Beispiel #1
function tad_web_action_form($ActionID = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $WebID, $MyWebs, $isMyWeb, $xoopsTpl, $TadUpFiles, $web_cate;
    if (!$isMyWeb and $MyWebs) {
        redirect_header($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?op=WebID={$MyWebs[0]}&tad_web_action_form", 3, _MD_TCW_AUTO_TO_HOME);
    } elseif (empty($MyWebs)) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_TCW_NOT_OWNER);
    if (!empty($ActionID)) {
        $DBV = get_tad_web_action($ActionID);
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    $ActionID = !isset($DBV['ActionID']) ? $ActionID : $DBV['ActionID'];
    $ActionName = !isset($DBV['ActionName']) ? "" : $DBV['ActionName'];
    $ActionDesc = !isset($DBV['ActionDesc']) ? "" : $DBV['ActionDesc'];
    $ActionDate = !isset($DBV['ActionDate']) ? date("Y-m-d") : $DBV['ActionDate'];
    $ActionPlace = !isset($DBV['ActionPlace']) ? "" : $DBV['ActionPlace'];
    $user_uid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : "";
    $uid = !isset($DBV['uid']) ? $user_uid : $DBV['uid'];
    $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? $WebID : $DBV['WebID'];
    $ActionCount = !isset($DBV['ActionCount']) ? "" : $DBV['ActionCount'];
    $CateID = !isset($DBV['CateID']) ? "" : $DBV['CateID'];
    $cate_menu = $web_cate->cate_menu($CateID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('cate_menu', $cate_menu);
    $op = empty($ActionID) ? "insert_tad_web_action" : "update_tad_web_action";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ActionName', $ActionName);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ActionDesc', $ActionDesc);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ActionDate', $ActionDate);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ActionPlace', $ActionPlace);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ActionID', $ActionID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebID', $WebID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', $op);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('op', 'tad_web_action_form');
    $TadUpFiles->set_col('ActionID', $ActionID);
    //若 $show_list_del_file ==true 時一定要有
    $upform = $TadUpFiles->upform(true, 'upfile');
    $xoopsTpl->assign('upform', $upform);
Beispiel #2
function tad_web_link_form($LinkID = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $WebID, $MyWebs, $xoopsTpl, $isMyWeb, $web_cate;
    if (!$isMyWeb and $MyWebs) {
        redirect_header($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?WebID={$MyWebs[0]}&op=tad_web_link_form", 3, _MD_TCW_AUTO_TO_HOME);
    } elseif (empty($MyWebs)) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_TCW_NOT_OWNER);
    if (!empty($LinkID)) {
        $DBV = get_tad_web_link($LinkID);
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    $LinkID = !isset($DBV['LinkID']) ? "" : $DBV['LinkID'];
    $LinkTitle = !isset($DBV['LinkTitle']) ? "" : $DBV['LinkTitle'];
    $LinkDesc = !isset($DBV['LinkDesc']) ? "" : $DBV['LinkDesc'];
    $LinkUrl = !isset($DBV['LinkUrl']) ? "" : $DBV['LinkUrl'];
    $LinkCounter = !isset($DBV['LinkCounter']) ? "" : $DBV['LinkCounter'];
    $LinkSort = !isset($DBV['LinkSort']) ? tad_web_link_max_sort() : $DBV['LinkSort'];
    $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? $WebID : $DBV['WebID'];
    $user_uid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : "";
    $uid = !isset($DBV['uid']) ? $user_uid : $DBV['uid'];
    $CateID = !isset($DBV['CateID']) ? "" : $DBV['CateID'];
    $cate_menu = $web_cate->cate_menu($CateID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('cate_menu', $cate_menu);
    $op = empty($LinkID) ? "insert_tad_web_link" : "update_tad_web_link";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('LinkTitle', $LinkTitle);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('LinkUrl', $LinkUrl);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('LinkDesc', $LinkDesc);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('LinkSort', $LinkSort);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebID', $WebID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('LinkID', $LinkID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', $op);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('op', 'tad_web_link_form');
Beispiel #3
function tad_web_cate_form($CateID = '')
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsTpl, $isAdmin;
    if (!empty($CateID)) {
        $DBV = get_tad_web_cate($CateID);
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    //設定 CateID 欄位的預設值
    $CateID = !isset($DBV['CateID']) ? $CateID : $DBV['CateID'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('CateID', $CateID);
    //設定 WebID 欄位的預設值
    $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? '' : $DBV['WebID'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebID', $WebID);
    //設定 CateName 欄位的預設值
    $CateName = !isset($DBV['CateName']) ? '' : $DBV['CateName'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('CateName', $CateName);
    //設定 ColName 欄位的預設值
    $ColName = !isset($DBV['ColName']) ? 'web_cate' : $DBV['ColName'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ColName', $ColName);
    //設定 ColSN 欄位的預設值
    $ColSN = !isset($DBV['ColSN']) ? '0' : $DBV['ColSN'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ColSN', $ColSN);
    //設定 CateSort 欄位的預設值
    $CateSort = !isset($DBV['CateSort']) ? tad_web_cate_max_sort($WebID, $ColName, $ColSN) : $DBV['CateSort'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('CateSort', $CateSort);
    //設定 CateEnable 欄位的預設值
    $CateEnable = !isset($DBV['CateEnable']) ? '1' : $DBV['CateEnable'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('CateEnable', $CateEnable);
    //設定 CateCounter 欄位的預設值
    $CateCounter = !isset($DBV['CateCounter']) ? '0' : $DBV['CateCounter'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('CateCounter', $CateCounter);
    $op = empty($CateID) ? "save_tad_web_cate" : "update_tad_web_cate";
    //$op = "replace_tad_web_cate";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _TAD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('action', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('now_op', 'tad_web_cate_form');
    $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', $op);
Beispiel #4
 switch ($action) {
     case $_L['BTN_save']:
         if (isset($_POST['itemcount']) && $_POST['itemcount'] > 0) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['itemcount']; $i++) {
                 $sale = 0;
                 if (isset($_POST['sale_' . $i])) {
                     $sale = 1;
                 if (isset($_POST['idx_' . $i])) {
                     modify_item($_POST['idx_' . $i], $_POST['item_' . $i], $_POST['description_' . $i], $sale, $_POST['expense_' . $i], $_POST['itype_' . $i]);
         if ($_POST['newitem'] || $_POST['newdescription']) {
             // instantiate form validator object
             $fv = new formValidator();
             //from functions.php
             $fv->validateEmpty('newitem', $_L['ITM_noitm_err']);
             $fv->validateEmpty('newdescription', $_L['ITM_noitmdesc_err']);
             if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                 // display errors
                 echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                 echo "<h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>";
                 echo $fv->displayErrors();
                 echo "</div>";
             } else {
                 modify_item(0, $_POST['newitem'], $_POST['newdescription'], $_POST['newsale'], $_POST['newexpense'], $_POST['newitype']);
     case $_L['BTN_delete']:
Beispiel #5
For any details please feel free to contact me at
Or for snail mail. P. O. Box 938, Kilifi-80108, East Africa-Kenya.
