  * Возвращает список файлов, прикреплённых к документу.
 public static function on_get_list(Context $ctx)
     $ids = $ctx->db->getResultsV("nid", "SELECT `nid` FROM `node__rel` WHERE `tid` = ? AND `key` IS NULL AND `nid` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `node` WHERE `class` = 'file')", array($ctx->get('id')));
     $output = Node::findXML(array('id' => $ctx->get('id'), 'deleted' => 0));
     $output .= html::wrap('files', Node::findXML(array('class' => 'file', 'deleted' => 0, 'id' => $ids), $ctx->db));
     return html::em('content', array('name' => 'extrafiles'), $output);
Beispiel #2
 public function getHTML($data)
     if (empty($data[$this->value])) {
         return null;
     $output = "<table>";
     $output .= "<tr class='header'>";
     $output .= "<th class='check'>&nbsp;</th>";
     $output .= "<th class='name'>" . t('Название') . "</th>";
     $output .= "<th class='qty'>" . t('Количество') . "</th>";
     $output .= "<th class='price'>" . t('Цена') . "</th>";
     $output .= "<th class='sum'>" . t('Сумма') . "</th>";
     $output .= "</tr>";
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($data[$this->value] as $row) {
         $output .= "<tr class='product'>";
         $output .= "<td class='check'>" . html::em('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $this->value . '_checked[]', 'value' => $row['id'])) . "</td>";
         $output .= "<td class='name'>" . html::plain($row['name']) . "</td>";
         $output .= "<td class='qty'>" . html::em('input', array('type' => 'text', 'name' => "{$this->value}[{$row['id']}][qty]", 'value' => $row['qty'])) . "</td>";
         $output .= "<td class='price'>" . number_format($row['price'], 2) . "</td>";
         $output .= "<td class='sum'>" . number_format($row['sum'], 2) . "</td>";
         $output .= "</tr>";
         $total += $row['sum'];
     $output .= "<tr class='total'>";
     $output .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $output .= "<td class='total'><strong>" . t('Итого') . ":</td>";
     $output .= "<td class='qty'>&nbsp;</td>";
     $output .= "<td class='price'>&nbsp;</td>";
     $output .= "<td class='sum'>" . number_format($total, 2) . "</td>";
     $output .= "</tr>";
     $output .= "</table>";
     return $output;
 private function renderContent(array $content)
     $sum = 0;
     $rows = '<table class=\'orderdetails\'><thead>';
     $rows .= '<tr><th>id</th><th>Название</th><th>Цена</th><th>Количество</th><th>Сумма</th></tr>';
     $rows .= '</thead><tbody>';
     foreach ($content as $k => $item) {
         if ($k !== 'total') {
             $rows .= '<tr>';
             $rows .= html::em('td', $item['id']);
             $rows .= html::em('td', $this->getProductLink($item));
             $rows .= html::em('td', array('class' => 'sum'), number_format(abs($item['price']), 2, ',', '.'));
             if (is_numeric($k)) {
                 $rows .= html::em('td', array('class' => 'qty'), number_format($item['qty'], 0, ',', ' '));
             } else {
                 $rows .= html::em('td');
             $rows .= html::em('td', array('class' => 'sum'), number_format(abs($item['sum']), 2, ',', '.'));
             $rows .= '</tr>';
     $rows .= '<tr><td colspan=\'3\' class=\'empty\'>&nbsp;</td>' . '<td>' . $content['total']['qty'] . '</td>' . '<td><strong>' . number_format($content['total']['sum'], 2, ',', '.') . '</strong></td></tr>';
     $rows .= '</tbody></table>';
     return $rows;
Beispiel #4
 public function render(Context $ctx, array $options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('name' => 'custom', 'title' => MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'xsl' => os::path('lib', 'modules', 'rss', 'default.xsl'), 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'description' => 'News from ' . MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'language' => 'ru', 'url' => 'http://' . MCMS_HOST_NAME . $ctx->url()->string()), $options);
     $content = html::wrap('nodes', Node::findXML($this->filter, $ctx->db));
     $content = html::em('rss', $options, $content);
     return xslt::transform($content, $options['xsl'], 'text/xml');
 public static function rpc_post_subscribe(Context $ctx)
     $data = $ctx->post;
     if (empty($data['sections'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Не выбраны разделы для подписки.");
     if (false === strpos($data['email'], '@')) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(t('Введённый email не похож на email.'));
     // В массиве могут быть и другие данные, поэтому мы
     // выбираем только то, что нам нужно завернуть.
