public function action_index() { $menuitems = ""; $fkey = 0; foreach ($this->items as $item) { $text = $type = $noajax = $picture = $right = ''; extract($item); //echo $type."_".$right; if ($this->parent) { $righttype = get_class($this->parent) . '_' . $type; } else { $righttype = $type; } if ($right and !Auth::getInstance()->getRights($righttype,'view')) continue; if ($type == "newline") { //$menuitems .= "</tr><tr>"; } else { $uri = new UriConstructor(); $uri->clear(); Output::assign('hotkey', $fkey++<11?"Ctrl + f{$fkey }":""); Output::assign('text',$text); Output::assign('hyphertext',hypher::addhypher($text)); Output::assign('ajax',($item[noajax]?'':"data-silent='{$this->parent->getMainTarget()}' legotarget='{$this->parent->getName()}'")); Output::assign('type',$type); Output::assign('url',$uri->set($this->parent->getName(),$type)->url()); Output::assign('selected',($this->parent->getAction()==$type?" menu-item-sel":"")); Output::assign('picture', (empty($picture) ? "" : "style='background-image: URL(\"/picture/{$picture}\");'")); $menuitems .= $this->fetch('menu_item.tpl'); } } Output::assign('menuitems',$menuitems); return $this->fetch('menu.tpl'); }
private function get_header() { $ret = "<table class='listtable lego' id='{$this->owner->tid}' " . " name='{$this->owner->type}' loaded='{$this->owner->uri()->url()}'" . ">"; $ret .= "<thead>"; if ($this->owner->title != '') { $ret .= "<tr><th colspan=100 align=center>{$this->owner->title}"; } $ret .= "<tr>"; $cfind = urlencode($this->owner->find); $cidstr = urlencode($this->owner->idstr); $ccord = urlencode($this->owner->order); $cols = $this->owner->cols; if (!empty($cols)) { reset($cols); while (list($key, $val) = each($cols)) { if (is_array($val)) { $title = empty($val[title]) ? $val[1] : $val[title]; $shortname = empty($val[short]) ? $val[0] : $val[short]; $nosort = empty($val[nosort]) ? $val[2] : $val[nosort]; } else { $title = $val; $shortname = $val; } if ($this->owner->buttons) { $cord = $this->owner->order == $key ? $key . " DESC" : $key; $url = $this->owner->actUri('index', $this->owner->all, $cord, $cfind, $cidstr)->url(); $ret .= "<th>" . (($key == 'check' or $key == "№" or isset($nosort) and $nosort) ? "<label title='{$title}'>" . hypher::addhypher($shortname) . "</label>" : "<a " . "data-silent='#{$this->owner->tid}' legotarget='{$this->owner->getName()}' data-silent-action='replace' " . "href='{$url}' title='{$title}' " . ">" . hypher::addhypher($shortname) . (($key == 'check' or $key == "№") ? "" : ($this->owner->order == $key ? "↓" : ($this->owner->order == $key . ' DESC' ? "↑" : ""))) . "</a>"); } else { $ret .= "<th>" . $shortname; } } } // пустое поле см.ниже) //echo "<th width='100%' > "; //получилось интересно, но нафиг if ($this->owner->edit) { $ret .= "<th> "; } if ($this->owner->del) { $ret .= "<th> "; } if ($this->owner->buttons) { $url = $this->owner->actUri('index', !$this->owner->all)->url(); $ret .= "<tr><td colspan=100 class='buttons'>" . "<input class='" . ($this->owner->addbutton && $this->owner->edit ? "half" : "full") . "button noprint' type=button " . "data-silent='#{$this->owner->tid}' legotarget='{$this->owner->getName()}' data-silent-action='replace' " . "href='{$url}' " . "value='" . ($this->owner->all ? "Последние 20" : "Все") . "' " . "title='" . ($this->owner->all ? "Последние 20" : "Все") . "' " . "id=allbutton >"; if ($this->owner->addbutton && $this->owner->edit) { $ret .= "<input hotkey='Ctrl + e' class='halfbutton noprint' type='button' " . "data-silent='#{$this->owner->tid}' legotarget='{$this->owner->getName()}' data-silent-action='append' " . "href='{$this->owner->actUri('add')->url()}' " . "value='Добавить' title='Добавить' id=addbutton >"; } // добавим невидимую кнопку копировать в Excel $ret .= "<a href='#' type='button' class='nullwidth noprint' hotkey='Ctrl+c' title='Скопировать в Excel' value='Скопировать в Excel' " . 'id="copytablebutton" onclick="copytable();$(\'#copytablebutton\').html(\'Готово\');return false;" >Скопировать в Excel</a>'; $findurl = $this->owner->actUri('index', $this->owner->all, $ccord, $cfind, $cidstr)->url(); if ($this->owner->findbutton) { $ret .= "<tr><td colspan=100 class='search'>" . "<form name='find' method='post' action='{$findurl}'>" . "<input type=text class='find noprint' " . "placeholder='" . (!empty($this->owner->find) ? $this->owner->find : "Искать...") . "' " . "name='find' id='findtext{$this->owner->tid}' " . ">" . "</form>" . ""; } } $ret .= "<tbody>"; return $ret; }
static public function staticConstruct() { // Загрузка файла описания и набора правил. self::$hy_ru = hypher_load(__DIR__ . '/includes/hyph_ru_RU.conf'); }