public function contact() { $_username = get_cookie('_username'); if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { checkcode($GLOBALS['checkcode']); $model_r = $this->db->get_one('model', array('m' => 'guestbook')); $formdata = ''; require get_cache_path('guestbook_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($model_r['modelid']); $formdata = $form_add->execute($GLOBALS['form']); $formdata['master_data']['publisher'] = $_username; $formdata['master_data']['addtime'] = SYS_TIME; $formdata['master_data']['ip'] = get_ip(); $formdata['master_data']['status'] = 9; $this->db->insert($formdata['master_table'], $formdata['master_data']); //执行更新 require get_cache_path('guestbook_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($model_r['modelid']); $form_update->execute($formdata); MSG('您的留言已提交,我们将尽快给您回复', HTTP_REFERER, 3000); } else { $model_r = $this->db->get_one('model', array('m' => 'guestbook')); require get_cache_path('guestbook_form', 'model'); $form_build = new form_build($model_r['modelid']); $formdata = $form_build->execute(); $field_list = ''; if (is_array($formdata['0'])) { foreach ($formdata['0'] as $field => $info) { if ($info['powerful_field']) { continue; } if ($info['formtype'] == 'powerful_field') { foreach ($formdata['0'] as $_fm => $_fm_value) { if ($_fm_value['powerful_field']) { $info['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $info['form']); } } foreach ($formdata['1'] as $_fm => $_fm_value) { if ($_fm_value['powerful_field']) { $info['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $info['form']); } } } $field_list[] = $info; } } include T('guestbook', 'contact'); } }
/** * 审核机构 */ public function check() { $uid = (int) $GLOBALS['uid']; if ($uid) { $member = $this->db->get_one('member', '`uid`=' . $uid, '*'); } if (empty($member)) { MSG(L('user not_exists')); } if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { $modelid = 23; // 判断模型是否有设置字段 $formdata = isset($GLOBALS['form']) ? $GLOBALS['form'] : ''; if ($formdata) { require get_cache_path('member_add', 'model'); $form = new form_add($modelid); $formdata = $form->execute($formdata); $formdata['master_data']['checkmec'] = 1; $formdata['master_data']['mecid'] = intval($GLOBALS['mecid']); $this->db->update('member', $formdata['master_data'], array('uid' => $uid)); if ($formdata['attr_table'] && !empty($formdata['attr_data'])) { $this->db->update($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data'], '`uid`=' . $uid); } //执行更新 require get_cache_path('member_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $form_update->execute($formdata); } MSG('审核通过', $GLOBALS['forward']); } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['modelid']) && $GLOBALS['modelid'] != $member['modelid']) { $modelid = (int) $GLOBALS['modelid']; } else { $modelid = $member['modelid']; } // 判断是否有模型id参数 if ($modelid) { require get_cache_path('member_form', 'model'); $form_build = new form_build($modelid); $formdata = $form_build->execute($member); } $group = $this->group; $show_dialog = 1; $show_formjs = 1; include $this->template('member_mec_check'); } }
$cid = 32; $cate_config = get_cache('category_' . $cid, 'content'); if (!$cate_config) { MSG(L('category not exists')); } $categorys = get_cache('category', 'content'); $createhtml = load_class('html', 'content'); $urlclass = load_class('url', 'content', $cate_config); $urlclass->set_category($cate_config); $urlclass->set_categorys($categorys); //如果设置了modelid,那么则按照设置的modelid。共享模型添加必须数据必须指定该值。 $modelid = $cate_config['modelid']; require get_cache_path('content_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($modelid); require get_cache_path('content_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $result = $db->get_list('collect_url', array('status' => 0), '*', 0, 1000, 0, 'id DESC'); //todo 标题为空时或者长度验证不通过时,处理方式 foreach ($result as $rs) { $url = $rs['url']; $formdata = get_content($url, $config); print_r($formdata); if (strlen($formdata['title']) < 3) { continue; } $formdata = $form_add->execute($formdata); //插入时间,更新时间,如果用户设置了时间。则按照用户设置的时间 $addtime = empty($formdata['addtime']) ? SYS_TIME : strtotime($formdata['addtime']); $formdata['master_data']['addtime'] = $formdata['master_data']['updatetime'] = $addtime; //如果是共享模型,那么需要在将字段modelid增加到数据库 if ($formdata['master_table'] == 'content_share') {
