Beispiel #1
//        print_r($errors);
//        echo "</pre>";
if (empty($errors)) {
    //if the formdata has no errors then set the variable values from the formdata
    $garage_address = $formdata["garageAdd"];
    $phone_no = $formdata["phoneNo"];
    $manager_name = $formdata["managerName"];
    $garage_name = $formdata["garageName"];
    $garage_id = $_POST["id"];
    $service_date = $formdata["serviceDate"];
    $over_night = true;
    $garage_url = $formdata['garageURL'];
    $garage_url_valid = filter_var($garage_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
    $manager_email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'managerEmail', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
    $manager_email_valid = filter_var($manager_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
    $garage = new Garage($garage_address, $phone_no, $manager_name, $garage_name, $garage_id, $service_date, $manager_email, $garage_url, $over_night);
    //create a garage object
    $connection = Connection::getInstance();
    //get an instace of the connection
    $gateway = new garageTableGateway($connection);
    //connectt to the garagetable
    $id = $gateway->updateGarage($garage);
    //update funciton using the new garage object
    //Redirects the user to the specific page
    header('Location: viewall.php');
    //    exit();
} else {
    //else will return the edit garage table
    $garage_id = $_POST["id"];
    header("Location: editgarageform.php?id={$garage_id}");