function processEntry($serverID, $e, $sync_mode = SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LINK)
     global $CONF;
     global $DBGcat, $DBGlvl;
     if ($DBGlvl > 0) {
         echo "<PRE>";
         echo "</PRE>";
     if (is_array($e['ActionXML'])) {
         $actionData =& $e['ActionXML'];
     } else {
         if (is_array($e['actionData'])) {
             $actionData =& $e['actionData'];
         } else {
             if (is_array($e['flight'])) {
                 $actionData =& $e;
             } else {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : actionData section not found");
     // if this log entry is not for a flight of the specific server
     // then check if we are allowesd to accpet these flights from this server
     if (isset($actionData['flight']['serverID'])) {
         $thisEntryServerID = $actionData['flight']['serverID'];
     } else {
         if (isset($e['serverID'])) {
             $thisEntryServerID = $e['serverID'];
         } else {
             return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : ServerID for Log entry could not be determined ");
     if ($thisEntryServerID != $serverID) {
         $wrongServer = 1;
         if (is_array($CONF['servers']['list'][$serverID]['accept_also_servers'])) {
             if (in_array($thisEntryServerID, $CONF['servers']['list'][$serverID]['accept_also_servers'])) {
                 $wrongServer = 0;
         if ($wrongServer) {
             return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : We dont accept flights originally from server " . $thisEntryServerID);
     if ($e['type'] == '1') {
         // flight
         if ($e['action'] == 4) {
             // delete
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $actionData['flight']['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $actionData['flight']['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont delete it");
             // echo "Will delete flight $flightIDlocal<BR>";
             $extFlight = new flight();
             $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0);
             return array(1, "Flight with local ID: {$flightIDlocal} DELETED");
         if ($e['action'] == 16) {
             // rename tracklog
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($e['serverID'], $e['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $e['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $e['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont rename tracklog<BR>");
             $extFlight = new flight();
             $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0);
             $extFlight->renameTracklog($actionData['newFilename'], $actionData['oldFilename']);
             return array(1, "Flight tracklog renamed for local ID {$flightIDlocal}");
         if ($e['action'] == 8) {
             // scoring info
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($e['serverID'], $e['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID " . $e['serverID'] . " and original ID : " . $e['id'] . " is not found in the local DB -> Wont update scoring<BR>");
             // echo "Will update scoring  info for flight $flightIDlocal<BR>";
             // no need to pull flight info
             //$extFlight=new flight();
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php';
             $flightScore = new flightScore($flightIDlocal);
             // we have the score array in $actionData['score']
             $sArr =& $actionData['score'];
             //put also in scores table, the flight is sure to be present in flights table
             $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1);
             return array(1, "Flight Score was *pulled* for local ID {$flightIDlocal}");
         // now deal with add/update
         $getValidationData = 1;
         $getScoreData = 1;
         //	check 'alien' pilot  and insert him or update him anyway
         $userServerID = $actionData['flight']['serverID'];
         if ($userServerID == 0) {
             $userServerID = $serverID;
         //  echo "logReplicator::checkPilot";
         list($effectiveServerID, $effectiveUserID) = logReplicator::checkPilot($userServerID, $actionData['flight']['pilot']);
         //echo "effectiveServerID: $effectiveServerID, effectiveUserID: $effectiveUserID
         // userServerID: $userServerID, userID: ".$actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']."<BR>";
         // check if a maping took place and LOG it!!
         if ($effectiveServerID != $userServerID || $effectiveUserID != $actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID']) {
             $orgUserIDstr = $userServerID + 0 . '_' . $actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID'];
         } else {
             $orgUserIDstr = '';
         // $userIDstr=$userServerID.'_'.$actionData['flight']['pilot']['userID'];
         $userIDstr = $effectiveServerID . '_' . $effectiveUserID;
         list($nearestTakeoffID, $nearestDistance) = logReplicator::checkLocation($userServerID, $actionData['flight']['location'], $actionData['flight']['bounds']);
         list($nearestLandingID, $nearestLandingDistance) = findNearestWaypoint($actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat'], $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon']);
         // get only the first 2 bits
         $externalFlightType = $sync_mode & 0x3;
         $addFlightNote = '';
         // if action ==update check to see if the flight exists !