/** * 重新从keyword里创建tag,删除tag_data表,重置tag表的number为0 * * @author tuzwu */ public function create() { if (output($GLOBALS, 'dosubmit') && output($GLOBALS, 'create_confirm') == '五指CMS') { $page = max(1, output($GLOBALS, 'page')); $modelid = output($GLOBALS, 'modelid'); if ($page <= 1 && !$modelid) { $this->db->query('TRUNCATE TABLE wz_tag_data'); $r = $this->db->update('tag', array('number' => 0), $where = array()); //重新计数 } $model = get_cache('model_content', 'model'); $model_key = array_keys($model); sort($model_key); $model_num = count($model_key); $modelid = $modelid ? $modelid : $model_key[0]; //没有modelid表示第一次运行,从第一个模型开始 $pagesize = 50; //每次处理50个文章 $where = $model[$modelid]['share_model'] == 1 ? array('modelid' => $modelid) : ''; $lists = $this->db->get_list($model[$modelid]['master_table'], $where, $field = 'keywords,cid,id' . ($where ? ',modelid' : ''), 0, $pagesize, $page); $page_num = ceil($this->db->number / $pagesize); require get_cache_path('content_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); foreach ($lists as $k => $v) { $formdata['master_data'] = array('id' => $v['id'], 'cid' => $v['cid'], 'modelid' => $v['modelid'] ? $v['modelid'] : $modelid, 'keywords' => $v['keywords']); $form_update->execute($formdata); //这里会调用keyword方法进行tag+1/入库处理等 } if ($page_num <= $page && $modelid == $model_key[$model_num - 1]) { $url = link_url(array('v' => 'listing')); MSG(L('operation_success'), $url, 3000); //完成更新 } else { if ($page_num > $page) { $page += 1; } else { $page = $GLOBALS['page'] = 1; //页数从1开始,主要方便get_list执行; $modelid = $model_key[array_search($modelid, $model_key) + 1]; //下一个模型 } } $url = link_url(array('page' => $page, 'modelid' => $modelid, 'create_confirm' => '五指CMS', 'dosubmit' => 1)); MSG(L('next_round') . 'modelid:' . $modelid . '-page_num:' . $page_num . '-page:' . $page, $url, 2000); } else { include $this->template(V, M); } }
/** * 信息发布 */ public function newinfo() { $memberinfo = $this->memberinfo; if ($memberinfo['ischeck_mobile'] == 0) { MSG('您的手机还未验证!请先验证!', 'index.php?m=member&f=index&v=edit_mobile', 3000); } $uid = $memberinfo['uid']; if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { $cid = 69; $cate_config = get_cache('category_' . $cid, 'content'); if (!$cate_config) { MSG(L('category not exists')); } //如果设置了modelid,那么则按照设置的modelid。共享模型添加必须数据必须指定该值。 if (isset($GLOBALS['modelid']) && is_numeric($GLOBALS['modelid'])) { $modelid = $GLOBALS['modelid']; } else { $modelid = $cate_config['modelid']; } $formdata = $GLOBALS['form']; $formdata['title'] = intval($formdata['renshu']) . '人 预算' . intval($formdata['yusuan']) . '元/人 预计体检时间:' . $formdata['tjtime']; //添加数据之前,将用户提交的数据按照字段的配置,进行处理 require get_cache_path('content_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($modelid); $formdata = $form_add->execute($formdata); //插入时间,更新时间,如果用户设置了时间。则按照用户设置的时间 $addtime = empty($formdata['addtime']) ? SYS_TIME : strtotime($formdata['addtime']); $formdata['master_data']['addtime'] = $formdata['master_data']['updatetime'] = $addtime; //如果是共享模型,那么需要在将字段modelid增加到数据库 if ($formdata['master_table'] == 'content_share') { $formdata['master_data']['modelid'] = $modelid; } $formdata['master_data']['cid'] = $cid; //默认状态 status ,9为通过审核,1-4为审核的工作流,0为回收站 $formdata['master_data']['status'] = 1; //如果 route为 0 默认,1,加密,2外链 ,3,自定义 例如:wuzhicms-diy-url-example 用户,不能不需要自己写后缀。程序自动补全。 $formdata['master_data']['route'] = 0; $formdata['master_data']['publisher'] = $memberinfo['username']; //echo $formdata['master_table'];exit; if (empty($formdata['master_data']['remark']) && isset($formdata['attr_data']['content'])) { $formdata['master_data']['remark'] = mb_strcut(strip_tags($formdata['attr_data']['content']), 0, 255); } $formdata['master_data']['province'] = remove_xss($GLOBALS['LK3_1']); $formdata['master_data']['city'] = remove_xss($GLOBALS['LK3_2']); $formdata['master_data']['area'] = remove_xss($GLOBALS['LK3_3']); $id = $this->db->insert($formdata['master_table'], $formdata['master_data']); //生成url $urlclass = load_class('url', 'content', $cate_config); $urls = $urlclass->showurl(array('id' => $id, 'cid' => $cid, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'page' => 1, 'route' => $formdata['master_data']['route'])); $this->db->update($formdata['master_table'], array('url' => $urls['url']), array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($formdata['attr_table'])) { $formdata['attr_data']['id'] = $id; // print_r($formdata['attr_data']);exit; $this->db->insert($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data']); } $formdata['master_data']['url'] = $urls['url']; //执行更新 require get_cache_path('content_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $data = $form_update->execute($formdata); //统计表加默认数据 $this->db->insert('content_rank', array('cid' => $cid, 'id' => $id, 'updatetime' => SYS_TIME)); //扣除积分 $point_config = get_cache('point_config'); if ($point_config['cominfoadd']) { $credit_api = load_class('credit_api', 'credit'); $credit_api->handle($uid, '-', $point_config['cominfoadd'], '发布信息扣除积分<br>' . $formdata['title']); } MSG('信息发布成功,我们将在24小时内进行审核!'); } else { $categorys = get_cache('category', 'content'); include T('content', 'member_cominfo_newinfo'); } }
/** * 编辑用户 */ public function edit() { $uid = (int) $GLOBALS['uid']; if ($uid) { $member = $this->db->get_one('member', '`uid`=' . $uid, '*'); } if (empty($member)) { MSG(L('user not_exists')); } if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { $GLOBALS['info']['factor'] = $member['factor']; $GLOBALS['info']['username'] = $member['username']; if (!$this->member->edit($GLOBALS['info'], $uid)) { MSG(L('operation_failure')); } $modelid = (int) $GLOBALS['info']['modelid']; // 判断是否有变更用户模型 if ($modelid != $member['modelid']) { // 判断新的模型是否有用户数据 if (!$this->db->get_one($this->model[$modelid]['attr_table'], 'uid=' . $uid, 'uid')) { $this->db->insert($this->model[$modelid]['attr_table'], array('uid' => $uid)); } else { // 删除旧模型的数据 $this->db->query('DELETE FROM `wz_' . $this->model[$member['modelid']]['attr_table'] . '` WHERE `uid`=' . $uid); } } // 判断模型是否有设置字段 $formdata = isset($GLOBALS['form']) ? $GLOBALS['form'] : ''; if ($formdata) { require get_cache_path('member_add', 'model'); $form = new form_add($modelid); $formdata = $form->execute($formdata); if ($formdata['attr_table']) { $this->db->update($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data'], '`uid`=' . $uid); } //执行更新 require get_cache_path('member_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $form_update->execute($formdata); } MSG(L('operation_success') . '<script>$("#u_' . $uid . ' td", top.window.frames["iframeid"].document).css("background-color", "#EFD04C");top.dialog.get(window).close().remove();</script>'); } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['modelid']) && $GLOBALS['modelid'] != $member['modelid']) { $modelid = (int) $GLOBALS['modelid']; } else { $modelid = $member['modelid']; } // 判断是否有模型id参数 if ($modelid) { require get_cache_path('member_form', 'model'); $form_build = new form_build($modelid); $formdata = $form_build->execute($member); } $group = $this->group; include $this->template('member_edit', M); } }
