Beispiel #1
 private function onAccept()
     //Get the sockInt from the socketClass
     $newSockInt = $this->socketClass->hasAccepted($this->sockInt);
     if ($newSockInt === false) {
         //False alarm.. just ignore it.
         return false;
     //Create a new connection object for the new socket connection, then return it to onAccept
     //We must assume that onAccept will handle the connection object.  Otherwise it'll die, and the
     //connection will be orphaned.
     $newConn = new connection(null, null, 0);
     //Can be overwritten in the onAccept function
     //We don't need to call init(), we're already setup.
     //Setup our connection transmission timeout thing.
     if ($this->transTimeout > 0) {
         $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $newConn, "transTimeout", "", $this->transTimeout);
     //Set handler for our new sockInt to new connection class
     $this->socketClass->setHandler($newSockInt, $this->ircClass, $newConn, "handle");
     //Set our new sockInt
     //Call our callback function for accepting with old object, and new object.
     $this->callbackClass->onAccept($this, $newConn);
     return false;
Beispiel #2
 public function addFile($nick, $host, $port, $type, $filename, $size, $fromTimer = false)
     $reverse = false;
     if ($this->ircClass->getClientConf("mircdccreverse") != "" && $fromTimer == false && $type != DOWNLOAD) {
         $port = intval($this->ircClass->getClientConf("mircdccreverse"));
         if ($port == 0) {
             return NULL;
         $args = new argClass();
         $args->arg1 = $nick;
         $args->arg2 = $host;
         $args->arg3 = $port;
         $args->arg4 = $type;
         $args->arg5 = $filename;
         $args->arg6 = $size;
         $args->arg7 = time();
         $args->arg8 = FILE;
         $this->ircClass->notice($nick, "DCC: NOTICE: This server is using the mIRC File Server Protocol.  Please use ' /dccserver +s on " . $this->ircClass->getClientConf("mircdccreverse") . " ' to recieve files from me!  Starting 6 second delay...", 0);
         $this->ircClass->sendRaw("WHOIS " . $nick);
         $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "reverseTimer", $args, 6);
     if ($fromTimer == true) {
         $reverse = DCC_REVERSE;
         // using mIRC dcc reverse protocol
     if ($host == NULL || $port == NULL) {
         $conn = new connection(null, null, 0);
         $listening = true;
         $status = DCC_LISTENING;
     } else {
         $conn = new connection($host, $port, CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
         $listening = false;
         $status = DCC_CONNECTING;
     $port = $conn->init();
     if ($conn->getError()) {
         $this->ircClass->log("File transfer start error: " . $conn->getErrorMsg());
         return false;
     $sockInt = $conn->getSockInt();
     $id = $this->highestId();
     $file = new file($id, $nick, $sockInt, $host, $port, $type, $reverse);
     if ($file->transferType == UPLOAD) {
     } else {
     $file->connection = $conn;
     $file->status = $status;
     $file->removed = false;
     $this->dccList[$sockInt] = $file;
     $file->initialize($filename, $size);
     if ($listening == true) {
         $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "checkDccTimeout", $file, 30, true);
     if ($reverse == true) {
     return $port;
Beispiel #3
 private function doHandShake()
     $this->dccSend("120 " . $this->ircClass->getNick() . " " . $this->filesize . " " . $this->filenameNoDir . "\n");
     $this->handShakeSent = true;
     $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "handShakeTimeout", "", 8);
Beispiel #4
 private function loadClassDef($filename, $classname)
     $stat = stat($filename);
     if ($stat === false) {
         $this->loadClassError($filename, "Could not find function file");
         return false;
     $modified = $stat['mtime'];
     if (isset($this->fileModified[$filename])) {
         if ($modified == $this->fileModified[$filename]['modified']) {
             return $this->fileModified[$filename]['classdef'];
     $fileData = file_get_contents($filename);
     if ($fileData === false) {
         $this->loadClassError($filename, "Could not find function file");
         return false;
     //Okay, we have the module now.. now we need to find some stuff.
     if (!preg_match("/class[\\s]+?" . $classname . "[\\s]+?extends[\\s]+?module[\\s]+?{/", $fileData)) {
         $this->loadClassError($filename, "Could not find valid classdef in function file");
         return false;
     //Okay, our module is in the file... replace it with random hash.
     $newHash = irc::randomHash();
     $newClassDef = $classname . "_" . $newHash;
     $fileData = preg_replace("/(class[\\s]+?)" . $classname . "([\\s]+?extends[\\s]+?module[\\s]+?{)/", "\\1" . $newClassDef . "\\2", $fileData);
     /* Interesting idea, but lets leave it out for now
        foreach($this->aliasArray AS $func => $class)
            $fileData = preg_replace("/([=\n\(\t\s]+?)".$func."[\s\t\n\r]*?\(/s", "\\1\$this->" . $class . "->" . $func . "(", $fileData);
     $success = eval("?>" . $fileData . "<?php ");
     if ($success === false) {
         $this->loadClassError($filename, "Error in function file");
         /* Attempt to fallback on a previous revision that worked! */
         if (isset($this->fileModified[$filename])) {
             $this->loadClassError($filename, "Using a cached version of the class definition");
             $this->loadDefError = true;
             return $this->fileModified[$filename]['classdef'];
         return false;
     $this->fileModified[$filename]['modified'] = $modified;
     $this->fileModified[$filename]['classdef'] = $newClassDef;
     return $newClassDef;
Beispiel #5
 private function doHandShake()
     $this->dccSendRaw("100 " . $this->ircClass->getNick() . "\n");
     $this->handShakeSent = true;
     $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "handShakeTimeout", "", 8);