  * @param $id
  * @param $type
  * @return bool|int
 protected function buildRef($id, $type)
     if ($type == 'reference_id') {
         if (!ilObjOrgUnit::_exists($id, true)) {
             return false;
         return $id;
     } elseif ($type == 'external_id') {
         $obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjIdByImportId($id);
         if (!ilObject::_hasUntrashedReference($obj_id)) {
             return false;
         $ref_ids = ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id);
         if (!count($ref_ids)) {
             return false;
         foreach ($ref_ids as $ref_id) {
             if (!ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
                 return $ref_id;
         return false;
     } else {
         return false;
  * handler for begin of element
  * @param	resource	$a_xml_parser		xml parser
  * @param	string		$a_name				element name
  * @param	array		$a_attribs			element attributes array
 function handlerBeginTag($a_xml_parser, $a_name, $a_attribs)
     global $objDefinition, $ilAccess, $tree;
     switch ($a_name) {
         case 'Settings':
             $this->options = array();
             $this->source_id = (int) $a_attribs["source_id"];
             if (ilObject::_isInTrash($this->source_id)) {
                 throw new ilSaxParserException("Source id " . $this->source_id . " is in trash");
             $this->target_id = (int) $a_attribs["target_id"];
             if (ilObject::_isInTrash($this->target_id)) {
                 throw new ilSaxParserException("target id" . $this->target_id . " is in trash");
             $this->default_action = ilCopyWizardSettingsXMLParser::getActionForString($a_attribs["default_action"]);
         case 'Option':
             $id = (int) $a_attribs["id"];
             if (ilObject::_isInTrash($id)) {
                 throw new ilSaxParserException("Id {$id} is in trash");
             if (!$tree->isInTree($id)) {
                 throw new ilSaxParserException("Id {$id} does not exist");
             $action = ilCopyWizardSettingsXMLParser::getActionForString($a_attribs["action"]);
             $type = ilObjectFactory::getTypeByRefId($id);
             switch ($action) {
                 case ilCopyWizardOptions::COPY_WIZARD_COPY:
                     $perm_copy = $ilAccess->checkAccess('copy', '', $id);
                     $copy = $objDefinition->allowCopy($type);
                     if ($perm_copy && $copy) {
                         $this->options[$id] = array("type" => $action);
                     } elseif ($copy && !$perm_copy) {
                         throw new ilSaxParserException("Missing copy permission for object " . $id);
                     } elseif (!$copy) {
                         throw new ilSaxParserException("Copy for object " . $id . " of type " . $type . " is not supported");
                 case ilCopyWizardOptions::COPY_WIZARD_LINK:
                     $perm_link = $ilAccess->checkAccess('write', '', $id);
                     $link = $objDefinition->allowLink($type);
                     if ($perm_link && $link) {
                         $this->options[$id] = array("type" => $action);
                     } elseif ($copy && !$perm_link) {
                         throw new ilSaxParserException("Missing write permission for object " . $id);
                     } elseif (!$link) {
                         throw new ilSaxParserException("Link for object " . $id . " of type " . $type . " is not supported");
  * get results of test
  * @param string $sid
  * @param int $test_ref_id
  * @param boolean $sum_only
  * @return XMLResultSet with columns 
  * 	sum only = true: user_id, login, firstname, lastname, matriculation, maximum points, received points
  *  sum only = false: user_id, login, firstname, lastname, matriculation, question id, question title, question points, received points
 function getTestResults($sid, $test_ref_id, $sum_only)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     if (!strlen($test_ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No test id given. Aborting!', 'Client');
     global $rbacsystem, $tree, $ilLog;
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($test_ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('Test is trashed. Aborting!', 'Client');
     // get obj_id
     if (!($obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjectId($test_ref_id))) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No test found for id: ' . $test_ref_id, 'Client');
     // Check access
     $permission_ok = false;
