Beispiel #1
function validateParameterEndpoint($arrParameters, $module_name, $dsnAsterisk, $dsnSqlite)
    // Listar todos los proveedores disponibles
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $sVendorCfgDir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/libs/vendors";
    if (!is_dir($sVendorCfgDir)) {
        return _tr('Vendor configuration directory not found!');
    $h = opendir($sVendorCfgDir);
    $vendorList = array();
    while (($s = readdir($h)) !== false) {
        $regs = NULL;
        if (preg_match('/^(.+)\\.cfg\\.php/', $s, $regs)) {
            $vendorList[] = $regs[1];
    $paloEndPoint = new paloSantoEndPoint($dsnAsterisk, $dsnSqlite);
    $arrDeviceFreePBX = $paloEndPoint->getDeviceFreePBX();
    $arrDeviceFreePBXAll = $paloEndPoint->getDeviceFreePBX(true);
    $error = false;
    foreach ($arrParameters as $key => $values) {
        if (substr($key, 0, 6) == "epmac_") {
            //encontre una mac seleccionada entoces por forma empirica con ayuda del mac_adress obtego los parametros q se relacionan con esa mac.
            $tmpMac = substr($key, 6);
            $macExists = false;
            foreach ($_SESSION["elastix_endpoints"] as $endpoint) {
                if ($endpoint[2] == $tmpMac) {
                    $macExists = true;
            if (!$macExists) {
                $error .= _tr("The mac was not found") . ": {$tmpMac}<br />";
            } else {
                // Revisar que la subcadena sea realmente una dirección MAC
                if (!preg_match('/^((([[:xdigit:]]){2}:){5}([[:xdigit:]]){2})$/i', $tmpMac)) {
                    $error .= "Invalid MAC address for endpoint<br />";
                $tmpDevice = $arrParameters["id_device_{$tmpMac}"];
                $tmpModel = $arrParameters["id_model_device_{$tmpMac}"];
                $tmpVendor = $arrParameters["name_vendor_device_{$tmpMac}"];
                $tmpidVendor = $arrParameters["id_vendor_device_{$tmpMac}"];
                $tmpModelsVendor = $paloEndPoint->getAllModelsVendor($tmpVendor);
                if (!array_key_exists($tmpModel, $tmpModelsVendor)) {
                    $error .= "The model entered does not exist or does not belong to this vendor. <br />";
                if ($tmpVendor == "Elastix") {
                    $endpointElastix = $paloEndPoint->getVendorByName("Grandstream");
                    $tmpVendor = $endpointElastix["name"];
                    $tmpidVendor = $endpointElastix["id"];
                $dataVendor = $paloEndPoint->getVendor(substr($tmpMac, 0, 8));
                if (!isset($dataVendor["name"]) || $dataVendor["name"] != $tmpVendor || !isset($dataVendor["id"]) || $dataVendor["id"] != $tmpidVendor) {
                    $error .= "The id or/and name of vendor do not match with the mac address. <br />";
                if (isset($tmpModel) && $tmpModel != "") {
                    if ($paloEndPoint->modelSupportIAX($tmpModel)) {
                        $comboDevices = combo($arrDeviceFreePBXAll, $tmpDevice);
                        if (!array_key_exists($tmpDevice, $arrDeviceFreePBXAll)) {
                            $error .= "The assigned User Extension does not exist or is not allowed. <br />";
                    } else {
                        $comboDevices = combo($arrDeviceFreePBX, $tmpDevice);
                        if (!array_key_exists($tmpDevice, $arrDeviceFreePBX)) {
                            $error .= "The assigned User Extension does not exist or is not allowed. <br />";
                } else {
                    $comboDevices = combo(array("Select a model" => _tr("Select a model")), "");
                if ($tmpDevice == "unselected" || $tmpDevice == "no_device" || $tmpModel == "unselected" || $tmpDevice == "Select a model") {
                    //el primero que encuentre sin seleccionar mantiene el error
                    $error .= "The mac adress {$tmpMac} unselected Phone Type or User Extension. <br />";
                // Revisar que el vendedor es uno de los vendedores conocidos
                if (!in_array($tmpVendor, $vendorList)) {
                    $error .= "Invalid or unsupported vendor<br />";
                $macWithout2Points = str_replace(":", "", $tmpMac);
                //PASO 2: Recorro el arreglo de la sesion para modificar y mantener los valores q el usuario ha decidido elegir asi cuando halla un error los datos persisten.
                if (isset($_SESSION['elastix_endpoints'])) {
                    foreach ($_SESSION['elastix_endpoints'] as &$data) {
                        //tomo la referencia del elemento para poder modificar su contenido por referencia.
