function fv_wp_flowplayer_admin_init() { if (isset($_GET['type'])) { if ($_GET['type'] == 'fvplayer_video' || $_GET['type'] == 'fvplayer_video_1' || $_GET['type'] == 'fvplayer_video_2' || $_GET['type'] == 'fvplayer_mobile') { $_GET['post_mime_type'] = 'video'; } else { if ($_GET['type'] == 'fvplayer_splash' || $_GET['type'] == 'fvplayer_logo') { $_GET['post_mime_type'] = 'image'; } } } if (isset($_POST['fv-wp-flowplayer-submit'])) { check_admin_referer('fv_flowplayer_settings_nonce', 'fv_flowplayer_settings_nonce'); global $fv_fp; if (method_exists($fv_fp, '_set_conf')) { $fv_fp->_set_conf(); } else { echo 'Error saving FV Flowplayer options.'; } } if (isset($_GET['fv-licensing']) && $_GET['fv-licensing'] == "check") { delete_option("fv_wordpress_flowplayer_persistent_notices"); //license will expire in 5 seconds in the function: fv_wp_flowplayer_admin_key_update(); } global $fv_fp; global $fv_wp_flowplayer_ver, $fv_wp_flowplayer_core_ver; if (preg_match('!^\\$\\d+!', $fv_fp->conf['key']) && (isset($fv_fp->conf['key_automatic']) && $fv_fp->conf['key_automatic'] == 'true' || isset($fv_fp->conf['video_checker_agreement']) && $fv_fp->conf['video_checker_agreement'] == 'true')) { $version = get_option('fvwpflowplayer_core_ver'); if (version_compare($fv_wp_flowplayer_core_ver, $version) == 1) { fv_wp_flowplayer_admin_key_update(); fv_wp_flowplayer_delete_extensions_transients(); } } if (isset($fv_fp->conf['disable_videochecker']) && $fv_fp->conf['disable_videochecker'] == 'false' && (!isset($fv_fp->conf['video_checker_agreement']) || $fv_fp->conf['video_checker_agreement'] != 'true') && (!isset($fv_fp->conf['key_automatic']) || $fv_fp->conf['key_automatic'] != 'true')) { $fv_fp->pointer_boxes['fv_flowplayer_video_checker_service'] = array('id' => '#wp-admin-bar-new-content', 'pointerClass' => 'fv_flowplayer_video_checker_service', 'heading' => __('FV Player Video Checker', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'content' => __("<p>FV Player includes a free video checker which will check your videos for any encoding errors and helps ensure smooth playback of all your videos. To work its magic, our video checker must contact our server.</p><p>Would you like to enable the video encoding checker?</p>", 'fv_flowplayer'), 'position' => array('edge' => 'top', 'align' => 'center'), 'button1' => __('Allow', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'button2' => __('Disable the video checker', 'fv_flowplayer')); } else { if (preg_match('!^\\$\\d+!', $fv_fp->conf['key']) && version_compare($fv_wp_flowplayer_core_ver, get_option('fvwpflowplayer_core_ver')) !== 0 && (!isset($fv_fp->conf['key_automatic']) || $fv_fp->conf['key_automatic'] != 'true') && (!isset($fv_fp->conf['video_checker_agreement']) || $fv_fp->conf['video_checker_agreement'] != 'true')) { $fv_fp->pointer_boxes['fv_flowplayer_key_automatic'] = array('id' => '#wp-admin-bar-new-content', 'pointerClass' => 'fv_flowplayer_key_automatic', 'pointerWidth' => 340, 'heading' => __('FV Flowplayer License Update', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'content' => __('New version of FV Flowplayer core has been installed for your licensed website. Please accept the automatic license key updating (connects to Foliovision servers) or update the key manually by loggin into your Foliovision account.', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'position' => array('edge' => 'top', 'align' => 'center'), 'button1' => __('Always auto-update', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'button2' => __("I'll update it manually", 'fv_flowplayer')); } else { if (version_compare($fv_wp_flowplayer_core_ver, get_option('fvwpflowplayer_core_ver')) !== 0 && preg_match('!^\\$\\d+!', $fv_fp->conf['key']) == 0) { update_option('fvwpflowplayer_core_ver', $fv_wp_flowplayer_core_ver); } } } if ((stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/plugins.php') !== false || $_GET['page'] === 'fvplayer') && ($pnotices = get_option('fv_wordpress_flowplayer_persistent_notices'))) { $fv_fp->pointer_boxes['fv_flowplayer_license_expired'] = array('id' => '#wp-admin-bar-new-content', 'pointerClass' => 'fv_flowplayer_license_expired', 'pointerWidth' => 340, 'heading' => __('FV Flowplayer License Expired', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'content' => __($pnotices), 'position' => array('edge' => 'top', 'align' => 'center'), 'button1' => __('Hide this notice', 'fv_flowplayer'), 'button2' => __('I\'ll check this later', 'fv_flowplayer')); } $aOptions = get_option('fvwpflowplayer'); if (!isset($aOptions['version']) || version_compare($fv_wp_flowplayer_ver, $aOptions['version'])) { //update_option( 'fv_wordpress_flowplayer_deferred_notices', 'FV Flowplayer upgraded - please click "Check template" and "Check videos" for automated check of your site at <a href="'.site_url().'/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=fvplayer">the settings page</a> for automated checks!' ); $aOptions['version'] = $fv_wp_flowplayer_ver; update_option('fvwpflowplayer', $aOptions); $fv_fp->css_writeout(); fv_wp_flowplayer_delete_extensions_transients(); delete_option('fv_flowplayer_extension_install'); } if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'fvplayer') { wp_enqueue_script('common'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-lists'); wp_enqueue_script('postbox'); } if (flowplayer::is_licensed()) { if (false === ($aCheck = get_transient('fv_flowplayer_license'))) { $aCheck = fv_wp_flowplayer_license_check(array('action' => 'check')); if ($aCheck) { set_transient('fv_flowplayer_license', $aCheck, 60 * 60 * 24); } else { set_transient('fv_flowplayer_license', json_decode(json_encode(array('error' => 'Error checking license')), FALSE), 60 * 60 * 24); } } $aCheck = get_transient('fv_flowplayer_license'); $aInstalled = get_option('fv_flowplayer_extension_install'); if (isset($aCheck->valid) && $aCheck->valid) { if (!isset($aInstalled['fv_player_pro']) || isset($_REQUEST['nonce_fv_player_pro_install']) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce_fv_player_pro_install'], 'fv_player_pro_install')) { fv_wp_flowplayer_install_extension('fv_player_pro'); } delete_option('fv_wordpress_flowplayer_persistent_notices'); } } }
/** * Builds the HTML and JS code of single flowplayer instance on a page/post. * @param string $media URL or filename (in case it is in the /videos/ directory) of video file to be played. * @param array $args Array of arguments (name => value). * @return Returns array with 2 elements - 'html' => html code displayed anywhere on page/post, 'script' => javascript code displayed before </body> tag */ function build_min_player($media, $args = array()) { global $post; $this->hash = md5($media . $this->_salt()); // unique player id $this->aCurArgs = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_args_pre', $args); $this->sHTMLAfter = false; $player_type = 'video'; $rtmp = false; $youtube = false; $vimeo = false; $scripts_after = ''; // returned array with new player's html and javascript content if (!isset($GLOBALS['fv_fp_scripts'])) { $GLOBALS['fv_fp_scripts'] = array(); } $this->ret = array('html' => '', 'script' => $GLOBALS['fv_fp_scripts']); // note: we need the white space here, it fails to add into the string on some hosts without it (???) /* * Set common variables */ $width = isset($this->conf['width']) && !empty($this->conf['width']) && intval($this->conf['width']) > 0 ? $this->conf['width'] : 320; $height = isset($this->conf['height']) && !empty($this->conf['height']) && intval($this->conf['height']) > 0 ? $this->conf['height'] : 240; if (isset($this->aCurArgs['width']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['width'])) { $width = trim($this->aCurArgs['width']); } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['height']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['height'])) { $height = trim($this->aCurArgs['height']); } $src1 = isset($this->aCurArgs['src1']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['src1']) ? trim($this->aCurArgs['src1']) : false; $src2 = isset($this->aCurArgs['src2']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['src2']) ? trim($this->aCurArgs['src2']) : false; $splash_img = $this->get_splash(); foreach (array($media, $src1, $src2) as $media_item) { if (stripos($media_item, 'rtmp://') === 0) { $rtmp = $media_item; } } if ((!empty($this->aCurArgs['rtmp']) || !empty($this->conf['rtmp']) && $this->conf['rtmp'] != 'false') && !empty($this->aCurArgs['rtmp_path'])) { $rtmp = trim($this->aCurArgs['rtmp_path']); } list($media, $src1, $src2) = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_media_pre', array($media, $src1, $src2), $this); /* * Which player should be used */ foreach (array($media, $src1, $src2) as $media_item) { if (preg_match('~\\.