  * @see sfValidatorBase
 protected function doClean($value)
     $clean = $value;
     mysfLog::log($this, "{$clean}");
     // check for active user
     if (sfGuardUserPeer::retrieveByUsername($clean, true)) {
         throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'used', array('value' => $value));
     // check for not active user
     if (sfGuardUserPeer::retrieveByUsername($clean, false)) {
         throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'used', array('value' => $value));
     return $clean;
Beispiel #2
 /** This is executed when searched for related tracks and metadata */
 public function executeRelatedtrack(sfWebRequest $request)
     $empty_metadatafilteredquery = false;
     $distances = NULL;
     $files = NULL;
     // get request parameters
     $metadataquery = $request->getParameter('metadataquery');
     $tracknr = $request->getParameter('tracknr');
     $limit = $request->getParameter('limit', $this->getContext()->getConfiguration()->getSmintMaxQueryResults());
     $offset = $request->getParameter('offset', 0);
     $id_prefix = $request->getParameter('id_prefix', '') . smintTools::generateHtmlId($tracknr) . "_";
     $omit_empty_metadataquery = $request->getParameter('omit_empty_metadataquery', false);
     $distancetypeid = sfConfig::get('app_defaults_distancetypeid', 0);
     $featurevectortypeid = sfConfig::get('app_defaults_featurevectortypeid', 0);
     mysfLog::logRequest($this, $request);
     //get file via external key
     $file = FilePeer::getFileByExternalKey($tracknr);
     //only if the file was found in the smafestore db
     if ($file) {
         // run query
         $fileTrackId = $file->getTrackid();
         $relatedCriteria = $this->buildRelatedQuery($fileTrackId, $featurevectortypeid, $distancetypeid, $limit, $offset, $metadataquery);
         $related = FilePeer::doSelect($relatedCriteria);
         // if omit empty metadataquery is true
         if ($omit_empty_metadataquery) {
             if (count($related) > 0) {
                 // if the query returned results
                 $distances = DistancePeer::doSelect($relatedCriteria);
             } else {
                 // if the query returned no results -> retry without metadata
                 $empty_metadatafilteredquery = true;
                 $relatedCriteria = $this->buildRelatedQuery($fileTrackId, $featurevectortypeid, $distancetypeid, $limit, $offset);
                 $related = FilePeer::doSelect($relatedCriteria);
                 $distances = DistancePeer::doSelect($relatedCriteria);
         } else {
             $distances = DistancePeer::doSelect($relatedCriteria);
     $files = FiledescPeer::doSelect($relatedCriteria);
     // add duration
     //		$fileDownloadURL = url_for("getAudioFile/download") . "?tracknr=" . rawurlencode($tracknr);
     $queryFileMetadata = FiledescPeer::retrieveByPk($tracknr);
     $fileInfoName = $queryFileMetadata->getTitle() . " - " . $queryFileMetadata->getPerformers();
     $uploadedFilePHPUrl_incomplete = url_for("getAudioFile/download", true) . "?tracknr=" . rawurlencode($tracknr);
     $uploadedFileURL = smintUploadFileHelper::getDirectFileUrl($file->getUri());
     return $this->renderPartial('search/result', array('render' => 'related', 'uploadedFilePHPUrl_incomplete' => $uploadedFilePHPUrl_incomplete, 'uploadedFileURL' => $uploadedFileURL, 'seedLabel' => $fileInfoName, 'id_prefix' => $id_prefix, 'tracknr' => $tracknr, 'files' => $files, 'distances' => $distances, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'metadataquery' => $metadataquery, 'empty_metadatafilteredquery' => $empty_metadatafilteredquery, 'aSegmSearch' => $aSegmSearch));
Beispiel #3
 /** Performs live query with Smafe
  * Also tries to start the server if it seems to be down. In this case, an exception is thrown with explanation
  * @param $filepath		The file to query (local file path)
  * @param $aSegmSearch	Associative array with data about segmented search
  * @param $autostart	if true, the server is tried to started if it seems to be down. Default = true
 public static function queryFile($filepath, $aSegmSearch, $autorestart = true)
     // The command
     if ($aSegmSearch['enabled']) {
         // segmented search
         $command = mysfConfig::get('app_live_settings_command_segmentedsearch', "");
         $command = str_replace('$LIVEFILE', $filepath, $command);
         $command = str_replace('$BEGINTIME', smintTools::convertTimeMsToMM_SS_HH($aSegmSearch['startSegment']), $command);
         $command = str_replace('$ENDTIME', smintTools::convertTimeMsToMM_SS_HH($aSegmSearch['endSegment']), $command);
         $exec_command = $command;
     } else {
         // normal search
         $command = mysfConfig::get('app_live_settings_command', "");
