Beispiel #1
$heldRsc[$thisTrade[11]] = 0;
$heldRsc[$thisTrade[13]] = 0;
$heldRsc[$thisTrade[15]] = 0;
$heldRsc[$thisTrade[17]] = 0;
$heldRsc[$thisTrade[19]] = 0;
// Confirm that the purchasing player has the required resources
$thisPlayer = loadPlayer($pGameID, $unitFile, 400);
$thisHomeCity = loadUnit($thisPlayer->get('homeCity'), $unitFile, 400);
$thisRsc = new itemSlot($thisHomeCity->get('carrySlot'), $slotFile, 40);
for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($thisRsc->slotData); $i += 2) {
    $heldRsc[$thisRsc->slotData[$i]] = $thisRsc->slotData[$i + 1];
$rscCheck = true;
for ($i = 11; $i < 20; $i += 2) {
    if ($heldRsc[$i] < $thisTrade[$i + 1]) {
        exit('Not enough resources');
// Confirm that the unit is not in an army
$trgUnit = loadUnit($postVals[1], $unitFile, 400);
if ($trgUnit->get('armyID') > 0) {
    exit('Can\'t sell a unit that is in an army');
// Change the controller in the unit's information
$trgUnit->save('controller', $pGameID);
// Add the unit to the new controller's unit list
$playerUnits = new itemSlot($thisPlayer->get('unitSlot'), $slotFile, 40);
$playerUnits->addItem($postVals[1], $slotFile);
Beispiel #2
echo 'Char slot for plot is ' . $plotDat[11] . '<br>';
$plotChars = new blockSlot($plotDat[11], $slotFile, 40);
$loc = sizeof($plotChars->slotData);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $plotChars->slotData; $i += 2) {
    if ($plotChars->slotData[$i] == 0) {
        $loc = $i;
// Record plot in list of plaayer plots
fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultBlockSize);
$unitDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 200));
//$plotChars->addItem($slotFile, pack('i*', $_SESSION['selectedItem'], 1), $loc);
$plotChars->addItem($slotFile, pack('i*', $pGameID, 1), $loc);
//echo 'Added character to plot at slot '.$plotDat[11];
fseek($unitFile, $unitDat[6] * $defaultBlockSize);
$controllerDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 200));
echo 'Record plot in slot ' . $unitDat[35] . ' for the unit';
if ($controllerDat[20] == 0) {
    $controllerDat[20] = startASlot($slotFile, $gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt');
    fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultBlockSize + 136);
    fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $controllerDat[20]));
$charPlots = new itemSlot($controllerDat[20], $slotFile, 40);
$charPlots->addItem($postVals[1], $slotFile);
// Send a message to the player that he has a char invited to a new plot
$trgList[] = $unitDat[6];
sendMessage([$pGameId, $unitDat[6], time(), 1, 0, $postVals[1], $_SESSION['selectedItem']], "", $trgList);
Beispiel #3
$slotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', 'rb');
$credList = array_filter(unpack("i*", readSlotData($slotFile, $subCityDat[19], 40)));
$approved = array_search($pGameID, $credList);
echo 'Approved level ' . $approved . '<br>';
if ($approved) {
    if ($subCityDat[29] > 0) {
        fseek($unitFile, $subCityDat[29] * $defaultblocksize);
        $parCityDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 400));
        // Remove from the list of child citys for the parent city
        $childCityList = new itemSlot($parCityDat[30], $slotFile);
        $target = array_search($_SESSION['selectedItem'], $childCityList->slotData);
        if ($target) {
            $childCityList->deleteItem($target, $slotFile);
    // Change the child city to a resource cart/moving group object
    /// Save location of the unit to match that of the city and adjust unit types
    fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultblocksize);
    fwrite($unitFile, pack('i*', $parCityDat[1], $parCityDat[2], 10, 10, $pGameID, $pGameID, 1, 1, 1));
    /// Update last change time
    fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultblocksize + 104);
    fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', time()));
    /// Add to list of military units for this player
    fseek($unitFile, $pGameID * $defaultblocksize);
