function summary_doc_list()
    $query = " DROP TABLE if EXISTS tmp_doc_writs ";
    $query = " CREATE TABLE tmp_doc_writs\r\n                (\r\n                      auto_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\r\n                      writ_id int(11) default NULL,\r\n                      writ_ver smallint(6) default NULL,\r\n                      staff_id int(11) default NULL,\r\n                      annual_effect smallint(1) default NULL,\r\n                      show_in_summary_doc smallint(1) default NULL,\r\n                      execute_date datetime NULL ,\r\n                      PRIMARY KEY  (auto_id)\r\n                )type=MYISAM AS\r\n                        SELECT\r\n                                w.writ_id ,\r\n                                w.writ_ver ,\r\n                                w.staff_id ,\r\n                                w.annual_effect ,\r\n                                wst.show_in_summary_doc ,\r\n                                w.execute_date\r\n                        FROM writs w\r\n                                INNER JOIN writ_subtypes wst\r\n                                         ON w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id   AND\r\n                                            w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id AND\r\n                                            w.person_type = wst.person_type\r\n                        WHERE\r\n                            (w.history_only=0 OR w.history_only IS NULL) AND\r\n                             w.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")\r\n                        ORDER BY staff_id , execute_date , writ_id , writ_ver' ";
    $query = "ALTER TABLE tmp_doc_writs ADD INDEX(writ_id,writ_ver)";
    $query = "ALTER TABLE tmp_doc_writs ADD INDEX(staff_id,execute_date,writ_id,writ_ver)";
    $query = "  DELETE tmp_doc_writs sw1\r\n                    FROM tmp_doc_writs sw1\r\n                            INNER JOIN tmp_doc_writs sw2\r\n                                     ON sw1.staff_id = sw2.staff_id AND\r\n                                        sw1.execute_date = sw2.execute_date\r\n                                    WHERE (sw1.writ_id > sw2.writ_id OR (sw1.writ_id = sw2.writ_id AND sw1.writ_ver > sw2.writ_ver))";
    $query = "DROP TABLE if EXISTS tmp_sum_doc_writs";
    $query = "  CREATE TABLE tmp_sum_doc_writs\r\n                    (\r\n                       auto_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\r\n                       writ_id int(11) default NULL,\r\n                       writ_ver smallint(6) default NULL,\r\n                       staff_id  int null,\r\n                       execute_date datetime null ,\r\n                       annual_effect smallint null ,\r\n                       show_in_summary_doc smallint null ,\r\n                       PRIMARY KEY  (auto_id)\r\n                    )type=MYISAM AS\r\n                    SELECT w1.writ_id , w1.writ_ver , w1.staff_id , w1.execute_date execute_date , w1.annual_effect , w1.show_in_summary_doc\r\n                    FROM tmp_doc_writs w1\r\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN tmp_doc_writs w0\r\n                            ON w1.auto_id - 1  = w0.auto_id AND w1.staff_id = w0.staff_id\r\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN tmp_doc_writs w2\r\n                            ON w1.auto_id + 1 = w2.auto_id AND w1.staff_id = w2.staff_id\r\n                    WHERE ((w1.annual_effect <> w0.annual_effect OR w0.writ_id is null)OR(w1.show_in_summary_doc=1))\r\n                    ORDER by w1.staff_id ";
    $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_writs";
    $query = "  CREATE TABLE temp_writs TYPE=MyIsam AS\r\n                            SELECT wa.writ_type_id ,\r\n                                   wa.writ_subtype_id ,\r\n                                   wa.staff_id,\r\n                                   wa.emp_mode,\r\n                                   wa.annual_effect,\r\n                                   wa.science_level,\r\n                                   wa.execute_date,\r\n                                   dw2.execute_date end_date ,\r\n                                   wa.writ_id,\r\n                                   wa.writ_ver\r\n                            FROM staff s\r\n                                 INNER JOIN writs w\r\n                                    ON w.writ_id = s.last_writ_id AND w.writ_ver = s.last_writ_ver AND w.staff_id = s.staff_id \r\n                                 INNER JOIN writs wa\r\n                                    ON wa.staff_id = s.staff_id\r\n                                 INNER JOIN tmp_sum_doc_writs dw\r\n                                       ON(dw.writ_id = wa.writ_id AND dw.writ_ver = wa.writ_ver)\r\n                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN tmp_sum_doc_writs dw2\r\n                                       ON(dw2.auto_id -1 = dw.auto_id and dw2.staff_id = dw.staff_id)\r\n                            WHERE (wa.history_only = 0 OR wa.history_only IS NULL) AND\r\n                                   s.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") AND\r\n                                  (dw.annual_effect <> " . ANNUAL_NOT_CALC . " OR dw.show_in_summary_doc=1 OR dw2.auto_id IS NOT NULL) AND\r\n                                   '.sisSession('__sisReportWhereClause') ";
    $query = " ALTER TABLE temp_writs ADD INDEX(writ_id,writ_ver) ";
    $query = " ALTER TABLE temp_writs ADD INDEX(staff_id,execute_date,writ_id,writ_ver) ";
    $query = " DELETE temp_writs tw1\r\n                        FROM temp_writs tw1\r\n                                    INNER JOIN temp_writs tw2\r\n                                        ON tw1.staff_id = tw2.staff_id  AND\r\n                                           tw1.execute_date = tw2.execute_date\r\n                        WHERE (tw1.writ_id > tw2.writ_id OR (tw1.writ_id = tw2.writ_id AND tw1.writ_ver > tw2.writ_ver)) ";
    $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_person_doc";
    $query = "CREATE TABLE temp_person_doc TYPE=MyIsam AS\r\n                                SELECT w.staff_id,\r\n                                       w.science_level,\r\n                                       w.execute_date first_date,\r\n                                       CASE\r\n                                           WHEN w.end_date IS NULL THEN NOW()\r\n                                           ELSE w.end_date\r\n                                       END last_date,\r\n                                       CASE w.annual_effect\r\n                                            WHEN " . ANNUAL_NOT_CALC . " THEN 1\r\n                                            ELSE 2\r\n                                       END accept_id,\r\n                                       writ_id twrit_id ,\r\n                                       writ_ver twrit_ver\r\n                                FROM temp_writs w ";
    $query = "ALTER TABLE temp_person_doc ADD INDEX(twrit_id)";
    $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_history";