         $command = str_replace('$LIVEFILE', $filepath, $command);
         $exec_command = $command;
     $exec_output = array();
     $exec_err = array();
     mysfLog::log(self::$context, "INFO - executing live query: {$exec_command}");
     exec($exec_command, $exec_output, $exec_result);
     if ($exec_result != 0) {
         if ($autorestart) {
             // try to start server
             try {
                 mysfLog::log(self::$context, "INFO: Server seems not to be running. STARTING the SERVER.");
                 throw new Exception("Server was restarted. Try again in a few minutes. Log: " . print_r($exec_output, true));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // restart failed
                 mysfLog::log(self::$context, "STARTING the SERVER failed: " . $e->getMessage());
                 throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
         } else {
             // do not start the smafedistd server but return error message
             $result_array = array("command" => $exec_command, "result" => $exec_result, "error" => $exec_output);
             $error_message = "ERROR during live query. " . print_r($result_array, true);
             mysfLog::log(self::$context, $error_message);
             throw new Exception($error_message);
     $result_array = array("output" => $exec_output, "result" => $exec_result);
     return $result_array;
Beispiel #4
  * Sends a mail.
  * It uses the Swiftmail library, but not the symfony wrapper around it (the wrapper did not work)
  * @param options assoc array with options: * = mandatory
  * 		- subject*
  * 		- parameters*	assoc array for partial rendering
  * 		- to_email*
  * 		- to_name*
  * 		- text*			either a symfony partial view or the text directly
  * 		- html			either a symfony partial view or the html text directly
  * 		- from_email*
  * 		- from_name*
  * 		- cc
  * 		- bcc
  * 		- attachments
  * @return number of emails sent
  * @throws Exception if an error occurs or sfException if a mandatory option is not set 
 public static function mail($options)
     $required = array('subject', 'parameters', 'to_email', 'to_name', 'text', 'from_email', 'from_name');
     foreach ($required as $option) {
         if (!isset($options[$option])) {
             throw new sfException("Required option {$option} not supplied to " . self::$context . "::mail");
     // Create the Transport
     $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(sfConfig::get('app_mail_host', "!!specify host in app.yml!!"), sfConfig::get('app_mail_port', 25))->setUsername(sfConfig::get('app_mail_username', "!!Please set username in app.yml!!"))->setPassword(sfConfig::get('app_mail_password', "***"));
     // check for encryption
     if ($tmpenc = sfConfig::get('app_mail_encryption', '~') != '~') {
         if (in_array($tmpenc, stream_get_transports())) {
             mysfLog::log(self::$context, "Encryption {$tmpenc} enabled.");
         } else {
             mysfLog::log(self::$context, "WARNING: Encryption {$tmpenc} NOT enabled since it is not in stream_get_transports() result which is: " . print_r(stream_get_transports(), true));
     // Create the Mailer using your created Transport
     $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
     		// Or to use the Echo Logger
     		$logger = new Swift_Plugins_Loggers_EchoLogger();
     		$mailer -> registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_LoggerPlugin($logger));
     $address = array();
     $address['fullname'] = $options['from_name'];
     $address['email'] = $options['from_email'];
     if (!isset($options['body_is_partial']) || $options['body_is_partial'] == true) {
         $message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setFrom(array($address['email'] => $address['fullname']))->setTo(array($options['to_email'] => $options['to_name']))->setSubject($options['subject']);
         if (isset($options['html'])) {
             $message->setBody(get_partial($options['html'], $options['parameters']), 'text/html')->addPart(get_partial($options['text'], $options['parameters']), 'text/plain');
         } else {
             $message->setBody(get_partial($options['text'], $options['parameters']), 'text/plain');
         //$message = Swift_Message::newInstance() -> setFrom(array($address['email'] => $address['fullname'])) -> setTo(array($options['to_email'] => $options['to_name'])) -> setSubject($options['subject']) -> setBody('test');
     } else {
         $message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setFrom(array($address['email'] => $address['fullname']))->setTo(array($options['to_email'] => $options['to_name']))->setSubject($options['subject']);
         if (isset($options['html'])) {
