getServerLoginURL() public static method

or phpCAS::isAuthenticated().
public static getServerLoginURL ( ) : the
return the login name of the authenticated user
     * [Put your description here]
    function main($content, $conf)
        $this->conf = $conf;
        $this->pi_USER_INT_obj = 1;
        // Configuring so caching is not expected. This value means that no cHash params are ever set. We do this, because it's a USER_INT object!
        $this->typeExecution = "prod";
        $urlCas = "none";
        $portCas = "none";
        if ($this->typeExecution == "dev") {
            $urlCas = "";
            $portCas = 7777;
        } else {
            if ($this->typeExecution == "prod") {
                $urlCas = "";
                $portCas = 443;
        if (isset($_GET["userdebug"])) {
            include_once "typo3conf/ext/dlcube_hn_01/class.WebservicesCompte.php";
            include_once "typo3conf/ext/dlcube_hn_01/class.WebservicesAccess.php";
            $param[] = array("login" => $_GET["userdebug"], "ctx" => null);
            $ws = new WebservicesCompte();
            if (!$ws->connectIdent()) {
                $content = "ERROR:" . $ws->getErrorMessage();
                return $content;
            $result = $ws->getPersonneByLogin($param);
        if (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "auth" && !isset($_GET["ticket"])) {
            phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $urlCas, $portCas, 'cas', 'true');
            $ur = phpCAS::getServerLoginURL(false);
            $content .= '<IFRAME src="' . $ur . '" frameborder="no" height="600" width="670"></IFRAME>';
            return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);
        phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $urlCas, $portCas, 'cas', 'true');
        $_SESSION["portalId"] = phpCAS::getUser();
        echo '<html><body><script type="text/javascript"> "' . $this->pi_getPageLink($_SESSION["service_id_auth"]) . '", "_top");
function RWSPLICas($r_usrn, $r_pw, $r_csf)
    global $RWSESL3;
    global $RWSSRURL;
    global $RWSCRURL;
    global $RWSECMUL;
    if ($r_csf) {
    $r_aus = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
    foreach ($r_aus as $r_aun) {
        $r_aup = get_auth_plugin($r_aun);
        if (strcasecmp($r_aup->authtype, RWSCAS) == 0) {
            $r_csp = $r_aup;
    if (!isset($r_csp)) {
    if (empty($r_csp->config->hostname)) {
    if ($r_csp->config->multiauth) {
        $r_auc = RWSGSOpt("authCAS", PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
        if ($r_auc === false || strlen($r_auc) == 0) {
            $r_auc = "CAS";
        if (strcasecmp($r_auc, "CAS") != 0) {
    list($r_v1, $r_v2, $r_v3) = explode(".", phpCAS::getVersion());
    if (phpCAS::isSessionAuthenticated()) {
    $r_rv = RWSGSOpt("version", PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
    if ($r_rv === false || strlen($r_rv) == 0) {
    } else {
        $r_bv = intval($r_rv);
    if (strlen($RWSCRURL) > 0) {
        $r_svu = $RWSCRURL;
    } else {
        $r_svu = RWSGSUrl(false, false);
    $r_svu .= "?rwscas=1";
    if (isset($r_bv)) {
        $r_svu .= "&version=";
        $r_svu .= urlencode($r_bv);
    if ($RWSECMUL || $r_csp->config->multiauth) {
        if (isset($r_usrn)) {
            $r_svu .= "&rwsuser="******"&rwspass="******"?rwscas=2";
        if (isset($r_bv)) {
            $r_cbu .= "&version=";
            $r_cbu .= urlencode($r_bv);
        if ($RWSECMUL || $r_csp->config->multiauth) {
            if (isset($r_usrn)) {
                $r_cbu .= "&rwsuser="******"&rwspass="******"rws");
        if ($r_ckf !== false) {
            $_SESSION['rwscas']['cookiejar'] = $r_ckf;
    $r_liu = phpCAS::getServerLoginURL();
    $r_ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $r_liu);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    if ($RWSESL3) {
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "PHP");
    if (isset($r_ckf)) {
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $r_ckf);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $r_ckf);
    $r_rsp = curl_exec($r_ch);
    if ($r_rsp === false) {
    $r_p = 0;
    while (stripos($r_rsp, "HTTP/", $r_p) === 0) {
        $r_p = stripos($r_rsp, "\r\n\r\n", $r_p);
        if ($r_p === false) {
        $r_p += 4;
    if ($r_p === 0) {
        $r_hdrs = "";
        $r_hset = "";
        $r_bdy = $r_rsp;
    } else {
        if ($r_p === false) {
            $r_hdrs = $r_rsp;
            $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
            $r_bdy = "";
        } else {
            $r_hdrs = substr($r_rsp, 0, $r_p - 4);
            $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
            $r_bdy = substr($r_rsp, $r_p);
    $r_ac = "";
    $r_lt = "";
    $r_evt_id = "";
    $r_sub = "";
    $r_wrn = "";
    $r_exc = "";
    $r_rst = "";
    $r_p = 0;
    $r_l = strlen($r_bdy);
    $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "<form ");
    if ($r_st !== false) {
        $r_end = stripos($r_bdy, ">", $r_st);
        if ($r_end === false) {
            $r_end = $r_l;
        $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "action=\"", $r_st);
        if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
            $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "action = \"", $r_st);