(mp3|wav|ogg)([?#].*?)?$~', $media_item)) { $player_type = 'audio'; break; } global $post; if ($post) { $fv_flowplayer_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_fv_flowplayer', true); if ($fv_flowplayer_meta && isset($fv_flowplayer_meta[sanitize_title($media_item)]['time'])) { $this->expire_time = $fv_flowplayer_meta[sanitize_title($media_item)]['time']; } } } if (preg_match("~(youtu\\.be/|youtube\\.com/(watch\\?(.*&)?v=|(embed|v)/))([^\\?&\"'>]+)~i", $media, $aYoutube)) { if (isset($aYoutube[5])) { $youtube = $aYoutube[5]; $player_type = 'youtube'; } } else { if (preg_match("~^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{11}\$~", $media, $aYoutube)) { if (isset($aYoutube[0])) { $youtube = $aYoutube[0]; $player_type = 'youtube'; } } } if (preg_match("|moogaloop\\.swf\\?clip_id=)?(\\d+)~i", $media, $aVimeo)) { if (isset($aVimeo[1])) { $vimeo = $aVimeo[1]; $player_type = 'vimeo'; } } else { if (preg_match("~^[0-9]{8}\$~", $media, $aVimeo)) { if (isset($aVimeo[0])) { $vimeo = $aVimeo[0]; $player_type = 'vimeo'; } } } $aPlaylistItems = array(); $aSplashScreens = array(); $aCaptions = array(); if (isset($this->aCurArgs['playlist']) && strlen(trim($this->aCurArgs['playlist'])) > 0) { list($playlist_items_external_html, $aPlaylistItems, $aSplashScreens, $aCaptions) = $this->build_playlist($this->aCurArgs, $media, $src1, $src2, $rtmp, $splash_img); } $this->aCurArgs = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_args', $this->aCurArgs, $this->hash, $media, $aPlaylistItems); $player_type = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_player_type', $player_type, $this->hash, $media, $aPlaylistItems, $this->aCurArgs); /* * Video player tabs */ if ($player_type == 'video' && $args['liststyle'] == 'tabs' && count($aPlaylistItems)) { return $this->get_tabs($aPlaylistItems, $aSplashScreens, $aCaptions); } $autoplay = false; // todo: should be changed into a property if ($this->autoplay_count < 1) { if (isset($this->conf['autoplay']) && $this->conf['autoplay'] == 'true' && $this->aCurArgs['autoplay'] != 'false') { $this->autoplay_count++; $autoplay = true; } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['autoplay']) && $this->aCurArgs['autoplay'] == 'true') { $this->autoplay_count++; $autoplay = true; } } /* * Video player */ if ($player_type == 'video') { if (is_feed()) { $this->ret['html'] = '<p class="fv-flowplayer-feed"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . __('Click to watch the video') . '">' . apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_rss_intro_splash', __('[This post contains video, click to play]')); if ($splash_img) { $this->ret['html'] .= '<br /><img src="' . $splash_img . '" width="400" />'; } $this->ret['html'] .= '</a></p>'; $this->ret['html'] = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_rss', $this->ret['html'], $this); return $this->ret; } foreach (array($media, $src1, $src2) as $media_item) { //if( ( strpos($media_item, '') !== false && stripos( $media_item, '' ) !== 0 && stripos( $media_item, '' ) !== 0 ) || stripos( $media_item, 'rtmp://' ) === 0 ) { // we are also checking due to compatibility with older shortcodes if ($this->conf['engine'] == 'false' && stripos($media_item, '.m4v') !== false) { $this->ret['script']['fv_flowplayer_browser_ff_m4v'][$this->hash] = true; } if ($this->conf['engine'] == 'false' && preg_match('~\\.(mp4|m4v|mov)~', $media_item) > 0) { $this->ret['script']['fv_flowplayer_browser_chrome_mp4'][$this->hash] = true; } } if (!empty($media)) { $media = $this->get_video_url($media); } if (!empty($src1)) { $src1 = $this->get_video_url($src1); } if (!empty($src2)) { $src2 = $this->get_video_url($src2); } $mobile = isset($this->aCurArgs['mobile']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['mobile']) ? trim($this->aCurArgs['mobile']) : false; if (!empty($mobile)) { $mobile = $this->get_video_url($mobile); } $popup = ''; //check user agents $aUserAgents = array('iphone', 'ipod', 'iPad', 'aspen', 'incognito', 'webmate', 'android', 'android', 'dream', 'cupcake', 'froyo', 'blackberry9500', 'blackberry9520', 'blackberry9530', 'blackberry9550', 'blackberry9800', 'Palm', 'webos', 's8000', 'bada', 'Opera Mini', 'Opera Mobi', 'htc_touch_pro'); $mobileUserAgent = false; foreach ($aUserAgents as $userAgent) { if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $userAgent)) { $mobileUserAgent = true; } } $scaling = "scale"; if (isset($this->conf['scaling']) && $this->conf['scaling'] == "true") { $scaling = "fit"; } else { $scaling = "scale"; } $subtitles = $this->get_subtitles(); $show_splashend = false; if (isset($this->aCurArgs['splashend']) && $this->aCurArgs['splashend'] == 'show' && isset($this->aCurArgs['splash']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['splash'])) { $show_splashend = true; $splashend_contents = '<div id="wpfp_' . $this->hash . '_custom_background" class="wpfp_custom_background" style="position: absolute; background: url(\'' . $splash_img . '\') no-repeat center center; background-size: contain; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 1;"></div>'; } $attributes = array(); $attributes['class'] = 'flowplayer no-brand'; if ($autoplay == false && !(isset($this->conf['auto_buffering']) && $this->conf['auto_buffering'] == 'trueDISABLED' && $this->autobuffer_count < apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_autobuffer_limit', 2))) { $attributes['class'] .= ' is-splash'; } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['playlist_hide']) && strcmp($this->aCurArgs['playlist_hide'], 'true') == 0) { $attributes['class'] .= ' playlist-hidden'; } // Fixed control bar $bFixedControlbar = false; if (isset($this->conf['ui_fixed_controlbar']) && strcmp($this->conf['ui_fixed_controlbar'], 'true') == 0) { $bFixedControlbar = true; } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['controlbar'])) { if (strcmp($this->aCurArgs['controlbar'], 'yes') == 0 || strcmp($this->aCurArgs['controlbar'], 'show') == 0) { $bFixedControlbar = true; } else { if (strcmp($this->aCurArgs['controlbar'], 'no') == 0) { $attributes['class'] .= ' no-controlbar'; } } } if ($bFixedControlbar) { $attributes['class'] .= ' fixed-controls'; } // Play button $bPlayButton = false; if (isset($this->conf['ui_play_button']) && strcmp($this->conf['ui_play_button'], 'true') == 0) { $bPlayButton = true; } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['play_button'])) { if (strcmp($this->aCurArgs['play_button'], 'yes') == 0) { $bPlayButton = true; } else { if (strcmp($this->aCurArgs['play_button'], 'no') == 0) { $bPlayButton = false; } } } if ($bPlayButton) { $attributes['class'] .= ' play-button'; } // Align if (isset($this->aCurArgs['align'])) { if ($this->aCurArgs['align'] == 'left') { $attributes['class'] .= ' alignleft'; } else { if ($this->aCurArgs['align'] == 'right') { $attributes['class'] .= ' alignright'; } else { if ($this->aCurArgs['align'] == 'center') { $attributes['class'] .= ' aligncenter'; } } } } $attributes['class'] .= $this->get_align(); if ($this->conf['engine'] == 'true' || $this->aCurArgs['engine'] == 'flash') { $attributes['data-engine'] = 'flash'; } if (!empty($this->conf['integrations']['embed_iframe']) && $this->conf['integrations']['embed_iframe'] == 'true') { if ($this->aCurArgs['embed'] == 'false' || $this->conf['disableembedding'] == 'true' && $this->aCurArgs['embed'] != 'true') { } else { $attributes['data-fv-embed'] = $this->get_embed_url(); } } else { if ($this->aCurArgs['embed'] == 'false' || $this->conf['disableembedding'] == 'true' && $this->aCurArgs['embed'] != 'true') { $attributes['data-embed'] = 'false'; } } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['logo']) && $this->aCurArgs['logo']) { $attributes['data-logo'] = strcmp($this->aCurArgs['logo'], 'none') == 0 ? '' : $this->aCurArgs['logo']; } if ($this->conf['fixed_size'] == 'true') { $attributes['style'] = 'width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px; '; } else { $attributes['style'] = 'max-width: ' . $width . 