function export_ou_http($ou, $session) { $sock = new sockets(); $ldap = new clladp(); $path = "/root"; echo "Exporting meta informations session {$session} for ou=`{$ou}`\n"; export($ou, $path); $sock = new sockets(); $ini = new Bs_IniHandler(); echo "Reading session {$session} for ou=`{$ou}`\n"; if ($ou == null) { echo "Failed, no such ou set....\n"; die; } $ini->loadString($sock->GET_INFO($session)); $filepath = "{$path}/{$ou}.gz"; if (!is_file($filepath)) { echo "{$filepath} no such file"; } echo "Uploading to https://{$ini->_params["CONF"]["servername"]}:{$ini->_params["CONF"]["port"]}\n"; $uri = "https://{$ini->_params["CONF"]["servername"]}:{$ini->_params["CONF"]["port"]}/cyrus.murder.listener.php"; $command = "?export-ou=yes&admin={$ini->_params["CONF"]["username"]}&pass={$ini->_params["CONF"]["password"]}&original-suffix={$ldap->suffix}"; //lic.users.import.php $http = new httpget(); $http->uploads["EXPORT-OU"] = "{$filepath}"; $body = $http->send("https://{$ini->_params["CONF"]["servername"]}:{$ini->_params["CONF"]["port"]}/cyrus.murder.listener.php", "post", array("AUTH" => base64_encode(serialize($ini->_params["CONF"])), "ORG" => $ou)); @unlink($filepath); echo $body; }
function SendStatus() { emergency(true); $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $sock = new sockets(); $EnableSargGenerator = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableSargGenerator"); if (TestsCron($pidfile)) { $ArticaMetaPingEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaPingEnable"); events("SendPing={$ArticaMetaPingEnable}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($ArticaMetaPingEnable == 1) { SendPing(); } return true; } $ArticaMetaEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaEnabled"); if ($ArticaMetaEnabled != 1) { return; } $t1 = time(); if (!is_file("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini")) { events("Unable to stat /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return null; } $unix = new unix(); $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $ptime = $unix->PROCESS_TTL($pid); if ($ptime > $GLOBALS["MAXTTL"]) { events("killing process {$pid} ttl:{$ptime} minutes", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); unix_system_kill_force($pid); } else { events("Already executed, process {$pid}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); die; } } events("Running pid " . getmypid(), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); CheckNetwork(); $http = new httpget(); $meta = new artica_meta(); $filecache = "/etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta-files.cache"; events("My uuid=\"{$meta->uuid}\"", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $memCache = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/status.memory.hash"; $cpu_graphs = "/opt/artica/share/www/system/rrd/01cpu-1day.png"; $server_status = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/status.right.1.html"; $squid_realtime = "/etc/artica-postfix/squid-realtime.cache"; $datasToSend = base64_encode(serialize($meta->GLOBAL_ARRAY)); $ini = new Bs_IniHandler(); $ini->loadFile("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/global.status.ini"); $ArrayFileCache = unserialize(@file_get_contents($filecache)); if (is_file($memCache)) { $MEM_CACHE = base64_encode(@file_get_contents($memCache)); } else { include_once "ressources/"; $os = new os_system(); $os->html_Memory_usage(); $MEM_CACHE = base64_encode(serialize($os->meta_array)); } if (is_file($cpu_graphs)) { if ($ArrayFileCache["STATS_DAY"] != filemtime($cpu_graphs)) { $http->uploads["STATS_DAY"] = $cpu_graphs; $ArrayFileCache["STATS_DAY"] = filemtime($cpu_graphs); @file_put_contents($filecache, serialize($ArrayFileCache)); } } if (is_file($server_status)) { if ($ArrayFileCache["SERVER_STATUS"] != filemtime($server_status)) { $http->uploads["SERVER_STATUS"] = $server_status; $ArrayFileCache["SERVER_STATUS"] = filemtime($server_status); @file_put_contents($filecache, serialize($ArrayFileCache)); } } if (is_file($squid_realtime)) { if ($ArrayFileCache["SQUID_REALTIME"] != filemtime($squid_realtime)) { $http->uploads["SQUID_REALTIME"] = $squid_realtime; $ArrayFileCache["SQUID_REALTIME"] = filemtime($squid_realtime); @file_put_contents($filecache, serialize($ArrayFileCache)); } } if ($EnableSargGenerator == 1) { $push_sarg = false; $sock = new sockets(); $SargOutputDir = $sock->GET_INFO("SargOutputDir"); if ($SargOutputDir == null) { $SargOutputDir = "/var/www/html/squid-reports"; } if (is_file("{$SargOutputDir}/index.html")) { if (!is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/sarg.tgz")) { shell_exec("cd {$SargOutputDir} && tar -cjf /etc/artica-postfix/sarg.tgz ./*"); $push_sarg = true; } else { if ($ArrayFileCache["SQUID_SARG"] != filemtime("{$SargOutputDir}/index.html")) { @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/sarg.tgz"); shell_exec("cd {$SargOutputDir} && tar -cjf /etc/artica-postfix/sarg.tgz ./*"); $push_sarg = true; } } if ($push_sarg) { $http->uploads["SQUID_SARG"] = "/etc/artica-postfix/sarg.tgz"; } } } $users = new usersMenus(); $status = base64_encode(serialize($ini->_params)); $pasmoinsaux = pasmoinsaux(); if ($users->VMWARE_HOST) { $VMWARE_HOST = 1; } else { $VMWARE_HOST = 0; } shell_exec(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.dmidecode.php"); $dmidecode = base64_encode(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/dmidecode.cache")); //SQUID if ($users->SQUID_INSTALLED) { $sock = new sockets(); $SQUIDEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("SQUIDEnable"); if (!is_numeric($SQUIDEnable)) { $SQUIDEnable = 1; } if ($SQUIDEnable == 1) { $SQUID_CACHES = base64_encode(serialize($unix->squid_get_cache_infos())); } if (is_array($SQUID_CACHES)) { $squid = new squidbee(); $cacheconf = $squid->cache_list; $cacheconf[$squid->CACHE_PATH]["cache_type"] = $squid->CACHE_TYPE; $cacheconf[$squid->CACHE_PATH]["cache_size"] = $squid->CACHE_SIZE; $cacheconf[$squid->CACHE_PATH]["cache_dir_level1"] = 16; $cacheconf[$squid->CACHE_PATH]["cache_dir_level2"] = 256; events("Caches: " . count($cacheconf), __FILE__, __LINE__); $SQUID_CACHES_CONFIG = base64_encode(serialize($cacheconf)); } } if ($users->SAMBA_INSTALLED) { _CheckSambaConfig(); } if ($users->ZARAFA_INSTALLED) { if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/ZarafaLicenseInfos")) { $ZARAFA_LICENSE = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/ZarafaLicenseInfos"); } else { $ZARAFA_LICENSE = "Free edition"; } } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/zarafa-export.db")) { $ZARAFA_DB = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/zarafa-export.db"); } $body = $http->send("{$meta->ArticaMetaHostname}/lic.status.server.php", "post", array("DATAS" => $datasToSend, "STATUS" => $status, "MEMORIES" => $MEM_CACHE, "VERSION" => $users->ARTICA_VERSION, "DISTRI" => $users->LinuxDistriCode, "UPTIME" => getUptime(), "DISTRINAME" => $users->LinuxDistriFullName, "MAIN_PRODUCTS" => base64_encode(serialize(array("ZARAFA" => $users->ZARAFA_INSTALLED, "POSTFIX" => $users->POSTFIX_INSTALLED, "SQUID" => $users->SQUID_INSTALLED, "SAMBA" => $users->SAMBA_INSTALLED, "CYRUS" => $users->cyrus_imapd_installed, "OPENVPN" => $users->OPENVPN_INSTALLED))), "PROCESSES" => base64_encode($pasmoinsaux), "TOP_PROCESSES" => top10cpumem(), "NETS" => Networks(), "VMWARE_HOST" => $VMWARE_HOST, "SETTINGS_INC" => base64_encode(serialize(settings_inc())), "LOCAL_VERSIONS" => LocalVersions(), "VBOXGUESTS" => VirtualBoxList(), "APTCHECK" => APTCHECK(), "DMIDECODE" => $dmidecode, "SQUID_CACHES" => $SQUID_CACHES, "SQUID_CACHES_CONFIG" => $SQUID_CACHES_CONFIG, "OPENPORTS" => OpenPorts($meta->serial, $meta->uuid), "OPENVPN_CLIENTS_STATUS" => @file_get_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/openvpn-clients.status"), "ZARAFA_DB" => $ZARAFA_DB, "ZARAFA_LICENSE" => $ZARAFA_LICENSE)); $EXEC_NICE = EXEC_NICE(); if (is_file("/usr/bin/nohup")) { $nohup = "/usr/bin/nohup "; } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_DISCONNECT#is", $body)) { events("NOTIFY_DISCONNECT detected -> unregister_server()", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); unregister_server(); return; } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_USERS#is", $body)) { events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_USERS -> {$nohup}{$EXEC_NICE}exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_DOMAINS#is", $body)) { events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_DOMAINS -> {$nohup}{$EXEC_NICE}exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-domains", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-domains >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_OU#is", $body)) { events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_OU -> {$nohup}{$EXEC_NICE}exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-ou", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-ou >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_GROUPS#is", $body)) { events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_GROUPS -> {$nohup}{$EXEC_NICE}exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-groups", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-groups >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_SETTINGS#is", $body)) { $cmd = $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-settings >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_SETTINGS -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_COMPUTERS#is", $body)) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-computers >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_SETTINGS -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_DNS_ENTRIES#is", $body)) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-dns >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_DNS_ENTRIES -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_GROUPWARES#is", $body)) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-groupwares >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_GROUPWARES -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if (preg_match("#NOTIFY_EXPORT_FETCHMAIL_RULES#is", $body)) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-fetchmail-rules >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("NOTIFY_EXPORT_FETCHMAIL_RULES -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if (preg_match("#<TASKS>(.