        if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
            $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "action=\\'", $r_st);
        if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
            $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "action = \\'", $r_st);
        if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
            while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
            $r_st = $r_p;
            while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
            $r_end = $r_p;
            $r_ac = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
    while (strlen($r_lt) == 0 || strlen($r_evt_id) == 0 || strlen($r_sub) == 0 || strlen($r_wrn) == 0 || strlen($r_exc) == 0 || strlen($r_rst) == 0) {
        $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "<input ", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
        $r_st = $r_nx;
        $r_end = stripos($r_bdy, ">", $r_st);
        if ($r_end === false) {
            $r_end = $r_l;
        if (strlen($r_lt) == 0) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\"lt\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \"lt\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\\'lt\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \\'lt\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st !== false && $r_st < $r_end) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                    while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_st = $r_p;
                    while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_end = $r_p;
                    $r_lt = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        if (strlen($r_evt_id) == 0) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\"_eventId\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \"_eventId\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\\'_eventId\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \\'_eventId\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st !== false && $r_st < $r_end) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                    while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_st = $r_p;
                    while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_end = $r_p;
                    $r_evt_id = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        if (strlen($r_sub) == 0) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\"submit\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \"submit\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\\'submit\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \\'submit\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st !== false && $r_st < $r_end) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                    while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_st = $r_p;
                    while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_end = $r_p;
                    $r_sub = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        if (strlen($r_wrn) == 0) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\"warn\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \"warn\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\\'warn\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \\'warn\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st !== false && $r_st < $r_end) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                    while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_st = $r_p;
                    while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_end = $r_p;
                    $r_wrn = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        if (strlen($r_exc) == 0) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\"execution\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \"execution\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\\'execution\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \\'execution\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st !== false && $r_st < $r_end) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                    while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_st = $r_p;
                    while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_end = $r_p;
                    $r_exc = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        if (strlen($r_rst) == 0) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\"reset\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \"reset\"", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name=\\'reset\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st === false || $r_st > $r_end) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "name = \\'reset\\'", $r_nx);
            if ($r_st !== false && $r_st < $r_end) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \"", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value=\\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "value = \\'", $r_st);
                if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                    while ($r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_st = $r_p;
                    while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