    $query = " CREATE TABLE temp_history TYPE=MyIsam AS\r\n                                        (SELECT 1 AS rowno,\r\n                                               p.PersonID,\r\n                                               NULL AS post_title,\r\n                                               p.military_from_date AS from_date,\r\n                                               p.military_to_date AS to_date,\r\n                                               (p.military_duration DIV 12) AS d_year,\r\n                                               (p.military_duration - ((p.military_duration DIV 12) * 12)) AS d_month,\r\n                                               0 AS d_day,\r\n                                                               \\'قابل قبول\\' AS accept_type,\r\n                                               \\'سربازي\\' AS org_title,\r\n                                               \\'سربازي\\' AS emp_state_title,\r\n                                               NULL AS writ_id,\r\n                                               NULL AS writ_date\r\n                                        FROM persons p\r\n                                        WHERE p.military_duration IS NOT NULL AND\r\n                                              p.military_from_date IS NOT NULL AND\r\n                                              p.military_to_date IS NOT NULL)\r\n\t\t\t\tUNION\r\n                                        (SELECT 2 AS rowno,\r\n                                               pe.PersonID,\r\n                                               pe.title AS post_title,\r\n                                               pe.from_date,\r\n                                               pe.to_date,\r\n                                               retired_duration_year AS d_year,\r\n                                               retired_duration_month AS d_month,\r\n                                               retired_duration_day AS d_day,\r\n                                               \\'قابل قبول\\' AS accept_type,\r\n                                               pe.organization AS org_title,\r\n                                               emps.Title emp_state_title,\r\n                                               NULL AS writ_id,\r\n                                               NULL AS writ_date\r\n                                        FROM person_employments pe  " . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_emp_state, "emps", "pe.emp_state") . " )\r\n\t\t\t\tUNION\r\n                                        (SELECT 3 AS rowno,\r\n                                               pe.PersonID,\r\n                                               pe.title AS post_title,\r\n                                               pe.from_date,\r\n                                               pe.to_date,\r\n                                               FLOOR(((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day)) / 365.25) AS d_year,\r\n                                               FLOOR((((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day)) -FLOOR(((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day)) / 365.25)*365.25) / 30.4375) AS d_month ,\r\n                                               (((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day))-\r\n                                               FLOOR(((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day)) / 365.25) *365.25\r\n                                               -ROUND(FLOOR((((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day)) -FLOOR(((duration_year - retired_duration_year)*365.25 + (duration_month - retired_duration_month)*30.4375 + (duration_day - retired_duration_day)) / 365.25)*365.25) / 30.4375)*30.4375)) AS d_day,\r\n                                               \\'غير قابل قبول\\' AS accept_type,\r\n                                               pe.organization AS org_title,\r\n                                               emps.Title emp_state_title , \r\n                                               NULL AS writ_id,\r\n                                               NULL AS writ_date\r\n                                        FROM person_employments pe  " . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_emp_state, "emps", "pe.emp_state") . " )\r\n\t\t\t\tUNION\r\n                                        (SELECT\r\n                                              4 AS rowno,\r\n                                              s.PersonID,\r\n                                              CASE\r\n                                                    WHEN w.person_type =" . HR_PROFESSOR . " THEN slvl.Title\r\n                                                    WHEN w.person_type =" . HR_WORKER . " THEN j.title\r\n                                                    ELSE p.title\r\n                                              END post_title ,\r\n                                              pd.first_date AS from_date,\r\n                                              pd.last_date AS to_date,\r\n                                              FLOOR(DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) / 365.25) AS d_year,\r\n                                              FLOOR(  (  DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) - FLOOR(DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) / 365.25)*365.25  ) / 30.4375 ) AS d_month,\r\n                                              DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) - FLOOR(DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) / 365.25)*365.25 -  FLOOR(  (  DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) - FLOOR(DATEDIFF(pd.last_date,pd.first_date) / 365.25)*365.25  ) / 30.4375 )*30.4375   AS d_day,\r\n                                              CASE pd.accept_id\r\n                                                   WHEN  1 THEN  \\'غير قابل قبول\\'\r\n                                                   ELSE \\'قابل قبول\\'\r\n                                              END AS accept_type,\r\n                                              CASE pd.accept_id\r\n                                                   WHEN 1 THEN empd.Title\r\n                                                   ELSE o.ptitle\r\n                                              END AS org_title,\r\n                                              emps.Title emp_state_title,\r\n                                              w.send_letter_no AS writ_id,\r\n                                              w.execute_date AS writ_date\r\n                                        FROM temp_person_doc pd\r\n                                             INNER JOIN writs w\r\n                                                   ON(w.writ_id = pd.twrit_id and w.writ_ver=pd.twrit_ver)\r\n                                             INNER JOIN staff s\r\n                                                   ON(w.staff_id = s.staff_id)\r\n                                             LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o\r\n                                                   ON(w.ouid = o.ouid)\r\n                                             LEFT OUTER JOIN position p\r\n                                                   ON p.post_id = w.post_id\r\n                                             LEFT OUTER JOIN jobs j\r\n                                                   ON w.job_id = j.job_id " . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_science_level, "slvl", "w.science_level") . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_emp_mode, "empd", "w.emp_mode") . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_emp_state, "emps", "w.emp_state") . " WHERE w.history_only = 0) ";
    $query = " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_exe_post ";
    $query = " CREATE TABLE temp_exe_post Type=MyIsam AS\r\n                        SELECT staff_id,SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(from_date , row_no)),11) max_row\r\n                            FROM professor_exe_posts\r\n                                 GROUP BY staff_id";
    $query = " ALTER TABLE temp_exe_post ADD INDEX(staff_id,max_row) ";
    $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_devotion ";
    $query = " CREATE TABLE temp_devotion Type=MyIsam AS\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t      PersonID,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t      SUM(CASE devotion_type\r\n\t\t\t\t\t              WHEN " . FIGHTING_DEVOTION . " THEN amount\r\n\t\t\t\t\t              ELSE 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t          END) razm,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t      MAX(CASE devotion_type\r\n\t\t\t\t\t              WHEN " . SACRIFICE_DEVOTION . " THEN amount\r\n\t\t\t\t\t              ELSE 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t          END) janbaz\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM  person_devotions\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE devotion_type IN(" . FIGHTING_DEVOTION . "," . SACRIFICE_DEVOTION . ")\r\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY PersonID ";