     foreach ($ref_ids = ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id) as $ref_id) {
         if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess('write', $ref_id)) {
             $permission_ok = true;
     if (!$permission_ok) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No permission to edit the object with id: ' . $test_ref_id, 'Server');
     // store into xml result set
     include_once './webservice/soap/classes/class.ilXMLResultSet.php';
     include_once './webservice/soap/classes/class.ilXMLResultSetWriter.php';
     $xmlResultSet = new ilXMLResultSet();
     include_once './Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTest.php';
     $test_obj = new ilObjTest($obj_id, false);
     $participants = $test_obj->getTestParticipants();
     if ($sum_only) {
         $data = $test_obj->getAllTestResults($participants, false);
         // create xml
         // skip titles
         $titles = array_shift($data);
         foreach ($data as $row) {
             $xmlRow = new ilXMLResultSetRow();
             $xmlRow->setValue(0, $row["user_id"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(1, $row["login"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(2, $row["firstname"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(3, $row["lastname"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(4, $row["matriculation"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(5, $row["max_points"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(6, $row["reached_points"]);
     } else {
         $data = $test_obj->getDetailedTestResults($participants);
         // create xml
         foreach ($data as $row) {
             $xmlRow = new ilXMLResultSetRow();
             $xmlRow->setValue(0, $row["user_id"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(1, $row["login"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(2, $row["firstname"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(3, $row["lastname"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(4, $row["matriculation"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(5, $row["question_id"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(6, $row["question_title"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(7, $row["max_points"]);
             $xmlRow->setValue(8, $row["reached_points"]);
     // create writer
     $xmlWriter = new ilXMLResultSetWriter($xmlResultSet);
     return $xmlWriter->getXML();
 function getPathForRefId($sid, $ref_id)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     global $ilAccess, $objDefinition, $rbacsystem, $lng, $ilUser;
     if (!$rbacsystem->checkAccess('read', $ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError("Missing read permissions for object with reference id " . $ref_id, 'Client');
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError("Object is in Trash", 'Client');
     global $tree, $lng;
     $items = $tree->getPathFull($ref_id);
     include_once 'webservice/soap/classes/class.ilXMLResultSet.php';
     include_once 'webservice/soap/classes/class.ilXMLResultSetWriter.php';
     include_once 'Modules/Course/classes/class.ilCourseXMLWriter.php';
     $xmlResultSet = new ilXMLResultSet();
     $writer = new ilXMLResultSetWriter($xmlResultSet);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if ($item["ref_id"] == $ref_id) {
         if ($item["title"] == "ILIAS" && $item["type"] == "root") {
             $item["title"] = $lng->txt("repository");
         $row = new ilXMLResultSetRow();
         $row->setValue("ref_id", $item["ref_id"]);
         $row->setValue("type", $item["type"]);
         $row->setValue("title", $item["title"]);
     return $writer->getXML();
  * checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash
 function _hasUntrashedReference($a_obj_id)
     $ref_ids = ilObject::_getAllReferences($a_obj_id);
     foreach ($ref_ids as $ref_id) {
         if (!ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * get groups which belong to a specific user, fullilling the status
  * @param string $sid
  * @param string $parameters following xmlresultset, columns (user_id, status with values  1 = "MEMBER", 2 = "TUTOR", 4 = "ADMIN", 8 = "OWNER" and any xor operation e.g.  1 + 4 = 5 = ADMIN and TUTOR, 7 = ADMIN and TUTOR and MEMBER)
  * @param string XMLResultSet, columns (ref_id, xml, parent_ref_id) 
 function getGroupsForUser($sid, $parameters)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     global $rbacreview, $ilObjDataCache, $tree;
