function cdm_thumbPdf($pdf) { if (class_exists('imagick')) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $tmp_folder = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/imageMagick_tmp/'; if (!is_dir($tmp_folder)) { mkdir($tmp_folder, 0777); } $tmp = $tmp_folder; $format = "png"; $source = $pdf; $dest = "" . $pdf . "_big.{$format}"; $dest2 = "" . $pdf . "_small.{$format}"; // read page 1 $im = new imagick('' . $source . '[0]'); // convert to jpg $im->setImageColorspace(255); $im->setImageFormat($format); //resize $im->resizeImage(650, 650, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1); //write image on server $im->writeImage($dest); //resize $im->resizeImage(250, 250, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1); //write image on server $im->writeImage($dest2); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); } else { echo 'php-image-magick not installed. Please disable the pdf thumbnail options or install the php extention correctly.'; exit; } }
/** * Rotate image * * @param string $path image file * @param int $degree rotete degrees * @param string $bgcolor square background color in #rrggbb format * @param string $destformat image destination format * @return string|false * @author nao-pon * @author Troex Nevelin **/ protected function imgRotate($path, $degree, $bgcolor = '#ffffff', $destformat = null) { if (($s = @getimagesize($path)) == false) { return false; } $result = false; switch ($this->imgLib) { case 'imagick': try { $img = new imagick($path); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } $img->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel($bgcolor), $degree); $result = $img->writeImage($path); $img->destroy(); return $result ? $path : false; break; case 'gd': $img = self::gdImageCreate($path, $s['mime']); $degree = 360 - $degree; list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf($bgcolor, "#%02x%02x%02x"); $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); $tmp = imageRotate($img, $degree, (int) $bgcolor); $result = self::gdImage($tmp, $path, $destformat, $s['mime']); imageDestroy($img); imageDestroy($tmp); return $result ? $path : false; break; } return false; }
private function resize_imagick($src, $width, $height, $quality, $preserveExif) { try { $img = new imagick($src); if (strtoupper($img->getImageFormat()) === 'JPEG') { $img->setImageCompression(imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG); $img->setImageCompressionQuality($quality); if (!$preserveExif) { try { $orientation = $img->getImageOrientation(); } catch (ImagickException $e) { $orientation = 0; } $img->stripImage(); if ($orientation) { $img->setImageOrientation($orientation); } } } $img->resizeImage($width, $height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, true); $result = $img->writeImage($src); $img->clear(); $img->destroy(); return $result ? true : false; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } }
} @unlink($tmpfile); } } // Print the output foreach ($image_list as $img) { if ($img['thumb'] != '') { $url = $img['url']; $title = $img['title']; $thumb = $img['thumb']; $subreddit = $img['subreddit']; $permalink = "" . $img['permalink']; $img = new imagick($thumb); $height = $img->getImageHeight(); $img->clear(); $img->destroy(); $thumb = '/' . $thumb; $subreddit_text = ''; if ($bSubreddit) { $subreddit_text = '<a class="cat" href="' . $subreddit . '" style="color: #3BB9FF">' . $subreddit . '</a><br/>'; } echo '<li id="mosaic1170" class="item_image" style="height: ' . ($height + 4) . 'px;"> <div class="img"> <a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="' . $title . '" width="300" height="' . $height . '"/></a> </div> <div class="info"> ' . $subreddit_text . ' <a href="' . $permalink . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a> </div> </li>'; }
