$deleteURL = $this->createLink('todo', 'delete', "todoID={$todo->id}&confirm=yes"); echo html::a("javascript:ajaxDelete(\"{$deleteURL}\",\"todoList\",confirmDelete)", '<i class="icon-remove"></i>', '', "class='btn-icon' title='{$lang->todo->delete}'"); } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> <?php if (count($todos)) { ?> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan='9' align='left'> <?php $pager->show(); ?> </td> </tr> </tfoot> <?php } ?> </table> </form> </div> <?php js::set('listName', 'todoList'); include '../../common/view/footer.html.php';
<?php /** * The view file of blog view method of RanZhi. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPL (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package blog * @version $Id: view.html.php 3138 2015-11-09 07:32:18Z chujilu $ * @link http://www.ranzhico.com */ include './header.html.php'; $root = '<li>' . $this->lang->currentPos . $this->lang->colon . html::a($this->inlink('index'), $lang->home) . '</li>'; js::set('articleID', $article->id); js::set('categoryID', $category->id); ?> <div class='col-md-10'> <div class='article'> <header> <h1><?php echo $article->title; ?> </h1> <dl class='dl-inline'> <dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAddedDate, $article->createdDate); ?> '><i class="icon-time icon-large"></i> <?php echo $article->createdDate; ?>
/** * The create view file of product module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2013-2013 青岛息壤网络信息有限公司 (QingDao XiRang Network Infomation Co,LTD www.xirangit.com) * @license http://api.chanzhi.org/goto.php?item=license * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package product * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include '../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; include '../../common/view/kindeditor.html.php'; include '../../common/view/chosen.html.php'; js::set('key', count($product->attributes)); js::set('currency', $lang->product->currency); ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><?php echo $lang->product->edit; ?> </div> <div class='panel-body'> <form method='post' id='ajaxForm'> <table class='table table-form'> <tr> <th class='w-100px'><?php echo $lang->product->category; ?> </th> <td class='w-p40'><?php
/** * The edit view file of block module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV12 (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package block * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include '../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; include '../../common/view/chosen.html.php'; include '../../common/view/codeeditor.html.php'; js::set('type', $type); js::set('cancreatephp', isset($canCreatePHP) ? $canCreatePHP : ''); js::set('setOkFile', isset($okFile) ? sprintf($lang->setOkFile, $okFile) : ''); $colorPlates = ''; foreach (explode('|', $lang->colorPlates) as $value) { $colorPlates .= "<div class='color color-tile' data='#" . $value . "'><i class='icon-ok'></i></div>"; } ?> <form method='post' id='editForm' class='blockForm ve-form'> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'> <ul class='nav nav-tabs'> <li class='nav-heading'><i class='icon icon-pencil'></i> <?php echo $lang->block->edit; ?> [<?php echo $block->title; ?>
<?php include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; js::set('articleID', $article->id); $common->printPositionBar($article->origins); ?> <div class='article'> <header> <h2><?php echo $article->title; ?> </h2> <dl class='dl-inline'> <dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAddedDate, $article->createdDate); ?> '><i class='icon-time icon-large'></i> <?php echo $article->createdDate; ?> </dd> <dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAuthor, $article->author); ?> '><i class='icon-user icon-large'></i> <?php echo $article->author; ?> </dd> <dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblViews, $article->views); ?> '><i class='icon-eye-open'></i> <?php
* The edit view of tree module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV12 (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package tree * @version $Id: edit.html.php 824 2010-05-02 15:32:06Z wwccss $ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ $webRoot = $config->webRoot; $jsRoot = $webRoot . "js/"; $themeRoot = $webRoot . "theme/"; include '../../common/view/chosen.html.php'; include '../../common/view/kindeditor.html.php'; js::set('type', $category->type); js::set('link', $lang->category->link); ?> <form method='post' class='form-horizontal' id='editForm' action="<?php echo inlink('edit', 'categoryID=' . $category->id); ?> "> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><i class="icon-pencil"></i> <?php echo $lang->tree->edit; ?> </strong></div> <div class='panel-body'> <div class='form-group'> <label class='col-md-2 control-label'><?php echo $lang->category->parent; ?>
