Beispiel #1
    $table = new fu_HTML_Table(array('width' => '100%'));
    $header_row = array('title' => 'Bundle Name', 'base_price' => 'Base', 'qty_inventory' => 'On hand');
    $table_ordercol = isset($_GET['by']) ? $_GET['by'] : 'title';
    $order_dir = (!isset($_GET['dir']) or $_GET['dir'] == 'A') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
    /** decide on which result page to show **/
    $offset = isset($_GET['page']) ? $rows_per_page * $_GET['page'] - 1 : 0;
    /** **/
    $have_table = false;
    $cols = array_merge(array('id'), array_keys($header_row));
    if ($rows = $bundle->fetch_any($cols, 0, 0, $table_ordercol, null, $order_dir)) {
        $have_table = true;
        $table->addSortRow($header_row, $table_ordercol, null, 'TH', '', $order_dir);
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $class = 'controlListingRow';
            $link = sprintf('%s?op_edit=%d', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $row['id']);
            $table->addRow(array_values($row), $class, true, $link);
    $pager = new res_pager($offset, $rows_per_page, $bundle->numRows);
    $smarty->assign('pager', $pager);
/* decide which tab to show based on GET param 'win' */
$tabs = array('product', 'inventory', 'media', 'options');
if ($ACTION == OP_EDIT && isset($_GET['win']) && in_array($_GET['win'], $tabs)) {
    $tab = $_GET['win'];
Beispiel #2
 $header_row = array();
 if (!isset($dbc->control_header_cols)) {
     foreach ($colmap as $k => $v) {
         $header_row[$k] = $v[0];
 } else {
     $header_row =& $dbc->control_header_cols;
 if (isset($_GET['by'])) {
     $orby = $_GET['by'];
     if (in_array($orby, array_keys($header_row))) {
         $table_ordercol = $orby;
 $odir = (!isset($_GET['dir']) or $_GET['dir'] == 'A') ? 'A' : 'D';
 $table->addSortRow($header_row, $table_ordercol, null, 'TH', "class={$class}", $odir);
 // add the primary key if its not in the cols described by header_row
 $scols = array_keys($header_row);
 if (!in_array($dbc->get_pk_col(), $scols)) {
     $scols[] = $dbc->get_pk_col();
 if ($rows = $dbc->fetch_any($scols, 0, 0, $table_ordercol, '', $odir)) {
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $vals = array();
         foreach ($header_row as $k => $v) {
             /* SELECT clause may need tableid.colid syntax - but the DB
                dont return the tableid part. */
             if (strpos($k, '.') !== false) {
                 $k = substr($k, strrpos($k, '.') + 1);
             /* special hack for colorpickers - show a block of color */
Beispiel #3
             $header_row[$k] = $user->colmap[$k][0];
 } else {
     $header_row =& $user->control_header_cols;
     $cols = array_keys($user->control_header_cols);
 if (isset($_GET['by']) and (in_array($_GET['by'], $cols) or $_GET['by'] == 'num_orders')) {
     $orderby = $_GET['by'];
 } else {
     $orderby = 'email';
 $orderdir = (isset($_GET['dir']) and $_GET['dir'] == 'D') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
 $cols = array_keys($header_row);
 $header_row['num_orders'] = '#Orders';
 $table->addSortRow($header_row, $orderby, null, 'TH', null, $orderdir);
 /** decide how to filter the results */
 $where = "1=1";
 if (isset($_GET['op_filter'])) {
     $w = array();
     if (!empty($_GET['f_perms'])) {
         $w[] = sprintf('perms = %s', $pdb->quoteSmart($_GET['f_perms']));
     if (!empty($_GET['f_email'])) {
         $w[] = sprintf('email LIKE %s', preg_replace('/[%*]+/', '%%', $pdb->quoteSmart($_GET['f_email'])));
     if (count($w)) {
         $where = join(' AND ', $w);
 /** **/
Beispiel #4
        $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cm_products_categories WHERE cm_categories_id = %d", $catid);
        $product_count = $pdb->getOne($sql);
        if ($product_count) {
            $confirm_msg = "There are {$product_count} products that are in this category. If you delete the category, they may be hidden from customers. Are you sure?";
        } else {
            $confirm_msg = 'This will remove this category from the site permanently. Are you sure?';
        $fex->add_element('op_kill', array(OP_KILL, 'submit', null, null, 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . $confirm_msg . '\')"'));
} else {
    /** list all cm_categories in one big ass dump using HTML_Table **/
    $table = new fu_HTML_Table(array("width" => "600"));
    $header_row = array('name' => 'Name', 'shipType' => 'Ship Class', 'taxable' => 'Tax', 'iLevel' => 'Level', 'is_active' => 'live?', 'feature_rank' => 'Feature Rank', 'order_weight' => 'Order Weight', 'product_count' => '#Products');
    $table->addSortRow($header_row, null, null, 'TH', null);
    $sql = "SELECT,, c.ship_class_id, c.is_taxable, c.level, c.is_active, c.parent_cat_id, c.feature_rank, c.order_weight\n                   , COUNT(pc.cm_products_id) AS product_count\n                   , IFNULL(CONCAT(, ':',, AS concat_name\n            FROM {$tablename} c \n            LEFT JOIN cm_products_categories pc ON (pc.cm_categories_id =\n            LEFT JOIN cm_categories cat ON ( = c.parent_cat_id)\n            GROUP BY (\n            ORDER BY c.order_weight, concat_name";
