public function getMethod($filePath, $ext = '') { $fileName = dirname($filePath); $className = basename(dirname(dirname($filePath))); if (!class_exists($className)) { helper::import($fileName); } $methodName = basename($filePath); $method = new ReflectionMethod($className . $ext, $methodName); $data = new stdClass(); $data->startLine = $method->getStartLine(); $data->endLine = $method->getEndLine(); $data->comment = $method->getDocComment(); $data->parameters = $method->getParameters(); $data->className = $className; $data->methodName = $methodName; $data->fileName = $fileName; $data->post = false; $file = file($fileName); for ($i = $data->startLine - 1; $i <= $data->endLine; $i++) { if (strpos($file[$i], '$this->post') or strpos($file[$i], 'fixer::input') or strpos($file[$i], '$_POST')) { $data->post = true; } } return $data; }
/** * Load the model file of one module. * * @param string $methodName The method name, if empty, use current module's name. * @access public * @return object|bool If no model file, return false. Else return the model object. */ protected function loadModel($moduleName) { $modelFile = \helper::setModelFile($moduleName); /* If no model file, try load config. */ if (!\helper::import($modelFile)) { $this->app->loadConfig($moduleName, false); $this->app->loadLang($moduleName); $this->dao = new dao(); return false; } $modelClass = class_exists('ext' . $moduleName . 'model') ? 'ext' . $moduleName . 'model' : $moduleName . 'model'; $modelClass = '\\' . $modelClass; if (!class_exists($modelClass)) { $this->app->triggerError(" The model {$modelClass} not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, $exit = true); } $this->{$moduleName} = new $modelClass(); $this->dao = $this->{$moduleName}->dao; return $this->{$moduleName}; }
<?php helper::import('/Users/shenpengfei/git_repository/pm_wcc/scrum_project_manage_system/module/misc/model.php'); class extmiscModel extends miscModel { function hello2() { echo 'start from hello2.start.php<br>'; echo $this->loadExtension('test')->hello(); // Load testMisc class from test.class.php in ext/model/class. return $this->testMisc->hello(); // After loading, can use $this->testMisc to call it. } public function foo() { return 'foo'; } public function hello() { echo "start from hello.test.php <br>"; echo 'start from hellp.test2.php<br>'; return 'hello world from hello()<br />'; } }
/** * Get the output of one module's one method as a string, thus in one module's method, can fetch other module's content. * * If the module name is empty, then use the current module and method. If set, use the user defined module and method. * * @param string $moduleName module name. * @param string $methodName method name. * @param array $params params. * @access public * @return string the parsed html. */ public function fetch($moduleName = '', $methodName = '', $params = array()) { if ($moduleName == '') { $moduleName = $this->moduleName; } if ($methodName == '') { $methodName = $this->methodName; } if ($moduleName == $this->moduleName and $methodName == $this->methodName) { $this->parse($moduleName, $methodName); return $this->output; } /* Set the pathes and files to included. */ $modulePath = $this->app->getModulePath($moduleName); $moduleControlFile = $modulePath . 'control.php'; $actionExtFile = $this->app->getModuleExtPath($moduleName, 'control') . strtolower($methodName) . '.php'; $file2Included = file_exists($actionExtFile) ? $actionExtFile : $moduleControlFile; /* Load the control file. */ if (!is_file($file2Included)) { $this->app->triggerError("The control file {$file2Included} not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, $exit = true); } $currentPWD = getcwd(); chdir(dirname($file2Included)); if ($moduleName != $this->moduleName) { helper::import($file2Included); } /* Set the name of the class to be called. */ $className = class_exists("my{$moduleName}") ? "my{$moduleName}" : $moduleName; if (!class_exists($className)) { $this->app->triggerError(" The class {$className} not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, $exit = true); } /* Parse the params, create the $module control object. */ if (!is_array($params)) { parse_str($params, $params); } $module = new $className($moduleName, $methodName); /* Call the method and use ob function to get the output. */ ob_start(); call_user_func_array(array($module, $methodName), $params); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); /* Return the content. */ unset($module); chdir($currentPWD); return $output; }
/** * Load the model of one module. After loaded, can use $this->modulename to visit the model object. * * @param string $moduleName * @access public * @return object|bool the model object or false if model file not exists. */ public function loadModel($moduleName) { if (empty($moduleName)) { return false; } $modelFile = helper::setModelFile($moduleName); if (!helper::import($modelFile)) { return false; } $modelClass = class_exists('ext' . $moduleName . 'model') ? 'ext' . $moduleName . 'model' : $moduleName . 'model'; if (!class_exists($modelClass)) { $this->app->triggerError(" The model {$modelClass} not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, $exit = true); } $this->{$moduleName} = new $modelClass(); return $this->{$moduleName}; }
<?php /** * The model file for block module of RanZhi. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, * @license ZPL ( * @author Yidong Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package block * @version $Id$ * @link */ helper::import(realpath('../../sys/block/model.php')); class crmblockModel extends blockModel { /** * Get block list. * * @access public * @return string */ public function getAvailableBlocks() { foreach ($this->lang->block->availableBlocks as $key => $block) { if (!commonModel::hasPriv($key, 'browse')) { unset($this->lang->block->availableBlocks->{$key}); } } return json_encode($this->lang->block->availableBlocks); } /**
