public function setUserInfo($openID) { $token = $this->getToken(); if ($token == '') { return ''; } $url = "" . $token . "&openid=" . $openID; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31"); $content = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $data = json_decode($content, true); $mysqlHelperObj = new mysqlHelper(); $sql = "select id from users where user='******'"; $id = $mysqlHelperObj->queryValue($sql, 'id'); if ($id == '') { $sql = "insert into users (user) values('" . $openID . "')"; $mysqlHelperObj->execute($sql); } $sql = "update users set name='" . $data['nickname'] . "', city='" . $data['city'] . "',province='" . $data['province'] . "',sex='" . $data['sex'] . "',country='" . $data['country'] . "',headimgurl='" . addslashes($data['headimgurl']) . "', where user='******'"; $mysqlHelperObj->execute($sql); return 'true'; }
define('IN_APP', 1); //Get ecjConfig object require_once '..' . DS . 'configuration.php'; $ecjConfig = new ecjConfig(); $_dbhost = $ecjConfig->db_host; $_dbname = $ecjConfig->db_name; $_dbuser = $ecjConfig->db_user; $_dbpass = $ecjConfig->db_pass; $_pre = $ecjConfig->table_prefix; $_submission_timeout = $ecjConfig->submission_timeout; $_max_submissions = $ecjConfig->max_submissions; $_session_max = $ecjConfig->session_lifetime; unset($ecjConfig); //Get the mysqlHelper class require_once '..' . DS . 'include' . DS . 'mysqlHelper.php'; $db = new mysqlHelper(); require_once '..' . DS . 'include' . DS . 'cleanPostAndGet.php'; //Clean $_POST and $_GET of malicious require_once '..' . DS . 'include' . DS . 'utilityFunctions.php'; $handle = strtoupper($_POST['handle']); $password = encrypt_password($_POST['password']); //check for existence of user account $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_pre . "users WHERE registration_no='{$handle}' AND password='******' AND activated=1"; $db->setQuery($query); if ($db->foundRows == 0) { echo "{'error':'Username and password did not match'}"; return; } //Is this a superuser account? $user_data = $db->fetch_assoc(); if ($user_data['user_type'] != 'su') {
function data_insertjoke($content) { $content = addslashes($content); $ptype = addslashes($ptype); $ptime = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO jokes (content,ptime)VALUES('{$content}', FROM_UNIXTIME({$ptime}) )"; $mysqlHelperObj = new mysqlHelper(); return $mysqlHelperObj->execute($sql); }
function d_getvalues_3($fromuser, $key, $key1, $key2) { $value = ''; $value1 = ''; $value2 = ''; $sql = "select {$key} , {$key1}, {$key2} from users where user = '******' "; $mysqlHelperObj = new mysqlHelper(); $rows = $mysqlHelperObj->queryValueArray($sql); if ($rows != "") { $row = $rows[0]; $value = $row["{$key}"]; $value1 = $row["{$key1}"]; $value2 = $row["{$key2}"]; } return array(stripslashes($value), stripslashes($value1), stripslashes($value2)); }
public function insertdb($name, $type, $msg) { date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); if ($type == 'ymsg') { $t = date('Y'); $sql = "update astrological set {$type} = '{$msg}', y='{$t}' where name = '{$name}'"; } else { if ($type == 'mmsg') { $t = date('n'); $sql = "update astrological set {$type} = '{$msg}', m='{$t}' where name = '{$name}'"; } else { if ($type == 'wmsg') { $z = date('z'); $t = date('w'); $sql = "update astrological set {$type} = '{$msg}', w='{$t}', wd='{$z}' where name = '{$name}'"; } else { if ($type == 'dmsg') { $t = date('z'); $sql = "update astrological set {$type} = '{$msg}', d='{$t}' where name = '{$name}'"; } } } } $mysqlHelperObj = new mysqlHelper(); return $mysqlHelperObj->execute($sqlstr); }
//Get ecjConfig object require_once '..' . DS . 'configuration.php'; $ecjConfig = new ecjConfig(); $_dbhost = $ecjConfig->db_host; $_dbname = $ecjConfig->db_name; $_dbuser = $ecjConfig->db_user; $_dbpass = $ecjConfig->db_pass; $_pre = $ecjConfig->table_prefix; $_submission_timeout = $ecjConfig->submission_timeout; $_max_submissions = $ecjConfig->max_submissions; unset($ecjConfig); //Get the utility functions require_once '..' . DS . 'include' . DS . 'utilityFunctions.php'; //Get the mysqlHelper class require_once '..' . DS . 'include' . DS . 'mysqlHelper.php'; $db = new mysqlHelper(); require_once '..' . DS . 'include' . DS . 'cleanPostAndGet.php'; //Clean $_POST and $_GET of malicious if (@$_GET['a'] == 'r_scoreboard') { $match_table_name = base64_decode(@$_GET['m_tn']); //We need to see if the match is an active match so that we load the scoreboard in refresh mode while at the same time checking if there's a match by the specified table name $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $_pre . "matches WHERE match_table_name='{$match_table_name}'"; $db->setQuery($query); if ($db->foundRows == 0) { echo 'Unable to load scoreboard for selected match'; return; } //Check if the match is active $md = $db->fetch_assoc(); $match_active = false; if ($md['start_time'] < time() && $md['start_time'] + $md['duration'] > time()) {
public function getCitypinyin($city) { $sql = "select pinyin from cityair where city='{$city}'"; $mysqlHelperObj = new mysqlHelper(); $rows = $mysqlHelperObj->queryValueArray($sql); if ($rows != "") { $row = $rows[0]; return $row['pinyin']; } return ""; }
function secret_getflag($fromuser) { $sql = "select secret_flag from users where user = '******'"; $mysqlHelperObj = new mysqlHelper(); $value = $mysqlHelperObj->queryValue($sql, "secret_flag"); if ($value != "") { return $value; } else { d_insertuser($fromuser); } return 0; }