<?php /** * The browse view file of product dept of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2013 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司 (QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD www.cnezsoft.com) * @license LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package product * @version $Id: browse.html.php 5096 2013-07-11 07:02:43Z chencongzhi520@gmail.com $ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/treeview.html.php'; js::set('deptID', $deptID); js::set('confirmDelete', $lang->user->confirmDelete); ?> <div id='titlebar'> <div class='heading'><?php echo html::icon($lang->icons['company']); ?> <?php echo $lang->company->browse; ?> </div> </div> <div id='querybox' class='show'><?php echo $searchForm; ?> </div> <div class='side'>
<?php /** * The create view of story module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPL (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv11.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package story * @version $Id: create.html.php 4902 2013-06-26 05:25:58Z wyd621@gmail.com $ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include './header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/form.html.php'; js::set('holders', $lang->story->placeholder); ?> <div class='container mw-1400px'> <div id='titlebar'> <div class='heading'> <span class='prefix'><?php echo html::icon($lang->icons['story']); ?> </span> <strong><small class='text-muted'><?php echo html::icon($lang->icons['create']); ?> </small> <?php echo $lang->story->create; ?> </strong> </div>
$editors = $config->{$module}->editor->{$method}; $editors['id'] = explode(',', $editors['id']); js::set('editors', $editors); $this->app->loadLang('file'); js::set('errorUnwritable', $lang->file->errorUnwritable); /* Get current lang. */ $editorLangs = array('en' => 'en', 'zh-cn' => 'zh_CN', 'zh-tw' => 'zh_TW'); $editorLang = isset($editorLangs[$app->getClientLang()]) ? $editorLangs[$app->getClientLang()] : 'en'; js::set('editorLang', $editorLang); /* Import css and js for kindeditor. */ css::import($jsRoot . 'kindeditor/themes/default/default.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'kindeditor/kindeditor-min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'kindeditor/lang/' . $editorLang . '.js'); /* set uid for upload. */ $uid = uniqid(''); js::set('uid', $uid); ?> <script> var simple = [ 'formatblock', 'fontsize', '|', 'bold', 'italic','underline', '|', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', '|', 'emoticons', 'image', 'media', 'link', '|', 'removeformat','undo', 'redo', 'source' ]; var full = [ 'formatblock', 'fontsize', 'lineheight', '|', 'forecolor', 'hilitecolor', '|', 'bold', 'italic','underline', 'strikethrough', '|', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', '|', 'emoticons', 'image', '|', 'link', 'unlink', 'anchor', 'flash', 'media', 'baidumap', '/', 'undo', 'redo', '|', 'cut', 'copy', '|', 'plainpaste', 'wordpaste', '|', 'removeformat', 'clearhtml','quickformat', '|', 'indent', 'outdent', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', '|', 'table', 'code', 'hr', '|',
<?php if (!defined("RUN_MODE")) { die; } include '../../../common/view/header.lite.html.php'; js::import($jsRoot . 'fingerprint/fingerprint.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'md5.js'); js::set('scriptName', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); js::set('random', $this->session->random); ?> <div class='container'> <div id='adminLogin'> <div id='siteName'> <?php echo $this->config->site->name; ?> <div class='pull-right'> <div class='dropdown' id='langs'> <button class='btn' data-toggle='dropdown' title='Change Language/更换语言/更換語言'><?php echo $config->langs[$this->app->getClientLang()]; ?> <span class='caret'></span></button> <ul class='dropdown-menu'> <?php foreach ($config->langs as $key => $value) { ?> <li class="<?php echo $key == $this->app->getClientLang() ? 'active' : ''; ?> ">
js::exportConfigVars(); if ($config->debug) { js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'zui/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'chanzhi.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/treeview/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'my.js'); } else { js::import($jsRoot . 'all.js'); } if (isset($pageCSS)) { css::internal($pageCSS); } echo isset($this->config->site->favicon) ? html::icon(json_decode($this->config->site->favicon)->webPath) : html::icon($webRoot . 'favicon.ico'); echo html::rss($this->createLink('rss', 'index', '', '', 'xml'), $config->site->name); js::set('lang', $lang->js); if (!empty($config->oauth->sina)) { $sina = json_decode($config->oauth->sina); } if (!empty($config->oauth->qq)) { $qq = json_decode($config->oauth->qq); } if (!empty($sina->verification)) { echo $sina->verification; } if (!empty($qq->verification)) { echo $qq->verification; } if (empty($sina->verification) && !empty($sina->widget)) { js::import('http://tjs.sjs.sinajs.cn/open/api/js/wb.js'); }