    $query = "ALTER TABLE temp_devotion ADD INDEX(PersonID)";
    $query = "  SELECT   s.staff_id,\r\n                          p.plname,\r\n                          p.pfname,\r\n                          p.father_name ,\r\n                          p.birth_date ,\r\n                          idcard_no ,\r\n                          national_code ,\r\n                          concat(st.ptitle ,'-',ct.ptitle )  birth_place ,\r\n                          w.base ,\r\n                          sf.ptitle AS field_title,\r\n                          sb.ptitle AS branch_title,\r\n                          pe.doc_date,\r\n                          c.ptitle AS country_title,\r\n                          u.ptitle AS university_title,\r\n                          td.razm ,\r\n                          td.janbaz,\r\n                          o.ptitle AS unit_title,\r\n                          o.ouid ,\r\n                          po.post_no,\r\n                          po.title AS last_post_title,\r\n                          po2.title AS exe_post_title,\r\n                          pep.from_date AS exe_post_from,\r\n                          slvl.Title    science_level_title ,\r\n                          wtt.Title worktime_type_title ,\r\n                          mlt.Title military_type_title ,\r\n                          edl.Title education_level_title ,\r\n                          emps.Title emp_state_title \r\n\r\n        FROM    staff s      \r\n\t\t\t\t\t     INNER JOIN persons p\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(s.PersonID = p.PersonID)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN states st\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     \t\tON (st.state_id = p.birth_state_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN cities ct\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     \t\tON (ct.city_id = p.birth_city_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN writs w\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(s.last_writ_ver = w.writ_ver AND s.last_writ_id = w.writ_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN person_educations pe\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(s.PersonID = pe.PersonID AND w.education_level = pe.education_level AND w.sfid = pe.sfid AND (w.sbid = pe.sbid OR w.sbid IS NULL))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN study_fields sf\r\n\t\t\t\t\t          ON(w.sfid = sf.sfid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN study_branchs sb\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(w.sfid = sb.sfid AND w.sbid = sb.sbid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN countries c\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(pe.country_id = c.country_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN universities u\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(pe.country_id = u.country_id AND pe.university_id = u.university_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(w.ouid = o.ouid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN position po\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(w.post_id = po.post_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_exe_post tep\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(s.staff_id = tep.staff_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN professor_exe_posts pep\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(tep.staff_id = pep.staff_id AND tep.max_row = pep.row_no AND (pep.to_date IS NULL OR pep.to_date>=CURDATE()))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN position po2\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(pep.post_id = po2.post_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t     LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_devotion td\r\n\t\t\t\t\t           ON(s.PersonID = td.PersonID) " . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_science_level, "slvl", "w.science_level") . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_worktime_type, "wtt", "w.worktime_type") . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_military_type, "mlt", "w.military_type") . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_education_level, "edl", "w.education_level") . QueryHelper::makeBasicInfoJoin(BINFTYPE_emp_state, "emps", "w.emp_state") . "  WHERE  ((th.d_year<>0 OR th.d_month<>0 OR th.d_day<>0)OR(w.emp_mode IN(11,12,13,14) AND\r\n                     th.writ_date = w.execute_date)) AND\r\n                     s.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") AND\r\n                     s.last_cost_center_id in(" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") ";
    $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam);
    return $dt;
Beispiel #2
function BindDropDown($dropdownName, $type)
    $obj = new DROPDOWN();
    $ptWhr = "";
    if ($type == 16) {
        $ptWhr = " AND infoID in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")";
    $obj->datasource = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from Basic_Info where TypeID=" . $type . $ptWhr . " order by Title");
    $obj->valuefield = "%InfoID%";
    $obj->textfield = "%Title%";
    $obj->Style = 'style=\'width:98%\' class=\'x-form-text\'';
    $obj->id = $dropdownName;
    $obj->datasource = array_merge(array(array("InfoID" => "-1", "Title" => "---")), $obj->datasource);
    return $obj->bind_dropdown();
    private function exe_limit_staff()
        //parent::runquery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS limit_staff');
        parent::runquery('TRUNCATE Arrear_limit_staff');
        parent::runquery('/*CREATE TABLE limit_staff  AS*/
						 insert into Arrear_limit_staff
							SELECT s.staff_id  , s.personID , s.person_type 
							FROM persons p
								INNER JOIN staff s ON(s.personID=p.PersonID AND s.person_type=p.person_type)
								INNER JOIN writs w ON(s.last_writ_id = w.writ_id AND s.last_writ_ver = w.writ_ver AND
													  w.staff_id=s.staff_id AND w.person_type=s.person_type)
								INNER JOIN org_new_units o ON(w.ouid = o.ouid)
							WHERE p.person_type NOT IN(' . HR_RETIRED . ') AND 
								  s.staff_id in ( select staff_id
													from writs
													where execute_date <= "' . $this->last_month_end . '" and 
														  execute_date >= "' . $this->first_month_start . '"  and arrear = 1 ) AND 																							  
								  s.last_cost_center_id in(' . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ') AND  ' . $this->__WHERE, $this->__WHEREPARAM);
        //parent::runquery('ALTER TABLE limit_staff ADD INDEX (staff_id)');
Beispiel #4
    $QUERY_SELECT = str_replace("[0:" . $formula_columns[$i][0] . "]", $formula_columns[$i][1], $QUERY_SELECT);
    $QUERY_SELECT = str_replace("[1:" . $formula_columns[$i][0] . "]", $formula_columns[$i][2], $QUERY_SELECT);
$QUERY_SELECT = substr($QUERY_SELECT, 0, strlen($QUERY_SELECT) - 1);
$QUERY_GROUP = $QUERY_GROUP != "" ? substr($QUERY_GROUP, 0, strlen($QUERY_GROUP) - 1) : "";
$QUERY_ORDER = $seprationOrder . $QUERY_ORDER;
$QUERY_ORDER = $QUERY_ORDER != "" ? substr($QUERY_ORDER, 0, strlen($QUERY_ORDER) - 1) : "";
preg_match_all('|#([^#].*)#|U', $QUERY_WHERE, $requestParams);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($requestParams[0]); $i++) {
    $QUERY_WHERE = str_replace($requestParams[0][$i], "'" . $_REQUEST[$requestParams[1][$i]] . "'", $QUERY_WHERE);
$TotalQuery = $QUERY_SELECT;
$TotalQuery .= $rptobj->query;
$TotalQuery .= " where " . $QUERY_WHERE . " AND persons.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")";
// bahar
$TotalQuery .= $QUERY_GROUP != "" ? " group by " . $QUERY_GROUP : "";
$TotalQuery .= $QUERY_ORDER != "" ? " order by " . $QUERY_ORDER : "";
if (!isset($_REQUEST["excel"])) {
    echo "<div style='display:none'>" . $TotalQuery . "<br>";
    echo "</div>";
if (isset($_REQUEST["preview"])) {
    $TotalQuery .= " limit 10";
$statement = PdoDataAccess::runquery_fetchMode($TotalQuery, $whereParam);
if (ExceptionHandler::GetExceptionCount() != 0) {
