Beispiel #1
  * @param Array $coordinates Contains latitude and longitude values
  * @return Array containing geocoded information
 function reverse_geocode($coordinates, $options = array())
     $results = array();
     $parameters = array('radius' => 10, 'maxRows' => 20, 'style' => 'FULL');
     if (!empty($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($parameters[$key])) {
                 $parameters[$key] = $value;
     if (!isset($coordinates['latitude']) && !isset($coordinates['longitude'])) {
         $this->error = 'POSITIONING_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES';
         return null;
     $params = array();
     $params[] = 'lat=' . urlencode($coordinates['latitude']);
     $params[] = 'lng=' . urlencode($coordinates['longitude']);
     foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_null($value)) {
             $params[] = "{$key}=" . urlencode($value);
     $http_request = new org_openpsa_httplib();
     $url = '' . implode('&', $params);
     $response = $http_request->get($url);
     $simplexml = simplexml_load_string($response);
     if (!isset($simplexml->geoname) || count($simplexml->geoname) == 0) {
         $this->error = 'POSITIONING_DETAILS_NOT_FOUND';
         if (isset($simplexml->status)) {
             $constant_name = strtoupper(str_replace(" ", "_", $simplexml->status));
             $this->error = $constant_name;
         return null;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $parameters['maxRows']; $i++) {
         if (!isset($simplexml->geoname[$i])) {
         $entry = $simplexml->geoname[$i];
         $entry_coordinates = array('latitude' => (double) $entry->lat, 'longitude' => (double) $entry->lng);
         $meters = round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($coordinates, $entry_coordinates) * 1000);
         $entry_meters = round((double) $entry->distance * 1000);
         if ($entry_meters < $meters) {
             $meters = $entry_meters;
         $position = array();
         $position['latitude'] = (double) $entry->lat;
         $position['longitude'] = (double) $entry->lng;
         $position['distance'] = array('meters' => $meters, 'bearing' => org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_bearing($coordinates, $entry_coordinates));
         $position['city'] = (string) $entry->name;
         $position['region'] = (string) $entry->adminName2;
         $position['country'] = (string) $entry->countryCode;
         $position['postalcode'] = (string) $entry->postalcode;
         $position['alternate_names'] = (string) $entry->alternateNames;
         $position['accuracy'] = ORG_ROUTAMC_POSITIONING_ACCURACY_GPS;
         $results[] = $position;
     return $results;
Beispiel #2
" alt="<?php 
echo $view['title'];
" border="0"></a>

        <div class="taken location">
$coordinates = null;
if ($GLOBALS['midcom_config']['positioning_enable'] && class_exists('org_routamc_positioning_object') && $data['photo']->photographer) {
    $position_object = new org_routamc_positioning_object($data['photo']);
    $coordinates = $position_object->get_coordinates($data['photo']->photographer, $data['photo']->taken);
if ($coordinates && $coordinates['latitude'] && $coordinates['longitude']) {
    echo sprintf($data['l10n']->get('taken on %s in %s'), strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', $data['photo']->taken), org_routamc_positioning_utils::pretty_print_location($coordinates['latitude'], $coordinates['longitude']));
} else {
    echo sprintf('Otettu %s', strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', $data['photo']->taken));
if ($data['topic']->component == '') {
    if ($data['topic']->component == '') {
        $photostream_topic = midcom_helper_find_node_by_component('org.routamc.photostream');
        if ($photostream_topic) {
            $photostream_prefix = $photostream_topic['18'];
    if (!isset($photostream_prefix)) {
        $photostream_prefix = str_replace($data['topic']->name . '/', '', $prefix);
Beispiel #3

$user = midcom::get('auth')->user->get_storage();
$html = org_routamc_positioning_importer::create('html');
$coordinates = $html->get_icbm_location($user);
if ($coordinates) {
    echo sprintf('According to ICBM URL your position is %s', org_routamc_positioning_utils::microformat_location($coordinates['latitude'], $coordinates['longitude']));
} else {
    echo "Failed to get position, last error is {$html->error}";
Beispiel #4