                    $r_end = $r_p;
                    $r_rst = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        $r_p = $r_nx + 1;
    if (strlen($r_ac) == 0 || strlen($r_lt) == 0) {
    if (strlen($r_evt_id) == 0) {
    if (isset($r_evt_id) && strlen($r_sub) == 0) {
        $r_sub = "LOGIN";
    if (strlen($r_wrn) == 0) {
    if (strlen($r_exc) == 0) {
    if (strlen($r_rst) == 0) {
    if (stripos($r_ac, "http://") !== 0 && stripos($r_ac, "https://") !== 0) {
        if ($r_ac[0] == "/") {
            $r_p = stripos($r_liu, "://");
            if ($r_p !== false) {
                $r_p += 3;
                $r_p = stripos($r_liu, "/", $r_p);
                if ($r_p !== false) {
                    $r_acu = substr($r_liu, 0, $r_p);
                    $r_acu .= $r_ac;
        } else {
            $r_p = stripos($r_liu, "/login?");
            if ($r_p !== false) {
                $r_acu = substr($r_liu, 0, $r_p);
                $r_acu .= "/{$r_ac}";
    } else {
        $r_acu = $r_ac;
    if (!isset($r_acu)) {
        $r_acu = $r_liu;
    $r_psf = "username="******"&password="******"&lt=";
    $r_psf .= urlencode($r_lt);
    $r_psf .= "&service=";
    $r_psf .= urlencode($r_svu);
    if (isset($r_evt_id)) {
        $r_psf .= "&_eventId=";
        $r_psf .= urlencode($r_evt_id);
        $r_psf .= "&submit=";
        $r_psf .= urlencode($r_sub);
    if (isset($r_wrn)) {
        $r_psf .= "&warn=";
        $r_psf .= urlencode($r_wrn);
    if (isset($r_exc)) {
        $r_psf .= "&execution=";
        $r_psf .= urlencode($r_exc);
    if (isset($r_rst)) {
        $r_psf .= "&reset=";
        $r_psf .= urlencode($r_rst);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $r_acu);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, false);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r_psf);
    $r_rsp = curl_exec($r_ch);
    if ($r_rsp === false) {
    $r_p = 0;
    while (stripos($r_rsp, "HTTP/", $r_p) === 0) {
        $r_p = stripos($r_rsp, "\r\n\r\n", $r_p);
        if ($r_p === false) {
        $r_p += 4;
    if ($r_p === 0) {
        $r_hdrs = "";
        $r_hset = "";
        $r_bdy = $r_rsp;
    } else {
        if ($r_p === false) {
            $r_hdrs = $r_rsp;
            $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
            $r_bdy = "";
        } else {
            $r_hdrs = substr($r_rsp, 0, $r_p - 4);
            $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
            $r_bdy = substr($r_rsp, $r_p);
    foreach ($r_hset as $r_set) {
        $r_hdrl = explode("\r\n", $r_set);
        foreach ($r_hdrl as $r_hdr) {
            if (stripos($r_hdr, "Location:") !== false) {
                $r_st = stripos($r_hdr, "?ticket=");
                if ($r_st === false) {
                    $r_st = stripos($r_hdr, "&ticket=");
                if ($r_st !== false) {
                    $r_end = stripos($r_hdr, "&", $r_st + 1);
                    if ($r_end === false) {
                        $r_end = strlen($r_hdr);
                    $r_pm = substr($r_hdr, $r_st + 8, $r_end - $r_st);
                    if ($r_pm !== false && strlen($r_pm) > 0) {
                        $r_tkt = trim(urldecode($r_pm));
        if (isset($r_tkt)) {
    $r_rurl = "";
    $r_p = 0;
    $r_l = strlen($r_bdy);
    while (strlen($r_rurl) == 0) {
        $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "window.location.href", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
            $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "window.location.replace", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
            $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "window.location", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
            $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "window.navigate", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
            $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "document.location.href", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
            $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "document.location.URL", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
            $r_nx = stripos($r_bdy, "document.location", $r_p);
        if ($r_nx === false) {
        $r_p = $r_nx;
        while ($r_p < $r_l && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
        if ($r_p < $r_l) {
        $r_st = $r_p;
        while ($r_p < $r_end && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\"" && $r_bdy[$r_p] != "\\'") {
        $r_end = $r_p;
        $r_rurl = substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end - $r_st);
        $r_st = stripos($r_rurl, "?ticket=");
        if ($r_st === false) {
            $r_st = stripos($r_rurl, "&ticket=");
        if ($r_st !== false) {
            $r_end = stripos($r_rurl, "&", $r_st + 1);
            if ($r_end === false) {
                $r_end = strlen($r_rurl);
            $r_pm = substr($r_rurl, $r_st + 8, $r_end - $r_st);
            if ($r_pm !== false && strlen($r_pm) > 0) {
                $r_tkt = trim(urldecode($r_pm));
        if (!isset($r_tkt)) {
            $r_rurl = "";
        $r_p = $r_nx + 1;
    if (strlen($r_rurl) != 0) {
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $r_rurl);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_POST, false);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "");