</span></td> <td><span class='<?php echo 'pri' . zget($lang->bug->priList, $bug->pri, $bug->pri); ?> '><?php echo zget($lang->bug->priList, $bug->pri, $bug->pri); ?> </span></td> <td><?php echo $lang->bug->typeList[$bug->type]; ?> </td> <td class='text-left nobr'><?php echo html::a($this->createLink('bug', 'view', "bugID={$bug->id}"), $bug->title); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $users[$bug->openedBy]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $users[$bug->assignedTo]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $users[$bug->resolvedBy]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $lang->bug->resolutionList[$bug->resolution]; ?>
if (!defined("RUN_MODE")) { die; } /** * The index view file of message module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV12 (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package message * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include TPL_ROOT . 'common/header.html.php'; js::set('showDetail', $this->lang->message->showDetail); js::set('hideDetail', $this->lang->message->hideDetail); $common->printPositionBar(); ?> <div class='row blocks' data-region='message_index-topBanner'><?php $this->block->printRegion($layouts, 'message_index', 'topBanner', true); ?> </div> <div class='row'> <div class='col-md-9 col-main'> <div class='row blocks' data-region='message_index-top'><?php $this->block->printRegion($layouts, 'message_index', 'top', true); ?> </div> <?php if (!empty($messages)) { ?>
?> </td> </tr> </table> <table align='center' class='table table-form'> <caption class='text-left text-muted'><?php echo $lang->user->verify; ?> </caption> <tr> <th class='w-120px'><?php echo $lang->user->verifyPassword; ?> </th> <td> <div class="required required-wrapper"></div> <?php echo html::password('verifyPassword', '', "class='form-control' autocomplete='off' placeholder='{$lang->user->placeholder->verify}'"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan='2' class='text-center'><?php echo html::submitButton() . html::backButton(); ?> </td></tr> </table> </form> </div> <?php js::set('passwordStrengthList', $lang->user->passwordStrengthList); include '../../common/view/footer.html.php';
echo html::submitButton($lang->product->batchEdit, '', ''); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (!$canOrder and common::hasPriv('product', 'updateOrder')) { echo html::a(inlink('index', "locate=no&productID={$productID}&status={$status}&order=order_desc&recTotal={$pager->recTotal}&recPerPage={$pager->recPerPage}&pageID={$pager->pageID}"), $lang->product->updateOrder, '', "class='btn'"); } ?> </div> <div class='text-right'><?php $pager->show(); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <script>$("#<?php echo $status; ?> Tab").addClass('active');</script> <?php js::set('orderBy', $orderBy); include '../../common/view/footer.html.php';
<?php /** * The doc view file of product module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPL (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package product * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/tablesorter.html.php'; js::set('confirmDelete', $lang->doc->confirmDelete); ?> <div id='titlebar'> <div class='heading'><i class='icon-file-text'></i> <?php echo $lang->product->doc; ?> </div> <div class='actions'> <?php common::printIcon('doc', 'create', "libID=product&moduleID=0&productID={$product->id}&projectID=0&from=product"); ?> </div> </div> <table class='table' id='docList'> <thead> <tr class='colhead'> <th class='w-id'><?php
<?php /** * The admin view of order module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV1 (http://www.chanzhi.org/license/) * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package order * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include '../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; js::set('finishWarning', $lang->order->finishWarning); ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'> <strong><i class="icon-list-ul"> </i><?php echo $lang->order->admin; ?> </strong> <?php echo ' '; echo html::a(inlink('admin', "mode=status&status=normal"), $lang->order->statusList['normal'], $value == 'normal' ? "class='active'" : ''); echo html::a(inlink('admin', "mode=status&status=finished"), $lang->order->statusList['finished'], $value == 'finished' ? "class='active'" : ''); echo html::a(inlink('admin', "mode=status&status=canceled"), $lang->order->statusList['canceled'], $value == 'canceled' ? "class='active'" : ''); ?> </div> <table class='table table-hover table-striped tablesorter'> <thead> <tr class='text-center'>
die; } /** * The setbasic view file of site module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV1.2 (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author xiying Guang <*****@*****.**> * @package site * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include '../../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; include '../../../common/view/kindeditor.html.php'; js::set('closeScoreTip', $lang->site->closeScoreTip); js::set('requestTypeTip', $lang->site->requestTypeTip); ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><i class='icon-globe'></i> <?php echo $lang->site->setBasic; ?> </strong></div> <div class='panel-body'> <form method='post' id='ajaxForm' class='form-inline'> <table class='table table-form'> <tr> <th class='col-xs-2'><?php echo $lang->site->status; ?> </th> <td class='col-xs-6'><?php
