  * Returns SQL query for data to fetc
  * @return string
 protected function _getQuery()
     // looking for table/view
     $sArtTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
     $sO2CView = $this->_getViewName('oxobject2category');
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $oConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
     $sVendorId = $oConfig->getRequestParameter('oxid');
     $sSynchVendorId = $oConfig->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
     // vendor selected or not ?
     if (!$sVendorId) {
         $sQAdd = ' from ' . $sArtTable . ' where ' . $sArtTable . '.oxshopid="' . $oConfig->getShopId() . '" and 1 ';
         $sQAdd .= $oConfig->getConfigParam('blVariantsSelection') ? '' : " and {$sArtTable}.oxparentid = '' and {$sArtTable}.oxvendorid != " . $oDb->quote($sSynchVendorId);
     } else {
         // selected category ?
         if ($sSynchVendorId && $sSynchVendorId != $sVendorId) {
             $sQAdd = " from {$sO2CView} left join {$sArtTable} on ";
             $sQAdd .= $oConfig->getConfigParam('blVariantsSelection') ? " ( {$sArtTable}.oxid = {$sO2CView}.oxobjectid or {$sArtTable}.oxparentid = oxobject2category.oxobjectid )" : " {$sArtTable}.oxid = {$sO2CView}.oxobjectid ";
             $sQAdd .= 'where ' . $sArtTable . '.oxshopid="' . $oConfig->getShopId() . '" and ' . $sO2CView . '.oxcatnid = ' . $oDb->quote($sVendorId) . ' and ' . $sArtTable . '.oxvendorid != ' . $oDb->quote($sSynchVendorId);
         } else {
             $sQAdd = " from {$sArtTable} where {$sArtTable}.oxvendorid = " . $oDb->quote($sVendorId);
         $sQAdd .= $oConfig->getConfigParam('blVariantsSelection') ? '' : " and {$sArtTable}.oxparentid = '' ";
     return $sQAdd;
  * Adds active promotion check
  * @param array  $aWhere  SQL condition array
  * @param string $sqlFull SQL query string
  * @return $sQ
 protected function _prepareWhereQuery($aWhere, $sqlFull)
     $sQ = parent::_prepareWhereQuery($aWhere, $sqlFull);
     $sDisplayType = (int) oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('displaytype');
     $sTable = getViewName("oxactions");
     //searchong for empty oxfolder fields
     if ($sDisplayType) {
         $sNow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getTime());
         switch ($sDisplayType) {
             case 1:
                 // active
                 $sQ .= " and {$sTable}.oxactivefrom < '{$sNow}' and {$sTable}.oxactiveto > '{$sNow}' ";
             case 2:
                 // upcoming
                 $sQ .= " and {$sTable}.oxactivefrom > '{$sNow}' ";
             case 3:
                 // expired
                 $sQ .= " and {$sTable}.oxactiveto < '{$sNow}' and {$sTable}.oxactiveto != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ";
     return $sQ;
  * Collects article crosselling and attributes information, passes
  * them to Smarty engine and returns name or template file
  * "article_crossselling.tpl".
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $this->_aViewData['edit'] = $oArticle = oxNew('oxarticle');
     // crossselling
     // accessoires
     $soxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     if ($soxId != "-1" && isset($soxId)) {
         // load object
         if ($oArticle->isDerived()) {
             $this->_aViewData['readonly'] = true;
     $iAoc = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("aoc");
     if ($iAoc == 1) {
         $oArticleCrossellingAjax = oxNew('article_crossselling_ajax');
         $this->_aViewData['oxajax'] = $oArticleCrossellingAjax->getColumns();
         return "popups/article_crossselling.tpl";
     } elseif ($iAoc == 2) {
         $oArticleAccessoriesAjax = oxNew('article_accessories_ajax');
         $this->_aViewData['oxajax'] = $oArticleAccessoriesAjax->getColumns();
         return "popups/article_accessories.tpl";
     return "article_crossselling.tpl";
Beispiel #4
  * Executes parent method parent::render(), creates deliveryset category tree,
  * passes data to Smarty engine and returns name of template file "deliveryset_main.tpl".