'px; max-height: ' . $height . 'px; '; } global $fv_wp_flowplayer_ver; //$attributes['data-swf'] = FV_FP_RELATIVE_PATH.'/flowplayer/flowplayer.swf?ver='.$fv_wp_flowplayer_ver; // it's better to have this in flowplayer.conf //$attributes['data-flashfit'] = "true"; if (isset($this->conf['googleanalytics']) && $this->conf['googleanalytics'] != 'false' && strlen($this->conf['googleanalytics']) > 0) { $attributes['data-analytics'] = $this->conf['googleanalytics']; } // determine the RTMP server if (isset($this->aCurArgs['rtmp']) && !empty($this->aCurArgs['rtmp'])) { $attributes['data-rtmp'] = trim($this->aCurArgs['rtmp']); } else { if (isset($rtmp) && stripos($rtmp, 'rtmp://') === 0 && !(isset($this->conf['rtmp']) && $this->conf['rtmp'] != 'false' && stripos($rtmp, $this->conf['rtmp']) !== false)) { if (preg_match('~/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?:~', $rtmp)) { $aTMP = preg_split('~/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?:~', $rtmp, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $attributes['data-rtmp'] = $aTMP[0]; } else { $rtmp_info = parse_url($rtmp); if (isset($rtmp_info['host']) && strlen(trim($rtmp_info['host'])) > 0) { $attributes['data-rtmp'] = 'rtmp://' . $rtmp_info['host'] . '/cfx/st'; } } } else { if (!empty($this->conf['rtmp']) && $this->conf['rtmp'] != 'false') { if (stripos($this->conf['rtmp'], 'rtmp://') === 0) { $attributes['data-rtmp'] = $this->conf['rtmp']; $rtmp = str_replace($this->conf['rtmp'], '', $rtmp); } else { $attributes['data-rtmp'] = 'rtmp://' . $this->conf['rtmp'] . '/cfx/st/'; } } } } $this->get_video_checker_media($attributes, $media, $src1, $src2, $rtmp); if (isset($this->conf['allowfullscreen']) && $this->conf['allowfullscreen'] == 'false') { $attributes['data-fullscreen'] = 'false'; } $ratio = round($height / $width, 4); $this->fRatio = $ratio; $attributes['data-ratio'] = str_replace(',', '.', $ratio); if ($scaling == "fit" && $this->conf['fixed_size'] == 'fixed') { $attributes['data-flashfit'] = 'true'; } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['live']) && $this->aCurArgs['live'] == 'true') { $attributes['data-live'] = 'true'; } $playlist = ''; $is_preroll = false; if (isset($playlist_items_external_html)) { if (!isset($this->aCurArgs['playlist_hide']) || strcmp($this->aCurArgs['playlist_hide'], 'true') != 0) { $this->sHTMLAfter .= $playlist_items_external_html; } $this->aPlaylists["wpfp_{$this->hash}"] = $aPlaylistItems; $attributes['style'] .= "background-image: url({$splash_img});"; if ($autoplay) { $this->ret['script']['fv_flowplayer_autoplay'][$this->hash] = true; // todo: any better way? $attributes['class'] .= ' is-splash'; } } else { if (!empty($this->aCurArgs['caption'])) { $attributes['class'] .= ' has-caption'; $this->sHTMLAfter = apply_filters('fv_player_caption', "<p class='fp-caption'>" . $this->aCurArgs['caption'] . "</p>", $this); } } if (!empty($this->aCurArgs['redirect'])) { $attributes['data-fv_redirect'] = trim($this->aCurArgs['redirect']); } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['loop']) && $this->aCurArgs['loop'] == 'true') { $attributes['data-fv_loop'] = true; } if (isset($this->aCurArgs['admin_warning'])) { $this->sHTMLAfter .= wpautop($this->aCurArgs['admin_warning']); } $attributes_html = ''; $attributes = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_attributes', $attributes, $media, $this); foreach ($attributes as $attr_key => $attr_value) { $attributes_html .= ' ' . $attr_key . '="' . esc_attr($attr_value) . '"'; } $this->ret['html'] .= '<div id="wpfp_' . $this->hash . '"' . $attributes_html . '>' . "\n"; if (count($aPlaylistItems) == 0) { // todo: this stops subtitles, mobile video, preload etc. $this->ret['html'] .= "\t" . '<video'; if (isset($splash_img) && !empty($splash_img)) { $this->ret['html'] .= ' poster="' . flowplayer::get_encoded_url($splash_img) . '"'; } if ($autoplay == true) { $this->ret['html'] .= ' autoplay'; } if (isset($this->conf['auto_buffering']) && $this->conf['auto_buffering'] == 'trueDISABLED' && $this->autobuffer_count < apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_autobuffer_limit', 2)) { $this->ret['html'] .= ' preload'; //$this->ret['html'] .= ' id="wpfp_'.$this->hash.'_video"'; } else { if ($autoplay == false) { $this->ret['html'] .= ' preload="none"'; } } $scripts_after .= $this->get_chrome_fail_code($media, $src1, $src2, $attributes_html); $this->ret['html'] .= ">\n"; foreach (apply_filters('fv_player_media', array($media, $src1, $src2), $this) as $media_item) { $this->ret['html'] .= $this->get_video_src($media_item, array('mobileUserAgent' => $mobileUserAgent, 'rtmp' => $rtmp)); } if (!empty($mobile)) { $this->ret['script']['fv_flowplayer_mobile_switch'][$this->hash] = true; $this->ret['html'] .= $this->get_video_src($mobile, array('id' => 'wpfp_' . $this->hash . '_mobile', 'mobileUserAgent' => $mobileUserAgent, 'rtmp' => $rtmp)); } if (isset($rtmp) && !empty($rtmp)) { foreach (apply_filters('fv_player_media_rtmp', array($rtmp), $this) as $rtmp_item) { $rtmp_item = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_video_src', $rtmp_item, $this); if (preg_match('~([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?:~', $rtmp)) { $aTMP = preg_split('~([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?:~', $rtmp, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (isset($aTMP[1]) && isset($aTMP[2])) { $rtmp_file = $aTMP[2]; $extension = $this->get_mime_type($rtmp_file, $aTMP[1], true); } else { $rtmp_file = $aTMP[1]; $extension = $this->get_mime_type($rtmp_file, false, true); } } else { $rtmp_url = parse_url($rtmp_item); $rtmp_file = $rtmp_url['path'] . (!empty($rtmp_url['query']) ? '?' . str_replace('&', '&', $rtmp_url['query']) : ''); $extension = $this->get_mime_type($rtmp_url['path'], false, true); } if ($extension) { $extension .= ':'; } else { //$extension = 'mp4:'; // } $this->ret['html'] .= "\t" . "\t" . '<source src="' . $extension . trim($rtmp_file, " \t\n\r\v/") . '" type="video/flash" />' . "\n"; } } if (isset($subtitles) && !empty($subtitles)) { $sExtra = isset($this->conf['subtitleOn']) && strcmp($this->conf['subtitleOn'], 'true') == 0 ? 'default ' : ''; $aLang = explode('-', get_bloginfo('language')); $sExtra .= !empty($aLang[0]) ? 'srclang="' . $aLang[0] . '" ' : ''; $sCaption = false; if (!empty($aLang[0]) && $aLang[0] == 'en') { $sCaption = 'English'; } elseif (!empty($aLang[0])) { $translations = get_site_transient('available_translations'); $sLangCode = str_replace('-', '_', get_bloginfo('language')); if ($translations && isset($translations[$sLangCode]) && !empty($translations[$sLangCode]['native_name'])) { $sCaption = $translations[$sLangCode]['native_name']; } } $sExtra .= $sCaption ? 'label="' . $sCaption . '" ' : ''; $this->ret['html'] .= "\t" . "\t" . '<track ' . $sExtra . 'src="' . esc_attr($subtitles) . '" />' . "\n"; } $this->ret['html'] .= "\t" . '</video>'; //."\n"; } $this->ret['html'] .= $this->get_buttons(); if (isset($splashend_contents)) { $this->ret['html'] .= $splashend_contents; } if ($popup_contents = $this->get_popup_code()) { $this->aPopups["wpfp_{$this->hash}"] = $popup_contents; } if ($ad_contents = $this->get_ad_code()) { $this->aAds["wpfp_{$this->hash}"] = $ad_contents; } if (flowplayer::is_special_editor()) { $this->ret['html'] .= '<div class="fp-ui"></div>'; } else { if (current_user_can('manage_options') && !isset($playlist_items_external_html)) { $this->ret['html'] .= '<div id="wpfp_' . $this->hash . '_admin_error" class="fvfp_admin_error"><div class="fvfp_admin_error_content"><h4>Admin JavaScript warning:</h4><p>I\'m sorry, your JavaScript appears to be broken. Please use "Check template" in plugin settings, read our <a href="">troubleshooting guide</a> or <a href="">order our pro support</a> and we will get it fixed for you.</p></div></div>'; } } $this->ret['html'] .= apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_inner_html', null, $this); $this->ret['html'] .= $this->get_sharing_html() . "\n"; if (current_user_can('manage_options') && $this->conf['disable_videochecker'] != 'true') { $this->ret['html'] .= $this->get_video_checker_html() . "\n"; } $this->ret['html'] .= '</div>' . "\n"; $this->ret['html'] .= $this->sHTMLAfter . $scripts_after . "<!--fv player end-->"; // change engine for IE9 and 10 if ($this->aCurArgs['engine'] == 'false') { $this->ret['script']['fv_flowplayer_browser_ie'][$this->hash] = true; } } else { if ($player_type == 'youtube') { $sAutoplay = $autoplay ? 'autoplay=1&' : ''; $this->ret['html'] .= "<iframe id='fv_ytplayer_{$this->hash}' type='text/html' width='{$width}' height='{$height}'\n\t src='{$youtube}?{$sAutoplay}origin=" . urlencode(get_permalink()) . "' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>\n"; } else { if ($player_type == 'vimeo') { $sAutoplay = $autoplay ? " autoplay='1'" : ""; $this->ret['html'] .= "<iframe id='fv_vimeo_{$this->hash}' src='//{$vimeo}' width='{$width}' height='{$height}' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen{$sAutoplay}></iframe>\n"; } else { // $player_type == 'video' ends $this->build_audio_player($media, $width, $autoplay); } } } $this->ret['html'] = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_html', $this->ret['html'], $this); $this->ret['script'] = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_scripts_array', $this->ret['script'], 'wpfp_' . $this->hash, $media); return $this->ret; }
