Beispiel #1
$torrents['tvcats'] = array(5);
// change these to match your TV categories
if (in_array($torrents['category'], $torrents['tvcats'])) {
    $tvmaze_info = tvmaze($torrents);
    if ($tvmaze_info) {
        $HTMLOUT .= tr($lang['details_tvrage'], $tvmaze_info, 1);
//==auto imdb rewritten putyn 28/06/2011
$imdb_html = "";
if (preg_match('/^http\\:\\/\\/(.*?)imdb\\.com\\/title\\/tt([\\d]{7})/i', $torrents['url'], $imdb_tmp)) {
    $imdb_id = $imdb_tmp[2];
    if (!($imdb_html = $mc1->get_value('imdb::' . $imdb_id))) {
        $movie = new imdb($imdb_id);
        $imdb_data['director'] = $movie->director();
        $imdb_data['writing'] = $movie->writing();
        $imdb_data['producer'] = $movie->producer();
        $imdb_data['composer'] = $movie->composer();
        $imdb_data['cast'] = $movie->cast();
        $imdb_data['cast'] = array_slice($imdb_data['cast'], 0, 10);
        $imdb_data['genres'] = $movie->genres();
        $imdb_data['plot'] = $movie->plot();
        $imdb_data['plotoutline'] = $movie->plotoutline();
        $imdb_data['trailers'] = $movie->trailers();
        $imdb_data['language'] = $movie->language();
        $imdb_data['rating'] = $movie->rating();
        $imdb_data['title'] = $movie->title();
        $imdb_data['year'] = $movie->year();
        $imdb_data['runtime'] = $movie->runtime();
Beispiel #2
    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($d))) {
        if (strstr($entry, "Title")) {
            $imdbid = substr($entry, 0, 7);
            if (preg_match('|.pilot$|', $entry)) {
                $movies[$imdbid]['pilot'] = 1;
            } else {
                $movies[$imdbid]['imdb'] = 1;
if (!empty($movies)) {
    echo "<TABLE ALIGN='center' BORDER='1' STYLE='border-collapse:collapse;margin-top:20px;'>\n" . " <TR><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>Movie</TH><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>IMDB</TH><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>MoviePilot</TR>\n";
    foreach ($movies as $movie) {
        if ($movie['imdb']) {
            $title = $imdb->title();
        } else {
            $title = $pilot->title();
        echo " <TR><TD>{$title}</TD><TD>";
        // IMDB
        if ($movie['imdb']) {
            echo "<a href='movie.php?engine=imdb&mid={$imdbid}'>Cache</a> | ";
        } else {
            echo "Cache | ";
        echo "<a href='{$imdbid}'>Remote</TD><TD>";
        // MoviePilot
        if ($movie['pilot']) {
Beispiel #3
if (!isset($id) || !$id || !is_numeric($id) || !isset($type) || !$type || !is_numeric($type) || !isset($siteid) || !$siteid || !is_numeric($siteid)) {
$r = sql_query("SELECT * from torrents WHERE id = " . sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($r) != 1) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
switch ($siteid) {
    case 1:
        $imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($row["url"]);
        if ($imdb_id) {
            $thenumbers = $imdb_id;
            $movie = new imdb($thenumbers);
            $movieid = $thenumbers;
            $target = array('Title', 'Credits', 'Plot');
            $type == 2 ? $movie->purge_single(true) : "";
            set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp");
            $movie->preparecache($target, true);
            $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name');
            $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_large', true);
            $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_median', true);
            $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_minor', true);
            header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "{$BASEURL}/details.php?id=" . htmlspecialchars($id));
    case 2:
        $imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($row["url"]);
        if ($imdb_id) {
            $dbdata = new douban();
echo " <STYLE TYPE='text/css'>body,td,th { font-size:12px; }</STYLE>\n";
echo "</HEAD><BODY>\n";
$imdb = new imdb("0");
$movies = array();
if (is_dir($imdb->cachedir)) {
    $files = glob($imdb->cachedir . '*.Title');
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (preg_match('!^(\\d{7})\\.Title$!i', basename($file), $match)) {
            $movies[] = array('imdbid' => $match[1], 'imdb' => 1);
if (!empty($movies)) {
    echo "<TABLE ALIGN='center' BORDER='1' STYLE='border-collapse:collapse;margin-top:20px;'>\n" . " <TR><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>Movie</TH><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>IMDB</TH><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>MoviePilot</TR>\n";