<?php /** * The admin view file of wechat of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV1 (http://www.chanzhi.org/license/) * @author Tingting Dai <*****@*****.**> * @package wechat * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include '../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; js::set('setCounts', $lang->site->setCounts); js::set('score', commonModel::isAvailable('score')); if (!checkCurlSSL()) { ?> <div class='alert alert-danger'> <?php echo $lang->wechat->curlSSLRequired; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'> <strong><i class="icon-list-ul"></i> <?php echo $lang->wechat->list; ?> </strong>
/** * The create view file of article module of RanZhi. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPL (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package article * @version $Id: create.html.php 3138 2015-11-09 07:32:18Z chujilu $ * @link http://www.ranzhico.com */ include $app->getModuleRoot() . 'common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../../sys/common/view/kindeditor.html.php'; include '../../../sys/common/view/chosen.html.php'; js::set('type', $type); js::set('categoryID', $currentCategory); ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><i class='icon-plus'></i> <?php echo $lang->{$type}->create; ?> </strong></div> <div class='panel-body'> <form method='post' role='form' id='ajaxForm'> <table class='table table-form'> <tr> <th class='w-100px'><?php echo $lang->article->category; ?> </th> <td class='w-p40'><?php
<div class='child hide'> <div class='form-group category'> <div class='col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-md-offset-2'><?php echo html::input("children[]", '', "class='form-control' placeholder='{$this->lang->category->name}'"); ?> </div> <div class='col-xs-6 col-md-4'><?php echo html::input("alias[]", '', "class='form-control' placeholder='{$this->lang->category->alias}'"); ?> </div> <div class='col-xs-6 col-md-2'> <?php echo "<i class='icon-move sort-handle'> </i>"; ?> <?php echo html::a('javascript:;', "<i class='icon-plus'></i>", "class='btn btn-link pull-left btn-mini btn-plus'"); ?> <?php echo html::a('javascript:;', "<i class='icon-remove'></i>", "class='btn btn-link pull-left btn-mini btn-remove'"); ?> </div> <?php echo html::hidden('mode[]', 'new'); ?> </div> </div> <?php js::set('maxID', $maxID); if (isset($pageJS)) { js::execute($pageJS); }
</th> <td><?php echo $plan->begin; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->productplan->end; ?> </th> <td><?php echo $plan->end; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <?php include '../../common/view/action.html.php'; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php js::set('param', helper::safe64Decode($param)); js::set('link', $link); js::set('planID', $plan->id); js::set('orderBy', $orderBy); js::set('type', $type); include '../../common/view/footer.html.php';
<?php /** * The testtask view file of my module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2013 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司 (QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD www.cnezsoft.com) * @license LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package dashboard * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; js::set('confirmDelete', $lang->testtask->confirmDelete); ?> <div id='featurebar'> <nav class='nav'> <?php echo "<li id='waitTesttask'>" . html::a($this->createLink('my', 'testtask', 'type=wait'), $lang->testtask->wait) . "</li>"; echo "<li id='doneTesttask'>" . html::a($this->createLink('my', 'testtask', 'type=done'), $lang->testtask->done) . "</li>"; echo "<li id='assigntomeTab'>" . html::a($this->createLink('my', 'testcase', "type=assigntome"), $lang->testcase->assignToMe) . "</li>"; echo "<li id='closedbymeTab'>" . html::a($this->createLink('my', 'testcase', "type=openedbyme"), $lang->testcase->openedByMe) . "</li>"; ?> </nav> </div> <table class='table table-condensed table-hover table-striped tablesorter' id='taskList'> <?php $vars = "type={$type}&orderBy=%s&recTotal={$recTotal}&recPerPage={$recPerPage}&pageID={$pageID}"; ?> <thead> <tr class='text-center'>
<?php /** * The edit view file of article module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV12 (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package article * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include '../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; include '../../common/view/datepicker.html.php'; js::set('type', $type); js::set('contribution', $this->config->article->contribution); include '../../common/view/kindeditor.html.php'; include '../../common/view/chosen.html.php'; ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><i class='icon-edit'></i> <?php echo $type == 'blog' ? $lang->blog->edit : ($type == 'page' ? $lang->page->edit : $lang->article->edit); ?> </strong></div> <div class='panel-body'> <form method='post' id='ajaxForm' class='ve-form'> <table class='table table-form'> <?php if ($type != 'page') { ?> <tr>