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include_once "";
include_once "queryfunctions.php";
include_once "functions.php";
//check if user is allowed to access this page
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $conn = db_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT);
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Add Rooms Detail':
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('roomno', 'Please enter room no.');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
                echo "</div>";
            } else {
                //gets photo.
                if (isset($_REQUEST['form_submit']) && 'form_uploader' == $_REQUEST['form_submit']) {
                    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
                        $filename = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
                        $filetype = $_FILES['photo']['type'];
                        $file_temp = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'];
Beispiel #6
//check if user is allowed to access this page
$logofile = Get_LogoFile();
if (isset($_GET["search"])) {
    $agentid = $_GET['search'];
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $agentid = $_GET['id'];
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['AGT_addagent']:
        case $_L['BTN_update']:
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('iata', $_L['AGT_iata_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('name', $_L['AGT_name_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('phone', $_L['AGT_phone_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('town', $_L['AGT_town_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('billing', $_L['AGT_billing_err']);
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
            } else {
                $agentid = !empty($_POST["agentid"]) ? $_POST["agentid"] : 0;
                $country = $_POST['country'];
                $ebridgeID = $_POST['ebridgeID'];
                $IM = $_POST['IM'];
                $name = $_POST["name"];
Beispiel #7
     } else {
         $trans_code = !empty($_POST["trans_code"]) ? "'" . $_POST["trans_code"] . "'" : 'NULL';
         $trans_type = !empty($_POST["trans_type"]) ? "'" . $_POST["trans_type"] . "'" : 'NULL';
         $remarks = !empty($_POST["remarks"]) ? "'" . $_POST["remarks"] . "'" : 'NULL';
         $accounts = !empty($_POST["accounts"]) ? $_POST["accounts"] : 'NULL';
         $cooperative = !empty($_POST["cooperative"]) ? $_POST["cooperative"] : 'NULL';
         $payroll = !empty($_POST["payroll"]) ? $_POST["payroll"] : 'NULL';
         $sql = "INSERT INTO transtype (trans_code,trans_type,remarks,accounts,cooperative,payroll)\n\t\t\t\t VALUES({$trans_code},{$trans_type},{$remarks},{$accounts},{$cooperative},{$payroll})";
         $results = mkr_query($sql, $conn);
         $msg[0] = "Sorry transaction type not added";
         $msg[1] = "Transaction type successfull added";
         AddSuccess($results, $conn, $msg);
 case 'Add Payment Mode':
     $fv = new formValidator();
     //from functions.php
     $fv->validateEmpty('payment_option', 'Please enter payment option.');
     if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
         // display errors
         echo "<div align=\"center\">";
         echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
         echo $fv->displayErrors();
         echo "</div>";
     } else {
         $payment_option = !empty($_POST["payment_option"]) ? "'" . $_POST["payment_option"] . "'" : 'NULL';
         $sql = "INSERT INTO payment_mode (payment_option) VALUES({$payment_option})";
         $results = mkr_query($sql, $conn);
         $msg[0] = "Sorry payment mode not added";
         $msg[1] = "Payment mode successfull added";
         AddSuccess($results, $conn, $msg);
Beispiel #8
function tad_web_discuss_form($DiscussID = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $WebID, $MyWebs, $isAdmin, $xoopsTpl, $web_cate;
    if (!isAdmin and !$MyWebs and empty($_SESSION['LoginMemID'])) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_TCW_LOGIN_TO_POST);
    if (!empty($DiscussID)) {
        $DBV = get_tad_web_discuss($DiscussID);
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    if ($MyWebs) {
        $uid = !isset($DBV['uid']) ? $xoopsUser->uid() : $DBV['uid'];
        $MemID = !isset($DBV['MemID']) ? 0 : $DBV['MemID'];
        $MemName = !isset($DBV['MemName']) ? $xoopsUser->name() : $DBV['MemName'];
        $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? $WebID : $DBV['WebID'];
    } else {
        $uid = !isset($DBV['uid']) ? 0 : $DBV['uid'];
        $MemID = !isset($DBV['MemID']) ? $LoginMemID : $DBV['MemID'];
        $MemName = !isset($DBV['MemName']) ? $LoginMemName : $DBV['MemName'];
        $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? $_SESSION['LoginWebID'] : $DBV['WebID'];
    $DiscussID = !isset($DBV['DiscussID']) ? "" : $DBV['DiscussID'];
    $ReDiscussID = !isset($DBV['ReDiscussID']) ? "" : $DBV['ReDiscussID'];
    $DiscussTitle = !isset($DBV['DiscussTitle']) ? "" : $DBV['DiscussTitle'];
    $DiscussContent = !isset($DBV['DiscussContent']) ? "" : $DBV['DiscussContent'];
    $DiscussDate = !isset($DBV['DiscussDate']) ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s") : $DBV['DiscussDate'];
    $LastTime = !isset($DBV['LastTime']) ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s") : $DBV['LastTime'];
    $DiscussCounter = !isset($DBV['DiscussCounter']) ? "" : $DBV['DiscussCounter'];
    $CateID = !isset($DBV['CateID']) ? "" : $DBV['CateID'];
    $new_cate = empty($_SESSION['LoginMemID']) ? true : false;
    $cate_menu = $web_cate->cate_menu($CateID, $new_cate);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('cate_menu', $cate_menu);
    $op = empty($DiscussID) ? "insert_tad_web_discuss" : "update_tad_web_discuss";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('DiscussTitle', $DiscussTitle);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('DiscussContent', $DiscussContent);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebID', $WebID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('DiscussID', $DiscussID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('ReDiscussID', $ReDiscussID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', $op);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('op', 'tad_web_discuss_form');
Beispiel #9
function list_jill_booking_time($jbi_sn = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsTpl, $isAdmin;
    if (empty($jbi_sn)) {
