conditionally or repeatedly.
  * If the key index is present, the corresponding mail template is loaded
  * first.  Other indices present (sender, from, to, subject, message, etc.)
  * will override the template fields.
  * Missing mandatory fields are filled with the
  * default values from the global $_CONFIG array (sender, from, to),
  * or some core language variables (subject, message).
  * A simple {@see str_replace()} is used for the search and replace
  * operation, and the placeholder names are quoted in the substitution,
  * so you cannot use regular expressions.
  * More complex substitutions including repeated blocks may be specified
  * in the substitution subarray of the $arrField parameter value.
  * The e-mail addresses in the To: field will be used as follows:
  * - Groups of addresses are separated by semicola (;)
  * - Single addresses are separated by comma (,)
  * All recipients of any single group are added to the To: field together,
  * Groups are processed separately.  So, if your To: looks like
  * a total of two e-mails will be sent; one to a and b, and a second one
  * to c and d.
  * Addresses for copies (Cc:) and blind copies (Bcc:) are added to all
  * e-mails sent, so if your e-mail is in the Cc: or Bcc: field in the
  * example above, you will receive two copies.
  * Note:  The attachment paths must comply with the requirements for
  * file paths as defined in the {@see File} class version 2.2.0.
  * @static
  * @param   array     $arrField         The array of template fields
  * @return  boolean                     True if the mail could be sent,
  *                                      false otherwise
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 static function send($arrField)
     global $_CONFIG;
     //, $_CORELANG;
     if (!\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): ERROR: Failed to load phpMailer");
         return false;
     $objMail = new \phpmailer();
     if (!empty($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']) && \Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_CORE_PATH . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
         $arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']);
         if ($arrSmtp) {
             $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
             $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
             $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
             $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
             $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
     if (empty($arrField['lang_id'])) {
         $arrField['lang_id'] = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     $section = isset($arrField['section']) ? $arrField['section'] : null;
     $arrTemplate = null;
     if (empty($arrField['key'])) {
         $arrTemplate = self::getEmpty();
     } else {
         $arrTemplate = self::get($section, $arrField['key'], $arrField['lang_id']);
         if (empty($arrTemplate)) {
             \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): WARNING: No Template for key {$arrField['key']} (section {$section})");
             return false;
     $search = isset($arrField['search']) && is_array($arrField['search']) ? $arrField['search'] : null;
     $replace = isset($arrField['replace']) && is_array($arrField['replace']) ? $arrField['replace'] : null;
     $substitution = isset($arrField['substitution']) && is_array($arrField['substitution']) ? $arrField['substitution'] : null;
     //echo("Substitution:<br />".nl2br(var_export($arrField['substitution'], true))."<hr />");
     $strip = empty($arrField['do_not_strip_empty_placeholders']);
     // Replace node placeholders generated by Wysiwyg
     $arrTemplate['message_html'] = preg_replace('/\\[\\[NODE_([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\\]\\]/', '{NODE_$1}', $arrTemplate['message_html']);
     \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($arrTemplate['message_html'], true);
     foreach ($arrTemplate as $field => &$value) {
         if ($field == 'inline' || $field == 'attachments') {
         if (isset($arrField[$field])) {
             $value = $arrField[$field];
         if (empty($value) || is_numeric($value)) {
         // TODO: Fix the regex to produce proper "CR/LF" in any case.
         // Must handle any of CR, LF, CR/LF, and LF/CR!
         //                preg_replace('/[\015\012]/', "\015\012", $value);
         if ($search) {
             // we need to replace raw data with HTML entities
             // for HTML-body of email
             if ($field == 'message_html') {
                 foreach ($search as $index => $searchTerm) {
                     $value = str_replace($searchTerm, contrexx_raw2xhtml($replace[$index]), $value);
             } else {
                 $value = str_replace($search, $replace, $value);
         if ($substitution) {
             $convertToHtmlEntities = false;
             if ($field == 'message_html') {
                 $convertToHtmlEntities = true;
             self::substitute($value, $substitution, $convertToHtmlEntities);
         if ($strip) {
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Substituted: ".var_export($arrTemplate, true));
     //echo("MailTemplate::send(): Substituted:<br /><pre>".nl2br(htmlentities(var_export($arrTemplate, true), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET))."</PRE><hr />");
     //die();//return true;
     // Use defaults for missing mandatory fields
     //        if (empty($arrTemplate['sender']))
     //            $arrTemplate['sender'] = $_CONFIG['coreAdminName'];
     if (empty($arrTemplate['from'])) {
         \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): INFO: Empty 'from:', falling back to config");
         $arrTemplate['from'] = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
     if (empty($arrTemplate['to'])) {
         \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): INFO: Empty 'to:', falling back to config");
         $arrTemplate['to'] = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
     //        if (empty($arrTemplate['subject']))
     //            $arrTemplate['subject'] = $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_NO_SUBJECT'];
     //        if (empty($arrTemplate['message']))
     //            $arrTemplate['message'] = $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_NO_MESSAGE'];
     $objMail->FromName = $arrTemplate['sender'];
     $objMail->From = $arrTemplate['from'];
     $objMail->Subject = $arrTemplate['subject'];
     $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
     //        $objMail->IsHTML(false);
     if ($arrTemplate['html']) {
         $objMail->Body = $arrTemplate['message_html'];
         $objMail->AltBody = $arrTemplate['message'];
     } else {
         $objMail->Body = $arrTemplate['message'];
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $arrTemplate['reply'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     //        foreach (preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $arrTemplate['to'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     //            $objMail->AddAddress($address);
     //        }
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $arrTemplate['cc'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $arrTemplate['bcc'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     // Applicable to attachments stored with the MailTemplate only!
     $arrTemplate['attachments'] = self::attachmentsToArray($arrTemplate['attachments']);
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Template Attachments: ".var_export($arrTemplate['attachments'], true));
     // Now the MailTemplates' attachments index is guaranteed to
     // contain an array.
     // Add attachments from the parameter array, if any.
     if (isset($arrField['attachments']) && is_array($arrField['attachments'])) {
         foreach ($arrField['attachments'] as $path => $name) {
             //                if (empty($path)) $path = $name;
             //                if (empty($name)) $name = basename($path);
             $arrTemplate['attachments'][$path] = $name;
             //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Added Field Attachment: $path / $name");
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): All Attachments: ".var_export($arrTemplate['attachments'], true));
     foreach ($arrTemplate['attachments'] as $path => $name) {
         if (is_numeric($path)) {
             $path = $name;
         $objMail->AddAttachment(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, $name);
     $arrTemplate['inline'] = self::attachmentsToArray($arrTemplate['inline']);
     if ($arrTemplate['inline']) {
         $arrTemplate['html'] = true;
     foreach ($arrTemplate['inline'] as $path => $name) {
         if (is_numeric($path)) {
             $path = $name;
         $objMail->AddEmbeddedImage(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, uniqid(), $name);
     if (isset($arrField['inline']) && is_array($arrField['inline'])) {
         $arrTemplate['html'] = true;
         foreach ($arrField['inline'] as $path => $name) {
             if (is_numeric($path)) {
                 $path = $name;
             $objMail->AddEmbeddedImage(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, uniqid(), $name);
     //die("MailTemplate::send(): Attachments and inlines<br />".var_export($objMail, true));
     $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Sending: ".nl2br(htmlentities(var_export($objMail, true), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET))."<br />Sending...<hr />");
     $result = true;
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*;\\s*/', $arrTemplate['to'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $addresses) {
         foreach (preg_split('/\\s*[,]\\s*/', $addresses, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
         //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): ".var_export($objMail, true));
         // TODO: Comment for test only!
         $result &= $objMail->Send();
         // TODO: $objMail->Send() seems to sometimes return true on localhost where
         // sending the mail is actually impossible.  Dunno why.
