theme::checker('enabled', (int) $record->enabled); theme::end_form_section('Settings which are present are usually considered "enabled" but, this is internally supported for debugging etc...'); theme::start_form_section('Help'); o::text('help', $record->help); theme::end_form_section('Help to display under the Value input element'); theme::start_form_section('Internal'); o::text('internal', $record->internal); theme::end_form_section('Internal package "owner"'); theme::start_form_section('Managed', true); theme::checker('managed', (int) $record->managed); theme::end_form_section('If a setting is managed a user can not change it\'s group or name.'); theme::start_form_section('Show As', true); theme::radio('show_as', $record->show_as, [0 => 'textarea', 1 => 'boolean', 2 => 'radios', 3 => 'input']); theme::end_form_section(); theme::start_form_section('Options'); o::textarea('options', $record->options); theme::end_form_section('If <b>Show As</b> is:<br>textarea - optional height in pixels<br>boolean - no options are available<br>radios - you <b>MUST</b> enter a json object where the key/value pairs are the radio button options<br>input - optional bootstrap grid block width.'); theme::start_form_section('Is Deletable'); theme::checker('is_deletable', (int) $record->is_deletable); theme::end_form_section(); o::hidden('advanced', 1); } else { if ($controller_action == 'new') { o::hidden('enabled', 1); o::hidden('help', ''); o::hidden('internal', ''); o::hidden('managed', 0); o::hidden('show_as', 0); o::hidden('options', ''); o::hidden('is_deletable', 1); } else {