     $bulk = array('email' => $data['email'], 'sections' => $data['sections']);
     $link = new url(array('args' => array('q' => 'subscription.rpc', 'action' => 'confirm', 'code' => base64_encode(serialize($bulk)))));
     $sections = Node::findXML(array('class' => 'tag', 'deleted' => 0, 'published' => 1, 'id' => $data['sections'], '#sort' => 'name'), $ctx->db, 'section');
     if (empty($sections)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Выбраны несуществующие разделы для подписки.");
     $xml = html::em('message', array('mode' => 'confirm', 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'email' => $data['email'], 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'confirmLink' => $link->string()), html::em('sections', $sections));
     $xsl = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/stylesheet', os::path('lib', 'modules', 'subscription', 'message.xsl'));
     if (false === ($body = xslt::transform($xml, $xsl, null))) {
         throw new RuntimeException(t('Возникла ошибка при форматировании почтового сообщения.'));
     $subject = t('Подписка на новости сайта %host', array('%host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME));
     // mcms::debug($data['email'], $subject, $body);
     BebopMimeMail::send(null, $data['email'], $subject, $body);
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.cron
 public static function taskRun(Context $ctx)
     $types = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/types', array());
     $xsl = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/stylesheet', os::path('lib', 'modules', 'subscription', 'message.xsl'));
     $sub = $ctx->config->get('modules/subscription/subject', 'Новости сайта %host');
     if (empty($types)) {
     $users = Node::find(array('class' => 'subscription', 'deleted' => 0, 'published' => 1, '#sort' => 'name'), $ctx->db);
     // Обрабатываем активных пользователей.
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $olast = $last = intval($user->last);
         if ($sections = (array) $user->tags) {
             list($sql, $params) = Query::build(array('class' => $types, 'tags' => $sections, 'published' => 1, 'deleted' => 0, 'id' => array('>' . ($olast + 1))))->getSelect(array('id', 'xml'));
             $nodes = $ctx->db->getResultsKV('id', 'xml', $sql, $params);
             // Отправляем документы.
             foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {
                 $xml = html::em('message', array('mode' => 'regular', 'unsubscribe' => 'subscription.rpc?action=remove&name=' . urlencode($user->name) . '&id=' . $user->id, 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME), $node);
                 $body = xslt::transform($xml, $xsl, null);
                 $subject = t($sub, array('%host' => $ctx->url()->host()));
                 BebopMimeMail::send(null, $user->name, $subject, $body);
                 $last = max($last, $nid);
             // Запоминаем последнее отправленное сообщение.
             $user->last = $last;
Beispiel #7
 public function preview($data)
     if ($url = $data->{$this->value}) {
         $a = html::em('a', array('href' => $url), html::plain($url));
         return html::em('value', array('html' => true), html::cdata($a));
Beispiel #8
  * Вывод формы авторизации.
  * @route GET//login
 public static function on_get_login_form(Context $ctx)
     if ($ctx->user->id and !$ctx->get('stay')) {
         return $ctx->getRedirect();
     if (class_exists('APIStream')) {
     $handler = array('theme' => $ctx->config->get('modules/auth/login_theme'));
     $content = '';
     foreach ((array) $ctx->registry->poll('ru.molinos.cms.page.head', array($ctx, $handler, null), true) as $block) {
         if (!empty($block['result'])) {
             $content .= $block['result'];
     $content .= self::getXML($ctx);
     $xml = html::em('page', array('status' => 401, 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'prefix' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, 'themes'), 'back' => urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI), 'next' => $ctx->get('destination'), 'api' => APIStream::getPrefix(), 'query' => $ctx->query()), $content);
     if (file_exists($xsl = os::path(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, 'themes', $handler['theme'], 'templates', 'login.xsl'))) {
         try {
             return xslt::transform($xml, $xsl);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return xslt::transform($xml, 'lib/modules/auth/xsl/login.xsl');
  * Добавляет главный RSS во все страницы.
