public function pdf() { require_once dirname(APP_SYS_PATH) . "/plugins/mpdf/mpdf.php"; //模拟数据 $users = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $user = array("id" => "2015" . $i, "name" => "用户" . $i, "age" => "1" . $i); $users[] = $user; } $this->assign("users", $users); $html = $this->fetch("pdf.html"); $mpdf = new mPDF("utf-8-s"); $mpdf->Bookmark("test pdf"); $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output(); }
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protected function nitro_render_pdf($quizid, $userid, $cm) { global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT, $USER, $SESSION, $CM; $PAGE->requires->jquery(); //disable SUBMIT button after click on this button echo '<script>document.getElementById("nitro_submit").disabled=true;</script>'; //define where is storage WIRIS image $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE = $CFG->wwwroot . '/question/type/wq/quizzes/service.php?service=cache&name='; //GENERATE HTML FILE? DEFAULT IS FALSE $generate_html_file = true; $html_contents = ''; //numbers of parts of the report $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS = 9; //get information about quiz, if quiz info is empty - quiz doesn't exists $info_quiz = $this->nitro_get_quiz($quizid); $this->SetBarWidth(0); @ob_flush(); @flush(); //context $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $contexts_array = explode('/', $context->path); unset($contexts_array[0], $contexts_array[1]); arsort($contexts_array); $contexts_array_tmp = ''; foreach ($contexts_array as $id => $val) { $contexts_array_tmp .= '"' . $val . '",'; } $contexts_array = substr($contexts_array_tmp, 0, -1); //context end //mode note - 1 - error in all answer, 2 - error half answer $MODE_NOTE = 2; if (isset($_POST['evaluation_nopart']) && $_POST['evaluation_nopart'] == 1) { $MODE_NOTE = 1; } // generate_excel_files $GENERATE_EXCEL = false; if (isset($_POST['generate_excel_files']) && $_POST['generate_excel_files'] == 1) { $GENERATE_EXCEL = true; } //if info quiz is empty, show error if (empty($info_quiz)) { print_error('quizdoesntexists', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf', new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php?id=' . $cm->id . '&mode=nitroreportpdf')); } else { //get info about course $info_course = $this->nitro_get_course($info_quiz->course); //specifies the number of decimal places. If the quiz that did not specify, the default is the number 4 $decimalpoints = $info_quiz->decimalpoints >= 0 ? $info_quiz->decimalpoints : 4; $questiondecimalpoints = $info_quiz->questiondecimalpoints >= 0 ? $info_quiz->questiondecimalpoints : 2; /* quiz array. Specify correct questions & answers. */ $tab_quiz = array(); if ($GENERATE_EXCEL) { $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCategory("Statistic Report for Moodle Quiz")->setCompany("Jarosław Maciejewski")->setCreator("Moodle - Quiz Nitro Report PDF module")->setLastModifiedBy("Moodle - Quiz Nitro Report PDF module")->setTitle("Short statistic of test from Moodle")->setSubject("Short statistic of test from Moodle")->setDescription("Show statistic report from Moodle Quiz")->setKeywords("quiz; report; pdf; statistic;"); } //GENERATE PDF $mpdf = new mPDF('times'); $mpdf->useAdobeCJK = true; $stylesheet = file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/style.css'); $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1); $mpdf->setKeywords('egzamin,moodle,jaroslaw,maciejewski'); $mpdf->setSubject(get_string('exams_on_moodle', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $mpdf->setCreator(get_string('moodle', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $mpdf->setAuthor('Jarosław Maciejewski'); $mpdf->SetProtection(array('print', 'print-highres')); $mpdf->setTitle(get_string('exam_result', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); // PDF HEADER $mpdf->setHTMLHeader('<span style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('protocol_exam', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': ' . $info_quiz->name . ' ' . get_string('of_course', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' ' . $info_course->fullname . '</span><hr />'); // PDF FOOTER $mpdf->setHTMLFooter('<hr /> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td style="font-size: 10pt;text-align: center;">' . get_string('page', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' {PAGENO}/{nb}</td> <td style="font-size: 10pt;text-align: right;width: 20%;">{DATE d.m.Y H:i}</td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td style="font-size: 8pt;text-align: center;">' . get_string('gen_npdf', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</td> </tr> </table>'); $mpdf->setAutoTopMargin = 'pad'; $mpdf->setAutoBottomMargin = 'pad'; //GENERATOR MESSAGE AND PROGRESSBAR ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/css.css'; ?> " /> <div id="nitroreportpdf_text" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;text-align: center;"> <br /><br /><br /><br /><b><?php echo get_string('gen_pleasewait', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); ?> </b></div><br /> <div id="nitroreportpdf_progress" class="nitroreportpdf_graph" style=" margin-left: auto ; margin-right: auto;"> <div id="nitroreportpdf_bar" style="width:0%"> <span id="nitroreportpdf_bar_text">0%</span> </div> </div> <?php /* ========================> 1. COVER */ $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(1 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $HTML_COVER = ' <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div style="letter-spacing: 5px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size: 20pt;text-transform:uppercase;">' . get_string('protocol_exam', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</div> <br /><br /><br /> <div style="text-align: center;"> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <th style="text-align: center;font-size: 14pt;">' . get_string('course', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': </th> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 14pt;">' . $info_course->fullname . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: center;font-size: 14pt;">' . get_string('exam', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': </th> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 14pt;">' . $info_quiz->name . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: center;font-size: 14pt;">' . get_string('date', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': </th> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 14pt;">' . date('d.m.Y, H:i') . '</td> </tr> </table> </div> '; $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('1. ' . get_string('cover', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); $mpdf->WriteHTML($HTML_COVER); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ . '<hr noshade>'; } /* ========================> 2. Short info about test */ $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(2 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $timeopen = ''; $timeclose = ''; if (!empty($info_quiz->timeopen) || $info_quiz->timeopen > 0) { $timeopen = '<tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('timeopen', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $info_quiz->timeopen) . '</td> </tr>'; } if (!empty($info_quiz->timeclose) || $info_quiz->timeclose > 0) { $timeclose = '<tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('timeclose', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $info_quiz->timeclose) . '</td> </tr>'; } if (!empty($info_quiz->timelimit) || $info_quiz->timelimit > 0) { $nitro_convert_time_s = $this->nitro_convert_time($info_quiz->timelimit); $timelimit = '<tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('limittime', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $nitro_convert_time_s . '</td> </tr>'; } switch ($info_quiz->grademethod) { case '2': $grademethod = get_string('avggrade', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); break; case '3': $grademethod = get_string('firstapproach', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); break; case '4': $grademethod = get_string('lastapproach', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); break; default: $grademethod = get_string('highgrade', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); break; } $number_question = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT count(questionid) FROM {quiz_slots} WHERE quizid="' . $quizid . '"'); $introtest = '----'; if (!empty($info_quiz->intro)) { if ($generate_html_file) { $introtest = $this->files_from_db_img('mod_quiz', 'intro', array('extra_sql' => 'AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $info_quiz->intro, true); } else { $introtest = $this->files_from_db_img('mod_quiz', 'intro', array('extra_sql' => 'AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $info_quiz->intro); } } //quiz intro if $INTROTEST = '<div style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size:14pt;text-transform:uppercase;">' . get_string('short_info_about_test', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</div> <br /><br /> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;width:53%;">' . get_string('nametest', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $info_quiz->name . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('namecourse', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $info_course->fullname . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('shortcutcourse', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $info_course->shortname . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('datecreatecourse', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $info_course->timecreated) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('datemodifycourse', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $info_course->timemodified) . '</td> </tr> ' . $timeopen . ' ' . $timeclose . ' ' . $timelimit . ' <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('modegradetest', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $grademethod . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('sumpoints', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $decimalpoints . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('gradequestion', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $questiondecimalpoints . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('maxpoints', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . number_format($info_quiz->sumgrades, $decimalpoints, ".", "") . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('numquestions', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $number_question . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">' . get_string('intrototest', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td style="text-align: left;">' . $introtest . '</td> </tr> </table> '; $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('2. ' . get_string('short_info_about_test', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); $mpdf->WriteHTML($INTROTEST); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $INTROTEST . '<hr noshade>'; } /* ========================> 3. Correct filled test */ $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(3 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('3. ' . get_string('correctfilltest', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); $CORRECT_FILLED_TEST_INTRO = '<p style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size:14pt;text-transform:uppercase;">' . get_string('questionandanswer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</p><p></p>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($CORRECT_FILLED_TEST_INTRO); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $CORRECT_FILLED_TEST_INTRO . '<hr noshade>'; } //get questions from quiz $questions = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id,qs.maxmark AS q_grade,q.questiontext AS q_text,q.qtype AS q_type,qs.questionid AS q_idq FROM {quiz_slots} qs,{question} q WHERE qs.quizid=' . $quizid . ' AND AND q.parent=0 ORDER BY qs.questionid ASC'); $tab_correct_answers = array(); $nr_question = 1; foreach ($questions as $q) { $tab_correct_answers[] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $mpdf->Bookmark($nr_question . '. ' . get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 1); /* question text */ if ($generate_html_file) { $q_text = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'questiontext', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $q->q_idq . '"'), $q->q_text, true); } else { $q_text = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'questiontext', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $q->q_idq . '"'), $q->q_text); } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qid'] = $q->q_idq; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['question'] = $q_text; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['type'] = $q->q_type; switch ($q->q_type) { case 'truefalse': $truefalse = '0'; //get correct answer TRUE OR FALSE on question $question_truefalse_db_true = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qa.fraction AS fraction FROM {question_answers} qa, {question_truefalse} qtf WHERE qtf.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND'); //get TRUE in language . this variable is use later. $tf_sql_true = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qa.answer AS answer FROM {question_truefalse} qt, {question_answers} qa WHERE qa.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND qt.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND'); //get FALSE in language . this variable is use later. $tf_sql_false = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qa.answer AS answer FROM {question_truefalse} qt, {question_answers} qa WHERE qa.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND qt.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND'); //if answer has fraction equals more than 1 - its correct answer if ($question_truefalse_db_true->fraction >= 1) { $truefalse = '1'; } else { $truefalse = '0'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_truefalse') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> <span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . ($truefalse == 0 ? $tf_sql_false->answer : $tf_sql_true->answer) . '</span>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $truefalse; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'numerical': $numericalA = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT showunits,unitsleft,unitgradingtype,unitpenalty FROM {question_numerical_options} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); $numericalD = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND fraction>0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1'); $numericalB = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id,qa.answer AS answer,qn.tolerance AS tolerance,qa.fraction AS fraction FROM {question_answers} qa, {question_numerical} qn WHERE qa.