     return $result;
  * Send Recommendation
  * Send an email if the input is valid. Otherwise
  * Show some error messages and the form again
 function _sendRecomm()
     if (empty($_POST['receivername'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_RECEIVER_NAME'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_EMPTY'] . '<br />';
     if (empty($_POST['receivermail'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_RECEIVER_MAIL'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_EMPTY'] . '<br />';
     } elseif (!$this->isEmail($_POST['receivermail'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_RECEIVER_MAIL'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_INVALID'] . '<br />';
     if (empty($_POST['sendername'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_SENDER_NAME'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_EMPTY'] . '<br />';
     if (empty($_POST['sendermail'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_SENDER_MAIL'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_EMPTY'] . '<br />';
     } elseif (!$this->isEmail($_POST['sendermail'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_SENDER_MAIL'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_INVALID'] . '<br />';
     if (empty($_POST['comment'])) {
         $this->_pageMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_STATUS_COMMENT'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IS_EMPTY'] . '<br />';
     $receivername = $_POST['receivername'];
     $receivermail = $_POST['receivermail'];
     $sendername = $_POST['sendername'];
     $sendermail = $_POST['sendermail'];
     $comment = $_POST['comment'];
     if (!empty($this->_pageMessage) || !\Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->check()) {
         //something's missing or wrong
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('RECOM_STATUS', '<div class="text-danger">' . $this->_pageMessage . '</div>');
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('RECOM_SCRIPT' => $this->getJs(), 'RECOM_RECEIVER_NAME' => stripslashes($receivername), 'RECOM_RECEIVER_MAIL' => stripslashes($receivermail), 'RECOM_SENDER_NAME' => stripslashes($sendername), 'RECOM_SENDER_MAIL' => stripslashes($sendermail), 'RECOM_COMMENT' => stripslashes($comment), 'RECOM_PREVIEW' => $this->getMessageBody($_LANGID), 'RECOM_FEMALE_SALUTATION_TEXT' => $this->getFemaleSalutation($_LANGID), 'RECOM_MALE_SALUTATION_TEXT' => $this->getMaleSalutation($_LANGID)));
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('RECOM_TXT_CAPTCHA' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_CAPTCHA'], 'RECOM_CAPTCHA_CODE' => \Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->getCode()));
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('recommend_captcha')) {
         } else {
     } else {
         //data is valid
         if (empty($_POST['uri'])) {
             $url = ASCMS_PROTOCOL . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET;
         } else {
             $url = $_POST['uri'];
         if ($_POST['gender'] == 'male') {
             $salutation = $this->getMaleSalutation($_LANGID);
         } else {
             $salutation = $this->getFemaleSalutation($_LANGID);
         $body = $this->getMessageBody($_LANGID);
         $body = preg_replace('/<SENDER_NAME>/', $sendername, $body);
         $body = preg_replace('/<SENDER_MAIL>/', $sendermail, $body);
         $body = preg_replace('/<RECEIVER_NAME>/', $receivername, $body);
         $body = preg_replace('/<RECEIVER_MAIL>/', $receivermail, $body);
         $body = preg_replace('/<URL>/', $url, $body);
         $body = preg_replace('/<COMMENT>/', $comment, $body);
         $body = preg_replace('/<SALUTATION>/', $salutation, $body);
         $subject = $this->getMessageSubject($_LANGID);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<SENDER_NAME>/', $sendername, $subject);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<SENDER_MAIL>/', $sendermail, $subject);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<RECEIVER_NAME>/', $receivername, $subject);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<RECEIVER_MAIL>/', $receivermail, $subject);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<URL>/', $url, $subject);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<COMMENT>/', $comment, $subject);
         $subject = preg_replace('/<SALUTATION>/', $salutation, $subject);
         if (@(include_once ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
             $objMail = new \phpmailer();
             if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0) {
                 if (($arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) !== false) {
                     $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                     $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                     $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                     $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                     $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
             $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
             $objMail->SetFrom($sendermail, $sendername);
             $objMail->Subject = $subject;
             $objMail->Body = $body;
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('RECOM_STATUS', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SENT_OK']);
Beispiel #10
function sendAviso($idNaviera, $msg, $subject)
    global $db, $hoy, $mscIdUsuario;
    Esta funcion se encarga de enviar un tipo de AVISO a todos los
    clientes del catalogo CS_CLIENTE, pero antes debe detectar a que correos los debe
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
        // EMAIL NAVIERA
        $sql = "select naviera,email from NAVIERA where id_naviera='$idNaviera'";
        $db->query ( $sql );
        while ( $db->next_record () ) {
            $naviera = $db->f( naviera );        
            $emailCad = $db->f(email);
    $emailCad = "*****@*****.**";
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los métodos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    //$mail->PluginDir = "includes/";
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    // Configurar la cuenta de correo.
    $mail->Host = "";
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = "******";
    $mail->Password = "******";
    $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
    $mail->FromName = "Robot ALMARTCON";
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    // --------------------
    // --------------------
    $mail->Body = "\n    <html>\n\n    <b>ALMARTCON, S.A. de C.V. </b><br>\n    <br>\n    <center>                \n\n    </center>\n    <p>                                        \n    <center><font size=4 color=blUE>* R E P O R T E S *</font></center>                    \n    <p>                                        \n    {$msg}\n\n    </body>\n    </html>\n    ";
    $mail->AltBody = "\n    ALMARTCON, S.A. de C.V.\n    =====================================================================\n    ";
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // Reconocer las cuentas de correo que tiene asignadas el cliente.
    // Se enviara copia de la notificación via email.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    //$arrDirDestino = array_unique($arrDirDestino);
    // Agrupar direcciones "PARA:";
    $flgOk = 0;
    // -----------
    // -----------
    if( $idNaviera==13 ){
        $emailCad = ",,";
        $subject = "[ALMARTCON, S.A. de C.V.] ** TEST ** ";
    $emailCad = str_replace(" ", "", $emailCad);
    $arrDirDestino = explode(",", $emailCad);
    foreach ($arrDirDestino as $emailDestino) {
        $emailDestino = trim($emailDestino);
        if (!empty($emailDestino)) {
            $flgOk = 1;
    // Si Existe por lo menos una cuenta de destino, entonces que genere el email.
    if ($flgOk == 1) {
        // -------------
        // Destinatarios
        // -------------
        // Con copia A:
        // Subject :
        $mail->Subject = $subject;
        // Incluir Attach.
        $mail->AddAttachment("../files/EntradasNav.xlsx", "Status-Conte.xlsx");
        // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
        $exito = $mail->Send();
        echo "[ <font color=blue><b>El Msj se envio con exito a {$naviera}!</b></font> ]  <br>";
    } else {
        echo "[ <font color=red><b>Falta Email</b></font> ] <a href=\"javascript:ventanaNueva('csNfyCatCli2.php?modo=consulta&idCliente={$idCliente}',600,400)\">{$cliente}</a> <br>";
  * Send a confirmation e-mail to the address specified in the form,
  * if any.
  * @param $id
  * @param unknown_type $email
  * @return unknown
 function sendMail($feedId, $email)
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $objInit;
     $feedId = intval($feedId);
     $languageId = null;
     // Get the user ID and entry information
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT addedby, title, language\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_dir\n             WHERE id='{$feedId}'");
     if ($objResult && !$objResult->EOF) {
         $userId = $objResult->fields['addedby'];
         $feedTitle = $objResult->fields['title'];
         $languageId = $objResult->fields['language'];
     // Get user data
     if (is_numeric($userId)) {
         $objFWUser = new \FWUser();
         if ($objFWUser->objUser->getUser($userId)) {
             $userMail = $objFWUser->objUser->getEmail();
             $userFirstname = $objFWUser->objUser->getProfileAttribute('firstname');
             $userLastname = $objFWUser->objUser->getProfileAttribute('lastname');
             $userUsername = $objFWUser->objUser->getUsername();
     if (!empty($email)) {
         $sendTo = $email;
         $mailId = 2;
     } else {
         // FIXED:  The mail addresses may *both* be empty!
         // Adding the entry was sucessful, however.  So we can probably assume
         // that it was a success anyway?
         // Added:
         if (empty($userMail)) {
             return true;
         // ...and a boolean return value below.
         $sendTo = $userMail;
         $mailId = 1;
     //get mail content n title
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT title, content\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_mail\n             WHERE id='{$mailId}'");
     if ($objResult && !$objResult->EOF) {
         $subject = $objResult->fields['title'];
         $message = $objResult->fields['content'];
     if ($objInit->mode == 'frontend') {
         $link = "http://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH . "?section=Directory&cmd=detail&id=" . $feedId;
     } else {
         $link = "http://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($languageId, 'lang') . '/' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . "?section=Directory&cmd=detail&id=" . $feedId;
     // replace placeholders
     $array_1 = array('[[USERNAME]]', '[[FIRSTNAME]]', '[[LASTNAME]]', '[[TITLE]]', '[[LINK]]', '[[URL]]', '[[DATE]]');
     $array_2 = array($userUsername, $userFirstname, $userLastname, $feedTitle, $link, $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET, date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT));
     $subject = str_replace($array_1, $array_2, $subject);
     $message = str_replace($array_1, $array_2, $message);
     $sendTo = explode(';', $sendTo);
     if (@\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         $objMail = new \phpmailer();
         if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0 && @\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_CORE_PATH . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
             $arrSmtp = SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']);
             if ($arrSmtp !== false) {
                 $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                 $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                 $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                 $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                 $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
         $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
         $objMail->From = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
         $objMail->FromName = $_CONFIG['coreAdminName'];
         $objMail->Subject = $subject;
         $objMail->Body = $message;
         foreach ($sendTo as $mailAdress) {
     return true;
Beispiel #12
function sendMail()
    //$razonSocial = "Lition Logistics, S.A. de C.V.";
    $dominio = "";
    $att = "Robot";
    // $fileINOnlyName = str_replace("../ediCodeco/","",$fileIN);
    // $fileOUTOnlyName = str_replace("../ediCodeco/","",$fileOUT);
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los métodos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    // Configurar la cuenta de correo.
    $mail->Host = "";
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = "******";
    $mail->Password = "******";
    $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
    //$mail->Username = "******";
    //$mail->Password = "******";
    //$mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
    $mail->FromName = "Robot Lition Logistics";
    //El valor por defecto 10 de Timeout es un poco escaso dado que voy a usar
    //una cuenta gratuita, por tanto lo pongo a 30
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    // --------------------
    // --------------------
    $mail->Body = "\r\n        <html>\r\n        <body>\r\n        <font size=\"3\"><b>TEST EMAIL</b></font>\r\n        <hr>\r\n        <p>\r\n        A quien corresponda : <br>\r\n        <br>\r\n        ++++++++ TEST / PRUEBA +++++++++\r\n        <br>\r\n        <i>\r\n        Att. {$att}   <br>\r\n        </i>\r\n        <p>\r\n        <hr>\r\n        <font color=\"red\" size=\"2\">\r\n        <i>Este es un correo de envio automático generado por nuestro sistema {$dominio}, por favor no responda este email.<br></i>\r\n        </font>\r\n        <br>\r\n        <br>\r\n        <br>\r\n        </body>\r\n        </html>\r\n\r\n        ";
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Definimos AltBody por si el destinatario del correo
    // no admite email con formato html
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    $mail->AltBody = "\r\n        =====================================================================\r\n        ";
    // Nota :
    // La direccion PARA solo se puede manejar 1.