        $redir_res = curl_exec($r_ch);
        if ($redir_res !== false) {
            $r_rsp = $redir_res;
            $r_p = 0;
            while (stripos($r_rsp, "HTTP/", $r_p) === 0) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_rsp, "\r\n\r\n", $r_p);
                if ($r_p === false) {
                $r_p += 4;
            if ($r_p === 0) {
                $r_hdrs = "";
                $r_hset = "";
                $r_bdy = $r_rsp;
            } else {
                if ($r_p === false) {
                    $r_hdrs = $r_rsp;
                    $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
                    $r_bdy = "";
                } else {
                    $r_hdrs = substr($r_rsp, 0, $r_p - 4);
                    $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
                    $r_bdy = substr($r_rsp, $r_p);
    $r_asu = "";
    $r_psf = "";
    if (strlen($r_asu) != 0) {
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $r_asu);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, false);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($r_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $r_psf);
        $r_ares = curl_exec($r_ch);
        if ($r_ares !== false) {
            $r_rsp = $r_ares;
            $r_p = 0;
            while (stripos($r_rsp, "HTTP/", $r_p) === 0) {
                $r_p = stripos($r_rsp, "\r\n\r\n", $r_p);
                if ($r_p === false) {
                $r_p += 4;
            if ($r_p === 0) {
                $r_hdrs = "";
                $r_hset = "";
                $r_bdy = $r_rsp;
            } else {
                if ($r_p === false) {
                    $r_hdrs = $r_rsp;
                    $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
                    $r_bdy = "";
                } else {
                    $r_hdrs = substr($r_rsp, 0, $r_p - 4);
                    $r_hset = explode("\r\n\r\n", $r_hdrs);
                    $r_bdy = substr($r_rsp, $r_p);
    if (!isset($r_tkt)) {
        $r_st = stripos($r_bdy, "<rwscas>");
        if ($r_st !== false) {
            $r_end = stripos($r_bdy, "</rwscas>", $r_st);
            if ($r_end === false) {
                $r_end = strlen($r_hdr);
            $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "<st>", $r_st);
            if ($r_p !== false && $r_p < $r_end) {
                $r_p += 4;
                $r_st = $r_p;
                $r_p = stripos($r_bdy, "</st>", $r_st);
                if ($r_p === false || $r_p > $r_end) {
                    $r_p = $r_end;
                $r_end = $r_p;
                $r_pm = trim(substr($r_bdy, $r_st, $r_end));
                if (strlen($r_pm)) {
                    $r_tkt = $r_pm;
    if (!isset($r_tkt)) {
    if (strlen($RWSSRURL) > 0) {
        $r_rurl = $RWSSRURL;
    } else {
        $r_rurl = RWSGSUrl(false, false);
    $r_rurl .= "?rwscas=3";
    if (isset($r_bv)) {
        $r_rurl .= "&version=";
        $r_rurl .= urlencode($r_bv);
    if ($RWSECMUL || $r_csp->config->multiauth) {
        if (isset($r_usrn)) {
            $r_rurl .= "&rwsuser="******"&rwspass="******"&ticket=";
        $r_rurl .= urlencode($r_tkt);
    header("Location: {$r_rurl}");
Beispiel #3
  * Connect to the CAS (clientcas connection or proxycas connection)
 function connectCAS()
     global $CFG;
     static $connected = false;
     if (!$connected) {
         // Make sure phpCAS doesn't try to start a new PHP session when connecting to the CAS server.
         if ($this->config->proxycas) {
             phpCAS::proxy($this->config->casversion, $this->config->hostname, (int) $this->config->port, $this->config->baseuri, false);
         } else {
             phpCAS::client($this->config->casversion, $this->config->hostname, (int) $this->config->port, $this->config->baseuri, false);
         $connected = true;
     // If Moodle is configured to use a proxy, phpCAS needs some curl options set.
     if (!empty($CFG->proxyhost) && !is_proxybypass(phpCAS::getServerLoginURL())) {
         phpCAS::setExtraCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXY, $CFG->proxyhost);
         if (!empty($CFG->proxyport)) {
             phpCAS::setExtraCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $CFG->proxyport);
         if (!empty($CFG->proxytype)) {
             // Only set CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE if it's something other than the curl-default http
             if ($CFG->proxytype == 'SOCKS5') {
                 phpCAS::setExtraCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5);
         if (!empty($CFG->proxyuser) and !empty($CFG->proxypassword)) {
             phpCAS::setExtraCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $CFG->proxyuser . ':' . $CFG->proxypassword);
             if (defined('CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH')) {
                 // any proxy authentication if PHP 5.1
                 phpCAS::setExtraCurlOption(CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC | CURLAUTH_NTLM);
     if ($this->config->certificate_check && $this->config->certificate_path) {
     } else {
         // Don't try to validate the server SSL credentials
 function login_link()
     return phpCAS::getServerLoginURL();