Beispiel #1
} else {
    $SHOWFORM = false;
/** **/
$user = cmClassFactory::getInstanceOf(CSHOP_CLASSES_USER, $pdb);
$pagetitle = 'Users';
$table_title = 'User';
$table_namecol = 'email';
/** POST rec'd, check valid, proc. upload and save if OK */
if (isset($_POST['op']) and ($ACTION == OP_ADD or $ACTION == OP_EDIT)) {
    $mosh = new mosh_tool();
    $mosh->form_field_prefix = '';
    $vals = array();
    $img_vals = array();
    if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($user->get_colmap())) {
        // handled below
    } else {
        $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($user->colmap);
        if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) {
            // update the row in $tablenameable
            if (defined('CSHOP_ALLOW_ANON_ACCOUNT')) {
                $user_rec = $user->fetch(array('is_anon'));
                if ($user_rec['is_anon']) {
                    $vals['anon_email'] = $vals['email'];
                    $vals['email'] = null;
            $res = $user->store($vals, false);
Beispiel #2
// breadcrumbs array (title => href)
$crumbs = array($dbc->page_title => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page={$page_id}");
// GET params common to all functions that need to be passed along
$base_get_vars = sprintf("page=%s", $page_id);
if ($page_parent_id) {
    $base_get_vars .= sprintf("&parent_id=%d", $page_parent_id);
/* form submission happened. See what we got */
if (isset($_POST['op'])) {
    $imgcount = 0;
    $mosh = new mosh_tool();
    $mosh->form_field_prefix = '';
    if (isset($_POST['op_kill'])) {
        $ACTION |= OP_KILL;
    } elseif (!($errs = $mosh->check_form($colmap))) {
        $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($colmap);
        if ($page_parent_id) {
            $vals[$dbc->parent_id_col] = $page_parent_id;
        // todo ccomContainer::store() should handle this
        /** if we have an id param, this is an edit not an add */
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $ACTION |= OP_EDIT;
        $res = $dbc->store($vals);
        if (PEAR::isError($res) and $res->getCode() != DBCON_ZERO_EFFECT) {
            $errs[] = "Storage Error: " . $res->getMessage();
        } else {
            $imgcount = $dbc->store_upfiles();
Beispiel #3
} elseif (isset($_GET['op_add'])) {
} else {
    $SHOWFORM = false;
/** **/
$errs = array();
/** POST rec'd, check valid, proc. upload and save if OK */
if (isset($_POST['op']) and ($ACTION == OP_ADD or $ACTION == OP_EDIT)) {
    $mosh = new mosh_tool();
    $mosh->form_field_prefix = '';
    $msg = '';
    $vals = array();
    $img_vals = array();
    if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($colmap)) {
        // handled below
    } else {
        $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($colmap);
        /** get list of all file upload fields from colmap **/
        $upfiles = array();
        foreach ($colmap as $k => $params) {
            if ($params[1] == 'image_upload' or $params[1] == 'file') {
                $upfiles[$k] = array();
        /** are there any actual files coming in? if so process *********************************/
        $uplo_count = 0;
        if (count($upfiles)) {
            foreach (array_keys($upfiles) as $upfile) {
                $uplo = new uploadable($upfile);
Beispiel #4
if (!$parentid) {
    trigger_error("parentid was not passed", E_USER_ERROR);
/** **/
$userclass = CSHOP_CLASSES_USER;
$user = new $userclass($pdb);
/** POST rec'd, check valid, proc. upload and save if OK */
if (isset($_POST['op']) and ($ACTION == OP_ADD or $ACTION == OP_EDIT)) {
    $mosh = new mosh_tool();
    $mosh->form_field_prefix = '';
    $msg = '';
    $vals = array();
    $img_vals = array();
    if ($errs = $mosh->check_form($user->addr->colmap)) {
        // handled below
        $SHOWFORM = true;
    } else {
        $vals = $mosh->get_form_vals($user->addr->colmap);
        /* check for existing addr_code, on insert or update with change */
        if (method_exists($user->addr, 'fetch_by_addr_code') and $res = $user->addr->fetch_by_addr_code($vals['addr_code'])) {
            if (empty($itemid) or $res['id'] != $itemid) {
                $errs[] = "Cannot create or update record: the IRT address code '{$vals['addr_code']}' already exists";
            $SHOWFORM = true;
        if (empty($errs)) {
            if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) {
                // update the row in $tablenameable