Beispiel #1
     * Displays the random playlist generator
     * @author Ross Carlson, Ben Dodson
     * @version 2/20/05
     * @since 2/20/05
    function randomGenerateSelector($node, $header = false, $return = false)
        global $this_page, $random_play_amounts, $quick_list_truncate, $default_random_type, $default_random_count, $jzUSER;
        $root = new jzMediaNode();
        $display = new jzDisplay();
        // Now, can they stream?
        if (!$jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) {
        if ($return) {
        if ($header) {
            echo $header;
        } else {
            echo '<font size="1">' . word("Randomize selected") . '</font><br>';
		<form name="randomizer" action="<?php 
        echo $this_page;
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo jz_encode("action");
" value="<?php 
        echo jz_encode("generateRandom");
		<select name="<?php 
        echo jz_encode("random_play_number");
" class="jz_select">
        $random_play = explode("|", $random_play_amounts);
        $ctr = 0;
        while (count($random_play) > $ctr) {
            echo '<option value="' . jz_encode($random_play[$ctr]) . '"';
            if ($random_play[$ctr] == $default_random_count) {
                echo " selected";
            echo '>' . $random_play[$ctr] . '</option>' . "\n";
            $ctr = $ctr + 1;
        echo '</select> ';
        echo '<select name="' . jz_encode("random_play_type") . '" class="jz_select" style="width:60px;">';
        $random_play_types = "Songs|Albums|Artists";
        $random_play = explode("|", $random_play_types);
        $ctr = 0;
        while (count($random_play) > $ctr) {
            // Let's make sure this isn't blank
            if ($random_play[$ctr] != "") {
                echo '<option value="' . jz_encode($random_play[$ctr]) . '"';
                if ($random_play[$ctr] == $default_random_type) {
                    echo " selected";
                echo '>' . $random_play[$ctr] . '</option>' . "\n";
        echo '</select>';
        // Now let's let them pick a genre
        if (distanceTo("genre") !== false) {
            $curgenre = getInformation($node, 'genre');
            echo ' <select name="' . jz_encode("random_play_genre") . '" class="jz_select" style="width:75px;">';
            if ($curgenre === false) {
                echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("") . '" selected>All Genres</option>' . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . jz_encode("") . '">All Genres</option>' . "\n";
            if (!isset($genreArray)) {
                // todo: use the genre array from the other dropdown
                // so we don't query twice.
                $genreArray = $root->getSubNodes("nodes", distanceTo("genre"));
            for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < count($genreArray); $ctr++) {
                if ($genreArray[$ctr] != "") {
                    $title = returnItemShortName($genreArray[$ctr]->getName(), $quick_list_truncate);
                    echo '<option ';
                    // Now let's see if this is the genre we're looking at
                    if (!isset($genre)) {
                        $genre = "";
                    if (strtolower($title) == strtolower($genre)) {
                        echo 'selected';
                    echo ' value="' . jz_encode(htmlentities($genreArray[$ctr]->getPath("String"))) . '"';
                    if ($curgenre == $genreArray[$ctr]->getName()) {
                        echo ' selected';
                    echo '>' . $title . '</option>' . "\n";
            echo '</select>';
        echo ' <input class="jz_submit" type="submit" name="submit_random" value="' . word("Go") . '"';
        if (!defined('NO_AJAX_JUKEBOX')) {
            echo ' onClick="return submitPlaybackForm(this,\'' . htmlentities($this_page) . '\')"';
        } else {
            if (checkPlayback() == "embedded") {
                echo ' onClick="' . $display->embeddedFormHandler('randomizer') . '"';
        echo '>';
        echo '</form>';
        echo '</nobr>';
        if ($return) {
            $var = ob_get_contents();
            return $var;
Beispiel #2
  * Displays the block for the album on the Artist page
  * @author Ben Dodson, Ross Carlson
  * @since 9/13/05
  * @version 9/13/05
 function artistAlbumsBlock($node = false)
     global $jzUSER, $album_name_truncate, $img_play, $img_random_play, $img_play_dis, $img_random_play_dis, $sort_by_year, $web_root, $root_dir, $this_page, $show_album_clip_play, $img_clip;
     $display = new jzDisplay();
     // Are they sorting?
     if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
         $_SESSION['jz_purge_file_cache'] = "true";
         $jzUSER->setSetting("sort", $_GET['sort']);
     $mysort = $jzUSER->getSetting("sort");
     // Does the cache file exist?
     if ($display->startCache("artistAlbumsBlock", $node, $mysort)) {
     if (!defined('NO_AJAX_LINKS') && $node === false) {
         $node = new jzMediaNode($_SESSION['jz_path']);
     // Let's create our buttons for later
     // Now let's create the sort link
     if ($node->getSubNodeCount() > 1) {
         $url_array = array();
         $url_array['jz_path'] = $node->getPath("String");
         $url_array['sort'] = "alpha";
         $url_name = urlize($url_array);
         $url_array['sort'] = "year";
         $url_year = urlize($url_array);
         $form = '<form action="' . $this_page . '" method="GET">' . "\n";
         $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . jz_encode("jz_path") . '" value="' . jz_encode($node->getPath("String")) . '">';
         $form .= $display->hiddenPageVars(true);
         $form .= '<select style="width:52px; height:15px; font-size:9px;" name="' . jz_encode("sort") . '" class="jz_select" onChange="form.submit();">' . "\n";
         $form .= '<option ';
         if ($mysort == "year") {
             $form .= " selected ";
         $form .= ' value="' . jz_encode("year") . '">Year</option>';
         $form .= '<option ';
         if ($mysort == "alpha") {
             $form .= " selected ";
         $form .= 'value="' . jz_encode("alpha") . '">Name</option>';
         $form .= '</select></form>';
         $playButtons .= $form . " ";
     if ($jzUSER->getSetting('stream')) {
         $playButtons .= $display->playLink($node, $img_play, false, false, true) . " " . $display->playLink($node, $img_random_play, false, false, true, true) . "&nbsp;";
     } else {
         $playButtons .= $img_play_dis . $img_random_play_dis . "&nbsp;";
     // Let's startup Smarty
     $smarty = smartySetup();
     // Now let's assign our variables to smarty
     $smarty->assign('title', word("Albums") . ": " . $node->getName() . " (" . $node->getSubNodeCount() . ")");
     $smarty->assign('playButtons', $playButtons);
     $smarty->assign('formaction', urlize());
     $smarty->assign('formhandler', $display->embeddedFormHandler());
     $smarty->assign('action', jz_encode("action"));
     $smarty->assign('action_value', jz_encode("mediaAction"));
     $smarty->assign('jz_path', jz_encode("jz_path"));
     $smarty->assign('jz_path_value', htmlentities(jz_encode($node->getPath("String"))));
     $smarty->assign('jz_list_type', jz_encode("jz_list_type"));
     $smarty->assign('jz_list_type_value', jz_encode("nodes"));
     // Now let's display the template
     $smarty->display(SMARTY_ROOT . 'templates/slick/artist-albums-block.tpl');
     // Now lets finish out the cache