public function __construct()
     $handler = array('save_headline' => array('process' => 'ajax_saveheadline', 'csrf' => true), 'save_article' => array('process' => 'ajax_savearticle', 'csrf' => true), 'get_raw_article' => array('process' => 'ajax_getrawarticle'), 'update' => array('process' => 'update', 'csrf' => true), 'checkalias' => array('process' => 'ajax_checkalias'), 'delpreviewimage' => array('process' => 'delete_previewimage', 'csrf' => true), 'aid' => array('process' => 'edit'));
     //Permission Check
     $blnPermission = false;
     if ($this->in->get('aid', 0)) {
         //Get Category
         $intCategoryID = $this->pdh->get('articles', 'category', array($this->in->get('aid', 0)));
         if ($intCategoryID) {
             $arrPermissions = $this->pdh->get('article_categories', 'user_permissions', array($intCategoryID, $this->user->id));
         //Check Category permission
     } elseif ($this->in->get('cid', 0)) {
         //Get Category Permissions
         $intCategoryID = $this->in->get('cid', 0);
         $arrPermissions = $this->pdh->get('article_categories', 'user_permissions', array($intCategoryID, $this->user->id));
     if (is_array($arrPermissions)) {
         $this->arrPermissions = $arrPermissions;
     if (!in_array(true, $this->arrPermissions)) {
         message_die($this->user->lang('noauth'), $this->user->lang('noauth_default_title'), 'access_denied', true);
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array('articles', 'title'), false, 'selected_ids[]');
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('deletetemplate' => array('process' => 'process_deletetemplate', 'csrf' => true), 'addtemplate' => array('process' => 'process_addtemplate', 'csrf' => true), 'loadtemplate' => array('process' => 'process_loadtemplate'), 'ajax_dropdown' => array('process' => 'ajax_dropdown'), 'addevent' => array('process' => 'process_addevent', 'csrf' => true));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array(), null, '', 'eventid');
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('connection_submit' => array('process' => 'update_connection', 'check' => 'u_member_conn', 'csrf' => true), 'delete_id' => array('process' => 'delete_char', 'check' => 'u_member_del', 'csrf' => true), 'maincharchange' => array('process' => 'ajax_mainchar', 'check' => 'u_member_man', 'csrf' => true), 'defrolechange' => array('process' => 'ajax_defaultrole', 'check' => 'u_member_man', 'csrf' => true), 'hide_info' => array('process' => 'hide_nochar_info', 'check' => 'u_member_'));
     $this->user->check_auths(array('u_member_man', 'u_member_add', 'u_member_conn', 'u_member_del'), 'OR');
     parent::__construct('u_member_', $handler, array());
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array());
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('transformraid' => array('process' => 'transform_raid'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array(), null, '', 'eventid');
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('submit' => array('process' => 'submit', 'csrf' => true), 'register' => array('process' => 'display_form'), 'guildrules' => array('process' => 'display_guildrules'), 'deny' => array('process' => 'process_deny'), 'confirmed' => array('process' => 'process_confirmed'), 'activate' => array('process' => 'process_activate'), 'resendactivation' => array('process' => 'display_resend_activation_mail'), 'resend_activation' => array('process' => 'process_resend_activation'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
     if ($this->user->data['rules'] == 1) {
         // If they're trying access this page while logged in, redirect to settings.php
         if ($this->user->is_signedin() && !$this->in->exists('key')) {
             redirect($this->controller_path_plain . 'Settings/' . $this->SID);
         if ((int) $this->config->get('enable_registration') == 0) {
             redirect($this->controller_path_plain . $this->SID);
         if ((int) $this->config->get('cmsbridge_active') == 1 && strlen($this->config->get('cmsbridge_reg_url'))) {
             redirect($this->config->get('cmsbridge_reg_url'), false, true);
     // Data to be put into the form
     $strMethod = $this->in->get('lmethod');
     if ($strMethod != "") {
         $pre_register_data = $this->user->handle_login_functions('pre_register', $strMethod);
         if ($pre_register_data) {
             $this->data = $pre_register_data;
     } else {
         // If it's not in POST, we get it from config defaults
         $this->data = array('username' => $this->in->get('username'), 'user_email' => $this->in->get('user_email'), 'user_email2' => $this->in->get('user_email2'), 'user_lang' => $this->in->get('user_lang', $this->config->get('default_lang')), 'user_timezone' => $this->in->get('user_timezone', $this->config->get('timezone')), 'user_password1' => $this->in->get('new_user_password1'), 'user_password2' => $this->in->get('new_user_password2'));
     // Build the server URL
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     $this->server_url = $this->env->link . $this->controller_path_plain . 'Register/';
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('u' => array('process' => 'viewuser'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array());
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->pm->check('guildbank', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('bid' => array('process' => 'perform_bid', 'csrf' => true, 'check' => 'u_guildbank_auction'));
     parent::__construct('u_guildbank_auction', $handler, array(), null, '', 'auction');
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->user->is_signedin()) {
         redirect($this->controller_path_plain . 'Login/' . $this->SID);
     $handler = array('newexchangekey' => array('process' => 'renew_exchangekey', 'csrf' => true), 'submit' => array('process' => 'update', 'csrf' => true), 'mode' => array(array('process' => 'delete_authaccount', 'value' => 'delauthacc', 'csrf' => true), array('process' => 'add_authaccount', 'value' => 'addauthacc'), array('process' => 'delete_avatar', 'value' => 'deleteavatar', 'csrf' => true)));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('markread' => array('process' => 'process_ajax_markread'), 'markallread' => array('process' => 'process_ajax_markallread'), 'delete' => array('process' => 'process_ajax_delete'), 'redirect' => array('process' => 'process_redirect'), 'load' => array('process' => 'process_load_notifications'));