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.page.head
 public static function on_get_head(Context $ctx)
     $result = '';
     if ($rss = $ctx->config->get('modules/rss/feedurl')) {
         $result .= html::em('link', array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'href' => $rss, 'title' => $ctx->config->get('modules/rss/feedname')));
     return html::wrap('head', html::cdata($result), array('module' => 'rss', 'weight' => 50));
Beispiel #10
 public function format(Node $node, $em)
     $value = $node->{$this->value};
     $tmp = '';
     foreach ((array) $value as $line) {
         $tmp .= html::em('link', $line);
     return html::wrap($em, $tmp);
 public function onGet(array $options)
     $sections = array_intersect_key(Node::getSortedList('tag'), array_flip(Node::create('subscription')->getEnabledSections()));
     $output = html::simpleOptions($sections, 'section', 'sections');
     if ($this->description) {
         $output .= html::em('description', html::cdata($this->description));
     return $output;
Beispiel #12
 public static function get_info_xml(Context $ctx)
     if ($uid = $ctx->user->id) {
         $xml = Node::findXML(array('class' => 'user', 'published' => 1, 'deleted' => 0, 'id' => $uid), $ctx->db);
     if (empty($xml)) {
         $xml = html::em('node', array('class' => 'user', 'name' => 'anonymous'));
     return new Response($xml, 'text/xml');
  * Возвращает код для включения в страницу.
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.page.head
 public static function on_get_content(Context $ctx)
     $conf = $ctx->config->get('modules/googleanalytics');
     if (!empty($conf['account'])) {
         $proto = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https';
         $output = html::em('script', array('src' => $proto . '://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js', 'type' => 'text/javascript'));
         $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">try{var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("' . $conf['account'] . '");pageTracker._trackPageview();}catch(err){}</script>';
         return html::em('head', array('module' => 'googleanalytics'), html::cdata($output));
Beispiel #14
  * Добавляет в предварительный просмотр количество отмеченных документов.
 public function getPreviewXML(Context $ctx)
     $result = parent::getPreviewXML($ctx);
     $count = $ctx->db->fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node WHERE deleted = 0 AND id IN " . "(SELECT nid FROM node__rel WHERE tid = ?) AND class IN " . "(SELECT name FROM node WHERE class = 'type' AND deleted = 0 AND published = 1)", array($this->id));
     if ($count) {
         $message = t('%count (<a href="@url">список</a>)', array('%count' => $count, '@url' => 'admin/content/list?search=tags%3A' . $this->id));
         $result .= html::em('field', array('title' => t('Отмечено документов')), html::em('value', html::cdata($message)));
     return $result;
 public static function on_get_delete(Context $ctx)
     $list = '';
     foreach ((array) $ctx->get('delete') as $name) {
         $list .= html::em('widget', array('name' => $name));
     if (empty($list)) {
         throw new PageNotFoundException();
     return html::wrap('content', $list, array('name' => 'delete-widgets', 'title' => t('Виджеты'), 'base' => self::listurl));
 protected function getData()
     $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit;
     $sql = "SELECT `timestamp`, `nid`, `uid`, `username`, `ip`, `operation`, `name` FROM `node__log` ORDER BY `lid` DESC LIMIT {$offset}, {$this->limit}";
     $output = '';
     foreach ($this->ctx->db->getResults($sql) as $row) {
         $output .= html::em('node', $row);
     $this->pgcount = $this->ctx->db->getResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `node__log`") * 1;
     return html::em('data', array('mode' => 'syslog'), $output);
Beispiel #17
 public function getXML($data)
     if (empty($data[$this->value])) {
     $items = '';
     foreach ($data->{$this->value} as $rid => $info) {
         $items .= html::em('item', array('uid' => $info['uid'], 'username' => $info['username'], 'rid' => $rid, 'created' => $info['created']));
     return empty($items) ? null : parent::wrapXML(array(), $items);
 public static function on_get_delete(Context $ctx)
     $pages = '';
     foreach ((array) $ctx->get('check') as $id) {
         $pages .= html::em('page', urldecode($id));
     if (empty($pages)) {
         throw new ForbiddenException(t('Не выбраны пути для удаления.'));
     return html::wrap('content', $pages, array('name' => 'route-delete'));
Beispiel #19
  * Возвращает результаты по опросу.