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $sTheme = $this->_sTheme = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $sShopId = $myConfig->getShopId();
     if (!isset($sTheme)) {
         $sTheme = $this->_sTheme = $this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('sTheme');
     $oTheme = oxNew('oxTheme');
     if ($oTheme->load($sTheme)) {
         $this->_aViewData["oTheme"] = $oTheme;
         try {
             $aDbVariables = $this->loadConfVars($sShopId, $this->_getModuleForConfigVars());
             $this->_aViewData["var_constraints"] = $aDbVariables['constraints'];
             $this->_aViewData["var_grouping"] = $aDbVariables['grouping'];
             foreach ($this->_aConfParams as $sType => $sParam) {
                 $this->_aViewData[$sParam] = $aDbVariables['vars'][$sType];
         } catch (oxException $oEx) {
     } else {
         oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsView")->addErrorToDisplay(oxNew("oxException", 'EXCEPTION_THEME_NOT_LOADED'));
     return 'theme_config.tpl';
 * Smarty plugin
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * File: insert.oxid_nocache.php
 * Type: string, html
 * Name: oxid_nocache
 * Purpose: Inserts Items not cached
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param array  $params  params
 * @param Smarty &$smarty clever simulation of a method
 * @return string
function smarty_insert_oxid_nocache($params, &$smarty)
    $myConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
    $smarty->caching = false;
    /* if( isset( $smarty->oxobject->oProduct))
       $smarty->assign_by_ref( "product", $smarty->oxobject->oProduct);*/
    // #1184M - specialchar search
    $sSearchParamForHTML = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("searchparam");
    $sSearchParamForLink = rawurlencode(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("searchparam", true));
    if ($sSearchParamForHTML) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref("searchparamforhtml", $sSearchParamForHTML);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref("searchparam", $sSearchParamForLink);
    $sSearchCat = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("searchcnid");
    if ($sSearchCat) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref("searchcnid", rawurldecode($sSearchCat));
    foreach (array_keys($params) as $key) {
        $viewData =& $params[$key];
        $smarty->assign_by_ref($key, $viewData);
    $sOutput = $smarty->fetch($params['tpl']);
    $smarty->caching = false;
    return $sOutput;
  * Adds selection lists to article.
 public function addSel()
     $aAddSel = $this->_getActionIds('oxselectlist.oxid');
     $soxId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
     // adding
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sSLViewName = $this->_getViewName('oxselectlist');
         $aAddSel = $this->_getAll($this->_addFilter("select {$sSLViewName}.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
     if ($soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array($aAddSel)) {
         $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
         foreach ($aAddSel as $sAdd) {
             $oNew = oxNew("oxbase");
             $sObjectIdField = 'oxobject2selectlist__oxobjectid';
             $sSelectetionIdField = 'oxobject2selectlist__oxselnid';
             $sOxSortField = 'oxobject2selectlist__oxsort';
             $oNew->{$sObjectIdField} = new oxField($soxId);
             $oNew->{$sSelectetionIdField} = new oxField($sAdd);
             $sSql = "select max(oxsort) + 1 from oxobject2selectlist where oxobjectid =  {$oDb->quote($soxId)} ";
             $oNew->{$sOxSortField} = new oxField((int) $oDb->getOne($sSql, false, false));
Beispiel #7
  * Setup routine
 public static function onActivate()
     if (class_exists('oxRegistry')) {
         $myConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
     } else {
         $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $bIsEE = $myConfig->getEdition() === "EE";
     try {
         $db = oxDb::getDb();