    foreach ($movies as $movie) {
        $title = $imdb->title();
        echo " <TR><TD>{$title}</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>";
        // IMDB
        if ($movie['imdb']) {
            echo "<a href='movie.php?engine=imdb&mid=" . $movie['imdbid'] . "'>Cache</a> | ";
        } else {
            echo "Cache | ";
        echo "<a href='" . $movie['imdbid'] . "'>Remote</TD><TD ALIGN='center'>";
        // MoviePilot
        echo "<a href='" . (int) $movie['imdbid'] . "'>Remote</a></TD></TR>\n";
    echo "</TABLE>\n";
echo "</BODY></HTML>";
Beispiel #5
function get_imdb($imdburl)
    global $INSTALLER09, $mc1;
    $imdb_info['id'] = $imdb_info['title'] = $imdb_info['orig_title'] = $imdb_info['year'] = $imdb_info['rating'] = $imdb_info['votes'] = $imdb_info['gen'] = $imdb_info['runtime'] = $imdb_info['country'] = $imdb_info['lanuage'] = $imdb_info['director'] = $imdb_info['produce'] = $imdb_info['write'] = $imdb_info['compose'] = $imdb_info['plotoutline'] = $imdb_info['plot'] = $imdb_info['trailers'] = $imdb_info['comment'] = "";
    require_once IMDB_DIR . 'imdb.class.php';
    $rurl = trim($imdburl);
    $thenumbers = ltrim(strrchr($rurl, 'tt'), 'tt');
    $thenumbers = $thenumbers[strlen($thenumbers) - 1] == "/" ? substr($thenumbers, 0, strlen($thenumbers) - 1) : $thenumbers;
    $thenumbers = preg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $thenumbers);
    if (($imdb_info = $mc1->get_value('imdb_info_' . $thenumbers)) === false) {
        $movie = new imdb($thenumbers);
        $movieid = $thenumbers;
        $cast = $movie->cast();
        $imdb_info['id'] = $movieid;
        $imdb_info['title'] = $movie->title();
        $imdb_info['orig_title'] = $movie->orig_title();
        $imdb_info['year'] = $movie->year();
        $mvotes = $movie->votes();
        $mvrating = $movie->rating();
        if (!empty($mvrating)) {
            $imdb_info['rating'] = "{$mvrating}";
            $imdb_info['votes'] = "{$mvotes}";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['rating'] = "N/A";
        $gen = $movie->genres();
        if (!empty($gen)) {
            //Changed count($gen) for 4 to limit to only two genres to help keep it tidy on site
            for ($i = 0; $i + 1 < count($gen); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['gen'] .= "{$gen[$i]}, ";
            $imdb_info['gen'] .= "{$gen[$i]}";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['gen'] = "None Found";
        $runtime = $movie->runtime();
        if (!empty($runtime)) {
            $imdb_info['runtime'] = "{$runtime}";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['runtime'] = "N/A";
        $country = $movie->country();
        if (!empty($country)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i + 1 < count($country); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['country'] .= "{$country[$i]}, ";
            $imdb_info['country'] .= "{$country[$i]}";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['country'] = "None Available";
        $mvlang = $movie->language();
        if (!empty($mvlang)) {
            $imdb_info['lanuage'] = "{$mvlang}";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['lanuage'] = "None Available";
        $director = $movie->director();
        if (!empty($director)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($director); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['director'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $director[$i]["imdb"] . "" . "\">" . "" . $director[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a>, ";
            $imdb_info['director'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $director[$i]["imdb"] . "" . "\">" . "" . $director[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a> ";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['director'] = "None Available";
        $produce = $movie->producer();
        if (!empty($produce)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($produce); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['produce'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $produce[$i]["imdb"] . "" . " \">" . "" . $produce[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a>,";
            $imdb_info['produce'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $produce[$i]["imdb"] . "" . " \">" . "" . $produce[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a>";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['produce'] = "None Available";
        $write = $movie->writing();