function fv_flowplayer_the_content($c) { if (flowplayer::is_special_editor()) { return $c; } $c = preg_replace('!<p[^>]*?>(\\[(?:fvplayer|flowplayer).*?[^\\\\]\\])</p>!', "\n" . '$1' . "\n", $c); $c = preg_replace_callback('!\\[(?:fvplayer|flowplayer).*?[^\\\\]\\]!', 'fv_flowplayer_shortfcode_fix_attrs', $c); return $c; }
function fv_flowplayer_admin_pro() { global $fv_fp; if (flowplayer::is_licensed()) { $aCheck = get_transient('fv_flowplayer_license'); } if (isset($aCheck->valid) && $aCheck->valid) { ?> <p>Valid license found, click the button at the top of the screen to install FV Player Pro!</p> <?php } else { ?> <p><a href="">Purchase FV Flowplayer license</a> to enable Pro features!</p> <?php } ?> <table class="form-table2"> <tr> <td><label>Advanced Vimeo embeding:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Use Vimeo as your video host and use all of FV Flowplayer features. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Advanced Youtube embeding:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Use Youtube as your video host and use all of FV Flowplayer features. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Enable user defined AB loop:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Let your users repeat the parts of the video which they like! </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Enable video lightbox:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Enables Lightbox video gallery to show videos in a lightbox popup! </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Enable quality switching:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Upload your videos in multiple quality for best user experience with Youtube-like quality switching! </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Amazon CloudFront protected content:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Protect your Amazon CDN hosted videos. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Use video lightbox for images as well:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" disabled="true" /> Will group images as well as videos into the same lightbox gallery. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Autoplay just once:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" disabled="true" /> Makes sure each video autoplays only once for each visitor. </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p>Upcoming pro features:</p> <table class="form-table2"> <tr> <td><label>Enable PayWall:</label></td> <td> <p class="description"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="true" /> Monetize the video content on your membership site. </p> </td> </tr> </table> <?php }
public static function is_special_editor() { return flowplayer::is_optimizepress() || flowplayer::is_themify(); }
public function check_mimetype($URLs = false, $meta = false) { add_action('http_api_curl', array('FV_Player_Checker', 'http_api_curl')); $tStart = microtime(true); global $fv_wp_flowplayer_ver, $fv_fp; if (!empty($meta)) { extract($meta, EXTR_SKIP); } if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX && isset($_POST['media']) && stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], home_url()) === 0) { $URLs = json_decode(stripslashes(trim($_POST['media']))); } if (isset($URLs)) { $all_sources = $URLs; foreach ($all_sources as $source) { if (preg_match('!^rtmp://!', $source, $match)) { $found_rtmp = true; } else { if (!isset($media) && !preg_match('!\\.(m3u8ALLOW|m3uALLOW|avi)$!', $source)) { $media = $source; } } } //$random = rand( 0, 10000 ); $random = isset($_POST['hash']) ? trim($_POST['hash']) : false; if (isset($media)) { $remotefilename = $media; $remotefilename_encoded = flowplayer::get_encoded_url($remotefilename); if ($fv_fp->is_secure_amazon_s3($remotefilename_encoded) || 1 > 0) { // skip headers check for Amazon S3, as it's slow $headers = false; } else { $headers = wp_remote_head(trim(str_replace(' ', '%20', $remotefilename_encoded)), array('method' => 'GET', 'redirection' => 3)); } $bValidFile = true; if (is_wp_error($headers)) { $video_errors[] = 'Error checking ' . $media . '!<br />' . print_r($headers, true); } else { if ($headers) { list($aVideoErrors, $sContentType, $bFatal) = $this->check_headers($headers, $remotefilename, $random); if ($bFatal) { $bValidFile = false; } if ($aVideoErrors) { $video_errors = array_merge($video_errors, $aVideoErrors); } } if (function_exists('is_utf8') && is_utf8($remotefilename)) { $video_errors[] = '<p><strong>UTF-8 error</strong>: Your file name is using non-latin characters, the file might not play in browsers using Flash for the video!</p>'; } if (@ini_get('safe_mode')) { $video_warnings[] = 'Detailed video check is not available with PHP Safe Mode On. Please contact your webhost support.'; } else { if (!class_exists('getID3')) { require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/ID3/getid3.php'; } $getID3 = new getID3(); if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { $video_errors[] = 'cURL for PHP not found, please contact your server administrator.'; } else { $message = '<p>Analysis of <a class="bluelink" target="_blank" href="' . esc_attr($remotefilename_encoded) . '">' . $remotefilename_encoded . '</a></p>'; // taken from: $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $localtempfilename = trailingslashit($upload_dir['basedir']) . 'fv_flowlayer_tmp_' . md5(rand(1, 999)) . '_' . basename(substr($remotefilename_encoded, 0, 32)); $out = fopen($localtempfilename, 'wb'); if ($out) { $aArgs = array('file' => $localtempfilename); if (!$this->is_cron) { $aArgs['quick_check'] = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_checker_timeout_quick', 2); } list($header, $sHTTPError) = $this->http_request($remotefilename_encoded, $aArgs); $video_errors = array(); if ($sHTTPError) { $video_errors[] = $sHTTPError; $bValidFile = false; } fclose($out); if (!$headers) { $headers = WP_Http::processHeaders($header); list($aVideoErrors, $sContentType, $bFatal) = $this->check_headers($headers, $remotefilename, $random); if ($bFatal) { $bValidFile = false; } if ($aVideoErrors) { $video_errors = array_merge($video_errors, $aVideoErrors); } if (isset($hearders['headers']['server']) && $hearders['headers']['server'] == 'AmazonS3' && $headers['response']['code'] == '403') { $error = new SimpleXMLElement($body); if (stripos($error->Message, 'Request has expired') !== false) { $video_errors[] = '<p><strong>Amazon S3</strong>: Your secure link is expired, there might be problem with your Amazon S3 plugin. Please test if the above URL opens in your browser.</p>'; } else { $video_errors[] = '<p><strong>Amazon S3</strong>: ' . $error->Message . '</p>'; } } } if ($bValidFile) { $ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($localtempfilename); } if (!@unlink($localtempfilename)) { $video_errors[] = 'Can\'t remove temporary file for video analysis in <tt>' . $localtempfilename . '</tt>!'; } } else { $video_errors[] = 'Can\'t create temporary file for video analysis in <tt>' . $localtempfilename . '</tt>!'; } } /* Only check file length */ if (isset($meta_action) && $meta_action == 'check_time') { $time = false; if (isset($ThisFileInfo) && isset($ThisFileInfo['playtime_seconds'])) { $time = $ThisFileInfo['playtime_seconds']; } $time = apply_filters('fv_flowplayer_checker_time', $time, $meta_original); global $post; $fv_flowplayer_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, flowplayer::get_video_key($meta_original), true); $fv_flowplayer_meta = $fv_flowplayer_meta ? $fv_flowplayer_meta : array(); $fv_flowplayer_meta['duration'] = $time; $fv_flowplayer_meta['etag'] = isset($headers['headers']['etag']) ? $headers['headers']['etag'] : false; // todo: check! $fv_flowplayer_meta['date'] = time(); $fv_flowplayer_meta['check_time'] = microtime(true) - $tStart; if ($time > 0 || $this->is_cron) { update_post_meta($post->ID, flowplayer::get_video_key($meta_original), $fv_flowplayer_meta); return true; } //} else { //self::queue_add($post->ID); //return false; //} } } } // end is_wp_error check } // end isset($media) } }