    // Las direcciones CC puede manejar N correos.
    // -------------
    // Destinatarios
    // -------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // TO :
    // $mail->AddAddress ( "*****@*****.**" );
    // $mail->AddCC( "*****@*****.**" );
    // $mail->AddCC( "*****@*****.**" );
    // BCC :
    // Subject :
    $mail->Subject = "[EDI-CODECO][*Test] Naviera : {$naviera} ";
    //Incluir Attach.
    // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
    //if( is_array($arrEdiFile) ){
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    //Si el mensaje no ha podido ser enviado se realizaran 4 intentos mas como mucho
    //para intentar enviar el mensaje, cada intento se hara 5 segundos despues
    //del anterior, para ello se usa la funcion sleep
    while ((!$exito) && ($intentos < 5)) {
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    if (!$exito) {
        echo "[ <font color=red><b>Problema de envio</b></font> ] " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "[ <font color=green><b>OK, E-Mail enviado.</b></font> ] <br>";
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // ELIMINAR los archivos CSV una vez enviados.
    // Nota : Ya no se eliminan por que primero se notifica via email
    // y luego se transmite por FTP y ese proceso lo eliminará
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // unlink("$fileIN");
    // unlink("$fileOUT");
Beispiel #13
 function sendMail($entryId)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG, $_CONFIG;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT id, title, name, userid, email FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_market WHERE id='" . contrexx_addslashes($entryId) . "' LIMIT 1");
     if ($objResult !== false) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $entryMail = $objResult->fields['email'];
             $entryName = $objResult->fields['name'];
             $entryTitle = $objResult->fields['title'];
             $entryUserid = $objResult->fields['userid'];
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT email, username FROM " . DBPREFIX . "access_users WHERE id='" . $entryUserid . "' LIMIT 1");
     if ($objResult !== false) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             // TODO: Never used
             //                $userMail            = $objResult->fields['email'];
             $userUsername = $objResult->fields['username'];
     //get mail content n title
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT title, content, active, mailcc FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_market_mail WHERE id='1'");
     if ($objResult !== false) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $mailTitle = $objResult->fields['title'];
             $mailContent = $objResult->fields['content'];
             $mailCC = $objResult->fields['mailcc'];
             $mailOn = $objResult->fields['active'];
     if ($mailOn == 1) {
         $array = explode('; ', $mailCC);
         $link = "http://" . $url . "/index.php?section=Market&cmd=detail&id=" . $entryId;
         $now = date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT);
         //replase placeholder
         $array_1 = array('[[EMAIL]]', '[[NAME]]', '[[TITLE]]', '[[ID]]', '[[LINK]]', '[[URL]]', '[[DATE]]', '[[USERNAME]]');
         $array_2 = array($entryMail, $entryName, $entryTitle, $entryId, $link, $url, $now, $userUsername);
         for ($x = 0; $x < 8; $x++) {
             $mailTitle = str_replace($array_1[$x], $array_2[$x], $mailTitle);
         for ($x = 0; $x < 8; $x++) {
             $mailContent = str_replace($array_1[$x], $array_2[$x], $mailContent);
         //create mail
         $to = $entryMail;
         $fromName = $_CONFIG['coreAdminName'] . " - " . $url;
         $fromMail = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
         $subject = $mailTitle;
         $message = $mailContent;
         if (\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
             $objMail = new \phpmailer();
             if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0) {
                 if (($arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) !== false) {
                     $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                     $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                     $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                     $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                     $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
             $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
             $objMail->SetFrom($fromMail, $fromName);
             $objMail->Subject = $subject;
             $objMail->Body = $message;
             foreach ($array as $toCC) {
                 // Email message
                 if (!empty($toCC)) {
Beispiel #14
function sendMassMail($subject, $body, $cname, $emailto)
    global $smtp_host, $smtp_port, $admin_name, $admin_email;
    include_once "include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php";
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->CharSet = "utf-8";
    $mail->Host = $smtp_host;
    $mail->Port = $smtp_port;
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    $mail->From = $admin_email;
    $mail->FromName = $admin_name;
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . stripcslashes($body) . "</body></html>";
    $mail->AddAddress($emailto, $cname);
    $result = $mail->Send();
    // Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop
    return $result;
  * This functions performs the email notifications
  * @return boolean
 protected function notifyByEmail()
     $userlist = array();
     // find all the users with this server listed
     $users = $this->db->select(SM_DB_PREFIX . 'users', 'FIND_IN_SET(\'' . $this->server['server_id'] . '\', `server_id`) AND `email` != \'\'', array('user_id', 'name', 'email'));
     if (empty($users)) {
         return false;
     // build mail object with some default values
     $mail = new phpmailer();
     $mail->From = sm_get_conf('email_from_email');
     $mail->FromName = sm_get_conf('email_from_name');
     $mail->Subject = sm_parse_msg($this->status_new, 'email_subject', $this->server);
     $mail->Priority = 1;
     $body = sm_parse_msg($this->status_new, 'email_body', $this->server);
     $mail->Body = $body;
     $mail->AltBody = str_replace('<br/>', "\n", $body);
     // go through empl
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         // we sent a seperate email to every single user.
         $userlist[] = $user['user_id'];
         $mail->AddAddress($user['email'], $user['name']);
     if (sm_get_conf('log_email')) {
         // save to log
         sm_add_log($this->server['server_id'], 'email', $body, implode(',', $userlist));
Beispiel #16
function sendReportEmail($idUsr)
    global $hoy;
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los métodos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    // ++ EXCHANGE MSC ++
    $mail->Host = "";
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = "******";
    $mail->Password = "******";
    $mail->From = "*****@*****.**";
    $mail->FromName = "Robot.SION";
    //El valor por defecto 10 de Timeout es un poco escaso dado que voy a usar
    //una cuenta gratuita, por tanto lo pongo a 30
    $mail->Timeout = 30;
    $email = getValueTable("Email", "USUARIO", "Id_usuario", $idUsr);
    $ejecutivo = getValueTable("Nombre", "USUARIO", "Id_usuario", $idUsr);
    if (!empty($email)) {
        // --------------------
        // FORMATO HTML
        // --------------------
        $mail->Body = "\n\t\t\t\t<html>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<body>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<b>MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.<BR>\n\t\t\t\tSolo como Agentes / As Agents only</b>\n\t\t\t\t<hr>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<b>DEMORAS</b>\n\t\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<center>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<b><u>POSIBLES CONTENEDORES EN ABANDONO</u></b>\n\t\t\t\t</center>\n\t\t\t\t<p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<b>{$ejecutivo} :</b>\n\t\t\t\t<p>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tEl sistema ha detectado algunos clientes que tienen contenedores con mas de 15 días incurriendo en demoras,\n\t\t\t\tfavor de revisar a la brevedad. Adjunto archivo.\n\t\t\t\t<p>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tNOTA : El archivo tiene formato CSV, pero se puede abrir con MS-Excel sin problema.\n\t\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\tAtt. Robot SION.\n\t\t\t\t<p>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<hr>\n\t\t\t\t<font color=red><b>\n\t\t\t\t* FAVOR DE NO RESPONDER A ESTA DIRECCIÓN DE CORREO YA QUE NO SE RECIBIRA SU MENSAJE Y POR CONSIGUIENTE NO SERA ATENDIDO.\n\t\t\t\t</b>\n\t\t\t\t</font>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
        // -------------------------------------------------------
        // FORMATO TEXTO
        // Definimos AltBody por si el destinatario del correo
        // no admite email con formato html
        // -------------------------------------------------------
        $mail->AltBody = "\nMEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY MÉXICO\nMSC México (As Agents Only-Solo como Agentes)\n=====================================================================\n\nYour are a Winner !!!\n\n{$ejecutivo} :\n\nEl sistema ha detectado algunos clientes que tienen contenedores con mas de 15 días incurriendo en demoras,\nfavor de revisar a la brevedad. Adjunto archivo.\nHasta luego.\nAtt. Robot SION.\n* FAVOR DE NO RESPONDER A ESTA DIRECCIÓN DE CORREO YA QUE NO SE RECIBIRA SU MENSAJE Y POR CONSIGUIENTE NO SERA ATENDIDO.\n";
        // Nota :
        // La direccion PARA solo se puede manejar 1.
        // Las direcciones CC puede manejar N correos.
        // -------------
        // Destinatarios
        // -------------
        // ------------------------------------------------
        $mail->Subject = "[SION] Pos.Abandono / {$ejecutivo} ";
        // Incluir Attach.
