function testNewlinesInEntityValues()
        $c = new i18nTextCollector();
        $php = <<<PHP
'Line 1
Line 2'
        $eol = PHP_EOL;
        $this->assertEquals($c->collectFromCode($php, 'mymodule'), array('Test.NEWLINESINGLEQUOTE' => array("Line 1{$eol}Line 2", null, null)));
        $php = <<<PHP
"Line 1
Line 2"
        $this->assertEquals($c->collectFromCode($php, 'mymodule'), array('Test.NEWLINEDOUBLEQUOTE' => array("Line 1{$eol}Line 2", null, null)));
	 * Test extracting entities from the new _t method signature
	function testCollectFromCodeNewSignature() {
		$c = new i18nTextCollector();

		$php = <<<PHP
_t('i18nTestModule.NEWMETHODSIG',"New _t method signature test");
_t('i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS1','_DOES_NOT_EXIST', "Hello {name} {greeting}. But it is late, {goodbye}", array("name"=>"Mark", "greeting"=>"welcome", "goodbye"=>"bye"));
_t('i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS2', "Hello {name} {greeting}. But it is late, {goodbye}", array("name"=>"Paul", "greeting"=>"good you are here", "goodbye"=>"see you"));
_t("i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS3", "Hello {name} {greeting}. But it is late, {goodbye}", "New context (this should be ignored)", array("name"=>"Steffen", "greeting"=>"willkommen", "goodbye"=>"wiedersehen"));
_t('i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS4', array("name"=>"Cat", "greeting"=>"meow", "goodbye"=>"meow"));

		$collectedTranslatables = $c->collectFromCode($php, 'mymodule');

		$expectedArray = (array(
			'i18nTestModule.NEWMETHODSIG' => array("New _t method signature test"),
			'i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS1' => array("_DOES_NOT_EXIST", "Hello {name} {greeting}. But it is late, {goodbye}"),
			'i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS2' => array("Hello {name} {greeting}. But it is late, {goodbye}"),
			'i18nTestModule.INJECTIONS3' => array("Hello {name} {greeting}. But it is late, {goodbye}", "New context (this should be ignored)"),


		$this->assertEquals($collectedTranslatables, $expectedArray);