         // create oxjson groups
         if ($bIsEE) {
             $maxRRId = intval($db->getOne("select MAX(OXRRID) from oxgroups"));
             $nextRRId = $maxRRId + 1;
             $sQ = "INSERT IGNORE INTO oxgroups (OXID, OXACTIVE, OXTITLE, OXTITLE_1, OXRRID) VALUES ('oxjsonro', '1', 'OXJSON Read-only', 'OXJSON Read-only', '{$nextRRId}');";
             $sQ = "INSERT IGNORE INTO oxgroups (OXID, OXACTIVE, OXTITLE, OXTITLE_1, OXRRID) VALUES ('oxjsonfull', '1', 'OXJSON Full', 'OXJSON Full', '{$nextRRId}');";
         } else {
             $sQ = "INSERT IGNORE INTO oxgroups (OXID, OXACTIVE, OXTITLE, OXTITLE_1) VALUES ('oxjsonro', '1', 'OXJSON Read-only', 'OXJSON Read-only');";
             $sQ = "INSERT IGNORE INTO oxgroups (OXID, OXACTIVE, OXTITLE, OXTITLE_1) VALUES ('oxjsonfull', '1', 'OXJSON Full', 'OXJSON Full');";
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         error_log("Error activating module: " . $ex->getMessage());
  * Runs all asserts
  * @param array $aExpectedResult
 protected function runAsserts($aExpectedResult)
     $oConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
     $oValidator = new Validator($oConfig);
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['blocks'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkBlocks($aExpectedResult['blocks']), 'Blocks do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['extend'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkExtensions($aExpectedResult['extend']), 'Extensions do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['files'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkFiles($aExpectedResult['files']), 'Files do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['events'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkEvents($aExpectedResult['events']), 'Events do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['settings'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkConfigAmount($aExpectedResult['settings']), 'Configs do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['versions'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkVersions($aExpectedResult['versions']), 'Versions do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['templates'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkTemplates($aExpectedResult['templates']), 'Templates do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['disabledModules'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkDisabledModules($aExpectedResult['disabledModules']), 'Disabled modules do not match expectations');
     if (isset($aExpectedResult['settings_values'])) {
         $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkConfigValues($aExpectedResult['settings_values']), 'Config values does not match expectations');
Beispiel #9
 function smarty_function_newestCategoryArticles($params, &$smarty)
     // default values
     $oxid = $params['oxid'] ? $params['oxid'] : oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('cnid');
     $am = $params['amount'] ? $params['amount'] : null;
     $head = $params['head'] ? $params['head'] : "vtnca_newestarticles";
     $file = $params['file'] ? $params['file'] : "widget/product/boxproducts.tpl";
     //_oBoxProducts=$oView->getTop5ArticleList() _sHeaderIdent="TOP_OF_THE_SHOP"}]
     if (!$oxid) {
         return "<!-- vt-nca: no category id given -->";
     // exit if no oxID given
     // getting newest category articles
     $oArtList = oxNew('oxarticlelist');
     $oArtList->loadNewestCategoryArticles($oxid, $am);
     if (!$oArtList->count()) {
     // exit if no products in category
     if ($params['assign']) {
         $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $oArtList);
     // for default boxproducts
     $smarty->assign("_sHeaderIdent", $head);
     $smarty->assign("_oBoxProducts", $oArtList);
     // for stabdard list.tpl
     $smarty->assign("head", $head);
     $smarty->assign("products", $oArtList);
     $html = $smarty->fetch($file);
     return $html;
  * Extends the startup checks with Barzahlen plugin version check.