        $mail->AddAttachment("../files/demPosAba_{$idUsr}.zip", "demPosAba_{$idUsr}.zip");
        // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
        $exito = $mail->Send();
        //Si el mensaje no ha podido ser enviado se realizaran 4 intentos mas como mucho
        //para intentar enviar el mensaje, cada intento se hara 5 segundos despues
        //del anterior, para ello se usa la funcion sleep
        $intentos = 1;
        while (!$exito && $intentos < 5) {
            $exito = $mail->Send();
            $intentos = $intentos + 1;
        if (!$exito) {
            echo "[ <font color=red><b>Problema de envio</b></font> ] <b><a href=\"javascript:ventanaNueva('csNfyCatCli2.php?modo=consulta&idCliente={$idCli}',600,400)\">{$cliente}</a></b> -> <i>{$emailDestino}</i> -> {$valor}" . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br>";
        } else {
            // echo "[ <font color=green><b>Enviado</b></font> ] <b><a href=\"javascript:ventanaNueva('csNfyCatCli2.php?modo=consulta&idCliente=$idCli',600,400)\">$cliente</a></b> -> <i>$emailDestino</i> <br>";
Beispiel #17
function sendMail($vessel, $voyage, $email)
    global $hoy, $sionSrv, $sionDB;
    $db = new DB_Sql();
    $db->connect($sionDB, $sionSrv, "root", "");
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los m�todos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    // ++ EXCHANGE MSC ++
    $userName = '******';
    $linkPass = '******';
    $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Host = '';
    // IP
    $mail->Username = $userName;
    $mail->Password = $linkPass;
    $mail->Port = 25;
    $mail->From = '*****@*****.**';
    $mail->FromName = 'Robot.SION';
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    //El valor por defecto 10 de Timeout es un poco escaso dado que voy a usar
    //una cuenta gratuita, por tanto lo pongo a 30
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    // --------------------
    // --------------------
    $mail->Body = "\n        <html>\n        <body>\n        <center>\n        <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1>\n        <tr>\n        <td width=\"60\" height=\"40\" valign=top align=right><img src=\"\"  ></td>\n        <td valign=top align=center>\n        <font size=\"4\"><b>Mediterranean Shipping Company México S.A. de C.V.</b></font><br>\n        <font size=\"2\">Sólo como agentes / As agents only</font>\n        </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n        <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n        </tr>\n        </table>\n        <font size=\"4\"><b>NOTIFICACION - BUQUE CARGADO {$vessel} - {$voyage}</font>\n        </center>\n        <p>\n\n        Estimado\n        <p>\n        El proceso de cargar buques ha terminado.\n        <p>\n        <i>\n        Att. Robot SION.<br>\n        </i>\n        <p>\n        <hr>\n        <font color=\"red\" size=\"2\">\n        <i>Este es un correo de envio automático por nuestro sistema SION, por favor no responda este email.</i>\n        </font>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n\n        </body>\n        </html>\n\n        ";
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Definimos AltBody por si el destinatario del correo
    // no admite email con formato html
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    $mail->AltBody = "\n        MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY M�XICO\n        MSC M�xico (As Agents Only-Solo como Agentes)\n        =====================================================================\n        ";
    // Nota :
    // La direccion PARA solo se puede manejar 1.
    // Las direcciones CC puede manejar N correos.
    // -------------
    // Destinatarios
    // -------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    $arrDirDestino[] ="*****@*****.**";
    foreach ( $arrDirDestino as $emailDestino ) {
    if (! empty ( $emailDestino )) {
    $mail->AddAddress ( $emailDestino );
    $emailDesTxt .= "$emailDestino,";
    $mail->Subject = "[SRDO] Vessel Extract Finished / {$vessel} {$voyage}";
    // Incluir Attach.
    // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    //Si el mensaje no ha podido ser enviado se realizaran 4 intentos mas como mucho
    //para intentar enviar el mensaje, cada intento se hara 5 segundos despues
    //del anterior, para ello se usa la funcion sleep
    $intentos = 1;
    while (!$exito && $intentos < 5) {
        $exito = $mail->Send();
        $intentos = $intentos + 1;
    if (!$exito) {
        echo "[ <font color=red><b>Problema de envio</b></font> ] {$emailDestino} -> {$valor}" . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br>\n";
    } else {
        echo "[ <font color=green><b>Enviado</b></font> ] <br>";
 function sendMail()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     if (\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         $objMail = new \phpmailer();
         if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0 && \Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseCorePath() . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
             $arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']);
             if ($arrSmtp !== false) {
                 $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                 $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                 $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                 $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                 $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
         $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
         $objMail->SetFrom($_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'], $_CONFIG['coreGlobalPageTitle']);
         $objMail->Subject = $this->strTitle;
         $objMail->Body = $this->strTemplate;
         foreach ($this->arrRecipients as $key => $strMailAdress) {
             if (!empty($strMailAdress)) {
  * Initialize the mail functionality to the recipient
  * @param \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarEvent $event          Event instance
  * @param integer                                       $actionId       Mail action id
  * @param integer                                       $regId          Registration id
  * @param string                                        $mailTemplate   Mail template id
 function sendMail(CalendarEvent $event, $actionId, $regId = null, $mailTemplate = null)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     $this->mailList = array();
     // Loads the mail template which needs for this action
     $this->loadMailList($actionId, $mailTemplate);
     if (!empty($this->mailList)) {
         $objRegistration = null;
         if (!empty($regId)) {
             $objRegistration = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarRegistration($event->registrationForm, $regId);
             list($registrationDataText, $registrationDataHtml) = $this->getRegistrationData($objRegistration);
             $query = 'SELECT `v`.`value`, `n`.`default`, `f`.`type`
                       FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration_form_field_value AS `v`
                       INNER JOIN ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration_form_field_name AS `n`
                       ON `v`.`field_id` = `n`.`field_id`
                       INNER JOIN ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_registration_form_field AS `f`
                       ON `v`.`field_id` = `f`.`id`
                       WHERE `v`.`reg_id` = ' . $regId . '
                       AND (
                              `f`.`type` = "salutation"
                           OR `f`.`type` = "firstname"
                           OR `f`.`type` = "lastname"
                           OR `f`.`type` = "mail"
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
             $arrDefaults = array();
             $arrValues = array();
             if ($objResult !== false) {
                 while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                     if (!empty($objResult->fields['default'])) {
                         $arrDefaults[$objResult->fields['type']] = explode(',', $objResult->fields['default']);
                     $arrValues[$objResult->fields['type']] = $objResult->fields['value'];
             $regSalutation = !empty($arrValues['salutation']) ? $arrDefaults['salutation'][$arrValues['salutation'] - 1] : '';
             $regFirstname = !empty($arrValues['firstname']) ? $arrValues['firstname'] : '';
             $regLastname = !empty($arrValues['lastname']) ? $arrValues['lastname'] : '';
             $regMail = !empty($arrValues['mail']) ? $arrValues['mail'] : '';
             $regType = $objRegistration->type == 1 ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_REG_REGISTRATION'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_REG_SIGNOFF'];
             $regReplace = array($regType, $regSalutation, $regFirstname, $regLastname, $regMail);
         $domain = ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . "/";
         $date = $this->format2userDateTime(new \DateTime());
         $startDate = $event->startDate;
         $endDate = $event->endDate;
         $eventTitle = $event->title;
         $eventStart = $event->all_day ? $this->format2userDate($startDate) : $this->formatDateTime2user($startDate, $this->getDateFormat() . ' (H:i:s)');
         $eventEnd = $event->all_day ? $this->format2userDate($endDate) : $this->formatDateTime2user($endDate, $this->getDateFormat() . ' (H:i:s)');
         $placeholder = array('[[TITLE]]', '[[START_DATE]]', '[[END_DATE]]', '[[LINK_EVENT]]', '[[LINK_REGISTRATION]]', '[[USERNAME]]', '[[FIRSTNAME]]', '[[LASTNAME]]', '[[URL]]', '[[DATE]]');
         $recipients = $this->getSendMailRecipients($actionId, $event, $regId, $objRegistration);
         $objMail = new \phpmailer();
         if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0) {
             $arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']);
             if ($arrSmtp !== false) {
                 $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                 $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                 $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                 $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                 $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
         $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
         $objMail->SetFrom($_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'], $_CONFIG['coreGlobalPageTitle']);
         foreach ($recipients as $mailAdress => $langId) {
             if (!empty($mailAdress)) {
                 $langId = $this->getSendMailLangId($actionId, $mailAdress, $langId);
                 if ($objUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->getUsers($filter = array('email' => $mailAdress, 'is_active' => true))) {
                     $userNick = $objUser->getUsername();
                     $userFirstname = $objUser->getProfileAttribute('firstname');
                     $userLastname = $objUser->getProfileAttribute('lastname');
                 } else {
                     $userNick = $mailAdress;
                     if (!empty($regId) && $mailAdress == $regMail) {
                         $userFirstname = $regFirstname;
                         $userLastname = $regLastname;
                     } else {
                         $userFirstname = '';
                         $userLastname = '';
                 $mailTitle = $this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->title;
                 $mailContentText = !empty($this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->content_text) ? $this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->content_text : strip_tags($this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->content_html);
