Beispiel #1
 case "playlist":
     // Now let's set the clip mode
     setGlobal('CLIP_MODE', $_GET['clips']);
     writeLogData("messages", "Index: Generating playlists");
     if ($jzUSER->getSetting('stream') === false && $jzUSER->getSetting('lofi') === false && $jzUSER->getSetting('jukebox_queue') === false) {
     if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == "playlist") {
         // TODO: could pass the ID as a paramater and not automatically update the session variable.
         $pid = false;
         if (isset($_GET['jz_pl_id'])) {
             $pid = $_GET['jz_pl_id'];
         if (isset($_GET['plowner'])) {
             $u = new jzUser(false, $_GET['plowner']);
             $pl = $u->loadPlaylist($pid);
         } else {
             $pl = $jzUSER->loadPlaylist($pid);
         if ($_GET['mode'] == "random") {
             $pl = $pl->getSmartPlaylist();
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == "track") {
             // send file directly if method == direct.
             // otherwise send a playlist.
             // TODO: if method = direct, do things like update playcount.
             // and also validate user (pass username / md5(password) in URL)
             $el =& new jzMediaTrack($_GET['jz_path']);
Beispiel #2
$url_array['subaction'] = "handleuser";
if (!isset($_POST['user_to_edit'])) {
    $url_array['usermethod'] = "add";
    $edit_guest = false;
    $mid = $jzUSER->lookupUID(NOBODY);
} else {
    $url_array['usermethod'] = "update";
    if ($_POST['user_to_edit'] == $jzUSER->lookupUID(NOBODY)) {
        $edit_guest = true;
        $mid = $_POST['user_to_edit'];
    } else {
        $edit_guest = false;
        $mid = $_POST['user_to_edit'];
$jzUSER2 = new jzUser(false, $mid);
if ($_GET['subaction'] == "adduser") {
    // set some settings manually.
    $jzUSER2->settings['view'] = true;
    $jzUSER2->settings['stream'] = true;
    $jzUSER2->settings['lofi'] = true;
echo '<form action="' . urlize($url_array) . '" method="POST">';
if (isset($_POST['user_to_edit'])) {
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_to_edit" value="' . $_POST['user_to_edit'] . '">';
		      <input type="hidden" name="update_settings" value="true">
			 <table width="100%" cellpadding="3">
if ($edit_guest === false) {
Beispiel #3
$cms_mode = "false";
$backend = "";
$jz_lang_file = "";
$skin = "";
$my_frontend = "";
include_once 'system.php';
include_once 'settings.php';
include_once 'backend/backend.php';
include_once 'playlists/playlists.php';
include_once 'lib/general.lib.php';
include_once 'lib/jzcomp.lib.php';
include_once 'services/class.php';
include_once 'frontend/display.php';
$this_page = setThisPage();
// Let's create our user object for later
$jzUSER = new jzUser();
if (isset($_GET['user']) && isset($_GET['pass'])) {
    $store_cookie = true;
    // Are they ok?
    if ($jzUSER->login($_GET['user'], $_GET['pass'], $store_cookie, false) === false) {
        echo "login failed";
// Let's make sure this user has the right permissions
if ($jzUSER->getSetting("view") === false) {
    echo "must log in (user=x&pass=y)";
// Let's create our services object
// This object lets us do things like get metadata, resize images, get lyrics, etc
Beispiel #4
function userAuthenticate($username)
    global $this_site, $web_root, $root_dir, $media_dir, $cms_user_access, $default_access, $include_path, $jzUSER;
    // Now let's authenticate this user
    $jzUSER = new jzUser();
    if ($username == "anonymous") {
        $username = NOBODY;
    return $jzUSER->login($username, "cms-user", false);
Beispiel #5
    foreach ($vArr as $item) {
        // Now let's split that out
        $iArr = explode("=", $item);
        // Now let's set the variables
        $_GET[$iArr[0]] = $iArr[1];
// Let's clean up the get vars
$_GET = unurlize($_GET);
// Let's get the user ID
$uid = isset($_GET['jz_user']) ? $_GET['jz_user'] : false;
if (false === $uid || $uid == "") {
// Let's setup the new user
$jzUSER = new jzUser(false, $uid);
// play [for on-the-fly, basic playlist generation]
//    -path
//    -limit (default max_playlist_length)
//    -type (specify the type of the path: track|node|playlist; default is to assume node.)