  * @return array
 protected function _doStartUpChecks()
     $aMessage = parent::_doStartUpChecks();
     $oxConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $sShopId = $oxConfig->getShopId();
     $sModule = oxConfig::OXMODULE_MODULE_PREFIX . $this->_sModuleId;
     $sPluginCheck = $oxConfig->getShopConfVar('bzPluginCheck', $sShopId, $sModule);
     // only check once a week
     if ($sPluginCheck != null && $sPluginCheck > strtotime("-1 week")) {
         return $aMessage;
     $oxConfig->saveShopConfVar('str', 'bzPluginCheck', time(), $sShopId, $sModule);
     $sBzShopId = $oxConfig->getShopConfVar('bzShopId', $sShopId, $sModule);
     $sShopsystem = 'OXID 4.7/5.0';
     $sShopsystemVersion = $oxConfig->getVersion();
     $sPluginVersion = self::CURRENTVERSION;
     try {
         $oChecker = new Barzahlen_Version_Check();
         $newAvailable = $oChecker->isNewVersionAvailable($sBzShopId, $sShopsystem, $sShopsystemVersion, $sPluginVersion);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         oxRegistry::getUtils()->writeToLog(date('c') . " " . $e . "\r\r", self::LOGFILE);
     if ($newAvailable) {
         $aMessage['warning'] .= (!empty($aMessage['warning']) ? "<br>" : '') . sprintf(oxRegistry::getLang()->translateString('BZ__NEW_PLUGIN_AVAILABLE'), $oChecker->getNewPluginVersion(), $oChecker->getNewPluginUrl());
     return $aMessage;
 * Smarty plugin
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * File: insert.oxid_newbasketitem.php
 * Type: string, html
 * Name: newbasketitem
 * Purpose: Used for tracking in econda, etracker etc.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param array  $params  params
 * @param Smarty &$smarty clever simulation of a method
 * @return string
function smarty_insert_oxid_newbasketitem($params, &$smarty)
    $myConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
    $aTypes = array('0' => 'none', '1' => 'message', '2' => 'popup', '3' => 'basket');
    $iType = $myConfig->getConfigParam('iNewBasketItemMessage');
    // If corect type of message is expected
    if ($iType && $params['type'] && $params['type'] != $aTypes[$iType]) {
        return '';
    //name of template file where is stored message text
    $sTemplate = $params['tpl'] ? $params['tpl'] : 'inc_newbasketitem.snippet.tpl';
    //allways render for ajaxstyle popup
    $blRender = $params['ajax'] && $iType == 2;
    //fetching article data
    $oNewItem = oxRegistry::getSession()->getVariable('_newitem');
    $oBasket = oxRegistry::getSession()->getBasket();
    if ($oNewItem) {
        // loading article object here because on some system passing article by session couses problems
        $oNewItem->oArticle = oxNew('oxarticle');
        // passing variable to template with unique name
        $smarty->assign('_newitem', $oNewItem);
        // deleting article object data
        $blRender = true;
    // returning generated message content
    if ($blRender) {
        return $smarty->fetch($sTemplate);
Beispiel #12
  * Vergibt eine ArtikelID für den Pfandartikel und schreibt den Pfandpreis in die DB
 protected function PfandArtikelID($price)
     /* $oxLang = oxLang::getInstance(); */
     // bis CE 4.8.9
     $oxLang = oxRegistry::getLang();
     // ab CE 4.9.0
     $title = $oxLang->translateString('VTEC_PFAND', 0);
     /* $vtec_mwst = oxConfig::getInstance()->getConfigParam('vtec_pfand_mwst');  */
     // bis CE 4.8.9
     $vtec_mwst = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('vtec_pfand_mwst');
     // ab CE 4.9.0
     $sSelect = "SELECT oxid FROM oxarticles WHERE oxtitle = '" . $title . "' AND oxprice = '" . $price . "' LIMIT 1";
     $qResult = oxDb::getDb(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC)->getOne($sSelect);
     if ($qResult == false || $qResult == null) {
         $oArticle = oxNew("oxarticle");
         $aLangs = $oxLang->getLanguageIds();
         $oArticle->assign(array('oxarticles__active' => 1, 'oxarticles__oxissearch' => 0, 'oxarticles__oxprice' => $price, 'oxarticles__oxpricea' => $price, 'oxarticles__oxpriceb' => $price, 'oxarticels__oxpricec' => $price, 'oxarticles__oxpic1' => 'pfand.jpg', 'oxarticles__oxvat' => $vtec_mwst));
         //foreach ($aLangs as $iLang){
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($aLangs); $i++) {
             $oArticle->assign(array("oxarticles__oxtitle" => $oxLang->translateString('VTEC_PFAND', $i)));
         $qResult = $oArticle->oxarticles__oxid->value;
     return $qResult;
Beispiel #13
  * Saves news text.