    $item = get_jill_booking_item($jbi_sn);
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tadtools/jeditable.php";
    $jeditable = new jeditable();
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $sql = "select * from `" . $xoopsDB->prefix("jill_booking_time") . "`\n          where `jbi_sn`='{$jbi_sn}' order by `jbt_sort`";
    $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql) or redirect_header($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 3, mysql_error());
    $total = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result);
    $all_content = "";
    $i = 0;
    while ($all = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) {
        //以下會產生這些變數: $jbt_sn , $jbi_sn , $jbt_title , $jbt_sort
        foreach ($all as $k => $v) {
            ${$k} = $v;
        $jbt_title = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($jbt_title);
        $jeditable->setTextCol("#jbt_title_{$jbt_sn}", 'time.php', '100%', '11pt', "{'jbt_sn':{$jbt_sn},'op' : 'save_jbt_title'}", _TAD_EDIT . _MA_JILLBOOKIN_JBT_TITLE);
        $all_content[$i]['jbi_sn'] = $jbi_sn;
        $all_content[$i]['jbt_sn'] = $jbt_sn;
        $all_content[$i]['jbt_title_link'] = "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?jbt_sn={$jbt_sn}'>{$jbt_title}</a>";
        $all_content[$i]['jbt_title'] = $jbt_title;
        $all_content[$i]['jbt_sort'] = $jbt_sort;
        $all_content[$i]['jbt_week'] = strval($jbt_week);
        $booking_times = get_booking_times($jbt_sn);
        $all_content[$i]['booking_times'] = empty($booking_times) ? "" : sprintf(_MA_JILLBOOKIN_BOOKING_TIME, $booking_times);
        $w_arr = explode(',', $jbt_week);
        for ($j = 0; $j <= 7; $j++) {
            $name = "w{$j}";
            $pic = in_array($j, $w_arr) ? "yes.gif" : "no.gif";
            $all_content[$i][$name] = "<img src='../images/{$pic}' id='{$jbt_sn}_{$j}' onClick=\"change_enable({$jbt_sn},{$j});\" style='cursor: pointer;'>";
    $xoopsTpl->assign('item', $item);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('bar', $bar);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('action', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('isAdmin', $isAdmin);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('all_content', $all_content);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('now_op', 'list_jill_booking_time');
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_sn', $jbi_sn);
    if (!file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tadtools/sweet_alert.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MA_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tadtools/sweet_alert.php";
    $sweet_alert = new sweet_alert();
    $delete_jill_booking_time_func = $sweet_alert->render('delete_jill_booking_time_func', "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?op=delete_jill_booking_time&jbi_sn={$jbi_sn}&jbt_sn=", "jbt_sn");
    $xoopsTpl->assign('delete_jill_booking_time_func', $delete_jill_booking_time_func);
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _TAD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $jeditable_set = $jeditable->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jeditable_set', $jeditable_set);
    $i = 0;
    $place_time = "";
    $sql = "select a.* , count(b.jbt_sn) as counter from `" . $xoopsDB->prefix("jill_booking_item") . "` as a join `" . $xoopsDB->prefix("jill_booking_time") . "` as b on a.jbi_sn=b.jbi_sn where a.jbi_enable='1' group by b.jbi_sn";
    $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql) or redirect_header($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 3, mysql_error());
    while ($data = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) {
        $data['jbi_link'] = sprintf(_MA_JILLBOOKIN_IMPORT_PLACE, $data['jbi_title'], $data['counter']);
        $place_time[$i] = $data;
    $xoopsTpl->assign('place_time', $place_time);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jquery', get_jquery(true));
Beispiel #10
 switch ($action) {
     case $_L['BTN_save']:
         if (isset($_POST['roomtypecount']) && $_POST['roomtypecount'] > 0) {
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['roomtypecount']; $i++) {
                 if (isset($_POST['idx_' . $i])) {
                     modify_roomtype($_POST['idx_' . $i], $_POST['roomtype_' . $i], $_POST['description_' . $i], $_POST['rateid_' . $i], $_POST['url_' . $i]);
                     if (is_ebridgeCustomer()) {
                         include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/OTA/advancedFeatures/adv_functions.php";
                         CustomPagesFormRead(HTL_ROOM_TYPE, $_POST['idx_' . $i]);
         if ($_POST['newroomtype'] || $_POST['newdescription']) {
             // instantiate form validator object
             $fv = new formValidator();
             //from functions.php
             $fv->validateEmpty('newroomtype', $_L['RMT_normtyp']);
             $fv->validateEmpty('newdescription', $_L['RMT_noitmdes']);
             if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                 // display errors
                 echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                 echo "<h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>";
                 echo $fv->displayErrors();
                 echo "</div>";
             } else {
                 modify_roomtype(0, $_POST['newroomtype'], $_POST['newdescription'], $_POST['newrateid'], $_POST['newurl']);
     case $_L['BTN_delete']:
 protected function getView()
     //https://сервер/index.php?BANK_ID=BBTYPE=1&PAY_ID=12345&PAY_DATE=2009-04-15 11:22:33&ACCOUNT=54321&PAY_AMOUNT=1100&SIGN=827CCB0EEA8A706C4C34A16891F84E7B
     $config = $this->toolkit->getConfig('ctBank');
     $userMapper = $this->toolkit->getMapper('user', 'user');
     $bankMapper = $this->toolkit->getMapper('ctData', 'ctDataBank');
     $bank_title = $this->request->getString('BANK_ID', SC_GET);
     $bank = $bankMapper->searchOneByField('title', $bank_title);
     switch ($this->request->getInteger('TYPE', SC_GET)) {
         case 1:
             $action = 'payment';
         case 4:
             $action = 'check';
             return $this->forward404();
     $validator = new formValidator();
     // Проверка в запросе обязательного поля bank_id
     $validator->rule('callbackwmsg', 'BANK_ID', 0, array(array($this, 'checkBank'), $bank));
     $validator->rule('required', 'SIGN', 4);
     $validator->rule('callback', 'SIGN', 4, array(array($this, 'checkSign'), $bank));