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND AND qa.fraction>0 ORDER BY ASC'); $numericalCC = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id FROM {question_numerical_units} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,1'); $numericalC = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,multiplier,unit FROM {question_numerical_units} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id'); switch ($numericalA->showunits) { case 0: case 1: case 2: $tab_correct = array(); foreach ($numericalB as $answers) { if ($numericalA->unitgradingtype == 1) { $pkt_unitgradetype = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction * $numericalA->unitpenalty, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); if ($numericalA->unitpenalty <= 0) { $pkt_unitgradetype = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } elseif ($numericalA->unitgradingtype == 2) { $pkt_unitgradetype = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction - $numericalA->unitpenalty, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $answers->answer, 'pkt' => $pkt_unitgradetype, 'type' => 'S'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $answers->answer; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = $pkt_unitgradetype; if ($answers->tolerance > 0) { $a = $answers->answer - $answers->tolerance; $b = $answers->answer + $answers->tolerance; $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $a . ' - ' . $b, 'pkt' => $pkt_unitgradetype, 'type' => 'P'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $a . '-' . $b; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = $pkt_unitgradetype; } if (count($numericalC) > 0) { foreach ($numericalC as $units) { if ($numericalA->unitsleft == 0) { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $answers->answer * $units->multiplier . $units->unit, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""), 'type' => 'S'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $answers->answer * $units->multiplier . '|' . $units->unit; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } else { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $units->unit . $answers->answer * $units->multiplier, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""), 'type' => 'S'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $units->unit . '|' . $answers->answer * $units->multiplier; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } if ($units->id == $numericalCC->id && $answers->tolerance > 0) { if ($numericalA->unitsleft == 0) { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $a . ' - ' . $b . $units->unit, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""), 'type' => 'P'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $a . '-' . $b . '|' . $units->unit; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } else { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $units->unit . $a . ' - ' . $b, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""), 'type' => 'P'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $units->unit . '|' . $a . '-' . $b; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } if ($units->id != $numericalCC->id && $answers->tolerance > 0) { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $a * $units->multiplier . ' - ' . $b * $units->multiplier, 'pkt' => $pkt_unitgradetype, 'type' => 'P'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $a * $units->multiplier . '-' . $b * $units->multiplier . '|'; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = $pkt_unitgradetype; if ($numericalA->unitsleft == 0) { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $a * $units->multiplier . ' - ' . $b * $units->multiplier . $units->unit, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""), 'type' => 'P'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $a * $units->multiplier . '-' . $b * $units->multiplier . '|' . $units->unit; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } else { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $units->unit . $a * $units->multiplier . ' - ' . $b * $units->multiplier, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""), 'type' => 'P'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $units->unit . '|' . $a * $units->multiplier . '-' . $b * $units->multiplier; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } } } // if numericalC end } //foreach answers break; default: foreach ($numericalB as $answers) { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $answers->answer, 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "")); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $answers->answer; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); if ($answers->tolerance > 0) { $tab_correct[] = array('answer' => $answers->answer - $answers->tolerance . ' - ' . ($answers->answer + $answers->tolerance), 'pkt' => number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "")); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $answers->answer - $answers->tolerance . '-' . ($answers->answer + $answers->tolerance); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade * $answers->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } break; } // switch ShowUnits for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_correct); $i++) { if ($tab_correct[$i]['pkt'] < 0) { $tab_correct[$i]['pkt'] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points']); $i++) { if ($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'] < 0) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } foreach ($tab_correct as $id => $tab) { $u_answer[$id] = $tab['answer']; $u_pkt[$id] = $tab['pkt']; $u_type[$id] = $tab['type']; } array_multisort($u_type, SORT_DESC, $u_pkt, SORT_DESC, $u_answer, SORT_STRING, SORT_ASC, $tab_correct); $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align: right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_numerical') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answers', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u><br /><br /><table border="0" style="margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%;" class="table"><tr><th style="text-transform:capitalize;">' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '.</th><th>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th></tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_correct); $i++) { $NREQ = '<tr><td style="text-align: center;">' . $tab_correct[$i]['pkt'] . '</td><td>' . $tab_correct[$i]['answer'] . '</td></tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $answer2 = ''; $l = 1; foreach ($numericalB as $ans0) { $answer2 .= '- ' . get_string('main_answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' ' . $l . ': ' . $ans0->answer . ', ' . get_string('error_deviation', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': ' . $ans0->tolerance . ', ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '. ' . number_format($q->q_grade * $ans0->fraction, 2, '.', '') . '<br />'; $l++; } $l = 1; foreach ($numericalC as $ans1) { $answer2 .= '- ' . get_string('unit', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' ' . $l . ': ' . $ans1->unit . ', ' . get_string('multiplier', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': ' . $ans1->multiplier . '<br />'; $l++; } if (in_array($numericalA->showunits, array(0, 1, 2))) { $answer2 .= '- ' . get_string('error_reduction', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' ' . $numericalA->unitpenalty . ' ' . get_string('points_as_fraction', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' '; if ($numericalA->unitgradingtype == 1) { $answer2 .= get_string('given_answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } elseif ($numericalA->unitgradingtype == 2) { $answer2 .= get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } $answer2 .= '<br />- ' . get_string('unitafter', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' '; if ($numericalA->unitsleft == 0) { $answer2 .= get_string('right', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } else { $answer2 .= get_string('left', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } $answer2 .= ' ' . get_string('numberstr', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '<br />'; } $NREQ = '</table><br /><u>' . get_string('othersprops', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> <br />' . $answer2; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'gapselect': $question_gapselect = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $tab_temp = array(); foreach ($question_gapselect as $answers) { $tab_temp[] = $answers->answer; } preg_match_all('/\\[\\[([0-9]+)\\]\\]/', $q_text, $ZN); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'] = $ZN[1]; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['choices'] = $tab_temp; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_temp); $i++) { $q_text = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($i + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $tab_temp[$i] . '</span>', $q_text); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_gapselect') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'ddimageortext': $data = null; $bigfile_details = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT contextid,filepath,filename,filesize,timecreated,timemodified,contenthash FROM {files} WHERE component="qtype_ddimageortext" AND filearea="bgimage" AND itemid="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND mimetype<>"" AND filename<>"."'); $filename = hash('sha384', "qtype_ddimageortextbgimage" . $bigfile_details->filesize . $bigfile_details->timecreated . $bigfile_details->timemodified . $bigfile_details->contenthash . $bigfile_details->filepath . $bigfile_details->filename) . '.' . pathinfo($bigfile_details->filename)['extension']; if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename)) { $fs = null; $file_big = null; $fs_big = get_file_storage(); $file_big = $fs_big->get_file($bigfile_details->contextid, 'qtype_ddimageortext', 'bgimage', $q->q_idq, $bigfile_details->filepath, $bigfile_details->filename); if ($file_big) { $file_big->copy_content_to($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename); } // file } touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename); $data['ddimageortext_bigfile'] = $filename; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['ddimageortext_bigfile'] = $filename; $tab_text = array(); $tab_image = array(); $dd_files = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,no,label FROM {qtype_ddimageortext_drags} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY no ASC'); $dd_files_ids = array_keys($dd_files); for ($z = 0; $z < count($dd_files_ids); $z++) { $dd_files2 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT no,xleft,ytop,choice FROM {qtype_ddimageortext_drops} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND no="' . $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no . '" ORDER BY choice ASC'); if (isset($dd_files2->no)) { $dd_filesA = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT AS f_id,f.contextid AS f_contexid,f.filepath AS f_filepath,f.filename AS f_filename,f.filesize AS f_filesize,f.timecreated AS f_timecreated,f.timemodified AS f_timemodified,f.contenthash AS f_contenthash FROM {files} f WHERE f.itemid="' . $dd_files_ids[$z] . '" AND contextid="' . $bigfile_details->contextid . '" AND f.component="qtype_ddimageortext" AND f.filearea="dragimage" AND f.mimetype<>"" AND filename<>"."'); $filename = hash('sha384', "qtype_ddimageortextdragimage" . $dd_filesA->f_filesize . $dd_filesA->f_timecreated . $dd_filesA->f_timemodified . $dd_filesA->f_contenthash . $dd_filesA->f_filepath . $dd_filesA->f_filename) . '.' . pathinfo($dd_filesA->f_filename)['extension']; if (!empty($dd_filesA->f_id)) { if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename)) { $fs = null; $mfile = null; $fs = get_file_storage(); $mfile = $fs->get_file($dd_filesA->f_contexid, 'qtype_ddimageortext', 'dragimage', $dd_files_ids[$z], $dd_filesA->f_filepath, $dd_filesA->f_filename); if ($mfile) { $mfile->copy_content_to($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename); } } touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename); $tab_image[] = array('x' => $dd_files2->xleft, 'y' => $dd_files2->ytop, 'filename' => $filename); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no - 1] = array('lab_img' => $filename, 'type' => 'image', 'choice' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no, 'x' => $dd_files2->xleft, 'y' => $dd_files2->ytop); } else { $tab_text[] = array('x' => $dd_files2->xleft, 'y' => $dd_files2->ytop, 'text' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->label); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no - 1] = array('lab_img' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->label, 'type' => 'text', 'choice' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no, 'x' => $dd_files2->xleft, 'y' => $dd_files2->ytop); } } else { $dd_filesA = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT AS f_id,f.contextid AS f_contexid,f.filepath AS f_filepath,f.filename AS f_filename,f.filesize AS f_filesize,f.timecreated AS f_timecreated,f.timemodified AS f_timemodified,f.contenthash AS f_contenthash FROM FROM {files} f WHERE f.itemid="' . $dd_files_ids[$z] . '" AND contextid="' . $bigfile_details->contextid . '" AND f.component="qtype_ddimageortext" AND f.filearea="dragimage" AND f.mimetype<>"" AND filename<>"."'); $filename = hash('sha384', "qtype_ddimageortextdragimage" . $dd_filesA->f_filesize . $dd_filesA->f_timecreated . $dd_filesA->f_timemodified . $dd_filesA->f_contenthash . $dd_filesA->f_filepath . $dd_filesA->f_filename) . '.' . pathinfo($dd_filesA->f_filename)['extension']; if (!empty($dd_filesA->f_id)) { if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename)) { $fs = null; $mfile = null; $fs = get_file_storage(); $mfile = $fs->get_file($dd_filesA->f_contexid, 'qtype_ddimageortext', 'dragimage', $dd_files_ids[$z], $dd_filesA->f_filepath, $dd_filesA->f_filename); if ($mfile) { $mfile->copy_content_to($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $tempfilename); } } touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $filename); $tab_image[] = array('x' => -1000, 'y' => -1000, 'filename' => $tempfilename); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no - 1] = array('lab_img' => $tempfilename, 'type' => 'image', 'choice' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no, 'x' => -1000, 'y' => -1000); } else { $tab_text[] = array('x' => -1000, 'y' => -1000, 'text' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->label); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no - 1] = array('lab_img' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->label, 'type' => 'text', 'choice' => $dd_files[$dd_files_ids[$z]]->no, 'x' => -1000, 'y' => -1000); } } // if exists more some are unused } $data['texts'] = json_encode($tab_text); $data['images'] = json_encode($tab_image); $data['filename'] = '_U' . $userid . '_Q' . $quizid . '_' . strtotime('now') . uniqid() . uniqid() . '.jpg'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/image.php'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ddimageortext') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><img src="report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $data['filename'] . '" />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'multianswer': $question_multianswer = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,questiontext FROM {question} WHERE parent="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $i = 0; foreach ($question_multianswer as $id => $multianswer) { $getanswer = $this->nitro_get_multianswer_correct_answer($multianswer->questiontext); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $getanswer; if (count($getanswer['answers']) > 1) { for ($l = 0; $l < count($getanswer['answers']); $l++) { $points = $getanswer['points'][$l]; if (empty($points)) { $points = 0; } if ($l == $getanswer['correct']) { $correct_answer .= '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $getanswer['answers'][$l] . ' (' . $points . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</span>, '; } else { $correct_answer .= $getanswer['answers'][$l] . ' (' . $points . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</span>, '; } } $correct_answer = '[' . substr($correct_answer, 0, -2) . ']'; } else { $correct_answer = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $getanswer['answers'][0] . ' (' . $points . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</span>'; } $q_text = preg_replace('/{#' . $i . '}/', $correct_answer, $q_text); $question_multianswer_resp = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $id . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $j = 0; foreach ($question_multianswer_resp as $res) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['answers_id'][$res->id] = $j; $j++; } $i++; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['question_with_answers'] = $q_text; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); if ($MODE_NOTE == 2) { $points = 0; $i = 0; for ($z = 0; $z < count($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers']); $z++) { $points += $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$z]['points'][$tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$z]['correct']]; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] = number_format($points, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_multianswer') . ' (' . $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'ddwtos': $ddwtos_answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $answer_nb = 1; foreach ($ddwtos_answers as $ddwtos_answers) { $q_text = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . $answer_nb . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $ddwtos_answers->answer . '</span>', $q_text); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$answer_nb] = $ddwtos_answers->answer; $answer_nb++; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ddwtos') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'match': $match_answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,questiontext,answertext FROM {qtype_match_subquestions} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $answers_tab = ''; foreach ($match_answers as $match_answers) { if ($generate_html_file) { $question = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_match', 'subquestion', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $match_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $match_answers->questiontext, true); } else { $question = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_match', 'subquestion', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $match_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $match_answers->questiontext); } $answer = $match_answers->answertext; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$match_answers->id] = array('question' => $question, 'answer' => $answer); $answers_tab .