public static function network_device_string() { $network = array(); if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { // TODO: implement } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { foreach (array('dev.em.0.%desc', 'dev.wpi.0.%desc', 'dev.mskc.0.%desc') as $controller) { $pci = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl($controller); if (!empty($pci)) { array_push($network, $pci); } } } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { // TODO: implement } else { if (phodevi::is_linux()) { foreach (array('Ethernet controller', 'Network controller') as $controller) { $pci = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci($controller); if (!empty($pci)) { array_push($network, $pci); } } } } } } return implode(' + ', $network); }
public static function read_sensor() { // Determine current percentage for processor usage if (phodevi::is_linux() || phodevi::is_bsd()) { $start_load = self::cpu_load_array(-1); sleep(1); $end_load = self::cpu_load_array(-1); for ($i = 0; $i < count($end_load); $i++) { $end_load[$i] -= $start_load[$i]; } $percent = ($sum = array_sum($end_load)) == 0 ? 0 : 100 - $end_load[count($end_load) - 1] * 100 / $sum; } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { // TODO: Add support for monitoring load on a per-core basis (through mpstat maybe?) $info = explode(' ', pts_strings::trim_spaces(pts_arrays::last_element(explode("\n", trim(shell_exec('sar -u 1 1 2>&1')))))); $percent = $info[1] + $info[2]; } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { // CPU usage for user $top = shell_exec('top -n 1 -l 1 2>&1'); $top = substr($top, strpos($top, 'CPU usage: ') + 11); $percent = substr($top, 0, strpos($top, '%')); } else { $percent = null; } } } if (!is_numeric($percent) || $percent < 0 || $percent > 100) { $percent = -1; } return pts_math::set_precision($percent, 2); }
public function read_sensor() { $net_speed = -1; if (phodevi::is_bsd() || phodevi::is_macosx()) { $net_speed = $this->network_usage_bsd(); } return pts_math::set_precision($net_speed, 2); }
private function mem_usage() { if (phodevi::is_linux()) { return self::mem_usage_linux(); } elseif (phodevi::is_macosx() || phodevi::is_bsd()) { return self::mem_usage_bsd('MEMORY', 'USED'); } }
public static function audio_processor_string() { $audio = null; if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { // TODO: implement } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { foreach (array('dev.hdac.0.%desc') as $dev) { $dev = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl($dev); if (!empty($dev)) { $audio = $dev; } } } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { // TODO: implement } else { if (phodevi::is_linux()) { foreach (pts_file_io::glob('/sys/class/sound/card*/hwC0D*/vendor_name') as $vendor_name) { $card_dir = dirname($vendor_name) . '/'; if (!is_readable($card_dir . 'chip_name')) { continue; } $vendor_name = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($vendor_name); $chip_name = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($card_dir . 'chip_name'); $audio = $vendor_name . ' ' . $chip_name; if (strpos($chip_name, 'HDMI') !== false || strpos($chip_name, 'DP') !== false) { // If HDMI is in the audio string, likely the GPU-provided audio, so try to find the mainboard otherwise $audio = null; } else { break; } } if ($audio == null) { $audio = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci('Multimedia audio controller'); } if ($audio == null) { $audio = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci('Audio device'); } } } } } return $audio; }
public static function read_sensor() { // Determine the current processor frequency $cpu_core = 0; // TODO: for now just monitoring the first core $info = 0; if (phodevi::is_linux()) { // First, the ideal way, with modern CPUs using CnQ or EIST and cpuinfo reporting the current if (is_file('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu' . $cpu_core . '/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq')) { $info = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu' . $cpu_core . '/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq'); $info = intval($info) / 1000; } else { if (is_file('/proc/cpuinfo')) { $cpu_speeds = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo('cpu MHz'); if (isset($cpu_speeds[0])) { $cpu_core = isset($cpu_speeds[$cpu_core]) ? $cpu_core : 0; $info = intval($cpu_speeds[$cpu_core]); } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $info = shell_exec('psrinfo -v | grep MHz'); $info = substr($info, strrpos($info, 'at') + 3); $info = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, 'MHz'))); } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.cpu.0.freq'); } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $info = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPHardwareDataType', 'ProcessorSpeed'); if (($cut_point = strpos($info, ' ')) > 0) { $info = substr($info, 0, $cut_point); $info = str_replace(',', '.', $info); } if ($info < 100) { $info *= 1000; } } } } } return pts_math::set_precision($info, 2); }
public function read_sensor() { // Determine current percentage for core usage // Default core to read is the first one (number 0) if (phodevi::is_linux() || phodevi::is_bsd()) { $percent = $this->cpu_usage_linux_bsd(); } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $percent = $this->cpu_usage_solaris(); } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $percent = $this->cpu_usage_macosx(); } } } if (!isset($percent) || !is_numeric($percent) || $percent < 0 || $percent > 100) { $percent = -1; } return pts_math::set_precision($percent, 2); }
public function read_sensor() { // Determine the current processor frequency $frequency = 0; if (phodevi::is_linux()) { $frequency = $this->cpu_freq_linux(); } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $frequency = $this->cpu_freq_solaris(); } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $frequency = $this->cpu_freq_bsd(); } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $frequency = $this->cpu_freq_macosx(); } } } } return pts_math::set_precision($frequency, 2); }
