function add_guest() { global $GB_TMP, $GB_UPLOAD, $GB_PG; if ($this->preview == 1 && $this->user_img) { $img = new gb_image(); $img->set_destdir("{$this->include_path}/{$GB_UPLOAD}"); $img->set_border_size($this->db->VARS["img_width"], $this->db->VARS["img_height"]); if ($this->db->VARS["thumbnail"] == 1) { $min_size = 1024 * $this->db->VARS["thumb_min_fsize"]; $img->set_min_filesize($min_size); $img->set_prefix("t_"); $img->create_thumbnail("{$this->include_path}/{$GB_TMP}/{$this->user_img}", $this->user_img); } copy("{$this->include_path}/{$GB_TMP}/{$this->user_img}", "{$this->include_path}/{$GB_UPLOAD}/{$this->user_img}"); unlink("{$this->include_path}/{$GB_TMP}/{$this->user_img}"); $this->image_file = $this->user_img; } $this->name = htmlspecialchars($this->name); $this->location = htmlspecialchars($this->location); if ($this->db->VARS["allow_html"] == 0) { $this->comment = htmlspecialchars($this->comment); } if ($this->db->VARS["agcode"] == 1) { $this->comment = $this->db->AGCode($this->comment); } if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $this->name = addslashes($this->name); $this->location = addslashes($this->location); $this->aim = addslashes($this->aim); $this->email = addslashes($this->email); $this->url = addslashes($this->url); $this->comment = addslashes($this->comment); $this->gender = addslashes($this->gender); } $host = addslashes(@gethostbyaddr($this->ip)); $agent = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))); $the_time = time(); $sql_usertable = $this->private == 1 ? $this->table['priv'] : $this->table['data']; $this->db->query("INSERT INTO {$sql_usertable} (name,gender,email,url,date,location,host,browser,comment,icq,aim) VALUES ('{$this->name}','{$this->gender}','{$this->email}','{$this->url}','{$the_time}','{$this->location}','{$host}','{$agent}','{$this->comment}','{$this->icq}','{$this->aim}')"); if ($this->canUseCaptcha) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table['cap']} WHERE session_id = '" . addslashes($this->token) . "'"); } if (!empty($this->image_file) || !empty($this->user_img)) { $size = GetImageSize("{$this->include_path}/{$GB_UPLOAD}/{$this->image_file}"); if (is_array($size) && $size[2] > 0 && $size[2] < 4) { $book_id = $this->private == 1 ? 1 : 2; $p_filesize = filesize("{$this->include_path}/{$GB_UPLOAD}/{$this->image_file}"); $this->db->fetch_array($this->db->query("SELECT MAX(id) AS msg_id FROM {$sql_usertable}")); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . $this->table['pics'] . " (msg_id,book_id,p_filename,p_size,width,height) VALUES ('" . $this->db->record['msg_id'] . "',{$book_id},'{$this->image_file}','{$p_filesize}','{$size['0']}','{$size['1']}')"); } } $from_email = $this->email == "" ? $this->db->VARS['admin_mail'] : $this->email; if ($this->db->VARS["notify_private"] == 1 && $this->private == 1) { @mail($this->db->VARS["admin_mail"], $this->db->LANG["EmailAdminSubject"], "{$this->name}\n{$this->host}\n\n{$this->comment}", "From: {$from_email}\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2"); } if ($this->db->VARS["notify_admin"] == 1 && $this->private == 0) { @mail($this->db->VARS["admin_mail"], $this->db->LANG["EmailAdminSubject"], "{$this->name}\n{$this->host}\n\n{$this->comment}", "From: {$from_email}\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2"); } if ($this->db->VARS["notify_guest"] == 1 && $this->email != '') { @mail($this->email, $this->db->LANG["EmailGuestSubject"], $this->db->VARS["notify_mes"], "From: " . $this->db->VARS['admin_mail'] . "\nX-Mailer: Advanced Guestbook 2"); } if ($this->db->VARS["flood_check"] == 1) { $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . $this->table['ip'] . " (guest_ip,timestamp) VALUES ('{$this->ip}','{$the_time}')"); } $LANG =& $this->db->LANG; $VARS =& $this->db->VARS; $success_html = ""; eval("\$success_html = \"" . $this->template->get_template($this->GB_TPL['success']) . "\";"); eval("\$success_html .= \"" . $this->template->get_template($this->GB_TPL['footer']) . "\";"); return $success_html; }