     include_once 'webservice/soap/classes/class.ilXMLResultSetParser.php';
     $parser = new ilXMLResultSetParser($parameters);
     try {
     } catch (ilSaxParserException $exception) {
         return $this->__raiseError($exception->getMessage(), "Client");
     $xmlResultSet = $parser->getXMLResultSet();
     if (!$xmlResultSet->hasColumn("user_id")) {
         return $this->__raiseError("parameter user_id is missing", "Client");
     if (!$xmlResultSet->hasColumn("status")) {
         return $this->__raiseError("parameter status is missing", "Client");
     $user_id = (int) $xmlResultSet->getValue(0, "user_id");
     $status = (int) $xmlResultSet->getValue(0, "status");
     $ref_ids = array();
     // get roles
     #echo "uid:".$user_id;
     #echo "status:".$status;
     if (ilSoapGroupAdministration::MEMBER == ($status & ilSoapGroupAdministration::MEMBER) || ilSoapGroupAdministration::ADMIN == ($status & ilSoapGroupAdministration::ADMIN)) {
         foreach ($rbacreview->assignedRoles($user_id) as $role_id) {
             if ($role = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($role_id, false)) {
                 #echo $role->getType();
                 if ($role->getType() != "role") {
                 if ($role->getParent() == ROLE_FOLDER_ID) {
                 $role_title = $role->getTitle();
                 if ($ref_id = ilUtil::__extractRefId($role_title)) {
                     if (!ilObject::_exists($ref_id, true) || ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
                     #echo $role_title;
                     if (ilSoapGroupAdministration::MEMBER == ($status & ilSoapGroupAdministration::MEMBER) && strpos($role_title, "member") !== false) {
                         $ref_ids[] = $ref_id;
                     } elseif (ilSoapGroupAdministration::ADMIN == ($status & ilSoapGroupAdministration::ADMIN) && strpos($role_title, "admin") !== false) {
                         $ref_ids[] = $ref_id;
     if (($status & ilSoapGroupAdministration::OWNER) == ilSoapGroupAdministration::OWNER) {
         $owned_objects = ilObjectFactory::getObjectsForOwner("grp", $user_id);
         foreach ($owned_objects as $obj_id) {
             $allrefs = ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id);
             $refs = array();
             foreach ($allrefs as $r) {
                 if ($tree->isDeleted($r)) {
                 if ($tree->isInTree($r)) {
                     $refs[] = $r;
             if (count($refs) > 0) {
                 $ref_ids[] = array_pop($refs);
     $ref_ids = array_unique($ref_ids);
     include_once 'webservice/soap/classes/class.ilXMLResultSetWriter.php';
     include_once 'Modules/Group/classes/class.ilObjGroup.php';
     include_once 'Modules/Group/classes/class.ilGroupXMLWriter.php';
     $xmlResultSet = new ilXMLResultSet();
     foreach ($ref_ids as $group_id) {
         $group_obj = $this->checkObjectAccess($group_id, "grp", "write", true);
         if ($group_obj instanceof ilObjGroup) {
             $row = new ilXMLResultSetRow();
             $row->setValue("ref_id", $group_id);
             $xmlWriter = new ilGroupXMLWriter($group_obj);
             $row->setValue("xml", $xmlWriter->getXML());
             $row->setValue("parent_ref_id", $tree->getParentId($group_id));
     $xmlResultSetWriter = new ilXMLResultSetWriter($xmlResultSet);
     return $xmlResultSetWriter->getXML();
 public function hasSCORMCertificate($sid, $ref_id, $usr_id)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     if (!strlen($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No ref id given. Aborting!', 'Client');
     global $rbacsystem, $tree, $ilLog;
     // get obj_id
     if (!($obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjectId($ref_id))) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No exercise found for id: ' . $ref_id, 'Client');
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError("Parent with ID {$ref_id} has been deleted.", 'Client');
     $result = false;
     include_once "./Modules/ScormAicc/classes/class.ilObjSAHSLearningModuleAccess.php";
     $result = ilObjSAHSLearningModuleAccess::_lookupUserCertificate($obj_id, $usr_id);
     return $result;
Beispiel #8
 public function testTreeTrash()
     global $tree;
     $obj = new ilObject();
     $id = $obj->getId();
     $ref_id = $obj->getRefId();
     $obj = new ilObject($ref_id);
     if ($tree->isInTree($ref_id)) {
         $value .= "tree1-";
     if (ilObject::_hasUntrashedReference($id)) {
         $value .= "tree2-";
     // isSaved() uses internal cache!