    $playerDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 400));
    $unitList = new itemSlot($playerDat[22], $slotFile, 40);
    // start, file, size
    $unitList->addItem($_SESSION['selectedItem'], $slotFile);
Beispiel #4

include './slotFunctions.php';
include './unitClass.php';
echo 'Join battle ' . $postVals[1] . ' on side ' . $postVals[2];
$unitFile = fopen($gamePath . '/unitDat.dat', 'rb');
$slotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', 'r+b');
$mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'r+b');
$baseUnit = new warband($_SESSION['selectedUnit'], $unitFile, 400);
$thisBattle = new battle($postVals[1], $unitFile, 100);
// Verify that unit can join battle
// Update unit status and save the battle ID to the unit
$baseUnit->set('status', 2);
$baseUnit->set('battleID', $postVals[1]);
// Remove the unit from the map
$mapSlotNum = floor($baseUnit->get('yLoc') / 120) * 120 + floor($baseUnit->get('xLoc') / 120);
$mapSlotItem = new itemSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
$location = array_search($_SESSION['selectedUnit'], $mapSlotItem->slotData);
if ($location) {
    $mapSlotItem->deleteItem($location, $mapSlotFile);
// Add the unit to the battle list for the selected side
$battleList = new itemSlot($thisBattle->get('sideList_1'), $slotFile, 40);
$battleList->addItem($_SESSION['selectedUnit'], $slotFile);
Beispiel #5

include './unitClass.php';
include "./slotFunctions.php";
include "./taskFunctions.php";
$unitFile = fopen($gamePath . '/unitDat.dat', 'r+b');
// Create a new plot task and save the parameters
$taskFile = fopen($gamePath . '/tasks.tdt', 'r+b');
$taskIndex = fopen($gamePath . '/tasks.tix', 'r+b');
$parameters = pack('i*', 0, 0, 1, time(), 0, 0, 6, $_SESSION['selectedItem'], $pGameID, 2);
$newTask = createTask($taskFile, $parameters);
//createTask($taskFile, $taskIndex, $duration, $parameters, $gamePath, $slotFile)
// Add the new plot to the player's list of ongoing plots
fseek($unitFile, $pGameID * $defaultBlockSize);
$playerDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 200));
$slotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', 'r+b');
if ($playerDat[20] == 0) {
    $newSlot = startASlot($slotFile, $gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt');
    fseek($unitFile, $pGameID * $defaultBlockSize + 76);
    fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $newSlot));
    $playerDat[20] = $newSlot;
$plotSlot = new itemSlot($playerDat[20], $slotFile, 40);
//$targetUnit = new unit($_SESSION['selectedUnit'], $unitFile);
$plotSlot->addItem($newTask, $slotFile);
echo 'Record this task';
Beispiel #6
     // Basic parameters
     fwrite($unitFile, pack("i*", $startLocation[0],$startLocation[1],1,$typeParams[3],$pGameID, $pGameID,1,$postVals[1],0));
     // Secondary information
     fwrite($unitFile, pack("i*", $makeTypes[$i], 0, $townID));
     fseek($unitFile, ($newId)*$defaultBlockSize+56);
     fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $armyID));
     //addDataToSlot($gamePath."/gameSlots.slt", $unitSlot, pack("N", $newId), $gameSlot);
     echo 'Record unit #' . $newId . ' in unit slot<br>';
     $unitList->addItem($newId, $gameSlot);
     if (!$startTown) {
         echo 'Record in army slot<br>';
         $armyObj->addItem($newId, $gameSlot);
         //->addItem($newId, $mapSlotFile); // value, file
     } else {
         //addDataToSlot($gamePath."/gameSlots.slt", $townUnitSlot, pack("i", $newId), $gameSlot);
 // If no town is being started, create a resource unit for the player
 if (!$startTown) {
     $newId = $unitIndex;
     $unitIndex +=4;;
     $thisDtl = explode('<-->', $unitInf[6]);
     $typeParams = explode(",", $thisDtl[1]);
     fseek($unitFile, ($newId)*$defaultBlockSize);
Beispiel #7
        $outList[] = $postVals[$i];
    } else {
        $inList[] = $postVals[$i];
// Review units being removed from the army - process all if player controls the army or only the ones that player controls.