             $message->setBody($options['html'], 'text/html')->addPart($options['text'], 'text/plain');
         } else {
             $message->setBody($options['text'], 'text/plain');
     if (isset($options['cc']) && !is_null($options['cc'])) {
         if (is_array($options['cc'])) {
             foreach ($options['cc'] as $key => $value) {
                 if (!is_number($key)) {
                     $message->addCc($key, $value);
                 } else {
         } elseif (is_string($options['cc'])) {
     if (isset($options['bcc']) && !is_null($options['bcc'])) {
         if (is_array($options['bcc'])) {
             foreach ($options['bcc'] as $key => $value) {
                 if (!is_number($key)) {
                     $message->addBcc($key, $value);
                 } else {
         } elseif (is_string($options['bcc'])) {
     if (isset($options['attachments'])) {
         $atts = $options['attachments'];
         if (is_array($atts)) {
             foreach ($atts as $att) {
         } elseif (is_string($atts)) {
     try {
         $failedRecipients = array();
         $ret = $mailer->send($message, $failedRecipients);
         mysfLog::log(self::$context, "DEBUG: " . print_r($failedRecipients, TRUE));
         return $ret;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("Error when sending mail: " . $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #5
 /** provides the file as download/streaming
  * Request params:
  * - tracknr
  * - fileid
  * - uploaded
  * 		( either tracknr or fileid or uploaded is required)
  * - format		optional. One of: mp3, ogg. If format is given, the file is converted to the given format, using command line invocations that are configured in app.yml
 public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request)
     // write session, so it won't lock other requests
     $reqparamUploaded = $this->getRequestParameter('uploaded');
     if ($reqparamUploaded) {
         $filename = smintUploadFileHelper::getUploadPath() . $reqparamUploaded;
     } else {
         $tracknr = $this->getRequestParameter('tracknr');
         if ($tracknr) {
             $file = FilePeer::getFileByExternalKey($tracknr);
             $filekey = $tracknr;
         } else {
             # check if file.id is given
             $fileid = $this->getRequestParameter('fileid');
             $file = FilePeer::retrieveByPK($fileid);
             $filekey = $fileid;
         //check if a file was found matching tracknr, else exit with 404
         if ($file) {
             $filename = $file->getUri();
         } else {
             $this->forward404("file not found in database.");
     //check if a tracknr is given, otherwise exit with 404
     if (!$filename) {
         $this->forward404("Invalid query! Provide tracknr, fileid or uploaded to get a file.");
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         //check if file is inside the folder configured in smint/config/app.yml
         // or inside the upload folder
         $mp3Path = dirname(sfConfig::get('app_files_mp3path') . "/file");
         if (strpos($filename, $mp3Path) === false && strpos($filename, smintUploadFileHelper::getUploadPath()) === false) {
             $this->forward404("file: {$filename} is outside of the configured path (app.yml): {$mp3Path}. Accessing files outside the path is not allowed. Check app.yml and URI in file table.");
         // -----------------------------------------------
         // -------------- check for format --------------
         // if no format is given,
         $reqparamFormat = $this->getRequestParameter('format');
         if ($reqparamFormat) {
             if (substr($filename, -3) === $reqparamFormat) {
                 mysfLog::log($this, "INFO: format parameter equals original audio file suffix. No conversion.");
                 if ($reqparamFormat === "mp3") {
                     $contenttype = "audio/mpeg";
                 } else {
                     $contenttype = "audio/{$reqparamFormat}";
             } else {
                 // conversion
                 if ($reqparamFormat === "ogg") {
                     $filename = smintFileserverHelper::doFileConversion($filename, $reqparamFormat);
                     $contenttype = "audio/ogg";
                 } else {
                     if ($reqparamFormat === "mp3") {
                         $filename = smintFileserverHelper::doFileConversion($filename, $reqparamFormat);
                         $contenttype = "audio/mpeg";
                     } else {
                         if ($reqparamFormat === "waveform") {
                             $filename = smintFileserverHelper::doFileConversion($filename, $reqparamFormat);
                             $contenttype = "application/txt";
