Beispiel #1
                         $MSMAIL->addTag('{NAME}', $GLOBAL->name);
                         $MSMAIL->sendMSMail(array('from_email' => $SETTINGS->email, 'from_name' => $SETTINGS->website, 'to_email' => $GLOBAL->email, 'to_name' => $GLOBAL->name, 'subject' => str_replace(array('{website}', '{ticket}'), array($SETTINGS->website, mswTicketNumber($ID)), $emailSubjects['spam-notify']), 'replyto' => array('name' => $SETTINGS->website, 'email' => $SETTINGS->replyto ? $SETTINGS->replyto : $SETTINGS->email), 'template' => PATH . 'content/language/' . $SETTINGS->language . '/mail-templates/spam-notification.txt', 'language' => $SETTINGS->language, 'add-emails' => $GLOBAL->email2));
                         $MSIMAP->log('Email sent to ' . $GLOBAL->name . ' <' . $GLOBAL->email . '>');
                     } else {
                         $MSIMAP->log('Not sent, notifications are disabled. Enable in settings');
     } else {
         $MSIMAP->log('Blank message, ignore');
     // If spam filter is enabled, and message is spam, are we just deleting?
     if ($spamBypass == 'yes' && $IMDT->im_spam == 'yes' && defined('B8_LOADED')) {
         $pipes[6] = ++$pipes[6];
         $MSIMAP->flagMessage($mailbox, $i);
     } else {
         // Are we moving message..
         if ($IMDT->im_protocol == 'imap') {
             if ($IMDT->im_move) {
                 $MSIMAP->log('Move option enabled, moving ticket to ' . $IMDT->im_move);
                 $MSIMAP->moveMail($mailbox, $i);
             } else {
                 $MSIMAP->log('Message flagged for deletion after loop has finished');
                 $MSIMAP->flagMessage($mailbox, $i);
 } else {
     if (!empty($filters['matches'])) {
         $MSIMAP->log('Message will be deleted because skip filter matches were found. Admin > Imap Spam Filter > Skip Filters. Details to follow.');