public static function sw_operating_system() { if (!PTS_IS_CLIENT) { // TODO: Figure out why this function is sometimes called from return false; } // Determine the operating system release if (phodevi::is_linux()) { $vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_lsb_distributor_id(); if ($vendor == null) { if (is_readable('/etc/os-release')) { $os_release = parse_ini_file('/etc/os-release'); } else { if (is_readable('/usr/lib/os-release')) { $os_release = parse_ini_file('/usr/lib/os-release'); } else { $os_release = null; } } if (isset($os_release['PRETTY_NAME']) && !empty($os_release['PRETTY_NAME'])) { $vendor = $os_release['PRETTY_NAME']; } else { if (isset($os_release['NAME']) && !empty($os_release['NAME'])) { $vendor = $os_release['NAME']; } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_hurd()) { $vendor = php_uname('v'); } else { $vendor = null; } } $version = phodevi::read_property('system', 'os-version'); if (!$vendor) { $os = null; // Try to detect distro for those not supplying lsb_release $files = pts_file_io::glob('/etc/*-version'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($files) && $os == null; $i++) { $file = file_get_contents($files[$i]); if (trim($file) != null) { $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n")); } } if ($os == null) { $files = pts_file_io::glob('/etc/*-release'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($files) && $os == null; $i++) { $file = file_get_contents($files[$i]); if (trim($file) != null) { $proposed_os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, PHP_EOL)); if (strpos($proposed_os, '=') == false) { $os = $proposed_os; } } else { if ($i == count($files) - 1) { $os = ucwords(substr($n = basename($files[$i]), 0, strpos($n, '-'))); } } } } if ($os == null && is_file('/etc/release')) { $file = file_get_contents('/etc/release'); $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n")); } if ($os == null && is_file('/etc/palm-build-info')) { // Palm / webOS Support $os = phodevi_parser::parse_equal_delimited_file('/etc/palm-build-info', 'PRODUCT_VERSION_STRING'); } if ($os == null) { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $os = trim(exec('ver')); } if (is_file('/etc/debian_version')) { $os = 'Debian ' . php_uname('s') . ' ' . ucwords(pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version')); } else { $os = php_uname('s'); } } else { if (strpos($os, ' ') === false) { // The OS string is only one word, likely a problem... if (is_file('/etc/arch-release') && stripos($os, 'Arch') === false) { // On at least some Arch installs (ARM) the file is empty so would have missed above check $os = trim('Arch Linux ' . $os); } } } } else { if (stripos($vendor, $version) === false) { $os = $vendor . ' ' . $version; } else { $os = $vendor; } } if (($break_point = strpos($os, ':')) > 0) { $os = substr($os, $break_point + 1); } if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $os = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSoftwareDataType', 'SystemVersion'); } if (($break_point = strpos($os, '(')) > 0) { $os = substr($os, 0, $break_point); } $os = trim($os); return $os; }
public static function motherboard_string() { // Returns the motherboard / system model name or number $info = null; if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $info = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPHardwareDataType', 'ModelName'); } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $manufacturer = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info(array('MotherBoardInformation,Manufacturer', 'SystemInformation,Manufacturer')); $product = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info(array('MotherBoardInformation,Product', 'SystemInformation,Product', 'SystemInformation,Model')); if (count($manufacturer) == 1 && count($product) == 1) { $info = $manufacturer[0] . ' ' . $product[0]; } } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $vendor = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_kenv('smbios.system.maker'); $product = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_kenv('smbios.system.product'); $version = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_kenv('smbios.system.version'); // for at least Lenovo ThinkPads this is where it displays ThinkPad model if ($vendor != null && ($product != null || $version != null)) { $info = $vendor . ' ' . $product . ' ' . $version; } else { if (($vendor = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('hw.vendor')) != false && ($version = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl(array('hw.version', 'hw.product'))) != false) { $info = trim($vendor . ' ' . $version); } else { if (($acpi = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.acpi.0.%desc')) != false) { $info = trim($acpi); } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_linux()) { $vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi(array('board_vendor', 'sys_vendor')); $name = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi(array('board_name', 'product_name')); $version = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi(array('board_version', 'product_version')); if ($vendor != false && $name != false) { $info = strpos($name . ' ', $vendor . ' ') === false ? $vendor . ' ' : null; $info .= $name; if ($version != false && strpos($info, $version) === false && pts_strings::string_only_contains($version, pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL)) { $info .= (substr($version, 0, 1) == 'v' ? ' ' : ' v') . $version; } } if (empty($info)) { if ($info == null) { $hw_string = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo('Hardware'); if (count($hw_string) == 1) { $info = $hw_string[0]; } } $bios_vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi('bios_vendor'); $bios_version = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi('bios_version'); if ($bios_vendor != null) { $info = $bios_vendor . ' ' . $bios_version; } if ($info == null) { $hw_string = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo('machine'); if (count($hw_string) == 1) { $info = $hw_string[0]; } } } if (empty($info)) { $info = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi('product_name'); } if (empty($info) && is_file('/sys/bus/soc/devices/soc0/machine')) { $info = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/bus/soc/devices/soc0/machine'); } if (empty($info)) { // Works on the MIPS Creator CI20 $hardware = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo('Hardware'); if (!empty($hardware)) { $info = array_pop($hardware); } } } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $info = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Mainboard Model', null); } } } } } if ((strpos($info, 'Mac ') !== false || strpos($info, 'MacBook') !== false) && strpos($info, 'Apple') === false) { $info = 'Apple ' . $info; } // ensure words aren't repeated (e.g. VMware VMware Virtual and MSI MSI X58M (MS-7593)) $info = implode(' ', array_unique(explode(' ', $info))); return $info; }