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($outList); $i++) {
    $outUnit = loadUnit($outList[$i], $unitFile, 400);
    if ($outUnit->get('controller') == $pGameID || $trgArmy->get('controller') == $pGameID) {
        echo 'Remove unit ' . $outList[$i];
        // Process this unit out of the army
        $outUnit->save('armyID', 0);
        $armyUnits->deleteByValue($outList[$i], $slotFile);
// Review units being added to the army - process all that the player controls if he also controls the army
if ($trgArmy->get('controller') == $pGameID) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($inList); $i++) {
        $inUnit = loadUnit($inList[$i], $unitFile, 400);
        if ($inUnit->get('controller') == $pGameID) {
            // Update unit to be in army
            $inUnit->save('armyID', $postVals[1]);
            // Add to army unit list
            $armyUnits->addItem($inList[$i], $slotFile);
} else {
    echo 'Can\'t add to an army you don\'t control!';
Beispiel #8
         $charSlot = new itemSlot($playerDat[19], $slotFile, 40);
         $charSlot->addItem($useBldg->unitDat[$postVals[2] + 18], $slotFile);
     case 6:
         // made a new warband
         // Record in player unit list
         echo 'Add to slot ' . $playerDat[22];
         $unitList = new itemSlot($playerDat[22], $slotFile, 40);
         $unitList->addItem($useBldg->unitDat[$postVals[2] + 18], $slotFile);
     case 8:
         // made a new warband
         // Record in player unit list
         echo 'Add to slot ' . $playerDat[22];
         $unitList = new itemSlot($playerDat[22], $slotFile, 40);
         $unitList->addItem($useBldg->unitDat[$postVals[2] + 18], $slotFile);
 // Release building production slot
 $useBldg->unitDat[$postVals[2] + 18] = 0;
 // Add unit to map location slot
 $mapSlotNum = floor($trgUnit->unitDat[2] / 120) * 120 + floor($trgUnit->unitDat[1] / 120);
 $mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'r+b');
 if (flock($mapSlotFile, LOCK_EX)) {
     $mapSlot = new blockSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
     /// start, file, size
     $loc = sizeof($mapSlot->slotData);
     for ($m = 1; $m < sizeof($mapSlot->slotData); $m += 2) {
         if ($mapSlot->slotData[$m] == 0) {
             $loc = $m;
Beispiel #9
         echo '<p>Parameters:';
         print_r(unpack('i*', $parameters));
         // Record task in city task list
         // Verify that slot exists and create one if needed.
         if ($cityDat[21] == 0) {
             // Need to create a new slot
             echo 'Making a new slot';
             $cityDat[21] = startASlot($slotFile, $gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt');
             //startASlot($slot_file, $slot_handle)
             fseek($unitFile, $cityID * $defaultBlockSize + 80);
             fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $cityDat[21]));
         echo 'Record task (' . $newTask . ') in slot ' . $cityDat[21] . '<br>';
         $taskSlot = new itemSlot($cityDat[21], $slotFile, 40);
         $taskSlot->addItem($newTask, $slotFile);
         //addDataToSlot($gamePath.'/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[21], pack('i', $newTask), $slotFile);
         $checkSlot = new itemSlot($cityDat[21], $slotFile, 40);
         echo 'Result is:<p>';
         // this is for adding to a map slot -> addtoSlotGen($gamePath.'/gameSlots.slt', $cityDat[21], pack('i', $taskIndex), $slot_file, 40) // function addtoSlotGen($slot_handle, $check_slot, $addData, $slot_file, $slotSize)
 } else {
     if (sizeof($buildingsNeeded) > 0) {
         echo "Need more of the following buildings.";
     if (sizeof($neededRsc) > 0) {
         echo 'Need more of the following resoruces (City)';
Beispiel #10
// Save character with stats into game
if (flock($unitFile, LOCK_EX)) {
    fseek($unitFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    $size = ftell($unitFile);
    $newID = $size / $defaultBlockSize;
    fseek($unitFile, $newID * $defaultBlockSize);