 public static function on_get_results(Context $ctx)
     $output = '';
     $id = $ctx->get('id');
     $data = $ctx->db->getResultsKV("option", "count", "SELECT `option`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `node__poll` WHERE `nid` = ? GROUP BY `option`", array($ctx->get('id')));
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $output .= html::em('option', array('count' => $v), html::cdata($k));
     $voted = $ctx->user->id ? $ctx->db->fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `node__poll` WHERE `nid` = ? AND `uid` = ?", array($id, $ctx->user->id)) : $ctx->db->fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `node__poll` WHERE `nid` = ? AND `ip` = ?", array($id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
     return new Response(html::em('results', array('voted' => (bool) $voted), $output), 'text/xml');
Beispiel #20
  * Настройка правила (форма).
 public static function on_get_edit(Context $ctx)
     if (!($name = $ctx->get('name'))) {
         throw new BadRequestException(t('Не указано имя трансформации (параметр name).'));
     if (!($data = $ctx->config->getArray(self::confroot . '/' . $name))) {
         throw new PageNotFoundException();
     $data['name'] = $name;
     $form = self::get_schema()->sort()->getForm(array('title' => t('Настройка трансформации «%name»', array('%name' => $name))))->getXML(Control::data($data));
     return html::em('content', array('name' => 'form'), $form);
Beispiel #21
  * Вызов api/ads/get.xml
  * Возвращает случайные баннеры.
  * @route GET//api/ads/get.xml
 public static function on_get_banners(Context $ctx)
     $limit = intval($ctx->get('limit', 1));
     $sql = "SELECT `node`.`id`, `xml` FROM `node` " . "INNER JOIN `node__banners` ON `node__banners`.`id` = `node`.`id` " . "WHERE `class` = 'banner' AND `deleted` = 0 AND `published` = 1 " . "AND (`time_limit` IS NULL OR `time_limit` < ?) " . "AND (`display_limit` IS NULL OR `display_count` IS NULL OR `display_count` < `display_limit`) " . "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $limit;
     $data = $ctx->db->getResultsKV("id", "xml", $sql, array(mcms::now()));
     $params = array();
     $ctx->db->exec("UPDATE `node__banners` SET `display_count` = 0 WHERE `display_count` IS NULL");
     $ctx->db->exec("UPDATE `node__banners` SET `display_count` = `display_count` + 1 WHERE `id` " . sql::in(array_keys($data), $params), $params);
     return new Response(html::em('nodes', implode('', $data)), 'text/xml');
Beispiel #22
  * Добавляет в комментарий информацию о ноде.
 public function getExtraXMLContent()
     $content = parent::getExtraXMLContent();
     $db = Context::last()->db;
     $node = $this->node ? $this->node : $db->fetch("SELECT `tid` FROM `node__rel` WHERE `nid` = ? LIMIT 1", array($this->id));
     if ($node) {
         if ($data = $db->getResults("SELECT id, class, name FROM node WHERE id = ?", array($node))) {
             $content .= html::em('node', $data[0]);
     return $content;
  * Возвращает количество комментариев.
  * @route GET//api/comment/count.xml
 public static function on_count_comments(Context $ctx)
     $result = '';
     if ($ids = explode(',', $ctx->get('node'))) {
         $params = array();
         if ($data = $ctx->db->getResults($sql = "SELECT n.id AS `id`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM node n INNER JOIN node__rel l ON l.tid = n.id INNER JOIN node c ON c.id = l.nid WHERE n.deleted = 0 AND n.published = 1 AND c.deleted = 0 AND c.published = 1 AND c.class = 'comment' AND `n`.`id` " . sql::in($ids, $params) . " GROUP BY n.id", $params)) {
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $result .= html::em('node', $row);
     return new Response(html::em('counts', $result), 'text/xml');
Beispiel #24
  * Формирование предварительного просмотра.
  * Загружает данные прямо из БД, чтобы видеть метки, которые не дошли
  * до XML представления.  Такие метки выделяются курсивом.