         if ($e['action'] == 2) {
             $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']);
             if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 // we then INSERT IT instead
                 echo " [Not found,will insert] ";
                 $e['action'] = 1;
         } else {
             if ($e['action'] == 1) {
                 // if action == insert we make an extra check to see if the fligh is there, if yes we UPDATE instead
                 $flightIDlocal = logReplicator::findFlight($actionData['flight']['serverID'], $actionData['flight']['id']);
                 if ($flightIDlocal) {
                     // we then UPDATE IT instead
                     echo " [Already here,will update] ";
                     $e['action'] = 2;
         if ($e['action'] == 1) {
             // add
             $igcFilename = $actionData['flight']['filename'];
             $igcFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGC'];
             $igcZipFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGCzip'];
             $tempFilename = LEONARDO_ABS_PATH . '/' . $CONF['paths']['tmpigc'] . '/' . $igcFilename;
             $hash = $actionData['flight']['validation']['hash'];
             $sameHashIDarray = flight::findSameHash($hash);
             if (count($sameHashIDarray) > 0) {
                 $isFlightDup = 0;
                 $markFlightAsDisabled = 1;
                 $msg = '';
                 if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights']) {
                     foreach ($sameHashIDarray as $sameHashFlightInfo) {
                         if ($sameHashFlightInfo['serverID'] == $actionData['flight']['serverID']) {
                             // from same server
                             $isFlightDup = 1;
                             $msg .= " local flight: " . $sameHashFlightInfo['serverID'] . '_' . $sameHashFlightInfo['ID'] . " , new entry:" . $actionData['flight']['serverID'] . '_' . $actionData['flight']['id'];
                         } else {
                             // we have a flight with same hash that is not from this specific server.
                             // HERE we must make the decision whether to mark this flight as DISABLED
                             // WE always mark this new flight as DISABLED because :
                             // the local flight takes precedence anyway.
                             // ONE case
                             // we are DHV mirror , the new flight is from DHV and there is a dup from XContest
                             // we should insert,
                 } else {
                     $isFlightDup = 1;
                 if ($isFlightDup) {
                     return array(-1, "Flight already exists : {$msg}");
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights']) {
             	$sameHashIDarray=flight::findSameHash( $hash , $actionData['flight']['serverID'] );
             	if (count($sameHashIDarray)>0 )  {
             		return array(-1,"Flight already exists in local with ID: $sameHashID (dups allowed)");
             	} else {
             		// $addFlightNote="*(Duplicate Flight)*";
             } else {
             	$sameHashIDarray=flight::findSameHash( $hash );
             	if (count($sameHashIDarray)>0 ) 	 {
             		return array(-1,"Flight already exists in local with ID: $sameHashID");
         } else {
             if ($e['action'] == 2) {
                 // update
                 // This is not needed , we have found $flightIDlocal earlier and if it didnt exist we will insert it instead
                 if (!$flightIDlocal) {
                 	return array(0,"logReplicator::processEntry : Flight with serverID ".$actionData['flight']['serverID']." and original ID : ".
                 			$actionData['flight']['id']." is not found in the local DB -> Wont update<BR>");
                 // echo "Will update flight $flightIDlocal<BR>";
         $thisCat = $actionData['flight']['info']['cat'] + 0;
         // when we get data from leonardo servers, we just ignore these fields
         // since they can be computed on the fly
         $originalURL = htmlDecode($actionData['flight']['linkDisplay']);
         $originalKML = htmlDecode($actionData['flight']['linkGE']);
         if ($actionData['flight']['serverID'] != 0) {
             global $CONF;
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['isLeo'] == 1) {
                 $originalURL = '';
                 $originalKML = '';
         $argArray = array("private" => $actionData['flight']['info']['private'] + 0, "cat" => $actionData['flight']['info']['gliderCat'] + 0, "linkURL" => $actionData['flight']['info']['linkURL'], "comments" => $actionData['flight']['info']['comments'], "glider" => $actionData['flight']['info']['glider'], "gliderBrandID" => $actionData['flight']['info']['gliderBrandID'] + 0, "category" => $thisCat >= 0 ? $thisCat : 0, "dateAdded" => $actionData['flight']['dateAdded'], "originalURL" => $originalURL, "originalKML" => $originalKML, "original_ID" => $actionData['flight']['id'], "serverID" => $actionData['flight']['serverID'], "userServerID" => $actionData['flight']['serverID'], "originalUserID" => $orgUserIDstr, "externalFlightType" => $externalFlightType, "allowDuplicates" => $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['allow_duplicate_flights'] + 0);
         // print_r($argArray);