= '<tr><td>' . $question . '</td><td>' . $answer . '</td></tr>'; } //if are some file to process $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_match') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answers', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u><br /><br /><table border="1"><tr><th>' . get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th><th>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th></tr>' . $answers_tab . '</table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'multichoice': $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $answers_db = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer,fraction FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); $multi_tb = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT single FROM {qtype_multichoice_options} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); if ($multi_tb->single == 1) { $type_q = get_string('questiontypemultichoiceone', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } else { $type_q = get_string('questiontypemultichoicemulti', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width: 100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $type_q . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answers', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> <br /><br />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $nr_answer = 1; foreach ($answers_db as $answer) { if ($generate_html_file) { $answer_txt = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'answer', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $answer->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $answer->answer, true); } else { $answer_txt = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'answer', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $answer->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $answer->answer); } $corr = ''; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qanswers'][$answer->id] = 0; if ($multi_tb->single == 1 && $answer->fraction >= 1) { $corr = '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qanswers'][$answer->id] = 1; } if ($multi_tb->single == 0 && $answer->fraction > 0) { $corr = '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qanswers'][$answer->id] = 1; } $NREQ = $corr . '<b>' . $nr_answer . '.</b> ' . $answer_txt; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$answer->id] = $answer_txt; $nr_answer++; } break; case 'ddmatch': $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $ddmatch_answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,questiontext,answertext FROM {qtype_ddmatch_subquestions} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $answers_tab = ''; foreach ($ddmatch_answers as $ddmatch_answers) { if ($generate_html_file) { $answer = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_ddmatch', 'subanswer', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $ddmatch_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $ddmatch_answers->answertext, true); $question = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_ddmatch', 'subquestion', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $ddmatch_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $ddmatch_answers->questiontext, true); } else { $answer = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_ddmatch', 'subanswer', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $ddmatch_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $ddmatch_answers->answertext); $question = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_ddmatch', 'subquestion', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $ddmatch_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $ddmatch_answers->questiontext); } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['questions'][$ddmatch_answers->id] = $question; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$ddmatch_answers->id] = $answer; $answers_tab .= '<tr><td>' . $question . '</td><td>' . $answer . '</td></tr>'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ddmatch') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answers', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u><br /><br /><table border="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><tr><th>' . get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th><th>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th></tr>' . $answers_tab . '</table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'ordering': $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $ordering_answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY fraction ASC'); $q_text = $q->q_text . '<br><br>'; foreach ($ordering_answers as $ordering_answers) { $q_text .= $ordering_answers->answer . '<br><hr><br>'; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$ordering_answers->id] = $ordering_answers->answer; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers_md5'][md5($ordering_answers->answer)] = $ordering_answers->id; } $q_text = substr($q_text, 0, -12) . '<br><br>' . get_string('options', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':<br>'; $ordering_options = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT selecttype,selectcount FROM {qtype_ordering_options} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); switch ($ordering_options->selecttype) { case 0: $q_text .= '- ' . get_string('selecttype', 'qtype_ordering') . ': ' . get_string('selectall', 'qtype_ordering') . '<br>'; break; case 1: $q_text .= '- ' . get_string('selecttype', 'qtype_ordering') . ': ' . get_string('selectrandom', 'qtype_ordering') . '<br>'; break; case 2: $q_text .= '- ' . get_string('selecttype', 'qtype_ordering') . ': ' . get_string('selectcontiguous', 'qtype_ordering') . '<br>'; break; } $q_text .= '- ' . get_string('selectcount', 'qtype_ordering') . ': '; if ($ordering_options->selectcount == 0) { $q_text .= get_string('all', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' <br>'; } else { $q_text .= $ordering_options->selectcount . ' <br>'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ordering') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'gapfill': $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $gapfill_answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $gapfill_options = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT question,delimitchars,casesensitive,noduplicates FROM {question_gapfill} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'] = array($gapfill_options[$q->q_idq]->delimitchars, $gapfill_options[$q->q_idq]->casesensitive, $gapfill_options[$q->q_idq]->noduplicates); $q_text = $q->q_text; foreach ($gapfill_answers as $gapfill_answers) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $gapfill_answers->answer; } preg_match_all('/\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 0, 1) . '(.*)\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 1, 1) . '/U', $q_text, $founded); for ($i = 0; $i < count($founded[1]); $i++) { $q_text = preg_replace('/\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 0, 1) . $founded[1][$i] . '\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 1, 1) . '/', $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i], $q_text); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_gapfill') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS case 'truefalsewiris': $truefalse = '0'; //get correct answer TRUE OR FALSE on question $question_truefalse_db_true = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qa.fraction AS fraction FROM {question_answers} qa, {question_truefalse} qtf WHERE qtf.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND'); //get TRUE in language . this variable is use later. $tf_sql_true = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qa.answer AS answer FROM {question_truefalse} qt, {question_answers} qa WHERE qa.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND qt.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND'); //get FALSE in language . this variable is use later. $tf_sql_false = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qa.answer AS answer FROM {question_truefalse} qt, {question_answers} qa WHERE qa.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND qt.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND'); //if answer has fraction equals more than 1 - its correct answer if ($question_truefalse_db_true->fraction >= 1) { $truefalse = '1'; } else { $truefalse = '0'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_truefalsewiris') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> <span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . ($truefalse == 0 ? $tf_sql_false->answer : $tf_sql_true->answer) . '</span>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $truefalse; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'matchwiris': $match_answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,questiontext,answertext FROM {qtype_match_subquestions} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $answers_tab = ''; foreach ($match_answers as $match_answers) { if ($generate_html_file) { $question = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_match', 'subquestion', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $match_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $match_answers->questiontext, true); } else { $question = $this->files_from_db_img('qtype_match', 'subquestion', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $match_answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $match_answers->questiontext); } $answer = $match_answers->answertext; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$match_answers->id] = array('question' => $question, 'answer' => $answer); $answers_tab .= '<tr><td>' . $question . '</td><td>' . $answer . '</td></tr>'; } //if are some file to process $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_match') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answers', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u><br /><br /><table border="1"><tr><th>' . get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th><th>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th></tr>' . $answers_tab . '</table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'multianswerwiris': $question_multianswer = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,questiontext FROM {question} WHERE parent="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $i = 0; foreach ($question_multianswer as $id => $multianswer) { $multianswer_questiontext = preg_replace('/\\\\#/', '@@@@@', $multianswer->questiontext); $getanswer = $this->nitro_get_multianswer_correct_answer($multianswer_questiontext); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][] = $getanswer; if (count($getanswer['answers']) > 1) { for ($l = 0; $l < count($getanswer['answers']); $l++) { $points = $getanswer['points'][$l]; if (empty($points)) { $points = 0; } if ($l == $getanswer['correct']) { $correct_answer .= '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $getanswer['answers'][$l] . ' (' . $points . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</span>, '; } else { $correct_answer .= $getanswer['answers'][$l] . ' (' . $points . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</span>, '; } } $correct_answer = '[' . substr($correct_answer, 0, -2) . ']'; } else { $correct_answer = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $getanswer['answers'][0] . ' (' . $points . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</span>'; } $q_text = preg_replace('/{#' . $i . '}/', $correct_answer, $q_text); $question_multianswer_resp = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $id . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $j = 0; foreach ($question_multianswer_resp as $res) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['answers_id'][$res->id] = $j; $j++; } $i++; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['question_with_answers'] = $q_text; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); if ($MODE_NOTE == 2) { $points = 0; $i = 0; for ($z = 0; $z < count($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers']); $z++) { $points += $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$z]['points'][$tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$z]['correct']]; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] = number_format($points, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_multianswerwiris') . ' (' . $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'multichoicewiris': $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $answers_db = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer,fraction FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); $multi_tb = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT single FROM {qtype_multichoice_options} WHERE questionid="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); if ($multi_tb->single == 1) { $type_q = get_string('questiontypemultichoiceone', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } else { $type_q = get_string('questiontypemultichoicemulti', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width: 100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align: right;">WIRIS - ' . $type_q . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answers', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> <br /><br />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $nr_answer = 1; foreach ($answers_db as $answer) { if ($generate_html_file) { $answer_txt = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'answer', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $answer->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $answer->answer, true); } else { $answer_txt = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'answer', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $answer->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $answer->answer); } $corr = ''; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qanswers'][$answer->id] = 0; if ($multi_tb->single == 1 && $answer->fraction >= 1) { $corr = '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qanswers'][$answer->id] = 1; } if ($multi_tb->single == 0 && $answer->fraction > 0) { $corr = '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['qanswers'][$answer->id] = 1; } $NREQ = $corr . '<b>' . $nr_answer . '.</b> ' . $answer_txt; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$answer->id] = $answer_txt; $nr_answer++; } break; case 'shortanswerwiris': $question_answer = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer,fraction FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $i = 0; foreach ($question_answer as $id => $answer) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i] = $answer->answer; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['fraction'][$i] = $answer->fraction; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers_id'][$id] = $i; $i++; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_shortanswerwiris') . ' (' . $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][0] . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS case 'multichoiceset': $answers = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,answer,fraction FROM {question_answers} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $answers_tab = ''; $answers_corr_tab = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($answers as $answers) { if ($generate_html_file) { $answer = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'question', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $answers->answer, true); } else { $answer = $this->files_from_db_img('question', 'question', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $answers->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $answers->answer); } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i - 1] = array('answer' => $answer, 'fraction' => $answers->fraction); $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers_id'][$answers->id] = $i - 1; $answers_tab .= '<b>' . $i . '.</b>'; if ($answers->fraction > 0) { $answers_tab .= '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">[X]</span>'; $answers_corr_tab[] = $answers->id; } $answers_tab .