                         } else {
                             if ($reqparamFormat === "png") {
                                 $waveformfilename = smintFileserverHelper::doFileConversion($filename, "waveform");
                                 $wfdata = split(", ", file_get_contents($waveformfilename));
                                 //mysfLog::log($this, print_r($wfdata, true));
                                 // how much detail we want. Larger number means less detail
                                 // (basically, how many bytes/frames to skip processing)
                                 // the lower the number means longer processing time
                                 // EP: in SMINT we do not chagne this. To change the detail, edit your waveform_resolution
                                 // config param in app.yml!
                                 define("DETAIL", 1);
                                 // get user vars from form
                                 $width = $this->getRequestParameter('width') ? rawurldecode($this->getRequestParameter('width')) : 640;
                                 $height = $this->getRequestParameter('height') ? rawurldecode($this->getRequestParameter('height')) : 100;
                                 $foreground = $this->getRequestParameter('fg') ? rawurldecode($this->getRequestParameter('fg')) : "#4D4D4D";
                                 $background = $this->getRequestParameter('bg') ? rawurldecode($this->getRequestParameter('bg')) : "#ffffff";
                                 $maxval = 0;
                                 $factor = sfConfig::get('app_defaults_waveform_factor', 0.8);
                                 // create original image width based on amount of detail
                                 $img = imagecreatetruecolor(sizeof($wfdata) / DETAIL, $height);
                                 // apply factor to the data
                                 //$wfdata_factor = array_map("this->pow_func", $wfdata);
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($wfdata); $i += DETAIL) {
                                     $wfdata[$i] = pow(abs($wfdata[$i]), $factor);
                                 $datamaxval = max(array_map("abs", $wfdata));
                                 $normconstant = doubleval($height) / doubleval($datamaxval);
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($wfdata); $i += DETAIL) {
                                     $wfdata[$i] = $wfdata[$i] * $normconstant;
                                 						for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($wfdata); $i += DETAIL) {
                                 							if (abs($wfdata[$i]) > $maxval) {
                                 								$maxval = $wfdata[$i];
                                 						if ($maxval < 40) {
                                 							for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($wfdata); $i += DETAIL) {
                                 								$wfdata[$i] = pow(abs($wfdata[$i]), 1.4);
                                  * */
                                 // fill background of image
                                 if ($background == "") {
                                     imagesavealpha($img, true);
                                     $transparentColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
                                     imagefill($img, 0, 0, $transparentColor);
                                 } else {
                                     list($r, $g, $b) = smintTools::html2rgb($background);
                                     imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, sizeof($wfdata) / DETAIL, $height, imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b));
                                 // generate foreground color
                                 list($r, $g, $b) = smintTools::html2rgb($foreground);
                                 // loop through frames/bytes of wav data as genearted above
                                 for ($d = 0; $d < sizeof($wfdata); $d += DETAIL) {
                                     // relative value based on height of image being generated
                                     // data values can range between -127 and 128
                                     $v = $wfdata[$d];
                                     //$v = pow($v, sfConfig::get('app_defaults_waveform_factor', 0.8));
                                     // draw the line on the image using the $v value and centering it vertically on the canvas
                                     imageline($img, $d / DETAIL, ($height - $v) / 2, $d / DETAIL, ($height + $v) / 2, imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b));
                                 // want it resized?