     $validator->rule('required', 'ACCOUNT', 2);
     $validator->rule('callback', 'ACCOUNT', 5, array(array($this, 'checkAccount'), $bank));
     $validator->rule('in', 'CHECK_BY', 'not in range', array('login', 'card_number'));
     // Проверит линковку аккаунта к школе
     if ($action == 'payment') {
         $validator->rule('required', 'PAY_AMOUNT', 2);
         $validator->rule('numeric', 'PAY_AMOUNT', 3);
         $validator->rule('required', 'PAY_ID', 2);
         $validator->rule('callbackwmsg', 'PAY_ID', 0, array(array($this, 'checkPayId'), $bank));
         $validator->rule('required', 'PAY_DATE', 2);
         $validator->rule('regex', 'PAY_DATE', 3, '!\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}!');
         // Валидатор поля типа платежа
         //             $validator->rule('required', 'ACCOUNT_TYPE', 2);
         $validator->rule('callback', 'ACCOUNT_TYPE', 3, array(array($this, 'checkAccountType')));
     if ($validator->validate()) {
         $user = $this->getUser();
         if ($action == 'payment') {
             // Заберем настройки модуля
             if (!$config->exists('comission')) {
                 throw new mzzRuntimeException('"comission" value not found in configs/ctBank.php');
             $pay_id = $this->request->getString('PAY_ID', SC_GET);
             $sum = $this->request->getInteger('PAY_AMOUNT', SC_GET) / 100;
             //PAY_AMOUNT – сумма платежа в копейках
             $enrolledSum = $sum * (100 - $config->get('comission')) / 100;
             if (preg_match('!\\A([a-z]{2})!i', $pay_id, $match)) {
                 $bank_name = $match[1];
             } else {
                 $bank_name = '';
             // Получим тип аккаунта на который класть деньги
             $ctBillLocalAccountTypeMapper = $this->toolkit->getMapper('ctBillLocal', 'ctBillLocalAccountType');
             $account_type = $this->request->getInteger('ACCOUNT_TYPE', SC_GET);
             if (empty($account_type)) {
                 $account_type = 1;
             $ctBillLocalAccountType = $ctBillLocalAccountTypeMapper->searchByKey($account_type);
             // Получим аккаунт
             $account = $user->getAccount($ctBillLocalAccountType->getName());
             $accountType = $account->getAccountType();
             // Осуществляем платеж
             if ($account && $account->enrollPayment($sum, 'Платеж через терминал ' . $bank_name . ' (' . $pay_id . ')', $accountType->getDefaultEnrollmentSubtype())) {
                 $status = 0;
                 $msg = 'Платеж принят';
                 // Создадим запись о платеже
                 $ctBankOnlinepayPaymentMapper = $this->toolkit->getMapper('ctBank', 'ctBankOnlinepayPayment');
                 $payment = $ctBankOnlinepayPaymentMapper->create();
             } else {
                 $status = 21;
                 $msg = 'Ошибка биллинга';
         } else {
             $status = 0;
             $msg = 'Абонент существует';
             $this->view->assign('login', $user->getLogin());
             $this->view->assign('fio', $user->getFullname());
             $this->view->assign('balance', $user->getAccount()->getBalance());
             $ctCardServiceInfo = $user->getctCardServiceInfo();
             // Проверим есть ли запись об этом учение в таблице с абонентской платой
             if ($ctCardServiceInfo && (double) $ctCardServiceInfo->getSum()) {
                 $cardAccount = $user->getAccount('cardservice');
                 if ($cardAccount && $cardAccount->getBalance()) {
                     $this->view->assign('cardservice_balance', $cardAccount->getBalance());
                 $this->view->assign('block_status', $user->getAccount()->getBlockStatus());
     } else {
         $status = reset($validator->getErrors());
     if (isset($msg)) {
         $this->view->assign('message', $msg);
     $this->view->assign('status', $status);
Beispiel #12
    $is_a_eBridgeCustomer = 1;
    $uri = "";
    if ($guestid) {
        $uri = "?id=" . $guestid;
    header("Location:advanced_profile.php" . $uri);
    return 1;
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['GST_addguest']:
        case $_L['GST_updguest']:
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('lastname', $_L['GST_ferr1']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('firstname', $_L['GST_ferr2']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('pp_id_no', $_L['GST_ferr3']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('countrycode', $_L['GST_ferr4']);
            //if (!empty($_POST["email"])) $fv->validateEmail('email','Please enter a valid email address');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                // display errors
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
            } else {
                if (!$guestid && $_POST['guestid']) {
                    $guestid = $_POST['guestid'];
                $firstname = $_POST["firstname"];
Beispiel #13
function tad_web_news_form($NewsID = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $WebID, $MyWebs, $isMyWeb, $xoopsTpl, $TadUpFiles, $web_cate;
    if (!$isMyWeb and $MyWebs) {
        redirect_header($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?WebID={$MyWebs[0]}&op=tad_web_news_form", 3, _MD_TCW_AUTO_TO_HOME);
    } elseif (empty($MyWebs)) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_TCW_NOT_OWNER);
    $Class = getWebInfo($WebID);
    if (!empty($NewsID)) {
        $DBV = get_tad_web_news($NewsID);
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    $NewsID = !isset($DBV['NewsID']) ? "" : $DBV['NewsID'];
    if (isset($DBV['NewsTitle'])) {
        $NewsTitle = _NEWS_KIND == "homework" ? $Class['WebTitle'] . date(" Y-m-d ") . _MD_TCW_HOMEWORK : $DBV['NewsTitle'];
    } else {
        $NewsTitle = _NEWS_KIND == "homework" ? $Class['WebTitle'] . date(" Y-m-d ") . _MD_TCW_HOMEWORK : "";
    if (isset($DBV['NewsContent'])) {
        $NewsContent = $DBV['NewsContent'];
    } else {
        $NewsContent = _NEWS_KIND == "homework" ? _MD_TCW_HOMEWORK_DEFAULT : "";
    $NewsDate = !isset($DBV['NewsDate']) ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s") : $DBV['NewsDate'];
    if (!isset($DBV['toCal'])) {
        $toCal = _NEWS_KIND == "homework" ? date("Y-m-d") : "";
    } else {
        $toCal = $DBV['toCal'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ? "" : $DBV['toCal'];
    $NewsPlace = !isset($DBV['NewsPlace']) ? "" : $DBV['NewsPlace'];
    $NewsMaster = !isset($DBV['NewsMaster']) ? "" : $DBV['NewsMaster'];