= $answer . '<br><br>'; $i++; } //if are some file to process $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers_corr_tab'] = $answers_corr_tab; $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_multichoiceset') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br /><br />' . $answers_tab . '<br />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; case 'calculatedsimple': $numericalA = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT showunits,unitsleft,unitgradingtype,unitpenalty FROM {question_numerical_options} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '"'); $numericalB = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id,qa.answer AS answer, qa.fraction AS fraction, qc.tolerance AS tolerance,qc.tolerancetype AS tolerancetype, qc.correctanswerlength AS correctanswerlength, qc.correctanswerformat AS correctanswerformat FROM {question_answers} qa, {question_calculated} qc WHERE qa.question="' . $q->q_idq . '" AND AND qa.fraction>0 ORDER BY ASC'); $numericalC = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,multiplier,unit FROM {question_numerical_units} WHERE question="' . $q->q_idq . '" ORDER BY id'); $options['showunits'] = $numericalA->showunits; $options['unitsleft'] = $numericalA->unitsleft; $options['unitgradingtype'] = $numericalA->unitgradingtype; $options['unitpenalty'] = $numericalA->unitpenalty; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'] = $options; $i = 0; foreach ($numericalB as $answers) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['answer'] = $answers->answer; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['fraction'] = $answers->fraction; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['tolerance'] = $answers->tolerance; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['tolerancetype'] = $answers->tolerancetype; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['correctanswerlength'] = $answers->correctanswerlength; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answers'][$i]['correctanswerformat'] = $answers->correctanswerformat; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['answersid'][$answers->id] = $i; $i++; } $i = 0; foreach ($numericalC as $id => $unit) { $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['units'][$i]['unit'] = $unit->answer; $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['units'][$i]['multiplier'] = $unit->multiplier; $i++; } $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nr_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align: right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_calculatedsimple') . ' (' . number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . ' ' . get_string('points_short', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ')</td></tr></table><br />' . $q_text . '<br />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; default: $tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['points'][] = number_format($q->q_grade, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); break; } $NREQ = '<hr noshade style="height:2px;color:black;" />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ . '<hr noshade>'; } $nr_question++; } // question while processing /* 4. Points for questions */ $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(4 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('4. ' . get_string('pointsforquestion', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); $NREQ = '<p style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size:14pt;text-transform:uppercase;">' . get_string('pointsforquestion', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</p><p></p>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_correct_answers); $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 1) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $question_and_points .= '<tr' . $attach_style . '><td>' . ($i + 1) . '</td><td style="text-align: right;">' . $tab_correct_answers[$i] . '</td></tr>'; unset($attach_style); } $NREQ = ' <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th>' . get_string('noquestion', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th>' . get_string('nopoints', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> ' . $question_and_points . ' <tr> <td><b>' . get_string('total', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</b></td> <td style="text-align: right;">' . number_format($info_quiz->sumgrades, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "") . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ . '<hr noshade>'; } if ($GENERATE_EXCEL) { $SheetCount = $objPHPExcel->getSheetCount(); $objPHPExcel->createSheet(NULL, $SheetCount); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($SheetCount); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle(get_string('pointsforquestion', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', get_string('noquestion', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('B1', get_string('nopoints', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(1)->setRowHeight(19.83); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_correct_answers); $i++) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(2 + $i)->setRowHeight(19.83); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . (2 + $i), $i + 1); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . (2 + $i), $tab_correct_answers[$i]); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . ($i + 2))->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B' . ($i + 2))->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_correct_answers) + 1; $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . ($i + 1) . ':B' . ($i + 1))->getFill()->setFillType(PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . ($i + 1) . ':B' . ($i + 1))->getFill()->getStartColor()->setRGB('FFFFA1'); } } $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . $i, get_string('sum', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . $i, number_format($info_quiz->sumgrades, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", "")); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension($i)->setRowHeight(19.83); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . $i . ':B' . $i)->getFont()->setBold(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B1')->getFont()->setBold(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B1')->getFill()->setFillType(PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B1')->getFill()->getStartColor()->setRGB('0057AF'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B1')->getFont()->getColor()->setARGB(PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_WHITE); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B' . $i)->getFont()->setSize(14); $styleArray = array('borders' => array('allborders' => array('style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN, 'color' => array('rgb' => '000000')))); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B' . $i)->applyFromArray($styleArray); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:B' . $i)->getAlignment()->setWrapText(false); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('A')->setAutoSize(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('B')->setAutoSize(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setPassword(substr(hash('sha512', rand()), 0, 12)); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setSheet(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setFormatCells(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHeaderFooter()->setOddFooter('&L&D, &T &R &P / &N'); } /* 5. Quiz evaluation */ $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(5 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('5. ' . get_string('evaluation', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); $NREQ = '<p style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size:14pt;text-transform:uppercase;">' . get_string('evaluation', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</p>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $quiz_feedback_corr = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,maxgrade FROM {quiz_feedback} WHERE quizid="' . $quizid . '" ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1'); $quiz_feedback = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,feedbacktext,mingrade,maxgrade FROM {quiz_feedback} WHERE quizid="' . $quizid . '" ORDER BY id ASC'); $quiz_count = count($quiz_feedback); $maxpoints = number_format($info_quiz->sumgrades, 4, ".", ""); $tab_notes = array(); $tab_notes2 = array(); $minus = '0.'; for ($i = 1; $i < $decimalpoints; $i++) { $minus .= '0'; } $minus .= '1'; $correction = number_format($quiz_feedback_corr->maxgrade / 100 - $minus, 4, '.', ''); $i = 0; if ($quiz_count <= 0) { $NREQ = '<p style="text-align: center;">' . get_string('noschemgrade') . '</p>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } else { foreach ($quiz_feedback as $feedback) { $feedback_text = $feedback->feedbacktext; $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_moodle'] = $feedback->mingrade; $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_moodle'] = $feedback->maxgrade; $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_precent'] = number_format($feedback->mingrade / $correction + $minus, $decimalpoints, ".", ""); $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_precent'] = number_format($feedback->maxgrade / $correction, $decimalpoints, ".", ""); $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_points'] = number_format($tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_precent'] / 100 * $maxpoints, 4, ".", ""); $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_points'] = number_format($tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_precent'] / 100 * $maxpoints, 4, ".", ""); if ($i == 0) { $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_precent'] = number_format(100, $decimalpoints, ".", ""); $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_points'] = number_format($maxpoints, 4, ".", ""); } if ($i == count($quiz_feedback) - 1) { $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_precent'] = number_format(0, $decimalpoints, ".", ""); $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_points'] = number_format(0, 4, ".", ""); } if ($generate_html_file) { $feedback_text = $this->files_from_db_img('mod_quiz', 'feedback', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $feedback->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $feedback_text, true); } else { $feedback_text = $this->files_from_db_img('mod_quiz', 'feedback', array('extra_sql' => ' AND itemid="' . $feedback->id . '" AND contextid IN (' . $contexts_array . ')'), $feedback_text); } $tab_notes[$i]['feedback'] = $feedback_text; $i++; } // foreach feedback $tab_notes2 = $tab_notes; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_notes); $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 1) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $tab_notes_feedback .= ' <tr' . $attach_style . '> <td>' . $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_precent'] . '</td> <td>' . $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_precent'] . '</td> <td>' . $tab_notes[$i]['mingrade_points'] . '</td> <td>' . $tab_notes[$i]['maxgrade_points'] . '</td> <td>' . $tab_notes[$i]['feedback'] . '</td> </tr>'; unset($attach_style); } $tab_notes = ' <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th colspan="2">' . get_string('percents', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th colspan="2">' . get_string('points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th rowspan="2">' . get_string('grade', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('from', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th>' . get_string('to', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th>' . get_string('from', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th>' . get_string('to', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> ' . $tab_notes_feedback . ' </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($tab_notes); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $tab_notes . '<hr noshade>'; } } // $quiz_count if grades = 0 if ($GENERATE_EXCEL) { $SheetCount = $objPHPExcel->getSheetCount(); $objPHPExcel->createSheet(NULL, $SheetCount); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($SheetCount); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle(get_string('evaluation', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', get_string('evaluation', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('A2', get_string('percents', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('C2', get_string('points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('A3', get_string('from', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('B3', get_string('to', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('C3', get_string('from', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('D3', get_string('to', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'))->setCellValue('E2', get_string('grade', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf')); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells('A1:E1')->mergeCells('A2:B2')->mergeCells('C2:D2')->mergeCells('E2:E3'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E3')->getFont()->setBold(true); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_notes2); $i++) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . (4 + $i), $tab_notes2[$i]['mingrade_precent'])->setCellValue('B' . (4 + $i), $tab_notes2[$i]['maxgrade_precent'])->setCellValue('C' . (4 + $i), $tab_notes2[$i]['mingrade_points'])->setCellValue('D' . (4 + $i), $tab_notes2[$i]['maxgrade_points'])->setCellValue('E' . (4 + $i), strip_tags($tab_notes2[$i]['feedback'])); if ($i % 2 == 1) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . (4 + $i) . ':E' . (4 + $i))->getFill()->setFillType(PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . (4 + $i) . ':E' . (4 + $i))->getFill()->getStartColor()->setRGB('FFFFA1'); } $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(4 + $i)->setRowHeight(19.83); } $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E' . (4 + $i))->getFont()->setSize(14); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E' . (4 + $i))->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('E2')->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(1)->setRowHeight(19.83); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(2)->setRowHeight(19.83); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowDimension(3)->setRowHeight(19.83); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E3')->getFill()->setFillType(PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E3')->getFill()->getStartColor()->setRGB('0057AF'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E3')->getFont()->getColor()->setARGB(PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_WHITE); PHPExcel_Shared_Font::setAutoSizeMethod(PHPExcel_Shared_Font::AUTOSIZE_METHOD_EXACT); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E' . (4 + $i))->getAlignment()->setWrapText(false); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('A')->setWidth(-1); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('B')->setWidth(-1); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('C')->setWidth(-1); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('D')->setWidth(-1); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension('E')->setWidth(-1); $styleArray = array('borders' => array('allborders' => array('style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN, 'color' => array('rgb' => '000000')))); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A1:E8')->applyFromArray($styleArray); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setPassword(substr(hash('sha512', rand()), 0, 12)); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setSheet(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setFormatCells(true); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHeaderFooter()->setOddFooter('&L&D, &T &R &P / &N'); } /* 6. Quiz filled by exams */ $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(6 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('6. ' . get_string('exam_tests', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); $NREQ = '<p style="text-align: center;font-weight: bold;font-size:14pt;text-transform:uppercase;">' . get_string('exam_tests', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</p><p></p>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $tab_users = array(); /* 5. Get users who filled exam */ $quiz_users = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT DISTINCT(qa.userid) AS userid FROM {quiz_attempts} qa,{user} u WHERE qa.quiz="' . $quizid . '" AND AND qa.state="finished" ORDER BY u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC, u.username ASC'); if (count($quiz_users) == 0) { $progress_user = number_format(floor(7 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', ''); } else { $progress_user = number_format(floor(7 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS) / count($quiz_users)), 2, '.', ''); } $user_i = 1; foreach ($quiz_users as $users) { $this->SetBarWidth($progress_user * $user_i); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $get_info_user = $this->nitro_get_user($users->userid); $mpdf->Bookmark('6.' . $user_i . '. ' . get_string('examined', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ': ' . $get_info_user->firstname . ' ' . $get_info_user->lastname, 1); $createaccount = $get_info_user->timecreated > 0 ? date('d.m.Y H:i', $get_info_user->timecreated) : '-----'; $lastlogin = $get_info_user->lastlogin > 0 ? date('d.m.Y H:i', $get_info_user->lastlogin) : '-----'; $tab_users[$users->userid]['uid'] = $users->userid; $tab_users[$users->userid]['name'] = $get_info_user->firstname; $tab_users[$users->userid]['surname'] = $get_info_user->lastname; $tab_users[$users->userid]['email'] = $get_info_user->email; $tab_users[$users->userid]['username'] = $get_info_user->username; $user_photo = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/nophoto.png'; if ($get_info_user->picture > 0) { $filex = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT contextid,itemid,filepath,filename FROM {files} WHERE id="' . $get_info_user->picture . '" AND filename<>"."'); $fs = null; $file = null; $fs = get_file_storage(); $file = $fs->get_file($filex->contextid, 'user', 'icon', $filex->itemid, $filex->filepath, $filex->filename); $tempfilename = '_U' . $userid . '_Q' . $quizid . '_' . strtotime('now') . uniqid() . uniqid() . $ffile; if ($file) { $file->copy_content_to($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $tempfilename); $user_photo = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $tempfilename; } // file } // photo switch ($info_quiz->grademethod) { case '2': $grademethod_sql = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT uniqueid,timestart,timefinish,sumgrades FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE quiz="' . $quizid . '" AND userid="' . $users->userid . '" AND state="finished" ORDER BY id ASC'); break; case '3': $grademethod_sql = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT uniqueid,timestart,timefinish,sumgrades FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE quiz="' . $quizid . '" AND userid="' . $users->userid . '" AND state="finished" ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1'); break; case '4': $grademethod_sql = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT uniqueid,timestart,timefinish,sumgrades FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE quiz="' . $quizid . '" AND userid="' . $users->userid . '" AND state="finished" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1'); break; default: $grademethod_sql = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,sumgrades FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE quiz="' . $quizid . '" AND userid="' . $users->userid . '" AND state="finished"'); $max_id = -1; $max_sumgrades = -1; foreach ($grademethod_sql as $grademethod) { if ($max_id == -1) { $max_id = $grademethod->id; $max_sumgrades = $grademethod->sumgrades; } if ($grademethod->sumgrades >= $max_sumgrades) { $max_id = $grademethod->id; $max_sumgrades = $grademethod->sumgrades; } } $grademethod_sql = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT uniqueid,timestart,timefinish,sumgrades FROM {quiz_attempts} WHERE id="' . $max_id . '" AND state="finished"'); break; } $NREQ = '<br /><table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th>' . get_string('name', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $get_info_user->firstname . '</td> <td rowspan="8" style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;"><img src="' . $user_photo . '" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('surname', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $get_info_user->lastname . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('username', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $get_info_user->username . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('email', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $get_info_user->email . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('institution', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $get_info_user->institution . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('department', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $get_info_user->department . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('accountcreated', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $createaccount . '</td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . get_string('lastlogin', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</th> <td>' . $lastlogin . '</td> </tr> </table> <br /><br />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $nb_question = 1; foreach ($tab_quiz as $tq) { $mpdf->Bookmark('6.1. ' . get_string('question_upper', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' ' . $nb_question, 2); switch ($tq['type']) { case 'truefalse': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT AS id, qasd.value AS value FROM {question_attempts} qa,{question_attempt_steps} qas, {question_attempt_step_data} qasd WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber="1" AND AND name="answer" ORDER BY ASC'); $tab_users[$users->userid]['answers'][$tq['qid']]['answer'][0] = $xxx1->value; $user_answer = trim($xxx1->value); $answer = ''; $answer = $user_answer == 1 ? $tf_sql_true->answer : $tf_sql_false->answer; $anscolor = ''; if ($user_answer == "") { $anscolor = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . get_string('noanswer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</span>'; } elseif ($user_answer == $tq['answers'][0]) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $tab_users[$users->userid]['answers'][$tq['qid']]['answer'][0] = $user_answer; $anscolor = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $answer . '</span>'; } else { $anscolor = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $answer . '</span>'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_truefalse') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $tq['question'] . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answered', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> ' . $anscolor . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'numerical': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_resp = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="answer"'); preg_match('/([0-9.]+)(.*)/', $xxx_resp->value, $m1); $ans_number = trim($m1[1]); $ans_unit = trim($m1[2]); $ans = $ans_number; $xanso = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>'; if (!empty($ans_unit)) { $ans .= '|' . $ans_unit; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tq['answers']); $i++) { if (preg_match('/-/', $tq['answers'][$i])) { $tq_unit = ''; $tq_range = $tq['answers'][$i]; if (preg_match('/\\|/', $tq['answers'][$i])) { $tq_unit = substr($tq['answers'][$i], strpos($tq['answers'][$i], '|') + 1); $tq_range = substr($tq['answers'][$i], 0, -count($tq_unit) - 2); } $e = explode('-', $tq_range); if ($ans_number >= $e[0] && $ans_number <= $e[1] && $ans_unit == $tq_unit) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][$i], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xanso = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>'; break; } } else { if ($ans == $tq['answers'][$i]) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][$i], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xanso = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>'; break; } } } if (empty($xxx_resp->value)) { $xanso = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . get_string('noanswer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</span>'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_numerical') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $tq['question'] . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answered', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> ' . $xanso . '</span><br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . max($tq['points']) . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'gapselect': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_questions = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "_choiceorder%"'); $xxx_answers_orders = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "p%" ORDER BY id ASC'); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $xxx_questions->value); $question = $tq['question']; $ttab2 = null; foreach ($xxx_answers_orders as $xao) { $ttab2[] = $xao->value; } $selected = 0; for ($z = 0; $z < count($ttab1); $z++) { if ($ttab2[$z] - 1 < 0) { $question = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($z + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">___</span>', $question); } elseif ($ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] == $tq['answers'][$z]) { $question = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($z + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['choices'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1] . '</span>', $question); $selected++; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($z + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['choices'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1] . '</span>', $question); } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { if (count(array_diff($tq['answers'], $ttab2)) == 0) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($tq['answers']), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = ' <table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_gapselect') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'ddimageortext': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_questions = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "_choiceorder%"'); $xxx_answers_orders = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "p%" ORDER BY id ASC'); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $xxx_questions->value); $question = $tq['question']; $ttab2 = null; $data = null; $tab_text = array(); $tab_image = array(); $data['ddimageortext_bigfile'] = $tq['ddimageortext_bigfile']; foreach ($xxx_answers_orders as $xao) { $ttab2[] = $xao->value; } $selected = 0; for ($z = 0; $z < count($ttab1); $z++) { if ($ttab2[$z] - 1 < 0) { $tab_text[] = array('x' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['x'], 'y' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['y'], 'text' => 'XXXXX'); } elseif ($ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] == $tq['answers'][$z]['choice']) { if ($tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['type'] == "text") { $tab_text[] = array('x' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['x'], 'y' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['y'], 'text' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['lab_img']); } else { $tab_image[] = array('x' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['x'], 'y' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['y'], 'filename' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['lab_img']); } $selected++; } else { $tab_text[] = array('x' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['x'], 'y' => $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1] - 1]['y'], 'text' => 'XXXXX'); } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { if (count(array_diff($tq['answers'], $ttab2)) == 0) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($tq['answers']), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $data['texts'] = json_encode($tab_text); $data['images'] = json_encode($tab_image); $data['filename'] = '_U' . $userid . '_Q' . $quizid . '_' . strtotime('now') . uniqid() . uniqid() . '.jpg'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/image.php'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $NREQ = ' <table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ddimageortext') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $tq['question'] . '<br /><img src="report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $data['filename'] . '" /><br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'multichoice': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = 0; $multi_tb = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT single FROM {qtype_multichoice_options} WHERE questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '"'); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx3_tab_bin = array(); $count_corrected = 0; foreach ($tq['qanswers'] as $id => $a) { if ($a == 1) { $count_corrected++; } } if ($multi_tb->single == 1) { $questiontypemultichoice = get_string('questiontypemultichoiceone', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); $xxx3 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_order"'); $xxx4 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="answer"'); $xxx3_u = $xxx3->value; ///contains user's answers in binary format . this table must be sorting by id $xxx3_tab = explode(',', $xxx3_u); if (!is_object($xxx4)) { $xxx4 = new StdClass(); $xxx4->id = -1; $xxx4->value = -1; } for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab); $z++) { //specify place in options if ($z == $xxx4->value) { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 1; } else { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 0; } } if (!isset($xxx4->value)) { $xxx4->value = -1; } for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab); $z++) { //specify place in options if ($z == $xxx4->value) { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 1; } else { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 0; } } $xxx3_tab_bin_ids = $this->quick_sort(array_keys($xxx3_tab_bin)); $xxx3_tab_bin2 = array(); for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab_bin_ids); $z++) { $xxx3_tab_bin2[$xxx3_tab_bin_ids[$z]] = $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab_bin_ids[$z]]; } $xxx3_tab_bin = $xxx3_tab_bin2; $corrected = 0; $user_asked = ''; $odp = 0; foreach ($xxx3_tab_bin as $id => $bin) { $multiple = $bin * $tq[qanswers][$id]; if ($multiple == 1) { $corrected++; } if ($bin == 1 && $bin != $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: red;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } elseif ($bin == 1 && $bin == $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } $user_asked .= '<b>' . chr(65 + $odp) . ".</b> "; $user_asked .= $tq[answers][$id] . '<br />'; $odp++; } $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $corrected / $count_corrected, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } elseif ($multi_tb->single == 0 && count($xxx2) > 0) { $questiontypemultichoice = get_string('questiontypemultichoicemulti', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); $xxx3 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_order"'); $xxx4 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "choice%" ORDER BY name ASC'); $xxx3_u = $xxx3->value; $xxx3_tab = explode(',', $xxx3_u); $xxx4_tab_bin = array(); $xxx4_ids = array_keys($xxx4); for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx4_ids); $z++) { $xxx4_tab_bin[] = $xxx4[$xxx4_ids[$z]]->value; } $xxx4_tab_bin_temp = array(); if (count($xxx4) == 0) { for ($y = 0; $y < count($tq['qanswers']); $y++) { $xxx4_tab_bin[] = 0; } } for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab); $z++) { $xxx4_tab_bin_temp[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = $xxx4_tab_bin[$z]; } $xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids = $this->quick_sort(array_keys($xxx4_tab_bin_temp)); $xxx4_tab_bin_temp2 = array(); for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids); $z++) { $xxx4_tab_bin_temp2[$xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids[$z]] = $xxx4_tab_bin_temp[$xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids[$z]]; } $xxx3_tab_bin = $xxx4_tab_bin_temp2; unset($xxx4_tab_bin_temp2); $corrected = 0; $user_asked = ''; $odp = 0; foreach ($xxx3_tab_bin as $id => $bin) { $multiple = $bin * $tq[qanswers][$id]; if ($multiple == 1) { $corrected++; } if ($bin == 1 && $bin != $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: red;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } elseif ($bin == 1 && $bin == $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } $user_asked .