     $tree->saveSubTree($ref_id, true);
     if ($tree->isDeleted($ref_id)) {
         $value .= "tree3-";
     if ($tree->isSaved($ref_id)) {
         $value .= "tree4-";
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         $value .= "tree5-";
     if (!ilObject::_hasUntrashedReference($id)) {
         $value .= "tree6-";
     $saved_tree = new ilTree(-(int) $ref_id);
     $node_data = $saved_tree->getNodeData($ref_id);
     if (!ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         $value .= "tree7-";
     $obs = ilUtil::_getObjectsByOperations("cat", "read");
     foreach ($obs as $ob) {
         if (ilObject::_lookupType(ilObject::_lookupObjId($ob)) != "cat") {
             $value .= "nocat-";
     $this->assertEquals("tree1-tree2-tree3-tree4-tree5-tree6-tree7-", $value);
  * private functions which iterates through all folders and files 
  * and create an according file structure in a temporary directory. This function works recursive. 
  * @param integer $refid reference it
  * @param tmpdictory $tmpdir
  * @return returns first created directory
 private static function recurseFolder($refid, $title, $tmpdir)
     global $rbacsystem, $tree, $ilAccess;
     $tmpdir = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($title);
     $subtree = $tree->getChildsByTypeFilter($refid, array("fold", "file"));
     foreach ($subtree as $child) {
         if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $child["ref_id"])) {
         if (ilObject::_isInTrash($child["ref_id"])) {
         if ($child["type"] == "fold") {
             self::recurseFolder($child["ref_id"], $child["title"], $tmpdir);
         } else {
             self::copyFile($child["obj_id"], $child["title"], $tmpdir);
  * Edit level trigger
 function editLevelTrigger()
     global $lng, $ilCtrl, $tpl, $ilTabs;
     $trigger = ilBasicSkill::lookupLevelTrigger((int) $_GET["level_id"]);
     if (ilObject::_lookupType($trigger["obj_id"]) != "crs" || ilObject::_isInTrash($trigger["ref_id"])) {
         $trigger = array();
     include_once "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
     $this->form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // trigger
     $ne = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($lng->txt("skmg_trigger"), "trigger");
     if ($trigger["obj_id"] > 0) {
     } else {
     if ($trigger["obj_id"] > 0) {
         $this->form->addCommandButton("removeLevelTrigger", $lng->txt("skmg_remove_trigger"));
     $this->form->addCommandButton("selectLevelTrigger", $lng->txt("skmg_select_trigger"));
 function getObjectTreeOperations($sid, $ref_id, $user_id)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     global $rbacsystem, $rbacreview, $ilAccess;
     if (!($tmp_obj =& ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($ref_id, false))) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No valid ref id given. Please choose an existing reference id of an ILIAS object', 'Client');
     if (!($tmp_user =& ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($user_id, false))) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No valid user id given.', 'Client');
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError("Parent with ID {$target_id} has been deleted.", 'CLIENT_TARGET_DELETED');
     // check visible for all upper tree entries
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccessOfUser($tmp_user->getId(), 'visible', '', $tmp_obj->getRefId())) {
         return array();
     $op_data = $rbacreview->getOperation(2);
     $ops_data[] = $op_data;
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccessOfUser($tmp_user->getId(), 'read', '', $tmp_obj->getRefId())) {
         return $ops_data;
     $ops_data = array();
     $ops = $rbacreview->getOperationsOnTypeString($tmp_obj->getType());
     foreach ($ops as $ops_id) {
         $op_data = $rbacreview->getOperation($ops_id);
         if ($rbacsystem->checkAccessOfUser($user_id, $op_data['operation'], $tmp_obj->getRefId())) {
             $ops_data[$ops_id] = $op_data;
     foreach ($ops_data as $data) {
         $ret_data[] = $data;
     return $ret_data ? $ret_data : array();
  * update a weblink with id.