public function _resizeImagick(Model $model, $field, $path, $size, $geometry, $thumbnailPath) { $srcFile = $path . $model->data[$model->alias][$field]; $pathInfo = $this->_pathinfo($srcFile); $thumbnailType = $imageFormat = $this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['thumbnailType']; $isMedia = $this->_isMedia($model, $this->runtime[$model->alias][$field]['type']); $image = new imagick(); if ($isMedia) { $image->setResolution(300, 300); $srcFile = $srcFile . '[0]'; } $image->readImage($srcFile); $height = $image->getImageHeight(); $width = $image->getImageWidth(); if (preg_match('/^\\[[\\d]+x[\\d]+\\]$/', $geometry)) { // resize with banding list($destW, $destH) = explode('x', substr($geometry, 1, strlen($geometry) - 2)); $image->thumbnailImage($destW, $destH, true); $imageGeometry = $image->getImageGeometry(); $x = ($imageGeometry['width'] - $destW) / 2; $y = ($imageGeometry['height'] - $destH) / 2; $image->setGravity(Imagick::GRAVITY_CENTER); $image->extentImage($destW, $destH, $x, $y); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+x[\\d]+$/', $geometry)) { // cropped resize (best fit) list($destW, $destH) = explode('x', $geometry); $image->cropThumbnailImage($destW, $destH); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+w$/', $geometry)) { // calculate heigh according to aspect ratio $image->thumbnailImage((int) $geometry - 1, 0); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+h$/', $geometry)) { // calculate width according to aspect ratio $image->thumbnailImage(0, (int) $geometry - 1); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+l$/', $geometry)) { // calculate shortest side according to aspect ratio $destW = 0; $destH = 0; $destW = $width > $height ? (int) $geometry - 1 : 0; $destH = $width > $height ? 0 : (int) $geometry - 1; $imagickVersion = phpversion('imagick'); $image->thumbnailImage($destW, $destH, !($imagickVersion[0] == 3)); } if ($isMedia) { $thumbnailType = $imageFormat = $this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['mediaThumbnailType']; } if (!$thumbnailType || !is_string($thumbnailType)) { try { $thumbnailType = $imageFormat = $image->getImageFormat(); // Fix file casing while (true) { $ext = false; $pieces = explode('.', $srcFile); if (count($pieces) > 1) { $ext = end($pieces); } if (!$ext || !strlen($ext)) { break; } $low = array('ext' => strtolower($ext), 'thumbnailType' => strtolower($thumbnailType)); if ($low['ext'] == 'jpg' && $low['thumbnailType'] == 'jpeg') { $thumbnailType = $ext; break; } if ($low['ext'] == $low['thumbnailType']) { $thumbnailType = $ext; } break; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log($e->getMessage(), 'upload'); $thumbnailType = $imageFormat = 'png'; } } $fileName = str_replace(array('{size}', '{filename}', '{primaryKey}'), array($size, $pathInfo['filename'], $model->id), $this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['thumbnailName']); $destFile = "{$thumbnailPath}{$fileName}.{$thumbnailType}"; $image->setImageCompressionQuality($this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['thumbnailQuality']); $image->setImageFormat($imageFormat); if (!$image->writeImage($destFile)) { return false; } $image->clear(); $image->destroy(); return true; }
function _resizeImagick(&$model, $field, $path, $size, $geometry, $thumbnailPath) { $srcFile = $path . $model->data[$model->alias][$field]; $pathInfo = $this->_pathinfo($srcFile); $thumbnailType = $this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['thumbnailType']; $isMedia = $this->_isMedia($model, $this->runtime[$model->alias][$field]['type']); $image = new imagick(); if ($isMedia) { $image->setResolution(300, 300); $srcFile = $srcFile . '[0]'; } $image->readImage($srcFile); $height = $image->getImageHeight(); $width = $image->getImageWidth(); if (preg_match('/^\\[[\\d]+x[\\d]+\\]$/', $geometry)) { // resize with banding list($destW, $destH) = explode('x', substr($geometry, 1, strlen($geometry) - 2)); $image->thumbnailImage($destW, $destH); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+x[\\d]+$/', $geometry)) { // cropped resize (best fit) list($destW, $destH) = explode('x', $geometry); $image->cropThumbnailImage($destW, $destH); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+w$/', $geometry)) { // calculate heigh according to aspect ratio $image->thumbnailImage((int) $geometry - 1, 0); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+h$/', $geometry)) { // calculate width according to aspect ratio $image->thumbnailImage(0, (int) $geometry - 1); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+l$/', $geometry)) { // calculate shortest side according to aspect ratio $destW = 0; $destH = 0; $destW = $width > $height ? (int) $geometry - 1 : 0; $destH = $width > $height ? 0 : (int) $geometry - 1; $imagickVersion = phpversion('imagick'); $image->thumbnailImage($destW, $destH, !($imagickVersion[0] == 3)); } if ($isMedia) { $thumbnailType = $this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['mediaThumbnailType']; } if (!$thumbnailType || !is_string($thumbnailType)) { try { $thumbnailType = $image->getImageFormat(); } catch (Exception $e) { $thumbnailType = 'png'; } } $fileName = str_replace(array('{size}', '{filename}'), array($size, $pathInfo['filename']), $this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['thumbnailName']); $destFile = "{$thumbnailPath}{$fileName}.{$thumbnailType}"; $image->setImageCompressionQuality($this->settings[$model->alias][$field]['thumbnailQuality']); $image->setImageFormat($thumbnailType); if (!$image->writeImage($destFile)) { return false; } $image->clear(); $image->destroy(); return true; }