public static function chipset_string() { $info = false; if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $sb_vendor = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'Vendor'); $sb_product = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'Product'); if ($sb_product == 'SSD') { $sb_product = null; } if (($cut_point = strpos($sb_product, ' ')) > 0) { $sb_product = substr($sb_product, 0, $cut_point); } // TODO: Can't find Northbridge $info = $sb_vendor . ' ' . $sb_product; } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $info = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Northbridge', null); if ($info != null) { if (($e = strpos($info, 'rev')) !== false) { $info = substr($info, 0, $e); } $info = trim($info); } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { // Vendor Detection $vendor_possible_udis = array('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_0_0/pci_ide_3_2_0', '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_0_0/pci_ide_1f_1_1'); $info = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_hal_property($vendor_possible_udis, 'info.vendor'); // TODO: Northbridge and Southbridge Detection For Solaris } else { if (phodevi::is_linux() || phodevi::is_hurd()) { $info = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci(array('RAM memory', 'Host bridge')); if (count(explode(' ', $info)) == 1) { $bridge = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci(array('Bridge', 'PCI bridge')); if (!empty($bridge)) { $match = false; $break_words = array('Ethernet', 'PCI', 'High', 'USB'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($break_words) && !$match; $i++) { if (($pos = strpos($bridge, $break_words[$i])) > 0) { $bridge = trim(substr($bridge, 0, $pos)); $info = $bridge; $match = true; } } } } if (!isset($bridge) || !empty($bridge)) { // Attempt to detect Southbridge (if applicable) $southbridge = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci(array('ISA bridge', 'SATA controller'), false); $southbridge_clean = null; if (($start_cut = strpos($southbridge, '(')) > 0 && ($end_cut = strpos($southbridge, ')', $start_cut + 1)) > 0) { $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $start_cut + 1, $end_cut - $start_cut - 1); if (strpos($southbridge_extract, 'rev') === false) { $southbridge_extract = explode(' ', $southbridge_extract); $southbridge_clean = $southbridge_extract[0]; } else { if (($s = strpos($southbridge, 'ICH')) > 0) { $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $s); $southbridge_clean = substr($southbridge_extract, 0, strpos($southbridge_extract, ' ')); } } } else { if (($start_cut = strpos($southbridge, 'SB')) !== false) { $southbridge_extract = substr($southbridge, $start_cut); $southbridge_clean = substr($southbridge_extract, 0, strpos($southbridge_extract, ' ')); } } if (!empty($southbridge_clean) && $southbridge_clean != 'SB') { $info .= ' + ' . $southbridge_clean; } } } } } } return $info; }
public static function cpu_model() { // Returns the processor name / frequency information $info = null; if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->cpuinfo)) { $physical_cpu_ids = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo('physical id'); $physical_cpu_count = count(array_unique($physical_cpu_ids)); $cpu_strings = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo(array('model name', 'Processor', 'cpu', 'cpu model')); $cpu_strings_unique = array_unique($cpu_strings); if ($physical_cpu_count == 1 || empty($physical_cpu_count)) { // Just one processor if (isset($cpu_strings[0]) && ($cut = strpos($cpu_strings[0], ' (')) !== false) { $cpu_strings[0] = substr($cpu_strings[0], 0, $cut); } $info = isset($cpu_strings[0]) ? $cpu_strings[0] : null; if (strpos($info, 'ARM') !== false) { if (is_dir('/sys/devices/system/exynos-core/') && stripos($info, 'Exynos') === false) { $info = 'Exynos ' . $info; } } } else { if ($physical_cpu_count > 1 && count($cpu_strings_unique) == 1) { // Multiple processors, same model $info = $physical_cpu_count . ' x ' . $cpu_strings[0]; } else { if ($physical_cpu_count > 1 && count($cpu_strings_unique) > 1) { // Multiple processors, different models $current_id = -1; $current_string = $cpu_strings[0]; $current_count = 0; $cpus = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($physical_cpu_ids); $i++) { if ($current_string != $cpu_strings[$i] || $i == count($physical_cpu_ids) - 1) { array_push($cpus, $current_count . ' x ' . $current_string); $current_string = $cpu_strings[$i]; $current_count = 0; } if ($physical_cpu_ids[$i] != $current_id) { $current_count++; $current_id = $physical_cpu_ids[$i]; } } $info = implode(', ', $cpus); } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $dmi_cpu = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('CPUType', '-C'); if (count($dmi_cpu) == 0) { $dmi_cpu = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('ProcessorName'); } if (count($dmi_cpu) > 0) { $info = $dmi_cpu[0]; } else { $info = trim(shell_exec('dmesg 2>&1 | grep cpu0')); $info = trim(substr($info, strrpos($info, 'cpu0:') + 6)); if (empty($info)) { $info = array_pop(phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('ProcessorManufacturer')); } } //TODO: Add in proper support for reading multiple CPUs, similar to the code from above $physical_cpu_count = count(phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info('ProcessorSocketType')); if ($physical_cpu_count > 1 && !empty($info)) { // TODO: For now assuming when multiple CPUs are installed, that they are of the same type $info = $physical_cpu_count . ' x ' . $info; } } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('hw.model'); } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $info = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPHardwareDataType', 'ProcessorName'); } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $info = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Processor 1', 'Name'); if (!$info) { $info = getenv('PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER'); } } } } } } if (empty($info)) { $info = 'Unknown'; } else { if (($strip_point = strpos($info, '@')) > 0) { $info = trim(substr($info, 0, $strip_point)); // stripping out the reported freq, since the CPU could be overclocked, etc } $info = pts_strings::strip_string($info); // It seems Intel doesn't report its name when reporting Pentium hardware if (strpos($info, 'Pentium') !== false && strpos($info, 'Intel') === false) { $info = 'Intel ' . $info; } if (substr($info, 0, 5) == 'Intel') { $cpu_words = explode(' ', $info); $cpu_words_count = count($cpu_words); // Convert strings like 'Intel Core i7 M 620' -> 'Intel Core i7 620M' and 'Intel Core i7 X 990' -> 'Intel Core i7 990X' to better reflect Intel product marketing names if ($cpu_words_count > 4 && is_numeric($cpu_words[$cpu_words_count - 1]) && strlen($cpu_words[$cpu_words_count - 2]) == 1 && strlen($cpu_words[$cpu_words_count - 3]) == 2) { $cpu_words[$cpu_words_count - 1] .= $cpu_words[$cpu_words_count - 2]; unset($cpu_words[$cpu_words_count - 2]); $info = implode(' ', $cpu_words); } } } return $info; }