Beispiel #5
 static function GetAllWrits($where = "", $whereParam = array())
     /* $staff_group_join = "";
     			$staff_group_join = " LEFT JOIN staff_group_members sgm
     	       					          ON sgm.staff_id = s.staff_id AND sgm.staff_group_id = ".$_REQUEST['staff_group_id'];
     		} */
     //	PdoDataAccess::runquery("insert into temp_sum_item_writs select * from sum_items_writs i on duplicate key update sumValue=i.sumValue");
     $whr = "";
     /*if($_SESSION['UserID'] != 'jafarkhani' && $_SESSION['UserID'] != 'delkalaleh' && $_SESSION['UserID'] != 'nadaf' && 
     		   $_SESSION['UserID'] != 'm-hakimi' && $_SESSION['UserID'] != 'shokri'  ) {
     			 $whr = " AND w.execute_date < '2014-02-20' " ; 
     		} */
     if (isset($_REQUEST['last_writ_view']) && (empty($_REQUEST['to_execute_date']) || $_REQUEST['to_execute_date'] == '0000-00-00')) {
         $query = " SELECT w.*,\n                          bi1.Title corrective_title ,\n\t\t                  bi2.Title history_only_title ,\n                          bi3.Title science_level_title ,\n                          p.pfname ,\n                          p.plname ,\n                          p.PersonID ,\n                          concat(p.pfname ,' ',p.plname) fullname ,\n                          wt.title MainWtitle,\n                          wst.title wst_title,\n                          wst.time_limited,\n                          concat(wt.title ,' ',wst.title) wt_title ,\n                          bi4.Title emp_state_title ,\n                          bi5.Title educTitle ,\n                          bi6.Title SPTitle ,\n                          bi7.Title AETitle ,\n                          o.ptitle o_ptitle,\n                          c.title c_title,\n                          c.cost_center_id ,\n                          sf.sfid,\n                          sf.ptitle sf_ptitle,\n                          sb.sbid,\n                          sb.ptitle sb_ptitle ,\n                          parentu.ouid ,\n                          parentu.ptitle parentTitle ,\n                          temp.sumValue\n\n\t\t           FROM persons p\n                        JOIN staff s ON(p.personid = s.personid)\n                        " . $staff_group_join . "\n                        INNER JOIN writs w ON(s.staff_id = w.staff_id AND s.last_writ_id = w.writ_id AND s.last_writ_ver = w.writ_ver)\n                        LEFT JOIN sum_items_writs temp ON temp.writ_id = w.writ_id and\n                                     temp.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and\n                                     temp.staff_id = w.staff_id\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi1 ON ( bi1.InfoID = w.corrective  AND bi1.TypeID = 5)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi2 ON ( bi2.InfoID = w.history_only  AND bi2.TypeID = 5)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi3 ON (bi3.InfoID = w.science_level AND bi3.TypeID = 8)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi4 ON (bi4.InfoID = w.emp_state AND bi4.TypeID = 3)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi5 ON (bi5.InfoID = w.education_level AND bi5.TypeID = 6 )\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi6 ON (bi6.InfoID = w.salary_pay_proc AND bi6.TypeID = 12 )\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi7 ON (bi7.InfoID = w.annual_effect AND bi7.TypeID = 13 )\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN position po ON (w.post_id = po.post_id)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_types wt ON (w.writ_type_id = wt.writ_type_id AND w.person_type = wt.person_type)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_subtypes wst ON (w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id AND\n                                               w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id AND w.person_type = wst.person_type)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN study_branchs sb ON ((w.sbid = sb.sbid) AND (w.sfid = sb.sfid))\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN study_fields sf ON (w.sfid = sf.sfid)\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o ON (o.ouid = w.ouid)\n        LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units parentu ON (parentu.ouid = o.parent_ouid)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN cost_centers c ON (w.cost_center_id = c.cost_center_id)\n\n                        where (s.last_cost_center_id is null OR s.last_cost_center_id in(" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . "))\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND s.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") {$whr} ";
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['last_writ_view']) && (!empty($_REQUEST['to_execute_date']) && $_REQUEST['to_execute_date'] != '0000-00-00')) {
             $whereW = " AND w.execute_date >= '" . DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_REQUEST['from_execute_date']) . "'";
             $whereW .= " AND w.execute_date <= '" . DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($_REQUEST['to_execute_date']) . "'";
             $query = " SELECT w.*,\n                          bi1.Title corrective_title ,\n\t\t                  bi2.Title history_only_title ,\n                          bi3.Title science_level_title ,\n                          p.pfname ,\n                          p.plname ,\n                          p.PersonID ,\n                          concat(p.pfname ,' ',p.plname) fullname ,\n                          wt.title MainWtitle,\n                          wst.title wst_title,\n                          wst.time_limited,\n                          concat(wt.title ,' ',wst.title) wt_title ,\n                          bi4.Title emp_state_title ,\n                          bi5.Title educTitle ,\n                          bi6.Title SPTitle ,\n                          bi7.Title AETitle ,\n                          o.ptitle o_ptitle,\n                          c.title c_title,\n                          c.cost_center_id ,\n                          sf.sfid,\n                          sf.ptitle sf_ptitle,\n                          sb.sbid,\n                          sb.ptitle sb_ptitle ,\n                          parentu.ouid ,\n                          parentu.ptitle parentTitle ,\n                          temp.sumValue\n\n\t\t           FROM persons p\n                        JOIN staff s ON(p.personid = s.personid)\n                        " . $staff_group_join . "\n                        INNER JOIN (SELECT    staff_id,\n                                                    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING(max_execute_date,11),'.',1) writ_id,\n                                                    SUBSTRING_INDEX(max_execute_date,'.',-1) writ_ver\n                                                FROM (SELECT w.staff_id,\n                                                            max( CONCAT(w.execute_date,w.writ_id,'.',w.writ_ver) ) max_execute_date\n                                                        FROM writs w\n                                                                INNER JOIN staff ls\n                                                                        ON(w.staff_id = ls.staff_id)\n                                                        WHERE w.history_only = 0 " . $whereW . "\n                                                        GROUP BY w.staff_id)tbl2) tbl1\n                                             on s.staff_id = tbl1.staff_id \n                        INNER JOIN writs w\n                                on  tbl1.writ_id = w.writ_id and\n                                    tbl1.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and\n                                    tbl1.staff_id = w.staff_id                           \n                        LEFT JOIN sum_items_writs temp ON temp.writ_id = w.writ_id and\n                                     temp.