                 $mailContentHtml = !empty($this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->content_html) ? $this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->content_html : $this->mailList[$langId]['mail']->content_text;
                 // actual language of selected e-mail template
                 $contentLanguage = $this->mailList[$langId]['lang_id'];
                 if ($actionId == self::MAIL_NOTFY_NEW_APP && $event->arrSettings['confirmFrontendEvents'] == 1) {
                     $eventLink = $domain . "/cadmin/index.php?cmd={$this->moduleName}&act=modify_event&id={$event->id}&confirm=1";
                 } else {
                     $eventLink = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd($this->moduleName, 'detail', $contentLanguage, array('id' => $event->id, 'date' => $event->startDate->getTimestamp()))->toString();
                 $regLink = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd($this->moduleName, 'register', $contentLanguage, array('id' => $event->id, 'date' => $event->startDate->getTimestamp()))->toString();
                 $replaceContent = array($eventTitle, $eventStart, $eventEnd, $eventLink, $regLink, $userNick, $userFirstname, $userLastname, $domain, $date);
                 $mailTitle = str_replace($placeholder, $replaceContent, $mailTitle);
                 $mailContentText = str_replace($placeholder, $replaceContent, $mailContentText);
                 $mailContentHtml = str_replace($placeholder, $replaceContent, $mailContentHtml);
                 if (!empty($regId)) {
                     $mailTitle = str_replace($regSearch, $regReplace, $mailTitle);
                     $mailContentText = str_replace($regSearch, $regReplace, $mailContentText);
                     $mailContentHtml = str_replace($regSearch, $regReplace, $mailContentHtml);
                     $mailContentText = str_replace('[[REGISTRATION_DATA]]', $registrationDataText, $mailContentText);
                     $mailContentHtml = str_replace('[[REGISTRATION_DATA]]', $registrationDataHtml, $mailContentHtml);
                 /*echo "send to: ".$mailAdress."<br />";
                   echo "send title: ".$mailTitle."<br />";*/
                 $objMail->Subject = $mailTitle;
                 $objMail->Body = $mailContentHtml;
                 $objMail->AltBody = $mailContentText;
Beispiel #20
function sendMail($bl, $pod)
    global $hoy;
    $db = new DB_Sql();
    $db->connect("MscCobranza", "", "root", "");
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los métodos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    // ++ EXCHANGE MSC ++
    $userName = '******';
    $pass = '******';
    $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Host = '';
    // IP
    $mail->Username = $userName;
    $mail->Password = $pass;
    $mail->Port = 25;
    $mail->From = '*****@*****.**';
    $mail->FromName = 'Robot.SION';
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    //El valor por defecto 10 de Timeout es un poco escaso dado que voy a usar
    //una cuenta gratuita, por tanto lo pongo a 30
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    $paisSan = getValueTable("country", "DOC_PAIS_SANCIONADO", "code", $pod);
    // --------------------
    // --------------------
    $mail->Body = "\n        <html>\n        <body>\n        <center>\n        <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1>\n        <tr>\n        <td width=\"60\" height=\"40\" valign=top align=right><img src=\"\"  ></td>\n        <td valign=top align=center>\n        <font size=\"4\"><b>Mediterranean Shipping Company México S.A. de C.V.</b></font><br>\n        <font size=\"2\">Sólo como agentes / As agents only</font>\n        </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n        <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n        </tr>\n        </table>\n        <font size=\"4\"><b>NOTIFICACION - SANCTIONS COMPLIANCE<br>({$paisSan})</b><BR>{$bl}</font>\n        </center>\n        <p>\n\n        Estimado Ejecutivo de Ventas\n        <p>\n        El bl de referencia tiene un destino a uno de los países sancionados.\n        Por favor confirmar si el procedimiento de las políticas de conformidad ha sido realizado y firmado por el Sr. Alonso Sopeña y/o el Sr. Homely Rojas\n        de lo contrario la carga no podrá ser embarcada.\n        <p>\n        En espera de sus urgentes comentarios.\n        <br>\n        Este mensaje es enviado por razones de SEGURIDAD.\n        <p>\n        <i>\n        Att. Robot SION.<br>\n        </i>\n        <p>\n        <hr>\n        <font color=\"red\" size=\"2\">\n        <i>Este es un correo de envio automático por nuestro sistema SION, por favor no responda este email.</i>\n        </font>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n\n        </body>\n        </html>\n\n        ";
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Definimos AltBody por si el destinatario del correo
    // no admite email con formato html
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    $mail->AltBody = "\n        MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY MÉXICO\n        MSC México (As Agents Only-Solo como Agentes)\n        =====================================================================\n        ";
    // Nota :
    // La direccion PARA solo se puede manejar 1.
    // Las direcciones CC puede manejar N correos.
    // -------------
    // Destinatarios
    // -------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    $arrDirDestino[] ="*****@*****.**";
    foreach ( $arrDirDestino as $emailDestino ) {
    if (! empty ( $emailDestino )) {
    $mail->AddAddress ( $emailDestino );
    $emailDesTxt .= "$emailDestino,";
    // Copia Ciega
    // -----------------------------------------
    // Subject
    $sql = "select * from DOC_CTRL_EXPO ";
    $sql .= "where bl='{$bl}' ";
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        // -----------------------------------------
        // Comprobar q no tenga la firma BL-REVISION
        // -----------------------------------------
        $bl = $db->f(bl);
        $bkg = $db->f(bkg);
        $bkgp = $db->f(bkg_party);
        $executive = $db->f(bkg_executive);
        $exeMail1 = getValueTable("mail1", "DOC_CAT_EJE", "cod", $executive);
        $exeMail2 = getValueTable("mail2", "DOC_CAT_EJE", "cod", $executive);
        $exeMail3 = getValueTable("mail3", "DOC_CAT_EJE", "cod", $executive);
        if (!empty($exeMail1)) {
        if (!empty($exeMail2)) {
        if (!empty($exeMail3)) {
        $pol = $db->f(pol);
        $pod = $db->f(pod);
        $who = $db->f(who);
        $idBarco = getValueTable("id_barco", "DOC_CTRL_EXPO", "id_bl", $idBl);
        $vessel = getValueTable("Nombre", "BARCO", "Id_barco", $idBarco);
        $voy = getValueTable("Viaje", "BARCO", "Id_barco", $idBarco);
        $eta = getValueTable("Eta1", "BARCO", "Id_barco", $idBarco);
        $vesVoy = "{$vessel} / {$voy} (<font color=maroon>{$idBarco}</font>)";
        $puerto = getValueTable("puerto", "CS_CODIGO", "codigo", $pod);
        $pais = getValueTable("pais", "CS_CODIGO", "codigo", $pod);
    if ($pol == "MXVER") {
    } elseif ($pol == "MXZLO" || $pol == "MXMZT" || $pol == "MXSCX" || $pol == "MXLZC" || $pol == "MXPMS" || $pol == "MXGYM") {
    } elseif ($pol == "MXLMR" || $pol == "MXATM") {
    } else {
    $paisSan = getValueTable("country", "DOC_PAIS_SANCIONADO", "code", $pol);
    $txtSubj = "SANCTIONS COMPLIANCE {$paisSan} / [{$who}] / {$vessel} {$voy} / MSCU{$bl} / {$bkg} / {$bkgp} / {$pol} / {$pol} / [{$who}] %0A%0A";
    $txtSubj = str_replace("&", "AND", $txtSubj);
    $mail->Subject = "{$txtSubj}";
    // Incluir Attach.
    // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    //Si el mensaje no ha podido ser enviado se realizaran 4 intentos mas como mucho
    //para intentar enviar el mensaje, cada intento se hara 5 segundos despues
    //del anterior, para ello se usa la funcion sleep
    while ((!$exito) && ($intentos < 5)) {
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    if (!$exito) {
        echo "[ <font color=red><b>Problema de envio</b></font> ] {$emailDestino} -> {$valor}" . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br>\n";
    } else {
        echo "[ <font color=green><b>Enviado</b></font> ] <br>";
Beispiel #21
 function sendList($list)
     // send email of message
     global $loader, $intl, $conf;
     $mail = new phpmailer();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         if (strtoupper($item->type) == 'TASK') {
             $id = 'T' . $item->id;
         } elseif (strtoupper($item->type) == 'MESSAGE') {
             $id = 'M' . $item->id;
         } else {
             $id = strtoupper(substr($item->type, 0, 1)) . $item->id;
         $mail->From = $conf['Messaging']['return_address'];
         //$mail->Subject = '[' . $this->id . '] ' . $this->subject;
         //$mail->Body = $this->body;
         if (defined('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_SUBJECT')) {
             $mail->Subject = $intl->get(constant('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_SUBJECT'), $item->struct);
         } else {
             $mail->Subject = '[' . $id . '] ' . $item->subject;
         if (defined('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_BODY')) {
             $mail->Body = $intl->get(constant('WORKSPACE_' . strtoupper($item->type) . '_' . strtoupper($this->name) . '_BODY'), $item->struct);
         } else {
             $mail->Body = $item->body;
         if ($item->priority == 'urgent' || $item->priority == 'high') {
             $mail->Priority = 1;
         } else {
             $mail->Priority = 3;
         if (!$mail->Send()) {
             $this->error = $mail->ErrorInfo;
             return false;
     return true;
     $mail = new phpmailer();
     $mail->From = $_POST['sender_email'];
     $mail->FromName = $_POST['sender_email'];
     $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
     $mail->Host = $smtp_mailhost;
     $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
     $mail->Username = $smtp_user;
     $mail->Password = $smtp_pw;
     $mail->Subject = "EMail vom " . $shopconfig['shopconfig_pagetitle'] . " Gästebuch";
     $body = "Hallo " . $_POST['myname'] . ",\nvielen Dank für den Eintrag in unserem Gästebuch,\nName: " . $_POST['myname'] . "\nDatum: " . $datum . "\nEmail: " . $_POST['myemail'] . "\nHomepage: " . $_POST['myhp'] . "\nKommentar: " . $_POST['mymassage'] . "\nText: " . $_POST['text'] . "\n\nDas {$pagename} |" . $mandant['name'] . " Team";
     $mail->Body = $body;
     $mail->AltBody = $body;
     $mail->AddAddress($_POST['myemail'], $_POST['myname']);
     $mail->AddCC($mandant['mandant_email'], $mandant['mandant_vorname'] . " " . $mandant['mandant_nachname']);
 } else {
     print $fehler;
     if ($fehler == 1) {
         $smarty->assign("fehler", 1);
     if ($fehler == 2) {
         $smarty->assign("fehler", $fehler);
     $_GET['neu'] = 1;
     $smarty->assign("myname", $_POST['myname']);
     $smarty->assign("mymassage", $_POST['mymassage']);
     $smarty->assign("myemail", $_POST['myemail']);
     $smarty->assign("myhp", $_POST['myhp']);
     $smarty->assign("myicq", $_POST['myicq']);
  * Send the email
  * @param      int $UserID
  * @param      int $NewsletterID
  * @param      string $TargetEmail
  * @param      string $type
 function SendEmail($UserID, $NewsletterID, $TargetEmail, $TmpEntry, $type = self::USER_TYPE_NEWSLETTER)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_DBCONFIG;
     require_once ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
     $newsletterValues = $this->getNewsletterValues($NewsletterID);
     if ($newsletterValues !== false) {
         $subject = $newsletterValues['subject'];
         $template = $newsletterValues['template'];
         $content = $newsletterValues['content'];
         $priority = $newsletterValues['priority'];