function get_entries($entry, $last_entry) { global $GB_UPLOAD, $GB_PG; $VARS =& $this->db->VARS; $last_entry = intval($last_entry); $img = new gb_image(); $img->set_border_size($this->db->VARS['img_width'], $this->db->VARS['img_height']); $LANG =& $this->db->LANG; $id = isset($_GET['permalink']) ? 1 : $this->total - $entry; $HOST = ''; $COMMENT = ''; $GB_ENTRIES = ''; $i = 0; $template['entry'] = $this->template->get_template('entry'); $template['location'] = $this->template->get_template('location'); $template['com'] = $this->template->get_template('com'); $template['url'] = $this->template->get_template('url'); $template['icq'] = $this->template->get_template('icq'); $template['aim'] = $this->template->get_template('aim'); $template['msn'] = $this->template->get_template('msn'); $template['yahoo'] = $this->template->get_template('yahoo'); $template['skype'] = $this->template->get_template('skype'); $template['email'] = $this->template->get_template('email'); $template['image'] = $this->template->get_template('user_pic'); $template['male'] = $this->template->get_template('img_male'); $template['female'] = $this->template->get_template('img_female'); $template['com_link'] = $this->template->get_template('com_link'); $template['com_email'] = $this->template->get_template('com_email'); // Here we create our query dependant upon the admins options. if (isset($_GET['permalink'])) { $this->searchquery2 = ' AND = ' . $entry; $entry = 0; $last_entry = 1; } if ($this->db->VARS['allow_img'] && $this->db->VARS['disablecomments'] != 1) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT x.*, y.p_filename, y.width, y.height, COUNT(z.com_id) as comments FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data x LEFT JOIN " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_pics y ON ( and y.book_id=2) LEFT JOIN " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com z ON ( WHERE x.accepted='1'" . $this->searchquery2 . " GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$entry}, {$last_entry}"); } elseif ($this->db->VARS['allow_img'] && $this->db->VARS['disablecomments'] == 1) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT x.*, y.p_filename, y.width, y.height FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data x LEFT JOIN " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_pics y ON ( and y.book_id=2) WHERE x.accepted='1'" . $this->searchquery2 . " GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$entry}, {$last_entry}"); } elseif (!$this->db->VARS['allow_img'] && $this->db->VARS['disablecomments'] != 1) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT x.*, COUNT(z.com_id) as comments FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data x LEFT JOIN " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com z ON ( WHERE x.accepted='1'" . $this->searchquery2 . " GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$entry}, {$last_entry}"); } else { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data WHERE accepted='1'" . str_replace('x.', '', $this->searchquery2) . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$entry}, {$last_entry}"); } while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($result)) { // Check if they want to show their ad code or not. if ($this->db->VARS['ad_pos'] > 0 && $this->db->VARS['ad_code'] != '' && $this->db->VARS['ad_pos'] == $i + 1) { $GB_ENTRIES .= '<tr bgcolor="'; $GB_ENTRIES .= $i % 2 ? $this->db->VARS['tb_color_2'] : $this->db->VARS['tb_color_1']; $GB_ENTRIES .= '"><td colspan="2" align="center" class="font1">' . $this->db->VARS['ad_code'] . '</td></tr>'; $i++; } $DATE = $this->db->DateFormat($row['date']); // Format the date according to their language $MESSAGE = nl2br($row['comment']); // Add <br /> where needed if (!empty($row['p_filename']) && preg_match('/^img-/', $row['p_filename'])) { $row['p_filename2'] = $row['p_filename']; if (file_exists($this->path . '/public/t_' . $row['p_filename'])) { $row['p_filename2'] = 't_' . $row['p_filename2']; } $new_img_size = $img->get_img_size_format($row['width'], $row['height']); $GB_UPLOAD = 'public'; eval("\$USER_PIC = \"" . $template['image'] . "\";"); } else { $USER_PIC = ''; } $row['name'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['name']); $MESSAGE = $this->db->CensorBadWords($MESSAGE); if ($this->db->VARS['smilies'] == 1) { $MESSAGE = $this->db->emotion($MESSAGE); } /* if (!$row['location']) { $row['location'] = '-'; }*/ $bgcolor = $i % 2 ? $this->db->VARS['tb_color_2'] : $this->db->VARS['tb_color_1']; $i++; if ($row['url'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_url'] == 1) { $row['url'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['url']); eval("\$URL = \"" . $template['url'] . "\";"); } else { $URL = ''; } if ($row['location'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_loc'] == 1) { $row['location'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['location']); $THEIRLOC = urlencode($row['location']); eval("\$LOCATION = \"" . $template['location'] . "\";"); } else { $LOCATION = ''; } if ($row['icq'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_icq'] == 1 && $row['icq'] != 0) { eval("\$ICQ = \"" . $template['icq'] . "\";"); } else { $ICQ = ''; } if ($row['aim'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_aim'] == 1) { eval("\$AIM = \"" . $template['aim'] . "\";"); } else { $AIM = ''; } if ($row['msn'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_msn'] == 1) { eval("\$MSN = \"" . $template['msn'] . "\";"); } else { $MSN = ''; } if ($row['yahoo'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_yahoo'] == 1) { eval("\$YAHOO = \"" . $template['yahoo'] . "\";"); } else { $YAHOO = ''; } if ($row['skype'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_skype'] == 1) { eval("\$SKYPE = \"" . $template['skype'] . "\";"); } else { $SKYPE = ''; } if ($row['email']) { $GRAVATAR = $this->db->VARS['use_gravatar'] == 1 ? ' background: transparent url(' . md5($row['email']) . '?s=24&d=wavatar&r=G) no-repeat right;' : ''; if ($this->db->VARS['require_email'] < 2) { $row['email'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['email']); if ($this->db->VARS['encrypt_email'] == 1) { $MAILTO = $this->db->html_encode('mailto:' . $row['email']); } else { $MAILTO = 'mailto:' . $row['email']; } eval("\$EMAIL = \"" . $template['email'] . "\";"); } else { $EMAIL = ''; } } else { $GRAVATAR = ''; $EMAIL = ''; } if ($this->db->VARS['allow_gender'] == 1) { if ($row['gender'] == 'f') { eval("\$GENDER = \"" . $template['female'] . "\";"); } elseif ($row['gender'] == 'm') { eval("\$GENDER = \"" . $template['male'] . "\";"); } else { $GENDER = ''; } } else { $GENDER = ''; } $PERMALINK = ''; if ($this->db->VARS['permalinks'] == 1) { $PERMALINK = preg_match('/\\?/', $GB_PG['index']) ? $GB_PG['index'] . '&permalink=true&entry=' . $row['id'] : $GB_PG['index'] . '?permalink=true&entry=' . $row['id']; $PERMALINK = '<a href="' . $PERMALINK . '"><img src="' . $GB_PG['base_url'] . '/img/permalink.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="Permalink" title="Permalink" style="border:0;" /></a>'; } $GB_COMMENT = (IS_MODULE || IS_INCLUDE) && preg_match('/\\?/', $GB_PG['comment']) ? $GB_PG['comment'] . '&gb_id=' . $row['id'] : $GB_PG['comment'] . '?gb_id=' . $row['id']; if ($this->db->VARS['disablecomments'] == 0) { eval("\$COMMENTLINK = \"" . $template['com_link'] . "\";"); } else { $COMMENTLINK = ''; } if ($this->db->VARS['show_ip'] == 1) { $hostname = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $row['host']) ? 'IP' : 'Host'; $HOST = '<em style="font-weight: normal;">' . $hostname . ': ' . $row['host'] . "</em>\n"; } if (!empty($row['comments'])) { $foo = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com WHERE id='{$row['id']}' AND comaccepted='1' order by com_id asc"); $comment_count = 0; while ($com = $this->db->fetch_array($foo)) { $comment_count++; $COMDATE = $this->db->DateFormat($com['timestamp']); $comhostname = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $com['host']) ? 'IP' : 'Host'; $comhost = $this->db->VARS['show_ip'] == 1 ? '<em>' . $comhostname . ': ' . $com['host'] . "</em><br />\n" : ''; $com['comments'] = $this->db->VARS['smilies'] == 1 ? nl2br($this->db->emotion($com['comments'])) : nl2br($com['comments']); $com['name'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($com['name']); $com['comments'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($com['comments']); $COMGRAVATAR = ''; $COMEMAIL = ''; if (!empty($com['email'])) { $COMGRAVATAR = $this->db->VARS['use_gravatar'] == 1 ? 'padding-left:26px;background: url(' . md5($com['email']) . '?s=24&d=wavatar&r=G) no-repeat;' : ''; if ($this->db->VARS['require_email'] < 2) { $com['email'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($com['email']); if ($this->db->VARS['encrypt_email'] == 1) { $COMMAILTO = $this->db->html_encode('mailto:' . $com['email']); } else { $COMMAILTO = 'mailto:' . $com['email']; } eval("\$COMEMAIL = \"" . $template['com_email'] . "\";"); } else { $COMEMAIL = ''; } } eval("\$COMMENT .= \"" . $template['com'] . "\";"); } unset($com); if ($this->db->VARS['hide_comments'] == 1 && $comment_count > 0) { $COMMENTDIV = "<br style=\"clear:both;\" /><a href=\"javascript: ;\" onclick=\"toggleSlide('" . $row['id'] . "', " . $comment_count . ");\" style=\"clear:both;display:none;\" id=\"comtext_" . $row['id'] . "\" class=\"comHide\">" . $LANG['BookMess12'] . " (" . $comment_count . ")</a>"; $COMMENTDIV .= "<div id=\"com" . $row['id'] . "_open\" style=\"position:relative;\" class=\"comDiv\">"; $COMMENTDIV .= $COMMENT; $COMMENTDIV .= '</div>'; $COMMENT = $COMMENTDIV; unset($COMMENTDIV); } } $theirbrowser = $this->db->browser_detect($row['browser']); eval("\$GB_ENTRIES .= \"" . $template['entry'] . "\";"); $COMMENT = ''; $id--; if ($this->db->VARS['ad_pos'] > $last_entry && $this->db->VARS['ad_code'] != '' && $i == $last_entry) { $GB_ENTRIES .= '<tr bgcolor="'; $GB_ENTRIES .= $i % 2 ? $this->db->VARS['tb_color_2'] : $this->db->VARS['tb_color_1']; $GB_ENTRIES .= '"><td colspan="2" align="center" class="font1">' . $this->db->VARS['ad_code'] . '</td></tr>'; $i++; } } $TPL['GB_ENTRIES'] = $GB_ENTRIES; return $TPL; }