public static function __startup() { $halt_screensaver = pts_module::read_variable('HALT_SCREENSAVER'); if (!empty($halt_screensaver) && !pts_strings::string_bool($halt_screensaver) || phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-server') == null) { return pts_module::MODULE_UNLOAD; } if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { // Right now there doesn't appear to be a better way to disable OS X screensaver automatically... return pts_module::MODULE_UNLOAD; } // GNOME Screensaver? if (($gt = pts_client::executable_in_path('gconftool')) != false || ($gt = pts_client::executable_in_path('gconftool-2')) != false) { self::$gnome_gconftool = $gt; } if (self::$gnome_gconftool != false) { $is_gnome_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' -g /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled 2>&1')); if ($is_gnome_screensaver_enabled == 'true') { // Stop the GNOME Screensaver shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type bool --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled false 2>&1'); self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted = true; } $sleep_display_ac = trim(shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' -g /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac 2>&1')); if ($sleep_display_ac != 0) { // Don't sleep the display when on AC power shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type int --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac 0 2>&1'); self::$sleep_display_ac = $sleep_display_ac; } } if (pts_client::executable_in_path('qdbus')) { // KDE Screensaver? $is_kde_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive 2>&1')); if ($is_kde_screensaver_enabled == 'true') { // Stop the KDE Screensaver shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver SimulateUserActivity 2>&1'); self::$kde_screensaver_halted = true; } } if (self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('gsettings')) { // GNOME 3.x Screensaver? $is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 2>&1')); if (stripos($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled, 'no such key') === false && pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled) > 0) { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Screensaver shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0 2>&1'); self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted = pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled); } // GNOME 3.x Lock-Screen $is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 2>&1')); if (stripos($is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled, 'no such key') === false && pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled) == 'false') { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Lock Screen shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true 2>&1'); self::$gnome3_lockscreen_disabled = true; } // This GNOME3 GSettings method is deprecated on distributions like GNOME 3.8 with Fedora 19 $is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled_old = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled 2>&1')); if ($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled_old == 'true') { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Screensaver shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false 2>&1'); self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old = true; } // GNOME 3.x Sleep Dispaly? $is_gnome3_sleep = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac 2>&1')); if ($is_gnome3_sleep > 0) { // Stop the GNOME 3.x Display Sleep shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac 0 2>&1'); self::$sleep_display_ac = $is_gnome3_sleep; } } if (pts_client::executable_in_path('xfconf-query')) { $is_xfce_screensaver_enabled = stripos(shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /startup/screensaver/enabled 2>&1'), 'false') !== false; if ($is_xfce_screensaver_enabled) { shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -n -t bool -p /startup/screensaver/enabled -s false 2>&1'); self::$xfce_screensaver_halted = true; } } if (getenv('DISPLAY') != false && (self::$xset = pts_client::executable_in_path('xset'))) { shell_exec('xset s off 2>&1'); } else { if (getenv('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('setterm')) { shell_exec('setterm -powersave off -blank 0 2>&1'); } } if (self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted || self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted || self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old || self::$kde_screensaver_halted || self::$xfce_screensaver_halted) { self::$screensaver_halted = true; } if (($xdg = pts_client::executable_in_path('xdg-screensaver')) == false) { self::$xdg_screensaver_available = $xdg; } if ($xscreensaver = pts_client::executable_in_path('xscreensaver-command')) { shell_exec($xscreensaver . ' -exit 2>&1'); } }
public static function memory_capacity() { // Returns physical memory capacity if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->meminfo)) { $info = phodevi::$vfs->meminfo; $info = substr($info, strpos($info, 'MemTotal:') + 9); $info = intval(trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, 'kB')))); $info = floor($info / 1024); if (is_numeric($info) && $info > 950) { if ($info > 4608) { $info = ceil($info / 1024) * 1024; } else { if ($info > 1536) { $info = ceil($info / 512) * 512; } else { $info = ceil($info / 256) * 256; } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $info = shell_exec('prtconf 2>&1 | grep Memory'); $info = substr($info, strpos($info, ':') + 2); $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, 'Megabytes')); } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $mem_size = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('hw.physmem'); if ($mem_size == false) { $mem_size = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('hw.realmem'); } $info = ceil(floor($mem_size / 1048576) / 256) * 256; } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $info = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPHardwareDataType', 'Memory'); $info = explode(' ', $info); $info = isset($info[1]) && $info[1] == 'GB' ? $info[0] * 1024 : $info[0]; } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $info = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Memory Size', null); if ($info != null) { if (($e = strpos($info, ' MBytes')) !== false) { $info = substr($info, 0, $e); } $info = trim($info); } } else { $info = null; } } } } } return $info; }