                        if ($data[2] == $tmpMac) {
                            $data[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='epmac_{$tmpMac}' checked='checked' />";
                            $data[5] = "<select name='id_model_device_{$tmpMac}' onchange='getDevices(this,\"{$macWithout2Points}\");'>" . combo($tmpModelsVendor, $tmpModel) . "</select>";
                            $data[6] = "<select name='id_device_{$tmpMac}' id='id_device_{$macWithout2Points}'>" . $comboDevices . "</select>";
    return $error;
Beispiel #2
function load_endpoint_from_csv($smarty, $arrLang, $ruta_archivo_csv, $base_dir, $dsnAsterisk, $dsnSqlite, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrConf)
    $paloEndPoint = new paloSantoEndPoint($dsnAsterisk, $dsnSqlite);
    $arrEndpointsConf = $paloEndPoint->listEndpointConf();
    $arrVendor = $paloEndPoint->listVendor();
    $endpoint_mask = isset($_POST['endpoint_mask']) ? $_POST['endpoint_mask'] : network();
    $pValidator = new PaloValidar();
    $arrFindVendor = array();
    //variable de ayuda, para llamar solo una vez la funcion createFilesGlobal de cada vendor
    $arrayColumnas = array();
    $result = isValidCSV($arrLang, $ruta_archivo_csv, $arrayColumnas);
    if ($result != "valided") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr('ERROR') . ":");
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $result);
        return false;
    if (!$pValidator->validar('endpoint_mask', $endpoint_mask, 'ip/mask')) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr('ERROR') . ":");
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr('Invalid Format IP address'));
        return false;
    $pattonDevices = $paloEndPoint->getPattonDevices();
    $arrles = $paloEndPoint->endpointMap($endpoint_mask, $arrVendor, $arrEndpointsConf, $pattonDevices, true);
    if (!(is_array($arrles) && count($arrles) > 0)) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr('ERROR') . ":");
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("There weren't  endpoints in the subnet."));
        return false;
    $hArchivo = fopen($ruta_archivo_csv, 'r+');
    $lineProcessed = 0;
    $line = 0;
    $msg = "";
    if ($hArchivo) {
        $paloFileEndPoint = new PaloSantoFileEndPoint($arrConf["tftpboot_path"], $endpoint_mask);
        //Linea 1 header ignorada
        $tupla = fgetcsv($hArchivo, 4096, ",");
        //Desde linea 2 son datos
        while ($tupla = fgetcsv($hArchivo, 4096, ",")) {
            if (is_array($tupla) && count($tupla) >= 4) {
                $arrEndpoint = csv2Array($tupla, $arrayColumnas);
                if ($arrEndpoint['data'] == null) {
                    $msg .= _tr("Line") . " {$line}: {$arrEndpoint['msg']} <br />";
                } else {
                    $name_model = $arrEndpoint['data']['Model'];
                    $extension = $arrEndpoint['data']['Ext'];
                    $MAC = $arrEndpoint['data']['MAC'];
                    $macTMP = strtolower($MAC);
                    $macTMP = str_replace(":", "", $macTMP);
                    if (isset($arrles[$macTMP])) {
                        // Si el endpoint fue encontrado en la red.
