public function __construct(Application $app, module_report $report) { parent::__construct($app, $report); if ($report->isInformative()) { $this->restrict = true; } }
public function __construct(Application $app, module_report $report) { // no_file_put_contents("/tmp/report.txt", sprintf("%s (%s)\n\n", __FILE__, __LINE__), FILE_APPEND); parent::__construct($app, $report); if ($report->isInformative()) { $this->restrict = true; } }
public function __construct(Application $app, module_report $report) { parent::__construct($app, $report); }
public function buildTabInfoNav($tab = false, $navigator) { $databox = $this->app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_databox($this->sbas_id); $conn = $databox->get_connection(); $this->title = $this->app->trans('report:: Information sur le navigateur %name%', ['%name%' => $navigator]); $sqlBuilder = new module_report_sql($this->app, $this); $filter = $sqlBuilder->getFilters(); $report_filter = $filter->getReportFilter(); $params = array_merge($report_filter['params'], [':browser' => $navigator]); $sql = "\n SELECT DISTINCT(tt.version), COUNT(tt.version) as nb\n FROM (\n SELECT DISTINCT (, version\n FROM log FORCE INDEX (date_site, nav, version)\n INNER JOIN log_colls FORCE INDEX (couple) ON ( = log_colls.log_id)\n WHERE nav = :browser\n AND " . $report_filter['sql'] . "\n ) AS tt\n GROUP BY version\n ORDER BY nb DESC"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); $rs = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->setChamp($rs); $this->setDisplay($tab); $this->result = $rs; $this->total = sizeof($this->result); $this->calculatePages(); $this->setDisplayNav(); $this->setReport(); return $this->report; }
public function buildTabInfoNav($tab = false, $navigator) { $databox = $this->app->findDataboxById($this->sbas_id); $conn = $databox->get_connection(); $this->title = $this->app->trans('report:: Information sur le navigateur %name%', ['%name%' => $navigator]); $sqlBuilder = new module_report_sql($this->app, $this); $filter = $sqlBuilder->getFilters(); $report_filter = $filter->getReportFilter(); $params = array_merge($report_filter['params'], [':browser' => $navigator]); $sql = "\n SELECT DISTINCT(tt.version), COUNT(tt.version) as nb\n FROM (\n SELECT DISTINCT (, version\n FROM log FORCE INDEX (date_site, nav, version)\n WHERE nav = :browser\n AND " . $report_filter['sql'] . "\n ) AS tt\n GROUP BY version\n ORDER BY nb DESC"; // no_file_put_contents("/tmp/report.txt", sprintf("%s (%s)\n%s\n\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, $sql), FILE_APPEND); $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); $rs = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->setChamp($rs); $this->setDisplay($tab); $this->result = $rs; $this->total = sizeof($this->result); $this->calculatePages(); $this->setDisplayNav(); $this->setReport(); return $this->report; }
/** * Get the detail of download by users * * @param array $tab config for the html table * @param String $on * * @return array */ public function getDetailDownload($tab = false, $on = "") { empty($on) ? $on = "user" : ""; //by default always report on user //set title $this->title = $this->app->trans('report:: Detail des telechargements'); $this->setDateField(''); $sqlBuilder = new module_report_sql($this->app, $this); $filter = $sqlBuilder->getFilters()->getReportFilter(); $params = array_merge([], $filter['params']); $sql = "\n SELECT TRIM(" . $on . ") AS " . $on . ", SUM(1) AS nb,, log.usrid\n FROM log_docs\n INNER JOIN log FORCE INDEX (date_site) ON ( = log_docs.log_id)\n LEFT JOIN record ON (record.record_id = log_docs.record_id)\n WHERE (" . $filter['sql'] . ") AND !ISNULL(usrid)\n AND (log_docs.action = 'download' OR log_docs.action = 'mail')\n AND ( = 'preview' OR = 'document')\n GROUP BY usrid"; // no_file_put_contents("/tmp/report.txt", sprintf("%s (%s)\n%s\n\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, $sql), FILE_APPEND); $stmt = $sqlBuilder->getConnBas()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); $rs = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $save_user = ""; $i = -1; $total = ['nbdoc' => 0, 'nbprev' => 0]; $this->setChamp($rs); $this->setDisplay($tab); foreach ($rs as $row) { $user = $row[$on]; if ($save_user != $user && !is_null($user) && !empty($user)) { if ($i >= 0) { if ($this->result[$i]['nbprev'] + $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] == 0) { unset($this->result[$i]); } } $i++; $this->result[$i]['nbprev'] = 0; $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] = 0; } //doc info if ($row['final'] == 'document' && !is_null($user) && !is_null($row['usrid'])) { $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] = !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['user'] = empty($row[$on]) ? "<i>" . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . "</i>" : $row[$on]; $total['nbdoc'] += $this->result[$i]['nbdoc']; $this->result[$i]['usrid'] = $row['usrid']; } //preview info if ($row['final'] == 'preview' && !is_null($user) && !is_null($row['usrid'])) { $this->result[$i]['nbprev'] += !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['user'] = empty($row[$on]) ? "<i>" . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . "</i>" : $row[$on]; $total['nbprev'] += !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['usrid'] = $row['usrid']; } $save_user = $user; } unset($this->result[$i]); $nb_row = $i + 1; $this->total = $nb_row; if ($this->total > 0) { $this->result[$nb_row]['user'] = '******'; $this->result[$nb_row]['nbdoc'] = '<b>' . $total['nbdoc'] . '</b>'; $this->result[$nb_row]['nbprev'] = '<b>' . $total['nbprev'] . '</b>'; } foreach ($this->result as $k => $row) { $_row = array(); foreach ((array) $tab as $k2 => $f) { $_row[$k2] = array_key_exists($k2, $row) ? $row[$k2] : ''; } $_row['usrid'] = array_key_exists('usrid', $row) ? $row['usrid'] : ''; $this->result[$k] = $_row; } // no_file_put_contents("/tmp/report.txt", sprintf("%s (%s) %s\n\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, var_export($this->result, true)), FILE_APPEND); $this->total = sizeof($this->result); $this->calculatePages(); $this->setDisplayNav(); $this->setReport(); return $this->report; }
/** * Get the deail of download by users * * @param array $tab config for the html table * @param String $on * * @return array */ public function getDetailDownload($tab = false, $on = "") { empty($on) ? $on = "user" : ""; //by default always report on user //set title $this->title = $this->app->trans('report:: Detail des telechargements'); $sqlBuilder = new module_report_sql($this->app, $this); $filter = $sqlBuilder->getFilters()->getReportFilter(); $params = array_merge([], $filter['params']); $sql = "\n SELECT tt.usrid, TRIM(" . $on . ") AS " . $on . ",, sum(1) AS nb, sum(size) AS poid\n FROM (\n SELECT DISTINCT(, TRIM(" . $on . ") AS " . $on . ", log_docs.record_id,, log.usrid\n FROM log_docs\n INNER JOIN log FORCE INDEX (date_site) ON ( = log_docs.log_id)\n INNER JOIN log_colls FORCE INDEX (couple) ON ( = log_colls.log_id)\n INNER JOIN record ON (record.record_id = log_docs.record_id)\n WHERE (" . $filter['sql'] . ")\n AND (log_docs.action = 'download' OR log_docs.action = 'mail')\n ) AS tt\n LEFT JOIN subdef FORCE INDEX (unicite) ON (tt.record_id = subdef.record_id)\n WHERE =\n GROUP BY " . $on . ", usrid\n ORDER BY nb DESC;"; $stmt = $sqlBuilder->getConnBas()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); $rs = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $save_user = ""; $i = -1; $total = ['nbdoc' => 0, 'poiddoc' => 0, 'nbprev' => 0, 'poidprev' => 0]; $this->setChamp($rs); $this->setDisplay($tab); foreach ($rs as $row) { $user = $row[$on]; if ($save_user != $user && !is_null($user) && !empty($user)) { if ($i >= 0) { if ($this->result[$i]['nbprev'] + $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] == 0 || $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] + $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] == 0) { unset($this->result[$i]); } if (isset($this->result[$i]['poiddoc']) && isset($this->result[$i]['poidprev'])) { $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] = p4string::format_octets($this->result[$i]['poiddoc']); $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] = p4string::format_octets($this->result[$i]['poidprev']); } } $i++; $this->result[$i]['nbprev'] = 0; $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] = 0; $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] = 0; $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] = 0; } //doc info if ($row['final'] == 'document' && !is_null($user) && !is_null($row['usrid'])) { $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] = !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] = !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['user'] = empty($row[$on]) ? "<i>" . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . "</i>" : $row[$on]; $total['nbdoc'] += $this->result[$i]['nbdoc']; $total['poiddoc'] += !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['usrid'] = $row['usrid']; } //preview info if (($row['final'] == 'preview' || $row['final'] == 'thumbnail') && !is_null($user) && !is_null($row['usrid'])) { $this->result[$i]['nbprev'] += !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] += !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['user'] = empty($row[$on]) ? "<i>" . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . "</i>" : $row[$on]; $total['nbprev'] += !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0; $total['poidprev'] += !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0; $this->result[$i]['usrid'] = $row['usrid']; } $save_user = $user; } unset($this->result[$i]); $nb_row = $i + 1; $this->total = $nb_row; if ($this->total > 0) { $this->result[$nb_row]['user'] = '******'; $this->result[$nb_row]['nbdoc'] = '<b>' . $total['nbdoc'] . '</b>'; $this->result[$nb_row]['poiddoc'] = '<b>' . p4string::format_octets($total['poiddoc']) . '</b>'; $this->result[$nb_row]['nbprev'] = '<b>' . $total['nbprev'] . '</b>'; $this->result[$nb_row]['poidprev'] = '<b>' . p4string::format_octets($total['poidprev']) . '</b>'; } $this->total = sizeof($this->result); $this->calculatePages(); $this->setDisplayNav(); $this->setReport(); return $this->report; }