Beispiel #1
$_footerAbouts = CommonClass::getFooterPage();
$log_account = null;
if (isset($_COOKIE['log_account'])) {
    $log_account = $_COOKIE['log_account'];
$wb_type = $_SESSION['wb_type'];
if ($wb_type && $_SESSION['auth_' . $wb_type]['last_key']) {
    $oa = new keke_oauth_login_class($wb_type);
    $oauth_user_info = $oa->get_login_user_info();
if (intval($u)) {
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['prom'])) {
        $objProm = keke_prom_class::get_instance();
$arrTopIndus = db_factory::query("SELECT count(task_id) as count ,indus_id FROM  " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_status>=2 group by indus_id order by count desc limit 5");
$arrDisplaypro = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name');
if ($gUid) {
    //2015-08-02 修改   task_status  由0->8
    $intWaitPay = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where uid=" . intval($gUid) . " and task_status=0");
    $intChoose = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where uid=" . intval($gUid) . " and task_status=3");
    $intShopPay = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail b on a.order_id=b.order_id\n\t\t where a.order_uid=" . intval($gUid) . " and a.order_status='wait' and b.obj_type='service'");
    $intMarkG = db_factory::execute("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_mark where mark_status=0 and mark_type=2 and by_uid=" . intval($gUid));
    $intMarkW = db_factory::execute("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_mark where mark_status=0 and mark_type=1 and by_uid=" . intval($gUid));
    $intService = db_factory::get_count("SELECT COUNT(*) as count2 FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order` AS a  LEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail AS b ON a.order_id = b.order_id  LEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service_order AS c ON b.order_id = c.order_id  WHERE  1=1  and a.seller_uid = " . $gUid . " and b.obj_type = 'service' and a.order_status ='seller_confirm' order by b.order_id desc");
    $intGy = db_factory::get_count("SELECT count(*) as count2 FROM `" . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service_order` as a LEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_detail as b ON a.order_id = b.order_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order as c ON a.order_id = c.order_id\n\t\t\tWHERE 1=1  and c.seller_uid= " . $gUid . " and c.order_status!= 'close' and c.order_status ='seller_confirm' order by c.order_time desc");
require 'control/' . $do . '.php';
require $kekezu->_tpl_obj->template($do);