public static function getServiceConfigForPartner($partner) { kConfigTable::$should_use_cache = false; if ($partner) { if ($partner->getStatus() == Partner::PARTNER_STATUS_CONTENT_BLOCK) { $service_config_id = Partner::CONTENT_BLOCK_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID; } elseif ($partner->getStatus() == Partner::PARTNER_STATUS_FULL_BLOCK) { $service_config_id = Partner::FULL_BLOCK_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID; } else { $service_config_id = $partner->getServiceConfigId(); } } else { $service_config_id = null; } $file_name = $service_config_id ? "v3_" . $service_config_id : null; return self::getInstance($file_name); }
public function execute($add_extra_debug_data = true) { date_default_timezone_set(kConf::get("date_default_timezone")); // TODO - remove for production - use some configuration to determine kConfigTable::$should_use_cache = false; $start_impl = $end_impl = 0; $nocache = false; if ($this->getP("nocache")) { $nocache = true; $this->logMessage("Not using cache!"); objectWrapperBase::useCache(false); } $add_benchmarks = $this->getP("add_benchmarks", false); // while testing our system - will match each service agains its description // $this->matchInDescription(); $this->msg = array(); $this->error = array(); $this->debug = array(); $start_time = microtime(true); $start = microtime(true); $this->benchmarkStart("beforeImpl"); $this->response_type = $this->getP("format", self::DEFAULT_FORMAT); // /* $should_debug = $this->getP ( "should_debug" , true ); if ( $should_debug == "false" ) $this->should_debug = false; */ if ($this->should_debug && $add_extra_debug_data) { $this->benchmarkStart("signature"); $sig_type = $this->getP("sigtype", self::SIG_TYPE_POST); $signature_params = self::getParamsFromSigType($sig_type); $signatura_valid = self::validateSignature($signature_params); $this->benchmarkEnd("signature"); $this->addDebug("sigtype", $sig_type); $this->addDebug("validateSignature", $signatura_valid); $this->addDebug("signature", self::signature($signature_params)); // $this->addDebug( "rawsignature" , self::signature( $signature_params , false ) ); } $partner_id = $this->getP("partner_id"); if (!$partner_id) { $partner_id = $this->getP("partnerId"); } $subp_id = $this->getP("subp_id"); if (!$subp_id) { $subp_id = $this->getP("subpId"); } $puser_id = $this->getP("uid"); $ks_str = $this->getP("ks"); if ($ks_str == "{ks}") { $ks_str = ""; } // if the client DIDN'T replace the dynamic ks - ignore it // the $execution_cache_key can be used by services to cache the results depending on the inpu parameters // if the $execution_cache_key is not null, the rendere will search for the result of the rendering depending on the $execution_cache_key // if it doesn't find it - it will create it (per format) and store it for next time $execution_cache_key = null; // moved the renderer here to see if has the $execution_cache_key and if so - skip the implementation $renderer = new kalturaWebserviceRenderer($this->response_context); $private_partner_data = false; try { try { $arr = list($partner_id, $subp_id, $uid, $private_partner_data) = $this->validateTicketSetPartner($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $ks_str); } catch (Exception $ex) { KalturaLog::log('validateTicketSetPartner failed - not caching response'); defPartnerservices2baseAction::disableCache(); throw $ex; } // if PS2 permission validation is enabled for the current partner, only the actions defined in kConf's parameter "ps2_actions_not_blocked_by_permissions" will be allowed $currentPartner = $this->getPartner(); if ($currentPartner && $currentPartner->getEnabledService(PermissionName::FEATURE_PS2_PERMISSIONS_VALIDATION)) { if (!in_array(strtolower(get_class($this)), kConf::get('ps2_actions_not_blocked_by_permissions'))) { KalturaLog::log('PS2 action ' . get_class($this) . ' is being blocked for partner ' . $currentPartner->getId() . ' defined with FEATURE_PS2_PERMISSIONS_VALIDATION enabled'); $this->addException(APIErrors::SERVICE_FORBIDDEN, get_class($this)); } } $this->private_partner_data = $private_partner_data; //print_r ( $arr ); // TODO - validate the matchIp is ok with the user's IP $this->validateIp(); // most services should not attempt to cache the results - for them this will return null $execution_cache_key = $this->getExecutionCacheKeyWrapper($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id); // if the key is not null - it will be used in the renderer for using the cotent from the cache if ($nocache) { $renderer->deleteCacheKey($execution_cache_key, $this->response_type); } else { $renderer->setCacheKey($execution_cache_key); } if (!