+?)</TASKS>#is", $body, $re)) { events("Save tasks to /etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks", $re[1]); $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.tasks.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("TASKS ->{$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } else { events("No tasks ordered for me...", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks"); } if (preg_match("#<HOST_CONF>(.+?)</HOST_CONF>#is", $body, $re)) { ParseMyConf($re[1]); } else { events("No configuration for me...", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } shell_exec($nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --socks >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); if (users_queue()) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --user-queue >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("users settings queue is not empty -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if (computer_queue()) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --computer-queue >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("computer settings queue is not empty -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } if ($users->OPENVPN_INSTALLED) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-openvpn-logs >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("OpenVpn is installed -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } $time_iptables = file_time_min("/etc/artica-postfix/artica.meta.iptables.time"); if ($time_iptables > 180) { $cmd = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --iptables >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("iptables -> {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); $cmd = $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-all-settings >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; events("{$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/artica.meta.iptables.time"); @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/artica.meta.iptables.time", "#"); } $t2 = time(); $time_duration = distanceOfTimeInWords($t1, $t2); events("Send status to {$meta->ArticaMetaHostname} DONE ({$time_duration})", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
function export_virtualbox_logs() { $users = new usersMenus(); $sock = new sockets(); if (!$users->VIRTUALBOX_INSTALLED) { return; } $unix = new unix(); $VBoxManage = $unix->find_program("VBoxManage"); if ($VBoxManage == null) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "VBoxManage no such tool\n"; } return; } $CacheDatas = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/vboxLogs.cache")); exec("{$VBoxManage} list -l vms 2>&1", $results); while (list($index, $line) = each($results)) { if (preg_match("#UUID:\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $uuid = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#Config file:\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $file = dirname(trim($re[1])) . "/Logs/VBox.log"; if (is_file($file)) { $array[$uuid] = $file; } continue; } } if (!is_array($array)) { return; } $gzip = $unix->find_program("gzip"); @mkdir("/tmp/gzip_vbox", 666, true); while (list($uuid, $filepath) = each($array)) { $filetime = filemtime($filepath); if ($filetime == $CacheDatas["{$filepath}"]) { continue; } $CacheDatas["{$filepath}"] = $filetime; $filepath_gzipped = "/tmp/gzip_vbox/{$uuid}.gz"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Compress {$filepath} to {$filepath_gzipped}\n"; } shell_exec("{$gzip} -f -c \"{$filepath}\" > \"{$filepath_gzipped}\""); if (is_file($filepath_gzipped)) { $gzipeds[] = "\"{$filepath_gzipped}\""; } } if (!is_array($gzipeds)) { return; } $cmd = "cd /tmp/gzip_vbox && tar -cjf VboxLogs.tar.gz * "; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); $http = new httpget(); $meta = new artica_meta(); $filesize = filesize("/tmp/gzip_vbox/VboxLogs.tar.gz") / 1024; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Send to Artica Meta (" . FormatBytes($filesize) . ")\n"; } $http->uploads["VBOXGUEST_LOGS"] = "/tmp/gzip_vbox/VboxLogs.tar.gz"; $body = $http->send("{$meta->ArticaMetaHostname}/lic.users.import.php", "post", array("DATAS" => base64_encode(serialize($meta->GLOBAL_ARRAY)))); if (!preg_match("#<RESULTS>OK</RESULTS>#is", $body)) { return; } else { @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/vboxLogs.cache", serialize($CacheDatas)); } }