        if (!empty($write)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($write); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['write'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $write[$i]["imdb"] . "" . "\">" . "" . $write[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a>, ";
            $imdb_info['write'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $write[$i]["imdb"] . "" . "\">" . "" . $write[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a> ";
        $compose = $movie->composer();
        if (!empty($compose)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($compose); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['compose'] .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "" . $compose[$i]["imdb"] . "" . " \">" . "" . $compose[$i]["name"] . "" . "</a>, ";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['compose'] .= "N/A";
        $plotoutline = $movie->plotoutline();
        if (!empty($plotoutline)) {
            $imdb_info['plotoutline'] = "" . str_replace(array('<p>', '</p>', '<a href="plotsummary">See full summary</a>'), array("", ""), "{$plotoutline}") . "";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['plotoutline'] .= "No Summary Available";
        $plot = $movie->plot();
        if (!empty($plot)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($plot); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['plot'] .= str_replace(array("&", "<p>", "</p>"), array("&amp;", "", ""), "{$plot[$i]}<br /><br />");
        } else {
            $imdb_info['plot'] .= "No Plot Available";
        $trailers = $movie->trailers();
        if (!empty($trailers)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($trailers); $i++) {
                $imdb_info['trailers'] .= "<a href='" . $trailers[$i] . "' title='Trailer' target='_blank'>IMDB Trailer</a><br />";
            $imdb_info['trailers'] .= "<a href='" . $trailers[$i] . "' title='Trailer' target='_blank'>IMDB Trailer</a>";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['trailers'] = "None Available";
        $comment = $movie->comment();
        if (!empty($comment)) {
            $imdb_info['comment'] = "" . str_replace(array("<p>", "</p>", "<br>", "<a></a>"), array("<br />", "<br />", "<br />", ""), "{$comment}") . "";
        } else {
            $imdb_info['comment'] = "No comments available";
        if (($photo_url = $movie->photo_localurl()) != false) {
            $imdb_info['poster'] = $photo_url;
        $mc1->cache_value('imdb_info_' . $thenumbers, $imdb_info, 0);
    return $imdb_info;
Beispiel #6
function getimdb($imdb_id, $cache_stamp, $mode = 'minor')
    global $lang_functions;
    global $showextinfo;
    $thenumbers = $imdb_id;
    $movie = new imdb($thenumbers);
    $movieid = $thenumbers;
    $target = array('Title', 'Credits', 'Plot');
    switch ($movie->cachestate($target)) {
        case "0":
            return false;
        case "1":
            $title = $movie->title();
            $year = $movie->year();
            $country = $movie->country();
            $countries = "";
            $temp = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($country); $i++) {
                $temp .= "{$country[$i]}, ";
            $countries = rtrim(trim($temp), ",");
            $director = $movie->director();
            $director_or_creator = "";
            if ($director) {
                $temp = "";
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($director); $i++) {
                    $temp .= $director[$i]["name"] . ", ";
                $director_or_creator = "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_director'] . ": </font></strong>" . rtrim(trim($temp), ",");
            } else {
                //for tv series
                $creator = $movie->creator();
                $director_or_creator = "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_creator'] . ": </font></strong>" . $creator;
            $cast = $movie->cast();
            $temp = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($cast); $i++) {
                if ($i > 2) {
                $temp .= $cast[$i]["name"] . ", ";
            $casts = rtrim(trim($temp), ",");
            $gen = $movie->genres();
            $genres = $gen[0] . (count($gen) > 1 ? ", " . $gen[1] : "");
            //get first two genres;
            $rating = $movie->rating();
            $votes = $movie->votes();
            if ($votes) {
                $imdbrating = "<b>" . $rating . "</b>/10 (" . $votes . $lang_functions['text_votes'] . ")";
            } else {
                $imdbrating = $lang_functions['text_awaiting_five_votes'];
            $tagline = $movie->tagline();
            switch ($mode) {
                case 'minor':