public static function test_profile_system_compatibility_check(&$test_profile, $report_errors = false) { $valid_test_profile = true; $test_type = $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type(); $skip_tests = pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTS') ? pts_strings::comma_explode(pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTS')) : false; $skip_test_subsystems = pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTING_SUBSYSTEMS') ? pts_strings::comma_explode(strtolower(pts_client::read_env('SKIP_TESTING_SUBSYSTEMS'))) : false; $display_driver = phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver'); $gpu = phodevi::read_name('gpu'); if ($test_profile->is_supported(false) == false) { $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_type == 'Graphics' && pts_client::read_env('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::read_env('WAYLAND_DISPLAY') == false && phodevi::is_windows() == false && phodevi::is_macosx() == false) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('No display server was found, cannot run ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_type == 'Graphics' && in_array($display_driver, array('vesa', 'nv', 'cirrus')) && stripos($gpu, 'LLVM') === false) { // These display drivers end up being in known configurations without 3D hardware support so unless an LLVM-based string is reported as the GPU, don't advertise 3D tests $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('3D acceleration support not available, cannot run ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_type == 'Disk' && stripos(phodevi::read_property('system', 'filesystem'), 'SquashFS') !== false) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Running on a RAM-based live file-system, cannot run ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if (pts_client::read_env('NO_' . strtoupper($test_type) . '_TESTS') || $skip_tests && (in_array($test_profile, $skip_tests) || in_array($test_type, $skip_tests) || in_array($test_profile->get_identifier(false), $skip_tests) || in_array($test_profile->get_identifier_base_name(), $skip_tests))) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Due to a pre-set environmental variable, skipping ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($skip_test_subsystems && in_array(strtolower($test_profile->get_test_hardware_type()), $skip_test_subsystems)) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Due to a pre-set environmental variable, skipping ' . $test_profile); $valid_test_profile = false; } else { if ($test_profile->is_root_required() && $this->batch_mode && phodevi::is_root() == false) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('Cannot run ' . $test_profile . ' in batch mode as root access is required.'); $valid_test_profile = false; } } } } } } } if ($valid_test_profile == false && pts_client::read_env('SKIP_ALL_TEST_SUPPORT_CHECKS')) { $report_errors && pts_client::$display->test_run_error('SKIP_ALL_TEST_SUPPORT_CHECKS is set for ' . $test_profile . '.'); $valid_test_profile = true; } return $valid_test_profile; }
public static function gpu_model() { // Report graphics processor string $info = phodevi_parser::read_glx_renderer(); $video_ram = phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'memory-capacity'); if (phodevi::is_ati_graphics() && phodevi::is_linux()) { $crossfire_status = phodevi_linux_parser::read_amd_pcsdb('SYSTEM/Crossfire/chain/*,Enable'); $crossfire_status = pts_arrays::to_array($crossfire_status); $crossfire_card_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($crossfire_status); $i++) { if ($crossfire_status[$i] == '0x00000001') { $crossfire_card_count += 2; // For now assume each chain is 2 cards, but proper way would be NumSlaves + 1 } } $adapters = phodevi_linux_parser::read_amd_graphics_adapters(); if (count($adapters) > 0) { $video_ram = $video_ram > 64 ? ' ' . $video_ram . 'MB' : null; // assume more than 64MB of vRAM if ($crossfire_card_count > 1 && $crossfire_card_count <= count($adapters)) { $unique_adapters = array_unique($adapters); if (count($unique_adapters) == 1) { if (strpos($adapters[0], 'X2') > 0 && $crossfire_card_count > 1) { $crossfire_card_count -= 1; } $info = $crossfire_card_count . ' x ' . $adapters[0] . $video_ram . ' CrossFire'; } else { $info = implode(', ', $unique_adapters) . ' CrossFire'; } } else { $info = $adapters[0] . $video_ram; } } } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $system_profiler_info = implode(' + ', phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPDisplaysDataType', 'ChipsetModel', true)); if (!empty($system_profiler_info)) { $info = $system_profiler_info; } } else { if (phodevi::is_nvidia_graphics()) { if ($info == null) { if (pts_client::executable_in_path('nvidia-settings')) { $nv_gpus = shell_exec('nvidia-settings -q gpus 2>&1'); // TODO: search for more than one GPU $nv_gpus = substr($nv_gpus, strpos($nv_gpus, '[0]')); $nv_gpus = substr($nv_gpus, strpos($nv_gpus, '(') + 1); $nv_gpus = substr($nv_gpus, 0, strpos($nv_gpus, ')')); if (stripos($nv_gpus, 'GeForce') !== false || stripos($nv_gpus, 'Quadro') !== false) { $info = $nv_gpus; } } } $sli_mode = phodevi_parser::read_nvidia_extension('SLIMode'); if (!empty($sli_mode) && $sli_mode != 'Off') { $info .= ' SLI'; } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { if (($cut = strpos($info, 'DRI ')) !== false) { $info = substr($info, $cut + 4); } if (($cut = strpos($info, ' Chipset')) !== false) { $info = substr($info, 0, $cut); } if ($info == false && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $xorg_log = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; if (($x = strpos($xorg_log, '(0): Chipset: ')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $x + 14); $xorg_log = str_replace(array('(R)', '"'), null, substr($xorg_log, 0, strpos($xorg_log, PHP_EOL))); if (($c = strpos($xorg_log, '[')) || ($c = strpos($xorg_log, '('))) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, 0, $c); } if (phodevi::is_product_string($xorg_log)) { $info = $xorg_log; } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $drm_info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.drm.0.