function flowplayer_styles() { flowplayer::load_styles(); }
/** * main routine to convert old school module data into new controller format * @global db the exponent database object * @param $iloc * @param $module * @param int $hc * @return */ private function convert($iloc, $module, $hc = 0) { if (!array_key_exists($iloc->mod, $this->params['migrate'])) { return $module; } global $db; $old_db = $this->connect(); $linked = false; $loc = null; switch ($iloc->mod) { case 'textmodule': @($module->view = 'showall'); //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'textmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'textmodule'; $textitems = $old_db->selectObjects('textitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($textitems) { foreach ($textitems as $ti) { $text = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->body = $ti->text; $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'rotatormodule': $module->action = 'showRandom'; $module->view = 'showRandom'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'rotatormodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'rotatormodule'; $textitems = $old_db->selectObjects('rotator_item', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($textitems) { foreach ($textitems as $ti) { $text = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->body = $ti->text; $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'snippetmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "snippet"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'snippetmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'snippetmodule'; $textitems = $old_db->selectObjects('textitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($textitems) { foreach ($textitems as $ti) { $text = new snippet(); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "snippet"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->body = $ti->text; // if the item exists in the current db, we won't save it $te = $text->find('first', "location_data='" . $text->location_data . "'"); if (empty($te)) { $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } } break; case 'linklistmodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'Quick Links': @($module->view = "showall_quicklinks"); break; default: @($module->view = 'showall'); break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "links"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'linklistmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'linklistmodule'; $links = $old_db->selectArrays('linklist_link', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link) { $lnk = new links(); $loc = expUnserialize($link['location_data']); $loc->mod = "links"; $lnk->title = !empty($link['name']) ? $link['name'] : 'Untitled'; $lnk->body = $link['description']; $lnk->new_window = $link['opennew']; $lnk->url = !empty($link['url']) ? $link['url'] : '#'; $lnk->rank = $link['rank']; $lnk->poster = 1; $lnk->editor = 1; $lnk->location_data = serialize($loc); $lnk->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'linkmodule': // user mod, not widely distributed switch ($module->view) { case 'Summary': @($module->view = "showall_quicklinks"); break; default: @($module->view = 'showall'); break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "links"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'linkmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'linkmodule'; $links = $old_db->selectArrays('link', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('linkmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link) { $lnk = new links(); $loc = expUnserialize($link['location_data']); $loc->mod = "links"; $lnk->title = !empty($link['name']) ? $link['name'] : 'Untitled'; $lnk->body = $link['description']; $lnk->new_window = $link['opennew']; $lnk->url = !empty($link['url']) ? $link['url'] : '#'; $lnk->rank = $link['rank']; $lnk->poster = 1; $lnk->editor = 1; $lnk->location_data = serialize($loc); $lnk->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } if ($oldconfig->enable_rss == 1) { $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig = new expConfig(); $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } } break; case 'swfmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'swfmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'swfmodule'; $swfitems = $old_db->selectObjects('swfitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($swfitems) { foreach ($swfitems as $ti) { $text = new text(); $file = new expFile($ti->swf_id); $loc = expUnserialize($ti->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->title = $ti->name; $swfcode = ' <p> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" height="' . $ti->height . '" width="' . $ti->width . '"> <param name="bgcolor" value="' . $ti->bgcolor . '" /> ' . ($ti->transparentbg ? "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />" : "") . ' <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="movie" value="' . $file->path_relative . '" /> <embed bgcolor= "' . $ti->bgcolor . '" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="' . $file->path_relative . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="' . $ti->height . '" width="' . $ti->width . '"' . ($ti->transparentbg ? " wmode=\"transparent\"" : "") . '> </embed> </object> </p> '; $text->body = $swfcode; $text->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'newsmodule': if ($module->view == 'Featured News') { $only_featured = true; } switch ($module->view) { case 'Headlines': $module->view = 'showall_headlines'; break; case 'Summary': $module->view = 'showall_summary'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "news"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'newsmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'newsmodule'; $newsitems = $old_db->selectArrays('newsitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('newsmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($newsitems) { $files_attached = false; foreach ($newsitems as $ni) { unset($ni['id']); $news = new news($ni); $loc = expUnserialize($ni['location_data']); $loc->mod = "news"; $news->location_data = serialize($loc); $news->title = !empty($ni['title']) ? $ni['title'] : gt('Untitled'); $news->body = !empty($ni['body']) ? $ni['body'] : gt('(empty)'); $news->save(); // default is to create with current time $news->created_at = $ni['posted']; $news->edited_at = $ni['edited']; $news->update(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); if (!empty($ni['file_id'])) { $file = new expFile($ni['file_id']); $news->attachitem($file, ''); $files_attached = true; } } $newconfig = new expConfig(); if ($files_attached) { // fudge a config to get attached files to appear $newconfig->config = 'a:14:{s:9:"feedmaker";s:0:"";s:11:"filedisplay";s:7:"Gallery";s:6:"ffloat";s:4:"Left";s:6:"fwidth";s:3:"120";s:7:"fmargin";s:1:"5";s:7:"piwidth";s:3:"100";s:5:"thumb";s:3:"100";s:7:"spacing";s:2:"10";s:10:"floatthumb";s:8:"No Float";s:6:"tclass";s:0:"";s:5:"limit";s:0:"";s:9:"pagelinks";s:14:"Top and Bottom";s:10:"feed_title";s:0:"";s:9:"feed_desc";s:0:"";}'; } if ($oldconfig->enable_rss == 1) { if ($newconfig->config != null) { $config = expUnserialize($newconfig->config); } $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig->config = $config; $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } if ($only_featured) { $newconfig->config['only_featured'] = true; } if ($newconfig != null) { $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); } } break; case 'resourcesmodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'One Click Download - Descriptive': $module->view = 'showall_quick_download_with_description'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "filedownload"; if ($db->countObjects('filedownloads', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'resourcesmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'resourcesmodule'; $resourceitems = $old_db->selectArrays('resourceitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('resourcesmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($resourceitems) { foreach ($resourceitems as $ri) { unset($ri['id']); $filedownload = new filedownload($ri); $loc = expUnserialize($ri['location_data']); $loc->mod = "filedownload"; $filedownload->title = !empty($ri['name']) ? $ri['name'] : 'Untitled'; $filedownload->body = $ri['description']; $filedownload->downloads = $ri['num_downloads']; $filedownload->location_data = serialize($loc); if (!empty($ri['file_id'])) { $filedownload->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($ri['file_id']); $filedownload->attachitem($file, 'downloadable'); // default is to create with current time $filedownload->created_at = $ri['posted']; $filedownload->edited_at = $ri['edited']; $filedownload->update(); } } if (isset($oldconfig->enable_rss)) { $dorss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; } elseif (isset($oldconfig->enable_podcasting)) { $dorss = $oldconfig->enable_podcasting; } else { $dorss = false; } if ($dorss) { $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig = new expConfig(); $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; // $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->enable_rss = true; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } } break; case 'imagegallerymodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'Slideshow': $module->action = 'slideshow'; $module->view = 'showall'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "photos"; if ($db->countObjects('photo', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'imagegallerymodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'imagegallerymodule'; $galleries = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_gallery', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($galleries) { foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $gis = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_image', "gallery_id='" . $gallery['id'] . "'"); foreach ($gis as $gi) { $photo = new photo(); $loc = expUnserialize($gallery['location_data']); $loc->mod = "photos"; $photo->title = !empty($gi['name']) ? $gi['name'] : 'Untitled'; $photo->body = $gi['description']; $photo->alt = $gi['alt']; $photo->location_data = serialize($loc); if (!empty($gi['file_id'])) { $photo->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($gi['file_id']); $photo->attachitem($file, ''); $photo->created_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->edited_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->update(array("validate" => false)); } } } } break; case 'slideshowmodule': $module->action = 'slideshow'; $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "photos"; if ($db->countObjects('photo', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'slideshowmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'slideshowmodule'; $galleries = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_gallery', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($galleries) { foreach ($galleries as $gallery) { $gis = $old_db->selectArrays('imagegallery_image', "gallery_id='" . $gallery['id'] . "'"); foreach ($gis as $gi) { $photo = new photo(); $loc = expUnserialize($gallery['location_data']); $loc->mod = "photos"; $photo->title = !empty($gi['name']) ? $gi['name'] : 'Untitled'; $photo->body = $gi['description']; $photo->alt = $gi['alt']; $photo->location_data = serialize($loc); $te = $photo->find('first', "location_data='" . $photo->location_data . "'"); if (empty($te)) { if (!empty($gi['file_id'])) { $photo->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($gi['file_id']); $photo->attachitem($file, ''); $photo->created_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->edited_at = $gi['posted']; $photo->update(); } } } } } break; case 'headlinemodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "text"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'headlinemodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'headlinemodule'; $headlines = $old_db->selectObjects('headline', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($headlines) { foreach ($headlines as $hl) { $headline = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($hl->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $headline->location_data = serialize($loc); $headline->title = $hl->headline; $headline->poster = 1; // $headline->created_at = time(); // $headline->edited_at = time(); $headline->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'weblogmodule': switch ($module->view) { case 'By Author': $module->action = 'authors'; $module->view = 'authors'; break; case 'By Tag': $module->action = 'tags'; $module->view = 'tags_list'; break; case 'Monthly': $module->action = 'dates'; $module->view = 'dates'; break; default: $module->view = 'showall'; break; } //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "blog"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'weblogmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'weblogmodule'; $blogitems = $old_db->selectArrays('weblog_post', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); $oldconfig = $old_db->selectObject('weblogmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($blogitems) { foreach ($blogitems as $bi) { unset($bi['id']); $post = new blog($bi); $loc = expUnserialize($bi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "blog"; $post->location_data = serialize($loc); $post->title = !empty($bi['title']) ? $bi['title'] : gt('Untitled'); $post->body = !empty($bi['body']) ? $bi['body'] : gt('(empty)'); $post->save(); // default is to create with current time $post->created_at = $bi['posted']; $post->edited_at = $bi['edited']; $post->update(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); // this next section is moot since there are no attachments to blogs // if (!empty($bi['file_id'])) { // $file = new expFile($bi['file_id']); // $post->attachitem($file,'downloadable'); // } if (isset($oldconfig->enable_tags) && ($oldconfig->enable_tags = true)) { $params = null; $oldtags = expUnserialize($bi['tags']); foreach ($oldtags as $oldtag) { $tagtitle = strtolower(trim($old_db->selectValue('tags', 'name', 'id = ' . $oldtag))); $tag = new expTag($tagtitle); // $tag->title = $old_db->selectValue('tags','name','id = '.$oldtag); if (empty($tag->id)) { $tag->update(array('title' => $tagtitle)); } $params['expTag'][] = $tag->id; } $post->update($params); } $comments = $old_db->selectArrays('weblog_comment', "parent_id='" . $post->id . "'"); foreach ($comments as $comment) { unset($comment['id']); $newcomment = new expComment($comment); $newcomment->created_at = $comment['posted']; $newcomment->edited_at = $comment['edited']; $newcomment->update(); // attach the comment to the blog post it belongs to $obj->content_type = 'blog'; $obj->content_id = $post->id; $obj->expcomments_id = $newcomment->id; if (isset($this->params['subtype'])) { $obj->subtype = $this->params['subtype']; } $db->insertObject($obj, $newcomment->attachable_table); } } $newconfig = new expConfig(); $config['add_source'] = '1'; if ($oldconfig->enable_rss == 1) { $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $oldconfig->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $oldconfig->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $oldconfig->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $oldconfig->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($oldconfig->rss_limit) ? $oldconfig->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($oldconfig->rss_cachetime) ? $oldconfig->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); } $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); } break; case 'faqmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "faq"; if ($db->countObjects('faqs', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'faqmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'faqmodule'; $faqs = $old_db->selectArrays('faq', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($faqs) { foreach ($faqs as $fqi) { unset($fqi['id']); $faq = new faq($fqi); $loc = expUnserialize($fqi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "faq"; $faq->location_data = serialize($loc); $faq->question = !empty($fqi['question']) ? $fqi['question'] : 'Untitled?'; $faq->answer = $fqi['answer']; $faq->rank = $fqi['rank']; $faq->include_in_faq = 1; $faq->submitter_name = 'Unknown'; $faq->submitter_email = '*****@*****.