                    $autodata = "<font class=\"big\"><b>" . $title . "</b></font> (" . $year . ") <br /><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_imdb'] . ": </font></strong>" . $imdbrating . " <strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_country'] . ": </font></strong>" . $countries . " <strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_genres'] . ": </font></strong>" . $genres . "<br />" . $director_or_creator . "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\"> " . $lang_functions['text_starring'] . ": </font></strong>" . $casts . "<br /><p><strong>" . $tagline . "</strong></p>";
                case 'median':
                    if (($photo_url = $movie->photo_localurl()) != FALSE) {
                        $smallth = "<img src=\"" . $photo_url . "\" width=\"105\" alt=\"poster\" />";
                    } else {
                        $smallth = "";
                    $runtime = $movie->runtime();
                    $language = $movie->language();
                    $plot = $movie->plot();
                    $plots = "";
                    if (count($plot) != 0) {
                        //get plots from plot page
                        $plots .= "<font color=\"DarkRed\">*</font> " . strip_tags($plot[0], '<br /><i>');
                        $plots = mb_substr($plots, 0, 300, "UTF-8") . (mb_strlen($plots, "UTF-8") > 300 ? " ..." : "");
                        $plots .= strpos($plots, "<i>") == true && strpos($plots, "</i>") == false ? "</i>" : "";
                        //sometimes <i> is open and not ended because of mb_substr;
                        $plots = "<font class=\"small\">" . $plots . "</font>";
                    } elseif ($plotoutline = $movie->plotoutline()) {
                        //get plot from title page
                        $plots .= "<font color=\"DarkRed\">*</font> " . strip_tags($plotoutline, '<br /><i>');
                        $plots = mb_substr($plots, 0, 300, "UTF-8") . (mb_strlen($plots, "UTF-8") > 300 ? " ..." : "");
                        $plots .= strpos($plots, "<i>") == true && strpos($plots, "</i>") == false ? "</i>" : "";
                        //sometimes <i> is open and not ended because of mb_substr;
                        $plots = "<font class=\"small\">" . $plots . "</font>";
                    $autodata = "<table style=\"background-color: transparent;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n" . ($smallth ? "<td class=\"clear\" valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">\n{$smallth}\n</td>" : "") . "<td class=\"clear\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">\n<table style=\"background-color: transparent;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"350\">\n<tr><td class=\"clear\" colspan=\"2\"><img class=\"imdb\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"imdb\" /> <font class=\"big\"><b>" . $title . "</b></font> (" . $year . ") </td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"clear\"><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_imdb'] . ": </font></strong>" . $imdbrating . "</td>\n" . ($runtime ? "<td class=\"clear\"><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_runtime'] . ": </font></strong>" . $runtime . $lang_functions['text_min'] . "</td>" : "<td class=\"clear\"></td>") . "</tr>\n<tr><td class=\"clear\"><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_country'] . ": </font></strong>" . $countries . "</td>\n" . ($language ? "<td class=\"clear\"><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_language'] . ": </font></strong>" . $language . "</td>" : "<td class=\"clear\"></td>") . "</tr>\n<tr><td class=\"clear\">" . $director_or_creator . "</td>\n<td class=\"clear\"><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_genres'] . ": </font></strong>" . $genres . "</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"clear\" colspan=\"2\"><strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_functions['text_starring'] . ": </font></strong>" . $casts . "</td></tr>\n" . ($plots ? "<tr><td class=\"clear\" colspan=\"2\">" . $plots . "</td></tr>" : "") . "\n</table>\n</td>\n</table>";
            return $autodata;
        case "2":
            return false;
        case "3":
            return false;
Beispiel #7
 public static function Step4($modernLanguagesFlipped)
     if (isset($_POST['imdbid']) && is_numeric($_POST['imdbid'])) {
         $movie = new imdb($_POST['imdbid']);
         $db = new MDB();
         $cast = $movie->cast();
         $i = 0;
         // Insert all castmemebers
         while (list($key, $value) = each($cast)) {
