if (isset($_GET['pg'])) { $pg = $_GET['pg']; $app = setupAppFramework(); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/media.class.php"; $mObj = new media($db); $code = $mObj->buildMediaSlider($pg, true); } break; case 'microFetchBrowse': // microBlogs if (isset($_GET['tag'])) { $tag = $_GET['tag']; $page = $_GET['page']; $app = setupAppFramework(); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/micro.class.php"; $mObj = new micro($db); $code = $mObj->listMessages('recent', $tag, 0, 0, 99); } break; case 'stuffCopyAwsItem': if (isset($_POST['asin'])) { $asin = $_POST['asin']; $app = setupAppFramework(); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/stuff.class.php"; $stuffObj = new stuff($db); $code = $stuffObj->ajaxGetAwsItem($asin); } break; case 'stuffCopyItem': if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id'];
} // Fetch newswire articles echo 'Reading in newswire feed...<br />'; require_once SRC_ROOT . '/core/classes/feed.class.php'; $feedObj = new feed($db); $feedObj->fetchFeeds(); echo 'Completed newswire fetch...<br />'; if (defined('ENABLE_IMAGES') and ENABLE_IMAGES) { echo 'Reading in media flickr feed...<br />'; $feedObj->fetchImages(); echo 'Completed media flickr fetch...<br />'; } // Populate Micro blog twitter room if (defined('ENABLE_MICRO')) { if (TWITTER_USER == '' or TWITTER_PWD == '') { echo 'Please set TWITTER_USER and TWITTER_PWD in your constants.php file and/or .ini file <br />'; } else { echo 'Reading in twitter accounts...<br />'; // sync twitter service accounts for micro blog room - done daily require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/micro.class.php"; $mObj = new micro(); $mObj->cleanRoom(); try { $mObj->syncFriends(false); $mObj->updateRoom(); } catch (Exception $e) { } echo 'Completed twitter sync...<br />'; } } echo 'Completed populate test data<br />';
function fetchMicro(&$page = NULL) { $mode = 'recent'; $title = 'Recent Tweets about ' . SITE_TOPIC; $cacheName = 'home_microRecent'; if ($this->templateObj->checkCache($cacheName, 10)) { // still current, get from cache $code = $this->templateObj->fetchCache($cacheName); } else { require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/micro.class.php'; $mObj = new micro($this->db, $this->templateObj); $code = ''; $code .= '<div class="panel_1">'; $code .= $page->buildPanelBar($title, '<span class="pipe">|</span><a href="?p=tweets" onclick="switchPage(\'micro\');return false;">Visit our ' . SITE_TOPIC . ' tweet summary</a>'); $code .= '<div id="storyList">'; $code .= $mObj->homeList(); $code .= '</div><!-- end storyList -->'; $code .= '</div><!--end "panel_1"-->'; $this->templateObj->cacheContent($cacheName, $code); } return $code; }
function runJob($job, $force = false) { $stopAfterJob = false; $startTime = microtime(true); $this->log($job->task . ', started ' . date('g:i a \\a\\t D M n, Y', $startTime)); if (!isset($_GET['test']) && !$force) { if ($job->isRunning == 1) { $this->db->log('Cron race condition: ' . $job->task . ' last start= ' . $job->lastStart); echo 'Warning: Cron Race condition<br />'; return; } else { $this->db->update("cronJobs", "isRunning=1,failureNoticeSent=0", "id={$job->id}"); } } //echo 'Task: '.$job->task."\n"; switch ($job->task) { default: // do nothing break; case 'updateUserLevels': require_once 'teamBackend.class.php'; $teamObj = new teamBackend($this->db); $teamObj->updateUserLevels(); break; case 'updateSiteChallenges': require_once 'teamBackend.class.php'; $teamObj = new teamBackend($this->db); $teamObj->updateSiteChallenges(); break; case 'updateCachedPointsAndChallenges': require_once 'teamBackend.class.php'; $teamObj = new teamBackend($this->db); $teamObj->updateCachedPointsAndChallenges(); break; case 'calcWeeklyLeaders': require_once 'teamBackend.class.php'; $teamObj = new teamBackend($this->db); $teamObj->calcWeeklyLeaders(); break; case 'updateUserLevels': require_once 'teamBackend.class.php'; $teamObj = new teamBackend($this->db); $teamObj->updateUserLevels(); case 'updateTwitter': // post top stories to twitter if (USE_TWITTER) { require_once 'twitter.class.php'; $twitterObj = new twitter_old($this->db); $twitterObj->postFeaturedStories(); $twitterObj->postNextTopStory(); } break; case 'microAccountsSync': // sync twitter service accounts for micro blog room - done daily if (defined('ENABLE_MICRO')) { require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/micro.class.php"; $mObj = new micro(); $mObj->cleanRoom(); try { $mObj->resetFriends(false); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log('Failed running ' . $job->task . ', Error: ' . $e); // reset this cron task manually because of twitter class trown exceptions $execTime = microtime(true) - $startTime; $this->db->update("cronJobs", "nextRun=date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL (0-{$job->freqMinutes}) MINUTE),lastExecTime={$execTime},lastStart='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startTime) . "',isRunning=0", "id={$job->id}"); } } break; case 'microBlog': // post top stories to micro blog room if (defined('ENABLE_MICRO')) { require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/micro.class.php"; $mObj = new micro(); try { $mObj->updateRoom(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log('Failed running ' . $job->task . ', Error: ' . $e); // reset this cron task manually because of twitter class trown exceptions $execTime = microtime(true) - $startTime; $this->db->update("cronJobs", "nextRun=date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL (0-{$job->freqMinutes}) MINUTE),lastExecTime={$execTime},lastStart='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startTime) . "',isRunning=0", "id={$job->id}"); } } break; case 'updateCache': // build cached content for cover page layout require_once 'cache.class.php'; $cacheObj = new cache($this->db); $cacheObj->update(); break; case 'syncProperties': // sync Cloud properties with NewsCloud services require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); $props = $apiObj->syncProperties($this->cloudid); require_once 'systemStatus.class.php'; $ssObj = new systemStatus($this->db); $ssObj->setProperties($props['items'][0]); break; case 'syncAnnouncements': require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); $resp = $apiObj->syncAnnouncements($this->cloudid); if ($resp[result] !== false) { $itemlist = $resp[items]; require_once 'systemStatus.class.php'; $ssObj = new systemStatus($this->db); $ssObj->resetAnnouncements(); if (count($itemlist) > 0) { foreach ($itemlist as $data) { $ssObj->insertState('announcement', html_entity_decode($data['announce'])); } } } break; case 'syncNewswire': /* deprecated require_once ('apiCloud.class.php'); $apiObj=new apiCloud($this->db,$this->apiKey); $resp=$apiObj->syncNewswire($this->cloudid,$this->timeStrToUnixModB($job->lastItemTime)); $itemlist=$resp[items]; echo 'count: '.count($itemlist).'<br />'; if (count($itemlist)>0) { require_once('newswire.class.php'); $nwObj=new newswire($this->db); $lastItemTime=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',(time()-(6*30*24*3600))); // set to six months earlier foreach ($itemlist as $data) { $wire=$nwObj->serialize($data[title],$data[caption],$data[blogtitle],$data[webpage],$data[date],$data[blogid]); $id=$nwObj->add($wire); if ($data[date]>$lastItemTime) $lastItemTime=$data[date]; if ($id===false) echo 'skip '.$data[title].'<br />'; else echo 'adding '.$data[title].' id->'.$id.'<br />'; } $this->db->update("cronJobs","lastItemTime='$lastItemTime'","id=$job->id"); } */ break; case 'syncLog': require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); // request server ask for log $resp = $apiObj->requestSyncLog($this->cloudid, URL_HOME, $this->timeStrToUnixModB($job->lastStart)); // get result of log sync $logResult = $resp[items][0][log]; require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/log.class.php"; $logObj = new log($this->db); // process results from sync operation $result = $logObj->receive($logResult); echo $result; break; case 'syncContent': // bring content from NewsCloud for this cloud to the remote site require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); $resp = $apiObj->syncContent($this->cloudid, $this->timeStrToUnixModB($job->lastItemTime)); $itemlist = $resp[items]; if (count($itemlist) > 0) { require_once 'content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); // to do : set this to actual time $lastItemTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 6 * 30 * 24 * 3600); // set to six months earlier foreach ($itemlist as $data) { echo 'Contentid' . $data[contentid] . '<br />'; // to do: before we can do this below, we need to be syncing ncuid when new users register // to do: get userid from ncUid // lookup userid in user