    } elseif (isset($_GET['f']) && $_GET['f'] == 'callback') {
        // the user has authorized us at FE, so now we can pick up our access token + secret
        if (!$session->exists('auth_state') || $session->get('auth_state') != 'start') {
            throw new midcom_error("Out of sequence.");
        $fireeagle = new FireEagle($fireeagle_consumer_key, $fireeagle_consumer_secret, $session->get('request_token'), $session->get('request_secret'));
        $access_token = $fireeagle->getAccessToken();
        if (!isset($access_token['oauth_token']) || !is_string($access_token['oauth_token']) || !isset($access_token['oauth_token_secret']) || !is_string($access_token['oauth_token_secret'])) {
            throw new midcom_error("Failed to get FireEagle access token\n");
        $user->set_parameter('', 'access_key', $access_token['oauth_token']);
        $user->set_parameter('', 'access_secret', $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
        // This will exit
    <p><a href="?f=start">Start Fire Eagle authentication</a></p>
$fireeagle = org_routamc_positioning_importer::create('fireeagle');
$coordinates = $fireeagle->get_fireeagle_location($user);
if ($coordinates) {
    echo sprintf('According to Fire Eagle your position since %s is %s', strftime('%x %X', $coordinates['date']), org_routamc_positioning_utils::microformat_location($coordinates['latitude'], $coordinates['longitude']));
} else {
    echo "Failed to get position, last error is {$fireeagle->error} {$fireeagle->error_string}";
Beispiel #5
    if (array_key_exists('country', $_POST)) {
        $manual_position['country'] = $_POST['country'];
    if (array_key_exists('latitude', $_POST) && !empty($_POST['latitude'])) {
        $manual_position['latitude'] = $_POST['latitude'];
    if (array_key_exists('longitude', $_POST) && !empty($_POST['longitude'])) {
        $manual_position['longitude'] = $_POST['longitude'];
    $import = $manual->import($manual_position);
    echo $manual->error . "<br />\n";
$user_position = new org_routamc_positioning_person($user);
$coordinates = $user_position->get_coordinates();
if ($coordinates) {
    echo "<p>" . sprintf('According to Midgard your position is now %s', org_routamc_positioning_utils::pretty_print_coordinates($coordinates['latitude'], $coordinates['longitude'])) . "</p>\n";
<form method="post">
    <label>Street <input type="text" name="street" value="Valhallankatu" /></label>,
    <label>City <input type="text" name="city" value="Helsinki" /></label>
    and <label>Country <input type="text" name="country" value="FI" /></label><br />
        <select name="geocoder">
            <option value="city">Local city database</option>
            <option value="geonames">GeoNames</option>
    <label>Latitude <input type="text" name="latitude" /></label>
Beispiel #6
$user = midcom::get('auth')->user->get_storage();
$user_position = new org_routamc_positioning_person($user);
$coordinates = $user_position->get_coordinates();
if (!$coordinates) {
    throw new midcom_error("Failed to get your current position.");
echo "<p>" . sprintf('Your position is %s', org_routamc_positioning_utils::pretty_print_coordinates($coordinates['latitude'], $coordinates['longitude'])) . "</p>\n";
$run_times = 1;
$run = 0;
$total_time = 0;
while ($run < $run_times) {
    $start = microtime();
    $closest = org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_closest('org_routamc_positioning_city_dba', $coordinates, 10);
    echo "<p>Closest places to you are:<br />";
    echo "<ol>\n";
    foreach ($closest as $city) {
        $city_coordinates = array('latitude' => $city->latitude, 'longitude' => $city->longitude);
        echo "<li>{$city->city}, {$city->country} is " . round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($coordinates, $city_coordinates)) . " kilometers " . org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_bearing($coordinates, $city_coordinates) . " from you</li>";
    echo "</ol>\n";
    $end = microtime();
    $end_parts = explode(' ', $end);
    $end = $end_parts[1] + $end_parts[0];
    $start_parts = explode(' ', $start);
    $start = $start_parts[1] + $start_parts[0];
    $time_used = $end - $start;
    $total_time = $time_used + $total_time;
$average = $total_time / $run_times;
echo "<p>Query took {$total_time} seconds (on average {$average} seconds per query).</p>";
Beispiel #7
  * Get closest items
  * Note: If you set a max distance you may not always get the number of items specified in the limit.