/** * 信息发布 */ public function newinfo() { $memberinfo = $this->memberinfo; if ($memberinfo['ischeck_mobile'] == 0) { MSG('您的手机还未验证!请先验证!', 'index.php?m=member&f=index&v=edit_mobile', 3000); } $uid = $memberinfo['uid']; if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { $cid = 70; $cate_config = get_cache('category_' . $cid, 'content'); if (!$cate_config) { MSG(L('category not exists')); } //如果设置了modelid,那么则按照设置的modelid。共享模型添加必须数据必须指定该值。 if (isset($GLOBALS['modelid']) && is_numeric($GLOBALS['modelid'])) { $modelid = $GLOBALS['modelid']; } else { $modelid = $cate_config['modelid']; } $formdata = $GLOBALS['form']; $formdata['title'] = remove_xss($formdata['title']); //添加数据之前,将用户提交的数据按照字段的配置,进行处理 require get_cache_path('content_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($modelid); $formdata = $form_add->execute($formdata); //插入时间,更新时间,如果用户设置了时间。则按照用户设置的时间 $addtime = empty($formdata['addtime']) ? SYS_TIME : strtotime($formdata['addtime']); $formdata['master_data']['addtime'] = $formdata['master_data']['updatetime'] = $addtime; //如果是共享模型,那么需要在将字段modelid增加到数据库 if ($formdata['master_table'] == 'content_share') { $formdata['master_data']['modelid'] = $modelid; } $formdata['master_data']['cid'] = $cid; //默认状态 status ,9为通过审核,1-4为审核的工作流,0为回收站 $formdata['master_data']['status'] = 1; //如果 route为 0 默认,1,加密,2外链 ,3,自定义 例如:wuzhicms-diy-url-example 用户,不能不需要自己写后缀。程序自动补全。 $formdata['master_data']['route'] = 0; $formdata['master_data']['publisher'] = $memberinfo['username']; //echo $formdata['master_table'];exit; if (empty($formdata['master_data']['remark']) && isset($formdata['attr_data']['content'])) { $formdata['master_data']['remark'] = mb_strcut(strip_tags($formdata['attr_data']['content']), 0, 255); } $id = $this->db->insert($formdata['master_table'], $formdata['master_data']); //生成url $urlclass = load_class('url', 'content', $cate_config); $urls = $urlclass->showurl(array('id' => $id, 'cid' => $cid, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'page' => 1, 'route' => $formdata['master_data']['route'])); $this->db->update($formdata['master_table'], array('url' => $urls['url']), array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($formdata['attr_table'])) { $formdata['attr_data']['id'] = $id; // print_r($formdata['attr_data']);exit; $this->db->insert($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data']); } $formdata['master_data']['url'] = $urls['url']; //执行更新 require get_cache_path('content_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $data = $form_update->execute($formdata); //统计表加默认数据 $this->db->insert('content_rank', array('cid' => $cid, 'id' => $id, 'updatetime' => SYS_TIME)); MSG('信息发布成功,我们将在24小时内进行审核!'); } else { $categorys = get_cache('category', 'content'); load_function('content', 'content'); $mec = get_mec($memberinfo['mecid']); $endtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 3, date('d'), date('Y')); $endtime = date('Y-m-d', $endtime); load_class('form'); $endtime = WUZHI_form::calendar('endtime', $endtime); $editor = WUZHI_form::editor('form[content]', 'content', '', 'basic'); include T('content', 'member_mecinfo_newinfo'); } }
/** * 信息发布 */ public function newinfo() { $memberinfo = $this->memberinfo; if ($memberinfo['ischeck_mobile'] == 0) { MSG('您的手机还未验证!请先验证!', 'index.php?m=member&f=index&v=edit_mobile', 3000); } $cid = $memberinfo['glpp']; if (!$cid) { MSG('您的账户没有绑定到品牌,请联系客服!'); } $uid = $memberinfo['uid']; if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { $cate_config = get_cache('category_' . $cid, 'content'); if (!$cate_config) { MSG(L('category not exists')); } //如果设置了modelid,那么则按照设置的modelid。共享模型添加必须数据必须指定该值。 if (isset($GLOBALS['modelid']) && is_numeric($GLOBALS['modelid'])) { $modelid = $GLOBALS['modelid']; } else { $modelid = $cate_config['modelid']; } $formdata = $GLOBALS['form']; $formdata['title'] = remove_xss($formdata['title']); //添加数据之前,将用户提交的数据按照字段的配置,进行处理 require get_cache_path('content_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($modelid); $formdata = $form_add->execute($formdata); //插入时间,更新时间,如果用户设置了时间。