/** * Rotate image * * @param string $path image file * @param int $degree rotete degrees * @param string $bgcolor square background color in #rrggbb format * @param string $destformat image destination format * @return string|false * @author nao-pon * @author Troex Nevelin **/ protected function imgRotate($path, $degree, $bgcolor = '#ffffff', $destformat = null) { if (($s = @getimagesize($path)) == false || $degree % 360 === 0) { return false; } $result = false; // try lossless rotate if ($degree % 90 === 0 && in_array($s[2], array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_JPEG2000))) { $count = $degree / 90 % 4; $exiftran = array(1 => '-9', 2 => '-1', 3 => '-2'); $jpegtran = array(1 => '90', 2 => '180', 3 => '270'); $quotedPath = escapeshellarg($path); $cmds = array('exiftran -i ' . $exiftran[$count] . ' ' . $path, 'jpegtran -rotate ' . $jpegtran[$count] . ' -copy all -outfile ' . $quotedPath . ' ' . $quotedPath); foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { if ($this->procExec($cmd) === 0) { $result = true; break; } } if ($result) { return $path; } } switch ($this->imgLib) { case 'imagick': try { $img = new imagick($path); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } $img->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel($bgcolor), $degree); $result = $img->writeImage($path); $img->destroy(); return $result ? $path : false; break; case 'gd': $img = self::gdImageCreate($path, $s['mime']); $degree = 360 - $degree; list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf($bgcolor, "#%02x%02x%02x"); $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b); $tmp = imageRotate($img, $degree, (int) $bgcolor); $result = self::gdImage($tmp, $path, $destformat, $s['mime']); imageDestroy($img); imageDestroy($tmp); return $result ? $path : false; break; } return false; }
public function processPdf($fileNames) { $mpdf = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf(); $mpdf->SetImportUse(); $pagecount = $mpdf->SetSourceFile('../' . $fileNames['pdf']); if ($pagecount > 3) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { if ($i != 1) { $mpdf->AddPage(); } $import_page = $mpdf->ImportPage($i); // add last 3 page $mpdf->UseTemplate($import_page); } } else { $tplId = $mpdf->ImportPage($pagecount); $mpdf->UseTemplate($tplId); } $mpdf->Output('../' . Extensions::FILE_PDF_PREVIEW_PATH . $fileNames['pdfPreview'], 'F'); $im = new imagick(); $im->readimage('/home/notesgen/public_html/' . Extensions::FILE_PDF_PREVIEW_PATH . $fileNames['pdfPreview']); $im->setImageCompressionQuality(0); $im->setImageFormat('jpeg'); $im->writeImage('../' . Extensions::FILE_IMAGE_PATH . $fileNames['image']); $im->setImageCompressionQuality(80); $im->writeImage('../' . Extensions::FILE_IMAGE_PATH_APP . $fileNames['image']); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); }
private function resizeCropImg($pFolder, $pImg, $pW, $pH) { $im = new imagick(); $im->readImage($pFolder . $pImg); $image = new stdClass(); $image->dimensions = $im->getImageGeometry(); $image->w = $image->dimensions['width']; $image->h = $image->dimensions['height']; $image->ratio = $image->w / $image->h; if ($image->w / $pW < $image->h / $pH) { $h = ceil($pH * $image->w / $pW); $y = ($image->h - $pH * $image->w / $pW) / 2; $im->cropImage($image->w, $h, 0, $y); } else { $w = ceil($pW * $image->h / $pH); $x = ($image->w - $pW * $image->h / $pH) / 2; $im->cropImage($w, $image->h, $x, 0); } $im->ThumbnailImage($pW, $pH, true); if ($img->type === "PNG") { $im->setImageCompressionQuality(55); $im->setImageFormat('png'); } elseif ($img->type === "JPG" || $img->type === "JPEG") { $im->setCompressionQuality(100); $im->setImageFormat("jpg"); } $im->writeImage($this->ad->url->folder . '/assets/' . $pImg); $im->destroy(); }
