Beispiel #1
 static function __static()
     self::$VAR = new self('var', null);
     self::$VOID = new self('void', null);
     self::$ARRAY = eval('namespace lang; class NativeArrayType extends Type {
   static function __static() { }
   public function isInstance($value): bool { return is_array($value); }
   public function newInstance($value= null) {
     return null === $value ? [] : (array)$value;
   public function cast($value) {
     return null === $value ? null : (array)$value;
   public function isAssignableFrom($type): bool {
     return $type instanceof self || $type instanceof ArrayType || $type instanceof MapType;
 } return new NativeArrayType("array", []);');
     self::$OBJECT = eval('namespace lang; class NativeObjectType extends Type {
   static function __static() { }
   public function isInstance($value): bool { return is_object($value) && !$value instanceof \\Closure; }
   public function newInstance($value= null) {
     if (is_object($value) && !$value instanceof \\Closure) return clone $value;
     throw new IllegalAccessException("Cannot instantiate ".\\xp::typeOf($value));
   public function cast($value) {
     if (null === $value || is_object($value) && !$value instanceof \\Closure) return $value;
     throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast ".\\xp::typeOf($value)." to the object type");
   public function isAssignableFrom($type): bool {
     return $type instanceof self || $type instanceof XPClass;
 } return new NativeObjectType("object", null);');
     self::$CALLABLE = eval('namespace lang; class NativeCallableType extends Type {
   static function __static() { }
   public function isInstance($value): bool { return is_callable($value); }
   public function newInstance($value= null) {
     if (is_callable($value)) return $value;
     throw new IllegalAccessException("Cannot instantiate callable type from ".\\xp::typeOf($value));
   public function cast($value) {
     if (null === $value || is_callable($value)) return $value;
     throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast ".\\xp::typeOf($value)." to the callable type");
   public function isAssignableFrom($type): bool {
     return $type instanceof self || $type instanceof FunctionType;
 } return new NativeCallableType("callable", null);');
     self::$ITERABLE = eval('namespace lang; class NativeIterableType extends Type {
   static function __static() { }
   public function isInstance($value): bool { return $value instanceof \\Traversable || is_array($value); }
   public function newInstance($value= null) {
     if ($value instanceof \\Traversable || is_array($value)) return $value;
     throw new IllegalAccessException("Cannot instantiate iterable type from ".\\xp::typeOf($value));
   public function cast($value) {
     if (null === $value || $value instanceof \\Traversable || is_array($value)) return $value;
     throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast ".\\xp::typeOf($value)." to the iterable type");
   public function isAssignableFrom($type): bool {
     return $type instanceof self;
 } return new NativeIterableType("iterable", null);');