     if (!$this->user->is_signedin()) {
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array());
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array());
     if (empty($this->url_id)) {
         redirect($this->controller_path_plain . 'User/' . $this->SID);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('siggenerator', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('guildrequest', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('vote' => array('process' => 'vote', 'csrf' => true), 'close' => array('process' => 'close', 'csrf' => true), 'open' => array('process' => 'open', 'csrf' => true), 'status_change' => array('process' => 'status_change', 'csrf' => true));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('guildrequest', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('save' => array('process' => 'save', 'csrf' => true, 'check' => 'u_guildrequest_add'));
     parent::__construct('u_guildrequest_add', $handler);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('clanwars', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('awards' => array('process' => 'view_awards'), 'matches' => array('process' => 'view_matches'), 'm' => array('process' => 'view_match'), 'c' => array('process' => 'view_clan'), 'cat' => array('process' => 'view_category'), 't' => array('process' => 'view_team'), 'g' => array('process' => 'view_game'), 'u' => array('process' => 'view_user'), 'games' => array('process' => 'view_games'), 'clan' => array('process' => 'view_this_clan'), 'clans' => array('process' => 'view_clans'), 'categories' => array('process' => 'view_categories'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('mediacenter', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('myalbums' => array('process' => 'view_myalbums'), 'download' => array('process' => 'download'), 'image' => array('process' => 'image'), 'report' => array('process' => 'report'), 'set_published' => array('process' => 'set_published', 'csrf' => true), 'set_unpublished' => array('process' => 'set_unpublished', 'csrf' => true), 'delete_media' => array('process' => 'delete', 'csrf' => true), 'a' => array('process' => 'view_album'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array('mediacenter_media', 'name'), null, 'selected_ids[]');
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('guildrequest', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('mark_all_read' => array('process' => 'mark_all_read', 'csrf' => 'true'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array('guildrequest_requests', 'username'), null, 'gr[]');
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('chat', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct('u_chat_view', $handler);
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->pm->check('guildbank', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     // load the includes
     require_once $this->root_path . 'plugins/guildbank/includes/gb_money.class.php';
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct('u_guildbank_view', $handler);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('awards', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     $handler = array('page' => array('process' => 'display'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->pm->check('guildbank', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     // load the includes
     require_once $this->root_path . 'plugins/guildbank/includes/gb_money.class.php';
     $handler = array('save' => array('process' => 'save', 'csrf' => true, 'check' => 'u_guildbank_shop'), 'moderate' => array('process' => 'moderate', 'check' => 'a_guildbank_manage'));
     parent::__construct('u_guildbank_shop', $handler, array(), null, '', 'item');
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('mediacenter', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     if (!$this->user->is_signedin()) {
     $handler = array('set_published' => array('process' => 'set_published', 'csrf' => true), 'set_unpublished' => array('process' => 'set_unpublished', 'csrf' => true), 'delete_media' => array('process' => 'delete', 'csrf' => true));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array('mediacenter_media', 'name'), null, 'selected_ids[]');
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('localitembase', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     if (!$this->user->is_signedin()) {
     $handler = array('save' => array('process' => 'save', 'csrf' => true), 'i' => array('process' => 'edit'), 'import' => array('process' => 'import', 'csrf' => true), 'export' => array('process' => 'export'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array('localitembase', 'html_item_name'), null, 'selected_ids[]');
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('mediacenter', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     //Check Permissions
     if (!$this->user->check_auth('u_mediacenter_view', false) || !$this->user->is_signedin()) {
     $this->blnAdminMode = $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false) ? 1 : 0;
     $handler = array('save' => array('process' => 'save', 'csrf' => true), 'save_edit_image' => array('process' => 'save_edit_image', 'csrf' => true), 'reload_albums' => array('process' => 'ajax_reload_albums'), 'media_types' => array('process' => 'ajax_media_types'), 'upload' => array('process' => 'upload_file'), 'chunkupload' => array('process' => 'upload_chunked_file'), 'massupload' => array('process' => 'upload_massupload'), 'imageedit' => array(array('process' => 'ajax_imageedit_rotate', 'value' => 'rotate'), array('process' => 'ajax_imageedit_resize', 'value' => 'resize'), array('process' => 'ajax_imageedit_restore', 'value' => 'restore'), array('process' => 'ajax_imageedit_mirror', 'value' => 'mirror')), 'del_votes' => array('process' => 'delete_votes', 'csrf' => true), 'del_comments' => array('process' => 'delete_comments', 'csrf' => true));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // plugin installed?
