public function testCloseAndOpen() { fSession::open(); $_SESSION['close_open'] = 'close_open'; fSession::close(); fSession::open(); $this->assertEquals('close_open', $_SESSION['close_open']); }
<?php require_once 'init.php'; fSession::close(); fSession::destroy(); fAuthorization::destroyUserInfo(); header('Location: ' . LOGIN);
public function sendmail() { if (!UserHelper::isEditor()) { throw fValidationException('not allowed'); } fSession::close(); set_time_limit(0); print "<pre>\n"; $emails = array(); $cons = array(); $field = trim(fRequest::get('field')); $start_year = trim(fRequest::get('start_year')); $major = trim(fRequest::get('major')); $location = trim(fRequest::get('location')); $words = trim(fRequest::get('words')); $title = trim(fRequest::get('mail-title')); $content = trim(fRequest::get('mail-content')); $cons['login_name|display_name~'] = $words; if (!empty($field)) { $cons['field='] = $field; } if (!empty($start_year)) { $cons['start_year='] = $start_year; } if (!empty($major)) { $cons['major='] = $major; } if (!empty($location)) { $cons['location~'] = $location; } $users = fRecordSet::build('Profile', $cons, array('id' => 'asc')); foreach ($users as $profile) { $emails[] = $profile->getEmail(); } $emails = array_filter(array_unique($emails), 'strlen'); foreach ($emails as $email) { try { self::send($email, $title, $content); print 'Sent notice mail to ' . $email . "\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { print "Error occurred when sending mail to {$email}: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } flush(); } print "<a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>Go Back</a>\n"; }