= '<b>' . chr(65 + $odp) . ".</b> "; $user_asked .= $tq[answers][$id] . '<br />'; $odp++; } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { if ($corrected == $count_corrected) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $corrected / $count_corrected, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . $questiontypemultichoice . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $tq['question'] . '<br /><br />' . $user_asked . '<br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'multianswer': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $points = 0; $question = $tq['question']; $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_questions = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,name,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "_sub%_order"'); foreach ($xxx_questions as $id => $questions) { preg_match('/_sub(.*)_order/', $questions->name, $number_question_db); $number_question_db = $number_question_db[1]; $xxx_resp_exist = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT count(*) as how FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $number_question_db . '_answer"'); if ($xxx_resp_exist->how > 0) { $xxx_resp = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $number_question_db . '_answer"'); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $questions->value); $index = $ttab1[$xxx_resp->value]; $index2 = $tq['answers'][$number_question_db - 1]['answers_id'][$index]; if ($index2 == $tq['answers'][$number_question_db - 1]['correct']) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $number_question_db . '\\}/', '<span style="color:green;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['answers'][$number_question_db - 1]['answers'][$index2] . '</span>', $question); $points += $tq['answers'][$number_question_db - 1]['points'][$index2]; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $number_question_db . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['answers'][$number_question_db - 1]['answers'][$index2] . '</span>', $question); $points += $tq['answers'][$number_question_db - 1]['points'][$index2]; } } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $number_question_db . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">___</span>', $question); } } preg_match_all('/\\{#([0-9]+)\\}/', $question, $rest); if (count($rest[1]) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rest[1]); $i++) { $xxx_resp = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $rest[1][$i] . '_answer"'); for ($j = 0; $j < count($tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers']); $j++) { if ($tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['type'][$j] == 'range') { $ex = explode('-', $tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers'][$j]); if ($xxx_resp->value >= $ex[0] && $xxx_resp->value <= $ex[1]) { $points += $tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$j]; if ($tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$j] == 0) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); } } else { $points += $tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$j]; if ($xxx_resp->value == $tq['answers'][$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers'][$j]) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:green;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } } } } } $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($points, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $NREQ = ' <table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_multianswer') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'ddwtos': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $question = $tq['question']; $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_questions = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "_choiceorder%"'); $xxx_answers_orders = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "p%" ORDER BY id ASC'); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $xxx_questions->value); $question = $tq['question']; $ttab2 = null; foreach ($xxx_answers_orders as $xao) { $ttab2[] = $xao->value; } $selected = 0; for ($z = 0; $z < count($ttab2); $z++) { if ($ttab2[$z] <= 0) { $question = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($z + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">___</span>', $question); } else { if ($tq['answers'][$z + 1] == $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1]]) { $question = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($z + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1]] . '</span>', $question); $selected++; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\[\\[' . ($z + 1) . '\\]\\]/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['answers'][$ttab1[$ttab2[$z] - 1]] . '</span>', $question); } } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { if ($selected == count($tq['answers'])) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($tq['answers']), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = ' <table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ddwtos') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'match': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_quest_order = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_stemorder"'); $db_answ_order = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_choiceorder"'); $db_answ_order2 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "sub%"'); $selected = 0; $question = ''; $question .= '<table style="border-bottom:1px solid black;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:1px solid black;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; $db_quest_order_id = explode(',', $db_quest_order->value); $db_answ_order_id = explode(',', $db_answ_order->value); $db_answ_order_id_order = array(); foreach ($db_answ_order2 as $id => $low) { $db_answ_order_id_order[] = $low->value; } for ($p = 0; $p < count($db_quest_order_id); $p++) { $question .= '<tr><td style="border-right:1px solid black;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;">' . $tq['answers'][$db_quest_order_id[$p]]['question'] . '</td>'; $idorder = $db_answ_order_id_order[$p]; if ($idorder == 0) { $question .= '<td style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;"> </td>'; } else { if ($db_quest_order_id[$p] == $db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]) { $selected++; $question .= '<td style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;">' . $tq['answers'][$db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]]['answer'] . '</td>'; } else { $question .= '<td style="color:red;font-weight: bold;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;">' . $tq['answers'][$db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]]['answer'] . '</td>'; } } $question .= '</tr>'; } $question .= '</table>'; if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { for ($p = 0; $p < count($db_quest_order_id); $p++) { $selected2 = 0; $idorder = $db_answ_order_id_order[$p]; if ($db_quest_order_id[$p] == $db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]) { $selected2++; } } if ($selected2 == count($db_answ_order_id)) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($db_answ_order_id), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_match') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'ddmatch': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_questions = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_stemorder"'); $xxx_answers = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_choiceorder"'); $xxx_answers_orders = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "sub%"'); $tab_questions_answers = array(); $tab_questions_answers1 = array(); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $xxx_questions->value); $ttab2 = null; $ttab2 = explode(',', $xxx_answers->value); $ttab3 = null; foreach ($xxx_answers_orders as $id => $orders) { $ttab3[] = $ttab2[$orders->value - 1]; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($ttab1); $i++) { $tab_questions_answers[$ttab1[$i]] = $ttab3[$i]; } $tab_questions_answers_keys = $this->quick_sort(array_keys($tab_questions_answers)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_questions_answers_keys); $i++) { $tab_questions_answers1[$tab_questions_answers_keys[$i]] = $tab_questions_answers[$tab_questions_answers_keys[$i]]; } $tab_questions_answers = $tab_questions_answers1; /* ID question = ID answer = OK. */ $corrected = 0; foreach ($tab_questions_answers as $id => $answer) { if ($id == $answer) { $corrected++; } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { if (count($tab_questions_answers) == $corrected) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $corrected / count($tab_questions_answers), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $answer = '<table border="1" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><tr><th>' . get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th><th>' . get_string('answer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th><th>' . get_string('corrected_question', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th></tr>'; foreach ($tab_questions_answers as $id => $ans) { if ($id == $ans) { $answer .= '<tr><td>' . $tq['questions'][$id] . '</td><td>' . $tq['answers'][$ans] . '</td><td style="text-align: center;">' . get_string('yes', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</td></tr>'; } else { $answer .= '<tr><td>' . $tq['questions'][$id] . '</td><td>' . $tq['answers'][$ans] . '</td><td style="text-align: center;">' . get_string('no', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</td></tr>'; } } $answer .= '</table>'; $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ddmatch') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $tq['question'] . '<br /><br />' . $answer . '<br /><br /><table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"><tr><th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th><th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td><td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td></tr></table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'ordering': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_quest_order = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_correctresponse"'); $db_answ_order = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="response_' . $tq['qid'] . '"'); $db_answ_order = preg_replace('/ordering_item_/', '', $db_answ_order->value); $db_answ_order = explode(',', $db_answ_order); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $db_quest_order->value); $ttab2 = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($db_answ_order); $i++) { $ttab2[] = $tq['answers_md5'][$db_answ_order[$i]]; } $selected = 0; $question = $tq['question'] . '<br><br>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ttab2); $i++) { if ($ttab1[$i] == $ttab2[$i]) { $question .= '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['answers'][$ttab2[$i]] . '</span><br><hr><br>'; $selected++; } else { $question .= '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $tq['answers'][$ttab2[$i]] . '</span><br><hr><br>'; } } $question = substr($question, 0, -12); if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($ttab1), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_ordering') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'gapfill': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_answ_order = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "p%"'); $ttab2 = null; foreach ($db_answ_order as $db_answ_order) { $ttab2[] = $db_answ_order->value; } $question = $tq['question']; $selected = 0; preg_match_all('/\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 0, 1) . '(.*)\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 1, 1) . '/U', $tq['question'], $founded); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tq['answers']); $i++) { if ($tq['answers'][$i] == $ttab2[$i]) { $question = preg_replace('/\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 0, 1) . $founded[1][$i] . '\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 1, 1) . '/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $ttab2[$i] . '</span>', $question); $selected++; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 0, 1) . $founded[1][$i] . '\\' . substr($tab_quiz[$q->q_idq]['options'][0], 1, 1) . '/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $ttab2[$i] . '</span>', $question); } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($tq['answers']), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_gapfill') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS case 'truefalsewiris': $question = $tq['question']; $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_answ = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_qi"'); $db_answ2 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="answer"'); $db_answ = $db_answ->value; $db_answ2 = $db_answ2->value; preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $tq['question'], $pl); $pl = $pl[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pl); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $pl[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2); switch ($pl2[1]) { case 'mathml': $var = $pl2[2]; $var = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $var); $var = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $var); $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', $var, $question); break; case 'imageref': $var = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($var) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $var); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $question); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $anscolor = ''; if ($tq['answers'][0] == 0) { $answer = 'True'; } else { $answer = 'False'; } if ($db_answ2 == "") { $anscolor = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . get_string('noanswer', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</span>'; } elseif ($db_answ2 == $tq['answers'][0]) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $tab_users[$users->userid]['answers'][$tq['qid']]['answer'][0] = $db_answ2; $anscolor = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $answer . '</span>'; } else { $anscolor = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $answer . '</span>'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_truefalsewiris') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><u>' . get_string('answered', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ':</u> ' . $anscolor . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; //write to HTML FILE //PDF preg_match_all('/<math.*>(.*)<\\/math>/U', $NREQ, $math); $math = $math[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($math); $i++) { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2image', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } else { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2latex', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('latex2image', urlencode($req)); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } } } } $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'matchwiris': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_quest_order = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_stemorder"'); $db_answ_order = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_choiceorder"'); $db_answ_order2 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "sub%"'); $db_answ = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_qi"'); $db_answ = $db_answ->value; //question $question = $tq['question']; preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $tq['question'], $pl); $pl = $pl[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pl); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $pl[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2); switch ($pl2[1]) { case 'mathml': $var = $pl2[2]; $var = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $var); $var = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $var); $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', $var, $question); break; case 'imageref': $var = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($var) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $var); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $question); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $answers = ''; $copy_answers = $tq['answers']; foreach ($copy_answers as $ID => $ANS) { $an = $ANS['answer']; $qs = $ANS['question']; //QS preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $qs, $plX); $plX = $plX[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($plX); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $plX[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2X); switch ($pl2X[1]) { case 'mathml': $varX = $pl2X[2]; $varX = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $varX); $varX = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $varX); $qs = preg_replace('/#' . $plX[$i] . '/', $varX, $qs); break; case 'imageref': $varX = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2X[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($varX) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $varX); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $qs = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $qs); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } //AN preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $an, $plX); $plX = $plX[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($plX); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $plX[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2X); switch ($pl2X[1]) { case 'mathml': $varX = $pl2X[2]; $varX = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $varX); $varX = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $varX); $an = preg_replace('/#' . $plX[$i] . '/', $varX, $an); break; case 'imageref': $varX = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2X[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($varX) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $varX); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $an = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $an); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $copy_answers[$ID]['question'] = $qs; $copy_answers[$ID]['answer'] = $an; } $selected = 0; $answers .