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and\n                                     temp.staff_id = w.staff_id\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi1 ON ( bi1.InfoID = w.corrective  AND bi1.TypeID = 5)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi2 ON ( bi2.InfoID = w.history_only  AND bi2.TypeID = 5)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi3 ON (bi3.InfoID = w.science_level AND bi3.TypeID = 8)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi4 ON (bi4.InfoID = w.emp_state AND bi4.TypeID = 3)\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi5 ON (bi5.InfoID = w.education_level AND bi5.TypeID = 6 )\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi6 ON (bi6.InfoID = w.salary_pay_proc AND bi6.TypeID = 12 )\n                        LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi7 ON (bi7.InfoID = w.annual_effect AND bi7.TypeID = 13 )\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN position po ON (w.post_id = po.post_id)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_types wt ON (w.writ_type_id = wt.writ_type_id AND w.person_type = wt.person_type)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_subtypes wst ON (w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id AND\n                                               w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id AND w.person_type = wst.person_type)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN study_branchs sb ON ((w.sbid = sb.sbid) AND (w.sfid = sb.sfid))\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN study_fields sf ON (w.sfid = sf.sfid)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o ON (o.ouid = w.ouid)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units parentu ON (parentu.ouid = o.parent_ouid)\n                        LEFT OUTER JOIN cost_centers c ON (w.cost_center_id = c.cost_center_id)\n\n                        where (s.last_cost_center_id is null OR s.last_cost_center_id in(" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . "))\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND s.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") {$whr} ";
         } else {
             $query = " SELECT w.*, w.ouid sub_ouid ,\n\t                          bi1.InfoDesc corrective_title ,\n\t\t\t                  bi2.InfoDesc history_only_title ,\t                          \n\t                          p.pfname ,\n\t                          p.plname ,\n\t                          p.PersonID ,\n\t                          concat(p.pfname ,' ',p.plname) fullname ,\n\t                          wt.title MainWtitle,\n\t                          wst.title wst_title,\n\t                          wst.time_limited,\n\t                          concat(wt.title ,' ',wst.title) wt_title ,\n\t                          bi4.InfoDesc emp_state_title ,\n\t                          bi5.InfoDesc educTitle ,\n\t                          bi6.InfoDesc SPTitle ,\n\t                          bi7.InfoDesc AETitle ,\n\t                          bi8.InfoDesc ModeTitle ,\n\t                          o.ptitle o_ptitle,\t                         \n\t                          sf.sfid,\n\t                          sf.ptitle sf_ptitle,\n\t                          sb.sbid,\n\t                          sb.ptitle sb_ptitle ,\n\t                          parentu.ouid ,\n\t                          parentu.ptitle parentTitle ,\n\t                          po.title post_title ,\n\t                          po.post_no ,\n\t                          j.title job_title ,\n\t                          j.job_group ,\n\t                         \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  (w.cur_group - jf.start_group) + 1 job_category \n\n\t\t\t           FROM HRM_persons p\n\t                        JOIN HRM_staff s ON(p.personid = s.personid)\t                        \n\t                        INNER JOIN HRM_writs w ON (s.staff_id = w.staff_id )\n                         \n\t                        LEFT JOIN BaseInfo bi1 ON ( bi1.InfoID = w.corrective  AND bi1.TypeID = 57)\n\t                        LEFT JOIN BaseInfo bi2 ON ( bi2.InfoID = w.history_only  AND bi2.TypeID = 57)\t                       \n\t                        LEFT JOIN BaseInfo bi4 ON (bi4.InfoID = w.emp_state AND bi4.TypeID = 58)\n\t                        LEFT JOIN BaseInfo bi5 ON (bi5.InfoID = w.education_level AND bi5.TypeID = 56 )\n\t                        LEFT JOIN BaseInfo bi6 ON (bi6.InfoID = w.salary_pay_proc AND bi6.TypeID = 59 )\n\t                        LEFT JOIN BaseInfo bi7 ON (bi7.InfoID = w.annual_effect AND bi7.TypeID = 60 )\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN BaseInfo bi8 ON ( bi8.InfoID = w.emp_mode AND bi8.TypeID = 61 )\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_position po ON (w.post_id = po.post_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_job_fields jf ON (po.jfid = jf.jfid)\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_writ_types wt ON ((w.writ_type_id = wt.writ_type_id) AND (w.person_type = wt.person_type))\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_writ_subtypes wst ON ((w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id) AND (w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id) AND (w.person_type = wst.person_type))\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_study_branchs sb ON ((w.sbid = sb.sbid) AND (w.sfid = sb.sfid))\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_study_fields sf ON (w.sfid = sf.sfid)\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_org_new_units o ON (o.ouid = w.ouid)\n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_org_new_units parentu ON (parentu.ouid = o.parent_ouid)\t                        \n\t                        LEFT OUTER JOIN HRM_jobs j ON ( w.job_id = j.job_id )                       \n\n\n\t\t\t\t\twhere (1=1) {$whr}\n                    ";
     $query .= $where != "" ? " AND " . $where : "";
     $temp = parent::runquery_fetchMode($query, $whereParam);
     return $temp;
Beispiel #6
function searchPayType()
    $dt = array();
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["extraRowText"])) {
        $dt[] = array(array("InfoID" => $_REQUEST["extraRowID"], "Title" => $_REQUEST["extraRowText"]));
    $dt = array_merge($dt, PdoDataAccess::runquery(" SELECT InfoID,Title FROM Basic_Info where typeid = 50  and InfoID in (" . manage_access::getValidPayments() . ")"));
    echo dataReader::getJsonData($dt, count($dt), $_GET["callback"]);
                                                    from  payment_items pit
                                                                    inner join salary_item_types sit
                                                                        on pit.salary_item_type_id = sit.salary_item_type_id
                                                                    inner join staff s 
								              on pit.staff_id = s.staff_id
								    inner join Basic_Info bi 
								              on bi.typeid = 16  and bi.InfoID = sit.person_type

                                                                    left join  CostCenterException cce
                                                                                                        on pit.cost_center_id = cce.CostCenterID AND
                                                                                                        pit.salary_item_type_id = cce.SalaryItemTypeID AND 
                                                                                                        cce.Fromdate <= '".$month_start."' AND 
                                                                                                        ( cce.ToDate >= '".$month_end."' or 
                                                                                                          cce.ToDate Is null or cce.ToDate = '0000-00-00') 

                                        where  cce.CostCenterID is null AND pit.cost_center_id in ( ". manage_access::getValidCostCenters() .") AND 
					       sit.effect_type = 2 AND pit.payment_type = 1 AND
					       pit.salary_item_type_id in (144,145,9920,38,143,149,150,146,147,148,399,242,9915,9911,243,242,399,744,747) ".$whr."

