 * @(#) $Id: test_dependent_validation.php,v 1.1 2007/06/02 08:37:21 mlemos Exp $
require 'forms.php';
$form = new form_class();
$form->NAME = 'dependent_validation_form';
$form->METHOD = 'POST';
$form->ACTION = '';
$form->InvalidCLASS = 'invalid';
$form->ShowAllErrors = 0;
$form->debug = 'trigger_error';
$form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'checkbox', 'ID' => 'condition', 'NAME' => 'condition', 'CHECKED' => 1, 'LABEL' => '<u>V</u>alidate', 'ACCESSKEY' => 'V'));
$form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'text', 'ID' => 'dependent', 'NAME' => 'dependent', 'LABEL' => '<u>D</u>ependent', 'ACCESSKEY' => 'D', 'ValidateAsNotEmpty' => 1, 'ValidationErrorMessage' => 'It was not entered a value in the dependent field.', 'DependentValidation' => 'condition'));
$form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'submit', 'VALUE' => 'Submit', 'NAME' => 'doit'));
$verify = array();
if ($form->WasSubmitted('doit')) {
    if (($error_message = $form->Validate($verify)) == '') {
        $doit = 1;
    } else {
        $doit = 0;
        $error_message = HtmlEntities($error_message);
} else {
    $error_message = '';
    $doit = 0;
if (!$doit) {
    $form->ConnectFormToInput('dependent', 'ONLOAD', 'Focus', array());
Beispiel #2
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "submit", "ID" => "button_subscribe", "NAME" => "user_new_zap", "VALUE" => "Zapisz", "ACCESSKEY" => "u"));
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "image", "ID" => "image_subscribe", "NAME" => "grafik_dod_b", "SRC" => "http://www.phpclasses.org/graphics/add.gif", "ALT" => "Submit subscription", "STYLE" => "border-width: 0px;"));
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "hidden", "NAME" => "user_track", "VALUE" => "1", "ValidateAsInteger" => 1, "DiscardInvalidValues" => 1));
 * Add several vertical layout inputs to automatically layout all inputs
 * in each page without additional HTML templates.
$form->AddInput(array('ID' => 'personal', 'NAME' => 'personal', 'TYPE' => 'custom', "CustomClass" => "form_layout_vertical_class", 'Inputs' => array('login', 'nazwisko', 'imie', 'haslo', 'gabinety', 'haslo_do', 'akt'), 'Data' => array('separator' => '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>'), 'InvalidMark' => '[Wpisz]', 'InputFormat' => '<tr><th align="right">{label}:</th><td valign="top">{input}&nbsp;{mark}</td></tr>'));
 * Add a paged layout input to layout the pages of inputs
$form->AddInput(array('ID' => 'layout', 'NAME' => 'layout', 'TYPE' => 'custom', 'CustomClass' => 'form_layout_paged_class', 'Pages' => array('personal' => array('Name' => 'Dodanie użytkownika')), 'AutoAdjustSize' => 0, 'FadePagesTime' => 0.25));
 * Load form input values eventually from the submitted form.
 * Empty the array that will list the values with invalid field after
 * validation.
$verify = array();
 * Check if the global array variable corresponding to hidden input field
 * is defined, meaning that the form was submitted as opposed to being
 * displayed for the first time.
if ($form->WasSubmitted()) {
     * Therefore we need to validate the submitted form values.
    if (($error_message = $form->Validate($verify)) == "") {
 * test_encoded_pasword.php
 * @(#) $Header: /home/mlemos/cvsroot/forms/test_encoded_password.php,v 1.6 2006/12/20 06:21:16 mlemos Exp $
require "forms.php";
$form = new form_class();
$form->NAME = "login_form";
$form->METHOD = "GET";
$form->ACTION = "";
$form->debug = "trigger_error";
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "text", "NAME" => "access_name", "MAXLENGTH" => 20, "Capitalization" => "uppercase", "ValidateRegularExpression" => "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+\$", "ValidateAsNotEmpty" => 1, "ValidationErrorMessage" => "It was not specified a valid access name"));
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "hidden", "NAME" => "user_login", "ID" => "user_login", "VALUE" => ""));
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "password", "NAME" => "password", "ONCHANGE" => "if(value.toLowerCase) value=value.toLowerCase()", "Encoding" => "MD5", "EncodingFunctionVerification" => "loaded_MD5", "EncodedField" => "user_login", "ValidateAsNotEmpty" => 1, "ValidationErrorMessage" => "It was not specified a valid password"));
$form->AddInput(array("TYPE" => "submit", "VALUE" => "Login", "NAME" => "doit"));
$verify = array();
if ($form->WasSubmitted("doit")) {
    $user_login = $form->GetInputValue("user_login");
    if (strcmp($user_login, "")) {
        $password = $user_login;
        $user_login = "";
        $form->SetInputValue("user_login", $user_login);
    } else {
        $password = $form->GetInputValue("password");
        if (strcmp($password, "")) {
            $password = md5(strtolower($password));
    $form->SetInputValue("password", $password);
    if (($error_message = $form->Validate($verify)) == "") {
Beispiel #4
require 'forms.php';
require 'form_secure_submit.php';
$key = "my secret key";
$form = new form_class();
$form->ID = 'secure_form';
$form->METHOD = 'POST';
$form->ACTION = '?';
$form->debug = 'trigger_error';
$error = $form->AddInput(array('TYPE' => 'custom', 'VALUE' => 'Secure submit', 'ID' => 'secure_submit', 'NAME' => 'secure_submit', 'CustomClass' => 'form_secure_submit_class', 'Key' => $key));
if (strlen($error)) {
    die("Error: " . $error);
$submitted = $form->WasSubmitted('secure_submit');
$verify = array();
if ($submitted) {
    if (strlen($error_message = $form->Validate($verify)) == 0) {
        $doit = 1;
    } else {
        $doit = 0;
        $error_message = HtmlEntities($error_message);
} else {
    $error_message = '';
    $doit = 0;
if (!$doit) {
    $focus = 'secure_submit';
    $form->ConnectFormToInput($focus, 'ONLOAD', 'Focus', array());