= '<table style="border-bottom:1px solid black;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:1px solid black;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; $db_quest_order_id = explode(',', $db_quest_order->value); $db_answ_order_id = explode(',', $db_answ_order->value); $db_answ_order_id_order = array(); foreach ($db_answ_order2 as $id => $low) { $db_answ_order_id_order[] = $low->value; } for ($p = 0; $p < count($db_quest_order_id); $p++) { $answers .= '<tr><td style="border-right:1px solid black;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;">' . $copy_answers[$db_quest_order_id[$p]]['question'] . '</td>'; $idorder = $db_answ_order_id_order[$p]; if ($idorder == 0) { $answers .= '<td style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;"> </td>'; } else { if ($db_quest_order_id[$p] == $db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]) { $selected++; $answers .= '<td style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;">' . $copy_answers[$db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]]['answer'] . '</td>'; } else { $answers .= '<td style="color:red;font-weight: bold;border-top:1px solid black;padding:5px;">' . $copy_answers[$db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]]['answer'] . '</td>'; } } $answers .= '</tr>'; } $answers .= '</table>'; if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { for ($p = 0; $p < count($db_quest_order_id); $p++) { $selected2 = 0; $idorder = $db_answ_order_id_order[$p]; if ($db_quest_order_id[$p] == $db_answ_order_id[$idorder - 1]) { $selected2++; } } if ($selected2 == count($db_answ_order_id)) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $selected / count($db_answ_order_id), $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_matchwiris') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br />' . $answers . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; //write to HTML FILE //PDF preg_match_all('/<math.*>(.*)<\\/math>/U', $NREQ, $math); $math = $math[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($math); $i++) { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2image', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } else { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2latex', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('latex2image', urlencode($req)); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } } } } $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'multianswerwiris': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $points = 0; $question = $tq['question']; $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $xxx_questions = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,name,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "_sub%_order"'); $db_answ = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_qi"'); $db_answ = $db_answ->value; //WIRIS CHANGE! $copy_answers = $tq['answers']; for ($z = 0; $z < count($copy_answers); $z++) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($copy_answers[$i]['answers']); $x++) { $an = $copy_answers[$z]['answers'][$x]; //AN preg_match_all('/@@@@@([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $an, $plX); $plX = $plX[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($plX); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $plX[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2X); switch ($pl2X[1]) { case 'mathml': $varX = $pl2X[2]; $varX = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $varX); $varX = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $varX); $an = preg_replace('/@@@@@' . $plX[$i] . '/', $varX, $an); break; case 'imageref': $varX = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2X[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($varX) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $varX); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $an = preg_replace('/@@@@@' . $plX[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $an); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $copy_answers[$z]['answers'][$x] = $an; } } ////////////////////WIRIS CHANGE! foreach ($xxx_questions as $id => $questions) { preg_match('/_sub(.*)_order/', $questions->name, $number_question_db); $number_question_db = $number_question_db[1]; $xxx_resp_exist = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT count(*) as how FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $number_question_db . '_answer"'); if ($xxx_resp_exist->how > 0) { $xxx_resp = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $number_question_db . '_answer"'); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $questions->value); $index = $ttab1[$xxx_resp->value]; if ($index < 0 || empty($index)) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $number_question_db . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">___</span>', $question); } else { $index2 = $copy_answers[$number_question_db - 1]['answers_id'][$index]; if ($copy_answers[$number_question_db - 1]['correct'] == $index2) { $points += $copy_answers[$number_question_db - 1]['points'][$index2]; } $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $number_question_db . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $copy_answers[$number_question_db - 1]['answers'][$index2] . '</span>', $question); } } } preg_match_all('/\\{#([0-9]+)\\}/', $question, $rest); if (count($rest[1]) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rest[1]); $i++) { $xxx_resp = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $rest[1][$i] . '_answer"'); $xxx_resp = $xxx_resp->value; if ($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['typewiris'][0] == 'shortanswer') { $xxx_correct_c = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT count(*) as how FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_sub' . $rest[1][$i] . '_matching_answer"'); if ($xxx_correct_c->how == 0) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">___</span>', $question); } else { $xxx_correct = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_sub' . $rest[1][$i] . '_matching_answer"'); $xxx_correct = $xxx_correct->value; $myanswer = $xxx_resp; $correctanswer = $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers'][$copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers_id'][$xxx_correct]]; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/wq/quizzes/quizzes.php'; $builder = com_wiris_quizzes_api_QuizzesBuilder::getInstance(); $request = $builder->newEvalRequest($correctanswer, $myanswer, null, null); $service = $builder->getQuizzesService(); $response = $service->execute($request); $instance = $builder->newQuestionInstance(); $instance->update($response); $correct = $instance->isAnswerCorrect(0); if ($correct == 1) { $points = $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers_id'][$xxx_correct]]; $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">\\$' . $myanswer . '\\$</span>', $question); } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">\\$' . $myanswer . '\\$</span>', $question); } } } elseif ($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['typewiris'][0] == 'numerical') { for ($j = 0; $j < count($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers']); $j++) { if ($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['type'][$j] == 'range') { $ex = explode('-', $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers'][$j]); if ($xxx_resp->value >= $ex[0] && $xxx_resp->value <= $ex[1]) { if ($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$j] == 0) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } else { $points += $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$j]; $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); } } else { if ($xxx_resp->value == $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers'][$j]) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:green;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); $points += $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$j]; break; } else { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $xxx_resp->value . '</span>', $question); break; } } } } elseif ($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['typewiris'][0] == 'multichoice') { $xxx_resp_exist = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT count(*) as how FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="sub' . $rest[1][$i] . '_answer"'); if ($xxx_resp_exist->how > 0) { $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $questions->value); $index = $ttab1[$xxx_resp->value]; if ($index < 0 || empty($index)) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">___</span>', $question); } else { $index2 = $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers_id'][$index]; if ($copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['correct'] == $index2) { $points += $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['points'][$index2]; } $question = preg_replace('/\\{#' . $rest[1][$i] . '\\}/', '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $copy_answers[$rest[1][$i] - 1]['answers'][$index2] . '</span>', $question); } } } } } /////QUESTION preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $question, $plX); $plX = $plX[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($plX); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $plX[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2X); switch ($pl2X[1]) { case 'mathml': $varX = $pl2X[2]; $varX = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $varX); $varX = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $varX); $question = preg_replace('/#' . $plX[$i] . '/', $varX, $question); break; case 'imageref': $varX = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2X[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($varX) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $varX); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $question); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($points, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $NREQ = ' <table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">WIRIS - ' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_multianswerwiris') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; //WRITE TO HTML //PDF preg_match_all('/<math.*>(.*)<\\/math>/U', $NREQ, $math); $math = $math[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($math); $i++) { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2image', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } else { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2latex', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('latex2image', urlencode($req)); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } } } } preg_match_all('/\\$(.*)\\$/U', $NREQ, $math); $math = $math[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($math); $i++) { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('latex2image', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } } $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'multichoicewiris': $question = $tq['question']; $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = 0; $multi_tb = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT single FROM {qtype_multichoice_options} WHERE questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '"'); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_answ = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_qi"'); $db_answ = $db_answ->value; //QUESTION preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $question, $pl); $pl = $pl[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pl); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $pl[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2); switch ($pl2[1]) { case 'mathml': $var = $pl2[2]; $var = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $var); $var = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $var); $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', $var, $question); break; case 'imageref': $var = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($var) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $var); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $question = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $question); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } //ANSWERS $answers = $tq['answers']; foreach ($answers as $ID => $ans) { $ansX = $ans; preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $ansX, $pl); $pl = $pl[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($pl); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $pl[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2); switch ($pl2[1]) { case 'mathml': $var = $pl2[2]; $var = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $var); $var = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $var); $ansX = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', $var, $ansX); break; case 'imageref': $var = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($var) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $var); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $ansX = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $ansX); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $answers[$ID] = $ansX; } $xxx3_tab_bin = array(); $count_corrected = 0; foreach ($tq['qanswers'] as $id => $a) { if ($a == 1) { $count_corrected++; } } if ($multi_tb->single == 1) { $questiontypemultichoice = get_string('questiontypemultichoiceone', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); $xxx3 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_order"'); $xxx4 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="answer"'); $xxx3_u = $xxx3->value; ///contains user's answers in binary format . this table must be sorting by id $xxx3_tab = explode(',', $xxx3_u); if (!is_object($xxx4)) { $xxx4 = new StdClass(); $xxx4->id = -1; $xxx4->value = -1; } for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab); $z++) { //specify place in options if ($z == $xxx4->value) { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 1; } else { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 0; } } if (!isset($xxx4->value)) { $xxx4->value = -1; } for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab); $z++) { //specify place in options if ($z == $xxx4->value) { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 1; } else { $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = 0; } } $xxx3_tab_bin_ids = $this->quick_sort(array_keys($xxx3_tab_bin)); $xxx3_tab_bin2 = array(); for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab_bin_ids); $z++) { $xxx3_tab_bin2[$xxx3_tab_bin_ids[$z]] = $xxx3_tab_bin[$xxx3_tab_bin_ids[$z]]; } $xxx3_tab_bin = $xxx3_tab_bin2; $corrected = 0; $user_asked = ''; $odp = 0; foreach ($xxx3_tab_bin as $id => $bin) { $multiple = $bin * $tq[qanswers][$id]; if ($multiple == 1) { $corrected++; } if ($bin == 1 && $bin != $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: red;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } elseif ($bin == 1 && $bin == $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } $user_asked .= '<b>' . chr(65 + $odp) . ".