/** * Retourne les informations des fichiers d'un article * * @return array */ public function getFilesInfo() { $files = array(); if (!$this->okt->diary->config->files['enable']) { return $files; } $files_array = array_filter((array) unserialize($this->files)); $j = 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->okt->diary->config->files['number']; $i++) { if (!isset($files_array[$i]) || empty($files_array[$i]['filename']) || !file_exists($this->okt->diary->upload_dir . 'files/' . $files_array[$i]['filename'])) { continue; } $mime_type = files::getMimeType($this->okt->diary->upload_dir . 'files/' . $files_array[$i]['filename']); $files[$j] = array_merge(stat($this->okt->diary->upload_dir . 'files/' . $files_array[$i]['filename']), array('url' => $this->okt->diary->upload_url . 'files/' . $files_array[$i]['filename'], 'filename' => $files_array[$i]['filename'], 'title' => $files_array[$i]['title'], 'mime' => $mime_type, 'type' => util::getMediaType($mime_type), 'ext' => pathinfo($this->okt->diary->upload_dir . 'files/' . $files_array[$i]['filename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION))); $j++; } return $files; }
/** * Retourne les informations des fichiers d'une question * * @param string $imageslist * @return array */ function getFilesInfo() { $files_infos = array(); $files = unserialize($this->files); foreach ($files as $locale => $files) { $files_infos[$locale] = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $path = $this->okt->faq->upload_dir . $file; $url = $this->okt->faq->upload_url . $file; if (!file_exists($path)) { continue; } $mime_type = files::getMimeType($path); $files_infos[$locale][$i] = array_merge(stat($path), array('filename' => $file, 'path' => $path, 'url' => $url, 'mime' => $mime_type, 'type' => util::getMediaType($mime_type), 'ext' => pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))); $i++; } } return $files_infos; }
private function newMediaObject($blog_id, $user, $pwd, $file) { if (empty($file['name'])) { throw new Exception('No file name'); } if (empty($file['bits'])) { throw new Exception('No file content'); } $file_name = $file['name']; $file_bits = base64_decode($file['bits']); $this->setUser($user, $pwd); $this->setBlog(); $media = new dcMedia($this->core); $dir_name = path::clean(dirname($file_name)); $file_name = basename($file_name); $dir_name = preg_replace('!^/!', '', $dir_name); if ($dir_name != '') { $dir = explode('/', $dir_name); $cwd = './'; foreach ($dir as $v) { $v = files::tidyFileName($v); $cwd .= $v . '/'; $media->makeDir($v); $media->chdir($cwd); } } $media_id = $media->uploadBits($file_name, $file_bits); $f = $media->getFile($media_id); return array('file' => $file_name, 'url' => $f->file_url, 'type' => files::getMimeType($file_name)); }
/** * Constructor * * Creates an instance of fileItem object. * * @param string $file Absolute file or directory path * @param string $root File root path * @param string $root_url File root URL */ public function __construct($file, $root, $root_url = '') { $file = path::real($file); $stat = stat($file); $path = path::info($file); $rel = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($root, '/') . '\\/?/', '', $file); $this->file = $file; $this->basename = $path['basename']; $this->dir = $path['dirname']; $this->relname = $rel; $this->file_url = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($rel)); $this->file_url = $root_url . $this->file_url; $this->dir_url = dirname($this->file_url); $this->extension = $path['extension']; $this->mtime = $stat[9]; $this->size = $stat[7]; $this->mode = $stat[2]; $this->uid = $stat[4]; $this->gid = $stat[5]; $this->w = is_writable($file); $this->d = is_dir($file); $this->f = is_file($file); $this->x = file_exists($file . '/.'); $this->del = files::isDeletable($file); $this->type = $this->d ? null : files::getMimeType($file); $this->type_prefix = preg_replace('/^(.+?)\\/.+$/', '$1', $this->type); }
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../inc/admin/prepend.php'; dcPage::check('admin'); # -- Loading themes -- $core->themes = new dcThemes($core); $core->themes->loadModules($core->blog->themes_path, null); # -- Page helper -- $list = new adminThemesList($core->themes, $core->blog->themes_path, $core->blog->settings->system->store_theme_url); adminThemesList::$distributed_modules = explode(',', DC_DISTRIB_THEMES); # -- Theme screenshot -- if (!empty($_GET['shot']) && $list->modules->moduleExists($_GET['shot'])) { $f = path::real(empty($_GET['src']) ? $core->blog->themes_path . '/' . $_GET['shot'] . '/screenshot.jpg' : $core->blog->themes_path . '/' . $_GET['shot'] . '/' . path::clean($_GET['src'])); if (!file_exists($f)) { $f = dirname(__FILE__) . '/images/noscreenshot.png'; } http::cache(array_merge(array($f), get_included_files())); header('Content-Type: ' . files::getMimeType($f)); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($f)); readfile($f); exit; } # -- Display module configuration page -- if ($list->setConfiguration($core->blog->settings->system->theme)) { # Get content before page headers include $list->includeConfiguration(); # Gather content $list->getConfiguration(); # Display page dcPage::open(__('Blog appearance'), dcPage::jsPageTabs() . dcPage::jsColorPicker() . $core->callBehavior('themesToolsHeaders', $core, true), dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Blog appearance') => $list->getURL('', false), '<span class="page-title">' . __('Theme configuration') . '</span>' => ''))); # Display previously gathered content $list->displayConfiguration(); dcPage::helpBlock('core_blog_theme_conf');
/** * Upload an image in images folder * * @param string $folder images folder * @param string $f selected image file (as $_FILES[<file input fieldname>]) * @param int $width check accurate width of uploaded image if <> 0 * * @return string full pathname of uploaded image */ public static function uploadImage($folder, $f, $width = 0) { if (!self::canWriteImages($folder, true)) { throw new Exception(__('Unable to create images.')); } $name = $f['name']; $type = files::getMimeType($name); if ($type != 'image/jpeg' && $type != 'image/png') { throw new Exception(__('Invalid file type.')); } $dest = self::imagesPath($folder) . '/uploaded' . ($type == 'image/png' ? '.png' : '.jpg'); if (@move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], $dest) === false) { throw new Exception(__('An error occurred while writing the file.')); } if ($width) { $s = getimagesize($dest); if ($s[0] != $width) { throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Uploaded image is not %s pixels wide.'), $width)); } } return $dest; }
/** Removes a file. @param f <b>fileItem</b> fileItem object */ public function removeFile($f) { if (!$this->core->auth->check('media,media_admin', $this->core->blog->id)) { throw new Exception(__('Permission denied.')); } $media_file = $this->relpwd ? path::clean($this->relpwd . '/' . $f) : path::clean($f); $strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' . "WHERE media_path = '" . $this->con->escape($this->path) . "' " . "AND media_file = '" . $this->con->escape($media_file) . "' "; if (!$this->core->auth->check('media_admin', $this->core->blog->id)) { $strReq .= "AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->core->auth->userID()) . "'"; } $this->con->execute($strReq); if ($this->con->changes() == 0) { throw new Exception(__('File does not exist in the database.')); } parent::removeFile($f); $this->callFileHandler(files::getMimeType($media_file), 'remove', $f); }
/** Removes a file. @param f <b>fileItem</b> fileItem object */ public function removeFile($f) { if (!$this->okt->checkPerm('media') && !$this->okt->checkPerm('media_admin')) { throw new Exception(__('Permission denied.')); } $media_file = $this->relpwd ? path::clean($this->relpwd . '/' . $f) : path::clean($f); $strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->t_media . ' ' . "WHERE media_path = '" . $this->db->escapeStr($this->path) . "' " . "AND media_file = '" . $this->db->escapeStr($media_file) . "' "; if (!$this->okt->checkPerm('media_admin')) { $strReq .= 'AND user_id = ' . (int) $this->okt->user->id . ' '; } $this->db->execute($strReq); if ($this->db->affectedRows() == 0) { throw new Exception(__('File does not exist in the database.')); } parent::removeFile($f); $this->callFileHandler(files::getMimeType($media_file), 'remove', $f); }
public static function createImages(&$config, $uploaded) { $body_color = $config['body_bg_c']; $prelude_color = $config['prelude_c']; $gradient = $config['body_bg_g']; $comment_color = $config['post_comment_bg_c']; $comment_color_my = $config['post_commentmy_bg_c']; $top_image = $config['top_image']; $config['top_height'] = null; if ($top_image != 'custom' && !isset(self::$top_images[$top_image])) { $top_image = 'default'; } if ($uploaded && !is_file($uploaded)) { $uploaded = null; } if (!self::canWriteImages(true)) { throw new Exception(__('Unable to create images.')); } $body_fill = array('light' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/gradient-l.png', 'medium' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/gradient-m.png', 'dark' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/gradient-d.png'); $body_g = isset($body_fill[$gradient]) ? $body_fill[$gradient] : false; if ($top_image == 'custom' && $uploaded) { $page_t = $uploaded; } else { $page_t = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/page-t/' . $top_image . '.png'; } $body_bg = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/body-bg.png'; $page_t_mask = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/page-t/image-mask.png'; $page_b = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/page-b.png'; $comment_t = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/comment-t.png'; $comment_b = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../alpha-img/comment-b.png'; $default_bg = '#e0e0e0'; $default_prelude = '#ededed'; self::dropImage(basename($body_bg)); self::dropImage('page-t.png'); self::dropImage(basename($page_b)); self::dropImage(basename($comment_t)); self::dropImage(basename($comment_b)); $body_color = self::adjustColor($body_color); $prelude_color = self::adjustColor($prelude_color); $comment_color = self::adjustColor($comment_color); if ($top_image || $body_color || $gradient != 'light' || $prelude_color || $uploaded) { if (!$body_color) { $body_color = $default_bg; } $body_color = sscanf($body_color, '#%2X%2X%2X'); # Create body gradient with color $d_body_bg = imagecreatetruecolor(50, 180); $fill = imagecolorallocate($d_body_bg, $body_color[0], $body_color[1], $body_color[2]); imagefill($d_body_bg, 0, 0, $fill); # User choosed a gradient if ($body_g) { $s_body_bg = imagecreatefrompng($body_g); imagealphablending($s_body_bg, true); imagecopy($d_body_bg, $s_body_bg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 180); imagedestroy($s_body_bg); } if (!$prelude_color) { $prelude_color = $default_prelude; } $prelude_color = sscanf($prelude_color, '#%2X%2X%2X'); $s_prelude = imagecreatetruecolor(50, 30); $fill = imagecolorallocate($s_prelude, $prelude_color[0], $prelude_color[1], $prelude_color[2]); imagefill($s_prelude, 0, 0, $fill); imagecopy($d_body_bg, $s_prelude, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 30); imagepng($d_body_bg, self::imagesPath() . '/' . basename($body_bg)); } if ($top_image || $body_color || $gradient != 'light') { # Create top image from uploaded image $size = getimagesize($page_t); $size = $size[1]; $type = files::getMimeType($page_t); $d_page_t = imagecreatetruecolor(800, $size); if ($type == 'image/png') { $s_page_t = @imagecreatefrompng($page_t); } else { $s_page_t = @imagecreatefromjpeg($page_t); } if (!$s_page_t) { throw new exception(__('Unable to open image.')); } $fill = imagecolorallocate($d_page_t, $body_color[0], $body_color[1], $body_color[2]); imagefill($d_page_t, 0, 0, $fill); if ($type == 'image/png') { # PNG, we only add body gradient and image imagealphablending($s_page_t, true); imagecopyresized($d_page_t, $d_body_bg, 0, 0, 0, 50, 800, 130, 50, 130); imagecopy($d_page_t, $s_page_t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, $size); } else { # JPEG, we add image and a frame with rounded corners imagecopy($d_page_t, $s_page_t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, $size); imagecopy($d_page_t, $d_body_bg, 0, 0, 0, 50, 8, 4); imagecopy($d_page_t, $d_body_bg, 0, 4, 0, 54, 4, 4); imagecopy($d_page_t, $d_body_bg, 792, 0, 0, 50, 8, 4); imagecopy($d_page_t, $d_body_bg, 796, 4, 0, 54, 4, 4); $mask = imagecreatefrompng($page_t_mask); imagealphablending($mask, true); imagecopy($d_page_t, $mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, 11); imagedestroy($mask); $fill = imagecolorallocate($d_page_t, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledrectangle($d_page_t, 0, 11, 3, $size - 1, $fill); imagefilledrectangle($d_page_t, 796, 11, 799, $size - 1, $fill); imagefilledrectangle($d_page_t, 0, $size - 9, 799, $size - 1, $fill); } $config['top_height'] = $size . 'px'; imagepng($d_page_t, self::imagesPath() . '/page-t.png'); imagedestroy($d_body_bg); imagedestroy($d_page_t); imagedestroy($s_page_t); # Create bottom image with color $d_page_b = imagecreatetruecolor(800, 8); $fill = imagecolorallocate($d_page_b, $body_color[0], $body_color[1], $body_color[2]); imagefill($d_page_b, 0, 0, $fill); $s_page_b = imagecreatefrompng($page_b); imagealphablending($s_page_b, true); imagecopy($d_page_b, $s_page_b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 800, 160); imagepng($d_page_b, self::imagesPath() . '/' . basename($page_b)); imagedestroy($d_page_b); imagedestroy($s_page_b); } if ($comment_color) { self::commentImages($comment_color, $comment_t, $comment_b, basename($comment_t), basename($comment_b)); } if ($comment_color_my) { self::commentImages($comment_color_my, $comment_t, $comment_b, 'commentmy-t.png', 'commentmy-b.png'); } }
/** Calls file handlers registered for recreate event @param f <b>fileItem</b> fileItem object */ public function mediaFireRecreateEvent($f) { $media_type = files::getMimeType($f->basename); $this->callFileHandler($media_type, 'recreate', null, $f->basename); // Args list to be completed as necessary (Franck) }