                        $currentEndpointIP = $arrles[$macTMP]['ip_adress'];
                        $tech = $paloEndPoint->getTech($extension);
                        $freePBXParameters = $paloEndPoint->getDeviceFreePBXParameters($extension, $tech);
                        if (!(is_array($freePBXParameters) && count($freePBXParameters) > 0)) {
                            $msg .= _tr("Line") . " {$line}: " . _tr("Extension") . "  {$extension} (tech:{$tech})" . _tr("has not been created.") . "<br />";
                        $dataVendor = $paloEndPoint->getVendor(substr($MAC, 0, 8));
                        if ($dataVendor["name"] == "Grandstream") {
                            $arr = $paloFileEndPoint->getModelElastix("admin", "admin", $currentEndpointIP, 2);
                            if ($arr) {
                                $endpointElastix = $paloEndPoint->getVendorByName("Elastix");
                                $dataVendor["id"] = $endpointElastix["id"];
                                $dataVendor["name"] = $endpointElastix["name"];
                        $dataModel = $paloEndPoint->getModelByVendor($dataVendor["id"], $name_model);
                        if (!(is_array($dataVendor) && count($dataVendor) > 0)) {
                            $msg .= _tr("Line") . " {$line}: Vendor {$dataVendor['name']}" . _tr("not supported.") . "<br />";
                        if (!(is_array($dataModel) && count($dataModel) > 0)) {
                            //No existe el modelo
                            $msg .= _tr("Line") . "{$line}: Model {$name_model} of vendor {$dataVendor['name']}" . _tr("not supported.") . "<br />";
                        $tmpEndpoint['id_device'] = $freePBXParameters['id_device'];
                        $tmpEndpoint['desc_device'] = $freePBXParameters['desc_device'];
                        $tmpEndpoint['account'] = $freePBXParameters['account_device'];
                        $tmpEndpoint['secret'] = $freePBXParameters['secret_device'];
                        $tmpEndpoint['id_model'] = $dataModel["id"];
                        $tmpEndpoint['mac_adress'] = $MAC;
                        $tmpEndpoint['id_vendor'] = $dataVendor["id"];
                        $tmpEndpoint['name_vendor'] = $dataVendor["name"];
                        $tmpEndpoint['ip_adress'] = $currentEndpointIP;
                        $tmpEndpoint['comment'] = "Nada";
                        $arrParametersOld = $paloEndPoint->getParameters($MAC);
                        $arrParameters = $paloFileEndPoint->updateArrParameters($dataVendor["name"], $name_model, $arrParametersOld);
                        $tmpEndpoint['arrParameters'] = array_merge($arrParameters, $arrEndpoint['data']);
                        if ($paloEndPoint->createEndpointDB($tmpEndpoint)) {
                            //verifico si la funcion createFilesGlobal del vendor ya fue ejecutado
                            if (!in_array($dataVendor["name"], $arrFindVendor)) {
                                if ($paloFileEndPoint->createFilesGlobal($dataVendor["name"])) {
                                    $arrFindVendor[] = $dataVendor["name"];
                            //escribir archivos
                            $ArrayData['vendor'] = $dataVendor["name"];
                            $ArrayData['data'] = array("filename" => strtolower(str_replace(":", "", $MAC)), "DisplayName" => $tmpEndpoint['desc_device'], "id_device" => $tmpEndpoint['id_device'], "secret" => $tmpEndpoint['secret'], "model" => $dataModel['name'], "ip_endpoint" => $tmpEndpoint['ip_adress'], "arrParameters" => $tmpEndpoint['arrParameters'], "tech" => $tech);
                            if (!$paloFileEndPoint->createFiles($ArrayData)) {
                                if (isset($paloFileEndPoint->errMsg)) {
                                    $msg .= _tr("Line") . "{$line}: " . _tr("{$paloFileEndPoint->errMsg}.") . "<br />";
                                } else {
                                    $msg .= _tr("Line") . "{$line}: " . _tr("Error, Technology Device (SIP/IAX) not supported on endpoint.") . "<br />";
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        $v = isset($dataVendor['name']) ? $dataVendor['name'] : $arrEndpoint['data']['Vendor'];
                        $msg .= _tr("Line") . "{$line}: " . _tr("Endpoint wasn't founded in subnet.") . "(vendor:{$v} - model:{$name_model} - Ext:{$extension})<br />";
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr('Resume') . ":");
        $msg = _tr("Total endpoint processed") . ": {$lineProcessed} <br /> <br />{$msg}";
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $msg);
    return true;