Beispiel #1
function encrypt($string)
    global $secretkey;
    if (empty($string)) {
        return '';
    if (empty($secretkey) || $secretkey == 'UijSY5wjP1Ii') {
        return html_error("Value for \$secretkey is empty or use default secretkey value, please create a random one (56 chars max) in your configs/config.php!", 0);
    require_once 'class.pcrypt.php';
     KEY:  Your secret key :) (max lenght: 56)
    $crypt = new pcrypt(MODE_CBC, "BLOWFISH", "{$secretkey}");
    // Return encrypted string
    return $crypt->encrypt($string);
Beispiel #2
function encrypt($string)
    global $secretkey;
    if (!$secretkey) {
        return html_error('Value for $secretkey is empty, please create a random one (56 chars max) in accounts.php!');
    require_once 'class.pcrypt.php';
    KEY:  Your secret key :) (max lenght: 56)
    $crypt = new pcrypt(MODE_CBC, 'BLOWFISH', "{$secretkey}");
    // to encrypt
    $ciphertext = $crypt->encrypt($string);
    return $ciphertext;
Beispiel #3
function lock_hide($params, $content)
    global $mybb, $post, $templates, $db;
    // if the tag has no content, do nothing.
    if (!$content) {
        return false;
    // return nothing if the print thread page is viewed
    if (empty($post['pid'])) {
        return 'Hidden Content';
    // does the user have to pay for the content?
    if ($mybb->settings['lock_purchases_enabled'] == true || (int) $mybb->settings['lock_default_price'] > 0) {
        // is the pay to view feature allowed in this forum?
        $disabled = explode(',', $mybb->settings['lock_disabled_forums']);
        if (!in_array($post['fid'], $disabled)) {
            // does the content have a price? can the user set the price?
            if (!isset($params['cost']) || !(bool) $mybb->settings['lock_allow_user_prices']) {
                // if not, do we have a default price?
                if ($mybb->settings['lock_default_price'] > 0) {
                    $params['cost'] = $mybb->settings['lock_default_price'];
                } else {
                    $params['cost'] = null;
            // is the cost an actual number?
            if (is_numeric($params['cost'])) {
                // cost must be valid, because numbers aren't evil.
                $cost = $params['cost'];
                // check to see whether the user hasn't already unlocked the content.
                $allowed = explode(',', $post['unlocked']);
                if (in_array($mybb->user['uid'], $allowed)) {
                    $paid = true;
    if (!isset($cost)) {
        // if there's no cost, this must be a "post to view" hide tag
        // check to see whether the user has posted in this thread.
        $query = $db->simple_select('posts', '*', "tid = '{$post['tid']}' AND uid = '{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
        if ($db->num_rows($query)) {
            $posted = true;
    // if no title has been set, set a default title.
    if (!isset($params['title'])) {
        $params['title'] = "Hidden Content";
    // if the user is not the OP, and has not been exempt from having hidden content
    if ($mybb->user['uid'] != $post['uid'] && !in_array($mybb->user['usergroup'], explode(',', $mybb->settings['lock_exempt']))) {
        // if the user isn't logged in, tell them to login or register.
        if ($mybb->user['uid'] == 0) {
            $return = "You must <a href=\"{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=register\">register</a> or <a href=\"{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=login\">login</a> to view this content.";
            // if they are logged in, but the item has a price that they haven't paid yet, tell them how they can pay for it.
        } elseif (isset($cost) && !$paid) {
            // include the pcrypt class, so we can encrypt our data; to keep it safe from spookys.
            require_once __DIR__ . '/../pcrypt.php';
            $key = $mybb->settings['lock_key'];
            $pcrypt = new pcrypt(MODE_ECB, "BLOWFISH", $key);
            // place the info we need, into an array
            $info = array('pid' => $post['pid'], 'cost' => $cost);
            // encode the information as json, for safe transit
            $info = json_encode($info);
            // encrypt the json, and encode it as base64; so it can be submitted in a form.
            $info = base64_encode($pcrypt->encrypt($info));
            // build the return button.
            $return = "<form method=\"post\">\n          <button type=\"submit\">Unlock for {$cost} points.</button>\n          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"info\" value=\"{$info}\" />\n          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"purchase\" />\n        </form>";
            // if the user doesn't need to pay, but hasn't posted
        } elseif (!$paid && !$posted) {
            // tell them to reply to the thread.
            $return = "You must reply to this thread to view this content.";
            // all is good.
        } else {
            // give them the content.
            $return = $content;
        // bypass the hide tags.
    } else {
        // give them the content
        $return = $content;
    eval("\$return = \"" . $templates->get("lock_wrapper") . "\";");
    return $return;