则按照用户设置的时间 $addtime = empty($formdata['addtime']) ? SYS_TIME : strtotime($formdata['addtime']); $formdata['master_data']['addtime'] = $formdata['master_data']['updatetime'] = $addtime; //如果是共享模型,那么需要在将字段modelid增加到数据库 if ($formdata['master_table'] == 'content_share') { $formdata['master_data']['modelid'] = $modelid; } $formdata['master_data']['cid'] = $cid; //默认状态 status ,9为通过审核,1-4为审核的工作流,0为回收站 $formdata['master_data']['status'] = 1; //如果 route为 0 默认,1,加密,2外链 ,3,自定义 例如:wuzhicms-diy-url-example 用户,不能不需要自己写后缀。程序自动补全。 $formdata['master_data']['route'] = 0; $formdata['master_data']['publisher'] = $memberinfo['username']; //echo $formdata['master_table'];exit; if (empty($formdata['master_data']['remark']) && isset($formdata['attr_data']['content'])) { $formdata['master_data']['remark'] = mb_strcut(strip_tags($formdata['attr_data']['content']), 0, 255); } //处理前台特殊字段 $formdata['master_data']['type'] = 2; //团购类型 $id = $this->db->insert($formdata['master_table'], $formdata['master_data']); //生成url $urlclass = load_class('url', 'content', $cate_config); $urls = $urlclass->showurl(array('id' => $id, 'cid' => $cid, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'page' => 1, 'route' => $formdata['master_data']['route'])); $this->db->update($formdata['master_table'], array('url' => $urls['url']), array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($formdata['attr_table'])) { $formdata['attr_data']['id'] = $id; // print_r($formdata['attr_data']);exit; $this->db->insert($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data']); } $formdata['master_data']['url'] = $urls['url']; //执行更新 require get_cache_path('content_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $data = $form_update->execute($formdata); //统计表加默认数据 $this->db->insert('content_rank', array('cid' => $cid, 'id' => $id, 'updatetime' => SYS_TIME)); MSG('信息发布成功,我们将在24小时内进行审核!'); } else { $categorys = get_cache('category', 'content'); load_function('content', 'content'); $mec = get_mec($memberinfo['mecid']); $model_r = get_cache('field_2', 'model'); load_function('template'); $status = 1; require get_cache_path('content_form', 'model'); $form_build = new form_build(2); $form_build->cid = $cid; $category = get_cache('category', 'content'); $form_build->extdata['catname'] = ''; $form_build->extdata['type'] = '0'; $formdata = $form_build->execute(); load_class('form'); $show_formjs = 1; $show_dialog = 1; $field_list = ''; if (is_array($formdata['0'])) { foreach ($formdata['0'] as $field => $info) { if ($info['powerful_field'] || $info['ban_contribute'] == 0) { continue; } if ($info['formtype'] == 'powerful_field') { foreach ($formdata['0'] as $_fm => $_fm_value) { if ($_fm_value['powerful_field']) { $info['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $info['form']); } } foreach ($formdata['1'] as $_fm => $_fm_value) { if ($_fm_value['powerful_field']) { $info['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $info['form']); } } } $field_list[] = $info; } } include T('content', 'member_postinfo_newinfo'); } }
public function edit() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['id'])) { MSG(L('parameter_error')); } $id = intval($GLOBALS['id']); $cid = isset($GLOBALS['cid']) ? intval($GLOBALS['cid']) : 0; $cate_config = get_cache('category_' . $cid, 'content'); if (!$cate_config) { MSG(L('category not exists')); } //如果设置了modelid,那么则按照设置的modelid。共享模型添加必须数据必须指定该值。 if (isset($GLOBALS['modelid']) && is_numeric($GLOBALS['modelid'])) { $modelid = $GLOBALS['modelid']; } else { $modelid = $cate_config['modelid']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['submit']) || isset($GLOBALS['submit2'])) { $formdata = $GLOBALS['form']; //插入时间,更新时间,如果用户设置了时间。