  * @param string $class MidCOM DBA class to query
  * @param array $position Center position
  * @param integer $limit How many results to return
  * @param integer $max_distance Maximum distance of returned objects in kilometers, or null if any
  * @param float $modifier
  * @return array array of MidCOM DBA objects sorted by proximity
 function get_closest($class, $center, $limit, $max_distance = null, $modifier = 0.15)
     $classname = org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_positioning_class($class);
     $direct = false;
     if ($classname != $class) {
         $direct = false;
     } else {
         $direct = true;
     $qb = midcom::get('dbfactory')->new_query_builder($classname);
     if (!$direct) {
         // We're querying a regular DBA object through a location object
         $qb->add_constraint('parentclass', '=', $class);
     static $rounds = 0;
     // Limit to earth coordinates
     $from['latitude'] = $center['latitude'] + $modifier;
     if ($from['latitude'] > 90) {
         $from['latitude'] = 90;
     $from['longitude'] = $center['longitude'] - $modifier;
     if ($from['longitude'] < -180) {
         $from['longitude'] = -180;
     $to['latitude'] = $center['latitude'] - $modifier;
     if ($to['latitude'] < -90) {
         $to['latitude'] = -90;
     $to['longitude'] = $center['longitude'] + $modifier;
     if ($to['longitude'] > 180) {
         $to['longitude'] = 180;
     if (!isset($current_locale)) {
         $current_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, '0');
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
     $qb->add_constraint('latitude', '<', (double) $from['latitude']);
     $qb->add_constraint('latitude', '>', (double) $to['latitude']);
     $qb->add_constraint('longitude', '>', (double) $from['longitude']);
     $qb->add_constraint('longitude', '<', (double) $to['longitude']);
     $result_count = $qb->count();
     if ($result_count == 0) {
         // Check that there are any in the DB before proceeding further
         $qb_check = midcom::get('dbfactory')->new_query_builder($classname);
         if ($qb_check->count_unchecked() == 0) {
             return array();
     if ($result_count < $limit) {
         if ($from['latitude'] == 90 && $from['longitude'] == -180 && $to['latitude'] == -90 && $to['longitude'] == 180) {
             // We've queried the entire globe so we return whatever we got
             $results = $qb->execute();
             $closest = array();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $result_coordinates = array('latitude' => $result->latitude, 'longitude' => $result->longitude);
                 $distance = sprintf("%05d", round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($center, $result_coordinates)));
                 if (!is_null($max_distance) && $distance > $max_distance) {
                     // This entry is too far
                 if (!$direct) {
                     // Instantiate the real object as the result
                     $located_object = new $class($result->parent);
                     if (!$located_object->guid) {
                         // This one has been deleted
                     $result = $located_object;
                     $result->latitude = $result_coordinates['latitude'];
                     $result->longitude = $result_coordinates['longitude'];
                     $result->distance = (int) $distance;
                 $closest[$distance . $result->guid] = $result;
             return $closest;
         $modifier = $modifier * 1.05;
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $current_locale);
         return org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_closest($class, $center, $limit, $max_distance, $modifier);
     $results = $qb->execute();
     $closest = array();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $result_coordinates = array('latitude' => $result->latitude, 'longitude' => $result->longitude);
         $distance = sprintf("%05d", round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($center, $result_coordinates)));
         if (!is_null($max_distance) && $distance > $max_distance) {
             // This entry is too far
         if (!$direct) {
             // Instantiate the real object as the result
             $located_object = new $class($result->parent);
             if (!$located_object->guid) {
                 // This one has been deleted
             $result = $located_object;
             $result->latitude = $result_coordinates['latitude'];
             $result->longitude = $result_coordinates['longitude'];
             $result->distance = (int) $distance;
         $closest[$distance . $result->guid] = $result;
     while (count($closest) > $limit) {
     setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $current_locale);
     return $closest;
Beispiel #8
  * @param Array $coordinates Contains latitude and longitude values
  * @param Array $options
  * @return Array containing geocoded information
 function reverse_geocode($coordinates, $options = array())
     $results = array();
     $parameters = array('maxRows' => 1);
     if (!empty($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($parameters[$key])) {
                 $parameters[$key] = $value;
     if (!isset($coordinates['latitude']) && !isset($coordinates['longitude'])) {
         $this->error = 'POSITIONING_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES';
         return null;
     $closest = org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_closest('org_routamc_positioning_city_dba', $coordinates, $parameters['maxRows']);
     if (empty($closest)) {
         $this->error = 'POSITIONING_DETAILS_NOT_FOUND';
         return null;
     foreach ($closest as $city) {
         $city_coordinates = array('latitude' => $city->latitude, 'longitude' => $city->longitude);
         $position = array();
         $position['latitude'] = $city->latitude;
         $position['longitude'] = $city->longitude;
         $position['distance'] = array('meters' => round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($coordinates, $city_coordinates) * 1000), 'bearing' => org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_bearing($coordinates, $city_coordinates));
         $position['city'] = $city->city;
         $position['region'] = $city->region;
         $position['country'] = $city->country;