  * @return mixed
 public function save()
     $soxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $aParams = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("editval");
     $oNews = oxNew("oxnews");
     $iNewsLang = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("newslang");
     if (!isset($iNewsLang)) {
         $iNewsLang = $this->_iEditLang;
     if ($soxId != "-1") {
         $oNews->loadInLang($iNewsLang, $soxId);
     } else {
         $aParams['oxnews__oxid'] = null;
     // Disable editing for derived items.
     if ($oNews->isDerived()) {
     // set oxid if inserted
  * Saves changed shop configuration parameters.
 public function save()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $sOxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     // base parameters
     $aConfStrs = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("confstrs");
     $aConfAArs = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("confaarrs");
     $aConfBools = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("confbools");
     // validating language Ids
     if (is_array($aConfAArs['aTsLangIds'])) {
         $blActive = isset($aConfBools["blTsWidget"]) && $aConfBools["blTsWidget"] == "true" ? true : false;
         $sPkg = "OXID_ESALES";
         $aActiveLangs = array();
         foreach ($aConfAArs['aTsLangIds'] as $sLangId => $sId) {
             $aActiveLangs[$sLangId] = false;
             if ($sId) {
                 $sTsUser = $myConfig->getConfigParam('sTsUser');
                 $sTsPass = $myConfig->getConfigParam('sTsPass');
                 // validating and switching on/off
                 $sResult = $this->_validateId($sId, (bool) $blActive, $sTsUser, $sTsPass, $sPkg);
                 // keeping activation state
                 $aActiveLangs[$sLangId] = $sResult == "OK" ? true : false;
                 // error message
                 if ($sResult && $sResult != "OK") {
                     $this->_aViewData["errorsaving"] = "DYN_TRUSTED_RATINGS_ERR_{$sResult}";
         $myConfig->saveShopConfVar("arr", "aTsActiveLangIds", $aActiveLangs, $sOxId);
  * Is called on module deactivation. Deletes the theme settings. Note that after deactivation the settings
  * will be lost.
 public static function onDeactivate()
     $iShopId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getShopId();
     $sThemeName = self::_getThemeName();
     $sDeleteSQL = "\n            DELETE\n                oxconfig.*,\n                oxconfigdisplay.*\n            FROM `oxconfig`\n                LEFT JOIN `oxconfigdisplay`\n                    ON ( `oxconfig`.`OXID` = `oxconfigdisplay`.`OXID` )\n            WHERE `oxconfig`.`OXMODULE` = ? AND `oxconfig`.`oxshopid` = ?\n        ";
     oxDb::getDb()->Execute($sDeleteSQL, array('theme:' . $sThemeName, $iShopId));
Beispiel #16
  * Executes parent method parent::render(), creates deliveryset category tree,
  * passes data to Smarty engine and returns name of template file "deliveryset_main.tpl".
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $sModuleId = $this->_sModuleId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $sShopId = $myConfig->getShopId();
     $oModule = oxNew('oxModule');
     if ($sModuleId && $oModule->load($sModuleId)) {
         try {
             $aDbVariables = $this->_loadMetadataConfVars($oModule->getInfo("settings"));
             $this->_aViewData["var_constraints"] = $aDbVariables['constraints'];
             $this->_aViewData["var_grouping"] = $aDbVariables['grouping'];
             $iCount = 0;
             foreach ($this->_aConfParams as $sType => $sParam) {
                 $this->_aViewData[$sParam] = $aDbVariables['vars'][$sType];
                 $iCount += count($aDbVariables['vars'][$sType]);
         } catch (oxException $oEx) {
     } else {
         oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsView")->addErrorToDisplay(new oxException('EXCEPTION_MODULE_NOT_LOADED'));
     $this->_aViewData["oModule"] = $oModule;
     return 'module_config.tpl';
Beispiel #17
  * Non static getter returning str handler. The sense of getStr() and _getStrHandler() is
  * to be possible to call this method statically ( oxStr::getStr() ), yet leaving the
  * possibility to extend it in modules by overriding _getStrHandler() method.
  * @return object
 protected function _getStrHandler()
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->isUtf() && function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
         return oxNew("oxStrMb");
     return oxNew("oxStrRegular");
Beispiel #18
 public function setLangCache($sCacheName, $aLangCache)
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam("bl_VtDev_disableLangCache")) {
         return true;
     return parent::setLangCache($sCacheName, $aLangCache);
  * Magic call method making a default workflow call to Paymorrow API.