             $db->insertCast($_POST['imdbid'], $value['imdb'], AddMovie::utf8ify($value['name']), ++$i);
             if ($i > MAXNAMES) {
         $directors = $movie->director();
         $writers = $movie->writing();
         $producers = $movie->producer();
         $crew = array_merge($directors, $writers, $producers);
         $i = 0;
         // Insert all crewmemebers
         while (list($key, $value) = each($crew)) {
             $db->insertCrew($_POST['imdbid'], $value['imdb'], AddMovie::utf8ify($value['name']), ++$i);
             if ($i > MAXNAMES) {
         $genres = implode(',', $movie->genres());
         $year = $movie->year();
         $runtime = $movie->runtime();
         if ($runtime == null) {
             $runtime = 1;
             if (isset($_POST['runtime']) && is_numeric($_POST['runtime'])) {
                 $runtime = $_POST['runtime'];
         $title = AddMovie::utf8ify($movie->title());
         $aka = $movie->alsoknow();
         $englishTitle = '';
         $rating = 1;
         if (is_numeric($_POST['rating'])) {
             $rating = $_POST['rating'];
         if ($_POST['english-title'] != 'none') {
             $englishTitle = AddMovie::utf8ify($aka[$_POST['english-title']]['title']);
             //$englishTitle = trim($englishTitle, 1, strrpos($englishTitle, '"') - 1);
         $language = 'en';
         if (strlen($_POST['language']) == 2) {
             $language = $_POST['language'];
         $success = $db->insertMovie($_POST['imdbid'], $title, $englishTitle, $language, $genres, $year, $runtime, $rating);
         if ($success) {
             header('Location: ./?message=add-success');
         } else {
             header('Location: ./?message=add-error');
     } else {
Beispiel #8
// IMDBPHP                              (c) Giorgos Giagas & Itzchak Rehberg #
// written by Giorgos Giagas                                                 #
// extended & maintained by Itzchak Rehberg <izzysoft AT qumran DOT org>     #
//                                                   #
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
// This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it      #
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see doc/LICENSE)       #
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
// Show what we have in the Cache                                            #
// $Id: cache.php 253 2009-10-11 21:54:15Z izzy $
require_once "imdb.class.php";
$conf = new imdb_config();
echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>\n";
echo "<HTML><HEAD>\n <TITLE>IMDBPHP Cache Contents</TITLE>\n";
echo " <STYLE TYPE='text/css'>body,td,th { font-size:12px; }</STYLE>\n";
echo "</HEAD><BODY>\n";
$movie = new imdb("0");
if ($d = opendir($conf->cachedir)) {
    echo "<TABLE ALIGN='center' BORDER='1' STYLE='border-collapse:collapse;margin-top:20px;'>\n" . " <TR><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>Movie Details</TH><TH STYLE='background-color:#ffb000'>IMDB page</TH></TR>\n";
    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($d))) {
        if (strstr($entry, "Title")) {
            $imdbid = substr($entry, 0, 7);
            echo " <TR><TD><a href='imdb.php?mid={$imdbid}'>" . $movie->title() . "</a></TD>" . "<TD><a href=\"{$imdbid}\">imdb page</a></TD></TR>\n";
    echo "</TABLE>\n";
echo "</BODY></HTML>";
     $sql = "INSERT INTO person_picture(person_id,picture_id,role_id) VALUES(" . $id_persona . "," . $id_pelicula . "," . $id_rol . ")";
 } else {
     if ($accion == "nueva_nominacion") {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO nominations(year,category_id,picture_id,nominee_id) VALUES(" . $year . "," . $nuevo_nom_categoria . ",'" . $nuevo_nom_pelicula . "','" . $nuevo_nom_profesional . "')";
     } else {
         if ($accion == "buscar_pelicula") {
             $search = new imdbsearch();
             $results = $search->results();
             foreach ($results as $res) {
                 $pelicula_nombre_orig = "" . $res->title();
                 $pelicula_nombre_esp = "";
                 $pelicula_id = "" . $res->imdbid();
                 $movie = new imdb($res->imdbid());
                 $aka = $movie->alsoknow();
                 if (!empty($aka)) {
                     foreach ($aka as $ak) {
                         if ($ak["country"] == "Spain") {
                             $pelicula_nombre_esp = $ak["title"];