    $res = $pdb->query($sql);
    while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
        $vals = array($row['concat_name'], $shipTypes[$row['ship_class_id']], $row['is_taxable'] ? 'Y' : 'N', $row['level'] == 0 ? 'top' : 'sub', $row['is_active'] ? 'Y' : 'N', $row['feature_rank'] ? $row['feature_rank'] : '-', $row['order_weight'], $row['product_count']);
        $link = sprintf('%s?cat=%d', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $row['id']);
        $table->addRow($vals, '', null, $link);
    $numrows = $res->numRows();
# output template
Beispiel #5
 } else {
     foreach ($colmap as $k => $v) {
         $header_row[$k] = $v[0];
 $table_ordercol = $dbc->col_orderby_def;
 if (isset($_GET['by'])) {
     $table_ordercol = $_GET['by'];
 if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
     $order_dir = $_GET['dir'] == 'D' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
 } else {
     $order_dir = $dbc->dir_orderby_def;
 if (!$dbc->suppress_control_nav) {
     $table->addSortRow($header_row, $table_ordercol, null, 'TH', $base_get_vars, $order_dir);
 $where = '';
 if ($dbc->get_table_name() == 'ccom_content') {
     $where = "page_id = '{$page_id}'";
 } elseif ($dbc->parent_id_col) {
     $where = $dbc->parent_id_col . "= '{$page_parent_id}'";
 $cols = array_keys($header_row);
 array_push($cols, 'id');
 if ($rows = $dbc->fetch_any($cols, 0, 0, $table_ordercol, $where, $order_dir)) {
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $link = sprintf('%s?%s&op_edit=%d', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $base_get_vars, $row['id']);
         $cells = array();
         foreach (array_keys($header_row) as $k) {
             $cells[] = strlen($row[$k]) < 129 ? $row[$k] : substr(htmlspecialchars($row[$k]), 0, 128) . '...';
Beispiel #6
    $csv = new CSV_Table_Fu();
    $csv->show_cols = $cols;
    $csv->print_csv_headers(SITE_DOMAIN_NAME . '-inventory_dump.csv');
$range = 50;
$offset = isset($_GET['page']) ? ($_GET['page'] - 1) * $range : 0;
/** go get im **/
$report = $prod->fetch_inventory_report($pid, $orby, $order_dir, $offset, $range, $filter_cat_id);
/** list all cm_categories in one big ass dump using HTML_Table **/
$table = new fu_HTML_Table(array('width' => '90%', 'align' => 'center', 'style' => 'padding-top: 25px'));
$xgets = $mosh->make_get_params($_GET, array('by', 'dir'));
$table->addSortRow($header_row, $orby, null, 'TH', $xgets, $order_dir);
$sep = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
$csv_link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . $sep . 'op_csv';
foreach ($report as $row) {
    $vals = array();
    $link = null;
    if (isset($link_fmt)) {
        $args = array();
        foreach ($link_vals as $v) {
            $args[] = $row[$v];
        $link = vsprintf($link_fmt, $args);
    foreach (array_keys($header_row) as $k) {
        $vals[] = $row[$k];
Beispiel #7
} elseif ($ACTION == OP_KILL) {
    if ($download->kill()) {
        $msg = $thing . ' has been deleted.';
if (!empty($msg) and !count($errs)) {
    /** redir on success **/
    header(sprintf("Location: %s?pid=%d&msg=%s", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $productid, base64_encode($msg)));
if (!$ACTION) {
    $table = new fu_HTML_Table(array('width' => '90%', 'align' => 'center'));
    $header_row = array('name' => 'Name', 'url' => 'URL', 'is_active' => 'Active?');
    $numrows = 0;
    if ($downloads = $download->fetch_by_product_id($productid)) {
        foreach ($downloads as $row) {
            $vals = array();
            $row['url'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $row['url'], $row['url']);
            foreach (array_keys($header_row) as $k) {
                $vals[] = $row[$k];
            // store.edit.php?nid=444
            $link = sprintf('%s?op_edit=%d&pid=%d', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $row['id'], $productid);
            $table->addRow($vals, null, true, $link);
        $numrows = count($downloads);
Beispiel #8
$res = $pdb->query($sql);
/** list all cm_categories in one big ass dump using HTML_Table **/
/** list all cm_categories in one big ass dump using HTML_Table **/
if (isset($_GET['op_csv'])) {
    $table = new CSV_Table_Fu();
    $csv_headers = array();
    foreach ($header_row as $k => $v) {
        $csv_headers[] = preg_replace('/<[^>]+>/', " ", $v);
} else {
    $table = new fu_HTML_Table(array("id" => "reports"));
    $xgets[] = "report={$ACTION}";
    $table->addSortRow($header_row, $fake_orby, null, 'TH', join('&', $xgets), $order_dir);
    #$tfoot = $table->getFooter();
    $sep = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
    $csv_link = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . $sep . 'op_csv';
while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
    $vals = array();
    $link = null;
    if (isset($link_fmt)) {
        $args = array();
        foreach ($link_vals as $v) {
            $args[] = $row[$v];
        $link = vsprintf($link_fmt, $args);