                                 if ($width != imagesx($img)) {
                                     // resample the image to the proportions defined in the form
                                     $rimg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
                                     // save alpha from original image
                                     imagesavealpha($rimg, true);
                                     imagealphablending($rimg, false);
                                     // copy to resized
                                     imagecopyresampled($rimg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, sizeof($wfdata) / DETAIL, $height);
                                     $img = $rimg;
                                 $contenttype = "image/png";
                                 header("Content-type: {$contenttype}");
                                 // dont render view
                                 return sfView::NONE;
                             } else {
                                 $error_message = "ERROR: Format {$reqparamFormat} not valid";
                                 mysfLog::log($this, $error_message);
                                 throw new Exception($error_message);
         } else {
             mysfLog::log($this, "INFO: format parameter not given, sending the original file ");
             // assuming file ending as content type. Just an approximation
             $contenttype = "audio/" . substr($filename, -3);
         // do a redirect to file to have apache handle it
         /* alternate version of redirect (not using symf framework)
         			 * does not work better :-(
         			 $url = smintUploadFileHelper::getDirectFileUrl_for_uploads($filename);
         			 $statusCode = 302;
         			 // redirect
         			 $response = $this->context->getResponse();
         			 $response->setHttpHeader('Location', $url);
         			 throw new sfStopException();
         			 // we do not reach this part b/o the redirect!
         // ------------ delegate to helper for download
         // serves file, obeying the range header
         smintFileserverHelper::serve_file_resumable($this->getResponse(), $filename, $contenttype);
         // dont render view
         return sfView::NONE;
         //return sfView::HEADER_ONLY;
     } else {
         $missingfile = $filename ? $filename : "No filename found!";
         $this->forward404("file for tracknr:  not found: " . $missingfile);
Beispiel #6
 public function executeConfirm()
     $validate = $this->getRequestParameter('validate');
     $c = new Criteria();
     // 0.6.3: oops, this was in sfGuardUserProfilePeer in my application
     // and therefore never got shipped with the plugin until I built
     // a second site and spotted it!
     $c->add(SmintUserPeer::VALIDATE, $validate);
     $c->addJoin(sfGuardUserPeer::ID, SmintUserPeer::SF_GUARD_USER_ID);
     $sfGuardUser = sfGuardUserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     if (!$sfGuardUser) {
         return 'Invalid';
     $type = self::getValidationType($validate);
     if (!strlen($validate)) {
         return 'Invalid';
     $profile = $sfGuardUser->getProfile();
     if ($type == 'New') {
         // Email start
         $opts = array();
         $opts['from_name'] = sfConfig::get('app_mail_fromname', "Spectralmind");
         $opts['from_email'] = sfConfig::get('app_mail_from', "*****@*****.**");
         // the password is not plaintext, so we do not show it in the mail!
         $opts['parameters'] = array('username' => $sfGuardUser->getUsername(), 'pwd' => $sfGuardUser->getPassword());
         $opts['body_is_partial'] = true;
         $opts['to_name'] = $profile->getName();
         $opts['to_email'] = $profile->getEmail();
         $opts['subject'] = sfConfig::get('app_mail_subjectwelcomemail', "Welcome to SEARCH by Sound portal");
         //$opts['html'] = "sendValidateNew";
         $opts['text'] = "sendWelcomeEmail";
         			 // Or to use the Echo Logger
         			 $logger = new Swift_Plugins_Loggers_EchoLogger();
         			 $this->getMailer()->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_LoggerPlugin($logger));
         			 * */
         $numSent = smintMailHelper::mail($opts);
         // not sent? react accordingly
         if ($numSent != 1) {
             mysfLog::log($this, "ERROR: welcome email not sent. Return value was {$numSent}");
             return 'Error';
     if ($type == 'Reset') {
         $this->getUser()->setAttribute('Reset', $sfGuardUser->getId(), 'sfApplyPlugin');
         return $this->redirect('sfApply/reset');
Beispiel #7
 /** Returns appropriate JS code for mp3 player config.