**'; $faq->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'listingmodule': $module->view = 'showall'; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "portfolio"; if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'listingmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'listingmodule'; $listingitems = $old_db->selectArrays('listing', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($listingitems) { $files_attached = false; foreach ($listingitems as $li) { unset($li['id']); $listing = new portfolio($li); $listing->title = !empty($li['name']) ? $li['name'] : 'Untitled?'; $loc = expUnserialize($li['location_data']); $loc->mod = "portfolio"; $listing->location_data = serialize($loc); $listing->featured = true; $listing->poster = 1; $listing->body = "<p>" . $li['summary'] . "</p>" . $li['body']; $listing->save(); // default is to create with current time $listing->created_at = time(); $listing->edited_at = time(); $listing->update(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); if (!empty($li['file_id'])) { $file = new expFile($li['file_id']); $listing->attachitem($file, ''); $files_attached = true; } } if ($files_attached) { // fudge a config to get attached files to appear $config = new expConfig(); $config->location_data = $loc; $config->config = 'a:11:{s:11:"filedisplay";s:7:"Gallery";s:6:"ffloat";s:4:"Left";s:6:"fwidth";s:3:"120";s:7:"fmargin";s:1:"5";s:7:"piwidth";s:3:"100";s:5:"thumb";s:3:"100";s:7:"spacing";s:2:"10";s:10:"floatthumb";s:8:"No Float";s:6:"tclass";s:0:"";s:5:"limit";s:0:"";s:9:"pagelinks";s:14:"Top and Bottom";}'; $config->save(); } } break; case 'contactmodule': // convert to an old school form $module->view == "Default"; //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "formmodule"; if ($db->countObjects('formbuilder_form', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'contactmodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'contactmodule'; $contactform = $old_db->selectObject('contactmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($contactform) { $loc = expUnserialize($contactform->location_data); $loc->mod = 'formmodule'; $contactform->location_data = serialize($loc); // $replyto_address = $contactform->replyto_address; unset($contactform->replyto_address); // $from_address = $contactform->from_address; unset($contactform->from_address); // $from_name = $contactform->from_name; unset($contactform->from_name); unset($contactform->use_captcha); $contactform->name = 'Send us an e-mail'; $contactform->description = ''; $contactform->response = $contactform->final_message; unset($contactform->final_message); $contactform->table_name = ''; $contactform->is_email = true; $contactform->is_saved = false; $contactform->submitbtn = 'Send Message'; $contactform->resetbtn = 'Reset'; unset($contactform->id); $contactform->id = $db->insertObject($contactform, 'formbuilder_form'); $addresses = $old_db->selectObjects('contact_contact', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); foreach ($addresses as $address) { unset($address->addressbook_contact_id); unset($address->contact_info); unset($address->location_data); $address->form_id = $contactform->id; $db->insertObject($address, 'formbuilder_address'); } $report = null; $report->name = $contactform->subject; $report->location_data = $contactform->location_data; $report->form_id = $contactform->id; $db->insertObject($report, 'formbuilder_report'); // now add the controls to the form $control = null; $control->name = 'name'; $control->caption = 'Your Name'; $control->form_id = $contactform->id; $control->data = 'O:11:"textcontrol":12:{s:4:"size";i:0;s:9:"maxlength";i:0;s:7:"caption";s:9:"Your Name";s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:1;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:6:"filter";s:0:"";s:10:"identifier";s:4:"name";}'; $control->rank = 0; $control->is_readonly = 0; $control->is_static = 0; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); $control->name = 'email'; $control->caption = 'Your Email'; $control->data = 'O:11:"textcontrol":12:{s:4:"size";i:0;s:9:"maxlength";i:0;s:7:"caption";s:18:"Your Email Address";s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:1;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:6:"filter";s:0:"";s:10:"identifier";s:5:"email";}'; $control->rank = 1; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); $control->name = 'subject'; $control->caption = 'Subject'; $control->data = 'O:11:"textcontrol":12:{s:4:"size";i:0;s:9:"maxlength";i:0;s:7:"caption";s:7:"Subject";s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:1;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:6:"filter";s:0:"";s:10:"identifier";s:7:"subject";}'; $control->rank = 2; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); $control->name = 'message'; $control->caption = 'Message'; $control->data = 'O:17:"texteditorcontrol":12:{s:4:"cols";i:60;s:4:"rows";i:8;s:9:"accesskey";s:0:"";s:7:"default";s:0:"";s:8:"disabled";b:0;s:8:"required";b:0;s:8:"tabindex";i:-1;s:7:"inError";i:0;s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:8:"maxchars";i:0;s:10:"identifier";s:7:"message";s:7:"caption";s:7:"Message";}'; $control->rank = 3; $db->insertObject($control, 'formbuilder_control'); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } break; case 'youtubemodule': //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "youtube"; if ($db->countObjects('youtube', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'youtubemodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'youtubemodule'; $videos = $old_db->selectArrays('youtube', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($videos) { foreach ($videos as $vi) { unset($vi['id']); $video = new youtube($vi); $loc = expUnserialize($vi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "youtube"; $video->title = $vi['name']; if (empty($video->title)) { $video->title = 'Untitled'; } $video->location_data = serialize($loc); $yt = explode("watch?v=", $vi['url']); if (empty($yt[1])) { break; } else { $ytid = $yt[1]; } unset($video->url); $video->embed_code = '<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="' . $vi['width'] . '" height="' . $vi['height'] . '" src="' . $ytid . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; $video->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'mediaplayermodule': //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "flowplayer"; if ($db->countObjects('flowplayer', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'mediaplayermodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'mediaplayermodule'; $movies = $old_db->selectArrays('mediaitem', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($movies) { foreach ($movies as $mi) { unset($mi['id']); $movie = new flowplayer($mi); $loc = expUnserialize($mi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "flowplayer"; $movie->title = $mi['name']; if (empty($movie->title)) { $movie->title = 'Untitled'; } unset($mi['bgcolor']); unset($mi['alignment']); unset($mi['loop_media']); unset($mi['auto_rewind']); unset($mi['autoplay']); unset($mi['hide_controls']); $movie->location_data = serialize($loc); $movie->poster = 1; $movie->rank = 1; if (!empty($mi['media_id'])) { $movie->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); $file = new expFile($mi['media_id']); $movie->attachitem($file, 'video'); if (!empty($mi['alt_image_id'])) { $file = new expFile($mi['alt_image_id']); $movie->attachitem($file, 'splash'); } } } } break; case 