function show_entry($tbl = "gb") { global $entry, $record, $GB_UPLOAD; $entry = intval($entry); $record = intval($record); if ($tbl == "priv") { $gb_tbl = $this->table['priv']; $book_id = 1; } else { $gb_tbl = $this->table['data']; $tbl = "gb"; $book_id = 2; } $entries_per_page = intval($this->VARS["entries_per_page"]); if (!isset($entry)) { $entry = 0; } if (!isset($record)) { $record = 0; } $next_page = $entry + $entries_per_page; $prev_page = $entry - $entries_per_page; $this->db->query("select count(*) total from {$gb_tbl}"); $this->db->fetch_array($this->db->result); $total = $this->db->record['total']; if ($record > 0 && $record <= $total) { $entry = $total - $record; $next_page = $entry + $entries_per_page; $prev_page = $entry - $entries_per_page; } $result = $this->db->query("select x.*, y.p_filename, y.width, y.height from {$gb_tbl} x left join " . $this->db->table['pics'] . " y on ( and y.book_id={$book_id}) order by id desc limit {$entry}, {$entries_per_page}"); $img = new gb_image(); $img->set_border_size($this->VARS["img_width"], $this->VARS["img_height"]); $this->NoCacheHeader(); include_once "./admin/panel_easy.php"; include_once "./admin/"; }
function add_guest() { global $GB_PG; if ($this->preview == 1 && $this->user_img) { $img = new gb_image(); $img->set_destdir($this->include_path . '/public'); $img->set_border_size($this->db->VARS['img_width'], $this->db->VARS['img_height']); if ($this->db->VARS['thumbnail'] == 1) { $min_size = 1024 * $this->db->VARS['thumb_min_fsize']; $img->set_min_filesize($min_size); $img->set_prefix('t_'); $img->create_thumbnail($this->include_path . '/tmp/' . $this->user_img, $this->user_img); } copy($this->include_path . '/tmp/' . $this->user_img, $this->include_path . '/public/' . $this->user_img); unlink($this->include_path . '/tmp/' . $this->user_img); $this->image_file = $this->user_img; } if ($this->db->VARS['allow_html'] == 1) { $this->comment = $this->db->allowed_html($this->comment); } if ($this->db->VARS['agcode'] == 1) { $this->comment = $this->db->AGCode($this->comment); } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $this->strip_all_slashes(); } $this->name = $this->db->escape_string($this->name); $this->location = $this->db->escape_string($this->location); $this->aim = $this->db->escape_string($this->aim); $this->msn = $this->db->escape_string($this->msn); $this->yahoo = $this->db->escape_string($this->yahoo); $this->skype = $this->db->escape_string($this->skype); $this->email = $this->db->escape_string($this->email); $this->url = $this->db->escape_string($this->url); $this->ip = $this->db->escape_string($this->ip); $this->gender = $this->db->escape_string($this->gender); $host = $this->db->escape_string(htmlspecialchars(gethostbyaddr($this->ip))); $agent = $this->db->escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $the_time = time(); if ($this->db->VARS['require_checking'] == 1) { $this->accepted = $this->private == 1 ? '1' : '0'; } // Check for moderation words if ($this->db->BlockBadWords($this->name, 3) || $this->db->BlockBadWords($this->email, 3) || $this->db->BlockBadWords($this->location, 3) || $this->db->BlockBadWords($this->comment, 3) || $this->db->BlockBadWords($this->url, 3)) { $this->accepted = $this->private == 1 ? $this->accepted : '0'; } $sql_usertable = $this->private == 1 && $this->db->VARS['allow_private'] == 1 ? LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . '_private' : LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . '_data'; $this->db->query("INSERT INTO {$sql_usertable} (name,gender,email,url,date,location,host,browser,comment,icq,aim,msn,yahoo,skype,accepted,ip) VALUES ('{$this->name}','{$this->gender}','{$this->email}','{$this->url}',{$the_time},'{$this->location}','{$host}','{$agent}','" . $this->db->escape_string($this->comment) . "','{$this->icq}','{$this->aim}','{$this->msn}','{$this->yahoo}','{$this->skype}',{$this->accepted},'{$this->ip}')"); $entry_id = $this->db->insert_id(); $imagedata = array('mime' => '', 'name' => '', 'data' => ''); if (!empty($this->image_file) || !empty($this->user_img)) { $size = getimagesize("{$this->include_path}/public/{$this->image_file}"); if (is_array($size) && ($size[2] > 0 && $size[2] < 4 || $size[2] == 6)) { $book_id = $this->private == 1 ? 