         if ($e['action'] == 1 && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_REPROCESS_LOCALLY) {
             if (!($igcFileStr = fetchURL($igcFileURL, 20))) {
                 return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry() : Cannot Fetch {$igcFileURL}");
             writeFile($tempFilename, $igcFileStr);
             list($res, $flightID) = addFlightFromFile($tempFilename, 0, $userIDstr, $argArray);
             if ($res != 1) {
                 return array(-128, "Problem: " . getAddFlightErrMsg($res, $flightID));
             return array(1, "Flight *pulled* OK with local ID {$flightID}");
         } else {
             // if ( ( $e['action']==1 && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LINK  ) || $e['action']==2 ){
             // inserting in LINK / LOCAL mode or updates - NOT reproccess
             if ($e['action'] == 1) {
                 $extFlight = new flight();
                 // get igc if required
                 if ($sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                     echo " Geting IGC file : ";
                     if (!$e['tmpDir']) {
                         $e['tmpDir'] = '/tmp';
                     $igcFileTmp = $e['tmpDir'] . '/' . $actionData['flight']['id'] . '.igc';
                     if (!is_file($igcFileTmp)) {
                         echo "igc file: {$igcFileURL}<BR>\n";
                         echo "tmpfile: {$igcFileTmp}<BR>\n";
                         echo "NOT in zip -> will fetch ...";
                         if (!($igcFileStr = fetchURL($igcFileURL, 20))) {
                             return array(0, "logReplicator::processEntry() : Cannot Fetch {$igcFileURL}");
                         writeFile($igcFileTmp, $igcFileStr);
                     } else {
                         echo "IN zip -> will use that ...";
             } else {
                 $extFlight = new flight();
                 $extFlight->getFlightFromDB($flightIDlocal, 0);
             $igcFilename = $actionData['flight']['filename'];
             $igcFileURL = $actionData['flight']['linkIGC'];
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['exclude_from_list']) {
                 $extFlight->excludeFrom |= 3;
             if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['exclude_from_league']) {
                 $extFlight->excludeFrom |= 2;
             foreach ($argArray as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                 // if the flight is already present
                 // we must tkae care to honor ONLY
                 // the 1st bit of 'private' , the others are used locally !!
                 if ($fieldName == 'private') {
                     if ($fieldValue & 0x1) {
                         $fieldValue = $extFlight->private | 0x1;
                     } else {
                         if ($fieldValue & 0x4) {
                             // visible to friends
                             $fieldValue = $extFlight->private | 0x4;
                         } else {
                             $fieldValue = $extFlight->private & 0xfa;
                 $extFlight->{$fieldName} = $fieldValue;
             // echo " gliderBrandID : $extFlight->gliderBrandID #<BR>";
             $extFlight->takeoffID = $nearestTakeoffID;
             $extFlight->takeoffVinicity = $nearestDistance;
             $extFlight->landingID = $nearestLandingID;
             $extFlight->landingVinicity = $nearestLandingDistance;
             // no userid will be assgined to this flight since it will not be inserted locally
             // so userID= userServerID;
             // $extFlight->userID=$extFlight->originalUserID;
             // now we take care of mapping between users
             $extFlight->userID = $effectiveUserID;
             $extFlight->userServerID = $effectiveServerID;
             $extFlight->dateAdded = $actionData['flight']['dateAdded'];
             $extFlight->DATE = $actionData['flight']['time']['date'];
             $extFlight->timezone = $actionData['flight']['time']['Timezone'] + 0;
             $extFlight->START_TIME = $actionData['flight']['time']['StartTime'] + 0;
             $extFlight->DURATION = $actionData['flight']['time']['Duration'] + 0;
             $extFlight->END_TIME = $extFlight->START_TIME + $extFlight->DURATION;
             $extFlight->forceBounds = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['forceBounds'] + 0;
             $extFlight->firstLon = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLon'] + 0;
             $extFlight->firstLat = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstLat'] + 0;
             $extFlight->firstPointTM = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstTM'] + 0;
             $extFlight->lastLon = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLon'] + 0;
             $extFlight->lastLat = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastLat'] + 0;
             $extFlight->lastPointTM = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastTM'] + 0;
             $firstPoint = new gpsPoint();
             $firstPoint->gpsTime = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['firstTM'] % 86400;
             $lastPoint = new gpsPoint();
             $lastPoint->gpsTime = $actionData['flight']['bounds']['lastTM'] % 86400;
             // $extFlight->FIRST_POINT=$firstPoint->to_IGC_Record();
             // $extFlight->LAST_POINT=$lastPoint->to_IGC_Record();
             // not used!!