  * @param $files Array of Filedesc instances
  * @param $aSegmSearch Array with segmentation information
 public static function getMp3PlayerConfig($files = array(), $aSegmSearch = array())
     //needed for javascript_tag
     $player = sfConfig::get('app_mp3player_defaultplayer', 'worldpress');
     switch ($player) {
         case 'flash-mp3-player':
             return '';
         case 'worldpress':
             $playerConfig = sfConfig::get('app_mp3player_worldpress');
             $autostart = isset($playerConfig['autostart']) ? $playerConfig['autostart'] : 'yes';
             $width = isset($playerConfig['width']) ? $playerConfig['width'] : '200';
             $skin = $playerConfig['skin'];
             return javascript_tag("AudioPlayer.setup('" . public_path('audio-player/player.swf') . "', \n                  {\n                    width: '{$width}', \n                    autostart: '{$autostart}', \n                    animation: 'no', \n                    {$skin},\n                  });");
         case 'smintplayer':
             // get configuration
             $playerConfig = sfConfig::get('app_mp3player_smintplayer');
             // build options array of array. First dimension is list of files, second is assoc array with values for the player
             $options = array();
             if (!isset($aSegmSearch['enabled'])) {
                 $aSegmSearch['enabled'] = false;
             foreach ($files as $i => $filedesc) {
                 $filerec = FilePeer::getFileByExternalKey($filedesc->getTracknr());
                 if (!isset($filerec)) {
                     // no recrod returned - maybe no metadata in the db?
                     $tmparray = array('text' => "(No metadata available)", 'audiofile_mp3' => url_for("getAudioFile/download", true) . "?fileid=" . rawurlencode($filedesc->getTracknr()) . "&format=mp3", 'audiofile_ogg' => url_for("getAudioFile/download", true) . "?tracknr=" . rawurlencode($filedesc->getTracknr()) . "&format=ogg", 'waveformfile' => url_for("getAudioFile/download", true) . "?tracknr=" . rawurlencode($filedesc->getTracknr()) . "&format=waveform", 'duration' => isset($iDurationMs) ? $iDurationMs : 0, 'segments' => $aSegmSearch['enabled'] ? $aSegmSearch['resultsegments'][$i] : array(), 'searchsimilarfunc' => 'smint_' . smintTools::generateHtmlId($filedesc->getTracknr()) . '()', 'backlinktext' => "License track from gettyimages music", 'backlinkurl' => url_for("search/redirect") . "?url=" . rawurlencode("http://www.gettyimages.at/music/download-songs/" . $filedesc->getTracknr() . "?ref=spec"));
                 } else {
                     $iBitrate = $filerec->getBitrate();
                     $sUri = $filerec->getUri();
                     // estimate duration
                     if (file_exists($sUri)) {
                         $iSize = filesize($sUri);
                         if ($iSize) {
                             // file size divided by bytes per second, times 1000 to get ms.