                                        group by sit.salary_item_type_id , sit.person_type  
union all

select pit.salary_item_type_id ,sit.full_title salary_item_title ,  
       bi.Title  person_type , sum(pit.get_value  + (pit.diff_get_value * pit.diff_value_coef )) get_value 
  from payment_items pit left join SubtractItemInfo sii
                             on pit.salary_item_type_id = sii.SalaryItemTypeID and 
				      sii.FromDate <='".$month_start."' and
                                ( sii.ToDate iS NUll OR sii.ToDate >='".$month_end."' or  sii.ToDate='0000-00-00')
                         left join CostCenterException cc
                             on  pit.salary_item_type_id = cc.SalaryItemTypeID and
                                 pit.cost_center_id = cc.CostCenterID and cc.FromDate <='".$month_start."' and
Beispiel #8
 static function Count($where, $whereParam)
     $query = "select count(*) from persons p join staff s on(s.person_type=p.person_type and s.PersonID=p.PersonID)\n\t\t\twhhere (s.last_cost_center_id in(" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") OR s.last_cost_center_id is null)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND s.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")";
     $query .= $where != "" ? " AND " . $where : "";
     $temp = parent::runquery($query, $whereParam);
     return $temp[0][0];
Beispiel #9
				$sid = $_POST["SITID2"];
		if ($_POST['RepFormat'] == 1 ) {
			$paramType = 'LOAN';
				$qry = "select count(*) cn from SalaryItemAccess where UserID='" . $_SESSION["UserID"] . "' AND SalaryItemTypeID in (" . $_POST["SITID1"] . ")";
				$res = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);  
				$sid = $_POST["SITID1"];
		if( $res[0]['cn'] == 0 )
			$whr .= " AND c.cost_center_id in (" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") ";

		if ($_POST['RepType'] == 0)
			$orderBy = " order by cost_center_id,itm.salary_item_type_id,p.plname,p.pfname ";

		elseif ($_POST['RepType'] == 1)
			$orderBy = " order by itm.salary_item_type_id,p.plname,p.pfname ";
		$SITMWHRE = " " ; 
		if(( isset($_POST["SITID2"]) && $_POST["SITID2"] > 0 ) || (isset($_POST["SITID1"]) &&  $_POST["SITID1"] > 0 ))
			$SITMWHRE = "AND itm.salary_item_type_id=" . $sid  ; 
Beispiel #10
 static function Count($where, $whereParam)
     $query = "select count(*) from staff\n\t\t\t where (last_cost_center_id is null OR last_cost_center_id in(" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . "))\n\t\t\t\tAND person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")";
     $query .= $where != "" ? " AND " . $where : "";
     $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam);
     return $temp[0][0];
										  LEFT JOIN writs w
												ON ((pa.writ_id = w.writ_id) AND (pa.writ_ver = w.writ_ver) AND (pa.staff_id = w.staff_id) )
										  LEFT JOIN org_new_units o
												ON (w.ouid = o.ouid)
										  INNER JOIN staff s
												ON (pa.staff_id = s.staff_id)
										  INNER JOIN persons ps
												ON (s.PersonID = ps.PersonID)
										  INNER JOIN cost_centers c
												ON (pai.cost_center_id = c.cost_center_id)
										  LEFT OUTER JOIN banks b
												ON (s.bank_id = b.bank_id)
										  INNER JOIN hrmstotal.Basic_Info BI
												ON BI.typeid = 41 and BI.infoid = pa.pay_month

			where $whr  AND s.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")

			order by c.cost_center_id,


	$dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam);
Beispiel #12
									   p.writ_ver = w.writ_ver AND
									   p.staff_id = w.staff_id AND w.state=3)

							INNER JOIN payment_items pit 
											ON(p.pay_year = pit.pay_year AND p.pay_month = pit.pay_month AND
											   p.staff_id = pit.staff_id AND p.payment_type = pit.payment_type)
							INNER JOIN persons per 
											ON (per.personid = s.personid )
							INNER JOIN banks b 
											ON b.bank_id = p.bank_id
							INNER JOIN CostCenterPlan c 
											ON c.CostCenterID = w.CostCenterID
			 WHERE p.pay_year = :py and p.pay_month = :pm and p.payment_type = :pty and w.emp_state = 11 and s.person_type = 1 and
				   pit.cost_center_id in ( " . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") and c.CostCenterID = $costCenter

			 group by $costCenterGroup s.person_type , p.pay_month,p.pay_year,p.payment_type

			 order by c.CostCenterID

			$dataMProf = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam);

			// هیئت علمی مشروط ...............