    $NewsUrl = !isset($DBV['NewsUrl']) ? "" : $DBV['NewsUrl'];
    $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? $WebID : $DBV['WebID'];
    $NewsKind = !isset($DBV['NewsKind']) ? "" : $DBV['NewsKind'];
    $NewsCounter = !isset($DBV['NewsCounter']) ? "" : $DBV['NewsCounter'];
    $CateID = !isset($DBV['CateID']) ? "" : $DBV['CateID'];
    $cate_menu = $web_cate->cate_menu($CateID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('cate_menu', $cate_menu);
    $op = empty($NewsID) ? "insert_tad_web_news" : "update_tad_web_news";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    if (_USE_FCKEDITOR) {
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/tadtools/ck.php";
        $ck = new CKEditor("tad_web", "NewsContent", $NewsContent);
        $editor = $ck->render();
    } else {
        $editor = "<textarea name='NewsContent' id='NewsContent' class='span12'>{$NewsContent}</textarea>";
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('op', $op);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsID', $NewsID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsContent_editor', $editor);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('SHOW_NEWS_UPLOAD', _SHOW_NEWS_UPLOAD);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('SHOW_NEWS_TOCAL', _SHOW_NEWS_TOCAL);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('toCal', $toCal);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsDate', $NewsDate);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('SHOW_NEWS_URL', _SHOW_NEWS_URL);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsUrl', $NewsUrl);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('SHOW_NEWS_MASTER', _SHOW_NEWS_MASTER);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsMaster', $NewsMaster);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('SHOW_NEWS_PLACE', _SHOW_NEWS_PLACE);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsPlace', $NewsPlace);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('NewsTitle', $NewsTitle);
    $TadUpFiles->set_col("NewsID", $NewsID);
    $upform = $TadUpFiles->upform();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('upform', $upform);
$logofile = Get_LogoFile();
$hoteldesc = "";
$outfile = "hoteldescription.txt";
$validationMsgs = "";
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['HWS_btn_updatedec']:
            $data = $_POST[hoteldesc];
            $fh = fopen($outfile, 'w');
            fwrite($fh, $data);
        case $_L['HWS_addimg']:
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->EmptyCheck('imgurl', $_L['HWS_err_imgurl']);
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
            } else {
                $hoteldesc = $_POST["hoteldesc"];
                $imgtitle = $_POST["imgtitle"];
                $imgurl = $_POST["imgurl"];
                $imgdesc = $_POST["imgdesc"];
                $imgpg = $_POST["imgpage"];
                $isvideo = $_POST["isvideo"];
                $picid = modify_hotelgallery($picid, $imgtitle, $imgurl, $imgdesc, $imgpg, $isvideo);
Beispiel #15
    $restarget = $_POST['restarget'];
$today = date("d/m/Y");
$tomorrow = date("d/m/Y", time() + 24 * 60 * 60);
$validationMsgs = "";
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['REG_register']:
        case $_L['BTN_update']:
        case $_L['REG_checkinbox']:
        case $_L['REG_checkoutbox']:
        case $_L['REG_Rcheckout']:
            //if guest has not been selected exit
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('no_adults', $_L['REG_noperson_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('roomid', $_L['REG_noroom_err']);
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
            } else {
                $userid = $_SESSION["userid"];
                $book_id = $_POST["book_id"];
                $res_id = $_POST["reservation_id"];
                $bill_id = $_POST["bill_id"];
                $guestid = $_POST["guestid"];
                $guestname = $_POST["guestname"];
                $address = $_POST["address"];
                $email = $_POST["email"];
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include_once "";
include_once "queryfunctions.php";
include_once "functions.php";
$conn = db_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT);
if (isset($_GET["search"])) {
$guestid = $_POST['guestid'];
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Update':
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('booking_type', 'Please indicate if it\'s a Direct booking or Agent booking.');
            $fv->validateEmpty('meal_plan', 'Please select Meal Plan');
            //$fv->validateEmpty('countrycode','Please select country');
            //$fv->validateEmpty('pp_no','Agents name must be entered');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
                echo "</div>";
            } else {
                $booking_type = $_POST["booking_type"];
                $meal_plan = $_POST["meal_plan"];
                $no_adults = $_POST["no_adults"];
Beispiel #17
            $search = $billno;
        case 'search':
            $search = $_GET["search"];
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $conn = db_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT);
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Update':
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('doc_no', 'Please enter document number.');
            $fv->validateEmpty('doc_date', 'Please enter date');
            $fv->validateEmpty('doc_date', 'Please enter details');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
                echo "</div>";
                //search current record
            } else {
                $billno = $_POST["billno"];
                $doc_type = $_POST["doc_type"];
                $doc_no = $_POST["doc_no"];
Beispiel #18
         $resid = get_ReservationID_By_BillID($id);
         $resdetailcount = reservation_details_byResID($resid, $details);
         if ($resid) {
             foreach ($details as $dt) {
                 $rateid = $dt['ratesid'];
                 $roomid = $dt['roomid'];
                 add_roomcharges($id, $roomid, $rateid, $checkin, $checkout, $userid);
         } else {
             add_roomcharges($id, $roomid, $rateid, $checkin, $checkout, $userid);
 case $_L['BTN_update']:
     //filed validations
     $fv = new formValidator();
     //from functions.php
     if (isset($_POST['modifytrans']) && $_POST['modifytrans']) {
         $std_itmamnt = 'std_amt_' . $_POST['modifytrans'];
         $itmamnt = 'amount_' . $_POST['modifytrans'];