 public function preview($value)
     if ($labels = $value->{$this->value}) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($this->getLabelsFor($value) as $id => $name) {
             if (!array_key_exists($id, $labels)) {
                 $name = html::em('em', $name);
             $result[] = html::em('a', array('href' => 'admin/node/' . $id), $name);
         return html::wrap('value', html::cdata(implode(', ', $result)), array('html' => true));
Beispiel #25
  * Выводит <link>
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.page.head
 public static function on_get_head(Context $ctx, array $pathinfo, $param)
     $attrs = array('rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'application/x-wiki');
     if ($param) {
         $attrs['title'] = t('Редактировать');
         $attrs['href'] = 'admin/node/' . $param;
     } else {
         $attrs['title'] = t('Создать документ');
         $attrs['href'] = 'admin/create';
     $attrs['href'] = $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx) . $attrs['href'] . '?destination=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $output = html::em('link', $attrs);
     return html::em('head', array('module' => 'ueb'), html::cdata($output));
Beispiel #26
 public function format(Node $noed, $em)
     $value = $node->{$this->value};
     if (is_array($value) and !empty($value['lat']) and !empty($value['lon'])) {
         $ll = $value['lat'] . ',' . $value['lon'];
         $key = Context::last()->config->get('modules/googlemaps/key');
         $img = html::em('img', array('src' => sprintf('http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=%s&zoom=%u&size=%ux%u&hl=ru&key=%s', $ll, $this->zoom_embed, $this->width, $this->height, $key), 'width' => $this->width, 'height' => $this->height, 'alt' => $value));
         if (!($zoom_link = $this->zoom_link)) {
             $zoom_link = $this->zoom_embed + 2;
         $result = html::em('a', array('href' => sprintf('http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=%s&z=%u', $ll, $zoom_link), 'title' => $value), $img);
         return html::wrap($em, html::cdata($result), array('address' => $value['query']));
  * Добавляет информацию о разделах в предварительный просмотр.
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.hook.preview.xml
 public static function on_preview_tags(Node $node)
     if (!$node->checkPermission(ACL::UPDATE)) {
     if ($data = $node->getDB()->getResultsKV("id", "name", "SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `node` WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND `class` = 'tag' AND `id` IN (SELECT `tid` FROM `node__rel` WHERE `nid` = ?)", array($node->id))) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
             $result[] = html::em('a', array('href' => "admin/node/{$k}?destination=CURRENT"), html::plain($v));
         $result = html::em('value', html::cdata(implode(', ', $result)));
         return html::em('field', array('html' => true, 'title' => t('Находится в разделах'), 'editurl' => "admin/structure/taxonomy/setup?node={$node->id}&destination=" . urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI)), $result);
Beispiel #28
 protected function getData()
     $data = Node::find(array('class' => 'type', 'deleted' => 0, '#sort' => '-published name'), $this->ctx->db);
     $counts = $this->ctx->db->getResultsKV("name", "count", "SELECT `class` AS `name`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `node` WHERE `deleted` = 0 GROUP BY `class`");
     $nodes = '';
     foreach ($data as $node) {
         if ($node->isdictionary) {
             $attrs = array('id' => $node->id, 'name' => $node->name, 'title' => $node->title, 'list' => Node::create($node->name)->getListURL(), 'published' => (bool) $node->published);
             $attrs['count'] = array_key_exists($node->name, $counts) ? $counts[$node->name] : 0;
             $nodes .= html::em('node', $attrs);
     return html::wrap('data', $nodes);
Beispiel #29
 public function testEmptyDiv()
     $html = html::em('div');
     $this->assertEquals('<div></div>', $html);
     $html = html::em('script');
     $this->assertEquals('<script></script>', $html);
     $html = html::em('textarea');
     $this->assertEquals('<textarea></textarea>', $html);
     $html = html::em('span');
     $this->assertEquals('<span></span>', $html);
     $html = html::em('base');
     $this->assertEquals('<base></base>', $html);
     $html = html::em('a');
     $this->assertEquals('<a></a>', $html);
Beispiel #30
 protected function onGetGas(array $options)
     $config = $this->ctx->config->get('modules/search');
     if (empty($config['gas_key'])) {
         return "<!-- GAS disabled: site key not defined -->";
     } elseif (empty($this->gas_ctl)) {
         return "<!-- GAS disabled: form parent not defined -->";
     } elseif (empty($this->gas_root)) {
         return "<!-- GAS disabled: result container not defined -->";
     if (null === ($host = $this->gas_host)) {
         $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
     return html::em('search', array('mode' => 'gas', 'apikey' => $config['gas_key'], 'hostname' => $host, 'root' => $this->gas_root, 'formctl' => $this->gas_ctl, 'onlyform' => (bool) strcasecmp($this->gas_page, trim($this->ctx->query(), '/')), 'resultpage' => $this->gas_page, 'query' => $options['q']));