    fwrite($unitFile, $pUnitDat);
    flock($unitFile, LOCK_UN);
// Add game specific infomration
/// Record locations, controller, etc
// Add character into player's list of available characters
$unitList = new itemSlot($playerDat[19], $slotFile, 40);
$unitList->addItem($newID, $slotFile);
// Add to map if necessary
/// Load map data
$mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'rb');
$mapSlotNum = floor($startLocation[1] / 120) * 120 + floor($startLocation[0] / 120);
$mapSlotDat = new itemSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($mapSlotDat->slotData); $i++) {
    fseek($unitFile, $mapSlotDat->slotData[$i] * $defaultBlockSize);
    $mapCheckDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 400));
    if ($mapCheckDat[1] == $newLoc[0] && $mapCheckDat[2] == $newLoc[1]) {
        switch ($mapCheckDat[4]) {
            /// Add to city if location is in city
            case 1:
                /// Add to army if location is in army`
            /// Add to army if location is in army`
            case 3:
Beispiel #11
$unitFile = fopen($gamePath . '/unitDat.dat', 'rb');
$slotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', 'rb');
// Load unit infrmation
$thisUnit = loadUnit($postVals[1], $unitFile, 400);
// Load target unit information
$trgUnit = loadUnit($postVals[2], $unitFile, 400);
if ($trgUnit->get('uType') == 2) {
    // Add to an existing army
    // Record army id in unit information
    $thisUnit->save('armyID', $postVals[2]);
    // Record unit id in list of army units
    $unitList = new itemsSlot($trgUnit->get('unitListSlot'), $slotFile, 40);
    $unitList->addItem($postVals[1], $slotFile);
} else {
    if ($trgUnit->get('uType') == 6) {
        // Combine with an existing unit to create a new army
        // Create a new army
        $newArmy = newUnit(2, $unitFile);
        // Create an item List for the army
        $newArmy->save('unitListSlot', newSlot($slotFile));
        $armyUnits = new itemSlot($newArmy->get('unitListSlot'));
        // Record both unit IDs in the army unit list
        $armyUnits->addItem($postVals[1], $slotFile);
        $armyUnits->addItem($postVals[2], $slotFile);
        // Record army ID in both unit informations
        $thisUnit->save('armyID', $newArmy->get('unitListSlot'));
        $trgUnit->save('armyID', $newArmy->get('unitListSlot'));
Beispiel #12
// Add the parent city ID to the current city
fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultBlockSize + 112);
fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $newCityId));
// Remove the unit cart / other items from the map and change the mapslot to display the new city
$mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'r+b');
$mapSlotNum = floor($unitDat[2] / 120) * 120 + floor($unitDat[1] / 120);
echo 'Mapo slot number is ' . $mapSlotNum . '<br>';
$mapSlot = new itemSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
$currentPos = array_search($_SESSION['selectedItem'], $mapSlot->slotData);
echo 'Current Pos: ' . $currentPos . '<br>';
if ($currentPos) {
    $mapSlot->deleteItem($currentPos, $mapSlotFile);
echo 'Add new city to map item List<br>';
$mapSlot->addItem($newCityId, $mapSlotFile);
// Add this player to the credential list for the city
echo 'Open city ' . $newCityId . '<br>';
$thisCity = new city($newCityId, $unitFile);
$cityCredentials = new blockSlot($thisCity->cityData[19], $slotFile, 40);
$addLoc = array_search(0, $cityCredentials->slotData);
echo 'Add credintials to slot (' . $thisCity->cityData[19] . ')';
$cityCredentials->addItem($slotFile, pack('i*', -9, $pGameID), $addLoc);
// Change this cart object to a city object
fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultBlockSize + 12);
fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', 1));
// Remove the cart from the list of military units the player controls
$playerObj = new player($pGameID, $unitFile, 400);
$unitList = new itemSlot($playerObj->get('unitSlot'), $slotFile, 40);
$unitList->deleteByValue($_SESSION['selectedItem'], $slotFile);