1 : 2; $p_filesize = filesize("{$this->include_path}/public/{$this->image_file}"); $this->db->fetch_array($this->db->query("SELECT MAX(id) AS msg_id FROM {$sql_usertable}")); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_pics (msg_id,book_id,p_filename,p_size,width,height) VALUES ('" . $this->db->record['msg_id'] . "',{$book_id},'{$this->image_file}','{$p_filesize}','{$size['0']}','{$size['1']}')"); if ($this->db->VARS['html_email'] == 1) { if (!empty($size['mime'])) { $imagedata['mime'] = $size['mime']; } else { $mimetype = array(1 => 'image/gif', 2 => 'image/jpeg', 3 => 'image/png', 6 => 'image/png'); $imagedata['mime'] = $mimetype[$size[2]]; } $imagedata['name'] = $this->image_file; $imgdata = file_get_contents($this->include_path . '/public/' . $this->image_file); $imagedata['data'] = chunk_split(base64_encode($imgdata)); } } } $LANG =& $this->db->LANG; if ($this->db->check_emailaddress($this->db->VARS['book_mail']) && $this->db->VARS['always_bookemail'] == 1) { $admin_email = $this->db->VARS['book_mail']; } else { $admin_emails = explode(',', $this->db->VARS['admin_mail']); if ($this->db->check_emailaddress($admin_emails[0])) { $admin_email = $admin_emails[0]; } else { $admin_email = 'guestbookentry@' . $host; } } if ($this->email == '' || $this->db->VARS['always_bookemail'] == 1) { $from_email = $admin_email; } else { $from_email = $this->email; } $hostname = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $host) ? 'IP' : 'Host'; $messagebody = '<div style="background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #a5cae4;border-radius:5px;padding:5px;">'; $messagebody .= $LANG['FormName'] . ': ' . $this->name . "<br />\n"; $messagebody .= $hostname . ': ' . $host . ' (' . $this->ip . ")<br />\n"; $messagebody .= $this->location != '' ? $LANG['FormLoc'] . ': ' . $this->location . "<br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->email != '' ? $LANG['FormEmail'] . ': <a href="mailto:' . $this->email . '">' . $this->email . "</a><br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->url != '' ? $LANG['FormUrl'] . ': <a href="' . $this->url . '" target="_blank">' . $this->url . "</a><br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->aim != '' ? 'AIM: ' . $this->aim . "<br .>\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->icq != '' ? 'ICQ: ' . $this->icq . "<br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->msn != '' ? 'MSN: ' . $this->msn . "<br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->yahoo != '' ? 'Yahoo: ' . $this->yahoo . "<br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= $this->skype != '' ? 'Skype: ' . $this->skype . "<br />\n" : ''; $messagebody .= '<hr style="min-height:1px;margin:20px 0 10px;border:0;color:#d7edfc;background-color:#d7edfc" />'; $messagebody .= "<br />\n<br />\n" . nl2br($this->comment); if ($GB_PG['base_url'] != '') { $messagebody .= "<br />\n<br />\n<div style=\"background-color:#f0f7fc;border-top:1px solid #d7edfc;padding:2px;\">"; if ($sql_usertable == LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . '_data') { $urlDivider = strpos($this->db->VARS['laz_url'], '?') > 0 ? '&' : '?'; $messagebody .= $LANG['EmailAdminSubject'] . ': <a href="' . $this->db->VARS['laz_url'] . $urlDivider . 'permalink=true&entry=' . $entry_id . '">' . $this->db->VARS['laz_url'] . $urlDivider . 'permalink=true&entry=' . $entry_id . "</a><br>\n"; $messagebody .= $this->accepted == 0 ? $LANG['AdminAccept'] . ': <a href="' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=accept&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . '">' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=accept&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . "</a><br>\n" : $LANG['AdminUnaccept'] . ': <a href="' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=unaccept&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . '">' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=unaccept&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . "</a><br>\n"; } $messagebody .= $LANG['AdminEdit'] . ': <a href="' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=edit&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . '">' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=edit&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . "</a><br />\n"; $messagebody .= $LANG['AdminDelete'] . ': <a href="' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=del&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . '">' . $GB_PG['admin'] . '?action=del&tbl=gb&id=' . $entry_id . "</a><br />\n"; $messagebody .= $LANG['FormSelect'] . ': <a href="' . $this->db->VARS['laz_url'] . '">' . $this->db->VARS['laz_url'] . "</a><br />\n"; $messagebody .= '</div>'; } $messagebody .