  * @param string $session_id    current session
  * @param int $ref_id   refid id of weblink in repository
  * @param string $weblink_xml  xml description
  * @return boolean true, if update successful, false otherwise
 function updateWebLink($sid, $ref_id, $weblink_xml)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     global $rbacsystem, $tree, $ilLog;
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('Cannot perform update since weblink has been deleted.', 'CLIENT_OBJECT_DELETED');
     // get obj_id
     if (!($obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjectId($ref_id))) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No weblink found for id: ' . $ref_id, 'CLIENT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND');
     // Check access
     $permission_ok = false;
     foreach ($ref_ids = ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id) as $ref_id) {
         if ($rbacsystem->checkAccess('edit', $ref_id)) {
             $permission_ok = true;
     if (!$permission_ok) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No permission to edit the weblink with id: ' . $ref_id, 'Server');
     $webl = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($obj_id, false);
     if (!is_object($webl) or $webl->getType() != "webr") {
         return $this->__raiseError('Wrong obj id or type for weblink with id ' . $ref_id, 'Client');
     try {
         include_once './Modules/WebResource/classes/class.ilWebLinkXmlParser.php';
         $parser = new ilWebLinkXmlParser($webl, $weblink_xml);
     } catch (ilSaxParserException $e) {
         return $this->__raiseError($e->getMessage(), 'Client');
     } catch (ilWebLinkXMLParserException $e) {
         return $this->__raiseError($e->getMessage(), 'Client');
     // Check if required
     return true;
  * check access for ref id: expected type, permission, return object instance if returnobject is true
  * @param int $ref_id
  * @param string or array $expected_type
  * @param string $permission
  * @param boolean $returnObject
  * @return Object or type
 public function checkObjectAccess($ref_id, $expected_type, $permission, $returnObject = false)
     global $rbacsystem;
     if (!is_numeric($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No valid id given.', 'Client');
     if (!ilObject::_exists($ref_id, true)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No object for id.', 'CLIENT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND');
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('Object is already trashed.', 'CLIENT_OBJECT_DELETED');
     $type = ilObjectFactory::getTypeByRefId($ref_id);
     if (is_array($expected_type) && !in_array($type, $expected_type) || !is_array($expected_type) && $type != $expected_type) {
         return $this->__raiseError("Wrong type {$type} for id. Expected: " . (is_array($expected_type) ? join(",", $expected_type) : $expected_type), 'CLIENT_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE');
     if (!$rbacsystem->checkAccess($permission, $ref_id, $type)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('Missing permission $permission for type $type.', 'CLIENT_OBJECT_WRONG_PERMISSION');
     if ($returnObject) {
         return ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($ref_id);
     return $type;
 public function editDetails($a_show_confirm = false)
      * @var $ilToolbar ilToolbarGUI 
     global $ilToolbar;
     include_once './Services/Payment/classes/class.ilPaymentSettings.php';
     /** @var $genSet ilPaymentSettings */
     $genSet = ilPaymentSettings::_getInstance();
     if (!(int) $_GET['pobject_id']) {
         return $this->showObjects();
     $this->__initPaymentObject((int) $_GET['pobject_id']);
     $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, 'pobject_id', (int) $_GET['pobject_id']);
     $this->tpl->addBlockFile('ADM_CONTENT', 'adm_content', 'tpl.main_view.html', 'Services/Payment');
     /** @var $tmp_obj ilObject */
     $tmp_obj = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($this->pobject->getRefId(), false);
     if (is_object($tmp_obj)) {
         $trash = '';
