Beispiel #1
    function standardPage(&$node)
        global $jinzora_skin, $root_dir, $row_colors, $image_size, $desc_truncate, $image_dir, $jzSERVICES, $show_frontpage_items, $show_artist_alpha, $sort_by_year;
        // Let's setup the objects
        $blocks =& new jzBlocks();
        $display =& new jzDisplay();
        $fe =& new jzFrontend();
        // Let's display the header
        // Now let's get the sub nodes to where we are
        if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) {
            $root = new jzMediaNode();
            $nodes = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist"));
        } else {
            if ($node->getLevel() == 0 && $show_frontpage_items == "false") {
                $nodes = array();
            } else {
                $nodes = $node->getSubNodes("nodes");
        // Now let's sort
        if ($sort_by_year == "true" and $node->getPType() == "artist") {
            sortElements($nodes, "year");
        } else {
            sortElements($nodes, "name");
        echo '<form name="albumForm" method="POST" action="' . urlize() . '">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode('jz_list_type') . '" value="' . jz_encode('nodes') . '">';
        // Now let's loop through the nodes
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($nodes as $item) {
				<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
					<tr class="<?php 
            $i = 1 - $i;
            echo $row_colors[$i];
						<td width="1%" valign="middle">
							<input type="checkbox" name="jz_list[]" value="<?php 
            echo jz_encode($item->getPath("String"));
						<td width="1%" valign="middle">
            $display->link($item, '<img src="' . $image_dir . 'folder.gif" border="0">');
						<td width="96%" valign="middle">
            // Now let's link to this item
            $name = $item->getName();
            if (!isNothing($item->getYear()) and $item->getPType() == "album") {
                $name .= " (" . $item->getYear() . ")";
            $display->link($item, $name);
						<td width="1%" valign="middle" nowrap align="right">
            // Now let's show the sub items
            if (($count = $item->getSubNodeCount("nodes")) != 0) {
                if ($count > 1) {
                    $folder = word("folders");
                } else {
                    $folder = word("folder");
                $display->link($item, $count . " " . $folder);
            } else {
                if (($count = $item->getSubNodeCount("tracks")) != 0) {
                    if ($count > 1) {
                        $files = word("files");
                    } else {
                        $files = word("file");
                    $display->link($item, $count . " " . $files);
						<td width="1%" valign="middle" nowrap align="right">
            // Let's show a play button
            echo "&nbsp;";
            // Now do we hvae another row?
            if (($art = $item->getMainArt($image_size . "x" . $image_size)) != false or ($desc = $item->getDescription()) != "") {
                // Ok, we had stuff let's do a new row
							<tr class="<?php 
                echo $row_colors[$i];
								<td width="1%" valign="middle">
								<td width="99%" valign="middle" colspan="4">
                if ($art) {
                    $display->link($item, $display->returnImage($art, $node->getName(), $image_size, $image_size, "limit", false, false, "left", "4", "4"));
                echo $display->returnShortName($item->getDescription(), $desc_truncate);
                // Do we need the read more link?
                if (strlen($item->getDescription()) > $desc_truncate) {
                    $url_array = array();
                    $url_array['jz_path'] = $item->getPath("String");
                    $url_array['action'] = "popup";
                    $url_array['ptype'] = "readmore";
                    echo ' <a href="' . urlize($url_array) . '" onclick="openPopup(this, 450, 450); return false;"> more</a>';
				<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr bgcolor="#D2D2D2"><td width="100%"></td></tr></table>
        // Now are there any tracks?
