Beispiel #1
" size="80" /></p>
<input type="submit" />

require_once 'parse_model.php';
// Required for the PDO::quote() function.
$o_db = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb', 'user', 'pass');
$o_parse = new parse_model();
$o_parse->debug = true;
$o_parse->upper_op_only = $upper_op_only;
$o_parse->use_prepared_sql = $use_prepared_sql;
if ($keyword != '') {
    if ($o_parse->parse($keyword, $field_name) == false) {
        echo "Message to user: [{$o_parse->error_msg}]\n\n";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE\n";
        if ($o_parse->tsearch != '') {
            $query .= "fulltext @@ to_tsquery(" . $o_db->quote($o_parse->tsearch) . ")\n";
        if ($o_parse->ilike != '') {
            $query .= ($o_parse->tsearch != '' ? "AND " : '') . "\n({$o_parse->ilike})";
        echo "\nSAMPLE QUERY:\n\n{$query}\n\n";
Beispiel #2
Exact phrases can be ensured by using double or single quotes "like this" or 'exact phrase'
Nested operator order is supported using ( and )
Spaces between keywords can default to AND, OR, or none
Only considering uppercase AND, OR, and NOT as operators can be selected
Supports generating prepared statments or traditional SQL

Test Search Phrase: <?php 
$text = trim(fgets(STDIN));
require_once 'parse_model.php';
$o_parse = new parse_model();
$o_parse->debug = true;
$o_parse->use_prepared_sql = false;
// Required for the PDO::quote() function.
//$o_db = new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb', 'user', 'pass');
if ($text != '') {
    if ($o_parse->parse($text, 'fulltext') == false) {
        echo "Message to user: [{$o_parse->error_msg}]\n\n";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE ";
        if ($o_parse->tsearch != '') {
            $query .= "fulltext @@ to_tsquery('{$o_parse->tsearch}') ";
        //$query .= "fulltext @@ to_tsquery(" . $o_db->quote($o_parse->tsearch) . ")\n";
        if ($o_parse->ilike != '') {
            $query .= ($o_parse->tsearch != '' ? "AND " : '') . "({$o_parse->ilike})";
        echo "\nSample Query: {$query}\n\n";
        $o_q = $o_db->prepare($query);
        foreach ( $o_parse->db_ilike_data as $varname => $value )
Beispiel #3
 function createTextQuery($searchFields, $additionalFields)
     SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
      * Initialize some basic values which are used as return values to
      * make sure always return a valid set
     $filterValueSql = array();
     $sortFields = array();
     foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) {
         $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']);
         $field = $searchItem['fieldname'];
          * if we get multiple textsearches, we sort them per order
          * in the system
         $tmpSortCounter = count($additionalFields);
         # Prepare the to_tsvector and to_tsquery strings
         $ts_vector = "to_tsvector('Dutch', " . $field . ")";
          * Inititialize Digital Stratum's FTS2 parser so we can
          * give the user somewhat normal search query parameters
         $o_parse = new parse_model();
         $o_parse->debug = false;
         $o_parse->upper_op_only = true;
         $o_parse->use_prepared_sql = false;
          * Do some preparation for the searchvalue, test cases:
          * +"Revolution (2012)" +"Season 2"
         $searchValue = $this->prepareFtsQuery($searchValue);
          * First try to the parse the query using this library,
          * if that fails, fall back to letting PostgreSQL crudely
          * parse it
         if ($o_parse->parse($searchValue, $field) === false) {
             $ts_query = "plainto_tsquery('Dutch', " . $this->_db->safe(strtolower($searchValue)) . ")";
             $filterValueSql[] = " " . $ts_vector . " @@ " . $ts_query;
             $additionalFields[] = " ts_rank(" . $ts_vector . ", " . $ts_query . ") AS searchrelevancy" . $tmpSortCounter;
         } else {
             $queryPart = array();
             if (!empty($o_parse->tsearch)) {
                 $ts_query = "to_tsquery('Dutch', " . $this->_db->safe($o_parse->tsearch) . ")";
                 $queryPart[] = " " . $ts_vector . " @@ " . $ts_query;
                 $additionalFields[] = " ts_rank(" . $ts_vector . ", " . $ts_query . ") AS searchrelevancy" . $tmpSortCounter;
             # if
             if (!empty($o_parse->ilike)) {
                 $queryPart[] = $o_parse->ilike;
             # if
              * Add the textqueries with an AND per search term
             if (!empty($queryPart)) {
                 $filterValueSql[] = ' (' . implode(' AND ', $queryPart) . ') ';
             # if
         # else
         $sortFields[] = array('field' => 'searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter, 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null);
     # foreach
     SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $sortFields));
     return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'sortFields' => $sortFields);