%desc'); if (!$drm_info) { $drm_info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.nvidia.0.%desc'); } if (!$drm_info) { $agp_info = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.agp.0.%desc'); if ($agp_info != false) { $info = $agp_info; } } else { $info = $drm_info; } if ($info == null && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $xorg_log = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; if (($e = strpos($xorg_log, ' at 01@00:00:0')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, 0, $e); $info = substr($xorg_log, strrpos($xorg_log, 'Found ') + 6); } } } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $info = phodevi_windows_parser::read_cpuz('Display Adapters', 'Name'); } } } } } } if (empty($info) || strpos($info, 'Mesa ') !== false || strpos($info, 'Gallium ') !== false) { if (phodevi::is_windows() == false) { $info_pci = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci('VGA compatible controller', false); if (!empty($info_pci)) { $info = $info_pci; if (strpos($info, 'Intel 2nd Generation Core Family') !== false || strpos($info, 'Gen Core') !== false) { // Try to come up with a better non-generic string $was_reset = false; if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { /* $ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i Chipset [ 8.421] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810, [ 8.421] (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa [ 8.423] (II) intel(0): Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile (GT2+) [ 8.423] (--) intel(0): Chipset: "Sandybridge Mobile (GT2+)" */ $xorg_log = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; if (($x = strpos($xorg_log, 'Integrated Graphics Chipset: ')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $x + 29); $xorg_log = str_replace(array('(R)', '"'), null, substr($xorg_log, 0, strpos($xorg_log, PHP_EOL))); if (stripos($xorg_log, 'Intel') === false) { $xorg_log = 'Intel ' . $xorg_log; } // if string is too long, likely not product if (!isset($xorg_log[45])) { $info = $xorg_log; $was_reset = true; } } else { if (($x = strpos($xorg_log, '(0): Chipset: ')) !== false) { $xorg_log = substr($xorg_log, $x + 14); $xorg_log = str_replace(array('(R)', '"'), null, substr($xorg_log, 0, strpos($xorg_log, PHP_EOL))); if (stripos($xorg_log, 'Intel') === false) { $xorg_log = 'Intel ' . $xorg_log; } // if string is too long, likely not product if (!isset($xorg_log[45])) { $info = $xorg_log; $was_reset = true; } } } } if ($was_reset == false && isset(phodevi::$vfs->i915_capabilities)) { $i915_caps = phodevi::$vfs->i915_capabilities; if (($x = strpos($i915_caps, 'gen: ')) !== false) { $gen = substr($i915_caps, $x + 5); $gen = substr($gen, 0, strpos($gen, PHP_EOL)); if (is_numeric($gen)) { $info = 'Intel Gen' . $gen; if (strpos($i915_caps, 'is_mobile: yes') !== false) { $info .= ' Mobile'; } } } } } } } if (($start_pos = strpos($info, ' DRI ')) > 0) { $info = substr($info, $start_pos + 5); } if (empty($info) && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $log_parse = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; $log_parse = substr($log_parse, strpos($log_parse, 'Chipset') + 8); $log_parse = substr($log_parse, 0, strpos($log_parse, 'found')); if (strpos($log_parse, '(--)') === false && strlen(str_ireplace(array('ATI', 'NVIDIA', 'VIA', 'Intel'), '', $log_parse)) != strlen($log_parse)) { $info = $log_parse; } } if (empty($info) && is_readable('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name')) { switch (pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name')) { case 'omapdrm': $info = 'Texas Instruments OMAP'; // The OMAP DRM driver currently is for OMAP2/3/4 hardware break; case 'exynos': $info = 'Samsung EXYNOS'; // The Exynos DRM driver break; case 'tegra_fb': $info = 'NVIDIA TEGRA'; // The Exynos DRM driver break; default: if (is_file('/dev/mali')) { $info = 'ARM Mali'; // One of the ARM Mali models } break; } } if (substr($info, -1) == ')' && ($open_p = strrpos($info, '(')) != false) { $end_check = strpos($info, ' ', $open_p); $to_check = substr($info, $open_p + 1, $end_check - $open_p - 1); // Don't report card revision from PCI info if ($to_check == 'rev') { $info = substr($info, 0, $open_p - 1); } } } if (($bracket_open = strpos($info, '[')) !== false) { // Report only the information inside the brackets if it's more relevant... // Mainly with Linux systems where the PCI information is reported like 'nVidia GF104 [GeForce GTX 460]' if (($bracket_close = strpos($info, ']', $bracket_open + 1)) !== false) { $inside_bracket = substr($info, $bracket_open + 1, $bracket_close - $bracket_open - 1); if (stripos($inside_bracket, 'Quadro') !== false || stripos($inside_bracket, 'GeForce') !== false) { $info = $inside_bracket . ' ' . substr($info, $bracket_close + 1); } else { if (stripos($inside_bracket, 'Radeon') !== false || stripos($inside_bracket, 'Fire') !== false || stripos($inside_bracket, 'Fusion') !== false) { $info = $inside_bracket . ' ' . substr($info, $bracket_close + 1); } } } } if (stripos($info, 'NVIDIA') === false && (stripos($info, 'Quadro') !== false || stripos($info, 'GeForce') !== false)) { $info = 'NVIDIA' . ' ' . $info; } else { if (stripos($info, 'ATI') === false && stripos($info, 'AMD') === false && (stripos($info, 'Radeon') !== false || stripos($info, 'Fire') !== false || stripos($info, 'Fusion') !== false)) { // Fire would be for FireGL or FirePro hardware $info = 'AMD ' . $info; } } if (phodevi::is_linux() && ($vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_pci_subsystem_value('VGA compatible controller')) != null && stripos($info, $vendor) === false && (stripos($info, 'AMD') !== false || stripos($info, 'NVIDIA') !== false)) { $info = $vendor . ' ' . $info; } if ($video_ram > 64 && strpos($info, $video_ram) == false) { $info .= ' ' . $video_ram . 'MB'; } $clean_phrases = array('OpenGL Engine'); $info = str_replace($clean_phrases, null, $info); return $info; }