         $position['alternate_names'] = $city->alternatenames;
         $position['accuracy'] = ORG_ROUTAMC_POSITIONING_ACCURACY_GPS;
         $results[] = $position;
     return $results;
Beispiel #9
  * Get closest items
  * @param string $class MidCOM DBA class to query
  * @param org_routamc_positioning_spot $spot Center position
  * @param integer $limit How many results to return
  * @return Array Array of MidCOM DBA objects sorted by proximity
 static function get_closest($class, org_routamc_positioning_spot $spot, $limit, $modifier = 0.15)
     $classname = org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_positioning_class($class);
     if ($classname != $class) {
         $direct = false;
     } else {
         $direct = true;
     $qb = new midgard_query_builder($classname);
     if (!$direct) {
         // We're querying a regular DBA object through a location object
         $qb->add_constraint('parentclass', '=', $class);
     static $rounds = 0;
     $from['latitude'] = $spot->latitude + $modifier;
     if ($from['latitude'] > 90) {
         $from['latitude'] = 90;
     $from['longitude'] = $spot->longitude - $modifier;
     if ($from['longitude'] < -180) {
         $from['longitude'] = -180;
     $to['latitude'] = $spot->latitude - $modifier;
     if ($to['latitude'] < -90) {
         $to['latitude'] = -90;
     $to['longitude'] = $spot->longitude + $modifier;
     if ($to['longitude'] > 180) {
         $to['longitude'] = 180;
     if (!isset($current_locale)) {
         $current_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, '0');
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
     $qb->add_constraint('latitude', '<', (double) $from['latitude']);
     $qb->add_constraint('latitude', '>', (double) $to['latitude']);
     $qb->add_constraint('longitude', '>', (double) $from['longitude']);
     $qb->add_constraint('longitude', '<', (double) $to['longitude']);
     $result_count = $qb->count();
     //echo "<br />Round {$rounds}, lat1 {$from['latitude']} lon1 {$from['longitude']}, lat2 {$to['latitude']} lon2 {$to['longitude']}: {$result_count} results\n";
     if ($result_count < $limit) {
         if ($from['latitude'] == 90 && $from['longitude'] == -180 && $to['latitude'] == -90 && $to['longitude'] == 180) {
             // We've queried the entire globe so we return whatever we got
             $results = $qb->execute();
             $closest = array();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $result_spot = new org_routamc_positioning_spot($result);
                 $distance = sprintf("%05d", round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($spot, $result_spot)));
                 if (!$direct) {
                     // Instantiate the real object as the result
                     $result = new $class($result->parent);
                     $result->spot = $result_spot;
                     $result->latitude = $result_spot->latitude;
                     $result->longitude = $result_spot->longitude;
                 $closest[$distance . $result->guid] = $result;
             return $closest;
         $modifier = $modifier * 1.05;
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $current_locale);
         return org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_closest($class, $spot, $limit, $modifier);
     $results = $qb->execute();
     $closest = array();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $result_spot = new org_routamc_positioning_spot($result);
         $distance = sprintf("%05d", round(org_routamc_positioning_utils::get_distance($spot, $result_spot)));
         if (!$direct) {
             // Instantiate the real object as the result
             $result = new $class($result->parent);
             $result->spot = $result_spot;
             $result->latitude = $result_spot->latitude;
             $result->longitude = $result_spot->longitude;
         $closest[$distance . $result->guid] = $result;
     while (count($closest) > $limit) {
     setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $current_locale);
     return $closest;
Beispiel #10
 function get_city_string()
     return org_routamc_positioning_utils::pretty_print_location($this->latitude, $this->longitude);
Beispiel #11
 function convert_to_html()
     $result = '';
     $adr_properties = array();
     if ($this->location->description) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"description\">{$this->location->description}</span>";
     if ($this->location->text) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"text\">{$this->location->text}</span>";
     if ($this->location->room) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"room\">{$this->location->room}</span>";
     if ($this->location->street) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"street-address\">{$this->location->street}</span>";
     if ($this->location->postalcode) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"postal-code\">{$this->location->postalcode}</span>";
     if ($this->location->city) {
         $city = new org_routamc_positioning_city_dba($this->location->city);
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"locality\">{$city->city}</span>";
     if ($this->location->region) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"region\">{$this->location->region}</span>";
     if ($this->location->country) {
         $adr_properties[] = "<span class=\"country-name\">{$this->location->country}</span>";
     if (count($adr_properties) > 0) {
         $result .= '<span class="adr">' . implode(', ', $adr_properties) . "</span>\n";
     $latitude_string = org_routamc_positioning_utils::pretty_print_coordinate($this->location->latitude);
     $latitude_string .= $this->location->latitude > 0 ? " N" : " S";
     $longitude_string = org_routamc_positioning_utils::pretty_print_coordinate($this->location->longitude);
     $longitude_string .= $this->location->longitude > 0 ? " E" : " W";
     $style = '';
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $style = ' style="display: none;"';
     $result .= "<span class=\"geo\"{$style}>\n";
     $result .= "    <abbr class=\"latitude\" title=\"{$this->location->latitude}\">{$latitude_string}</abbr>\n";
     $result .= "    <abbr class=\"longitude\" title=\"{$this->location->longitude}\">{$longitude_string}</abbr>\n";
     $result .= "</span>\n";
     // TODO: Add Microformat for civic location
     return $result;