table where ncuid=submitbyid // if not found make it 0 // to do: if external story, then check for local userid and set here $story = $cObj->serialize($data[contentid], $data[title], $data[description], '', $data[webpage], $data[permalink], $data[submitbyid], $data[submit_member], $data[userid], $data[date], $data[avgrank], 0, $data[imageid]); $id = $cObj->add($story); // update comments table with new contentids $cObj->updateCommentsTable($data[contentid], $id); if ($data[date] > $lastItemTime) { $lastItemTime = $data[date]; } echo 'story added' . $id . '<br><br/>'; } $this->db->update("cronJobs", "lastItemTime='{$lastItemTime}'", "id={$job->id}"); } break; case 'syncComments': // bring comments from stories in this cloud from NewsCloud over to remote site require_once 'content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); $idList = $cObj->fetchRecentStoryList(14, 99, true); $this->db->log('syncComments - stories to check for.', PATH_SYNCLOGFILE); $this->db->log($idList, PATH_SYNCLOGFILE); if ($idList != '') { require_once 'comments.class.php'; $commentsObj = new comments($this->db); require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); $result = $apiObj->syncComments($this->cloudid, $idList, $this->timeStrToUnixModB($job->lastItemTime)); $itemlist = $result[items]; $this->db->log($itemlist, PATH_SYNCLOGFILE); // update comment thread for each story if (count($itemlist) > 0) { $lastItemTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 6 * 30 * 24 * 3600); // set to six months earlier foreach ($itemlist as $data) { $temp = 'Bring over contentid' . $data[contentid] . ' Commentid' . $data[commentid] . '<br />'; // to do: if external story, then check for local userid and set here $comment = $commentsObj->remoteSerialize($data); if ($data[date] > $lastItemTime) { $lastItemTime = $data[date]; } $id = $commentsObj->add($comment); echo $temp . '<br />'; var_dump($comment); $this->db->log($temp, PATH_SYNCLOGFILE); $this->db->log($comment, PATH_SYNCLOGFILE); } } $this->db->update("cronJobs", "lastItemTime='{$lastItemTime}'", "id={$job->id}"); } break; case 'syncScores': require_once 'content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); $idList = $cObj->fetchRecentStoryList(14, 99, true); if ($idList != '') { require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); $resp = $apiObj->syncScores($this->cloudid, $idList, $this->timeStrToUnixModB($job->lastStart)); $itemlist = $resp[items]; //var_dump($resp); if (count($itemlist) > 0) { // update the score for each story with new votes foreach ($itemlist as $data) { $this->db->update("Content", "score={$data['score']}", "contentid={$data['contentid']}"); $temp = 'Set score of contentid:' . $data[contentid] . 'to ' . $data[score]; echo $temp . '<br />'; $this->db->log($temp, PATH_SYNCLOGFILE); } } } break; case 'syncResources': require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); require_once 'resources.class.php'; $resObj = new resources($this->db); $result = $apiObj->syncResources($this->cloudid); $resObj->sync(html_entity_decode($result[items][0][resources])); break; case 'updateSiteMap': $currentHour = date('G'); // 0 - 24 $currentDayOfWeek = date('w'); // day of week 0-6 $currentDayOfMonth = date('j'); // day of month 1-31 require_once 'siteMap.class.php'; $smObj = new siteMap($this->db); // do always - build the map for content from the last hour $smObj->buildMap('hourly'); // only do this as midnight if ($currentHour == 0) { // map to all the content from the last day $smObj->buildMap('daily'); } // only do this at 3 am on first day of week if ($currentDayOfWeek = 0 and $currentHour == 3) { // map to all the content from the last week, etc. $smObj->buildMap('weekly'); } // only do this at 2 am on first day of month if ($currentDayOfMonth == 1 and $currentHour == 2) { $smObj->buildMap('monthly'); } // call buildIndexMap after updating any individual child maps above // just the time stamps from each individual map file are updated in the indexmap // warning: if a individual map hasn't been built - the index map won't include a reference to it $smObj->buildIndexMap(); break; case 'fetchFeeds': // import stories from feeds require_once 'feed.class.php'; $feedObj = new feed($this->db); $feedObj->fetchBookmarks(); $feedObj->fetchFeeds(); $feedObj->fetchImages(); if ($feedObj->newStoryLoaded) { // update features } break; case 