         $itmqty = 'qty_' . $_POST['modifytrans'];
         if ($_POST['std_amount'] == "" && $_POST['itemid'] != "0" || $_POST[$std_itmamnt] == "") {
         if ($_POST['amount'] == "" && $_POST['itemid'] != "0" || $_POST[$itmamnt] == "") {
         if ($_POST['quantity'] == "" && $_POST['itemid'] != "0" || $_POST[$itmqty] == "") {
         if ($_POST['std_amount'] != "" && $_POST['itemid'] != "0" && !preg_match("/^[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)?+\$/", $_POST['std_amount']) || $_POST[$std_itmamnt] != "" && !preg_match("/^[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)?+\$/", $_POST[$std_itmamnt])) {
Beispiel #19
//consider having this as a function in the functions.php
if (isset($_POST['Navigate'])) {
    //echo $_SESSION["strOffSet"];
    $nRecords = num_rows(mkr_query("select * from guests", $conn), $conn);
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Add Guest':
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('lastname', 'Please enter Guests First Name');
            $fv->validateEmpty('firstname', 'Please enter Guests Last Name');
            $fv->validateEmpty('pp_id_no', 'Passport No. or ID. No. must be entered.');
            $fv->validateEmpty('countrycode', 'Please select country');
            //if (!empty($_POST["email"])) $fv->validateEmail('email','Please enter a valid email address');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
                echo "</div>";
            } else {
                $firstname = $_POST["firstname"];
                $middlename = $_POST["middlename"];
Beispiel #20
if (isset($_POST['Submit']) || isset($_POST['remove_id']) && $_POST['remove_id'] != 0 || isset($_POST['add_id']) && $_POST['add_id'] != 0) {
    if (isset($_POST['remove_id'])) {
        $action = "remove_rate";
    if (isset($_POST['add_id'])) {
        $action = "add_rate";
    if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
        $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['BTN_add']:
        case $_L['BTN_update']:
        case "remove_rate":
        case "add_rate":
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            if (isset($_POST['add_id']) && $_POST['add_id'] != 0) {
                $opnumber = $_POST['add_id'];
                if (isset($_POST["ratesid_" . $opnumber]) && empty($_POST["ratesid_" . $opnumber])) {
                if (isset($_POST["roomid_" . $opnumber]) && empty($_POST["roomid_" . $opnumber])) {
                if (isset($_POST["roomtypeid_" . $opnumber]) && empty($_POST["roomtypeid_" . $opnumber])) {
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
Beispiel #21
function jill_booking_form($jbi_sn = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsTpl, $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $item_opt = get_jill_booking_time_options($jbi_sn);
    if (!empty($jbi_sn)) {
        $itemArr = get_jill_booking_item($jbi_sn, 1);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('itemArr', $itemArr);
        // array ('jbi_sn' => '2','jbi_title' =>'多功能教室','jbi_desc' => '<p>多功能教室多功能教室</p>','jbi_sort' => '1','jbi_start' => '2015-01-28','jbi_end' => '0000-00-00','jbi_enable' => '1','jbi_approval' => '0',)
        //設定 jb_booking_content 欄位的預設值
        $xoopsTpl->assign('jb_booking_content', "");
        //設定 jb_start_date 欄位的預設值
        $jb_start_date = strtotime($itemArr['jbi_start']) <= strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) ? date("Y-m-d") : $itemArr['jbi_start'];
        $xoopsTpl->assign('jb_start_date', $jb_start_date);
        //設定 jb_end_date 欄位的預設值
        $xoopsTpl->assign('jb_end_date', $jb_start_date);
        $max_bookingweek = $xoopsModuleConfig['max_bookingweek'];
        //$show_range      = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+$max_bookingweek week"));
        if (empty($max_bookingweek)) {
            $end = $itemArr['jbi_end'] == '0000-00-00' ? 0 : strtotime($itemArr['jbi_end']);
            $max_date = $end == 0 ? '' : $itemArr['jbi_end'];
        } else {
            $endtime = strtotime("+{$max_bookingweek} week");
            if ($itemArr['jbi_end'] == '0000-00-00') {
                $end = $endtime;
            } else {
                $end = strtotime($itemArr['jbi_end']) >= $endtime ? $endtime : strtotime($itemArr['jbi_end']);
            $max_date = date("Y-m-d", $end);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('max_date', $max_date);
        $timeArr = get_bookingtime_jbisn($jbi_sn);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('timeArr', $timeArr);
        $weektime = "";
        foreach ($timeArr as $t => $time) {
            for ($w = 0; $w < 7; $w++) {
                $jbt_sn = $time['jbt_sn'];
                $jbt_week = strval($time['jbt_week']);
                $weektime[$t][$w]['jbt_week'] = strpos($jbt_week, strval($w)) !== false ? "<input type='checkbox' name='jb_week[{$jbt_sn}][]'  value='{$w}' >" : "<span style='color:#D44950'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></span>";
        if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
            redirect_header("index.php", 3, _TAD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
        include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
        $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
        $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
        $token = new XoopsFormHiddenToken();
        $token_form = $token->render();
        $xoopsTpl->assign("token_form", $token_form);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('weektime', $weektime);
        $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', "insert_jill_booking");
    $xoopsTpl->assign('item_opt', $item_opt);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('now_op', 'jill_booking_form');
    $xoopsTpl->assign('action', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
Beispiel #22
function jill_booking_item_form($jbi_sn = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsTpl;
    if (!empty($jbi_sn)) {
        $DBV = get_jill_booking_item($jbi_sn);
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    //設定 jbi_sn 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_sn = !isset($DBV['jbi_sn']) ? $jbi_sn : $DBV['jbi_sn'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_sn', $jbi_sn);
    //設定 jbi_start 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_start = !isset($DBV['jbi_start']) ? date("Y-m-d") : $DBV['jbi_start'];
    $yesterday = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-1 day'));