function OPENVPN_CONCENTRATEUR($value) { $unix = new unix(); $unzip = $unix->find_program("unzip"); events("Decoding parameters", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $array = unserialize(base64_decode($value)); $EXEC_NICE = EXEC_NICE(); if (is_file("/usr/bin/nohup")) { $nohup = "/usr/bin/nohup "; } $reload_datas = $nohup . $EXEC_NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-openvpn-sites >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if (strlen($unzip) == 0) { events("Unable to stat unzip, aborting", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); send_email_events("Failed to import concentrator parameters (unzip no such file)", null, "VPN"); return true; } if (!is_array($array)) { events("Corrupted data, aborting", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); send_email_events("Failed to import concentrator parameters (corrupted datas)", null, "VPN"); return true; } $master = $array["MASTER"]; $sitename = $array["SITENAME"]; events("download configuration file for master:{$master} and site name: {$sitename}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $meta = new artica_meta(true); $http = new httpget(); $datasToSend = base64_encode(serialize($meta->GLOBAL_ARRAY)); $body = $http->send("{$meta->ArticaMetaHostname}/lic.query.server.php", "post", array("DATAS" => $datasToSend, "GET_OVPN_REMOTE_SITE" => "yes", "master_uuid" => "{$master}", "sitename" => "{$sitename}")); if (strlen($body) < 10) { events("Corrupted data after downloading, aborting", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); send_email_events("Failed to import concentrator parameters (corrupted datas after download)", null, "VPN"); return true; } @mkdir("/tmp/{$sitename}", 666, true); @file_put_contents("/tmp/{$sitename}/", $body); shell_exec("{$unzip} -j -o /tmp/{$sitename}/ -d /tmp/{$sitename}/ >/tmp/{$sitename}/unzip.txt 2>&1"); include_once "ressources/"; $openvpn = new openvpn(); $handle = opendir("/tmp/{$sitename}"); $f = false; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("#(.+?).ovpn\$#", $file)) { if (!$openvpn->ImportConcentrateur("/tmp/{$sitename}/{$file}", $master)) { events("ImportConcentrateur() failed" . @implode("\n", $openvpn->events), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); send_email_events("Failed to import concentrator parameters ()", @implode("\n", $openvpn->events), "VPN"); return true; } $f = true; } } if (!$f) { events("Corrupted data after downloading, aborting", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); send_email_events("Failed to import concentrator parameters (unable to find ovpn file after uncompress)", null, "VPN"); } shell_exec($reload_datas); events("Restarting OpenVPN", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-postfix restart openvpn &"); return true; }
function ParseEvents() { ParseReboot(); $unix = new unix(); $path = "/var/log/artica-postfix/events"; $f = new filesClasses(); $hash = $f->DirListTable($path); if (!is_array($hash)) { return null; } $users = new usersMenus(); $sock = new sockets(); $ArticaMetaEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaEnabled"); echo date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . " " . count($hash) . " file(s) notifications...\n"; events(count($hash) . " file(s) notifications..."); if (count($hash) == 0) { return; } if ($ArticaMetaEnabled == 1) { $meta = new artica_meta(); $datasToSend = base64_encode(serialize($meta->GLOBAL_ARRAY)); $ArticaMetaHostname = $meta->ArticaMetaHostname; events("ArticaMetaEnabled: \"{$ArticaMetaEnabled}\" -> ({$ArticaMetaHostname})"); } $mysql = new mysql(); while (list($num, $file) = each($hash)) { $text = null; $processname = null; $date = null; $context = null; $subject = null; $recipient = null; $FULL_PATH = "{$path}/{$file}"; if ($unix->file_time_min($FULL_PATH) > 480) { @unlink($FULL_PATH); continue; } $bigtext = @file_get_contents($FULL_PATH); echo date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . " Parsing {$file} " . strlen($bigtext) . " bytes text\n"; $ini = new Bs_IniHandler(); if (preg_match("#<text>(.+?)</text>#is", $bigtext, $re)) { $text = $re[1]; $bigtext = str_replace($re[0], '', $bigtext); $bigtext = str_replace("'", "`", $bigtext); } if (preg_match("#<attachedfiles>(.+?)</attachedfiles>#is", $bigtext, $re)) { $bigtext = str_replace($re[0], '', $bigtext); $files_text = addslashes($re[1]); } $ini->loadString($bigtext); $processname = $ini->_params["LOG"]["processname"]; $date = $ini->_params["LOG"]["date"]; $context = $ini->_params["LOG"]["context"]; if ($context == "YTowOnt9") { $context = "system"; } $subject = $ini->_params["LOG"]["subject"]; $recipient = $ini->_params["LOG"]["recipient"]; if (strlen($text) < 2) { $text = $ini->_params["LOG"]["text"]; } $arrayToSend["context"] = $context; $arrayToSend["subject"] = $subject; $arrayToSend["text"] = $text; $arrayToSend["date"] = $date; echo date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . " Parsing subject {$subject} " . strlen($text) . " bytes text\n"; writelogs("New notification: {$subject} (" . strlen($text) . " bytes) {$date}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $event_id = time(); //$text=addslashes($text); $text = str_replace("'", "`", $text); $subject = str_replace("'", "`", $subject); $text = addslashes($text); $subject = addslashes($subject); if ($subject == null) { if (strlen($text) > 5) { if (strpos($text, "\n") == 0) { $subject = $text; } else { $subject = substr($text, 0, 75) . "..."; } } } if (strlen($subject) < 5) { writelogs("Warning New notification: Subject seems to be empty ! \"{$text}\" removing {$path}/{$file}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("{$path}/{$file}"); continue; } if (strpos($users->hostname, ".") > 0) { $ty = explode($users->hostname, "."); $users->hostname = $ty[0]; } if (strlen($text) < 5) { $text = "No content body as been added for this notification"; } $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO events (zDate,hostname,process,text,context,content,attached_files,recipient,event_id) VALUES(\n \t'{$date}',\n \t'{$users->hostname}',\n \t'{$processname}',\n \t'{$subject}',\n \t'{$context}','{$text}','{$files_text}','{$recipient}','{$event_id}')"; if (!$mysql->UseMysql) { $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO events (id,zDate,hostname,\n \tprocess,text,context,content,attached_files,recipient,event_id) VALUES(\n \t'{$event_id}','{$date}',\n \t'{$users->hostname}',\n \t'{$processname}',\n \t'{$subject}',\n \t'{$context}','{$text}','{$files_text}','{$recipient}','{$event_id}')"; } events(date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . " run mysql query -> {$subject}"); if (!$mysql->QUERY_SQL($sql, 'artica_events')) { events("Mysql error keep {$path}/{$file};"); events("Fatal: {$mysql->mysql_error}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (preg_match("#Access denied for user.+?using password:#", $mysql->mysql_error)) { events("Access denied for user password: {$mysql->mysql_server}@{$mysql->mysql_admin}:{$mysql->mysql_password} detected"); if ($mysql->mysql_server == "" or $mysql->mysql_server == "localhost") { $ldap = new clladp(); $unix = new unix(); $ldap->ldap_password = $unix->shellEscapeChars($ldap->ldap_password); writelogs("Try to change the mysql password: /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install --change-mysqlroot --inline root \"secret\"", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); exec("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install --change-mysqlroot --inline root \"secret\" 2>&1", $chroot); writelogs("Chaning password="******"\n", $chroot), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); die; } } if (preg_match("#Unknown column#", $mysql->mysql_error)) { events("->BuildTables()"); $mysql->BuildTables(); } if (preg_match("#Unknown database#", $mysql->mysql_error)) { events("->BuildTables()"); $mysql->BuildTables(); } if (preg_match("#connect to local MySQL server through socket#", $mysql->mysql_error)) { shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-postfix start mysql &"); } writelogs("{$sql}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } unlink($path . '/' . $file); if ($ArticaMetaEnabled == 1) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/"; $sock = new sockets(); $ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin"); if (!is_numeric($ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin)) { $ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin = 15; } if ($ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin < 2) { $ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin = 15; } $minutes = file_time_min($pidfile); if ($minutes < round($ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin / 2.5)) { $meta->events(basename($pidfile) . ":{$minutes}<" . round($ArticaMetaPoolTimeMin / 2.5) . "Mn, aborting", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $http = new httpget(); $meta->events("Send notification \"{$arrayToSend["subject"]}\" to Meta Server", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $metaconsole = $http->send("{$ArticaMetaHostname}/lic.status.notifs.php", "post", array("DATAS" => $datasToSend, "NOTIF" => base64_encode(serialize($arrayToSend)))); events("META CONSOLE: {$metaconsole} aborting notifications"); if ($metaconsole == "FAILED_CONNECT") { $meta->events("Result:\"{$metaconsole}\"", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks")) { if (preg_match("#<TASKS>(.+?)</TASKS>#is", $metaconsole, $re)) { $meta->events("Save tasks to /etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks", $re[1]); $cmd = LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.tasks.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; $meta->events("TASKS ->{$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); } } } $text = addslashes($text); $context = addslashes($context); $subject = addslashes($subject); } if (count($hash) > 0) { events(count($hash) . " events queue parsed..."); } if ($ArticaMetaEnabled == 1) { if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/artica-meta.tasks")) { $NICE = EXEC_NICE(); shell_exec($NICE . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.tasks.php &"); } } }