private static function sys_battery_power() { // Returns power consumption rate in mW $rate = -1; if (phodevi::is_linux()) { $power_now = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sysfs_node('/sys/class/power_supply/*/power_now', 'POSITIVE_NUMERIC', array('status' => 'Discharging')); if ($power_now != -1) { // sysfs power_now seems to be displayed in microWatts $rate = pts_math::set_precision($power_now / 1000, 2); } if ($rate == -1) { $battery = array('/battery/BAT0/state', '/battery/BAT1/state'); $state = phodevi_linux_parser::read_acpi($battery, 'charging state'); $power = phodevi_linux_parser::read_acpi($battery, 'present rate'); $voltage = phodevi_linux_parser::read_acpi($battery, 'present voltage'); if ($state == 'discharging') { $power_unit = substr($power, strrpos($power, ' ') + 1); $power = substr($power, 0, strpos($power, ' ')); if ($power_unit == 'mA') { $voltage_unit = substr($voltage, strrpos($voltage, ' ') + 1); $voltage = substr($voltage, 0, strpos($voltage, ' ')); if ($voltage_unit == 'mV') { $rate = round($power * $voltage / 1000); } } else { if ($power_unit == 'mW') { $rate = $power; } } } } if ($rate == -1 && is_file('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/voltage_now') && is_file('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/current_now')) { $voltage_now = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/voltage_now') / 1000; $current_now = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/current_now') / 1000; $power_now = $voltage_now * $current_now / 1000; if ($power_now > 1) { $rate = $power_now; } } if ($rate == -1 && is_file('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/voltage_now') && is_file('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/current_now')) { $voltage_now = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/voltage_now') / 1000; $current_now = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/current_now') / 1000; $power_now = $voltage_now * $current_now / 1000; if ($power_now > 1) { $rate = $power_now; } } } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $amperage = abs(phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPPowerDataType', 'Amperage')); // in mA $voltage = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPPowerDataType', 'Voltage'); // in mV if ($amperage > 0 && $voltage > 0) { $rate = round($amperage * $voltage / 1000); } else { if (pts_client::executable_in_path('ioreg')) { $ioreg = trim(shell_exec("ioreg -l | grep LegacyBatteryInfo | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr -d \\} | tr ',' '=' | awk -F'=' '{print (\$2*\$10/10^22)}' 2>&1")); if (is_numeric($ioreg) && $ioreg > 0) { $rate = $ioreg; } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { $battery = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_hal_property('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pseudo/acpi_drv_0_battery0_0', 'battery.reporting.rate'); if (is_numeric($battery)) { $rate = $battery; } } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $battery = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_acpiconf('Present rate'); if ($battery && substr($battery, -2) == 'mW') { $rate = substr($battery, 0, strpos($battery, ' ')); } } } } } return $rate; }
private static function install_packages_on_system($os_packages_to_install) { // Do the actual installing process of packages using the distribution's package management system $vendor_install_file = PTS_EXDEP_PATH . 'scripts/install-' . self::vendor_identifier('installer') . ''; // Rebuild the array index since some OS package XML tags provide multiple package names in a single string $os_packages_to_install = explode(' ', implode(' ', $os_packages_to_install)); if (is_file($vendor_install_file)) { // hook into pts_client::$display here if it's desired echo PHP_EOL . 'The following dependencies are needed and will be installed: ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo pts_user_io::display_text_list($os_packages_to_install); echo PHP_EOL . 'This process may take several minutes.' . PHP_EOL; echo shell_exec('sh ' . $vendor_install_file . ' ' . implode(' ', $os_packages_to_install)); } else { if (phodevi::is_macosx() == false) { echo 'Distribution install script not found!'; } } }
public static function monitor_string() { $monitor = null; if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { $system_profiler = shell_exec('system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType 2>&1'); $system_profiler = substr($system_profiler, strrpos($system_profiler, 'Displays:')); $system_profiler = substr($system_profiler, strpos($system_profiler, "\n")); $monitor = trim(substr($system_profiler, 0, strpos($system_profiler, ':'))); if ($monitor == 'Display Connector') { $monitor = null; } } else { if (phodevi::is_nvidia_graphics() && isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $log_parse = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; $offset = 0; $monitor = array(); /* e.g. $ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i connected [ 18.174] (--) NVIDIA(0): Acer P243W (DFP-0) (connected) [ 18.174] (--) NVIDIA(0): Acer AL2223W (DFP-1) (connected) */ while (($monitor_pos = strpos($log_parse, ') (connected)', $offset)) !== false || ($monitor_pos = strpos($log_parse, ') (boot, connected)', $offset)) !== false) { $m = substr($log_parse, 0, $monitor_pos); $m = substr($m, strrpos($m, '): ') + 2); $m = trim(substr($m, 0, strpos($m, ' ('))); if (!empty($m) && !isset($m[32]) && isset($m[6])) { array_push($monitor, $m); } $offset = $monitor_pos + 2; } // technically should be fine reporting multiple of the same monitor // but fglrx/catalyst as of late 2013 is in habit of reporting monitors twice $monitor = array_unique($monitor); $monitor = implode(' + ', $monitor); } else { if (isset(phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log)) { $log_parse = phodevi::$vfs->xorg_log; $offset = 0; $monitor = array(); while (($monitor_name = strpos($log_parse, 'Monitor name:', $offset)) !== false) { $log_parse = substr($log_parse, $monitor_name + 14); $m = trim(substr($log_parse, 0, strpos($log_parse, "\n"))); if (!empty($m)) { array_push($monitor, $m); } } // technically should be fine reporting multiple of the same monitor // but fglrx/catalyst as of late 2013 is in habit of reporting monitors twice $monitor = array_unique($monitor); $monitor = implode(' + ', $monitor); } } } if ($monitor == null && phodevi::is_linux()) { // Attempt to find the EDID over sysfs and then decode it for monitor name (0xFC) // For at least Intel DRM drivers there is e.g. /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-2/edid // Also works at least for Radeon DRM driver too foreach (glob('/sys/class/drm/*/edid') as $edid_file) { $edid_file = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($edid_file); if ($edid_file == null) { continue; } $edid = bin2hex($edid_file); $x = 0; while ($x = strpos($edid, '00fc', $x)) { // 00fc indicates start of EDID monitor descriptor block $encoded = substr($edid, $x + 4, 36); $edid_monitor_name_block = null; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($encoded); $i += 2) { $hex = substr($encoded, $i, 2); if ($hex == 15 || $hex == '0a') { break; } $ch = chr(hexdec($hex)); $edid_monitor_name_block .= $ch; } $edid_monitor_name_block = trim($edid_monitor_name_block); if (pts_strings::string_only_contains($edid_monitor_name_block, pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER | pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL | pts_strings::CHAR_SPACE | pts_strings::CHAR_DASH)) { $monitor = $edid_monitor_name_block; break; } $x++; } if ($monitor != null) { break; } } } return empty($monitor) ? false : $monitor; }