			$mp_hoghoogh = 0;
			$mp_ezafeKar = 0;
			$mp_bimeh_dastgah = 0;
			$mp_bimeh_dolat = 0;
			$mp_made_kharej_Az_shomool = 0;
Beispiel #13
    $query = " select pit.staff_id, p.pfname , p.plname , pit.salary_item_type_id , sit.full_title , (pit.get_value + (pit.diff_get_value * pit.diff_value_coef ) )getValue\r\n\r\n\t\t\tfrom payment_items pit inner join salary_item_types sit\r\n\t\t\t\t    on pit.salary_item_type_id = sit.salary_item_type_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t    inner join staff s on pit.staff_id = s.staff_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t    left join CostCenterException cce\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t    on pit.cost_center_id = cce.CostCenterID AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpit.salary_item_type_id = cce.SalaryItemTypeID AND cce.Fromdate <= '" . $_POST['StartDate'] . "' AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t    ( cce.ToDate >= '" . $_POST['EndDate'] . "' or\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcce.ToDate Is null or cce.ToDate = '0000-00-00')\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tleft join SubtractItemInfo sii \r\n\t\t\t\t\ton pit.salary_item_type_id = sii.SalaryItemTypeID  AND  sii.FromDate <= '" . $_POST['StartDate'] . "' AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t ( sii.ToDate is null OR sii.ToDate = '0000-00-00' OR sii.ToDate >= '" . $_POST['EndDate'] . "' )\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tinner join payments pa \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton pa.staff_id = pit.staff_id and  pa.pay_year = pit.pay_year and\r\n                               pa.pay_month = pit.pay_month and pa.payment_type = pit.payment_type\r\n\t\t \r\n\t\t\t\tinner join persons p \r\n\t\t\t\t\ton p.personid = s.personid \r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\twhere\tcce.CostCenterID is null AND  pa.state = 2 AND \r\n\t\t\t\tpit.cost_center_id in ( " . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . " ) AND\r\n\t\t\t\tsit.effect_type = 2 AND pit.payment_type = 1 AND pit.pay_month = " . $_POST['PM'] . " AND pit.pay_year=" . $_POST['PY'] . " AND \r\n\t\t\t\tpit.param2 not in (\r\n270376904\t,\r\n270376905\t,\r\n270376906\t,\r\n270376907\t,\r\n270376908\t,\r\n270376909\t,\r\n270376910\t,\r\n270376911\t,\r\n270376912\t,\r\n270376913\t,\r\n270376914\t,\r\n270376915\t,\r\n270376916\t,\r\n270376917\t,\r\n270376918\t,\r\n270376919\t,\r\n270376920\t,\r\n270376921\t,\r\n270376922\t,\r\n270376924\t,\r\n270376925\t,\r\n270376926\t,\r\n270376927\t,\r\n270376928\t,\r\n270376929\t,\r\n270376930\t,\r\n270376931\t,\r\n270376933\t,\r\n270376934\t,\r\n270376935\t,\r\n270376936\t,\r\n270376937\t,\r\n270376938\t,\r\n270376939\t,\r\n270376940\t,\r\n270376941\t,\r\n270376942\t,\r\n270376943\t,\r\n270376944\t,\r\n270376945\t,\r\n270376946\t,\r\n270376948\t,\r\n270376950\t,\r\n270376951\t,\r\n270376952\t,\r\n270376953\t,\r\n270376954\t,\r\n270376955\t,\r\n270376956\t,\r\n270376957\t,\r\n270376958\t,\r\n270376960\t,\r\n270376961\t,\r\n270376961\t,\r\n270376962\t,\r\n270376963\t,\r\n270376963\t,\r\n270376964\t,\r\n270376965\t,\r\n270376966\t\r\n)\r\n\t\t\t\tAND \r\n\t\t\t\ts.person_type in " . $_POST['PT'] . " AND\r\n\t\t\t\tsii.arrangement  = " . $_GET['refArr'] . " " . $WBI . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\torder by pit.salary_item_type_id , p.plname , p.pfname ";
    $data = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
    if ($_SESSION['UserID'] == 'jafarkhani') {
        //	echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString() ; die() ;
    $query = "  select si.SalaryItemTypeID , sit.full_title   \r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\t    from SubtractItemInfo si inner join salary_item_types sit \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton si.SalaryItemTypeID = sit.salary_item_type_id AND  si.FromDate <= '" . $_POST['StartDate'] . "' AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ( si.ToDate is null OR si.ToDate = '0000-00-00' OR si.ToDate >= '" . $_POST['EndDate'] . "' )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \r\n\t\t\t\twhere si.arrangement=" . $_GET['refArr'];
    $res = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
        $title .= $res[$i]['SalaryItemTypeID'] . " : " . $res[$i]['full_title'] . " ، ";
        $sit = $res[$i]['SalaryItemTypeID'] . ",";
} else {
    if ($_GET['refCC'] > 0) {
        $query = "  SELECT   pit.staff_id , p.pfname , p.plname  , sit.full_title , \r\n\t\t\t    (pit.get_value + (pit.diff_get_value * pit.diff_value_coef )) getValue\r\n\r\n\t\t\t    FROM payment_items pit inner join CostCenterException cce \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton pit.cost_center_id = cce.CostCenterID AND pit.salary_item_type_id = cce.SalaryItemTypeID AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   cce.Fromdate <= '" . $_POST['StartDate'] . "' AND ( cce.ToDate >= '" . $_POST['EndDate'] . "' or cce.ToDate Is null or \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   cce.ToDate = '0000-00-00')\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join payments pa \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton  pa.staff_id = pit.staff_id and  pa.pay_year = pit.pay_year and\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpa.pay_month = pit.pay_month and pa.payment_type = pit.payment_type\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   inner join cost_centers cc \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton cce.CostCenterID = cc.cost_center_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   inner join staff s \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton pit.staff_id = s.staff_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   inner join persons p \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton s.personid= p.personid\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   inner join salary_item_types sit \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ton  pit.salary_item_type_id = sit.salary_item_type_id\r\n\r\n\t\t\twhere pit.payment_type = 1 AND pa.state = 2 AND pit.param2 not in (\r\n\t\t\t\r\n270376904\t,\r\n270376905\t,\r\n270376906\t,\r\n270376907\t,\r\n270376908\t,\r\n270376909\t,\r\n270376910\t,\r\n270376911\t,\r\n270376912\t,\r\n270376913\t,\r\n270376914\t,\r\n270376915\t,\r\n270376916\t,\r\n270376917\t,\r\n270376918\t,\r\n270376919\t,\r\n270376920\t,\r\n270376921\t,\r\n270376922\t,\r\n270376924\t,\r\n270376925\t,\r\n270376926\t,\r\n270376927\t,\r\n270376928\t,\r\n270376929\t,\r\n270376930\t,\r\n270376931\t,\r\n270376933\t,\r\n270376934\t,\r\n270376935\t,\r\n270376936\t,\r\n270376937\t,\r\n270376938\t,\r\n270376939\t,\r\n270376940\t,\r\n270376941\t,\r\n270376942\t,\r\n270376943\t,\r\n270376944\t,\r\n270376945\t,\r\n270376946\t,\r\n270376948\t,\r\n270376950\t,\r\n270376951\t,\r\n270376952\t,\r\n270376953\t,\r\n270376954\t,\r\n270376955\t,\r\n270376956\t,\r\n270376957\t,\r\n270376958\t,\r\n270376960\t,\r\n270376961\t,\r\n270376961\t,\r\n270376962\t,\r\n270376963\t,\r\n270376963\t,\r\n270376964\t,\r\n270376965\t,\r\n270376966\t\r\n\r\n\t\t\t) AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpit.cost_center_id in (" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") AND\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpit.pay_month = " . $_POST['PM'] . " AND pit.pay_year=" . $_POST['PY'] . " AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\ts.person_type in " . $_POST['PT'] . " and cce.CostCenterID = " . $_GET['refCC'] . " order by  pit.salary_item_type_id ";