         $sender_email = $newsletterValues['sender_email'];
         $sender_name = $newsletterValues['sender_name'];
         $return_path = $newsletterValues['return_path'];
         $count = $newsletterValues['count'];
         $smtpAccount = $newsletterValues['smtp_server'];
     $break = $this->getSetting('txt_break_after');
     $break = intval($break) == 0 ? 80 : $break;
     $HTML_TemplateSource = $this->GetTemplateSource($template, 'html');
     // TODO: Unused
     //        $TEXT_TemplateSource = $this->GetTemplateSource($template, 'text');
     $newsletterUserData = $this->getNewsletterUserData($UserID, $type);
     $testDelivery = !$TmpEntry;
     $NewsletterBody_HTML = $this->ParseNewsletter($subject, $content, $HTML_TemplateSource, '', $TargetEmail, $newsletterUserData, $NewsletterID, $testDelivery);
     \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($NewsletterBody_HTML, true);
     $NewsletterBody_TEXT = $this->ParseNewsletter('', '', '', 'text', '', $newsletterUserData, $NewsletterID, $testDelivery);
     \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($NewsletterBody_TEXT, true);
     $mail = new \phpmailer();
     if ($smtpAccount > 0) {
         if (($arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($smtpAccount)) !== false) {
             $mail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
             $mail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
             $mail->SMTPAuth = $arrSmtp['username'] == '-' ? false : true;
             $mail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
             $mail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
     $mail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
     $mail->SetFrom($sender_email, $sender_name);
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     $mail->Priority = $priority;
     $mail->Body = $NewsletterBody_HTML;
     $mail->AltBody = $NewsletterBody_TEXT;
     $queryATT = "SELECT newsletter, file_name FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_attachment where newsletter=" . $NewsletterID . "";
     $objResultATT = $objDatabase->Execute($queryATT);
     if ($objResultATT !== false) {
         while (!$objResultATT->EOF) {
             $mail->AddAttachment(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteImagesAttachPath() . "/" . $objResultATT->fields['file_name'], $objResultATT->fields['file_name']);
     if ($UserID) {
         // mark recipient as in-action to prevent multiple tries of sending the newsletter to the same recipient
         $query = "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_tmp_sending SET sendt=2 where email='" . $TargetEmail . "' AND newsletter=" . $NewsletterID . " AND sendt=0";
         if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) === false || $objDatabase->Affected_Rows() == 0) {
             return $count;
     if ($mail->Send()) {
         // && $UserID == 0) {
         $ReturnVar = $count++;
         if ($TmpEntry == 1) {
             // Insert TMP-ENTRY Sended Email & Count++
             $query = "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_tmp_sending SET sendt=1 where email='" . $TargetEmail . "' AND newsletter=" . $NewsletterID . "";
             if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) === false) {
                 if ($_DBCONFIG['dbType'] == 'mysql' && $objDatabase->ErrorNo() == 2006) {
                     @$objDatabase->Connect($_DBCONFIG['host'], $_DBCONFIG['user'], $_DBCONFIG['password'], $_DBCONFIG['database'], true);
                     if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) === false) {
                         return false;
             $objDatabase->Execute("\n                    UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter\n                       SET count=count+1\n                     WHERE id={$NewsletterID}");
             $queryCheck = "SELECT 1 FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_tmp_sending where newsletter=" . $NewsletterID . " and sendt=0";
             $objResultCheck = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($queryCheck, 1);
             if ($objResultCheck->RecordCount() == 0) {
                 $objDatabase->Execute("\n                        UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter\n                           SET status=1\n                         WHERE id={$NewsletterID}");
         /*elseif ($mail->error_count) {
               if (strstr($mail->ErrorInfo, 'authenticate')) {
                   self::$strErrMessage .= sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_MAIL_AUTH_FAILED'], htmlentities($arrSmtp['name'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)).'<br />';
                   $ReturnVar = false;
           } */
     } else {
         $performRejectedMailOperation = false;
         if (strstr($mail->ErrorInfo, 'authenticate')) {
             // -> smtp error
             self::$strErrMessage .= sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_MAIL_AUTH_FAILED'], htmlentities($arrSmtp['name'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)) . '<br />';
         } elseif (strstr($mail->ErrorInfo, 'from_failed')) {
             // -> mail error
             self::$strErrMessage .= sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_FROM_ADDR_REJECTED'], htmlentities($sender_email, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)) . '<br />';
         } elseif (strstr($mail->ErrorInfo, 'recipients_failed')) {
             // -> recipient error
             $performRejectedMailOperation = true;
             self::$strErrMessage .= sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_RECIPIENT_FAILED'], htmlentities($TargetEmail, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)) . '<br />';
         } elseif (strstr($mail->ErrorInfo, 'instantiate')) {
             // -> php error
             self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_LOCAL_SMTP_FAILED'] . '<br />';
         } elseif (strstr($mail->ErrorInfo, 'connect_host')) {
             // -> smtp error
             self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_CONNECT_SMTP_FAILED'] . '<br />';
         } else {
             // -> mail error
             self::$strErrMessage .= $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />';
         $ReturnVar = false;
         if ($TmpEntry == 1) {
             $arrSettings = $this->_getSettings();
             if ($performRejectedMailOperation && $arrSettings['rejected_mail_operation']['setvalue'] != 'ignore') {
                 switch ($arrSettings['rejected_mail_operation']['setvalue']) {
                     case 'deactivate':
                         // Remove temporary data from the module
                         if ($objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_tmp_sending` WHERE `email` ='" . addslashes($TargetEmail) . "'") !== false) {
                             switch ($type) {
                                 case self::USER_TYPE_CORE:
                                     // do nothing with system users
                                 case self::USER_TYPE_ACCESS:
                                     // TODO: Remove newsletter subscription for access_user
                                 case self::USER_TYPE_NEWSLETTER:
                                     // Deactivate user
                                     $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_user` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `id` = " . $UserID);
                     case 'delete':
                         switch ($type) {
                             case self::USER_TYPE_CORE:
                                 // do nothing with system users
                             case self::USER_TYPE_ACCESS:
                                 // TODO: Remove newsletter subscription for access_user
                             case self::USER_TYPE_NEWSLETTER:
                                 // Remove user data from the module
                     case 'inform':
                         $this->informAdminAboutRejectedMail($NewsletterID, $UserID, $TargetEmail, $type, $newsletterUserData);
             $ReturnVar = $count;
     return $ReturnVar;
 function sendEmail($recipient_address, $recipient_name, $subject, $message)
     ## The php builtin mailing functions do not work all the time so I have
     ## selected to use phpMailer (
     $mail = new phpmailer();
     $mail->From = $this->_adminEmail;
     $mail->FromName = $this->_adminName;
     $mail->Host = $this->_emailHosts;
     $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     $mail->Body = $message;
     $mail->AddAddress($recipient_address, $recipient_name);
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         echo $this->_('There has been a mail error sending to ' . $recipient_address . " " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br />");
         return false;
     // Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop
     return true;
  * send a mail to the email with the message
  * @static
  * @param integer $uploadId the upload id
  * @param string $subject the subject of the mail for the recipient
  * @param string $email the recipient's mail address
  * @param null|string $message the message for the recipient
 public static function sendMail($uploadId, $subject, $emails, $message = null)
     global $objDatabase, $_CONFIG;
      * get all file ids from the last upload
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `id` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_filesharing WHERE `upload_id` = '" . intval($uploadId) . "'");
     if ($objResult !== false && $objResult->RecordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $files[] = $objResult->fields["id"];
     if (!is_int($uploadId) && empty($files)) {
         $files[] = $uploadId;
      * init mail data. Mail template, Mailsubject and PhpMailer
     $objMail = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT `subject`, `content` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_filesharing_mail_template WHERE `lang_id` = " . FRONTEND_LANG_ID, 1, -1);
     $content = str_replace(array(']]', '[['), array('}', '{'), $objMail->fields["content"]);
     if (empty($subject)) {
         $subject = $objMail->fields["subject"];
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     if (\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile($cx->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         $objMail = new \phpmailer();
          * Load mail template and parse it
         $objTemplate = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma('.');
         $objTemplate->setVariable(array("DOMAIN" => $_CONFIG["domainUrl"], 'MESSAGE' => $message));
         if ($objTemplate->blockExists('filesharing_file')) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array('FILE_DOWNLOAD' => self::getDownloadLink($file)));
         if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0 && \Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile($cx->getCodeBaseCorePath() . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
             if (($arrSmtp = SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) !== false) {
                 $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                 $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                 $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                 $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                 $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
         $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
         $objMail->SetFrom($_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'], $_CONFIG['coreGlobalPageTitle']);
         $objMail->Subject = $subject;
         $objMail->Body = $objTemplate->get();
         foreach ($emails as $email) {
Beispiel #26
  * Notify subscribers about new posts per mail
  * @param	$from		Name in from field.