                 //$peliculas_buscadas.="<div>".$pelicula_nombre_orig." (".$res->year().") <a href=\"http://".$search->imdbsite."/title/tt".$pelicula_id."\">imdb page</a><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"accion\" value=\"nueva_pelicula\"/>Titulo en español: <input type=\"text\" name=\"nuevo_titulo_esp\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_titulo_ing\" value=\"".$pelicula_nombre_orig."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_id_imdb\" value=\"".$pelicula_id."\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"nueva película\"></div>";
                 if ($pelicula_nombre_esp != "") {
                     $peliculas_buscadas .= "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . $this_page . "\">" . $pelicula_nombre_orig . "[" . $pelicula_nombre_esp . "] (" . $res->year() . ") <a href=\"http://" . $search->imdbsite . "/title/tt" . $pelicula_id . "\">imdb page</a><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"accion\" value=\"nueva_pelicula\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_titulo_esp\" value=\"" . $pelicula_nombre_esp . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_titulo_ing\" value=\"" . $pelicula_nombre_orig . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_id_imdb\" value=\"" . $pelicula_id . "\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"nueva película\"></form>";
                 } else {
                     $peliculas_buscadas .= "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . $this_page . "\">" . $pelicula_nombre_orig . " (" . $res->year() . ") <a href=\"http://" . $search->imdbsite . "/title/tt" . $pelicula_id . "\">imdb page</a><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"accion\" value=\"nueva_pelicula\"/> Titulo en español: <input type=\"text\" name=\"nuevo_titulo_esp\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_titulo_ing\" value=\"" . $pelicula_nombre_orig . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nuevo_id_imdb\" value=\"" . $pelicula_id . "\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"nueva película\"></form>";
     $detalle_buscada = $detalle_buscada . "<tr><td>";
     $detalle_buscada = $detalle_buscada . "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='hidden' name='id_imdb' value='" . $id_imdb . "'><input type='hidden' name='accion' value='insertar_nominaciones'><input type='submit' value='enviar'></td></tr>";
     $detalle_buscada = $detalle_buscada . "</table></form>";
 } elseif ($accion == "insertar_nominaciones") {
     $sqls = array();
     if (!exists_picture($bd, $id_imdb)) {
         //Hay que insertar también la película
         $nuevo_titulo_ing = str_replace("'", "''", $nuevo_titulo_ing);
         $nuevo_titulo_ing = strlen($nuevo_titulo_ing) > 60 ? substr($nuevo_titulo_ing, 0, 57) . '...' : $nuevo_titulo_ing;
         $nuevo_titulo_esp = str_replace("'", "''", $nuevo_titulo_esp);
         $nuevo_titulo_esp = strlen($nuevo_titulo_esp) > 60 ? substr($nuevo_titulo_esp, 0, 57) . '...' : $nuevo_titulo_esp;
         $sqls[] = "INSERT INTO pictures(aka,name,year,id) VALUES('" . $nuevo_titulo_esp . "','" . $nuevo_titulo_ing . "'," . $year . ",'" . $id_imdb . "')";
     if (isset($guardar_imagen) && $guardar_imagen === true) {
         $movie = new imdb($id_imdb);
         $movie->savephoto("../img/pictures/" . $year . "/" . $id_imdb . ".jpg", false, 1);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($categorias); $i++) {
         $clave = $categorias[$i] . "es";
         if (isset($_POST[$clave])) {
             //echo $clave.": ";
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($_POST[$clave]); $j++) {
                 $id_nominado = $_POST[$clave][$j];
                 $id_categoria = $categorias_id[$i];
                 if ($i == 1) {
                     //Es el caso del guión, hay que ver de que tipo es
                     $id_categoria = $_POST[$parametro_tipo_guion];
function show_country_txt_grafico($year, $category_id, $picture_id, $nominee_id, $db)
    $consulta = $db->prepare("SELECT nominee_id,picture_id,aka,winner FROM nominations,pictures WHERE AND'" . $picture_id . "' AND nominations.year=" . $year . " AND category_id=" . $category_id);
    global $imagen_ganador;
    global $imagen_ganador;
    require "./" . $base_imdb . "/imdb.class.php";
    while ($fila = $consulta->fetch()) {
        $movie = new imdb($picture_id);
        $country = $movie->country();
        $paises = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($country); $i++) {
            if ($i > 0) {
                $paises .= ", ";
            $paises .= $country[$i];
        $paises_img = str_replace(", ", "_", $paises);
        $winner = $fila[3];
        $img = "";
        if ($winner == 1) {
            $img = "<img src='{$imagen_ganador}'/>";
        echo "<td>" . $fila[2] . " (" . $paises;
        echo "){$img}</td>";