             					if (	is_array($actionData['flight']['turnpoints']) ) {
             						foreach ($actionData['flight']['turnpoints'] as $i=>$tp){
             							$tpPoint=new gpsPoint();
             							$varname="turnpoint$tpNum" ;
             							$extFlight->$varname = $tpPoint->getLatMin().' '.$tpPoint->getLonMin() ;
             if ($getValidationData) {
                 $extFlight->validated = $actionData['flight']['validation']['validated'];
                 $extFlight->grecord = $actionData['flight']['validation']['grecord'];
                 $extFlight->hash = $actionData['flight']['validation']['hash'];
                 $extFlight->validationMessage = $actionData['flight']['validation']['validationMessage'];
                 $extFlight->airspaceCheck = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheck'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->airspaceCheckFinal = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheckFinal'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->airspaceCheckMsg = $actionData['flight']['validation']['airspaceCheckMsg'];
             $getScoreDataExtra = 0;
             $getScoreDataExtraMissing = 0;
             if ($getScoreData) {
                 // we should get these from the [score] section  also
                 $extFlight->BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['FlightType'];
                 $extFlight->FLIGHT_KM = $actionData['flight']['stats']['XCdistance'];
                 $extFlight->FLIGHT_POINTS = $actionData['flight']['stats']['XCscore'];
                 $extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['StraightDistance'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxStraightDistance'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MEAN_SPEED = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MeanGliderSpeed'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_SPEED = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxSpeed'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_VARIO = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxVario'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MIN_VARIO = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MinVario'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MAX_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MaxAltASL'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->MIN_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['MinAltASL'] + 0;
                 $extFlight->TAKEOFF_ALT = $actionData['flight']['stats']['TakeoffAlt'] + 0;
                 if (is_array($actionData['flight']['score']) && count($actionData['flight']['score']) > 0) {
                     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php';
                     $flightScore = new flightScore($extFlight->flightID);
                     // we have the score array in $actionData['score']
                     $sArr =& $actionData['flight']['score'];
                     $extFlight->flightScore = $flightScore;
                     $getScoreDataExtra = 1;
                     $extFlight->BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE = $flightScore->bestScoreType;
                     $extFlight->FLIGHT_KM = $flightScore->bestDistance * 1000;
                     $extFlight->FLIGHT_POINTS = $flightScore->bestScore;
                     // check for missing linear distance
                     if ($extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE == 0 && $extFlight->MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE > 0) {
                         // echo "compute MAxtakeoffDistance";
                         $extFlight->LINEAR_DISTANCE = $flightScore->computeMaxTakeoffDistance($firstPoint);
                     //put also in scores table, the flight is sure to be present in flights table
                     if ($e['action'] == 2) {
                         // update so we already know the flightID
                         $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1);
                 } else {
                     $getScoreDataExtraMissing = 1;
             // we also have [gliderBrand] => GRADIENT
             if ($e['action'] == 1) {
                 if ($sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                     $tmpPilot = new pilot($effectiveServerID, $effectiveUserID);
                     $extFlight->filename = $igcFilename;
                     if ($DBGlvl > 0) {
                         echo "Moving file into place: " . $extFlight->getIGCFilename() . "<BR>";
                     while (is_file($extFlight->getIGCFilename())) {
                         if ($DBGlvl > 0) {
                             echo "Same filename is already present<BR>";
                         $extFlight->filename = '_' . $extFlight->filename;
                     @rename($igcFileTmp, $extFlight->getIGCFilename());
                     $opString = '*inserted*';
                 } else {
                     $opString = '*linked*';
                 // insert flight
                 // take care of sme flights (hide /unhide)
                 if ($getScoreData && $getScoreDataExtra) {
                     $flightScore->flightID = $extFlight->flightID;
                     $flightScore->putToDB(1, 1);
                 } else {
                     if ($getScoreDataExtraMissing && $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['rescore_if_missing'] && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                         echo " [Re-score] ";
                 return array(1, "Flight {$opString} OK {$addFlightNote} with local ID {$extFlight->flightID}");
             } else {
                 //update flight
                 if ($getScoreDataExtraMissing && $CONF['servers']['list'][$actionData['flight']['serverID']]['rescore_if_missing'] && $sync_mode & SYNC_INSERT_FLIGHT_LOCAL) {
                     echo " [Re-score] ";
                     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_flightScore.php';
                     $flightScore = new flightScore($extFlight->flightID);
                     if ($flightScore->gotValues) {
                         echo "[not needed] ";
                     } else {
                 return array(1, "Flight with local ID {$flightIDlocal} UPDATED OK");
         return array(0, "Unknown error, we should have returned by this far...");
     // if type==1
Beispiel #2
						} else if (is_file($fdir.$filenameGR) ) { 
							echo "[GR]";

							$newfilename=safeFilename( $newfilename);
							echo "$i. Flight ID: <a href='".
								."' target=_blank>".$row["ID"]."</a> will rename [".$row["filename"]."] ( $oldFilename ) to [ $newfilename ]  <br>";
							if ( $latinAvailable && $newfilename ) {
								$flight=new flight();
							// if ($i>5 ) break;
					if (!is_file($filename) ) { 