     if (!$this->pm->check('mediacenter', PLUGIN_INSTALLED)) {
     //Check Permissions
     if (!$this->user->check_auth('u_mediacenter_view', false) || !$this->user->is_signedin()) {
     $this->blnAdminMode = $this->user->check_auth('a_mediacenter_manage', false) ? 1 : 0;
     $handler = array('save' => array('process' => 'save', 'csrf' => true));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('add' => array('process' => 'add', 'check' => 'u_member_add', 'csrf' => true), 'edit' => array('process' => 'edit', 'check' => 'u_member_man', 'csrf' => true));
     // Permissions
     $this->user->check_auths(array('u_member_man', 'u_member_add'), 'OR');
     // Check if the user is logged in
     if (!$this->user->is_signedin()) {
     //Check if Adminmode
     $this->adminmode = $this->in->get('adminmode', 0) && $this->user->check_auth('a_members_man', false) ? true : false;
     //Default Rank
     $this->data['rank_id'] = $this->pdh->get('rank', 'default', array());
     parent::__construct('u_member_', $handler, array(), null, '', 'editid');
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('submit' => array('process' => 'submit', 'csrf' => true), 'register' => array('process' => 'display_form'), 'guildrules' => array('process' => 'display_guildrules'), 'deny' => array('process' => 'process_deny'), 'confirmed' => array('process' => 'process_confirmed'), 'activate' => array('process' => 'process_activate'), 'resendactivation' => array('process' => 'display_resend_activation_mail'), 'resend_activation' => array('process' => 'process_resend_activation'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler);
     if ($this->user->data['rules'] == 1) {
         // If they're trying access this page while logged in, redirect to settings.php
         if ($this->user->is_signedin() && !$this->in->exists('key')) {
             redirect($this->controller_path_plain . 'Settings/' . $this->SID);
         if ((int) $this->config->get('enable_registration') == 0) {
             redirect($this->controller_path_plain . $this->SID);
         if ((int) $this->config->get('cmsbridge_active') == 1 && strlen($this->config->get('cmsbridge_reg_url'))) {
             redirect($this->config->get('cmsbridge_reg_url'), false, true);
     // Build the server URL
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     $this->server_url = $this->env->link . $this->controller_path_plain . 'Register/';
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array('closedstatus' => array(array('process' => 'close_raid', 'value' => 'close', 'csrf' => true), array('process' => 'open_raid', 'value' => 'open', 'csrf' => true)), 'ajax' => array(array('process' => 'role_ajax', 'value' => 'role')), 'savenote' => array('process' => 'save_raidnote', 'csrf' => true), 'update_status' => array('process' => 'update_status', 'csrf' => true), 'moderate_status' => array('process' => 'moderate_status', 'csrf' => true), 'moderate_group' => array('process' => 'moderate_group', 'csrf' => true), 'confirmall' => array('process' => 'confirm_all', 'csrf' => true), 'ical' => array('process' => 'generate_ical'), 'add_notsigned' => array('process' => 'add_notsigned_chars', 'csrf' => true), 'change_char' => array('process' => 'change_char', 'csrf' => true), 'change_note' => array('process' => 'change_note', 'csrf' => true), 'change_group' => array('process' => 'change_group', 'csrf' => true), 'guestid' => array('process' => 'delete_guest', 'csrf' => true), 'logs' => array('process' => 'display_logs'), 'eventdetails' => array('process' => 'display_eventdetails'));
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array(), null, '', 'eventid');
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct(false, $handler, array());
 public function __construct()
     $handler = array();
     parent::__construct('u_search', $handler, array(), null, '');