                             // bitrate is k bits per second, so multiply by 1024 to get bits, and divide by 8 to get bytes
                             $iDurationMs = intval($iSize / ($iBitrate * 1024 / 8) * 1000);
                         } else {
                             mysfLog::log($this, "DEBUG Could not read file size: {$sUri}");
                             $iDurationMs = 0;
                     } else {
                         mysfLog::log($this, "WARNING File does not exist: {$sUri}");
                         $iDurationMs = 0;
                     $tmparray = array('text' => $filedesc->getTitle() . ' | ' . $filedesc->getPerformers() . ' | ' . $filedesc->getGenre(), 'audiofile_mp3' => smintUploadFileHelper::getDirectFileUrl($filerec->getUri()), 'audiofile_ogg' => url_for("getAudioFile/download", true) . "?tracknr=" . rawurlencode($filedesc->getTracknr()) . "&format=ogg", 'waveformfile' => url_for("getAudioFile/download", true) . "?tracknr=" . rawurlencode($filedesc->getTracknr()) . "&format=waveform", 'duration' => isset($iDurationMs) ? $iDurationMs : 0, 'segments' => $aSegmSearch['enabled'] ? $aSegmSearch['resultsegments'][$i] : array(), 'searchsimilarfunc' => 'smint_' . smintTools::generateHtmlId($filedesc->getTracknr()) . '()', 'backlinktext' => "License track from gettyimages music", 'backlinkurl' => url_for("search/redirect") . "?url=" . rawurlencode("http://www.gettyimages.at/music/download-songs/" . $filedesc->getTracknr() . "?ref=spec"));
                 $options[] = $tmparray;
             // we cannot put all these fields into one array since the output format must be like
             // , A: XXXX, B: XXX
             // and not
             //, {A: XXXX, B: XXX}
             return ", playlist: " . smintTools::my_options_for_javascript($options) . ", waveform_resolution: " . intval(sfConfig::get('app_defaults_waveform_resolution')) . ', waveform_factor: ' . doubleval(sfConfig::get('app_defaults_waveform_factor'));
Beispiel #8
  * Performs the file conversion, ie, calls external tool, checks if it worked correctly, and returns the filename of the output file
  * Note that the output files can be deleted safely. On the other hand this function also checks if the file has already been converted.
  * If so, it will not be converted a second time.
  * @param filename the filename including path (local)
  * @param formatcode Currently these codes are supported:
  * 				- ogg
  * 				- mp3
  * 				- waveform
  *				- waveformpng 					
  * 			To add another type:
  * 				- Add command_XXX in app.yml. The command must follow the same conventions as command_mp3 and _ogg ($INfile, ...)
  * 				- XXX is also used as the file suffix for the output file
 public static function doFileConversion($filename, $formatcode = "ogg")
     $exec_output = array();
     $exec_err = array();
     $current_date = date("_Ymd_His_");
     // get command as configured in app.yml
     $exec_cmd_raw = mysfConfig::get('app_conversion_setting_command_' . $formatcode, "");
     // replace placeholder with real file name, infile
     $exec_cmd = str_replace('$INfile', escapeshellcmd($filename), $exec_cmd_raw);
     // replace outfile placeholder. outfile is : upload dir, basename of infile, and ogg suffix
     if ($formatcode === 'waveform') {
         // extra file ending for waveform, since waveform is not recognized by apache
         $outfile = smintUploadFileHelper::getUploadPath() . basename($filename) . "." . $formatcode . ".txt";
     } else {
         $outfile = smintUploadFileHelper::getUploadPath() . basename($filename) . "." . $formatcode;
     $exec_cmd = str_replace('$OUTfile', escapeshellcmd($outfile), $exec_cmd);
     // check for pixels per second variable. If found, replace it with config param
     if (substr_count($exec_cmd, '$PIXELSPERSECOND') > 0) {
         $pixelspersecond = sfConfig::get('app_defaults_waveform_resolution');
         $exec_cmd = str_replace('$PIXELSPERSECOND', escapeshellcmd($pixelspersecond), $exec_cmd);
     $exec_cmd_escaped = $exec_cmd;
     // before conversion check if file exists already
     if (file_exists($outfile)) {
         mysfLog::log(self::$context, "INFO: file {$outfile} exists, using it.");
     } else {
         mysfLog::log(self::$context, "INFO: starting conversion. Command = {$exec_cmd_escaped}");
         // executing, redirecting stderr to stdout
         exec($exec_cmd_escaped . " 2>&1", $exec_err, $exec_result);
         if ($exec_result != 0 || !file_exists($outfile)) {
             $result_array = array("command" => $exec_cmd_escaped, "result" => $exec_result, "error" => $exec_err);
             $error_message = "ERROR during conversion. " . print_r($result_array, true);
             mysfLog::log(self::$context, $error_message);
             throw new Exception($error_message);
         mysfLog::log(self::$context, "INFO: conversion done");
     return $outfile;