  * @param 	$subject 	Mail subject
  * @param 	$message 	Mail message.
 function notifySubscribers($from, $subject, $message)
     global $dbi, $login;
     // Send mail to subscribers
     $to = "";
     $subscribers = explode(",", $this->blog->subscribers);
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($subscribers); $i++) {
         $to .= ($i != 0 ? "," : "") . "{$subscribers[$i]}";
     // Create plain text version
     $h2t =& new html2text($message);
     // Create PHPMailer object
     $mail = new phpmailer();
     $user = new User($login->id);
     // Set mail values
     $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";
     $mail->Sender = $user->email;
     $mail->From = $user->email;
     $mail->FromName = $user->name;
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     $mail->Body = $message;
     $mail->AltBody = $h2t->get_text();
     // Send mail to subscribers
     if (sizeof($subscribers) > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($subscribers); $i++) {
             // Clear all addresses for next loop
  * Очищает все адреса получателей
 public function ClearAddresses()
Beispiel #28
  * Sends an email with the contact details to the responsible persons
  * This methode sends an email to all email addresses that are defined in the
  * option "Receiver address(es)" of the requested contact form.
  * @access private
  * @global array
  * @global array
  * @param array Details of the contact request
  * @see _getEmailAdressOfString(), phpmailer::From, phpmailer::FromName, phpmailer::AddReplyTo(), phpmailer::Subject, phpmailer::IsHTML(), phpmailer::Body, phpmailer::AddAddress(), phpmailer::Send(), phpmailer::ClearAddresses()
 private function sendMail($arrFormData)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     $plaintextBody = '';
     $replyAddress = '';
     $firstname = '';
     $lastname = '';
     $senderName = '';
     $isHtml = $arrFormData['htmlMail'] == 1 ? true : false;
     // stop send process in case no real data had been submitted
     if (!isset($arrFormData['data']) && !isset($arrFormData['uploadedFiles'])) {
         return false;
     // check if we shall send the email as multipart (text/html)
     if ($isHtml) {
         // setup html mail template
         $objTemplate = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma('.');
         $objTemplate->setVariable(array('DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, $arrFormData['meta']['time']), 'HOSTNAME' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['host']), 'IP_ADDRESS' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['ipaddress']), 'BROWSER_LANGUAGE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['lang']), 'BROWSER_VERSION' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['browser'])));
     // TODO: check if we have to excape $arrRecipients later in the code
     $arrRecipients = $this->getRecipients(intval($_GET['cmd']));
     // calculate the longest field label.
     // this will be used to correctly align all user submitted data in the plaintext e-mail
     // TODO: check if the label of upload-fields are taken into account as well
     $maxlength = 0;
     foreach ($arrFormData['fields'] as $arrField) {
         $length = strlen($arrField['lang'][FRONTEND_LANG_ID]['name']);
         $maxlength = $maxlength < $length ? $length : $maxlength;
     // try to fetch a user submitted e-mail address to which we will send a copy to
     if (!empty($arrFormData['fields'])) {
         foreach ($arrFormData['fields'] as $fieldId => $arrField) {
             // check if field validation is set to e-mail
             if ($arrField['check_type'] == '2') {
                 $mail = trim($arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]);
                 if (\FWValidator::isEmail($mail)) {
                     $replyAddress = $mail;
             if ($arrField['type'] == 'special') {
                 switch ($arrField['special_type']) {
                     case 'access_firstname':
                         $firstname = trim($arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]);
                     case 'access_lastname':
                         $lastname = trim($arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]);
     if ($arrFormData['useEmailOfSender'] == 1 && (!empty($firstname) || !empty($lastname))) {
         $senderName = trim($firstname . ' ' . $lastname);
     } else {
         $senderName = $_CONFIG['coreGlobalPageTitle'];
     // a recipient mail address which has been picked by sender
     $chosenMailRecipient = null;
     // fill the html and plaintext body with the submitted form data
     foreach ($arrFormData['fields'] as $fieldId => $arrField) {
         if ($fieldId == 'unique_id') {
             //generated for uploader. no interesting mail content.
         $htmlValue = '';
         $plaintextValue = '';
         $textAreaKeys = array();
         switch ($arrField['type']) {
             case 'label':
             case 'fieldset':
                 // TODO: parse TH row instead
             // TODO: parse TH row instead
             case 'horizontalLine':
                 // TODO: add visual horizontal line
                 // we need to use a 'continue 2' here to first break out of the switch and then move over to the next iteration of the foreach loop
                 continue 2;
             case 'file':
             case 'multi_file':
                 $htmlValue = "";
                 $plaintextValue = "";
                 if (isset($arrFormData['uploadedFiles'][$fieldId])) {
                     $htmlValue = "<ul>";
                     foreach ($arrFormData['uploadedFiles'][$fieldId] as $file) {
                         $htmlValue .= "<li><a href='" . ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteOffsetPath() . contrexx_raw2xhtml($file['path']) . "' >" . contrexx_raw2xhtml($file['name']) . "</a></li>";
                         $plaintextValue .= ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteOffsetPath() . $file['path'] . "\r\n";
                     $htmlValue .= "</ul>";
             case 'checkbox':
                 $plaintextValue = !empty($arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]) ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_YES'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_NO'];
                 $htmlValue = $plaintextValue;
             case 'recipient':
                 // TODO: check for XSS
                 $plaintextValue = $arrRecipients[$arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]]['lang'][FRONTEND_LANG_ID];
                 $htmlValue = $plaintextValue;
                 $chosenMailRecipient = $arrRecipients[$arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]]['email'];
             case 'textarea':
                 //we need to know all textareas - they're indented differently then the rest of the other field types
                 $textAreaKeys[] = $fieldId;
                 $plaintextValue = isset($arrFormData['data'][$fieldId]) ? $arrFormData['data'][$fieldId] : '';
                 $htmlValue = contrexx_raw2xhtml($plaintextValue);
         $fieldLabel = $arrField['lang'][FRONTEND_LANG_ID]['name'];
         // try to fetch an e-mail address from submitted form date in case we were unable to fetch one from an input type with e-mail validation
         if (empty($replyAddress)) {
             $mail = $this->_getEmailAdressOfString($plaintextValue);
             if (\FWValidator::isEmail($mail)) {
                 $replyAddress = $mail;
         // parse html body
         if ($isHtml) {
             if (!empty($htmlValue)) {
                 if ($objTemplate->blockExists('field_' . $fieldId)) {
                     // parse field specific template block
                     $objTemplate->setVariable(array('FIELD_' . $fieldId . '_LABEL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($fieldLabel), 'FIELD_' . $fieldId . '_VALUE' => $htmlValue));
                     $objTemplate->parse('field_' . $fieldId);
                 } elseif ($objTemplate->blockExists('form_field')) {
                     // parse regular field template block
                     $objTemplate->setVariable(array('FIELD_LABEL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($fieldLabel), 'FIELD_VALUE' => $htmlValue));
             } elseif ($objTemplate->blockExists('field_' . $fieldId)) {
                 // hide field specific template block, if present
                 $objTemplate->hideBlock('field_' . $fieldId);
         // parse plaintext body
         $tabCount = $maxlength - strlen($fieldLabel);
         $tabs = $tabCount == 0 ? 1 : $tabCount + 1;
         // TODO: what is this all about? - $value is undefined
         if ($arrFormData['fields'][$fieldId]['type'] == 'recipient') {
             $value = $arrRecipients[$value]['lang'][FRONTEND_LANG_ID];
         if (in_array($fieldId, $textAreaKeys)) {
             // we're dealing with a textarea, don't indent value
             $plaintextBody .= $fieldLabel . ":\n" . $plaintextValue . "\n";
         } else {
             $plaintextBody .= $fieldLabel . str_repeat(" ", $tabs) . ": " . $plaintextValue . "\n";
     $arrSettings = $this->getSettings();
     // TODO: this is some fixed plaintext message data -> must be ported to html body
     $message = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_TRANSFERED_DATA_FROM'] . " " . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . "\n\n";
     if ($arrSettings['fieldMetaDate']) {
         $message .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_DATE'] . " " . date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, $arrFormData['meta']['time']) . "\n\n";
     $message .= $plaintextBody . "\n\n";
     if ($arrSettings['fieldMetaHost']) {
         $message .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_HOSTNAME'] . " : " . contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['host']) . "\n";
     if ($arrSettings['fieldMetaIP']) {
         $message .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_IP_ADDRESS'] . " : " . contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['ipaddress']) . "\n";
     if ($arrSettings['fieldMetaLang']) {
         $message .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_BROWSER_LANGUAGE'] . " : " . contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['lang']) . "\n";
     $message .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_BROWSER_VERSION'] . " : " . contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFormData['meta']['browser']) . "\n";
     if (@(include_once \Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         $objMail = new \phpmailer();
         if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0 && @(include_once \Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseCorePath() . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
             if (($arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'])) !== false) {
                 $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                 $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                 $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                 $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                 $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
         $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
         $objMail->From = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
         $objMail->FromName = $senderName;
         if (!empty($replyAddress)) {
             if ($arrFormData['sendCopy'] == 1) {
             if ($arrFormData['useEmailOfSender'] == 1) {
                 $objMail->From = $replyAddress;
         $objMail->Subject = $arrFormData['subject'];
         if ($isHtml) {
             $objMail->Body = $objTemplate->get();
             $objMail->AltBody = $message;
         } else {
             $objMail->Body = $message;
         // attach submitted files to email
         if (count($arrFormData['uploadedFiles']) > 0 && $arrFormData['sendAttachment'] == 1) {
             foreach ($arrFormData['uploadedFiles'] as $arrFilesOfField) {
                 foreach ($arrFilesOfField as $file) {
                     $objMail->AddAttachment(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteDocumentRootPath() . $file['path'], $file['name']);
         if ($chosenMailRecipient !== null) {
             if (!empty($chosenMailRecipient)) {
         } else {
             foreach ($arrFormData['emails'] as $sendTo) {
                 if (!empty($sendTo)) {
     return true;
Beispiel #29
function sendMail()
    global $hoy;
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    $mail->Priority = 0;
    // Se declara la prioridad del mensaje.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    //Definimos las propiedades y llamamos a los m�todos
    //correspondientes del objeto mail
    //Con PluginDir le indicamos a la clase phpmailer donde se
    //encuentra la clase smtp que como he comentado al principio de
    //este ejemplo va a estar en el subdirectorio includes
    $mail->PluginDir = "../include/";
    $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
    // ++ EXCHANGE MSC ++
    $userName = '******';
    $linkPass = '******';
    $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Host = '';
    // IP
    $mail->Username = $userName;
    $mail->Password = $linkPass;
    $mail->Port = 25;
    $mail->From = '*****@*****.**';
    $mail->FromName = 'Robot.SION';
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    //El valor por defecto 10 de Timeout es un poco escaso dado que voy a usar
    //una cuenta gratuita, por tanto lo pongo a 30
    $mail->Timeout = 10;
    // --------------------
    // --------------------
    $mail->Body = "\n        <html>\n        <body>\n        <center>\n        <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1>\n        <tr>\n        <td width=\"60\" height=\"40\" valign=top align=right></td>\n        <td valign=top align=center>\n        <font size=\"4\"><b>Mediterranean Shipping Company Mexico S.A. de C.V.</b></font><br>\n        <font size=\"2\">S�lo como agentes / As agents only</font>\n        </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n        <td colspan=2><hr></td>\n        </tr>\n        </table>\n        <font size=\"4\"><b>NOTIFICACION - CARGA DE BLS DE MSCLINK A SION</b><BR>{$bl}</font>\n        </center>\n        <p>\n\n        Estimado \n        <p>\n        El proceso de cargar los Bls de MscLink a SION ha terminado.\n        <p>\n        <i>\n        Att. Robot SION.<br>\n        </i>\n        <p>\n        <hr>\n        <font color=\"red\" size=\"2\">\n        <i>Este es un correo de envio autom�tico por nuestro sistema SION, por favor no responda este email.</i>\n        </font>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n        <br>\n\n        </body>\n        </html>\n\n        ";
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Definimos AltBody por si el destinatario del correo
    // no admite email con formato html
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    $mail->AltBody = "\n        MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY M�XICO\n        MSC Mexico (As Agents Only-Solo como Agentes)\n        =====================================================================\n        ";
    // Nota :
    // La direccion PARA solo se puede manejar 1.