$renderer->hasContentForCacheKey($this->response_type)) { $this->benchmarkStart("applyPartnerFilters"); //init entitlement before set the default criteire by myPartnerUtils::applyPartnerFilters kEntitlementUtils::initEntitlementEnforcement(); // apply filters for Criteria so there will be no chance of exposure of date from other partners ! // TODO - add the parameter for allowing kaltura network myPartnerUtils::applyPartnerFilters($partner_id, $private_partner_data, $this->partnerGroup2(), $this->kalturaNetwork2()); $this->benchmarkEnd("applyPartnerFilters"); $this->benchmarkStart("puserKuser"); list($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix) = $this->preparePartnerPuserDetails($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id); $puser_kuser = $this->getPuserKuser($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id); $this->benchmarkEnd("puserKuser"); $this->benchmarkEnd("beforeImpl"); // ----------------------------- impl -------------------------- $start_impl = microtime(true); $result = $this->executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser); $end_impl = microtime(true); kEventsManager::flushEvents(); } else { /// the renderer claims to have the desired result ! just flow down the code ... ;) } // ----------------------------- impl -------------------------- } catch (APIException $api_ex) { $message = $api_ex->getMessage(); if ($this->should_debug && $message) { $this->addError(APIErrors::SERVERL_ERROR, "[{$message}]"); } elseif ($api_ex->api_code) { call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'addError'), $api_ex->extra_data); // $this->addError ( $api_ex->api_code ,$api_ex->extra_data ); } } catch (PropelException $pex) { KalturaLog::alert($pex->getMessage()); $this->addError(APIErrors::INTERNAL_DATABASE_ERROR); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->addError(APIErrors::INTERNAL_SERVERL_ERROR, $ex->getMessage()); KalturaLog::err($ex->getMessage()); } $execute_impl_end_time = microtime(true); // render according to the format_type $res = array(); $this->addMsg("serverTime", time()); $res['result'] = $this->msg; $res['error'] = $this->error; if ($this->should_debug) { // this specific debug line should be used $this->addDebug("execute_impl_time", $end_impl - $start_impl); $this->addDebug("execute_time", $execute_impl_end_time - $start_time); // will be used as a place holder and will be replaced after the rendering. if ($add_extra_debug_data) { $this->addDebug("total_time", self::__TOTAL_TIME__); } if ($add_benchmarks && count($this->benchmarks) > 0) { $this->addDebug("host", @$_ENV["HOSTNAME"]); $this->addDebug("benchmarks", $this->getBenchmarks()); } $res['debug'] = $this->debug; } // ignore all the errors and debug - the first msg is the only html used if ($this->response_type == kalturaWebserviceRenderer::RESPONSE_TYPE_HTML) { $res = "<html>"; foreach ($this->msg as $html_bit) { $res .= $html_bit; } $res .= "</html>"; } if ($this->response_type == kalturaWebserviceRenderer::RESPONSE_TYPE_MRSS) { // in case of mRss - render only the result not the errors ot the debug list($response, $content_type) = $renderer->renderDataInRequestedFormat($res['result'], $this->response_type, true, self::$escape_text); } else { list($response, $content_type) = $renderer->renderDataInRequestedFormat($res, $this->response_type, true, self::$escape_text); } $end_time = microtime(true); if (is_string($response)) { $this->logMessage("Rendereing took: [" . ($end_time - $start_time) . "] seconds. Response size [" . strlen($response) . "]", SF_LOG_WARNING); $this->logMessage($response, SF_LOG_WARNING); } else { $this->logMessage("Rendereing took: [" . ($end_time - $start_time) . "]"); } if ($this->should_debug && $add_extra_debug_data) { // fix the total time including the render time $str_time = (string) ($end_time - $start_time); if ($this->response_type == kalturaWebserviceRenderer::RESPONSE_TYPE_PHP) { // replcate the placehoder with the real execution time // this is a nasty hack - we replace the serialized PHP value - the length of the placeholder is 14 characters // the length of the str_time can be less - replace the whole string phrase $replace_string = 's:' . strlen($str_time) . ':"' . $str_time; $response = str_replace('s:14:"' . self::__TOTAL_TIME__, $replace_string, $response); } elseif ($this->response_type == kalturaWebserviceRenderer::RESPONSE_TYPE_PHP_ARRAY || $this->response_type == kalturaWebserviceRenderer::RESPONSE_TYPE_PHP_OBJECT) { // the $response is not a string - we can't just replace it $res["debug"]["total_time"] = $str_time; } elseif ($this->response_type == kalturaWebserviceRenderer::RESPONSE_TYPE_MRSS) { // do nothing to the result } else { $response = str_replace(self::__TOTAL_TIME__, $str_time, $response); } } header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*"); // avoid html5 xss issues $this->setContentType($content_type); // while testing our system - will match each service agains its description // $this->matchOutDescription(); return $response; }
public function kConfigTableChain(array $file_names, $path = null) { $this->file_names = $file_names; $this->config_chain = array(); $i = 0; $count = count($file_names); foreach ($file_names as $file_name) { $i++; $ignore = $i < $count; // set $ignore to be true unless it's the last file if ($file_name == null) { continue; } if ($path) { $file_name = $path . $file_name; } $this->config_chain[] = kConfigTable::getInstance($file_name, $ignore); } }