         if (ilObject::_isInTrash($this->pobject->getRefId())) {
             $trash = ' (' . $this->lng->txt('object_deleted') . ')';
         $tmp_object['title'] = $tmp_obj->getTitle() . '' . $trash;
         $tmp_object['type'] = $tmp_obj->getType();
     } else {
         $tmp_object['title'] = $this->lng->txt('object_not_found');
         $tmp_object['type'] = false;
     if ($a_show_confirm) {
         include_once './Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilConfirmationGUI.php';
         $oConfirmationGUI = new ilConfirmationGUI();
         // set confirm/cancel commands
         $oConfirmationGUI->setFormAction($this->ctrl->getFormAction($this, "performDelete"));
         $oConfirmationGUI->setCancel($this->lng->txt("cancel"), "editDetails");
         $oConfirmationGUI->setConfirm($this->lng->txt("confirm"), "performDelete");
         $oConfirmationGUI->addItem('', $tmp_object['title'], $tmp_object['title']);
         $this->tpl->setVariable('CONFIRMATION', $oConfirmationGUI->getHTML());
         return true;
     $ilToolbar->addButton($this->lng->txt('paya_edit_details'), $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, 'editDetails'));
     $ilToolbar->addButton($this->lng->txt('paya_edit_prices'), $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, 'editPrices'));
     $ilToolbar->addButton($this->lng->txt('pay_edit_abstract'), $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass(array('ilpageobjectgui'), 'edit'));
     include_once 'Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php';
     $oForm = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     $oForm->setFormAction($this->ctrl->getFormAction($this, 'updateDetails'));
     if ($tmp_object['type']) {
         $oForm->setTitleIcon(ilUtil::getImagePath('icon_' . $tmp_object['type'] . '_b.png'));
     // repository path
     $oPathGUI = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($this->lng->txt('path'));
     switch ($tmp_object['type']) {
         case 'exc':
             $exc_subtype_option = array();
             $check_subtypes = ilPaymentObject::_checkExcSubtype($this->pobject->getRefId());
             if (!in_array('download', $check_subtypes) || $this->pobject->getSubtype() == 'download') {
                 $exc_subtype_option['download'] = $this->lng->txt('download');
             if (!in_array('upload', $check_subtypes) || $this->pobject->getSubtype() == 'upload') {
                 $exc_subtype_option['upload'] = $this->lng->txt('upload');
             $oExcSubtype = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt('select_subtype'), 'exc_subtype');
     // number of purchasers
     $oPurchasersGUI = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($this->lng->txt('paya_count_purchaser'));
     $oPurchasersGUI->setValue(ilPaymentBookings::_getCountBookingsByObject((int) $_GET['pobject_id']));
     // vendors
     $oVendorsGUI = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt('paya_vendor'), 'vendor');
     // status
     $oStatusGUI = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt('status'), 'status');
     // pay methods
     $oPayMethodsGUI = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt('paya_pay_method'), 'pay_method');
     $PMoptions = ilPaymethods::getPayMethodsOptions('not_specified');
     // topics
     /** @var $shopTopicsObj ilShopTopics */
     $shopTopicsObj = ilShopTopics::_getInstance();
     if (is_array($topics = $shopTopicsObj->getTopics()) && count($topics)) {
         $oTopicsGUI = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt('topic'), 'topic_id');
         include_once 'Services/Payment/classes/class.ilShopTopics.php';
         /** @var $shopTopicsObj ilShopTopics */
         $shopTopicsObj = ilShopTopics::_getInstance();
         $topic_options = array();
         $topic_options[''] = $this->lng->txt('please_choose');
         /** @var $oTopic ilShopTopic */
         foreach ($topics as $oTopic) {
             $topic_options[$oTopic->getId()] = $oTopic->getTitle();
     // vats
     $oShopVatsList = new ilShopVatsList();
     if ($oShopVatsList->hasItems()) {
         $oVatsGUI = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt('vat_rate'), 'vat_id');