  * @param string $sMethodName
  * @param array  $aArguments
  * @return array
 public function __call($sMethodName, $aArguments)
     // Get all gateway related instances: client, data provider and response, handler
     /** @var OxpsOxid2Paymorrow $oOxidToPm */
     $oOxidToPm = oxNew('OxpsOxid2Paymorrow');
     /** @var OxpsPaymorrowClient|PaymorrowClient $oClient */
     $oClient = $this->getPmClient();
     /** @var OxpsPaymorrowEshopDataProvider $oDataProvider */
     $oDataProvider = $oOxidToPm->getEshopDataProvider();
     /** @var OxpsPaymorrowResponseHandler $oResponseHandler */
     $oResponseHandler = oxRegistry::get('OxpsPaymorrowResponseHandler');
     // Set method URL
     $oClient->setEndPoint($this->getEndPointUrl() . $sMethodName);
     // Collect auth data and perform a request
     $aResponseData = $oClient->sendRequest(array_merge($oDataProvider->collectCommonData(), (array) reset($aArguments)));
     // Check it response is OK or an error
     if (isset($aResponseData['response_status']) and $aResponseData['response_status'] === 'OK') {
         $sResponseHandlerMethodFormat = 'handle%sResponseOK';
     } else {
         $sResponseHandlerMethodFormat = 'handle%sResponseError';
     // Call the response handler method
     $sResponseHandlerMethod = sprintf($sResponseHandlerMethodFormat, ucfirst($sMethodName));
     // Return formatted response data
     return $this->prepareResponseData($aResponseData);
Beispiel #20
 public static function cleanup()
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $sShopId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getShopId();
     $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `oxseo` WHERE `OXSTDURL` LIKE '%StylaSEO_Output%' and oxshopid = " . $oDb->quote($sShopId) . " ;";
 * Smarty function
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Purpose: Modifies provided language constant with it's translation
 * usage: [{$val|oxmultilangassign}]
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param string $sIdent language constant ident
 * @param mixed  $args   for constants using %s notations
 * @return string
function smarty_modifier_oxmultilangassign($sIdent, $args = null)
    if (!isset($sIdent)) {
        $sIdent = 'IDENT MISSING';
    $oLang = oxRegistry::getLang();
    $oConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
    $oShop = $oConfig->getActiveShop();
    $iLang = $oLang->getTplLanguage();
    $blShowError = true;
    if ($oShop->isProductiveMode()) {
        $blShowError = false;
    try {
        $sTranslation = $oLang->translateString($sIdent, $iLang, $oLang->isAdmin());
        $blTranslationNotFound = !$oLang->isTranslated();
    } catch (\OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Exception\LanguageException $oEx) {
        // is thrown in debug mode and has to be caught here, as smarty hangs otherwise!
    if (!$blTranslationNotFound) {
        if ($args) {
            if (is_array($args)) {
                $sTranslation = vsprintf($sTranslation, $args);
            } else {
                $sTranslation = sprintf($sTranslation, $args);
    } elseif ($blShowError) {
        $sTranslation = 'ERROR: Translation for ' . $sIdent . ' not found!';
    return $sTranslation;
  * Returns SEO uri for content object. Includes parent category path info if
  * content is assigned to it
  * @param oxcontent $oCont        content category object
  * @param int       $iLang        language
  * @param bool      $blRegenerate if TRUE forces seo url regeneration
  * @return string
 public function getContentUri($oCont, $iLang = null, $blRegenerate = false)
     if (!isset($iLang)) {
         $iLang = $oCont->getLanguage();
     //load details link from DB
     if ($blRegenerate || !($sSeoUrl = $this->_loadFromDb('oxContent', $oCont->getId(), $iLang))) {
         if ($iLang != $oCont->getLanguage()) {
             $sId = $oCont->getId();
             $oCont = oxNew('oxContent');
             $oCont->loadInLang($iLang, $sId);
         $sSeoUrl = '';
         if ($oCont->getCategoryId() && $oCont->getType() === 2) {
             $oCat = oxNew('oxCategory');
             if ($oCat->loadInLang($iLang, $oCont->oxcontents__oxcatid->value)) {
                 $sParentId = $oCat->oxcategories__oxparentid->value;
                 if ($sParentId && $sParentId != 'oxrootid') {
                     $oParentCat = oxNew('oxCategory');
                     if ($oParentCat->loadInLang($iLang, $oCat->oxcategories__oxparentid->value)) {
                         $sSeoUrl .= oxRegistry::get("oxSeoEncoderCategory")->getCategoryUri($oParentCat);
         $sSeoUrl .= $this->_prepareTitle($oCont->oxcontents__oxtitle->value, false, $oCont->getLanguage()) . '/';
         $sSeoUrl = $this->_processSeoUrl($sSeoUrl, $oCont->getId(), $iLang);
         $this->_saveToDb('oxcontent', $oCont->getId(), $oCont->getBaseStdLink($iLang), $sSeoUrl, $iLang);
     return $sSeoUrl;
Beispiel #23
  * Executes the current command.
  * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // allow empty password
     $dbPwd = \oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('dbPwd');
     if (!empty($dbPwd)) {
         $dbPwd = '-p' . $dbPwd;
     $file = $input->getOption('file');
     if (!empty($file)) {
         $file = "> " . $file;
     } else {
         $file = "";
     if ($input->getOption('ignoreViews')) {
         $dbName = \oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('dbName');
         $viewsResultArray = \oxDb::getDb()->getArray("SHOW FULL TABLES IN {$dbName} WHERE TABLE_TYPE LIKE 'VIEW'");
         $ignoreViewTables = array();
         foreach ($viewsResultArray as $viewArray) {
             $ignoreViewTables[] = '--ignore-table=' . $dbName . '.' . $viewArray[0];
         $ignoreViewTables = implode(' ', $ignoreViewTables);
     $exec = sprintf("mysqldump -h%s %s -u%s %s %s %s 2>&1", \oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('dbHost'), $dbPwd, \oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('dbUser'), \oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('dbName'), $ignoreViewTables, $file);
     exec($exec, $commandOutput, $returnValue);
     if ($returnValue > 0) {
         $output->writeln('<error>' . implode(PHP_EOL, $commandOutput) . '</error>');
     if (!empty($file)) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Dump {$input->getOption('file')} created.</info>");
     } else {
Beispiel #24
  * Saves category description text to DB.
  * @return mixed
 public function save()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $soxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $aParams = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("editval");
     $oCategory = oxNew("oxCategory");
     $iCatLang = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("catlang");
     $iCatLang = $iCatLang ? $iCatLang : 0;
     if ($soxId != "-1") {
         $oCategory->loadInLang($iCatLang, $soxId);
     } else {
         $aParams['oxcategories__oxid'] = null;
     //Disable editing for derived items
     if ($oCategory->isDerived()) {
     // set oxid if inserted
  * Parse response message received from Online License Key Check web service and save it to response object.
  * @param string $sRawResponse
  * @throws oxException
  * @return oxOnlineLicenseCheckResponse
 protected function _formResponse($sRawResponse)
     /** @var oxUtilsXml $oUtilsXml */
     $oUtilsXml = oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsXml");
     if (empty($sRawResponse) || !($oDomDoc = $oUtilsXml->loadXml($sRawResponse))) {
         throw new oxException('OLC_ERROR_RESPONSE_NOT_VALID');
     if ($oDomDoc->documentElement->nodeName != $this->_sResponseElement) {
         throw new oxException('OLC_ERROR_RESPONSE_UNEXPECTED');
     $oResponseNode = $oDomDoc->firstChild;
     if (!$oResponseNode->hasChildNodes()) {
         throw new oxException('OLC_ERROR_RESPONSE_NOT_VALID');
     $oNodes = $oResponseNode->childNodes;
     /** @var oxOnlineLicenseCheckResponse $oResponse */
     $oResponse = oxNew('oxOnlineLicenseCheckResponse');
     // iterate through response node to get response parameters
     for ($i = 0; $i < $oNodes->length; $i++) {
         $sNodeName = $oNodes->item($i)->nodeName;
         $sNodeValue = $oNodes->item($i)->nodeValue;
         $oResponse->{$sNodeName} = $sNodeValue;
     return $oResponse;
 public function request_product()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $myUtils = oxRegistry::getUtils();
     //control captcha
     $sMac = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('c_mac');
     $sMacHash = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('c_mach');
     $oCaptcha = $this->getCaptcha();
     if (!$oCaptcha->pass($sMac, $sMacHash)) {
     /** @var oxMailValidator $oMailValidator */
     $oMailValidator = oxNew('oxMailValidator');