        if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) {
            $root = new jzMediaNode();
            //$tracks = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'],"tracks",-1);
            $tracks = array();
        } else {
            $tracks = $node->getSubNodes("tracks");
        if (count($tracks) != 0) {
        if (sizeof($nodes) > 0 || sizeof($tracks) > 0) {
				<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr height="2" style="background-image: url('<?php 
            echo $image_dir;
row-spacer.gif');"><td width="100%"></td></tr></table>
					<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
						<tr class="and_head1">
							<td width="100%">
								<a style="cursor:hand" onClick="CheckBoxes('albumForm',true); return false;" href="javascript:;"><img src="<?php 
            echo $image_dir;
check.gif" border="0"></a><a style="cursor:hand" onClick="CheckBoxes('albumForm',false); return false;" href="javascript:;"><img src="<?php 
            echo $image_dir;
check-none.gif" border="0"></a>
            $display->hiddenVariableField('action', 'mediaAction');
            $display->hiddenVariableField('path', $_GET['jz_path']);
            $url_array = array();
            $url_array['action'] = "popup";
            $url_array['ptype'] = "playlistedit";
            echo '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="openPopup(' . "'" . urlize($url_array) . "'" . ',600,600); return false;"><img src="' . $image_dir . 'playlist.gif" border="0"></a>';
            echo '&nbsp;';
            $display->playlistSelect(115, false, "all");
        echo '</form>';
        // Now let's close out
Beispiel #2

if (!defined(JZ_SECURE_ACCESS)) {
    die('Security breach detected.');
// Now let's get the sub nodes to where we are
global $img_folder;
if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) {
    $root = new jzMediaNode();
    $nodes = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist"));
} else {
    if ($node->getLevel() == 0 && $show_frontpage_items == "false") {
        $nodes = array();
    } else {
        $nodes = $node->getSubNodes("nodes");
// Now let's sort
if ($sort_by_year == "true" and $node->getPType() == "artist") {
    sortElements($nodes, "year");
} else {
    sortElements($nodes, "name");
$smarty->assign('form_action', urlize());
$smarty->assign('hidden_field', '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode('jz_list_type') . '" value="' . jz_encode('nodes') . '">');
// Now let's loop through the nodes
$i = 0;
$c = 0;
foreach ($nodes as $item) {
    $array[$i]['name'] = $item->getName();
    $array[$i]['path'] = $item->getPath('string');
Beispiel #3
 function standardPage(&$node)
     global $show_artist_alpha, $truncate_length, $sort_by_year;
     // Let's setup the objects
     $blocks =& new jzBlocks();
     $display =& new jzDisplay();
     // Let's display the header
     // ARTIST ALPHA: in header or only for root? Put the following in pageTop for the first...
     if ($node->getLevel() == 0 && $show_artist_alpha == "true") {
         $blocks->alphabeticalList($node, "artist", 0);
     // Now let's get the sub nodes to where we are
     if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) {
         $root = new jzMediaNode();
         $nodes = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist"));
     } else {
         $nodes = $node->getSubNodes("nodes");
     if ($sort_by_year == "true") {
         sortElements($nodes, "year");
     } else {
         sortElements($nodes, "name");
     // Now let's loop through the nodes
     foreach ($nodes as $item) {
         // Now let's link to this item
         $name = $item->getName();
         if (strlen($name) > $truncate_length) {
             $name = substr($name, 0, $truncate_length) . "..";
         if (!isNothing($item->getYear()) and $item->getPType() == "album") {
             $name .= " (" . $item->getYear() . ")";
         // Let's show a play button
         echo " (";
         $display->playLink($item, "P", word("Play"), false, false, false);
         echo "-";
         $display->playLink($item, "R", word("Play Random"), false, false, true);
         echo ") ";
         $display->link($item, $name);
         echo "<br>";
     // Now are there any tracks?
     $tracks = $node->getSubNodes("tracks");
     if (count($tracks) != 0) {
     // Now let's close out
Beispiel #4
function getCurNodeList()
    global $sort_by_year, $node;
    $display =& new jzDisplay();
    if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) {
        $root = new jzMediaNode();
        $nodes = $root->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", distanceTo("artist"));
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION['JZ_CURRENT_MEDIA_LIST'])) {
            // Removed while coding
            //return $_SESSION['JZ_CURRENT_MEDIA_LIST'];
        $nodes = $node->getSubNodes("nodes");
    if ($sort_by_year == "true") {
        sortElements($nodes, "year");
    } else {
        sortElements($nodes, "name");
    $itemArray = array();
    // Now let's loop through the nodes
    foreach ($nodes as $item) {
        $itemArray[] = array("name" => $item->getName(), "path" => $item->getPath(), "link" => $display->link($item, "VIEW", false, false, true), "playlink" => $display->playLink($item, "PLAY", false, false, true));
    $_SESSION['JZ_CURRENT_MEDIA_LIST'] = $itemArray;
    return $itemArray;
Beispiel #5
function drawPage(&$node)