         $vats_options = array();
         /** @var $oVAT ilShopVats */
         foreach ($oShopVatsList as $oVAT) {
             $vats_options[$oVAT->getId()] = ilShopUtils::_formatVAT($oVAT->getRate()) . ' -> ' . $oVAT->getTitle();
     } else {
         $oVatsGUI = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($this->lng->txt('vat_rate'));
     $oThumbnail = new ilImageFileInputGUI($this->lng->txt('pay_thumbnail'), 'thumbnail');
     $oFile = new ilFileDataShop($this->pobject->getPobjectId());
     if (($webpath_file = $oFile->getCurrentImageWebPath()) !== false) {
     if ($genSet->get('use_shop_specials')) {
         // special object
         $oSpecial = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($this->lng->txt('special'), 'is_special');
         $oSpecial->setChecked((int) $this->pobject->getSpecial());
     // buttons
     $oForm->addCommandButton('updateDetails', $this->lng->txt('save'));
     $oForm->addCommandButton('deleteObject', $this->lng->txt('delete'));
     $this->tpl->setVariable('FORM', $oForm->getHTML());
     return true;
Beispiel #15
 public function downloadFolder()
     global $lng, $rbacsystem, $ilAccess;
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php';
     include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilFileException.php';
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $this->getRefId())) {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this) . "::downloadFolder(): missing read permission!", $this->ilErr->WARNING);
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($this->getRefId())) {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this) . "::downloadFolder(): object is trashed!", $this->ilErr->WARNING);
     $zip = PATH_TO_ZIP;
     $tmpdir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
     $basename = ilUtil::getAsciiFilename($this->getTitle());
     $deliverFilename = $basename . ".zip";
     $zipbasedir = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename;
     $tmpzipfile = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $deliverFilename;
     try {
         ilObjFolder::recurseFolder($this->getRefId(), $this->getTitle(), $tmpdir);
         ilUtil::zip($zipbasedir, $tmpzipfile);
         rename($tmpzipfile, $zipfile = ilUtil::ilTempnam());
         ilUtil::deliverFile($zipfile, $deliverFilename, '', false, true);
     } catch (ilFileException $e) {
         ilUtil::sendInfo($e->getMessage(), true);
  * get File xml
  * @param string $sid
  * @param int $ref_id
  * @param boolean $attachFileContentsMode
  * @return xml following ilias_file_x.dtd
 function getFileXML($sid, $ref_id, $attachFileContentsMode)
     if (!$this->__checkSession($sid)) {
         return $this->__raiseError($this->__getMessage(), $this->__getMessageCode());
     if (!strlen($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No ref id given. Aborting!', 'Client');
     global $rbacsystem, $tree, $ilLog, $ilAccess;
     // get obj_id
     if (!($obj_id = ilObject::_lookupObjectId($ref_id))) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No File found for id: ' . $ref_id, 'Client');
     if (ilObject::_isInTrash($ref_id)) {
         return $this->__raiseError("Object with ID {$ref_id} has been deleted.", 'Client');
     // Check access
     $permission_ok = false;
     foreach ($ref_ids = ilObject::_getAllReferences($obj_id) as $ref_id) {
         if ($ilAccess->checkAccess('read', '', $ref_id)) {
             $permission_ok = true;
     if (!$permission_ok) {
         return $this->__raiseError('No permission to edit the object with id: ' . $ref_id, 'Server');
     $file = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($obj_id, false);
     if (!is_object($file) || $file->getType() != "file") {
         return $this->__raiseError('Wrong obj id or type for File with id ' . $ref_id, 'Server');
     // store into xml result set
     include_once './Modules/File/classes/class.ilFileXMLWriter.php';
     // create writer
     $xmlWriter = new ilFileXMLWriter();
     return $xmlWriter->getXML();
 final function _isInTrash($a_ref_id)
     return parent::_isInTrash($a_ref_id);