</b> "; $user_asked .= $answers[$id] . '<br />'; $odp++; } $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $corrected / $count_corrected, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } elseif ($multi_tb->single == 0 && count($xxx2) > 0) { $questiontypemultichoice = get_string('questiontypemultichoicemulti', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'); $xxx3 = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_order"'); $xxx4 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "choice%" ORDER BY name ASC'); $xxx3_u = $xxx3->value; $xxx3_tab = explode(',', $xxx3_u); $xxx4_tab_bin = array(); $xxx4_ids = array_keys($xxx4); for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx4_ids); $z++) { $xxx4_tab_bin[] = $xxx4[$xxx4_ids[$z]]->value; } $xxx4_tab_bin_temp = array(); if (count($xxx4) == 0) { for ($y = 0; $y < count($tq['qanswers']); $y++) { $xxx4_tab_bin[] = 0; } } for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx3_tab); $z++) { $xxx4_tab_bin_temp[$xxx3_tab[$z]] = $xxx4_tab_bin[$z]; } $xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids = $this->quick_sort(array_keys($xxx4_tab_bin_temp)); $xxx4_tab_bin_temp2 = array(); for ($z = 0; $z < count($xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids); $z++) { $xxx4_tab_bin_temp2[$xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids[$z]] = $xxx4_tab_bin_temp[$xxx4_tab_bin_temp_ids[$z]]; } $xxx3_tab_bin = $xxx4_tab_bin_temp2; unset($xxx4_tab_bin_temp2); $corrected = 0; $user_asked = ''; $odp = 0; foreach ($xxx3_tab_bin as $id => $bin) { $multiple = $bin * $tq[qanswers][$id]; if ($multiple == 1) { $corrected++; } if ($bin == 1 && $bin != $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: red;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } elseif ($bin == 1 && $bin == $tq[qanswers][$id]) { $user_asked .= '<span style="color: blue;"><b>[X]</b></span> '; } $user_asked .= '<b>' . chr(65 + $odp) . ".</b> "; $user_asked .= $answers[$id] . '<br />'; $odp++; } } if ($MODE_NOTE == 1) { if ($corrected == $count_corrected) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } } else { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $corrected / $count_corrected, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . $questiontypemultichoice . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br />' . $user_asked . '<br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; //WRITE TO HTML //WRITE TO PDF preg_match_all('/<math.*>(.*)<\\/math>/U', $NREQ, $math); $math = $math[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($math); $i++) { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2image', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } else { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2latex', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('latex2image', urlencode($req)); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } } } } $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'shortanswerwiris': $question = $tq['question']; $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = 0; $multi_tb = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT single FROM {qtype_multichoice_options} WHERE questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '"'); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_answ = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_qi"'); $db_answ = $db_answ->value; $db_answer = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name="answer"'); $db_answer = $db_answer->value; $copy_answers = $tq['answers']; foreach ($copy_answers as $ID => $ANS) { $an = $ANS; preg_match_all('/#([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)/', $an, $plX); $plX = $plX[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($plX); $i++) { preg_match('/<variable name="' . $plX[$i] . '" type="(.*)">(.*)<\\/variable>/U', $db_answ, $pl2X); switch ($pl2X[1]) { case 'mathml': $varX = $pl2X[2]; $varX = preg_replace('/<!\\[CDATA\\[/', '', $varX); $varX = preg_replace('/\\]\\]>/', '', $varX); $an = preg_replace('/#' . $plX[$i] . '/', $varX, $an); break; case 'imageref': $varX = $WIRIS_URL_IMAGE_SERVICE . $pl2X[2]; $file_md5 = 'wiris_' . md5($varX) . '.png'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5)) { touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $varX); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600); $req = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5, $req); } $an = preg_replace('/#' . $pl[$i] . '/', '<img src="' . $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5 . '">', $an); touch($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/nitroreportpdf/cache/' . $file_md5); break; } } $copy_answers[$ID] = $an; } $answer = '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $db_answer . '</span>'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/wq/quizzes/quizzes.php'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($copy_answers); $i++) { $builder = com_wiris_quizzes_api_QuizzesBuilder::getInstance(); $request = $builder->newEvalRequest($copy_answers[$i], $db_answer, null, null); $service = $builder->getQuizzesService(); $response = $service->execute($request); $instance = $builder->newQuestionInstance(); $instance->update($response); $correct = $instance->isAnswerCorrect(0); if ($correct == 1) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = $tq['fraction'][$i] * $tq['points'][0]; $answer = '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $db_answer . '</span>'; break; } } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_shortanswerwiris') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> Odpowiedź: ' . $answer . ' <br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; //WRITE TO HTML //WRITE TO PDF preg_match_all('/<math.*>(.*)<\\/math>/U', $NREQ, $math); $math = $math[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($math); $i++) { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2image', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } else { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('mathml2latex', urlencode($math[$i])); if ($req != "@500") { $req = $this->latexmlfunctions('latex2image', urlencode($req)); if ($req != "@500") { $NREQ = preg_replace('/<math.*>.*<\\/math>/U', '<img src="' . $req . '">', $NREQ); } } } } $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS // WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS *** WIRIS QUESTIONS case 'multichoiceset': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $question = $tq['question'] . '<br><br>'; $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_q = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name="_order"'); $db_q = $db_q->value; $db_answ = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[1] . '" AND name LIKE "choice%"'); $ttab1 = null; $ttab1 = explode(',', $db_q); $ttab2 = null; $correct = false; foreach ($db_answ as $id => $val) { $ttab2[] = $val; } $answer = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ttab2); $i++) { $answer .= $i + 1 . '. '; if ($ttab2[$i]->value > 0) { if (in_array($ttab1[$i], $tq['answers_corr_tab'])) { $answer .= '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">[X]</span> '; $correct = true; } } else { $correct = false; } $answer .= $tq['answers'][$tq['answers_id'][$ttab1[$i]]]['answer']; } if ($correct) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_multichoiceset') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . ' ' . $answer . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; case 'calculatedsimple': $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $xxx1 = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT AS id FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.sequencenumber IN (0,1) ORDER BY ASC'); $xxx2 = array_keys($xxx1); $db_vars = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,name,value FROM {question_attempt_step_data} WHERE attemptstepid="' . $xxx2[0] . '" AND name LIKE "_var_%"'); $variables = array(); foreach ($db_vars as $ID => $obj) { $variables[substr($obj->name, 5)] = $obj->value; } $question = $tq['question']; foreach ($db_vars as $ID => $obj) { $question = preg_replace('/\\{' . substr($obj->name, 5) . '\\}/', $obj->value, $question); } $question .= '<br><br><u>Odpowiedź:</u> '; $quiz_details_sql = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT questionid,rightanswer,responsesummary FROM {question_attempts} WHERE questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '"'); $quiz_details_sql = $quiz_details_sql[$tq['qid']]; $corrrect = $quiz_details_sql->rightanswer; $resp = $quiz_details_sql->responsesummary; if ($corrrect == $resp) { $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0], $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $question .= '<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold;">' . $resp . '</span>'; } else { $question .= '<span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;">' . $resp . '</span>'; } $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="width:100%;"><tr><td><b>' . $nb_question . '.</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">' . get_string('pluginname', 'qtype_calculatedsimple') . '</td></tr></table><br />' . $question . '<br /><br /> <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="table"> <tr> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('points_available', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> <th style="font-size: 10pt;">' . get_string('gained_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tq['points'][0] . '</td> <td style="text-align: center;font-size: 10pt;">' . $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } break; default: $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format(0, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); $gradedpartial = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT count(qas.fraction) AS fraction FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.state = "gradedpartial" ORDER BY qas.sequencenumber DESC LIMIT 0,1'); if ($gradedpartial->fraction) { $gradedpartial = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qas.fraction AS fraction FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.state = "gradedpartial" ORDER BY qas.sequencenumber DESC LIMIT 0,1'); $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $gradedpartial->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } break; } $mangrpartial = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT count(qas.fraction) AS fraction FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.state = "mangrpartial" ORDER BY qas.sequencenumber DESC LIMIT 0,1'); if ($mangrpartial->fraction) { $mangrpartial = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT qas.fraction AS fraction FROM {question_attempts} qa, {question_attempt_steps} qas WHERE qa.questionusageid="' . $grademethod_sql->uniqueid . '" AND qa.questionid="' . $tq['qid'] . '" AND AND qas.state = "mangrpartial" ORDER BY qas.sequencenumber DESC LIMIT 0,1'); $tab_users[$users->userid]['attempt'][$tq['qid']] = number_format($tq['points'][0] * $mangrpartial->fraction, $questiondecimalpoints, ".", ""); } if ($nr_question - 1 > $nb_question) { $NREQ = '<hr noshade style="height:1px;color:black;" />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $nb_question++; } $NREQ = '<hr noshade style="height:5px;color:black;" />'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ . '<hr noshade>'; } $user_i++; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $this->SetBarWidth(number_format(floor(8 * (100 / $PROGRESSBAR_PARTS)), 2, '.', '')); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $mpdf->AddPage(); $mpdf->Bookmark('7. 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' . get_string('summary', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf'), 0); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_userids); $i++) { //grade if (count($tab_notes2) == 0) { $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['feedback'] = ''; } else { $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['precent'] = number_format($tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['sum_points'] / $info_quiz->sumgrades * 100, $decimalpoints, ".", ""); for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab_notes2); $j++) { if ($tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['sum_points'] >= $tab_notes2[$j]['mingrade_points'] && $tab_notes2[$j]['maxgrade_points'] >= $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['sum_points']) { $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['feedback'] = $tab_notes2[$j]['feedback']; break; } } } //avg points $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['avg'] = number_format($tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['sum_points'] / count($tab_quizids), 2, '.', ''); //variance $war = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab_quizids); $j++) { $war += pow($tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['attempt'][$tab_quizids[$j]] - $avg[$tab_userids[$i]], 2); } $war /= count($tab_quizids); $war = number_format($war, 4, '.', ''); $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['war'] = $war; //odch $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['odch'] = number_format(sqrt($war), 4, '.', ''); } // users for $NREQ = '<table border="0" style="overflow:visible" repeat_header="1" class="table">'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $NREQ = '<tr><th>' . get_string('on', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . 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'</th>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_userids); $i++) { $NREQ = '<td class="table_td_highlight">' . $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['email'] . '</td>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $NREQ = '</tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } if ($_POST['show_question_summary'] == 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_quizids); $i++) { $NREQ = '<tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $NREQ = '<th>' . get_string('question2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . ' ' . ($i + 1) . '.</th>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab_userids); $j++) { if ($invertcolorstyle) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $NREQ = '<td' . $attach_style . '>' . $tab_users[$tab_userids[$j]]['attempt'][$tab_quizids[$i]] . '</td>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $NREQ = '</tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $invertcolorstyle = !$invertcolorstyle; unset($attach_style); } } $NREQ = '<tr><th>' . get_string('sum_points2', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_users); $i++) { if ($invertcolorstyle) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $NREQ = '<td' . $attach_style . '>' . $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['sum_points'] . '</td>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $NREQ = '</tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $invertcolorstyle = !$invertcolorstyle; unset($attach_style); $NREQ = '<tr><th>' . get_string('points_precent', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_users); $i++) { if ($invertcolorstyle) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $NREQ = '<td' . $attach_style . '>' . $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['precent'] . '</td>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $NREQ = '</tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $invertcolorstyle = !$invertcolorstyle; unset($attach_style); $NREQ = '<tr><th>' . get_string('points_avg', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_users); $i++) { if ($invertcolorstyle) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $NREQ = '<td' . $attach_style . '>' . $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['avg'] . '</td>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $NREQ = '</tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $invertcolorstyle = !$invertcolorstyle; unset($attach_style); $NREQ = '<tr><th>' . get_string('variance_points', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . '</th>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab_users); $i++) { if ($invertcolorstyle) { $attach_style = ' class="table_td_highlight"'; } $NREQ = '<td' . $attach_style . '>' . $tab_users[$tab_userids[$i]]['war'] . '</td>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } } $NREQ = '</tr>'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($NREQ); if ($generate_html_file) { $html_contents .= $NREQ; } $invertcolorstyle = !$invertcolorstyle; unset($attach_style); $NREQ = '<tr><th>' . get_string('standdeviationpoints', 'quiz_nitroreportpdf') . 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