public static function display_web_page($URL, $alt_text = null, $default_open = true, $auto_open = false) { if (pts_client::read_env('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::read_env('WAYLAND_DISPLAY') == false && phodevi::is_windows() == false && phodevi::is_macosx() == false || defined('PHOROMATIC_PROCESS')) { return; } if ($auto_open == false) { $view_results = pts_user_io::prompt_bool_input($alt_text == null ? 'Do you want to view the results in your web browser' : $alt_text, $default_open); } else { $view_results = true; } if ($view_results) { static $browser = null; if ($browser == null) { $config_browser = pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/General/DefaultBrowser', null); if ($config_browser != null && (is_executable($config_browser) || ($config_browser = pts_client::executable_in_path($config_browser)))) { $browser = $config_browser; } else { if (phodevi::is_windows()) { $windows_browsers = array('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe', 'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe'); foreach ($windows_browsers as $browser_test) { if (is_executable($browser_test)) { $browser = $browser_test; break; } } if (substr($URL, 0, 1) == '\\') { $URL = 'file:///C:' . str_replace('/', '\\', $URL); } } else { $possible_browsers = array('firefox', 'mozilla', 'x-www-browser', 'open', 'xdg-open', 'iceweasel', 'konqueror', 'epiphany', 'google-chrome'); foreach ($possible_browsers as &$b) { if ($b = pts_client::executable_in_path($b)) { $browser = $b; break; } } } } } if ($browser != null) { shell_exec($browser . ' "' . $URL . '" 2> /dev/null &'); } else { echo PHP_EOL . 'No Web Browser Found.' . PHP_EOL; } } }
public static function hdd_string() { $disks = array(); if (phodevi::is_macosx()) { // TODO: Support reading non-SATA drives and more than one drive $capacity = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'Capacity'); $model = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'Model'); if (($cut = strpos($capacity, ' (')) !== false) { $capacity = substr($capacity, 0, $cut); } if (($cut = strpos($capacity, ' ')) !== false) { if (is_numeric(substr($capacity, 0, $cut))) { $capacity = floor(substr($capacity, 0, $cut)) . substr($capacity, $cut); } } $capacity = str_replace(' GB', 'GB', $capacity); if (!empty($capacity) && !empty($model)) { $disks = array($capacity . ' ' . $model); } } else { if (phodevi::is_bsd()) { $i = 0; do { $disk = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('' . $i . '.%desc'); if ($disk != false && strpos($disk, 'DVD') === false && strpos($disk, 'ATAPI') === false) { array_push($disks, $disk); } $i++; } while (($disk != false || $i < 9) && $i < 128); // On some systems, the first drive seems to be at rather than starting at if (empty($disks) && pts_client::executable_in_path('camcontrol')) { $camcontrol = trim(shell_exec('camcontrol devlist 2>&1')); foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $camcontrol) as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '<' && ($model_end = strpos($line, '>')) !== false && strpos($line, 'DVD') === false && strpos($line, 'ATAPI') === false) { $disk = self::prepend_disk_vendor(substr($line, 1, $model_end - 1)); array_push($disks, $disk); } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_solaris()) { if (is_executable('/usr/ddu/bin/i386/hd_detect')) { $hd_detect = explode(PHP_EOL, trim(shell_exec('/usr/ddu/bin/i386/hd_detect -l 2>&1'))); foreach ($hd_detect as $hd_line) { if (isset($hd_line) && ($hd_pos = strpos($hd_line, ':/')) != false) { $disk = trim(substr($hd_line, 0, $hd_pos)); $disk = self::prepend_disk_vendor($disk); if ($disk != 'blkdev') { array_push($disks, $disk); } } } } } else { if (phodevi::is_linux()) { $disks_formatted = array(); $disks = array(); foreach (array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/sys/block/sd*'), pts_file_io::glob('/sys/block/mmcblk*')) as $sdx) { if (strpos($sdx, 'boot') !== false) { // Don't include devices like /sys/block/mmcblk0boot[0,1] as it's repeat of /sys/block/mmcblk0 continue; } if ((is_file($sdx . '/device/name') || is_file($sdx . '/device/model')) && is_file($sdx . '/size')) { $disk_size = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sdx . '/size'); $disk_model = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sdx . (is_file($sdx . '/device/model') ? '/device/model' : '/device/name')); $disk_removable = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sdx . '/removable'); if ($disk_removable == '1') { // Don't count removable disks continue; } $disk_size = round($disk_size * 512 / 1000000000) . 'GB'; $disk_model = self::prepend_disk_vendor($disk_model); if (strpos($disk_model, $disk_size . ' ') === false && strpos($disk_model, ' ' . $disk_size) === false && $disk_size != '1GB') { $disk_model = $disk_size . ' ' . $disk_model; } if ($disk_size > 0) { array_push($disks_formatted, $disk_model); } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($disks_formatted); $i++) { if (!empty($disks_formatted[$i])) { $times_found = 1; for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($disks_formatted); $j++) { if ($disks_formatted[$i] == $disks_formatted[$j]) { $times_found++; $disks_formatted[$j] = ''; } } $disk = ($times_found > 1 ? $times_found . ' x ' : null) . $disks_formatted[$i]; array_push($disks, $disk); } } } } } } if (count($disks) == 0) { $root_disk_size = ceil(disk_total_space('/') / 1073741824); $pts_disk_size = ceil(disk_total_space(pts_client::test_install_root_path()) / 1073741824); if ($pts_disk_size > $root_disk_size) { $root_disk_size = $pts_disk_size; } if ($root_disk_size > 1) { $disks = $root_disk_size . 'GB'; } else { $disks = null; } } else { $disks = implode(' + ', $disks); } return $disks; }