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_start', $jbi_start);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('yesterday', $yesterday);
    //設定 jbi_end 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_end = !isset($DBV['jbi_end']) ? "" : $DBV['jbi_end'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_end', $jbi_end);
    //設定 jbi_title 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_title = !isset($DBV['jbi_title']) ? "" : $DBV['jbi_title'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_title', $jbi_title);
    //設定 jbi_desc 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_desc = !isset($DBV['jbi_desc']) ? "" : $myts->displayTarea($DBV['jbi_desc'], $html = 1, $smiley = 1, $xcode = 1, $image = 1, $br = 0);
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/ck.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/ck.php";
    $Editor = new CKEditor("jill_booking", "jbi_desc", $jbi_desc);
    $Editor_code = $Editor->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign('Editor_code', $Editor_code);
    //設定 jbi_approval 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_approval = !isset($DBV['jbi_approval']) ? "0" : $DBV['jbi_approval'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_approval', $jbi_approval);
    //設定 jbi_sort 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_sort = !isset($DBV['jbi_sort']) ? jill_booking_item_max_sort() : $DBV['jbi_sort'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_sort', $jbi_sort);
    //設定 jbi_enable 欄位的預設值
    $jbi_enable = !isset($DBV['jbi_enable']) ? "1" : $DBV['jbi_enable'];
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jbi_enable', $jbi_enable);
    $op = empty($jbi_sn) ? "insert_jill_booking_item" : "update_jill_booking_item";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _TAD_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
    $token = new XoopsFormHiddenToken();
    $token_form = $token->render();
    $xoopsTpl->assign("token_form", $token_form);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('action', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('formValidator_code', $formValidator_code);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('now_op', 'jill_booking_item_form');
    $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', $op);
Beispiel #23
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include_once "queryfunctions.php";
include_once "";
include_once "functions.php";
//check if user is allowed to access this page
if (isset($_GET["search"])) {
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Add User':
            //|| 'Update User'):
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('fname', 'Enter users First name');
            $fv->validateEmpty('sname', 'Enter users Second name');
            $fv->validateEmpty('loginname', 'Enter users loginname');
            $fv->validateEmpty('pass', 'Please enter a password');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
                echo "</div>";
            } else {
                $fname = $_POST["fname"];
                $sname = $_POST["sname"];
                $loginname = $_POST["loginname"];
Beispiel #24
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include_once "queryfunctions.php";
include_once "";
include_once "functions.php";
//check if user is allowed to access this page
if (isset($_GET["search"])) {
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Update':
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('agents_ac_no', 'Agents A/C No. must be entered');
            $fv->validateEmpty('agentname', 'Agents name must be entered');
            $fv->validateEmpty('telephone', 'Agents phone is required');
            $fv->validateEmpty('town', 'Town is required');
            $fv->validateEmpty('billing_address', 'Agents billing address is required');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
                echo "</div>";
            } else {
                $agentname = $_POST["agentname"];
                $agents_ac_no = $_POST["agents_ac_no"];
Beispiel #25
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/functions.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/dailyfunc.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/lang/lang_en.php";
//check if user is allowed to access this page
$logofile = Get_LogoFile();
$lang = get_language();
//get the list of all the room number in the system
$rmNoList = get_roomnolist();
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['RM_addroom']:
        case $_L['BTN_update']:
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('roomno', $_L['RMT_noroom']);
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
            } else {
                 * When the Room is to be added or updated the form data will be retrieved.
                 * This includes the phone, room number etc which is then
                 * submitted to the database. <br/>
                //gets photo.
                if (isset($_REQUEST['form_submit']) && 'form_uploader' == $_REQUEST['form_submit']) {
                    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
                        $filename = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
Beispiel #26
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $tt = 0;
    if ($_GET['optFind'] == "Name") {
        $tt = 1;
    find_user($_GET["id"], $tt, $myuser);
    $id = $_GET['id'];
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['USR_adduser']:
        case $_L['BTN_update']:
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('fname', $_L['ADM_nameerr']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('sname', $_L['ADM_famerr']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('loginname', $_L['ADM_loginerr']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('pass', $_L['ADM_passerr']);
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                $validationMsgs = "<div align=\"left\"><h2>" . $_L['PR_formerr'] . "</h2>" . $fv->displayErrors() . "</div>";
            } else {
                $userid = $_POST["userid"];
                $fname = $_POST["fname"];
                $sname = $_POST["sname"];
                $loginname = $_POST["loginname"];
                $pass = md5($_POST["pass"]);
                $phone = !empty($_POST["phone"]) ? $_POST["phone"] : '';
Beispiel #27
if (isset($_POST['Navigate'])) {
    //echo $_SESSION["strOffSet"];
    $nRecords = db_query('SELECT * FROM guests')->rowCount();
    // @todo Refactor in a more efficient way.