/** * The create view of case module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPL (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv11.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package case * @version $Id: create.html.php 4904 2013-06-26 05:37:45Z wyd621@gmail.com $ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/form.html.php'; js::set('lblDelete', $lang->testcase->deleteStep); js::set('lblBefore', $lang->testcase->insertBefore); js::set('lblAfter', $lang->testcase->insertAfter); ?> <div class='container mw-1400px'> <div id='titlebar'> <div class='heading'> <span class='prefix'><?php echo html::icon($lang->icons['testcase']); ?> </span> <strong><small class='text-muted'><?php echo html::icon($lang->icons['create']); ?> </small> <?php echo $lang->testcase->create; ?> </strong>
<td><?php echo html::select("type[%s]", $lang->task->typeList, $type, 'class=form-control'); ?> </td> <td style='overflow:visible'><?php echo html::select("assignedTo[%s]", $members, $member, "class='form-control'"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html::input("estimate[%s]", '', "class='form-control text-center' autocomplete='off'"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html::textarea("desc[%s]", '', "rows='1' class='form-control autosize'"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo html::select("pri[%s]", (array) $lang->task->priList, $pri, 'class=form-control'); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php js::set('mainField', 'name'); js::set('ditto', $lang->task->ditto); ?> <?php include '../../common/view/pastetext.html.php'; include '../../common/view/footer.html.php';
<?php /** * The browse view file of company module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV12 (http://zpl.pub/page/zplv12.html) * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package company * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include '../../common/view/header.admin.html.php'; include '../../common/view/kindeditor.html.php'; js::set('score', commonModel::isAvailable('score')); js::set('setCounts', $lang->site->setCounts); $displayAll = $display === 'all'; ?> <div class='panel display-<?php echo $display; ?> '> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><i class='icon-building'></i> <?php echo $lang->company->setBasic; ?> </strong></div> <div class='panel-body'> <form method='post' id='ajaxForm' class='ve-form'> <table class='table table-form'> <tr data-row='name'> <th class='w-100px'><?php
<?php if (!defined("RUN_MODE")) { die; } include TPL_ROOT . 'common/header.html.php'; js::set('confirmUnbind', $lang->user->confirmUnbind); ?> <div class='page-user-control'> <div class='row'> <?php include TPL_ROOT . 'user/side.html.php'; ?> <div class='col-md-10'> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><i class='icon-user'></i> <?php echo $lang->user->profile; ?> </strong></div> <div class='panel-body'> <dl class='dl-horizontal'> <dt><?php echo $lang->user->realname; ?> </dt> <dd> <?php echo $user->realname; ?> <?php if (isset($user->provider) and isset($user->openID)) {
<?php /** * The browse view file of product dept of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2013 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司 (QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD www.cnezsoft.com) * @license LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package product * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.zentao.net */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/treeview.html.php'; include '../../common/view/colorize.html.php'; js::set('deptID', $deptID); ?> <table class='cont-lt1'> <tr><td colspan='3'><div id='querybox'><?php echo $searchForm; ?> </div></td></tr> <tr valign='top'> <td class='side'> <div class='box-title'><?php echo $lang->dept->common; ?> </div> <div class='box-content'> <?php echo $deptTree;
* The order view of order module of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, www.cnezsoft.com) * @license ZPLV1 (http://www.chanzhi.org/license/) * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package order * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ include TPL_ROOT . 'common/header.html.php'; js::set('currencySymbol', $currencySymbol); js::set('goToPay', $lang->order->goToPay); js::set('goToPay', $lang->order->goToPay); js::set('checkStock', $this->config->product->stock); js::set('paid', $lang->order->paid); js::set('payFaild', $lang->order->payFaild); if (!empty($products)) { $total = 0; ?> <div class='panel'> <div class='panel-heading'><strong><?php echo $lang->order->confirm; ?> </strong></div> <form id='confirmForm' action='<?php echo helper::createLink('order', 'create'); ?> ' method='post'> <div class='panel-body'> <div id='addressBox'> <div>