/** * Load a class file. * * @param string $className the class name * @param bool $static statis class or not * @access public * @return object|bool the instance of the class or just true. */ public function loadClass($className, $static = false) { $className = strtolower($className); /* Search in $coreLibRoot. */ $classFile = $this->coreLibRoot . $className; if (is_dir($classFile)) { $classFile .= DS . $className; } $classFile .= '.class.php'; if (!helper::import($classFile)) { $this->triggerError("class file {$classFile} not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, $exit = true); } /* If staitc, return. */ if ($static) { return true; } /* Instance it. */ global ${$className}; if (!class_exists($className)) { $this->triggerError("the class {$className} not found in {$classFile}", __FILE__, __LINE__, $exit = true); } if (!is_object(${$className})) { ${$className} = new $className(); } return ${$className}; }
<?php helper::import('F:\\xampp\\zentao\\module\\misc\\model.php'); class extmiscModel extends miscModel { public function hello2() { echo 'start from hello2.start.php<br>'; echo $this->loadExtension('test')->hello(); // Load testMisc class from test.class.php in ext/model/class. return $this->testMisc->hello(); // After loading, can use $this->testMisc to call it. } public function foo() { return 'foo'; } public function hello() { echo "start from hello.test.php <br>"; echo 'start from hellp.test2.php<br>'; return 'hello world from hello()<br />'; } }
/** * convert redmine * * @param int $version * @access public * @return void */ public function convertRedmine($version) { helper::import('./converter/redmine.php'); helper::import("./converter/redmine{$version}.php"); $className = "redmine11ConvertModel"; $redmine->aimTypes = $this->post->aimTypes; $redmine->statusTypes['bug'] = $this->post->statusTypesOfBug; $redmine->statusTypes['story'] = $this->post->statusTypesOfStory; $redmine->statusTypes['task'] = $this->post->statusTypesOfTask; $redmine->priTypes['bug'] = $this->post->priTypesOfBug; $redmine->priTypes['story'] = $this->post->priTypesOfStory; $redmine->priTypes['task'] = $this->post->priTypesOfTask; $converter = new $className($redmine); $this->view->version = $version; $this->view->result = $converter->execute($version); $this->view->info = redmineConvertModel::$info; $this->display(); }
* @package Testing * @version $Id$ * @link * @license LGPL */ include '../../helper.class.php'; /* 首次包含。*/ helper::import('import1.php'); printIncluded(); /* 重复包含。*/ helper::import('import1.php'); printIncluded(); /* 包含第二个文件。*/ helper::import('import2.php'); printIncluded(); /* 包含不存在的文件。*/ var_dump(helper::import('noexits.php')); /** * 只打印包含文件的文件名。 * * @access public * @return void */ function printIncluded() { $files = get_included_files(); foreach ($files as $file) { echo basename($file) . "\n"; } echo "\n"; }
/** * Load extension class of a model. Saved to $moduleName/ext/model/class/$extensionName.class.php. * * @param string $extensionName * @param string $moduleName * @access public * @return void */ public function loadExtension($extensionName, $moduleName = '') { if (empty($extensionName)) { return false; } /* Set extenson name and extension file. */ $extensionName = strtolower($extensionName); $moduleName = $moduleName ? $moduleName : $this->getModuleName(); $extensionFile = $this->app->getModuleExtPath($moduleName, 'model') . 'class/' . $extensionName . '.class.php'; /* Try to import parent model file auto and then import the extension file. */ if (!class_exists($moduleName . 'Model')) { helper::import($this->app->getModulePath($moduleName) . 'model.php'); } if (!helper::import($extensionFile)) { return false; } /* Set the extension class name. */ $extensionClass = $extensionName . ucfirst($moduleName); if (!class_exists($extensionClass)) { return false; } /* Create an instance of the extension class and return it. */ $extensionObject = new $extensionClass(); $extensionClass = str_replace('Model', '', $extensionClass); $this->{$extensionClass} = $extensionObject; return $extensionObject; }
private function __construct() { require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/helper.php'); self::getINI(); self::loadStyles(); helper::import(['tmpl']); }
<?php helper::import('D:\\wnmp\\nginx\\html\\zentao\\module\\misc\\model.php'); class extmiscModel extends miscModel { public function hello2() { echo 'start from hello2.start.php<br>'; echo $this->loadExtension('test')->hello(); // Load testMisc class from test.class.php in ext/model/class. return $this->testMisc->hello(); // After loading, can use $this->testMisc to call it. } public function foo() { return 'foo'; } public function hello() { echo "start from hello.test.php <br>"; echo 'start from hellp.test2.php<br>'; return 'hello world from hello()<br />'; } }
<?php helper::import('/Users/user05/work/meizai/system/module/user/model.php'); class extuserModel extends userModel { function login($account = "", $password = "") { if (!$account) { $account = tool::getParams('phone', ''); } $password = tool::getParams('password', ''); if (!$account || !$password) { $this->send(array('result' => 'fail', 'message' => '手机号或密码不能为空')); } $user = $this->identify($account, $password); a($user); exit; if (!$user) { $this->send(array('result' => 'fail', 'message' => '手机号或密码错误')); } $this->send(array('result' => 'success', 'message' => $this->lang->getSuccess, 'data' => $user)); } }
/** * Extend control.php and get file content. * * @param string $filePath * @access public * @return string */ public function extendControl($filePath, $isExtends) { $className = basename(dirname(dirname($filePath))); if (!class_exists($className)) { helper::import(dirname($filePath)); } $methodName = basename($filePath); if ($isExtends == 'yes') { $methodParam = $this->getParam($className, $methodName); return $fileContent = <<<EOD <?php include '../../control.php'; class my{$className} extends {$className} { public function {$methodName}({$methodParam}) { return parent::{$methodName}({$methodParam}); } } EOD; } else { $methodCode = $this->getMethodCode($className, $methodName); return $fileContent = <<<EOD <?php class {$className} extends control { {$methodCode} } EOD; } }