    // Las direcciones CC puede manejar N correos.
    // -------------
    // Destinatarios
    // -------------
    // ------------------------------------------------
    $arrDirDestino[] = "*****@*****.**";
    foreach ($arrDirDestino as $emailDestino) {
        if (!empty($emailDestino)) {
            $emailDesTxt .= "{$emailDestino},";
    // Copia Ciega
    $mail->Subject = "Finalizo el proceso Cargar-Bls de MscLink a SION";
    // Incluir Attach.
    // Se envia el mensaje, si no ha habido problemas, la variable $exito tendra el valor true
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    //Si el mensaje no ha podido ser enviado se realizaran 4 intentos mas como mucho
    //para intentar enviar el mensaje, cada intento se hara 5 segundos despues
    //del anterior, para ello se usa la funcion sleep
    while ((!$exito) && ($intentos < 5)) {
    $exito = $mail->Send();
    if (!$exito) {
        echo "[ <font color=red><b>Problema de envio</b></font> ] {$emailDestino} -> {$valor}" . $mail->ErrorInfo . "<br>\n";
    } else {
        echo "[ <font color=green><b>Enviado</b></font> ] <br>";
Beispiel #30
 function emailSend($data)
     $stime = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));
     require_once "getmxrr.php";
     $smtp =& $this->params;
     $mail = new phpmailer();
     $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
     $mail->From = isset($data['from']) & !empty($data['from']) ? $data['from'] : '*****@*****.**';
     $mail->FromName = isset($data['fromName']) & !empty($data['fromName']) ? $data['fromName'] : 'RuSoft';
     $mail->Sender = isset($data['from']) & !empty($data['from']) ? $data['from'] : '*****@*****.**';
     $mail->Host = $smtp['host'];
     $mail->CharSet = $smtp['charset'];
     $mail->Encoding = $smtp['encoding'];
     $mail->Port = $smtp['port'];
     $mail->SMTPAuth = $smtp['auth'];
     $mail->Subject = isset($data['subj']) & !empty($data['subj']) ? $data['subj'] : '';
     if ($smtp['auth']) {
         $mail->Username = $smtp['user'];
         $mail->Password = $smtp['pass'];
     // HTML body
     if (isset($data['mess']['html']) & !empty($data['mess']['html'])) {
         $body = $data['mess']['html'];
     // Plain text body (for mail clients that cannot read HTML)
     if (isset($data['mess']['text']) & !empty($data['mess']['text'])) {
         $text_body = $data['mess']['text'];
     $mail->AltBody = isset($text_body) ? $text_body : '';
     $mail->Body = isset($body) ? $body : (isset($text_body) ? $text_body : '');
     $i = 1;
     // порядковый номер файла
     //добавляем файлы прикрепленные файлы
     if (isset($data['attachment']) & !empty($data['attachment'])) {
         foreach ($data['attachment'] as $k => $item) {
             if (isset($item['binary']) & !empty($item['binary'])) {
                 $mail->AddStringAttachment($item["binary"], isset($item["name"]) & !empty($item["name"]) ? $item["name"] : 'file' . $i, $smtp['encoding']);
             } elseif (isset($item['path']) & !empty($item['path'])) {
                 $mail->AddAttachment($item["path"], isset($item["name"]) & !empty($item["name"]) ? $item["name"] : 'file' . $i, $smtp['encoding']);
     // добавляем файлы, отображаемые на странице
     if (isset($data['embedded']) & !empty($data['embedded'])) {
         foreach ($data['embedded'] as $k => $item) {
             if (isset($item['path']) & !empty($item['path'])) {
                 $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($item["path"], isset($item["cid"]) & !empty($item["cid"]) ? $item["cid"] : $i, isset($item["name"]) & !empty($item["name"]) ? $item["name"] : 'file' . $i, $smtp['encoding']);
     //на данном этапе имеется уже собранное письмо и нам необходимо определить mx серверы для отправки...для каждого письма.
     //чтобы повторно не искать серверы в момент отправки для каждого...
     //сохраняем для каждого домена один и тот же сервер
     $mxsrvs = array();
     $mxemails = array();
     $debug['ctime'] = round((array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $stime) * 1000, 2) . " ms";
     foreach ($data['to'] as $email => $name) {
         //берем чисто host
         if (!$this->_is_valid_email($email)) {
             $debug['emails'][$email]['error'] = "неправильно указан email адрес.";
         $host = substr($email, strpos($email, "@") + 1);
         $domains = explode(".", $host);
         foreach ($domains as $level => $domain) {
             $address = implode(".", $domains);
             if (!key_exists($address, $mxsrvs)) {
                 $time = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));
                 if (getmxrr_portable($address, $mxhosts, $preference) == true) {
                     array_multisort($preference, $mxhosts);
                 $debug['emails'][$email]['mxtime'] = round((array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $time) * 1000, 2) . " ms";
                 if (!empty($mxhosts)) {
                     $mxhosts[] = $smtp['host'];
                     //потому что shadow тормознутый сервак
                     if (in_array('', $mxhosts)) {
                     //чтобы включить рассылку на smtp серверы получателей, необходимо закоментировать следующую строчку
                     $mxhosts = array_reverse($mxhosts);
                     $mxsrvs[$address] = $mxhosts;
                     $mxemails[$email] =& $mxsrvs[$address];
                     $debug['emails'][$email]['mxsrvs'] =& $mxsrvs[$address];
                 } else {
             } else {
                 $debug['emails'][$email]['mxtime'] = 'cache(0 ms)';
                 $mxemails[$email] =& $mxsrvs[$address];
                 $debug['emails'][$email]['mxsrvs'] =& $mxsrvs[$address];
     //получены все mx северы и теперь начинаем отправку по списку
     foreach ($mxemails as $email => $mxs) {
         //проверяем email адрес на существование и работу mx сервера
         //можно включить проверку, но это 1) замедляет, 2) вероятность очень низкая
         //$this->checkEmail($email, $mxs, $debug);
         $mail->AddAddress($email, $name);
         foreach ($mxs as $k => $host) {
             $mail->Host = $host;
             $time = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));
             $status = $mail->Send();
             $debug['emails'][$email]['sendtime'] = round((array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $time) * 1000, 2) . " ms";
             $debug['emails'][$email]['status'] = $status;
             if ($status) {
                 $debug['emails'][$email]['host'] = $host;
     $debug['time'] = round((array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $stime) * 1000, 2) . " ms";
     if (function_exists('log_notice')) {
         //скидываем в лог информацию о отправленных сообщениях
         $str = "<b>Были отправлены следующие сообщения:</b><br>Время генерации шалона для отправки:&nbsp" . $debug['ctime'] . "<br>Общее время:&nbsp" . $debug['time'] . "<br><b>Адреса:</b><br>";
         foreach ($debug['emails'] as $k => $v) {
             $str .= "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><font color='blue'>" . $k . "</font></b>";
             $str .= "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Определение smtp серверов:&nbsp" . $v['mxtime'];
             $str .= "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Отправлено через: " . $v['host'];
             $str .= "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Время отправления: " . $v['sendtime'];
             $str .= "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Статус: " . ($v['status'] ? '<font color="green">успешно</font>' : '<font color="red">неудачно</font>');
         log_notice('email', false, $str);
     //$status = true;
     // Clear attachments for next loop
     if ($status) {
         return true;
     return false;