//    -resample (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
// download [downloading tracks/nodes/playlist] (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
//     -path
//     -type (is this a track or a node? default: assume node.)
//     -playlist (if this is set, ignore path)
// image [for displaying images; this makes it possible for images to not be in the webroot]
//    -path (image path)
Beispiel #6
  * Universal Constructor for a jzMediaElement
  * @author Ben Dodson
  * @version 5/13/04
  * @since 5/13/04
 function _constructor($arg = array(), $mode)
     global $backend, $include_path, $jzUSER;
     if (!isset($jzUSER)) {
         $jzUSER = new jzUser(false);
         $remove_user = true;
     } else {
         $remove_user = false;
     $this->data_dir = $include_path . "data/{$backend}";
     if ($mode == "filename") {
         $arg = $this->filenameToPath($arg);
     } else {
         if ($mode != "path") {
             $arg = $this->idToPath($arg);
     if (is_string($arg)) {
         // make sure it's well formatted.
         if ($arg != "") {
             if ($arg[0] == "/") {
                 $arg = substr($arg, 1);
             if ($arg[strlen($arg) - 1] == "/") {
                 $arg = substr($arg, 0, strlen($arg) - 1);
         // root?
         if ($arg == "") {
             $dir = $jzUSER->getSetting('home_dir');
             if ($dir === false || $jzUSER->getSetting('home_read') === false) {
                 $this->path = array();
                 $this->name = "";
             } else {
                 $this->path = explode("/", $dir);
                 $this->name = $this->path[sizeof($this->path) - 1];
         } else {
             $arrayize = explode("/", $arg);
             $this->path = $arrayize;
             $this->name = $arrayize[sizeof($arrayize) - 1];
     } else {
         if ($arg == array()) {
             $dir = $jzUSER->getSetting('home_dir');
             if ($dir === false || $jzUSER->getSetting('home_read') === false) {
                 $this->path = array();
                 $this->name = "";
             } else {
                 $this->path = explode("/", $dir);
                 $this->name = $this->path[sizeof($this->path) - 1];
         } else {
             $this->name = $arg[sizeof($arg) - 1];
             $this->path = $arg;
     if ($remove_user) {
Beispiel #7
 $classes = array();
 $settings = array();
 $settings['ratingweight'] = 1;
 $settings['stream'] = "true";
 $settings['view'] = "true";
 $settings['lofi'] = "true";
 $settings['download'] = "true";
 $settings['discuss'] = "true";
 $settings['powersearch'] = "true";
 $settings['edit_prefs'] = "true";
 $settings['frontend'] = $_POST['frontend'];
 $settings['theme'] = $_POST['style'];
 $settings['language'] = $_POST['jz_lang_file'];
 $classes[word('Standard')] = $settings;
 $be->storeData('userclasses', $classes);
 $jzUSER = new jzUser(false);
 $ausr = stripSlashes($_POST['admin_user']);
 $apass = stripSlashes($_POST['admin_pass']);
 if (($id = $jzUSER->lookupUID('NOBODY')) !== false) {
     $settings = array();
     $settings['edit_prefs'] = "false";
     switch ($_POST['default_access']) {
         case "noaccess":
             $settings['ratingweight'] = 0;
             $settings['stream'] = "false";
             $settings['view'] = "false";
             $settings['lofi'] = "false";
             $settings['download'] = "false";
         case "viewonly":
             $settings['ratingweight'] = 0;
Beispiel #8
$skin = "slick";
$image_dir = $root_dir . "/style/{$skin}/";
include_once 'frontend/display.php';
include_once 'frontend/blocks.php';
include_once 'frontend/icons.lib.php';
include_once 'frontend/frontends/slick/blocks.php';
include_once 'frontend/frontends/slick/settings.php';
$this_page = setThisPage();
$enable_page_caching = "false";
// see this method for persistent vars
$api_page = get_base_url();
// Clean up input variables
$_REQUEST = unurlize($_REQUEST);
// Let's create our user object for later
$jzUSER = new jzUser();
// Let's create our services object
// This object lets us do things like get metadata, resize images, get lyrics, etc
$jzSERVICES = new jzServices();
$blocks = new jzBlocks();
$display = new jzDisplay();
$jz_path = $_REQUEST['jz_path'];
$limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : 0;
$params = array();
$params['limit'] = $limit;
if (empty($_REQUEST['request']) && (isset($_REQUEST['query']) || isset($_REQUEST['search']))) {
    $_REQUEST['request'] = 'search';
// Non authenticated API requests.