$guestid = $_POST['guestid'];
//forgotten what this does
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Book Guest':
            //if guest has not been selected exit
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            if (empty($_POST["guestid"])) {
                //if no guest has been selected no point in displaying other errors
                $fv->validateEmpty('guestid', 'Sorry no guest information is available for booking');
            } else {
                $fv->validateEmpty('no_adults', 'Please indicate number of people booking');
                $fv->validateEmpty('booking_type', 'Please indicate if it\'s a Direct booking or Agent booking.');
                $fv->validateEmpty('meal_plan', 'Please select Meal Plan');
                $fv->validateEmpty('roomid', 'Please indicate room being booked');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
Beispiel #28
function tad_web_form($WebID = null)
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $xoopsTpl, $TadUpFiles;
    $pic = "";
    if (!empty($WebID)) {
        $DBV = get_tad_web($WebID);
        $TadUpFiles->set_col("WebLogo", $WebID, "1");
        $web_logo = $TadUpFiles->get_pic_file("thumb");
        $pic = empty($web_logo) ? "" : "background-image:url({$web_logo});background-repeat: no-repeat;  background-position: top right;";
    } else {
        $DBV = array();
    $WebID = !isset($DBV['WebID']) ? $WebID : $DBV['WebID'];
    $WebName = !isset($DBV['WebName']) ? "" : $DBV['WebName'];
    $WebSort = !isset($DBV['WebSort']) ? tad_web_max_sort() : $DBV['WebSort'];
    $WebEnable = !isset($DBV['WebEnable']) ? "" : $DBV['WebEnable'];
    $WebCounter = !isset($DBV['WebCounter']) ? "" : $DBV['WebCounter'];
    $WebOwner = !isset($DBV['WebOwner']) ? "" : $DBV['WebOwner'];
    $WebOwnerUid = !isset($DBV['WebOwnerUid']) ? "" : $DBV['WebOwnerUid'];
    $WebTitle = !isset($DBV['WebTitle']) ? "" : $DBV['WebTitle'];
    $op = empty($WebID) ? "insert_tad_web" : "update_tad_web";
    if (!file_exists(TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php")) {
        redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MA_NEED_TADTOOLS);
    include_once TADTOOLS_PATH . "/formValidator.php";
    $formValidator = new formValidator("#myForm", true);
    $formValidator_code = $formValidator->render();
    $sql = "select uid,uname,name from " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " order by uname";
    $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql) or redirect_header($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 3, mysql_error());
    $user_menu = "<select name='WebOwnerUid'>";
    while ($all = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) {
        foreach ($all as $k => $v) {
            ${$k} = $v;
        $name = empty($name) ? "" : "({$name})";
        $selected = $uid == $WebOwnerUid ? "selected" : "";
        $user_menu .= "<option value='{$uid}' {$selected}>{$uname} {$name}</option>";
    $user_menu .= "</select>";
    //$jquery = get_jquery(true);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('pic', $pic);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('user_menu', $user_menu);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebName', $WebName);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebTitle', $WebTitle);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebOwner', $WebOwner);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebEnable1', chk($WebEnable, "1", "1"));
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebEnable0', chk($WebEnable, "0"));
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebSort', $WebSort);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WebID', $WebID);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('next_op', $op);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('jquery', $jquery);
if (isset($_POST['Navigate'])) {
    //echo $_SESSION["strOffSet"];
    $nRecords = num_rows(mkr_query("select * from guests", $conn), $conn);
$guestid = $_POST['guestid'];
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'Guest Reservation':
            //if guest has not been selected exit
            // instantiate form validator object
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            if (empty($_POST["guestid"])) {
                //if no guest has been selected no point in displaying other errors
                $fv->validateEmpty('guestid', 'No guest has been selected for reservation.');
            } else {
                $fv->validateEmpty('reservation_type', 'Please indicate if it\'s a Direct booking or Agent booking.');
                $fv->validateEmpty('meal_plan', 'Please select Meal Plan');
                $fv->validateEmpty('reserve_checkindate', 'Please enter checkin date for reservation');
                $fv->validateEmpty('roomid', 'Please indicate room being booked');
            if ($fv->checkErrors()) {
                // display errors
                echo "<div align=\"center\">";
                echo '<h2>Resubmit the form after correcting the following errors:</h2>';
                echo $fv->displayErrors();
Beispiel #30
if ($ratesid) {
    $temprateType = get_ratetype_by_rateID($ratesid);
    if ($temprateType == DEFAULTRATE && $_POST['ratetype'] != DEFAULTRATE) {
        $isDefaultRateUsed = isRateUsed($ratesid);
        if ($isDefaultRateUsed == 1) {
            $allowChangeRate = 0;
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $action = $_POST['Submit'];
    switch ($action) {
        case $_L['BTN_update']:
        case $_L['RTS_addrate']:
            $fv = new formValidator();
            //from functions.php
            $fv->validateEmpty('code', $_L['RTS_noratecode_err']);
            //			$fv->validateEmpty('description','Please enter rate description.');
            $fv->validateEmpty('occupancy', $_L['RTS_nooccup_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('date_started', $_L['RTS_nostrtdate_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('date_stopped', $_L['RTS_noenddate_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('currencycode', $_L['RTS_nocurcode_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('minpax', $_L['RTS_nominprson_err']);
            $fv->validateNumber('minpax', $_L['RTS_minprson_nmric_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('maxpax', $_L['RTS_nomaxprson_err']);
            $fv->validateNumber('maxpax', $_L['RTS_maxprson_nmric_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('minstay', $_L['RTS_nominnghts_err']);
            $fv->validateNumber('minstay', $_L['RTS_minstay_nmric_err']);
            $fv->validateEmpty('maxstay', $_L['RTS_nomaxstay_err']);
            $fv->validateNumber('maxstay', $_L['RTS_maxstay_nmric_err']);