        $data = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
        $query = " select cce.SalaryItemTypeID , sit.full_title\r\n\t\t\t    from CostCenterException cce inner join salary_item_types sit \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    on cce.SalaryItemTypeID = sit.salary_item_type_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere cce.CostCenterID =" . $_GET['refCC'];
        $res = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
            $title .= $res[$i]['SalaryItemTypeID'] . " : " . $res[$i]['full_title'] . " ، ";
            $sit = $res[$i]['SalaryItemTypeID'] . ",";
$qry = " select bi.Title month_title \r\n                        from  Basic_Info bi \r\n                                where  bi.typeid = 41 and InfoID = " . $_POST['PM'];
$res = PdoDataAccess::runquery($qry);
$month = $res[0]['month_title'];
$sit = substr($sit, 0, strlen($sit) - 1);
$title = substr($title, 0, strlen($title) - 3);
Beispiel #14
function selectArrearTransferWrits()
    MakeAdvanceSearchWhere($where, $whereParam);
    $state = isset($_REQUEST["return"]) ? "1" : "0";
    $stateWhere = "";
    $stateWhere = " w.arrear = " . $state . " AND ";
    $curYear = DateModules::GetYear(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi(DateModules::Now()));
    $query = "select w.writ_id,\n                     w.writ_ver,\n                     w.staff_id,\n                     w.ouid,\n                     w.issue_date,\n                     w.history_only,\n                     w.corrective,\n                     w.execute_date,\n                     concat(wt.title,' - ', wst.title) as wt_title,\n                     bi_emp_state.title as emp_state_title,\n                     w.ref_letter_no,\n                     w.ref_letter_date,\n                     w.person_type,\n                     concat(p.pfname, ' ', p.plname) fullname,\n                     w.corrective_writ_id,\n                     w.correct_completed,\n\t\t\t\t\t w.view_flag\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tfrom staff s\n                              \n        \t\t  LEFT OUTER JOIN writs w ON (w.staff_id = s.staff_id)\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_types wt ON ((w.writ_type_id = wt.writ_type_id) AND (w.person_type = wt.person_type))\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN writ_subtypes wst ON (w.writ_subtype_id = wst.writ_subtype_id AND w.writ_type_id = wst.writ_type_id \n                  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND w.person_type = wst.person_type)\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN persons p ON (s.PersonID = p.PersonID)\n                  LEFT OUTER JOIN org_new_units o ON (w.ouid = o.ouid)\n                  LEFT JOIN Basic_Info bi_emp_state on(bi_emp_state.TypeID=3 and w.emp_state=bi_emp_state.InfoID)\n                  LEFT JOIN payment_writs pw ON pw.writ_id = w.writ_id and pw.writ_ver = w.writ_ver and pw.staff_id = w.staff_id \n\t\t\t\t  \n\t\t\twhere w.execute_date >= '" . TRANSFER_WRIT_EXE_DATE . "' AND w.state = 3 AND  \n\t\t\t\t  w.execute_date < '" . str_replace("/", "-", DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($curYear . "/01/01")) . "'  AND\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t  substr(g2j(w.execute_date),1,4) < substr(g2j(writ_recieve_date),1,4) AND \n\t\t\t\t {$stateWhere}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n                s.person_type in (" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ") AND w.cost_center_id in (" . manage_access::getValidCostCenters() . ") AND\n\t\t\t\tw.emp_state <> 0 AND\n\t\t\t\t(w.history_only=0 OR w.history_only IS NULL) AND \n\t\t\t\t(w.dont_transfer = 0 OR w.dont_transfer IS NULL) AND\n                ( pw.writ_id is null ) AND\n\t\t\t\t(w.correct_completed!=" . WRIT_CORRECTING . ") AND " . $where . "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\torder by p.plname,p.pfname,s.staff_id,w.execute_date,w.writ_id,w.writ_ver";
    $temp = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParam);
    /*if($_SESSION['UserID'] == 'jafarkhani') {
    	echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString(); 
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) {
        $temp[$i]['full_unit_title'] = manage_units::get_full_title($temp[$i]['ouid']);
    echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]);
Beispiel #15
 static function GetAll($where = "", $whereParam = array())
     $query = " select pe.*,p.title as postTitle,if(p.staff_id=pe.staff_id, 1, 0) as assign_post\r\n\t\t\t\tfrom professor_exe_posts pe\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN position p using(post_id)\r\n\t\t\t\twhere p.person_type in(" . manage_access::getValidPersonTypes() . ")";
     $query .= $where != "" ? " AND " . $where : "";
     $temp = parent::runquery($query, $whereParam);
     return $temp;
Beispiel #16
 public static function DRP_writType_writSubType($formName, $typeFieldName, $subtypeFieldName, $typeSelectedID = "", $subtypeSelectedID = "", $typeExtraRow = "", $subtypeExraRow = "", $masterWidth = "", $person_type = "")
     $obj = new MaserDetail_DROPDOWN();
     $where = $person_type != "" ? $person_type : manage_access::getValidPersonTypes();
     $obj->Master_datasource = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\r\n\t\t\tselect writ_type_id,title,person_type\r\n\t\t\tfrom writ_types\r\n\t\t\twhere person_type in(" . $where . ")\r\n\t\t\torder by title");
     if (!empty($typeExtraRow)) {
         $obj->Master_datasource = array_merge(array(array("writ_type_id" => "-1", "title" => $typeExtraRow)), $obj->Master_datasource);
     $obj->Master_id = $typeFieldName;
     $obj->Master_valuefield = "writ_type_id";
     $obj->Master_valuefield2 = "person_type";
     $obj->Master_textfield = "title";
     $obj->Master_Width = $masterWidth;
     $obj->Master_formName = $formName;
     $obj->Detail_storeUrl = "global/{$subtypeExraRow}";
     $obj->Detail_id = $subtypeFieldName;
     $obj->Detail_valuefield = "writ_subtype_id";
     $obj->Detail_textfield = "title";
     $obj->Detail_masterfield = "writ_type_id";
     $obj->Detail_masterfield2 = "person_type";
     return $obj->bind_dropdown_returnObjects($typeSelectedID, $subtypeSelectedID);
Beispiel #17
// programmer:	Mahdipour
// create Date:	90.09.25
require_once '../../../';
require_once inc_dataGrid;
require_once inc_manage_unit;
$FacilID = isset($_POST["FacilID"]) ? $_POST["FacilID"] : "";
//________________  GET ACCESS  _________________
$accessObj = new ModuleAccess($FacilID, 4, Deputy, Module_writ);
if (!$accessObj->UpdateAccess()) {
$listAcc = explode(',', manage_access::getValidPersonTypes());
$emp = 0;
$worker = 0;
$prof = 0;
$gharardadi = 0;
for ($t = 0; $t < count($listAcc); $t++) {
    if ($listAcc[$t] == 1) {
        $prof = 1;
    if ($listAcc[$t] == 2) {
        $emp = 1;
    if ($listAcc[$t] == 3) {
        $worker = 1;
    if ($listAcc[$t] == 5) {