switch ($_REQUEST['request']) {
Beispiel #9
        $mid = $_POST['user_to_edit'];
    } else {
        $edit_guest = false;
        $mid = $_POST['user_to_edit'];
if (isset($http_auth_enable) && $http_auth_enable == "true") {
    $edit_pwd = false;
} else {
    if ($cms_mode == "false") {
        $edit_pwd = true;
    } else {
        $edit_pwd = false;
$jzUSER2 = new jzUser(false, $mid);
if ($_GET['subaction'] == "adduser") {
    // set some settings manually.
    $jzUSER2->settings['view'] = true;
    $jzUSER2->settings['stream'] = true;
    $jzUSER2->settings['lofi'] = true;
echo '<form action="' . urlize($url_array) . '" method="POST">';
if (isset($_POST['user_to_edit'])) {
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="user_to_edit" value="' . $_POST['user_to_edit'] . '">';
		      <input type="hidden" name="update_settings" value="true">
			 <table width="100%" cellpadding="3">
if ($edit_guest === false) {
Beispiel #10
     * Draws the registration page
     * @author Ben Dodson <*****@*****.**>
     * @version 3/11/05
     * @since 3/11/05
    function registrationPage()
        $display =& new jzDisplay();
        $be = new jzBackend();
        $display->preHeader('Register', $this->width, $this->align);
        $urla = array();
        if (isset($_POST['field5'])) {
            $user = new jzUser(false);
            if (strlen($_POST['field1']) == 0 || strlen($_POST['field2']) == 0 || strlen($_POST['field3']) == 0 || strlen($_POST['field4']) == 0 || strlen($_POST['field5']) == 0) {
                echo "All fields are required.<br>";
            } else {
                if ($_POST['field2'] != $_POST['field3']) {
                    echo "The passwords do not match.<br>";
                } else {
                    if (($id = $user->addUser($_POST['field1'], $_POST['field2'])) === false) {
                        echo "Sorry, this username already exists.<br>";
                    } else {
                        // success!
                        $stuff = $be->loadData('registration');
                        $classes = $be->loadData('userclasses');
                        $settings = $classes[$stuff['classname']];
                        $settings['fullname'] = $_POST['field4'];
                        $settings['email'] = $_POST['field5'];
                        $un = $_POST['field1'];
                        $settings['home_dir'] = str_replace('USERNAME', $un, $settings['home_dir']);
                        $user->setSettings($settings, $id);
                        echo "Your account has been created. Click <a href=\"" . urlize($urla);
                        echo "\">here</a> to login.";
			<form method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo urlize($urla);
			<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo jz_encode('action');
" value="<?php 
        echo jz_encode('login');
			<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo jz_encode('self_register');
" value="<?php 
        echo jz_encode('true');
			<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" style="padding:5px;" cellspacing="0" border="0">
			<td width="50%" align="right"><font size="2">
        echo word("Username");
			</font></td><td width="50%">
			<input type="text" class="jz_input" name="field1" value="<?php 
        echo $_POST['field1'];
			<tr><td width="50%" align="right"><font size="2">
        echo word("Password");
			<td width="50%">
			<input type="password" class="jz_input" name="field2" value="<?php 
        echo $_POST['field2'];
			    <tr><td width="50%" align="right"><font size="2">
			<td width="50%">
			<input type="password" class="jz_input" name="field3" value="<?php 
        echo $_POST['field3'];
			<tr><td width="50%" align="right"><font size="2">
        echo word("Full name");
			</font></td><td width="50%">
			<input type="text" class="jz_input" name="field4" value="<?php 
        echo $_POST['field4'];
			<tr><td width="50%" align="right"><font size="2">
        echo word("Email");
			</font></td><td width="50%">
			<input type="text" class="jz_input" name="field5" value="<?php 
        echo $_POST['field5'];
			<tr><td width="100%" colspan="2" align="center">
			<input class="jz_submit" type="submit" name="<?php 
        echo jz_encode('submit_login');
" value="<?php 
        echo word("Register");