'logHourlyStats': require_once 'statistics.class.php'; $statsObj = new statistics($this->db); $statsObj->logHourlyStats(); break; case 'facebookMinifeed': require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php"; $app = new app(NULL, true); $facebook =& $app->loadFacebookLibrary(); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/miniFeeds.class.php'; $feedObj = new miniFeeds($this->db); $feedObj->loadFacebook($facebook); $feedObj->updateMiniFeeds(); break; case 'facebookProfileBoxes': require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php"; $app = new app(NULL, true); $facebook =& $app->loadFacebookLibrary(); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/profileBoxes.class.php'; $proObj = new profileBoxes($this->db); $proObj->loadFacebook($facebook); $proObj->updateProfileBoxes(); break; case 'facebookEmailEngine': // tbd break; case 'facebookAllocations': // check nightly facebook allocations $ssObj = new systemStatus($this->db); /* initialize the SMT Facebook appliation class, NO Facebook library */ require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php"; $app = new app(NULL, true); $facebook =& $app->loadFacebookLibrary(); $npd = $facebook->api_client->admin_getAllocation('notifications_per_day'); $ssObj->setState('notifications_per_day', $npd); $ssObj->setState('announcement_notifications_per_week', $facebook->api_client->admin_getAllocation('announcement_notifications_per_week')); $ssObj->setState('requests_per_day', $facebook->api_client->admin_getAllocation('requests_per_day')); $ssObj->setState('emails_per_day', $facebook->api_client->admin_getAllocation('emails_per_day')); break; case 'facebookSendNotifications': require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php"; $app = new app(NULL, true); $facebook =& $app->loadFacebookLibrary(); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/shareStories.class.php"; $ssObj = new shareStories($app); $ssObj->processNotifications(); break; case 'facebookSendPromos': /* not needed for now if (date('G')==0) { require_once PATH_FACEBOOK."/classes/promos.class.php"; $promoObj=new promos($this->db); $promoObj->send(); } */ break; case 'insertNewResearchData': require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/researchRawSession.class.php"; require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/researchRawExtLink.class.php"; require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/researchSessionLength.class.php"; require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/researchLogDump.class.php"; require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/researchUserCollective.class.php"; $rawExtLinkTable = new RawExtLinkTable($this->db); $rawExtLinkTable->insertNewestData(); $rawSessionTable = new RawSessionTable($this->db); $rawSessionTable->insertNewestData(); $sessionLengthTable = new SessionLengthTable($this->db); $sessionLengthTable->insertNewestData(); $logDumpTable = new LogDumpTable($this->db); $logDumpTable->insertNewestData(); $userCollectiveTable = new UserCollectiveTable($this->db); $userCollectiveTable->assimilateUsers(); $stopAfterJob = true; break; case 'autoFeature': require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php'; $cObj = new content($this->db); $cObj->autoFeature(); break; case 'cleanup': require_once 'cleanup.class.php'; $cleanObj = new cleanup($this->db, 'daily'); break; // deprecated // deprecated case 'syncFeedList': require_once 'apiCloud.class.php'; $apiObj = new apiCloud($this->db, $this->apiKey); $result = $apiObj->syncFeedList($this->cloudid); require_once 'feed.class.php'; $feedObj = new feed($this->db); $feedObj->syncFeedList($result[items]); break; } $execTime = microtime(true) - $startTime; $this->log('...completed in ' . $execTime . ' seconds.'); $this->history[$this->cntJobs]['task'] = $job->task; $this->history[$this->cntJobs]['time'] = $execTime; $this->cntJobs += 1; $this->db->update("cronJobs", "nextRun=date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL (0-{$job->freqMinutes}) MINUTE),lastExecTime={$execTime},lastStart='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startTime) . "',isRunning=0", "id={$job->id}"); if ($stopAfterJob) { exit; } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); defined('REQUEST_METHOD') or define('REQUEST_METHOD', $this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD')); micro::openSession(); }