/** * Generate pdf, preview pdf from images uploaded by user. * * @param array $images * * @return array * * @author Kuldeep Dangi <*****@*****.**> */ public function getPdfFromImages($images) { $fileUploadAbsolutePath = Yii::app()->params['FILE_SERVER_IMAGE_PATH'] . self::FILE_UPLOAD_PATH; $pdfUploadAbsolutePath = Yii::app()->params['FILE_SERVER_IMAGE_PATH'] . self::FILE_CONVERT_PATH; $upload_file = array(); $html = $previewHtml = ''; $randomNumber = MD5($this->getRandomNumber()); $savedFileNames = array('image' => $randomNumber . '.jpg', 'imagepdf' => $randomNumber . '.pdf.pdf', 'pdf' => $randomNumber . '.pdf'); $imagesCount = count($images); $imageCounterCount = 1; foreach ($images as $image) { if ($imagesCount > 3 && $imageCounterCount < 4) { $previewHtml .= '<img src="../' . self::FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $image . '"/>'; } elseif ($imagesCount < 4 && $imageCounterCount == $imagesCount) { $previewHtml .= '<img src="../' . self::FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $image . '"/>'; } $html .= '<img src="../' . self::FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $image . '"/>'; $imageCounterCount++; } $mpdf = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf(); $mpdf->debug = true; $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output('../' . self::FILE_CONVERT_PATH . $savedFileNames['pdf'], 'F'); $mpdf1 = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf(); $mpdf1->debug = true; $mpdf1->WriteHTML($previewHtml); $mpdf1->Output('../' . self::FILE_PDF_PREVIEW_PATH . $savedFileNames['imagepdf'], 'F'); $im = new imagick(); $im->readimage('/home/notesgen/public_html/' . self::FILE_PDF_PREVIEW_PATH . $savedFileNames['imagepdf']); $im->setImageCompressionQuality(0); $im->setImageFormat('jpeg'); $im->writeImage('../' . self::FILE_IMAGE_PATH . $savedFileNames['image']); $im->setImageCompressionQuality(80); $im->writeImage('../' . self::FILE_IMAGE_PATH_APP . $savedFileNames['image']); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); return $savedFileNames; }
} } //根据生成图片的大小调用语句 $wbshell = $picsize == 1 ? $wbshell1 : $wbshell2; //执行截图语句 system($wbshell); //exec($wbshell); //注:下面的操作仅是对图片进一步进行调整,可以缩小图片体积等,并方便更多的处理,并非必须。 $im = new imagick($img_name); //if($picsize==1) $im->resizeImage(490,0,Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS,1); $im->setImageFormat("png"); $im->setCompressionQuality(90); $img_name2 = 'html2png/' . time() . '.png'; $im->writeImage($img_name2); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); //输出图片连接 $url_this = dirname('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '/' . $img_name2; } else { $url_this = dirname('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '/google.png'; } ?> <div class="wrapper" > <h1>内容生成工具</h1> <ul> <li><?php echo $errinfo; ?> </li> <li>查看该图片地址:<a href="<?php echo $url_this;
public function uploadfile() { $folder = isset($_GET['folder']) ? $_GET['folder'] : 'others'; $targetFolder = "/upload_file/{$folder}"; $prefix = time(); $setting = $this->general_model->get_email_from_setting(); $type = explode(",", $setting[0]['download_type']); foreach ($type as $key => $value) { $type[$key] = strtolower($value); } $userid = $_SESSION['user']['user_id']; if (!empty($_FILES)) { $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"] = str_replace(' ', '', $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]); $_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"] = str_replace(' ', '', $_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]); $uploaddatafile1 = md5($_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]); $tempFile = $_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"]; $targetPath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $targetFolder; $targetFile = rtrim($targetPath, "/") . "/" . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]; $fileTypes = $type; //array("zip","rar"); $fileParts = pathinfo($_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]); if (in_array(strtolower($fileParts["extension"]), $fileTypes)) { move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile); if (isset($_GET['w'])) { $w = $_GET['w']; } else { $w = 100; } if (isset($_GET['h'])) { $h = $_GET['h']; } else { $h = 100; } $path_upload = "upload_file/{$folder}/" . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]; $root = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $file = '/' . $path_upload; //a reference to the file in reference to the current working directory. // Process for image $image_info = @getimagesize(base_url() . $path_upload); if (!empty($image_info)) { $image = true; } else { $image = false; } if ($image) { if (!isset($_SESSION['fileuploadname'])) { $_SESSION['fileuploadname'] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]; $_SESSION['fileuploadhtml'] = ''; } else { if (empty($_SESSION['fileuploadname'])) { $_SESSION['fileuploadname'] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]; $_SESSION['fileuploadhtml'] = ''; } } $_SESSION['fileuploadhtml'] .= '<img src="' . base_url() . $path_upload . '" style="width:850px;"/>'; echo "2"; exit; } include $root . "/mpdf/mpdf.php"; require_once $root . "/scribd.php"; $scribd_api_key = "766ydp7ellofhr7x027wl"; $scribd_secret = "sec-7zrz2fxxa2chak965tbp67npqw"; $scribd = new Scribd($scribd_api_key, $scribd_secret); $doc_type = null; $access = "private"; $rev_id = null; $data = $scribd->upload($file, $doc_type, $access, $rev_id); if (!empty($data)) { $result = 0; while ($result == 0) { echo $result = $scribd->getDownloadLinks($data['doc_id']); } file_put_contents('/upload_file/files/c' . $uploaddatafile1 . ".pdf", fopen($result["download_link"], 'r')); //file_put_contents( fopen($result["download_link"], 'r')); $mpdf = new mPDF(); $mpdf->SetImportUse(); $pagecount = $mpdf->SetSourceFile('/upload_file/files/r' . $uploaddatafile1 . ".pdf"); $tplId = $mpdf->ImportPage(1); $mpdf->UseTemplate($tplId); $mpdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); $mpdf->SetWatermarkText(' '); $mpdf->watermark_font = 'DejaVuSansCondensed'; $mpdf->showWatermarkText = true; $md5 = $uploaddatafile1; $mpdf->Output('/upload_file/files/' . $md5 . '.pdf', ''); $mpdf->Thumbnail('/upload_file/files/' . $md5 . '.pdf', 1); $mpdf->Output('/upload_file/files/' . $md5 . '.pdf', ''); unlink('/upload_file/files/c' . $uploaddatafile1 . ".pdf"); $im = new imagick(); $im->readimage('/upload_file/files/' . $md5 . '.pdf'); //$im->readimage('/upload_file/files/'.$md5.'.pdf'); $im->setImageCompressionQuality(0); $im->setImageFormat('jpeg'); $im->writeImage('/upload_file/images/r' . $md5 . '.jpg'); $this->db->set('id', $userid); $this->db->set('fullpdf', '/upload_file/files/r' . $uploaddatafile1 . '.pdf'); $this->db->set('pdf', '/upload_file/files/' . $md5 . '.pdf'); $this->db->set('image', '/upload_file/images/r' . $md5 . '.jpg'); $this->db->insert('scribe'); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); echo $path_upload . '|' . serialize($data) . '|upload_file/images/r' . $md5 . '.jpg|upload_file/files/' . $uploaddatafile1 . '.pdf'; // echo $path_upload.'|'.serialize($data).'|upload_file/images/'.$md5.'.jpg |upload_file/files/'.$md5.'.pdf'; //echo $path_upload.'|'.serialize($data).'|upload_file/files/cc'.$md5.'.pdf|upload_file/files/'.$md5.'.pdf'; //echo $path_upload.'|'.serialize($data).'|upload_file/images/'.$md5.'.jpg |upload_file/files/'.$_FILES["Filedata"]["name"].'.pdf'; //echo $path_upload.'|'.serialize($data).'|upload_file/images/img'.$md5.'.jpg'; // $_SESSION['scriptfile']= ('/upload_file/files/r'.$uploaddatafile1.".pdf"); //echo $path_upload.'|upload_file/files/c'.$filedata.'.pdf'; //$_SESSION['imagedata']= ('upload_file/images/img'.$md5.'.jpg'); } else { echo "1"; } } else { echo "1"; } } }
public static function resize($orig_file_path, $settings, $target_file_path) { $quality = 95; $crop = $settings['crop_method']; $current_width = $settings['width']; $current_height = $settings['height']; $target_width = min($current_width, $settings['width_requested']); $target_height = min($current_height, $settings['height_requested']); if ($crop) { $x_ratio = $target_width / $current_width; $y_ratio = $target_height / $current_height; $ratio = min($x_ratio, $y_ratio); $use_x_ratio = $x_ratio == $ratio; $new_width = $use_x_ratio ? $target_width : floor($current_width * $ratio); $new_height = !$use_x_ratio ? $target_height : floor($current_height * $ratio); } else { $new_width = $target_width; $new_height = $target_height; } $im = new imagick($orig_file_path); $im->cropThumbnailImage($new_width, $new_height); $im->setImageCompression(imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG); $im->setImageCompressionQuality($quality); $im->stripImage(); $result = $im->writeImage($target_file_path); $im->destroy(); return array($new_width, $new_height, $target_width, $target_height); }