    global $cellspacing, $this_page, $img_play, $artist_truncate, $main_table_width, $img_random_play, $directory_level, $web_root, $root_dir, $img_more, $media_dir, $show_sub_numbers, $show_all_checkboxes, $img_more_dis, $img_play_dis, $img_random_play_dis, $url_seperator, $days_for_new, $img_rate, $enable_ratings, $enable_discussion, $img_discuss, $show_sub_numbers, $disable_random, $info_level, $enable_playlist, $track_play_only, $css, $skin, $bg_c, $text_c, $img_discuss_dis, $hierarchy, $random_albums, $frontend, $include_path, $show_frontpage_items, $show_alphabet, $chart_types, $fe, $num_artist_cols, $show_artist_art, $art_size, $artist_art_size;
    // Let's see if the theme is set or not, and if not set it to the default
    //if (isset($_SESSION['cur_theme'])){ $_SESSION['cur_theme'] = $skin; }
    // if you were looking this, sorry for the hack ;)
    // Override icons and other styles:
    // Let's setup the display object
    $blocks =& new jzBlocks();
    $display =& new jzDisplay();
    $fe =& new jzFrontend();
		<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0">
				<td align="center" valign="top">
    // Now let's display the site description
    /*$news = $blocks->siteNews($node);
    			if ($news <> ""){
    				<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    						<td class="jz_block_td" colspan="3">
    							<strong><?php echo word("Site News"); ?></strong>
    						<td class="jz_nj_block_body" width="33%">
    						<?php echo $news; ?>
    $lvl = isset($_GET['jz_letter']) ? $_GET['jz_level'] + $node->getLevel() - 1 : $node->getLevel();
    $show_art = false;
    switch ($hierarchy[$lvl]) {
        case "genre":
            $pg_title = word("ALL GENRES");
        case "artist":
            $pg_title = word("ALL ARTISTS");
            if ($show_artist_art == "true") {
                $show_art = true;
                $my_art_size = $artist_art_size;
        case "album":
            $pg_title = word("ALL ALBUMS");
            if ($show_album_art == "true") {
                $show_art = true;
                $my_art_size = $art_size;
            $pg_title = word("ALL GENRES");
					<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    if (isset($_GET['jz_charts'])) {
        $node = new jzMediaNode();
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
        include jzBlock('randomAlbums');
        echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '<td class="jz_block_td" colspan="3">';
    if (isset($_GET['jz_letter'])) {
        $genres = $node->getAlphabetical($_GET['jz_letter'], "nodes", $_GET['jz_level']);
    } else {
        $genres = $node->getSubNodes("nodes");
    // Now for the title
    if ($_GET['jz_path'] == "") {
        echo '<strong>' . $pg_title . "</strong>";
    } else {
        echo '<strong>ARTISTS IN ';
        $display->link($node, $node->getName());
        echo ' (' . $node->getSubNodeCount("nodes") . ")</strong>";
    $colwidth = floor(100 / $num_artist_cols);
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($genres as $genre) {
        // Now let's start our row
        if ($c % $num_artist_cols == 0) {
            if ($c > 0) {
                echo '</tr>';
            echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="jz_nj_block_body" width="' . $colwidth . '%" valign="top">';
        echo " ";
        $linktext = $display->returnShortName($genre->getName(), 25);
        if ($show_art) {
            if ($art = $genre->getMainArt($my_art_size . 'x' . $my_art_size)) {
                $linktext .= '<br/>';
                $linktext .= $display->returnImage($art);
        $display->link($genre, $linktext, word("Browse: ") . $genre->getName());
        //echo " (". $genre->getSubNodeCount("both"). ")";
        echo '</td>';
    // Now let's finish out
    while ($c % $num_artist_cols != 0) {
        echo '<td class="jz_nj_block_body">&nbsp;</td>';
				<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    // Now what to show?
    if ($_GET['jz_path'] != "") {
        <td align="center" valign="top">
        	<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        			<td class="jz_block_td" colspan="3">
        				<strong>ALBUMS IN THIS GENRE [<?php $display->link($node,$node->getName()); ?>] (<?php echo $node->getSubNodeCount("nodes",2); ?>)</strong>
        			$albums = $node->getSubNodes("nodes",distanceTo("album",$node));
        			foreach($albums as $album){
        				// Now let's start our row
        				if ($c == 0){echo '<tr>';}
        				echo '<td class="jz_nj_block_body" nowrap width="33%">';
        				echo " ";
        				echo " ";
        				$display->link($album, $display->returnShortName($album->getName(),15), word("Browse: "). $album->getName());						
        				echo " (". $album->getSubNodeCount("tracks"). ")";
        				echo '</td>';
        				if ($c==3){$c=0;}
        			// Now let's finish out
        			if ($c <> 0){
        					echo '<td class="jz_nj_block_body">&nbsp;</td>';
    } else {
        <td align="center" valign="top">
        	<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        			<td class="jz_block_td">
        				<strong>LATEST ARTISTS</strong>
        			<td class="jz_nj_block_body">
        				<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        					// Now how many should we show?
        					$show = round(((count($genres) / 3)) * 1.5);
        <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
        <td align="center" valign="top">
        	<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        			<td class="jz_block_td">
        				<strong>LATEST ALBUMS</strong>
        			<td class="jz_nj_block_body">
        				<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        					$show = round(((count($genres) / 3)) * 1.5);