= '</div>'; //$messagebody = stripslashes($messagebody); $fromname = $this->db->undo_htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($this->name)); if ($this->db->VARS['notify_guest'] == 1 && $this->email != '' && $admin_email != '') { $email_message = nl2br($this->db->AGCode($this->db->VARS['notify_mes'])); $email_message = str_replace('[NAME]', stripslashes($this->name), $email_message); $this->db->send_email($this->email, $this->db->LANG['EmailGuestSubject'], $email_message, 'From: "' . strip_tags($this->db->VARS['book_name']) . '" <' . $admin_email . '>', $admin_email); } $admin_emails = explode(',', $this->db->VARS['admin_mail']); foreach ($admin_emails as $adminsaddy) { $adminsaddy = trim($adminsaddy); if ($this->db->check_emailaddress($adminsaddy)) { if ($this->db->VARS['notify_private'] == 1 && $this->private == 1) { $this->db->send_email($adminsaddy, $this->db->LANG['EmailAdminSubject'] . ' - ' . $this->db->LANG['FormPriv'], $this->db->LANG['FormPriv'] . "<br>\n<br>\n" . $messagebody, 'From: "' . $fromname . '" <' . $from_email . '>', $from_email, $imagedata); } if (($this->db->VARS['notify_admin'] == 1 || $this->db->VARS['require_checking'] == 1) && $this->private == 0) { $this->db->send_email($adminsaddy, $this->db->LANG['EmailAdminSubject'], $messagebody, 'From: "' . $fromname . '" <' . $from_email . '>', $from_email, $imagedata); } } } $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . '_ip' . " (guest_ip,timestamp) VALUES ('{$this->ip}','{$the_time}')"); $LANG =& $this->db->LANG; $VARS =& $this->db->VARS; $success_message = $LANG['BookMess10']; if ($this->accepted == 0) { $success_message = $LANG['BookMess11']; } $success_html = ''; eval("\$success_html .= \"" . $this->template->get_template('success_header') . "\";"); eval("\$success_html .= \"" . $this->template->get_template('success') . "\";"); eval("\$success_html .= \"" . $this->template->get_template('footer', false) . "\";"); return $success_html; }
function show_entry($tbl = 'gb', $rid = '', $amessage = '') { global $entry, $record, $GB_UPLOAD; $entry = intval($entry); $record = intval($record); $rid = intval($rid); $entry = !empty($rid) ? $rid : $entry; if ($tbl == 'priv') { $gb_tbl = LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . '_private'; $book_id = 1; } else { $gb_tbl = LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . '_data'; $tbl = 'gb'; $book_id = 2; } $entries_per_page = intval($this->VARS['entries_per_page']); if (!isset($entry)) { $entry = 0; } if (!isset($record)) { $record = 0; } $next_page = $entry + $entries_per_page; $prev_page = $entry - $entries_per_page; $this->db->query("select count(*) total from {$gb_tbl}"); $this->db->fetch_array($this->db->result); $total = $this->db->record['total']; if ($record > 0 && $record <= $total) { $entry = $total - $record; $next_page = $entry + $entries_per_page; $prev_page = $entry - $entries_per_page; } if (empty($_GET['unacc'])) { $result = $this->db->query("select x.*, y.p_filename, y.width, y.height from {$gb_tbl} x left join " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_pics y on ( and y.book_id={$book_id}) order by id desc limit {$entry}, {$entries_per_page}"); } else { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT a.*, COUNT(b.ID) as cnt,c.p_filename, c.width, c.height FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data as a LEFT OUTER JOIN " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com as b ON a.ID = b.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_pics as c ON a.ID = c.msg_ID WHERE a.ID IN ( SELECT ID FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data WHERE accepted = 0 UNION SELECT ID FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com WHERE comaccepted = 0 ) GROUP BY a.ID, c.p_filename, c.width, c.height order by id desc limit {$entry}, {$entries_per_page}"); } $img = new gb_image(); $img->set_border_size($this->VARS['img_width'], $this->VARS['img_height']); $this->NoCacheHeader(); $amessage = $amessage != '' ? '<div class="success">' . $amessage . '</div>' : ''; include_once './admin/panel_easy.php'; include_once './admin/'; }
function comment_form($extra_html = '') { global $GB_PG, $gbsession, $rid, $uid, $included; //, $include_path; if ($this->db->VARS['disablecomments'] != 1 && (!empty($_GET['gbsession']) && !empty($_GET['uid']))) { $GB_PG['comment'] = $GB_PG['comment'] . '?gbsession=' . $gbsession . '&rid=' . $rid . '&uid=' . $uid . '&included=' . $included; } $this->db->query("SELECT x.*, y.p_filename, y.width, y.height, z.comments from " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_data x left join " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_pics y on ( and y.book_id=2) left join " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com z on ( WHERE (x.accepted='1' AND" . $this->id . ") LIMIT 1"); $row = $this->db->fetch_array($this->db->result); $LANG =& $this->db->LANG; $VARS =& $this->db->VARS; if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && !empty($_COOKIE['lang']) && file_exists(LAZ_INCLUDE_PATH . '/lang/codes-' . $_COOKIE['lang'] . '.php')) { $LANG_CODES = $GB_PG['base_url'] . '/lang/codes-' . $_COOKIE['lang'] . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists(LAZ_INCLUDE_PATH . '/lang/codes-' . $VARS['lang'] . '.php')) { $LANG_CODES = $GB_PG['base_url'] . '/lang/codes-' . $VARS['lang'] . '.php'; } else { $LANG_CODES = $GB_PG['base_url'] . '/lang/codes-english.php'; } $antispam = $this->db->VARS['antispam_word']; $HTML_CODE = $this->db->VARS['allow_html'] == 1 ? $this->db->LANG['BookMess2'] : $this->db->LANG['BookMess1']; $AG_CODE = $this->db->VARS['agcode'] == 1 ? '<a href="' . $LANG_CODES . '?show=agcode" onclick="openCentered(\'' . $LANG_CODES . '?show=agcode\',\'_codes\',640,450,\'scrollbars=yes\')" target="_codes">' . $this->db->LANG['FormMess3'] . '</a>' : $this->db->LANG['FormMess6']; $SMILE_CODE = $this->db->VARS['smilies'] == 1 ? $this->db->LANG['FormMess2'] : $this->db->LANG['FormMess7']; $DATE = $this->db->DateFormat($row['date']); $MESSAGE = nl2br($row['comment']); $id = $this->id; $bgcolor = $this->db->VARS['tb_color_1']; $COMMENT = ''; if ($row['p_filename'] && preg_match('/^img-/', $row['p_filename'])) { $img = new gb_image(); $img->set_border_size($this->db->VARS['img_width'], $this->db->VARS['img_height']); $new_img_size = $img->get_img_size_format($row['width'], $row['height']); $row['p_filename2'] = $row['p_filename']; $GB_UPLOAD = 'public'; if (file_exists($this->path . '/public/t_' . $row['p_filename'])) { $row['p_filename2'] = 't_' . $row['p_filename2']; } eval("\$USER_PIC = \"" . $this->template->get_template('user_pic') . "\";"); } else { $USER_PIC = ''; } $row['name'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['name']); $MESSAGE = $this->db->CensorBadWords($MESSAGE); if ($this->db->VARS['smilies'] == 1) { $MESSAGE = $this->db->emotion($MESSAGE); $LAZSMILEYS = $this->db->generate_smilies(); } else { $LAZSMILEYS = ''; } if ($row['url'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_url'] == 1) { $row['url'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['url']); eval("\$URL = \"" . $this->template->get_template('url') . "\";"); } else { $URL = ''; } if ($row['location'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_loc'] == 1) { $row['location'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['location']); $THEIRLOC = urlencode($row['location']); eval("\$LOCATION = \"" . $this->template->get_template('location') . "\";"); } else { $LOCATION = ''; } if ($row['icq'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_icq'] == 1 && $row['icq'] != 0) { eval("\$ICQ = \"" . $this->template->get_template('icq') . "\";"); } else { $ICQ = ''; } if ($row['aim'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_aim'] == 1) { eval("\$AIM = \"" . $this->template->get_template('aim') . "\";"); } else { $AIM = ''; } if ($row['msn'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_msn'] == 1) { eval("\$MSN = \"" . $this->template->get_template('msn') . "\";"); } else { $MSN = ''; } if ($row['yahoo'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_yahoo'] == 1) { eval("\$YAHOO = \"" . $this->template->get_template('yahoo') . "\";"); } else { $YAHOO = ''; } if ($row['skype'] && $this->db->VARS['allow_skype'] == 1) { eval("\$SKYPE = \"" . $this->template->get_template('skype') . "\";"); } else { $SKYPE = ''; } if ($row['email']) { $GRAVATAR = $this->db->VARS['use_gravatar'] == 1 ? ' background: transparent url(' . md5($row['email']) . '?s=24&d=wavatar&r=G) no-repeat right;' : ''; if ($this->db->VARS['require_email'] < 2) { $row['email'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($row['email']); if ($this->db->VARS['encrypt_email'] == 1) { $MAILTO = $this->db->html_encode('mailto:' . $row['email']); } else { $MAILTO = 'mailto:' . $row['email']; } eval("\$EMAIL = \"" . $this->template->get_template('email') . "\";"); } else { $EMAIL = ''; } } else { $GRAVATAR = ''; $EMAIL = ''; } if ($this->db->VARS['allow_gender'] == 1) { if ($row['gender'] == 'f') { eval("\$GENDER = \"" . $this->template->get_template('img_female') . "\";"); } elseif ($row['gender'] == 'm') { eval("\$GENDER = \"" . $this->template->get_template('img_male') . "\";"); } else { $GENDER = ''; } } else { $GENDER = ''; } if ($this->db->VARS['show_ip'] == 1) { $hostname = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $row['host']) ? 'IP' : 'Host'; $HOST = '<em style="font-weight: normal;">' . $hostname . ': ' . $row['host'] . "</em>\n"; } else { $HOST = ''; } $TIMEHASH = $this->db->generate_timehash(); $TimehashTag = '<input type="hidden" name="gb_timehash" value="' . $TIMEHASH . '" />'; $EXTRAJS = ''; $OPTIONS[] = ''; $EMAILREQ = ''; $EMAILDISPLAYED = $this->db->VARS['require_email'] > 2 ? $LANG['FormEmailDisplay'] : ''; if ($this->db->VARS['require_email'] == 1 || $this->db->VARS['require_email'] == 4) { $EXTRAJS .