'bannermodule': //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) $ploc = $iloc; $ploc->mod = "banner"; if ($db->countObjects('banner', "location_data='" . serialize($ploc) . "'")) { $iloc->mod = 'bannermodule'; $linked = true; break; } $iloc->mod = 'bannermodule'; $banners = $old_db->selectArrays('banner_ad', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($banners) { foreach ($banners as $bi) { $oldclicks = $old_db->selectObjects('banner_click', "ad_id='" . $bi['id'] . "'"); $oldcompany = $old_db->selectObject('banner_affiliate', "id='" . $bi['affiliate_id'] . "'"); unset($bi['id']); $banner = new banner($bi); $loc = expUnserialize($bi['location_data']); $loc->mod = "banner"; $banner->title = $bi['name']; $banner->url = !empty($bi['url']) ? $bi['url'] : '#'; if (empty($banner->title)) { $banner->title = 'Untitled'; } $banner->location_data = serialize($loc); $newcompany = $db->selectObject('companies', "title='" . $oldcompany->name . "'"); if ($newcompany == null) { $newcompany = new company(); $newcompany->title = !empty($oldcompany->name) ? $oldcompany->name : 'Untitled'; $newcompany->body = $oldcompany->contact_info; $newcompany->location_data = $banner->location_data; $newcompany->save(); } $banner->companies_id = $newcompany->id; $banner->clicks = 0; foreach ($oldclicks as $click) { $banner->clicks += $click->clicks; } if (!empty($bi['file_id'])) { $file = new expFile($bi['file_id']); $banner->attachitem($file, ''); } $banner->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'addressbookmodule': // user mod, not widely distributed @($module->view = 'myaddressbook'); @($module->action = 'myaddressbook'); //check to see if it's already pulled in (circumvent !is_original) // $ploc = $iloc; // $ploc->mod = "addresses"; // if ($db->countObjects($ploc->mod, "location_data='".serialize($ploc)."'")) { // $iloc->mod = 'addressbookmodule'; // $linked = true; // break; // } // $iloc->mod = 'addressbookmodule'; $addresses = $old_db->selectArrays('addressbook_contact', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($addresses) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { // unset($address['id']); $addr = new address(); $addr->user_id = 1; $addr->is_default = 1; $addr->is_billing = 1; $addr->is_shipping = 1; $addr->firstname = !empty($address['firstname']) ? $address['firstname'] : 'blank'; $addr->lastname = !empty($address['lastname']) ? $address['lastname'] : 'blank'; $addr->address1 = !empty($address['address1']) ? $address['address1'] : 'blank'; $addr->city = !empty($address['city']) ? $address['city'] : 'blank'; $address['state'] = !empty($address['state']) ? $address['state'] : 'CA'; $state = $db->selectObject('geo_region', 'code="' . strtoupper($address['state']) . '"'); $addr->state = $state->id; $addr->zip = !empty($address['zip']) ? $address['zip'] : '99999'; $addr->phone = !empty($address['phone']) ? $address['phone'] : '800-555-1212'; $addr->email = !empty($address['email']) ? $address['email'] : '*****@*****.**'; $addr->organization = $address['business']; $addr->phone2 = $address['cell']; $addr->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } } break; case 'feedlistmodule': @($module->view = 'showall'); $iloc->mod = 'feedlistmodule'; $feedlist = $old_db->selectObject('feedlistmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($iloc) . "'"); if ($feedlist->enable_rss == 1) { $loc = expUnserialize($feedlist->location_data); $loc->mod = "rssController"; $config['enable_rss'] = true; $config['feed_title'] = $feedlist->feed_title; $config['feed_desc'] = $feedlist->feed_desc; $config['rss_limit'] = isset($feedlist->rss_limit) ? $feedlist->rss_limit : 24; $config['rss_cachetime'] = isset($feedlist->rss_cachetime) ? $feedlist->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newconfig = new expConfig(); $newconfig->config = $config; $newconfig->location_data = $loc; $newconfig->save(); $newrss = new expRss(); $newrss->module = $loc->mod; $newrss->src = $loc->src; $newrss->enable_rss = $feedlist->enable_rss; $newrss->feed_title = $feedlist->feed_title; $newrss->feed_desc = $feedlist->feed_desc; $newrss->rss_limit = isset($feedlist->rss_limit) ? $feedlist->rss_limit : 24; $newrss->rss_cachetime = isset($feedlist->rss_cachetime) ? $feedlist->rss_cachetime : 1440; $newrss->save(); @$this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['count']++; @($this->msg['migrated'][$iloc->mod]['name'] = $this->new_modules[$iloc->mod]); } break; default: @$this->msg['noconverter'][$iloc->mod]++; break; } // quick check for non hard coded modules // We add a container if they're not hard coded. !$hc ? $this->add_container($iloc, $module, $linked) : ""; return $module; }
function build_player($width, $height, $media) { /* * Fix #2 * @see */ $list = explode('|', $media); $hash = md5($media . flowplayer::_salt()); $html = '<div id="saiweb_' . $hash . '" style="width:' . $width . 'px; height:' . $height . 'px;" class="flowplayer"></div>'; $html .= '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> WPFP(document).ready(function() { //load player $f("saiweb_' . $hash . '", "' . (flowplayer::_getkey() ? flowplayer::commercial_url() : flowplayer::gpl_url()) . '", { plugins: { controls: { ' . (flowplayer::_getbuttonOverColor() != '' ? 'buttonOverColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbuttonOverColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getsliderColor() != '' ? 'sliderColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getsliderColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getbufferColor() != '' ? 'bufferColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbufferColor() . '\',' : '') . ' sliderGradient: \'none\', progressGradient: \'medium\', ' . (flowplayer::_getdurationColor() != '' ? 'durationColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getdurationColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getprogressColor() != '' ? 'progressColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getprogressColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getbackgroundColor() != '' ? 'backgroundColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbackgroundColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_gettimeColor() != '' ? 'timeColor: \'' . flowplayer::_gettimeColor() . '\',' : '') . ' ' . (flowplayer::_getbuttonColor() != '' ? 'buttonColor: \'' . flowplayer::_getbuttonColor() . '\',' : '') . ' backgroundGradient: \'none\', bufferGradient: \'none\', opacity:1.0' . (count($list) > 1 ? ', playlist: true' : '') . ' } },'; if (count($list) > 1) { //splash image code, adapted from user contributed code from James P $iRegex = '/\\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/'; $splash = preg_match($iRegex, $list[0]) && !preg_match($iRegex, $list[1]); $html .= ' clip: { autoPlay: ' . ($splash == true ? 'true' : (flowplayer::_getautoplay() == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false')) . ', autoBuffering: ' . (flowplayer::_getautobuffer() == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . ' },'; $html .= 'playlist:[ '; $i = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { if (!$splash) { $html .= '{url: \'' . $item . '\'},' . "\n"; } else { if ($i == 0) { //this is the splash image $html .= '{url: \'' . $item . '\', autoPlay: true},' . "\n"; } else { //next items are not the splash image $html .= '{url: \'' . $item . '\', autoPlay: false},' . "\n"; } } $i++; } $html .= '],' . "\n"; } else { $html .= ' clip: { url:\'' . $media . '\', autoPlay: ' . (flowplayer::_getautoplay() == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . ', autoBuffering: ' . (flowplayer::_getautobuffer() == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false') . ' },'; } $html .= flowplayer::_getkey() ? 'key:\'' . flowplayer::_getkey() . '\',' : ''; if (strlen(flowplayer::_getlogo()) > 0) { $html .= ' logo: { url: \'' . flowplayer::_getlogo() . '\', displayTime: 0, fullscreenOnly: false, linkUrl: \'' . flowplayer::_getlogolink() . '\' },'; } $html .= ' canvas: { backgroundColor:\'' . flowplayer::_getcanvas() . '\' }}) });</script> '; return $html; }
function fv_player_time() { global $post, $fv_fp; if ($post->ID > 0 && isset($fv_fp->aCurArgs['src'])) { return flowplayer::get_duration($post->ID, $fv_fp->aCurArgs['src']); } else { return flowplayer::get_duration_post(); } }