则按照用户设置的时间 $addtime = empty($formdata['addtime']) ? SYS_TIME : strtotime($formdata['addtime']); //添加数据之前,将用户提交的数据按照字段的配置,进行处理 require get_cache_path('content_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($modelid); $formdata = $form_add->execute($formdata); $formdata['master_data']['addtime'] = $addtime; $formdata['master_data']['updatetime'] = SYS_TIME; //如果是共享模型,那么需要在将字段modelid增加到数据库 if ($formdata['master_table'] == 'content_share') { $formdata['master_data']['modelid'] = $modelid; } $formdata['master_data']['cid'] = $cid; //默认状态 status ,9为通过审核,1-4为审核的工作流,0为回收站 $formdata['master_data']['status'] = isset($GLOBALS['form']['status']) ? intval($GLOBALS['form']['status']) : 9; //非超级管理员,验证该栏目是否设置了审核 if ($cate_config['workflowid'] && $_SESSION['role'] != 1 && in_array($formdata['master_data']['status'], array(9, 8))) { $formdata['master_data']['status'] = 1; } //如果 route为 0 默认,1,加密,2外链 ,3,自定义 例如:wuzhicms-diy-url-example 用户,不能不需要自己写后缀。程序自动补全。 $formdata['master_data']['route'] = intval($GLOBALS['form']['route']); //标题样式 $title_css = preg_match('/([a-z0-9]+)/i', $GLOBALS['title_css']) ? $GLOBALS['title_css'] : ''; $formdata['master_data']['css'] = $title_css; if ($cate_config['type']) { $urls['url'] = $cate_config['url']; } elseif ($formdata['master_data']['route'] > 1) { //外部链接/或者自定义链接 $urls['url'] = remove_xss($GLOBALS['url']); } else { //生成url $urlclass = load_class('url', 'content', $cate_config); $productid = 0; if (isset($formdata['master_data']['productid'])) { $productid = $formdata['master_data']['productid']; } $urls = $urlclass->showurl(array('id' => $id, 'cid' => $cid, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'page' => 1, 'route' => $formdata['master_data']['route'], 'productid' => $productid)); } $formdata['master_data']['url'] = $urls['url']; if (empty($formdata['master_data']['remark']) && isset($formdata['attr_data']['content'])) { $formdata['master_data']['remark'] = mb_strcut(strip_tags($formdata['attr_data']['content']), 0, 255); } $this->db->update($formdata['master_table'], $formdata['master_data'], array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($formdata['attr_table'])) { $this->db->update($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data'], array('id' => $id)); } //执行更新 require get_cache_path('content_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $formdata['master_data']['id'] = $id; $form_update->execute($formdata); //生成静态 if ($cate_config['showhtml'] && $formdata['master_data']['status'] == 9) { $data = $this->db->get_one($formdata['master_table'], array('id' => $id)); if (!empty($formdata['attr_table'])) { $attrdata = $this->db->get_one($formdata['attr_table'], array('id' => $id)); $data = array_merge($data, $attrdata); } //上一页 $data['previous_page'] = $this->db->get_one($formdata['master_table'], "`cid` = '{$cid}' AND `id`<'{$id}' AND `status`=9", '*', 0, 'id DESC'); //下一页 $data['next_page'] = $this->db->get_one($formdata['master_table'], "`cid`= '{$cid}' AND `id`>'{$id}' AND `status`=9", '*', 0, 'id ASC'); $this->html = load_class('html', 'content'); $this->html->set_category($cate_config); $this->html->set_categorys(); $this->html->load_formatcache(); $this->html->show($data, 1, 1, $urls['root']); $loadhtml = true; } else { $loadhtml = false; } //生成相关栏目列表 if ($cate_config['listhtml']) { if ($loadhtml == false) { $this->html = load_class('html', 'content'); $this->html->set_category($cate_config); $this->html->set_categorys(); $loadhtml = true; } for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { $cateurls = $urlclass->listurl(array('cid' => $cid, 'page' => $i)); $this->html->listing($cateurls['root'], $i); if ($GLOBALS['result_lists'] == 0) { break; } } } //生成首页 if ($loadhtml) { $this->html->index(); } else { $this->html = load_class('html', 'content'); $this->html->set_categorys(); $this->html->index(); } //编辑操作日志 $this->editor_logs('edit', $formdata['master_data']['title'], $urls['url'], "?m=content&f=content&v=edit&id={$id}&cid={$cid}"); //设置返回地址 $forward = isset($GLOBALS['submit2']) ? HTTP_REFERER : '?m=content&f=content&v=listing&type=' . $GLOBALS['type'] . '&cid=' . $cid . $this->su(); MSG(L('update success'), $forward, 1000); } else { $models = get_cache('model_content', 'model'); $model_r = $models[$modelid]; $master_table = $model_r['master_table']; $data = $this->db->get_one($master_table, array('id' => $id)); if ($model_r['attr_table']) { $attr_table = $model_r['attr_table']; if ($data['modelid']) { $modelid = $data['modelid']; $attr_table = $models[$modelid]['attr_table']; } $attrdata = $this->db->get_one($attr_table, array('id' => $id)); $data = array_merge($data, $attrdata); } load_function('template'); load_function('content', 'content'); $status = isset($GLOBALS['status']) ? intval($GLOBALS['status']) : 9; require get_cache_path('content_form', 'model'); $form_build = new form_build($modelid); $form_build->cid = $cid; $category = get_cache('category', 'content'); $form_build->extdata['catname'] = $cate_config['name']; $form_build->extdata['type'] = $cate_config['type']; $formdata = $form_build->execute($data); load_class('form'); $show_formjs = 1; $show_dialog = 1; include $this->template('content_edit'); } }
/** * 个人资料修改 */ public function profile() { $point_config = get_cache('point_config'); $seo_title = '个人信息'; $memberinfo = $this->memberinfo; $uid = $this->memberinfo['uid']; $groups = $this->groups; $modelid = $memberinfo['modelid']; $model_r = $this->db->get_one('model', array('modelid' => $modelid)); $data = $this->db->get_one($model_r['attr_table'], array('uid' => $uid)); if ($data) { $data = array_merge($memberinfo, $data); } else { $data = $memberinfo; } if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { checkcode($GLOBALS['checkcode']); $formdata = ''; require get_cache_path('member_add', 'model'); $form_add = new form_add($modelid); if (empty($GLOBALS['form'])) { MSG('参数错误'); } $formdata = $form_add->execute($GLOBALS['form']); /** if(is_tel($GLOBALS['mobile'])) { $formdata['master_data']['mobile'] = $GLOBALS['mobile']; } **/ $this->db->update($formdata['master_table'], $formdata['master_data'], array('uid' => $uid)); if (!empty($formdata['attr_table']) && !empty($formdata['attr_data'])) { $this->db->update($formdata['attr_table'], $formdata['attr_data'], array('uid' => $uid)); } //执行更新 require get_cache_path('member_update', 'model'); $form_update = new form_update($modelid); $formdata['master_data']['uid'] = $uid; $form_update->execute($formdata); MSG(L('operation_success'), HTTP_REFERER); } else { require get_cache_path('member_form', 'model'); $form_build = new form_build($modelid); $formdata = $form_build->execute($data); //print_r($formdata); $field_list = ''; if (is_array($formdata['0'])) { foreach ($formdata['0'] as $field => $info) { if ($info['powerful_field']) { continue; } if ($info['formtype'] == 'powerful_field') { foreach ($formdata['0'] as $_fm => $_fm_value) { if ($_fm_value['powerful_field']) { $info['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $info['form']); } } foreach ($formdata['1'] as $_fm => $_fm_value) { if ($_fm_value['powerful_field']) { $info['form'] = str_replace('{' . $_fm . '}', $_fm_value['form'], $info['form']); } } } $field_list[] = $info; } } $groupid = $memberinfo['groupid']; $points = $memberinfo['points']; if ($groupid == 3) { $next_group = 6; $nextpoints = $groups[$next_group]['points'] - $points; } elseif ($groupid == 6) { $next_group = 7; $nextpoints = $groups[$next_group]['points'] - $points; } elseif ($groupid == 7) { $next_group = 8; $nextpoints = $groups[$next_group]['points'] - $points; } elseif ($groupid == 8) { $next_group = 9; $nextpoints = $groups[$next_group]['points'] - $points; } elseif ($groupid == 9) { $next_group = 9; $nextpoints = 0; } $dir = substr(md5($this->uid), 0, 2) . '/' . $this->uid . '/'; $upurl = base64_encode(WEBURL . '/index.php?m=member&v=avatar&uid=' . $this->uid); include T('member', 'profile'); } }