     $aParams = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('pa');
     if (!isset($aParams['email']) || !$oMailValidator->isValidEmail($aParams['email'])) {
     $aParams['aid'] = $this->getProduct()->getId();
     $oArticleRequest = oxNew("psarticlerequest");
     $oArticleRequest->psarticlerequest__oxuserid = new oxField(oxRegistry::getSession()->getVariable('usr'));
     $oArticleRequest->psarticlerequest__oxemail = new oxField($aParams['email']);
     $oArticleRequest->psarticlerequest__oxartid = new oxField($aParams['aid']);
     $oArticleRequest->psarticlerequest__oxshopid = new oxField($myConfig->getShopId());
     $oArticleRequest->psarticlerequest__oxlang = new oxField(oxRegistry::getLang()->getBaseLanguage());
     $oArticleRequest->psarticlerequest__oxstatus = new oxField(psArticleRequest::STATUS_RECEIVED);
     $oEmail = oxNew("oxEmail");
     $oEmail->sendArticleRequestNotification($aParams, $oArticleRequest);
     $this->_iArticleRequestStatus = 1;
  * Kicks off the notification process and sends out the header after a
  * successful or not successful hash validation.
  * @return string current template file name
 public function render()
     $oUpdateHandler = $this->_getUpdateHandler();
     if (!$oUpdateHandler->checkData($_GET)) {
     switch ($oUpdateHandler->getState()) {
         case self::STATE_PAID:
         case self::STATE_EXPIRED:
             $success = $oUpdateHandler->updatePayment();
         case self::STATE_REFUND_COMPLETED:
         case self::STATE_REFUND_EXPIRED:
             $success = $oUpdateHandler->updateRefund();
             oxRegistry::getUtils()->writeToLog(date('c') . 'Notification failed: Unknown state - ' . $oUpdateHandler->getState() . "\r\r", self::LOGFILE);
             $success = false;
     if (!$success) {
     return 'page/shop/start.tpl';
  * Gets path to module directory.
  * @return string
 public function getPathToModuleDirectory()
     if (is_null($this->_sPathToModuleDirectory)) {
     return $this->_sPathToModuleDirectory;
 public function testPrepareStrForSearch()
     $this->assertEquals(' &auml; &ouml; &uuml; &Auml; &Ouml; &Uuml; &szlig; &', oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsString")->prepareStrForSearch(' ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß &amp;'));
     $this->assertEquals(' h&auml;user', oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsString")->prepareStrForSearch(' häuser'));
     $this->assertEquals('', oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsString")->prepareStrForSearch('qwertz'));
     $this->assertEquals('', oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsString")->prepareStrforSearch(''));
  * Executes parent method parent::render(), creates discount category tree,
  * passes data to Smarty engine and returns name of template file "discount_main.tpl".
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $soxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     if (isset($soxId) && $soxId != '-1') {
         // load object
         $oDiscount = oxNew('oxdiscount');
         $this->_aViewData['edit'] = $oDiscount;
         //disabling derived items
         if ($oDiscount->isDerived()) {
             $this->_aViewData['readonly'] = true;
         // generating category tree for artikel choose select list
     $iAoc = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("aoc");
     if ($iAoc == 1) {
         $oDiscountArticlesAjax = oxNew('discount_articles_ajax');
         $this->_aViewData['oxajax'] = $oDiscountArticlesAjax->getColumns();
         return "popups/discount_articles.tpl";
     } elseif ($iAoc == 2) {
         $oDiscountCategoriesAjax = oxNew('discount_categories_ajax');
         $this->_aViewData['oxajax'] = $oDiscountCategoriesAjax->getColumns();
         return "popups/discount_categories.tpl";
     return 'discount_articles.tpl';