Beispiel #1
function pcud_form_shortcode($atts, $content = null)
    require_once PC_DIR . '/classes/pc_form_framework.php';
    $f_fw = new pc_form();
    include_once PCUD_DIR . '/functions.php';
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('form' => '', 'layout' => ''), $atts));
    if (!filter_var($form, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
        return false;
    // execute only if pvtContent or WP user is logged
    $pc_logged = pc_user_logged(false);
    if (!$pc_logged && !current_user_can(get_option('pg_min_role', 'upload_files'))) {
        return false;
    // ignore testing mode
    $user_id = $pc_logged ? $GLOBALS['pc_user_id'] : 0;
    // form structure
    $term = get_term_by('id', $form, 'pcud_forms');
    if (empty($term)) {
        return false;
    if (empty($term->description)) {
        // retrocompatibility
        $form_fields = (array) get_option('pcud_form_' . $form, array());
    } else {
        $form_fields = unserialize(base64_decode($term->description));
    // layout
    if (empty($layout) || !in_array($layout, array('one_col', 'fluid'))) {
        $layout_class = 'pc_' . get_option('pg_reg_layout', 'one_col') . '_form';
    } else {
        $layout_class = 'pc_' . $layout . '_form';
    $form = '
	<form class="pc_custom_form pc_custom_form_' . $form . ' ' . $layout_class . '">
		<input type="hidden" name="pcud_fid" value="' . $form . '" />';
    $form .= $f_fw->form_code(pcud_v2_field_names_sanitize($form_fields), false, $user_id);
    $form .= '
		<div class="pc_custom_form_message"></div>
		<input type="button" class="pc_custom_form_btn" value="' . __('Submit', 'pcud_ml') . '" />
    return str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t", "\v"), '', $form);
Beispiel #2
function pc_registration_form($form_id = '', $layout = '', $forced_cats = false, $redirect = false)
    include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/pc_form_framework.php';
    include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/recaptchalib.php';
    // if is not set the target user category, return an error
    if (!get_option('pg_registration_cat')) {
        return __('You have to set registered users default category in settings', 'pc_ml');
    } else {
        $f_fw = new pc_form(array('use_custom_cat_name' => true, 'strip_no_reg_cats' => true));
        //// get form structure
        // if form not found - get first in list
        if (!(int) $form_id) {
            $rf = get_terms('pc_reg_form', 'hide_empty=0&order=DESC&number=1');
            if (empty($rf)) {
                return __('No registration forms found', 'pc_ml');
            $rf = $rf[0];
        } else {
            $rf = get_term($form_id, 'pc_reg_form');
            if (empty($rf)) {
                $rf = get_terms('pc_reg_form', 'hide_empty=0&order=DESC&number=1');
                if (empty($rf)) {
                    return __('No registration forms found', 'pc_ml');
                $rf = $rf[0];
        $form_structure = unserialize(base64_decode($rf->description));
        if (!is_array($form_structure) || !in_array('username', $form_structure['include']) || !in_array('psw', $form_structure['include'])) {
            return __('Username and password fields are mandatory', 'pc_ml');
        // disclaimer inclusion
        if (get_option('pg_use_disclaimer')) {
            $form_structure['include'][] = 'pc_disclaimer';
        // PC-FILTER - manage registration form structure - passes structure array and form id
        $form_structure = apply_filters('pc_registration_form', $form_structure, $rf->term_id);
        // layout class
        $layout = empty($layout) ? get_option('pg_reg_layout', 'one_col') : $layout;
        $layout_class = 'pc_' . $layout . '_form';
        // custom category parameter
        if (!empty($forced_cats) && !in_array("categories", $form_structure['include'])) {
            $cat_attr = 'pc_cc="' . $forced_cats . '"';
        } else {
            $cat_attr = '';
        // custom redirect attribute
        if (!empty($redirect)) {
            $redir_attr = 'pc_redirect="' . $redirect . '"';
        } else {
            $redir_attr = '';
        //// init structure
        $form = '<form class="pc_registration_form pc_rf_' . $rf->term_id . ' ' . $layout_class . '" ' . $cat_attr . ' ' . $redir_attr . ' rel="' . $rf->term_id . '">';
        $custom_fields = '';
        //// anti-spam system
        $antispam = get_option('pg_antispam_sys', 'honeypot');
        if ($antispam == 'honeypot') {
            $custom_fields .= $f_fw->honeypot_generator();
        } else {
            $publickey = "6LfQas0SAAAAAIdKJ6Y7MT17o37GJArsvcZv-p5K";
            $custom_fields .= '
			<script type="text/javascript">
		    var RecaptchaOptions = {theme : "clean"};

			<li class="pc_rf_recaptcha">' . pc_recaptcha_get_html($publickey) . '</li>';
        $form .= $f_fw->form_code($form_structure, $custom_fields);
        $form .= '
		<div id="pc_reg_message"></div>

		<input type="button" class="pc_reg_btn" value="' . __('Submit', 'pc_ml') . '" />
        return $form;