= 'document.getElementById(\'gb_email\').value = trim(document.getElementById(\'gb_email\').value); if(document.getElementById(\'gb_email\').value == "") { errorStyling(\'gb_email\'); errorMessages[errorNum++] = "' . $LANG['ErrorPost12'] . '"; }'; $EMAILREQ = '*'; } $footerJS = ''; if ($this->db->VARS['require_email'] != 2) { eval("\$OPTIONS['email'] = \"" . $this->template->get_template('form_email') . "\";"); } if ($this->db->VARS['honeypot'] == 1) { $honeypot = '<br /><span id="gb_username"><input type="checkbox" name="gb_username" value="1" /> Spammer?</span><br />'; $footerJS .= "document.getElementById('gb_username').style.display = 'none';\n"; } else { $honeypot = ''; } if ($this->db->VARS['need_pass'] == 1) { $com_question = ''; if ($this->db->VARS['com_question'] != '') { $com_question = $this->db->VARS['com_question'] . "<br />\n"; // This is a bit of a hack but means only editing this file and ot the template as well $LANG['FormPass'] = $LANG['FormBot']; } $EXTRAJS .= 'document.getElementById(\'gb_bottest\').value = trim(document.getElementById(\'gb_bottest\').value); if(document.getElementById(\'gb_bottest\').value == "") { errorStyling(\'gb_bottest\'); errorMessages[errorNum++] = "' . $LANG['ErrorPost13'] . '"; }'; eval("\$OPTIONS['antibot'] = \"" . $this->template->get_template('com_pass') . "\";"); } elseif ($this->db->VARS['need_pass'] == 2) { if ($this->db->VARS['solve_media'] == 1) { $EXTRAJS .= 'document.getElementById(\'adcopy_response\').value = trim(document.getElementById(\'adcopy_response\').value); if(document.getElementById(\'adcopy_response\').value == "") { errorStyling(\'adcopy_response\'); errorMessages[errorNum++] = "' . $LANG['ErrorPost13'] . '"; }'; require_once LAZ_INCLUDE_PATH . '/solvemedialib.php'; //include the Solve Media library $SolveMedia = solvemedia_get_html('G8vem0b2VDBXju20c9OwHO7makkjC9-o'); //outputs the widget eval("\$OPTIONS['antibot'] = \"" . $this->template->get_template('form_captcha2') . "\";"); } else { $EXTRAJS .= 'document.getElementById(\'gb_bottest\').value = trim(document.getElementById(\'gb_bottest\').value); if(document.getElementById(\'gb_bottest\').value == "") { errorStyling(\'gb_bottest\'); errorMessages[errorNum++] = "' . $LANG['ErrorPost13'] . '"; }'; $footerJS .= "document.getElementById('captchaReload').style.display = 'block';\nreloadCaptcha();"; eval("\$OPTIONS['antibot'] = \"" . $this->template->get_template('form_captcha') . "\";"); } } $OPTIONAL = implode("\n", $OPTIONS); $GB_COMMENT = '#'; $GB_ENTRY = ''; $display_tags = $this->db->create_buttons($LANG_CODES); if ($row['comments']) { $coms = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . LAZ_TABLE_PREFIX . "_com WHERE id='" . $this->id . "' AND comaccepted='1' order by com_id asc"); while ($com = $this->db->fetch_array($coms)) { $COMDATE = $this->db->DateFormat($com['timestamp']); $comhostname = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $com['host']) ? 'IP' : 'Host'; $comhost = $this->db->VARS['show_ip'] == 1 ? '<i>' . $comhostname . ': ' . $com['host'] . "</i><br />\n" : ''; $com['comments'] = $this->db->VARS['smilies'] == 1 ? nl2br($this->db->emotion($com['comments'])) : nl2br($com['comments']); $com['name'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($com['name']); $com['comments'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($com['comments']); $COMEMAIL = ''; $COMGRAVATAR = ''; $template['com_email'] = $this->template->get_template('com_email'); if (!empty($com['email'])) { $COMGRAVATAR = $this->db->VARS['use_gravatar'] == 1 ? 'padding-left:26px;background: url(' . md5($com['email']) . '?s=24&d=wavatar&r=G) no-repeat;' : ''; if ($this->db->VARS['require_email'] < 2) { $template['com_email'] = $this->template->get_template('com_email'); $com['email'] = $this->db->CensorBadWords($com['email']); if ($this->db->VARS['encrypt_email'] == 1) { $COMMAILTO = $this->db->html_encode('mailto:' . $com['email']); } else { $COMMAILTO = 'mailto:' . $com['email']; } eval("\$COMEMAIL = \"" . $template['com_email'] . "\";"); } else { $COMEMAIL = ''; } } eval("\$COMMENT .= \"" . $this->template->get_template('com') . "\";"); } } $theirbrowser = $this->db->browser_detect($row['browser']); $comment_html = ''; $COMMENTLINK = ''; $PERMALINK = ''; eval("\$GB_ENTRY = \"" . $this->template->get_template('entry') . "\";"); $GB_ENTRY .= $TimehashTag; eval("\$comment_html = \"" . $this->template->get_template('header') . "\";"); eval("\$comment_html .= \"" . $this->template->get_template('comment') . "\";"); eval("\$comment_html .= \"" . $this->template->get_template('footer') . "\";"); return $comment_html; }